October 2022

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Newsletter of The Parish of St.

Mark the Evangelist

Hood River, Oregon
October 2022

October 14-16 is the convention of our diocese to be

held in Pendleton. The Pre-Convention Journal has loads
of information of what exactly goes on in the Diocese of
Eastern Oregon. We have one available in the office if
you’d like to look through it.
Your representatives include Rev. Kelly, Wardens
Dave Anderson & Mike Freemen and Delegates Ruth Tsu
and Ann Anderson. Please approach any prior to the
convention with any concerns you’d like them to express
during the convention. Specific topics will be elections to
Diocesan Council and Standing Committee, along with
deputies to the General Convention 2024, and resolutions
repudiating the “Doctrine of Discovery” and supporting
universal Healthcare.
Of note are details of what exactly the Repudiation of the Doctrine of
Discovery and Steps toward Reconciliation entails. It provides a context for the
Resolution as well as the expectation of follow-up work in all communities.

We are returning to the

practice of passing the
offering plates during
We will be baptizing Benjamin Friedrich, the service. Ushers—
our newest young member of St. Mark’s on there is an updated
Sunday, October 2 at 10 a.m. Please join sheet on the table
in the celebration with his parents Jennifer outlining changes.
& Neal and their family members. St.
Mark’s Guild will provide cake and fruit.
Sorry to report that the Crop Walk for Hunger didn’t get scheduled this
There are resources available online for any who would still like to
support the mission of CROP Hunger Walk and Church World Service
through individuals or congregations.

For CROP Walk information this is the website:crophungerwalk.org

There are some great ideas for virtual walks or other fundraising
activities under the "Resources" tab and "Virtual Walks" Virtual CROP Hunger Walks |
CROP Hunger Walk Resources

Donations may be made through the website or donation checks can be mailed to:
Church World Service
PO Box 968
Elkhart, IN 46515

St. Mark’s Book Study Group will meet for the first time this fall on
Monday, October 10th at 11 a.m. at St. Mark’s. We will meet twice per
month during this year; Invite a friend to join our book study; we will begin
our book study with “The Personal Librarian” by Marie
Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray. This is a historical fiction book
written about J. P. Morgan’s personal librarian, Bella da Costa Greene, a
Black American woman forced to hide her true identity and pass as a
white person. This sounds like a rousing book to start our year with.
Please read the first 75 pages prior to the meeting
Marilyn Roth

We are in the last quarter of 2022.

A new pledge drive for 2023 will
begin soon.
Your pets are invited to church on
Sunday, October 9 for a special
blessing at the announcement
break. Prayers and St. Francis
medals for all pets, photos of pets,
or stuffed animals will be given out.
The Pastoral Care group
will meet on October 4th at
1p.m. Everyone is invited
to attend.
St. Mark’s Women’s
Guild meets on Oct 11
at 11:30. We’ll
continue discussing
plans for the Holiday
Bazaar, 12/3. All St. Donations of peanut butter, oil and sugar
Mark’s women are are always welcome and can be placed in
welcome to join the the basket in the columbarium room or
Guild. dropped off at the FISH location at Spirit of
Grace Church on Tucker Road.
We could use your Rosauer’s paper bags.
Recycle them to FISH. Pet food is also

directories are
available on the Blue boxes and envelopes are
table in the parish available from the office. Every
time you experience a blessing,
say a prayer of
thanksgiving and
drop a coin in the
box. We collect
your donations
Please help once a year and
newcomers get to they are turned in at
know us by wearing the Diocesan Convention in
your nametag. October.

Every coin and bill transforms


St Mark’s Guild supports From a 1913 UTO pamphlet: “It is

Equal Exchange fairly traded the thank offering of all, the
coffee and chocolates. All are expression of our gratitude for the
available for purchase during the Christian privileges we enjoy; and
while it expresses our
coffee hour.
thankfulness, it also kindles our

Information on where funds go,

visit the UTO website

There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board

for anyone who can provide Chuck Yurcek a
ride to church from White Salmon. See Alice
Facteau and she’ll explain how to proceed
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
400 11th Street
Hood River, OR 97031
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

AA 10a &
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8&10 HE Pastoral
Care 1:00pm
10 a.m.
Baptism AA noon, 8p AA 10a &
AA noon AA 6p AA noon AA 8pm AA noon 8pm
Alanon 7p
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
8&10 HE Book Study Guild 11:30a Convention Convention
Group 11a
Blessing of AA noon, 8p
AA 10a &
the Animals AA noon AA 6p
Alanon 7p AA noon AA 8pm AA noon
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
8 &10 HE
AA noon, 8p
AA 10a &
Convention AA noon AA 6p AA noon AA 8pm AA noon
Alanon 7p

23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Book Study
8 &10 HE Group 11a AA noon, 8p
AA 6p AA 10a &
AA noon Alanon 7p AA noon AA 8pm AA noon 8pm

30 31

8 &10 HE
AA noon

Friend us on Facebook:
We are also on the Web at

St Mark’s Episcopal Church

400 11th Street, Hood River, OR 97031
[email protected] 541-386-2077
Office hours T, W, F 10am-2pm
The Rev. Kelly Mahon, Rector
[email protected]
Ministers of Worship for OCTOBER

Oct 2 Oct 9 Oct 16 Oct 23 Oct 30

Celebrant Rev Kelly Rev Kelly Rev Rob Sachs Rev Kelly Rev Kelly

Lay Tim Kevin Liddiard Vicki Kelsey Nick Kirby Don

Eucharistic Sedgwick Dickinson
Readers Dave Dale Bricker & Susan Lalor & Ruth Tsu & Julie Davis &
Anderson & Kevin Vicki Nick Don
Prayers Ruth Tsu Amy Russell Cathy Peck Bettie Monte
Cramblett Dickinson
Greeters Andersons Rajamoneys Monique Bricker Cal & Nealya Sedgwicks
Sue Jenkins Cargill
Flowers Jennifer Cargills Cathy Peck Carol Howe
Altar Guild Joyce Uczen Jasinta Ruth Tsu & Sue Jenkins Sue
Barb Sigl Rajamoney Jennifer Lois Butler
Monique Meisberger
Coffee The Guild

There are all kinds of opportunities to

volunteer here—talk to Sue and she’ll Chuck Yurcek 10/5
steer you in the right direction for Coffee Alice Facteau 10/8
hours, Flowers, readers, ushering, Chris Samuels 10/13
chalice bearers. Randy Harr 10/16
Benjamin Friedrich 10/18
Lois Butler 10/19/28
Ashley Howe 10/25
Ken/Mary Lujan 10/20

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