April 2023

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Newsletter of The Parish of St.

Mark the Evangelist

Hood River, Oregon ~~~ April 2023

Palm Sunday—April 2, 8 & 10 a.m.—We will meet outside for the

Liturgy of the Palms, then process with our palms into the
sanctuary. The Passion narrative will be read by a variety of

Maundy Thursday, April 6, 7 pm. During this liturgy, foot and hand-washing
stations will be available so that we can practice the servanthood modeled for
us by Jesus. We will celebrate the Eucharist one last time (Last supper)
before the Great Vigil of Easter. The altar is stripped and the elements are
taken to the columbarium room for the “Watch in the Garden”
Jesus said “Can you not stay awake with me for one
hour?” The Watch in the Garden begins after the stripping
and washing of the altar a runs until noon of Good Friday.
The “Garden” will once again be set up in the columbarium
room. Sign up to sit for a peaceful hour with the body and blood of Christ.

Good Friday, April 7, noon. Eucharist will be from the

reserved sacrament. The Stations of the Cross are installed on the walls
of the sanctuary and the doors will stay open for you to come in on your
own time and meditate and pray on the icons representing Jesus’
journey to the Cross.

Holy Saturday, April 8 at noon. A simple Holy Saturday service will be

The Altar Guild members will gather at 1:00 on Saturday to decorate the sanctuary. If
you’d like to donate or loan us an Easter lily, please have it here by then. Envelopes for
cash donations to the flower fund are available on the table in Browning Hall. We are also
looking for cut garden flowers to use in the outside flower boxes.

The Great Vigil of Easter, April 8, 7pm. We recognize this day as The Great
Sabbath, the day when Christ rested in the tomb and all creation awaited the
resurrection. At 7pm we will gather in darkness to light the first fire. Through
the elements of fire, light, word, water, bread and wine, we hear, see, taste and
the smell the beauty and wonder of the Pascal Mystery. Before celebrating the
Eucharist together for the first time, we turn up the lights and shout “Alleluia!”
once again. Please join us for this joyful and moving service. We will be
looking for several readers for this liturgy.

Easter, April 9, 8 & 10 a.m. Christ has risen! Alleluia!!

Please join St. Mark's parish for fellowship at coffee hour on

Easter Sunday. The Vestry will host coffee hour at 9 a.m.,
between worship services. All are welcome.
Dear Ones, Last month, at the request of a
A Case for Holy Week and parishioner, I asked Bishop Pat for
The Great Vigil of Easter permission to offer consecrated grape
We are rapidly approaching juice as an alternative to those of us for
Holy Week – the busiest and whom any sort of wine is not a healthy
fullest season of our liturgical choice. If you would like to receive
year. There are many options and consecrated grape juice, ask me or the
opportunities for worship and personal celebrant handing out the Eucharist
devotion. As with all of our gatherings and bread, and we will joyfully accommodate
offerings, all may and none must participate, you.
however, I deeply hope you can all make
time and take time out from the busyness of Hope this doesn’t seem fussy –
our world to experience the richness of this fussy is ­­a liturgical word, and
Holy season as we journey to the cross and something that I want to avoid, but at the
the glory of the resurrection. same time, not hinder people from the
This year, we are going to add a creative beauty and power of what we do at
variation to our Maundy Thursday service. God’s table.
In addition to the foot washing stations, we
are going to offer a hand washing station as Have a blessed Holy Week!
well. Perhaps it is difficult or uncomfortable
for you or a loved one to participate in the
foot washing – try the hand washing instead.
This is a new innovation to me, and is
offered in addition to invite participation.
As to the Great Vigil of Easter. Yes, it is
the longest service of the year, yes, it the
entire story of our faith told in two to two and
a half hours, and yes, it is worth every
second. The Great Vigil is the liturgical
journey from the tomb to back to the light.
In my experience and observation, perhaps
more so than Christmas Eve, this service
remembers and enacts (with plenty of
volunteer participation) the whole story of
Christianity. So, I hope as you’re able, you’ll
come and experience a bit of God’s time
Kairos this week.

Three Chalices You Say?

Yes. We are now offering three
chalices at the 10am service. Here’s what’s
going on: For almost three years we have
been using a pouring chalice and the
individual glasses to receive the communion
wine. This was a function of Covid, but it
Good Friday Offerings are invited from
has remained extremely popular and so we
across The Episcopal Church to
continue with it.
support the four dioceses in the
Province of Jerusalem and the Middle
Two or so months ago we began
East. Funds are used to promote
offering wine out of our classic non-pouring
peace and mutual understanding
chalice for those who want to truly
through pastoral care, health care, and
experience the common cup.
educational programs through out the
There will be a basket on the ushers’
table for you to place your offering.
St. Mark’s Women’s
Guild will meet on
April 11 at 11:30

Donations of peanut butter, oil and sugar

are always welcome and can be placed in
the basket in the columbarium room or
Church directories dropped off at the FISH location at Spirit of
of active members Grace Church on Tucker Road.
are now available We could use your Rosauer’s paper bags.
on the table in the Recycle them to FISH.
parish hall. Pet food is also accepted.

St Mark’s Guild supports

Equal Exchange fairly traded
coffee and chocolates. All are
available for purchase during the
coffee hour. Please help newcomers
get to know us, and we
them, by wearing your

9:00 a.m. on April 8th.

We’ll be sprucing up
inside and out.
Building Use April
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
AA 10am
AA 8pm

2 Palm 3 4 5 6 7 noon 8 CLEANUP

Sunday AA noon AA noon 10a ACIM AA noon Good AA 10am
AA 6p Book Study Maundy Friday Holy Sat 12p
8&10 HE Alanon 7p AA noon Thurs 7pm 7pm Great
AA noon AA 8p AA 6pm AA 8pm AA noon Vigil
AA 8pm
9 10 11 Guild 12 13 14 15
EASTER 11:30a 10 ACIM Book AA noon AA 10a
8 &10 HE AA noon AA noon Study AA noon
AA 6p AA noon AA 8pm AA 8pm
Alanon 7p AA 6pm
AA 8p
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
8 &10 HE AA noon 10 ACIM Book AA noon AA 10a
AA noon AA 6p Study AA noon
Alanon 7p AA noon AA 8pm
AA 8p AA 6pm AA 8 pm

23 24 25 26 27 28 29
8 &10 HE AA noon AA noon 10 ACIM Book AA noon AA 10a
AA 6p Study AA noon
Alanon 7p AA noon AA 8pm
AA 8p AA 6pm AA 8 pm

8 &10 HE
Sue out of office from April 25 til May 3

Friend us on Facebook: Current vestry minutes

www.facebook.com/ and treasurer’s report
stmarks.hoodriver can be found on the
We are also on the Web at
bulletin board in the
parish hall.

St Mark’s Episcopal Church

400 11th Street, Hood River, OR 97031
[email protected] 541-386-2077
Office hours T, W, F 10am-2pm
The Rev. Kelly Mahon, Rector
[email protected]
Ministers of Worship for March

Apr 2 PALM Apr 9 EASTER Apr 16 Apr 23 Apr 30

Celebrant Rev Kelly Rev Kelly Rev Kelly Rev Kelly

LEM/ Don Vicki Kelsey Kevin Liddiard Dale Bricker Tim Sedgwick
Chalice Dickinson

Readers Nick Kirby & Dale Bricker & Bret Russell & ????? Dave Anderson
Don Vicki Kevin & Dale & Tim

Prayers Monte Bettie Cramblett Ashlet Howe Vicki Kelsey Martha

Dickinson Sedgwick
Greeters Sue Jenkins Dave & Ann Nick Kirby & Monique
& Anderson Ruth Tsu Bricker ??????
????? & ?????
Coffee Vicki Kelsey Vestry
9:00 a.m.
Altar Barb Sigl/ Monique Bricker Ruth Tsu Sue & Joyce & Barb
Guild Joyce Uczen & Jasinta Jennifer Lois Butler
Rajamoney Meisberger
Flowers Palms Lilies, etc.

Driver for Please Sign Up On The Chart


There are all kinds of opportunities to

volunteer here—talk to Sue and she’ll
steer you in the right direction for Coffee
hours, Flowers, readers, ushering,
Don Dickinson 4/2
chalice bearers, drivers, etc.
Sally Goeke 4/6
Mary Lujan 4/8
Amanda Tucker 4/10
Ann Anderson 4/23
David Anderson 4/24
Jim Rutledge 4/24
Russ & Hannah Lamson 4/27
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
400 11th Street
Hood River, OR 97031

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