Schedule:: Sunday, October 13th
Schedule:: Sunday, October 13th
Schedule:: Sunday, October 13th
We are so glad you have joined us today! Our desire is that God Sunday, October 13th
8:30am & 10:50am Morning Worship Services
would bless and direct our time together. Worship is an interactive, 9:45am Sunday School
participatory experience and our prayer is that the service today 5:00pm Christmas Musical Practice
would strengthen and encourage you on your spiritual journey. 6:00pm Evening Worship
Whether you are new to faith, just coming back to church, or a
Wednesday, October 16th
long-time follower of Jesus, we hope you find your time with us 11:00am Morning Bible Study
engaging and meaningful.
5:15pm-6:15pm Family Suppers Menu: Ham & Hash Brown Casserole
If you are a first time Guest, we have a special gift for you. One of
6:30pm Men's Bible Study in the McCormack Center (Men’s SS Room)
our pastors will be in the foyer following the service to meet you Women’s Bible Study in the McCormack Center (Fireside Room)
and give you a gift. Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
Youth Group Gathering in the Sanctuary
CARAVAN meets in the Sunday School Rooms
WHAT TO EXPECT TODAY Saturday, October 19th
Granddaddy's Farms
Worship: We take time together to connect with God through
song, scripture, fellowship, and prayer. Something special Sunday, October 20th
happens we focus on God together. We invite you to stand and 8:30am & 10:50am Morning Worship Services
sing with us as we praise God, but adopt whatever posture of 9:45am Sunday School
worship is best for you. The song lyrics and scriptures are 4:45pm Choir Practice
projected on screen so that you can follow along. A typical service 5:00pm Christmas Musical Practice
lasts about 65 minutes. 6:00pm Evening Worship