October 2022
October 2022
October 2022
Donations may be made through the website or donation checks can be mailed to:
Church World Service
PO Box 968
Elkhart, IN 46515
St. Mark’s Book Study Group will meet for the first time this fall on
Monday, October 10th at 11 a.m. at St. Mark’s. We will meet twice per
month during this year; Invite a friend to join our book study; we will begin
our book study with “The Personal Librarian” by Marie
Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray. This is a historical fiction book
written about J. P. Morgan’s personal librarian, Bella da Costa Greene, a
Black American woman forced to hide her true identity and pass as a
white person. This sounds like a rousing book to start our year with.
Please read the first 75 pages prior to the meeting
Marilyn Roth
directories are
available on the Blue boxes and envelopes are
table in the parish available from the office. Every
time you experience a blessing,
say a prayer of
thanksgiving and
drop a coin in the
box. We collect
your donations
Please help once a year and
newcomers get to they are turned in at
know us by wearing the Diocesan Convention in
your nametag. October.
AA 10a &
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8&10 HE Pastoral
Care 1:00pm
10 a.m.
Baptism AA noon, 8p AA 10a &
AA noon AA 6p AA noon AA 8pm AA noon 8pm
Alanon 7p
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
8&10 HE Book Study Guild 11:30a Convention Convention
Group 11a
Blessing of AA noon, 8p
AA 10a &
the Animals AA noon AA 6p
Alanon 7p AA noon AA 8pm AA noon
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
8 &10 HE
AA noon, 8p
AA 10a &
Convention AA noon AA 6p AA noon AA 8pm AA noon
Alanon 7p
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Book Study
8 &10 HE Group 11a AA noon, 8p
AA 6p AA 10a &
AA noon Alanon 7p AA noon AA 8pm AA noon 8pm
30 31
8 &10 HE
AA noon
Friend us on Facebook:
We are also on the Web at