August 25th 2024
August 25th 2024
August 25th 2024
Saint Lawrence O’Toole: August 11th: Envelopes: $900.00 (28 env.); Loose: $251.00; Poor of the Parish:
$165.00 (6 env.); Beaverbrook School: $515.00 (6 env.); Living Faith Booklets: $80.50; Donation: $1,000.00;
Pre-authorized: $295.00 (7 env.). August 18th: Envelopes: $816.00; Loose: $185.00; Poor: $20.00;
Beaverbrook School: $20.00; Pre-Authorized: $195.00 (7 env.).
Our Lady of Mercy: August 11th: Envelopes: $930.00 (27 env.); Loose: $357.25; Candles: $34.00;
Community Garden: $60.00; Kitchen Renos: $350.00; Loose (Shediac Cape School); $20.00;
August 18th: Envelopes: $1,300.00 (24 Env.); Loose: $437.10; Heating: $100.00; Community Garden:
$25.00; Kitchen Renos: $1,375.00.
Sat 24 4:00pm St.A Late Joan Mary Cormier Linda Cuthbertson
6:30pm OLM For the Sick -
Sun 25 9:00am SLOT Deceased Parents Laurel and Julie
11:00am St.A Theresa Roy Ella Martin
7:00pm St.A For the People -
Mon 26 9:30M SLOT Late Florine Gagnon Bradley and Sheryl Jenkins
Tues 27 7:00pm St.A For the People -
Wed 28 4:00pm SLOT Special Intentions Gary and Delina Girouard
Thurs 29 1:00pm OLM For the Church -
Fri 30 12:00noon St.A For the Sick -
Sat 31 4:00pm St.A Lee and Leana Tamburri Happy Anniversary
6:30pm OLM Agnes Rodgers Odette Babineau
Sun 1 9:00am SLOT Jean Despres Laurel Cliff
11:00am St.A For the Church -
7:00pm St.A Souls in Purgatory -
Mass Intentions for St. Augustine’s and Saint Lawrence O’Toole can
be scheduled by calling the parish office during regular office hours
Monday to Friday. For Our Lady of Mercy call Josephine at
506-871-9508. The cost is $15.00 per intention.
With the school year starting just around the corner, it is time to start planning for our
2024-2025 catechism program. Our catechism program is for children ages 6-11 that
have been baptised in the catholic faith. Please note that preparation for sacraments is
completed outside of our catechism program however the child is required to have
completed at least one year of our catechism program before preparing for a sacrament.
Here at St. Augustine’s the sacrament of Eucharist is celebrated at age 7 or older,
Reconciliation at age 8 or older and Confirmation at age 12 or older.
Many thanks to those families that have already pre-registered for this year. By the end
of August, you will be receiving an email indicating the date & time we will be starting
this year’s program.
For those families that have not yet registered, there are forms available at the back of the church to be
completed for our catechism program. Please complete the form and leave in the basket provided or place in
the collection basket and it will be given to me. Please ensure to print clearly especially for your email as this
is how I will be communicating with you regarding the program. You can also register using the online form
found on our website at Please use the form titled Faith
Formation Submit Online. You do not have to enter the year as it will adjust when I receive the form.
Once I receive your completed form, you will then be placed in one of our groups and you will receive an
email with the date & time your group will be meeting along with the details about the session. If you do not
receive an email within 10 days please check your junk mail or send me an email at
[email protected] to check on receipt of your registration.
If you have any questions concerning our catechism program please feel free to reach out to me via email or
contact the parish office Monday thru Friday. Looking forward to seeing you for a year of faith-filled fun.
Eileen Caissie
Faith Development Coordinator For Children
Trevor Droesbeck 857-4879
[email protected]
Karen Leblanc 387-4198
[email protected]
MARK THE DATE: This year’s Tending the Soil, Tending the
Sower Catechist Formation will take place on Saturday,
September 14th from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm at Immaculate Heart of
Mary Church in Riverview. While of particular interest to those who
are catechist coaches with the coaching parents process of
children’s catechism, the day is open to all those who work in the
ministry of catechesis, i.e. marriage preparation, RCIA, baptismal
preparation. This year’s theme will be “Spiritual Journeys,” and our
facilitators will be Fr. Phil Mulligan from St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Pastoral Grouping and Dr. Andrew Wilson from Mount Allison
Spark your Communication - You'll discover new ways to love, listen,
and share with each other on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Experience. A weekend is scheduled for September 27th, 28th and 29 th
2024 at Villa Madonna in Rothesay, NB. Call Ron and Joanne
Arsenault at (506) 451-8489 for more information, to apply prior to
August 31 or email us at: [email protected]
Magnetic Hill 40th Anniversary Papal Site Mass of Saint Pope John Paul II
The Archdiocese of Moncton & the Knights of Columbus invite everyone Saturday
September 14th, to a bilingual recital of the Rosary at the Prayer Garden at 10:00 a.m.
followed by a procession to the Papal Site for the 11:00 am celebration of the Mass.
Through the SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM we welcomed into our
Christian Family at St. Augustine’s on August 10th, 2024
For the church, for all of us, for the grace to ask each morning,
“To whom shall we go?”
We pray:
For leaders in this country and throughout the world; for the
ability to listen and compromise and to be concerned with the
needs of the least among us.
We pray:
For teachers and administrators who are preparing for the new
school year; may they be strengthened for the task ahead.
We pray:
For all couples, as they navigate the day to day joys and
struggles of their commitment to each other.
We pray:
For all leaders in our church, ordained and lay; may they be filled
with the gifts of patience, acceptance and love.
We pray:
Through the SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM on August 11th, 2024 at
Our Lady of Mercy Church, we welcomed into our Christian Family
May the example of their parents, Godparents and all of us lead him
to a greater love of God.
Donations may be left at the Drop Off Barn from 8:00am until 8:00 pm only. A
limit of 10 Customers are allowed in the store at one time for a 15-minute time period. Hand
sanitizing will be monitored. Items can be dropped in the Drop Off Barn in the parking
lot from 8:00am to 8:00pm.