Twin Peaks SDA Bulletin For June 19-2010

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Our confession of His faithfulness is Heaven's chosen agency for

revealing Christ to the world. We are to acknowledge His grace as ANNOUNCEMENTS
made known through the holy men of old; but that which will be
most effectual is the testimony of our own experience. We are for
First Reading — To join Twin Peaks SDA Fellowship is Myrtle Carroll from Ft.
God as we reveal in ourselves the working of a power that is divine. Lupton SDA Church.
Every individual has a life distinct from all others, and an
experience differing essentially from theirs. God desires that our praise Come experience a Cambodian evening! Enjoy a traditional Cambodian
meal ($3/person), be inspired by a short worship talk by Daniel and Cara
shall ascend to Him, marked by our own individuality. These precious Greenfield, and participate in an auction of authentic Cambodian items.
acknowledgments to the praise of the glory of His grace, when All proceeds go to support the Greenfields and the Pnong project in Mondul Kiri,
supported by a Christ- like life, have an irresistible power that works Cambodia. We hope to see you July 11 at 5:30 pm at Twin Peaks SDA Fellow-
for the salvation of souls. E.G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 347. ship, 9696 Paschal Dr., Louisville, CO 80027.

Sabbath afternoon study begins this week! We will be beginning a study of the
events surrounding the end of time as seen in the compiled work entitled "The End
Of Time". All are welcome to attend, we will be starting immediately after our
fellowship dinner and will meet every other Sabbath in the Fellowship Hall. The
study will be led by Pastor Joel.

Thank you for your gifts to the Lord.

Free Plants! Lynne Barber has raspberry plants, blackberry plants, and various
The Offering Box is located on the wall by the Sanctuary door. flowering plants if anyone is interested. Her phone number is 303-913-

Community Services – please remember to bring soups, diapers,

toothbrushes, toothpaste and toilet paper each week. On the first Sabbath of every
month, church members who are in need may pick up food during potluck. On July
10, the ACS will be coming by the church to pick up donated canned soups
Church Contact Information and personal hygiene items.

Church Clerk Membership Transfers: Treasurer: The Adventist Book Center is looking for a new addition to our family - 30 +
Gatha Neidigh Esther Slater (303-469-6299 or hours/week. They will need to have some computer skills, and be able to lift 50#’s,
have some retail experience, and be friendly and flexible with time. You can pick
(303)525-3248 [email protected]. up an application at the ABC during regular business hours. Ask for Suzanne.

Prayer Requests; Flowers New Church Website – Check out the church’s new website at
Kelly Plank by NOON Wednesday Valerie Kratzke at 720-233-3448
(303)593-2899 or
[email protected] Active Women’s Retreat – July 29 – August 1, 2010, at New Beginnings
Ranch, Norwood, CO. For information: (Please check
Bulletin Items: church bulletin board in hall for information.)
Annette Tapp by WEDNESDAY
(720)890-3767 or 2010 Women’s Retreat Reminder – To be held at Glen Eyrie Christian Confer- “Our work for Christ is to begin with the family in
[email protected] ence Center, Colorado Springs, on September 10-12. Brenda Walsh will be key-
note speaker. Registration, June 1 so they can determine the number of rooms the home. . . . There is no missionary field more
needed. Brochures on table in back of room. important than this.” {Mar 102.1}
Welcome and Happy Sabbath to all who
Sabbath School 9:30 AM Pianist Karen Mason are visiting and worshiping with us
Pianist Karen Mason today. We’re glad that you’re here and
Preparation for Worship hope that you will spend Sabbath with us
Song Service again.
Hymns of Praise Cook Family
Opening Song “Redeemed”, #338 Welcome/
Bill Plank
Scripture Elders Enter -
Revelation 21:14-20
(Congregation in silent
Scriptural Thoughts “Andrew” Esther Slater prayer)

Church Calendar
“I Will Sing of My
Adult Classes Opening Hymn
Redeemer”, #343
Quarterly Class Brian Laurie Sabbath, June 19 Speaker –Pastor Joel Kratzke
-Sanctuary Sunday, June 20 Father’s Day
Galatians Study Children’s Story Lynn Eastwood Wednesday, June 23 Prayer Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
-Fellowship Hall
(Please have money
ready for children to Sabbath, June 26 Speaker—Pastor Joel Kratzke
collect.) Monday, June 28 Vacation Bible School Begins
Wednesday, June 30 Prayer Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Congregational Prayer Allan Christenson
Sabbath, July 3 Speaker—Guest Speaker
Wednesday, July 7 Prayer Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Scripture Reading James 5:19-20 Allan Christenson
In Service Next Sabbath
Elder Allan Christenson Worship in Music Bredehoft Family

Deacon Don Wendell Worship in Word “What Faith Is: Engaged Pastor Joel Kratzke

SS Superintendent Don Wendell

“I Love to Tell the Story”,
Door Greeters Kelly & Amanda Plank Closing Hymn
#457 Up-Coming Special Events

Benediction Pastor Joel Kratzke Northeast Colorado Camp Meeting – to be held at

(Includes prayer for Campion Academy, July 22-25, 2010.
Pastor - Joel Kratzke Church address/website: meal)
(720)684-9703 P.O. Box 9
9696 Paschal Dr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bill Plank Louisville, CO 80027 Sabbath ends tonight: 8:30 p.m. ** Sabbath begins next week: 8:32 p.m.

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