All Saints Bulletin 2009-03-08
All Saints Bulletin 2009-03-08
All Saints Bulletin 2009-03-08
CATHOLIC WOMEN Applications are now being accepted for grades Pre-K-8th grade. You
St. Elizabeth Seton Guild will meet Tues., 7:00pm in the lounge. Our may schedule a tour with Mrs. Dorisha C., by calling [# omitted] or visit
program will be on the Theological Virtue of Faith. All women are our website at All pre-registered Kindergarten
welcome to join us. For more info, call Liz at [# omitted]. children must participate in the Kindergarten Readiness Screening on
April 7. You may direct any questions to Mrs. C..
What happens after the Resurrection? Join us each Thursday at 9:45am
in the parish hall. for “Acts of the Apostles” led by Dr. Ruth Q. Smith. ST. MARY’S SCHOOL
St. Mary’s School in Oak Ridge, offering academic excellence in a
Come and “Scrap Your Faith” with St. Catherine Croppers—a Lenten Christ-centered environment, is currently accepting applications for
reflection for scrapbookers! We will meet each Tues. during March from grades pre-K-8 for the 2009-10 school year. Please call Cheryl K. at [#
7-8:30pm in the hall. All are invited, even if you’ve never scrapped omitted] to schedule a tour.
before. Childcare will be available. For more information, please
contact Sodeya at [email omitted] or call [# omitted]. DIOCESE AND DEANERY
The ordination/installation of Bishop-elect Stika will be held on
FAITH FORMATION Thurs., March 19th at 2:30pm at the Convention Center. You can check
Renew-Why Catholic?-The Sacraments The Lenten Retreat will take the diocesan website at and select the link
place March 14 at St. John Neumann Church from 9:30am-12:30pm. in the upper right corner entitled “March 19th Mass.” Deacon Ken L. will
Everyone is welcome! Come and share your faith as we explore the act as our parish contact. Please feel free to call him at 531-0770.
sacraments with Fr. Abraham from RENEW International
Every Friday during Lent, we will be praying in front of the abortion
SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE clinic at 313 Concord St. from 7am-3pm. For more info, go to
Please remember to support the Food Drive throughout Lent. The food or call Lisa at [# omitted].
will be donated to Ladies of Charity and the Seton Thrift Store in
Harriman. Please purchase only items on the list, which has been chosen
for its nutritional value and its ability to be transported and stored. Food SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT
may be brought to the narthex until Palm Sunday. Recall it as often as you wish: A happy memory never wears out
Today’s Readings are on page 908 in the Hymnal
Mon. Dn 9: 4b-10 Lk 6: 36-38
Tues. Is 1 10: 16-20 Mt 23: 1-12
Wed. Jer 18: 18-20 Mt 20: 17-28
Thur. Jer 17: 5-10 Lk 16: 19-31
Fri. Gn 37: 3-4; 12-28a Mt 21: 33-46
Sat. Mi 7: 14-15; 11-32 Lk 15: 1-3; 11-32
Sun. Ex 20: 1-17 1 Cor 1: 22-25 Jn 4: 5-42
Please pray for Charmaine D. of All Saints Parish
and Linda L., sister of Deacon Ken L. who both died recently
Mon., 03-09 9:00am Tom C. by Clark and May Ellen H.
12:10pm Joseph M., Sr. by Sylvia S.
Tues., 03-10 9:00am Leon J. by the K. family
12:10pm Emil and Evelyn M. by the F. family
Wed., 3-11 9:00am Mayme F. by JoDonna B.
12:10pm Cecilia D. by Yolanda and Joey N.
Thur., 03-12 9:00am Mary O’S. by the M. family
12:10pm Marie T. by Tom and Jackie S.
Fri., 03-13 9:00am Steve B. by the family
12:10pm Patrick M. by Nancy L.
Sat., 03-14 9:00am Patrick C. by Dot T.
5:00pm Joan C. by Mary C.
Sun., 03-15 8:15am Esther G. by the family
10:00am People of All Saints parish
11:45am Frank T. by Maria B. and family