AGM 30th April

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9th April

AGM 30th April Hosted by Emerge

As our AGM approaches, it is a good time to join the Springfield
Electoral Roll. This is the legal membership of our church and Morning Worship 10.30 am
entitles you to vote in elections and stand for positions on the Watching for the Kingdom Welcome to our service,
PCC & Deanery Synod or as a Warden. Matthew 25: 1-13 especially if you are here for
You need to be 16 or older and have attended Springfield for 6 ~~~~~ the first time today.
months to be eligible. Complete a form in the foyer and hand it to 14th April 9.00am - 12.30 pm Do feel free to use the young
the welcome desk staff. Journey through Good Friday families corner at the back of
St Pauls, Roundshaw the main hall
There are vacancies for Wardens, Deanery Synod and PCC 16th April @ 10.30 am Please join us for tea and
members: please prayerfully consider if this is a post for you or Easter Sunday Communion coffee after the service.
someone you know. Nominations for those who wish to stand The triumph of hope
can be filled on the sheets in the foyer.
Family List
We are creating an updated family directory.
Please check your current details at the table in the foyer,
and amend if needed.
If you would like to be included for the first time,
please complete one of the cards there. Thankyou.
AGM photos Journey Through Good Friday
Theres just time to get event and outreach photos to the office Don't miss this opportunity to make a personal and spiritual
please for our Year in the Life slide show. journey on Good Friday. There will be different points to stop at
Curate: along the way, starting at the garden of Gethsemane; where
Revd Jane Petrie [email protected] 07488 599 786 there will be scripture to read, suggestions to help you explore
(Day off Saturday, study day Friday) further as well as hands-on ways to reflect, worship and pray. It's
Children & Families Minister:
Sue Bosley [email protected] 020 8773 4787 suitable for all ages so do come on your own or as a family.
Church Office [email protected] 020 8647 3410 Friday 14th April from 9 am - 12.30 pm @ St Pauls, Roundshaw
Safeguarding [email protected]
9am - 10am is a silent hour.
From 12 noon there will be sung worship
DIARY Pray for our church family Youth Buns Easter Celebration
Today @ 10.00 am All the youth are invited to On Easter Sunday we are
Pre service prayers Ivans house at 9.45 on Good looking forward to a visit from
Friday for hot cross buns the Archdeacon of Croydon,
Today @ 10.30 am before walking to St Pauls to
Morning Worship Chris Skilton, who will be
take time and journey through speaking and presiding at our
10th April @ 11.00 am Good Friday,. Permission slips all age family communion
Caf Connect are in the foyer and online. service. Do invite your friends
10th April @ 7.30 pm and families to join us for this
Feast in the Field - joyful event.
Craft River @ C4C
Please pray for 9th July
11th April @ 10.30 am Book the day and invite your
For John Nicholls after Cup Cakes
Egg Hunt @ Abbeyfield friends, relations & neighbours
surgery last week. For God's
to come and join us Easter Egg Hunt
14th April @ 9.00 am strength and healing ~~~~~
The Cup Cakes team invite all
Good Friday @ St Pauls That in this coming Holy If you are a trained first aider,
small people in Sparklers and
Week, we will make time and please let the welcome desk
16th April @ 10.30 am Roadrunners (and their grown
space to draw closer to Jesus know if you can provide cover
Easter Communion For those who attend the for part of the afternoon
ups) to an exciting Easter egg
19th April @ 2.00 pm hunt in the big garden
Journey through Good Friday,

We need volunteers to take a at Abbeyfield,

Craft at Abbeyfield that they will know the turn with serving cream teas- Woodcote Road, Wallington
22nd April @ 4.00pm presence of Jesus please let the welcome desk 11 - 12am, 11th April.
That the advert for our new know you can help.
Footsteps @ High View Enjoy some fun with the
minister will reach and
23rd April @ 10.30 am capture the attention of the Oasis Bookshop residents. Story time
Morning Worship person that God is calling to Urgently need more volunteer and some colouring-in to take
lead us. staff to join the team. Please home too.
23rd April @ 6.30 pm
Breathe @ St Pauls contact Chris White or Hazel RSVP Sue Vernon
For prayer chain requests, Dimmock for details. 07762 547 694.
24th April @ 7.30 pm please contact :
SALT missional meeting Jean Silvester 8647 5100 Sutton Thy Kingdom
31st May from noon Schoolswork Come
12 hours of prayer Their latest prayer update is We will be having 12 hours of
4th June @ 6.30 pm available on their website, or prayer on 31st May from
She will pass on any pastoral
Thy Kingdom Come @ hard copy is available on the midday to midnight at St
matters as appropriate
welcome desk. Pauls. Full details soon.
Guildford Cathedral

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