June 2024

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Newsletter of The Parish of St.

Mark the Evangelist

Hood River, Oregon ~~~ June 2024

St. Mark's has been

blessed to have Kate
Bricker serve as a
caregiver in the
Free clothes for kids is scheduled this nursery on Sundays.
year for Friday and Saturday,, Aug 16 Please join us on
and 17 June 9th, after the
Clothes will be coming in soon from 10am service, to
the schools’ lost & found departments. celebrate the
Throughout the summer take a bag or contribution of Miss Kate to our
part of a bag from the basement. congregation as she prepares for
Wash and return in a white bag graduation and her next adventure.
marked boys or girls.
Sunday August 11stick around after With the departure of Miss Kate
church to bring all the clean things up coming in August, we are seeking a
from the basement. nursery attendant for Sundays during
August 12-15 come in to empty the 10am service. If you or someone
bags the sort clothes into sizes on the you know is interested in learning
pews. more about the nursery or providing
care, please contact any Vestry

St. Mark’s member, David Kosar, will attend the 81st General Convention
of the Episcopal Church to be held June 23-28 in Louisville, Kentucky.
The General Convention is the governing body of The Episcopal Church.
Every three years it meets as a bicameral legislature that includes
the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops, composed of deputies
and bishops from each diocese.

The Executive Council serves as the governing body of The Episcopal Church between
sessions of the General Convention, charged specifically with executing the program and
policies adopted by the General Convention. They also serve as the board for the Domestic
and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of
America (commonly referred to as the DFMS) and for the Executive Office of the General

The General Convention also includes Interim Bodies (various commissions, committees,
task forces, agencies and boards) which meet between the triennial sessions to accomplish
ongoing work and tasks set in the triennial sessions.

For further information visit www.generalconvention.org

Church directories
of active members
are now available
on the table in the
parish hall.
Donations of peanut butter, oil and sugar
are always welcome and can be placed in
the basket in the columbarium room or
dropped off at the FISH location at Spirit of
Grace Church on Tucker Road.
We could use your Rosauer’s paper bags.
Recycle them to FISH.
If you or someone you Pet food is also accepted.
know is interested in
learning more about
the nursery or
providing care, please
contact any Vestry

St. Mark's Vestry meets regularly to

discuss and support the ministries of
our Parish. Current Vestry minutes
and the Treasurer's Report can be
found on the bulletin board in Browning Hall. The next
Vestry meeting is scheduled for Sunday, June 23rd,
St. Mark’s after the 10am service. All are welcome.
will take
place at Divot’s on June 11 at
11:30. Please sign the RSVP Who we are ~~ What we do
sheet on the bulletin board. Be sure to check out the website for
the Diocese of Eastern Oregon

The Gospel Based Discipleship group gathers on the second and fourth
Thursdays of the month at 1:30. GBD is a method to compare
translations of the Bible. Any questions—contact Georgia at: 541-965-
2976 or by email: [email protected]
Building Use June
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
AA 10am
AA 8pm

2 3 4 AA noon 5 6 7 8
8&10 HE AA noon AA 6p 10a ACIM AA noon AA noon AA 10am
Alanon 7p Study AA 8pm AA 8pm
AA 8p AA noon

9 10 11 12 13 14 15
8 &10 HE AA noon Guild Luncheon 10a ACIM AA noon AA 10a
Farewell to 11:30 study GDB 1:30 AA noon
Kate AA noon AA noon AA 8pm AA 8pm
AA 6p
Alanon 7p
AA 8p

16 17 18 AA noon 19 20 21 22
8 &10 HE AA noon AA 6p 10a ACIM AA noon AA 10a
Alanon 7p Study AA noon
AA 8p AA noon AA 8pm
AA 8 pm

23 24 25 AA noon 26 27 28 29
8 &10 HE AA noon AA 6p 10a ACIM AA noon
Vestry Alanon 7p Study GDB 1:30
AA 8p AA noon AA 8pm

8 &10 HE
Rev Rob

St Mark’s Episcopal Church

400 11th Street, Hood River, OR 97031
[email protected] 541-386-2077
Office hours T, W, F 10am-1pm
The Rev. Kelly Mahon, Rector
[email protected]
Ministers of Worship for June

June 2 June 9 June 16 June 23 June 30

Celebrant Rev Kelly Rev Kelly Rev Kelly Rev Kelly Rev Rob

LEM/Chalice Nick Kirby(?) Dale Bricker Tim Don Vicki Kelsey

Sedgwick Dickinson

Readers Cathy Peck Ruth Tsu & Dave Vicki Kelsey ________ &
& Nick Dale Anderson & & Don Vicki
Prayers Martha Georgia Monte Ruth Tsu
Leader Sedgwick Giacobbe Dickinson
Ushers Andersons Monique Nick(?) & Pravin &
Bricker & Sue J ________ Jasinta R
Coffee Andersons David Kosar
Kelly DiCicco
Altar Guild Joyce Jasinta Ruth Sue Sue
Barb Monique Jennifer Lois
Flowers Rich Truax Kosar/DiCicco

There are all kinds of opportunities to Monte Dickinson 6/2

volunteer here—talk to Sue and she’ll Duane & Barb Sigl 6/6/81
steer you in the right direction for Coffee DiAnn Crapper 6/6
hours, Flowers, readers, ushering, Bret &Amy Russell 6/8/75
chalice bearers, etc. David Kosar/Kelly DiCicco
Our pool of volunteers is dwindling— 6/9/12
please consider trying out one of these
simple ministries

At coffee hour quality coffee and chocolate is

available for purchase (at a lower cost than in the
local stores). Help us support the growers and
producers of these products.
Coffee: $11.00 Chocolate: $4.00
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
400 11th Street
Hood River, OR 97031

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