May 26th 2024

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Welcome to Queen of All Saints Parish

May 26th, 2024, The Most Holy Trinity

Mass Schedule—Heures des Messes
Monday 9:30 a.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole Saturday 4:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s
Tuesday 7:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s Time change: 6:30 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy
Wednesday 4:00 p.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole (French) Sunday 9:00 a.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole
Thursday 1:00 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy 11:00 a.m. St. Augustine’s
Friday 12:00 noon St. Augustine’s 7:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s
First Saturday of the month Mass is celebrated each month at 10:00am
St. Augustine’s Church / Confessions available.
Saint Lawrence O’Toole Mondays 10:00am to 12:00noon
St. Augustine’s Wednesdays 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Our Lady of Mercy Thursdays 11:00am to 1:00pm


Throughout the month of May we will have a special altar at Saint Augustine’s Church devoted to the Blessed
Virgin Mary. Any items you wish to include for display on the Altar can be brought in throughout the month,
statues, medallions, petitions, letters, prayers, pictures of loved ones, flowers, rosaries, etc. The May Altar will
be available for public devotion during the month of May before and after each mass.
Daily Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration: To honor the month of Mary, Queen of all Saints, the Most
Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be prayed daily at 6:30pm at St. Augustine’s Church.
Following each rosary, will be a period of Eucharistic Adoration.
Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, Intercede for us!

Monday 1 Peter 1:3-9; Mark 10:17-27

Tuesday 1 Peter 1:10-16; Mark 10:28-31
Wednesday 1 Peter 1:18-25; Mark 10:32-45
Thursday 1 Peter 2:2-5, 9-12; Mark 10:46-52
Friday Feast: The visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Zephaniah 3:14-18; Luke 1:39-56
Saturday Memorial: St. Justin Jude 17-25, Mark 11:27-33
Sunday Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ:
Exodus 24:3-8; Hebrews 9:11-15; Mark 14:12-16, ;22-26

Weekly Offering—Thank you for your generosity!

St. Augustine’s: Envelopes: $1,955.10 (82 env.); Loose: $1,133.50; St. Vincent de Paul: $360.10 (11 env.);
New Year’s Day: $5.00 (1 env.); Share Lent: $5.00; Indigenous Reconciliation Fund: $30.00 (2 env.);
Candles: $84.10; Funerals: $550.00; Pre-Authorized: $1,620.00 (32 env.).

Saint Lawrence O’Toole: Envelopes: $925.00 (30 env.); Loose: $15.15; Pope’s Pastoral Works: $20.00
(1 env.); St. Vincent de Paul: $20.00; Indigenous Reconciliation Fund: $10.00; Donation: $100.00; Candles:
$5.00; Pre-Authorized: $195.00 (7 env.).

Our Lady of Mercy: Envelopes: $740.00 (21env.); Loose: $81.30; Community Garden: $20.00; Kitchen
Renos: $260.00; Candles: $109.00.
Sat 25 4:00pm St.A Souls in Purgatory -
6:30pm OLM Marie-Lea LeBlanc Odette Babineau
Sun 26 9:00am SLOT Late Barbara Ann Brown Don & Ann Beaumaster & Family
11:00am St.A Late Brian Savoie Lorraine Bond-Wojcicki
7:00pm S.A For the People -
Mon 27 9:30am SLOT For the Church -
Tues 28 7:00pm St.A For the Sick -
Wed 29 4:00pm SLOT Souls in Purgatory -
Thurs 30 1:00pm OLM Marie-Ange Doiron Josephine Vandenburghe
Fri 31 12:00noon St.A Souls in Purgatory -
Sat 1 4:00pm St.A For all departed souls -
6:30pm OLM Earle Leaman Josephine Vandenburghe
Sun 2 9:00am SLOT For the Sick -
11:00am St.A For the Church -
7:00pm St.A For the People -

We pray for the sick including

Dr. Demetrio Mea, Norman & Pauline Gagnon, Harvey Gagnon, Anna Curtis,
Matthew Maillard, Fr. Laurence Quin Morris, Frank Quinn
We also pray for those who have died including
Eve Joseph Allain, Reggie Harris
And for those who mourn the loss of a loved one.

Mass Intentions for St. Augustine’s and

Saint Lawrence O’Toole can be scheduled by calling the parish office
during regular office hours
Monday to Friday. For Our Lady of Mercy call Josephine at 506-871-9508.
The cost is $15.00 per intention.


Our next baptism preparation course will he held on Saturday July 20th and Saturday July
27th at 9:30a.m. in the Church basement. Pre-registration is required.
For more information and to register please call the parish office at 506-857-4223 or email
[email protected].

2024 Steubenville Atlantic Youth Conference

Calling all youths (Ages 14-18) In our ever-changing world, Jesus is the answer to the
longing of our hearts for meaning, fulfillment, security, and love. Join hundreds of Catholic
teens at Steubenville Atlantic in Halifax, NS on July 5-7, 2024 to be illuminated in the
light of Christ. Steubenville Conferences are an outreach of Franciscan University of
Steubenville. The conferences serve nearly 50,000 high school youth and their leaders at
25 different conferences across North America every summer.

The conferences seek to invite teens into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church, em-
powering them to live as his disciples. These conferences are high energy events featuring inspiring talks,
dynamic worship, and profound encounters with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and sacrament of reconcilia-
tion. Come and join us! The registration fee will be covered by the archdiocese, parishes, and donors. It
means the residence accommodations, five meals (Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast), talks, and ses-
sions are all covered. You just have to show up!

at [email protected] or call the St. Bernard’s Parish Office 506-857-0425 (Monday-Friday:
9:00am-12:00noon; 1:00pm-4:00pm)
Faith Development / Family Catechism St. Augustine’s
Registration is closed, will re-open September 2024 for the 2024-2025 sessions. You can register on our
website and your information will be placed on file for September.

The Rosary is prayed before each Mass

at Saint Lawrence O’Toole

Gospel Study Group: Saint Thomas Aquinas “The Golden Chain” http:// Weekly in person or Zoom,
Thursdays at St. Lawrence O’Toole 6:00pm followed by adoration at 7:00pm AND
Fridays at St. Augustine’s 11:00am, followed by Mass at 12:00noon and adoration. For
information contact Charlie Farrell at 857-4223 or [email protected].
For next session May 30th and 31st The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ,
click on the following links and read:

St. John Paul ll paragraphs 1-20

Promise of marriage
Liam Berrigan & Rachel Cormier
June 1st, 2024

R.C.I.A. stands for “Rite of Christian

Initiation of Adults.”
It does require a commitment of time but we think you will find the process much easier
than you might expect. In addition, we have found that everyone who becomes involved,
young or old, highly religious or moderately so, finds the
process to be a wonderful experience. An invitation is extended to those who are not
baptized, those baptized in the Catholic Church but have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and / or
Confirmation, those baptized in another Christian tradition who are interested in learning more about the
Catholic Church. The people of Queen of All Saints offer you support in your search for a
deeper relationship with God lived out through the Catholic church. For information please contact the parish
office at 506-857-4223 or speak with one of our RCIA team members.
RCIA will begin meeting in September.

A presentation on St. Augustine’s 2023 financial

statements and building projects will take place after
the 11:00 am mass on Sunday, June 2 at the front of
the Church. There will be an opportunity to ask
questions. The notes to the financial statements will be
available online and to those who receive their bulletin via email; a printed copy of the notes
will not be included in the May 25 & 26 bulletin.

If you would like to receive a copy of the notes to the financial statements, contact Charlie
Farrell at 227-2967 or [email protected].
Trevor Droesbeck 857-4879
[email protected]
Karen Leblanc 387-4198
[email protected]


May 30th, 2024 – 10:30 AM @ IHM - Diocesan Pastoral Care Committee Meeting
June 5th, 2024 – 7:00 PM @ IHM – Adult Faith Commission
June 9th, 2024 – 12:00 PM @ IHM – Vacation Bible School Team Meeting
SCUBA: Diving into Friendship with God!
This year’s VBS (for ages 3 up to the end of sixth grade) is scheduled to take place June
24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm. Please note we have extended our pro-
gram by one day since the final day of classes has been changed to June 21st. Our VBS
will take place at Immaculate Heart of Mary church in Riverview and spaces are limited so
please register early. A $20 refundable deposit will be required. Contact Karen at 387-4198 or ka-
[email protected] to register or online at →Pastoral Offices → Youth Faith
Development → Vacation Bible School.
THEOLOGY ON TAP Our next Theology on Tap event will take place on Tuesday, June 11th at 6:30 PM at Mai Asian
Restaurant (1909 Mountain Road). Our guest speaker will be Fr. Phil Mulligan who will give a presentation entitled In
the Beginning…There was Grace. Please register with Karen at 387-4198 or [email protected]. To register
online visit → Pastoral Offices → Adult Faith → Formation Opportunities and then click on the
Theology on Tap poster.
MONDAY @ THE MOVIES Our next Monday @ The Movies will be on June 17th at 2:00 PM when we will discuss the
1994 Australian film Muriel’s Wedding. Monday @ The Movies is a film discussion group which meets monthly on Zoom
to discuss faith themes in popular films. Contact Karen LeBlanc at 387-4198 or email [email protected]
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Moncton

Chartered Professional Accountant

Moncton, New Brunswick

The Archdiocese of Moncton is seeking an individual with accounting

experience and financial acumen. The individual will be responsible for
managing the organization's financial records and reports.
Qualified candidates are asked to submit their curriculum vitae, along with a cover letter, to the Roman
Catholic Archbishop of Moncton by e-mail at [email protected] with “Accountant -
RCAM” in the subject line, no later than 5 p.m. on June 13, 2024. For the complete job posting, please
contact Annette LeBlanc at 506-857-9531 or [email protected]


(Clothing depot not included)
Saturday June 1st 8:00am to 12:00noon
113 Norwood Ave Moncton
Side Door to Basement
Cash and Carry
Msg Coyle will be presiding Sunday morning masses at 9:30am from
June 23rd until August 18th at Our Lady of Mercy Church.

From Saturday May 18th until mid September, the regular Mass for
Our Lady of Mercy will Saturday evening at 6:30pm
(No Sunday 4:00pm Mass)

The annual general meeting for Our Lady of Mercy will be held on
Monday June 17th at 7:00pm. This year we are looking for nominations for
secretary...2 members at of these 2 to chair adult religious
education in the parish. If interested in any of these positions please contact
Josephine at 506-871-9508 to voice your interest.

Kitchen renovations are ongoing. We hope that all will be completed before the end of May. It will be an
amazing space up to code. Renovations uncovered a lot of electrical, plumbing, insulation, leakage and rot
mildew problems. These are all being addressed. What would have cost approx 25k, 2 years ago, is costing
double. Please be generous with our renovation envelopes. Thank you so much for your help and patience

The Greater Shediac Community Garden is resuming its gardening

operations in late May. If interested in renting a garden plot call

The Greater Shediac Community Garden is organizing a fundraising concert

on Friday May 31st at 7:00 pm at the Shediac Multipurpose center on
Festival Street in Shediac.

Tickets are $30.00 each to "Help Us Grow Our Garden Again" The evening is
filled with star artists such as NADIA MOORE, Jessica McLaughlin & Joey
Hebert, Shawn Wilkie, ARMAND DIONNE, Tunes In Tune and HAZEL & The
GMan Band. Tickets include finger foods as well for the evening. Come and
support your community garden and help feed the hungry. Tickets are on sale
by calling 506-531-0252 or 506-871-9508 or 506-862-8084. Thank you for
your Support!

Our Lady of Mercy: Student summer job. The parish has been approved for an 8 week student program
through CSJ at 35 hrs per week at 16$ per hour. This job involves many odd jobs such as cleaning, yardwork
and misc projects around the church. Please contact 506-871-9508 to get information or send your resume
at: [email protected]


Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:30am to 1:00pm
Donations may be left at the Drop Off Barn from 8:00am until 8:00 pm only. A limit of 10
Customers are allowed in the store at one time for a 15-minute time period. Hand sanitizing
will be monitored. Items can be dropped in the Drop Off Barn in the parking lot from
8:00am to 8:00pm.

We encourage Queen of All Saints parishioners to support

those who support us.

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