Loddon Valley Link: June 2007

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June 2007

The Church Magazine

No . 39 6
Sunda y 3rd June Trinity Sunda y
10.00am Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield
10.00am Family Service St Mary Stratfield Saye
6.30pm Evensong St Mary’s Hartley Wespall

Sunday 10th June Trinity 1

10.00am Morning Worship St Leonard’s Sherfield
and Sunday Club at St Leonard’s Church
11.15am Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary’s Stratfield Saye*

Sunday 17th June Trinity 2

11.00 am Benefice Songs of Praise on

Sherfield Green wit h Tadley Concert Brass

Sunday 24th June Trinity 3

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary’s Hartley Wespall
10.00am Family Service St Leonard’s Sherfield
11.15am Matins St Mary Stratfield Saye*

12.30pm Benefice B-B-Q at Lawn Farmhouse

Wedne sday 27th June

4.00pm Toddler Service St Leonard’s Sherfield

Sunday 1st July Trinity 4

10.00am Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield
10.00am Family Service St Mary Stratfield Saye*
6.30pm Evensong & Communion St Mary’s Hartley Wespall

* Drive up to the white gates, which open a utoma tically

BCP = Book of Common Pra yer
When all else fails
Survival programmes on the TV have been in vogue
recently showing you how to build a shelter in the
jungle, light a fire, build a raft, and which plants to
eat or avoid. In a world growing ever smaller the
chances of being shipwrecked on an island or stranded in the
jungle seem remote to most of us.
However, survival for many people is a daily experience. As I
write this article Gerry and Kate McCann wait in hope for news of
their daughter Maddy, wickedly abducted in Portugal.
On Radio 4 recently reports from the Eastern Congo
featured an interview with a 30 year old mother whose
relatives and three children were murdered before
she was brutalised but miraculously escaped.
Such challenges to surviva l put our own situations into
context, yet we still worry about job security, the pension, paying
the bills, children, the family, health, the future.
When the worst happens to us what can we do, what might we do,
to whom can we turn? The McCann family have found strength in
prayer; the Congolese mother, when asked what she would like to
happen to the men who violated her and her family replied,
“Because I am a Christian woman I can’t meet evil with evil.”
Pain, in all its various forms, is real to the sufferer and it can
twist the spirit as well as the body. Jesus, dying on a cross prayed,
“Father, forgive them...into your hands I commit my spirit.”
Christ’s way teaches us that we are never alone. He brings hope
in into the darkest of moments.
Peter the fisherman, who became a disciple of Jesus, wrote: “Cast
all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (I Peter 5:7)
A burden shared is a burden halved. If you are feeling that life is
a survival process why not ask God to help you bear the load?
Christian greetings, 2
For Roman Catholic Service s plea se contact
Fa ther Vincent Harvey 01256 465214

Text for the Month
Re ve la tion 4: 8 & 11
"Holy , holy , ho ly is the Lord Go d Almighty, who was, and is, and is to
"Yo u are worthy, our Lord a nd God, to re ceive glory and hono ur and
power, for y ou c reated all th ings, and by y our will they were c reated
and hav e the ir be ing." T he NIV Bible

Prayer for the Month

Gracious God, y ou hav e ma de yo urse lf k no wn to us in Christ. Yo u have
offered us a new begin ning, re newal and redempt ion thro ugh his life –
giv ing sacr ifice, yet still time and again we go astray .
Draw closer to us through the risen Chr ist, and inspire us w ith a v isio n
of what life can be like through his grace. He lp us to forget ourselv es
and look out wards, s o that we mig ht bring light to those for who m life
see ms dar k.
Ma ke us a ware of your presence amongst us, to see y ou, hear y ou,
kno w yo u, and lov e you, so that we may offer to y ou fitting wo rship and
service. Help us to un derstand you are with us alway s so that each part
of our lives reflects your grace and proc la ims y our goodnes s. Meet with
us now, in all y our g lory a nd help us to meet wit h you.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. A men

Prayer Points for June

Pray for all new ly married cou ples, for those who are marry ing this
month and especially for Ross an d Ju lia who will be ma rried at St.
Pray for the pe op le of Zimbabwe liv ing in the presence of famine and
disr uption to their co untry.
Pray for the futur e of Iraq that t he v iole nce may end and also
that there may an end to the conflict betwee n Israe l a nd
Palest ine.
Pray for a su ccessfu l f irst Women’s Brea kfast on June 9 th.
Pray for fine weather for all the outdoor village ev ents
happening this month and that many will c ome an d e njoy
the fun an d fellowsh ip which these create.
Pray for those wh o are suffering from illness themselv es or
within their families and friends, may they be granted God’s peace.
Giv e thanks for the joy of s ummertime.
Text for the Month
Re ve la tion 4: 8 & 11
"Holy , holy , ho ly is the Lord Go d Almighty, who was, and is, and is to
"Yo u are worthy, our Lord a nd God, to re ceive glory and hono ur and
power, for y ou c reated all th ings, and by y our will they were c reated
and hav e the ir be ing." T he NIV Bible

Prayer for the Month

Gracious God, y ou hav e ma de yo urse lf k no wn to us in Christ. Yo u have
offered us a new begin ning, re newal and redempt ion thro ugh his life –
giv ing sacr ifice, yet still time and again we go astray .
Draw closer to us through the risen Chr ist, and inspire us w ith a v isio n
of what life can be like through his grace. He lp us to forget ourselv es
and look out wards, s o that we mig ht bring light to those for who m life
see ms dar k.
Ma ke us a ware of your presence amongst us, to see y ou, hear y ou,
kno w yo u, and lov e you, so that we may offer to y ou fitting wo rship and
service. Help us to un derstand you are with us alway s so that each part
of our lives reflects your grace and proc la ims y our goodnes s. Meet with
us now, in all y our g lory a nd help us to meet wit h you.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. A men

Prayer Points for June

Pray for all new ly married cou ples, for those who are marry ing this
month and especially for Ross an d Ju lia who will be ma rried at St.
Pray for the pe op le of Zimbabwe liv ing in the presence of famine and
disr uption to their co untry.
Pray for the futur e of Iraq that t he v iole nce may end and also
that there may an end to the conflict betwee n Israe l a nd
Palest ine.
Pray for a su ccessfu l f irst Women’s Brea kfast on June 9 th.
Pray for fine weather for all the outdoor village ev ents
happening this month and that many will c ome an d e njoy
the fun an d fellowsh ip which these create.
Pray for those wh o are suffering from illness themselv es or
within their families and friends, may they be granted God’s peace.
Giv e thanks for the joy of s ummertime.
Toddler Time
At St Leonard’s Church, Sherfield on:
Wedne sday 27th June 2007
Nursery Rhymes, Story, Prayer.
Healthy refreshments for the toddlers.
Meet on the red carpet in church.
All welcome!
Contact Revd Bob Politt for information.
01256 882209

St Leonard’s Church Sunday Club

The young people’s Sunday Club will now meet on the 2nd
and 3rd Sunday of each month at St Leonard’s Church
at 10.00am. During the service we will meet in the Bell
Tower or on the grass, if the weather is good.
Further information from:
Ruth Powell (01189 331312), Martina Nowrotek
( 884159) or Rody Politt (882209)

Baptis m
Cosima ATKINSON 6.05.07 Stratfield Saye
Julia KORDES 25.05.07 Sherfield
& Ross McWATT
Iris BISHOP 15.05.07 Sherfield
Margaret HENDERSON 22.05.07 Sherfield
Joint Benefice Annual
on Sherfield Village Green
Sunday 17th June
accompanied by
Tadley Concert Brass
Chairs are provided but Well behaved
you are welcome to pets are
bring your own chair als o
if you wish. welcome.

We invite w omen of all ages and interests to

join us for breakfast:
8.30am on Saturday 9th June,
at Lawn Farm House, Stratfield Turgis, RG27 0AR
The men are going to do the cooking (!) and there will
be a continental alternative for those of us who are in
the habit of eating little or nothing for breakfast.
There will be a short ‘wake-up’ thought entitled:
‘What’s your passion in life?’
If you are intending to come please RSVP to:
Rody Politt 01256 882209
or contact her for more information.

Lost For Words Course—Autumn 2007
Many people today are unfamiliar with the story of Christ and
are strangers to Christianity. It can no longer be assumed
that we live in a Christian country for increasingly our society
is dominated by secular thinking and values, accompanied by
the growth of assertive Islam.
As Christians we have a wonderful message of hope to share
with those around us and yet, for a variety of reasons, we may
find it difficult to do so.
Lost For Words is a simple course which provides an
opportunity for us as Christians to help each other discover
obvious ways in which we can share our faith with those who
want to know more about Christ.
The course will start on Thursday 13th September and will
last for six weeks. We shall meet in the village hall at
Stratfield Saye from 7.30-9.30 and the sessions will be lead
by Revd Steve Pittis, responsible for Faith Development
within our Diocese.
More information will be available in our three churches.
Revd Bob Politt

Co me and join toget her f or a


RS VP t o eit her
Gill &John Wil lia ms 0125 6 8 82 70 5 o r Bob Poli tt 01256 882209
Offers o f h elp with fo od please t o Gill Will iam s
Editorial by Claire Osborne
This month’s magazine is packed full of so many
activities and events to enjoy, I had trouble
squeezing them all in!
Firstly, I must mention the Sherfield Fete, on Saturday 16th
June, on the Village Green. There will be all the usual enjoy-
able attractions such as the dog show, numerous stalls and side
show s, but the special attraction this year is a parachute dis-
play by the ‘Red Devils’ freefall parachute team (see page 25).
You will find the Sherfield Fete programme as an insert in this
month’s magazine. It really promises to be a fantastic day out,
so put this date in your diary.
This year’s Songs of Praise takes place on Sunday 17th June on
Sherfield Village Green (details on page 8), where you can sing
all your favourite hymns accompanied by Tadley Concert Brass.
Other fun and social events are the Women’s Breakfast (pg 8),
Benefice Wide B-B-Q (pg 10), The Hartley Wespall Regatta (pg
28), The Stratfield Saye Walk in the Park (pg 40) to name just
a few.
Let’s hope that the weather picks up again.
Have a very enjoyable June!
Plea se Note

i The M an a ge ment Co mmittee of the Loddon Link ca n not a cc ept for

public a tion a ny item rec eived a n on ymou sly. P lea se supply your na me an d
a ddre s s with ma terial you wish to be conside red for pub lic a tion.

i Ann ou nc e ment s, invitation s o r a dvertise ment s c a nn ot be ac cepted fro m

third pa rties. On ly someone direc tly invol ved in the even t shou ld su b mit
c opy for con sidera tion for pu blica tion.

i P lea se note t ha t t he Co mmittee ca n not b e hel d re spon sible for the

reliability o r q ua lity of an y work or s ervice provide d by a dvertise rs. 12
The No rt h Ea st Branch of the M otor Neuron e Di sease As socia tion
are hol ding an
‘Ol d Tyme M usic Hall’
as part of ou r fundrai si ng prog ra mme to suppor t people wi th
MND in the local area. Why no t joi n us down memory lane to
an ev ening of come dy, colourful cos tu mes and singalong songs.

Tickets are £ 10 including Ploug hm ans an d Glass of Wine

(11 ti ckets for ev ery 10)
9th June, Victorian Hall, H ar tley Wintne y

Enquirie s: Chri s Parsons 01256 359 790

cc cc c cc c cc c cc c cc c cc cc c cc c cc c cc c cc cc c cc c cc c c

St. Leonard’s Church

S t. Leonard’ s Church is open for th e
publi c on cer tain Saturdays of each
month, when v oluntee rs wi ll be in at-
tendance to gr ee t you a t the c hurc h.
Ev eryone i s we lcome to vi sit fo r qui et
reflecti on, a prayer, to study the
archi tectur e o r to vi ew th e church
wi th a w eddi ng i n mind.
Saturday 9th,16th & 23rd
June from 10am to 4 pm.

Reporte d by Gill F earon
PoSH – A re mi nder to all of our Village Hall Pa trons that thi s
year’ s pri ze draw take s place a t the PoS H coffee mo rning on
Saturday 14 th July. Fi rst prize i s a M arks and S pencer gi ft
v oucher for £50. If you w ould li ke to beco me a patron then look
out for appli cati ons fo rms on the Vi llage Hall stall at the Vi llage
Fete on 16th June. The n ex t PoS H coffee morni ng w i ll be on
Saturday 9th June at 10.30 a. m. i n the G arden Room.

Th e Village Hal l con ti nues to be as busy as ev er wi th r egulars such

as Bi ngo, Bowl s, Band and Whi s t. As w ell a s bei ng a popular v enue
for w eddi ngs and anni versary celebra ti ons, the hall recently
hos te d the lates t Lod don Playe rs’ producti on of ‘ T ri vial Pursui ts’
whi ch ran ov er three days at the en d of Apri l.

Don’ t forget, i f you w ish to book the hall, do think well a head and
book early to avoid di sappoi ntment! Call Jan on 882539.

cc cc c cc c cc c cc c cc c cc cc c cc c cc c cc c cc cc c cc c cc c c

National Gardens Scheme

West Silchester Hall,
Open on Sunday 1st July
and Sunday 29th July
From 2.00 to 5.30pm
Admis sion: £3 (Children Free)
(Grants for Children and Young People)

The Foundation was established by George Pitt in 1739 and provides

grants for children and young people under 18 in the Parishes of
Stratfield Saye and Beech Hill. The Trustees would like to encourage
parents of Stratfield Saye and Beech Hill to make use of this historic
All claims , with accompanying receipts, for extra curricular activities,
where not provided by the Local Education Authority will be
considered sympathetically. The grant is not means-tested and is
available for activities such as:
Music and swimming tuition, residential and study courses, textbooks
and special equipment etc.

Applications for grants mus t be received by: Roy Best, Clappers Farm,
Grazeley, RG7 1JJ or Paul Sedgwick, Stratfield Saye Estates, Es tate
Office, Stratfield Saye, Near Reading, RG7 2BT, not later than 30th
June 2007.


Do you lik e Gardening ?
Do you take great pleasure in visiting beau tif ul Gardens?
Then how w ould you like to orga nise the Co mpetitio n f or
the Stratfie ld Saye Parish Cou ncil
Cont act Penny May o, the Parish Clerk, f or more det ails.
Tel: 011 8 9332 37 9 or email to p.j. [email protected]. uk

Happy Faces 25 Years on
and Still Going Strong

2007 is a ve ry sp eci al year for one of Sher fi eld- on- Loddon’ s m ost value d and b est
loved i nstitutions. The Happy F ac es Pl ayg roup is c ele br ating its 25th an nive rsa ry on
14th July (see below for d etails ). T his, in the same y ea r as the M ayor of B asingsto ke,
Cllr T ony Jones p re sent ed P eggy Hut chins an d the H app y Fa c es Te am with thei r
Ac creditatio n C erti fic ate. P eg gy said “ th e w hole t eam has work ed really hard for the
last 18 months to achieve this important recognition of the e xcellent pre-school
exp eri enc e w e give our c hildre n. We are delight ed”.

In recognition o f this ac hiev em ent the organis er s o f the village fete a r e donating part
o f the fete ta kings to the Playg roup. Happy F ace s would like to thank the organis er s
for this gene rous don ation and look for ward to seeing you at their stall on 16th July.

Hap py Fa ces P laygroup w as op en ed by P egg y in G oddards Hall in 1982 an d was

attend ed by 7 c hildr en with 2 adults working with th em . T hey mov ed to the Lidd ell
Hall in 1991, where tod ay th ey boast 55 children and 1 0 a dults. Pegg y b elieves that
the success c an be put down to a mixture of a child centred p re-school envi ronm ent
fi rm ly rooted i n pl ay and pr actic al exp eri enc es, tog eth er with a good dollop o f love
and ha rd wo rk from all the ladies who wo rk ther e.

The current com mitte e h as org anised a picnic party to c el ebr ate th eir 25th anniv ersa ry
on Saturd ay th e 14th July. It will be held o n the b ack lawn o f S her field Sc hool
12:00pm – 3:00pm with ti ck ets pri ce d at £4.00 p er adult – ac com pani ed childr en go
F REE. T he entert ainme nt will include Apex Jaz z B and. P unch and J udy, F ac e
P ainting, Licensed B ar and P lay Are a. (B ring your o wn picni c). T ickets can b e
obtain ed by ringing Cath e rine on 01256 8 80357 o r C amilla on 01256 882243.
Alternativ ely th ey can b e pur chased fr om T he Shop, Dod d’s Garage and th e P ost
Offi ce in the villag e. Tickets will also be available on the day for £5.00.

S o if you were a past att end ee, par ent, hel per or em ploye e at Ha ppy Fa ces pl ease
bring your pic nic an d your Hap py Face an d join us o n the 14 th July at She rfi eld
S chool.

P eggy an d the ladi es would love to see you all.

27th , 28th and 29th April, S herfield Village Hall
Jea lo usy, blackmail, bribery, secrets, lies and …. lots of laughs. Th e Lo dd on
Players’ tw o-hour s how mov ed at a f as t a nd f urious p ac e w ith a t errific sc ript
and w onderf ul c haracters . It is e asy to se e w hy “Trivia l Pursuits” by Frank
Vickery is a popular play f or audience and players alike . One can imag ine
that t he rehe arsals w ere a lot of f un (how do they all man age k eep a s traig ht
f ace on th e n ig ht !)

The story …
Me mbers of a local am-dra m group get together f or a barbecu e at the home
of the d irector, Nic k, eac h d es pera te t o know w hether their pref erred play
has been chosen by him f or th e next pro duct ion. As the barbeque fails to
light and the drinks f low f reely , the audie nc e q uic kly gets t o k now the f oib le s
of this motley crew (I a m t alking ab out the characters here) a nd their
despera tio n t o ge t th eir ow n w ay.

The characters …
It s ee ms that th e gro up is held to geth er solely by the ir lov e of ac ting, for it is
hard t o see w hat els e t hey c ou ld poss ibly hav e in co mmo n. Each c harac ter
is so stron g, very dif f erent, and brilliantly portrayed by the cast. I part ic ularly
like d the c ontrast be tw een Teddy (playe d by Danny Spurrie r) s oooo c amp,
f unny and greg arious, se lfish bu t very likeab le an d involved w ith everyon e’s
aff airs, the k ey stone in th e play, and inv ite d gues t Edd ie (play ed by Nic k
Robinson) w ho seems to drif t through f rom time to t ime, co mica lly ob liv ious
to the w oes of the other p arty gu es ts as he s ets a bout his ow n c hallenge of
improving th e d ir ector ’s TV sign al!

Happy endings …
In ord er to ke ep the c o mpany af loat, dir ec tor Nick acc epts a huge bribe and
Sw eet Charity is the chos en p lay. Teddy, in w ig and ly cra, leads the entire
c as t (and a c lapp ing audience) int o th e fun a nd glitz y f ina le of “If My Friends
Could See Me Now ”.

Wh at a great pick-me-up! Th an ks and congrat ulations to the members of

the cast and those b ehind the scenes. All c red it to Chris Horton , too, for
w orking so h ard t o bring ev erything tog eth er.

(Announce ment of the next produc tion by Lo ddon Players to be mad e at

Chris ’ barb eque!)
Re ported by Lucy Marsha ll 22
The Wellington Far m Shop o pened
it’s doors f or business in May 20 05
f ollow ing an eighteen month
c onvers ion of a dis us ed milking
parlour an d cow s hed jus t off the
A33 ( Rise ley round about) at Par k
Corner Farm on t he Stratfield Say e
Es tate. The Es tat e w as purc hased
by the f irst Duke of Wellingto n w ith
a sum of mon ey gifted by Queen
Vic toria and Parliament in 18 17 in
recognition of his victory at Water-
loo and re mains the fa mily ho me of
the Dukes of Wellington t oday.

The Est ate is an importa nt part of the loca l community and e mplo y s
approx ima te ly 100 me mbers of staff . The Estate w elcomes 80,0 00
vis itors each year to the Wellingt on Cou ntry Park and is also ho me to
the int ernatio nally renow ned equestrian ce ntre, Wellingto n Rid in g.

Lady Honor Mo ntagu, the gra nddaug hter of the Du ke of Wellingto n,

w as the f ounder and driv ing f orce behind th e Wellington Far m Shop.
This major initiat ive has bee n jo int ly funded by DEFRA and t he
We llington Family and aims t o giv e loc al reside nts direct ac cess to
hig h quality f ood f rom local f ar mers and ho me producers .

The most import ant t hing f or Lady Honor is the qua lity of the f ood
and w here it comes f rom. ‘I’m very conscious of f ood miles , and s o
much fant as tic f ood is produc ed loc ally,’ s he says .

The meat range includes extensively reare d Hereford beef (hun g f or

betw een f our to six w eeks) and ga me f ro m th e Str atfield S aye
Es tate, quality as sured Britis h la mb, and por k f rom Russ ell
Kilvin gto n’s f ar m at New bury. Trad it ion al pies, h ams an d pa tes are
prepare d in the kitche n, w hilst the butchery prod uces superb c uts of
meat an d the h ighly ac claime d Waterlo o b angers .

The delicatess en is w ell stoc ked w ith preserves f rom the New Fores t
Jam & Chutney Company and apple juices f ro m Hill Far m Orchards
on the Ha mpshire Dow ns. Local c heeses are s upplied by Lyburn,

Tw o Hoots and V illage Maid, the latter be ing pr oduc ed in Ris eley by
aw ard-w inning cheese ma ker A nne Wigmore. Cakes are also pro-
duced loca l y by “ Mo ’s Cakes” in Rise le y.

Naturally, an exc ept io n is made f or th e Arbeq uina o liv e o il, w hic h

comes f ro m t he Wellin gto n estate in An dalucia, Spa in.

Bread is deliv ered f ro m a ‘tiny ba kery’ in Reading , a nd milk c omes

f rom a dairy in Ro therw ic k that bucked the n at ion al trend by starting
up tw o years ago. Honey is supplied by Alec Chambers w ho keeps
hiv es on th e Estate.

The We llin gton Far m Shop’s r ange h as b een c aref ully th ought out to
c ater for the disc erning c us to mer w ho requ ires a c ompletely “loc al”
s hopping ex perienc e. Considerab le time h as bee n inv es ted in s e-
lec ting the right suppliers , w hos e products have been tried a nd
tes ted by Lady Ho nor and her team.

Co mmenting on t he opening of the Farm S hop, The Duke of Wel-

lingto n s aid: “For tw o hundred y ears w e hav e f ar me d Stratf ield Saye
using a co mbinat ion of trad it ional f ar ming tech niques and the latest
mach inery . This non-intensiv e, sustain ab le approach has ensured
hig h quality produce y ear after ye ar. We launc he d t he Wellingt on
Far m Sho p t o create a permanent mar ket p lace w here local resi-
dents ca n find the best loca l produce.”

Lady Honor ad ded: “ De mand f or high-quality, lo ca l produce in this

area is grow ing f ast and the Wellingt on Farm S hop is t he id eal desti-
nation f or those w is hing to buy q ua lity produce in th e countryside.”

The bus in ess continues to grow w ith the additio n of a new coff ee
shop w hich opened this year and cust omers ca n also visit Kit
Sto ne’s show room (ad jo ining th e Farm Sho p) w hich stocks a w ide
range of garden f urniture and accessories.

The Far m Shop now employs eight f ull t ime and seven part time
s taff . The majority of the s taf f are local res idents . Why not ca ll in
and v isit th e Wellington Far m Shop w hen yo u are next pass in g - jus t
f ollow the sig ns on the A33 !!

Are coming to Sherfield-on-Loddon
Village Fete on16th June 2007
Go into the village Pubs or the Shop
or the Post Office and buy a beer
BEr Nam e mat for £1. Write your name on
u e
Yo eph on
T the beer mat and enter a Draw
MA with a chance to win one of the
fabulous prizes below:
1st Prize - A piggy-back Parachute
Jump with one of the
Red Devils
2nd Prize - A Gliding Lesson
3rd Prize - A Signed Reading
Football Club Programme
The parachutists land with pin-point accuracy and you will
need to be there to fully appreciate this spectacular event.

Saturday 8th September
Village Hall, Refreshments, Raffle and Auction,
Entrance by donation, children free.

Proceeds this year to

The green entry booklet is out this

8.30 - 10.30 Staging of Exhibits
10.45 - Judging commences
2.30 - Open to the Public
3.30 - Presentation of Awards
3.45 Auction and Raffle
For info: Sally Brain, Secretary 882275
Natalie Larner, Schedules 880075
Terry Raisborough, Treasurer and Donations 882269
Chris Horton
Richard Elphick
Brian Raisborough, Auctioneer and PR
Hartley Wespall Regatta 2007

Sunday 10th June

from 2pm at
Hartley Mill
Class List -
£1 per entry

Fruit and vege tabl e boat s, Plastic and f ruit juice carton b oats,
Sailing boat s, Paper boat s, Fat he rs race, M oth er s race,
Gr andp ar ents race, Open rac e, Winner s race.
Th ere wi ll b e duck races for those wi thou t their own boats,
plus game s, stalls and of course tea an d cakes!
Please note: It i s a dv i sable to wear w elli es!

www.s he rfie ldonloddon-pc.gov.uk
Those att ending our Annual P arish Meet ing in May had an opport unity to see
t he proposals for improving th e BM X track, which should go ahead lat er th is
year. The drawings are now on display in Dodds Gara ge win dow unt il t he
end of June.

Standing Orders, Allot ment Agreem ent, Byelaws, M ap of t he Village Green –
all can be do wnloa ded from o ur we bs ite.

Th is y ear’s elect ion s h av e com e and gon e but we can st art to t h in k about o ur
p arish elect io n n ex t year. Do yo u wan t t o be inv o lv ed in making decision s t hat
affect our p arish ? If y ou are int erested in finding o ut mo re about beco ming a
p arish co un cillor, p lease co me alon g t o a meet ing o r co nt act the clerk on
8 81 742.

Forth co ming Pa ri sh Co un cil mee tin gs :

13 June, 11 July, 12 Sept ember, 10 October, 14 November, 12 Decem ber
… in t he Liddell Hall, from 7.30 pm .

cc cc c cc c cc c cc c cc c cc cc c cc c cc c cc c cc cc c cc c cc c c

Pe rcy’s Plant Sale

The an nual P lant and Cak e Sale was hel d in Orchard Lea
and t h e garden o f n um ber o ne, h ome of Sh eena an d Bri an
Archer, on Sat urday 1 9t h May. The weath er defied t he forecast, being pleasant
and rain free. Many visitors supported t he event by buy in g p lan ts, cakes and
coffee an d t ak in g their ch an ce on the T ombola an d Guess the Weigh t of t he
Ve get able Basket, wo n by Joan Go ul d at 1 5lbs 1 2o z. It was a very pleasant social
o ccasion. Th an k y ou to th e man y, many p eo p le wh o wo rk ed hard for t he success
of the morning by gro wing plant s, makin g cakes, erect ing t ent s, t ransport ing t ables,
serving o n stalls, etc. Also thank t o local businesses who cont ribut ed items for
sale, p art icularly Bram ley Bak ery and Tesco. Th e sum raise d was a glorious
£ 71 7.34 wh ich is t o be split equally between St . Leo nard's Ch urch and Head way.
Sheen a Archer 30
Sherfield & District
Gardening Club
New members always welcome.
We meet on the 3rd Monday of the month in the
Liddell Hall at Sherfield Village Hall at 8.00 pm.

Future Meetings
18th June - Southview Nurseries -
Talk on Old Fashioned Pinks
25th June - Visit to Wild Flower Meadows,
Shalbourne, Wilts (Booking Essential)
16 July Visit to Valentines Cottage, Newnham.
Don’t forget to visit our stand at Sherfield Village Fete
(June 16th) where we will be selling a wide variety
of plants and to enter the Sunflower Competition.
For further details please ring Linda on (01256) 882341
ccc c cc cc cc ccc cc c cc cc cc c cc ccc c c cc
Tallest Sunflower Competition
Vis it the
Sherf ield and Dis trict Gardening Club stand
at the f ete on 1 6th Ju ne
to c ollec t y our s unflow er and entry form.

Cate gory One Age 14 and under

Cate gory Tw o Age 15 and ove r

Entry £1. 00

1s t Prize i n ea ch cate gory

£ 15 .00 vou cher fo r The Sho p

S ponsored b y Th e S hop 32
The Women’s Institute
Re ported by Ile ne Iles

Our May Meeting was our Cookery and C ra fts Show and
Resolution Meeting. Our President, Ria Stocks welcomed
everyone, with a special welcome to our visitor, Shirley
Tytherl eigh, hoping that she will jo in us.

We had 25 Cookery and 3 0 Craft ent ries for the Show which
was judged in the morning. Dee Bulpitt rep orted that the two
judges had remarked that it was very pleasing to come to a
WI Show, as these are few a nd far between n owadays.
The six cups for the vari ous sections were presented in the
afternoon during the busin ess meeting—congratulations to
the recipients who achi eved very high standa rds!

Our business meeting proceeded with Dee Bulpitt standing i n

for our Secretary - Val Denny - who was on holi day.

This year w e only had one Resolution to consider and it was

voted unanimously by those present in fa vo ur o f the
Resolution ag ainst the closure o f Community Hospitals.

Jan Woltman advised those present that ou r walk woul d be a

shortish local walk with lunch at the Golf Club a nd anyone
interested to be at the Post Office at 11.00am.

Finally, Ria Stocks ad vised everyone that she will be mo ving

to Wales at the end of May to be nea r her daughter and
grandchildren. She said that she will be sorry to lea ve but
will be handing over to Tess Morris wh o is our present Vice
President. Doris L’Enfant thanked her for all her hard w ork
for the WI and said that she will be sorely missed.

The meeting was followed by our raffl e and tea.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 6th June 2007 an d

our business meeting will be fo llowed by a talk by Mr. Derek
Talmage entitled “Glass in Decoratio n”. 34
EVERGREEN CLUB for the over 60s
Reporter – Jean Berntsen (Chairperson)
Th e Evergre ens monthly me eti ng w as held on May 14th
whi ch coi nci ded wi th th e Clu b’ s 63r d Bi rthday.
A par ty wi th tea an d refresh men ts was provi ded by co m-
mi ttee me mbe rs, thi s tog ether w ith mu si cal en te rtai nmen t
giv en by Mi chael Turv ey on his el ec troni c or gan. A Musi cal
Quiz was also he ld.
Th e Eve rgre ens would li ke to thank Bren da Monger who
very ki ndly ma de the Bi rthday Cake and floral table decorati ons.
Th e bir thday celebra tions were marred by the news of the sudden
death of me mber Tom Gri ffen. Th e Evergre en Club ex ten ds i ts
sincere condolence s to his fa mi ly at thi s sad ti me.
A r epor t was giv en relating to the Club’ s v i si t to the Black moor
Es tate frui t orchard on May 1s t, w hich5 was very successful and
for tuna te in that all later tour s we re to be cancelle d due to th e
adv anced bloomi ng of the frui t trees.
Th e Clu b’ s nex t meeti ng w ill be held on Monday 4th June a t 2pm
when the gust speaker w ill be fro m th e Ha mpshire and Isl e of
Wi ght Ai r Ambulance Serv ice. The Club i s s till in ne ed of a p er son
to take the post of Club T reasurer, anyone w illi ng to tak e thi s pos t
shoul d con tact Jean Berntsen on 01256 882798.

ccc c cc cc cc ccc cc c cc cc cc c cc ccc c c cc ccc

is on
Friday ???? June
At 7.30pm in
Sherfield Village Hall
Admission £1.50
Reported by Gill Fearon

NWR recently enjoyed a visit to West Green House Gardens

near Hartley Wintney. The house and gardens are leased to
Marylyn Abbot from the Nationa l Trust. Since 1993,
Marylyn, an Australian who has a famous garden in Australia
at Kennerton Green, Mittagong, has transformed the virtually
derelict gardens. There is a beautiful walled garden, a theatre
lawn which is used for operas, a water garden and a lake with
an island. After an introductory talk and tour of the garden,
we enjoyed tea and cakes.

Our latest meeting was a talk given by Anna Sutherland of

Tranquil by Nature in Bramley. Anna spoke about Massage
and Aromatherapy. She told us about the twelve systems of
the body and how each one can benefit from massage. There
are over 600 muscles in the body – 23% of a woman’s body
weight and 40% of a man’s body weight is made from
muscle. We then sniffed various essential oils. Anna is
trained to use twelve of them with her massage techniques.
All have to be diluted in carrier oils except for Lavender and
Tea-Tree and all must be used with care. Anna then demon-
strated how she uses the oils to massage the hands as this did
not involve any removing of clothes! After watching her, we
all tried this on each other and found it very therapeutic. All
in all, it was a very interesting evening!

Our next event is a Garden Party so fingers crossed for some

lovely weather! 38
An oppo rtunit y t o enjoy the p ark at S trat field Sa ye House
The Country House of the Dukes of Wel lington

By kind permi ssion of Lord and Lad y Dour o

Come and follow a 4.5 mile marked route wi th y ou r family

Finishing with Well ingt on sausages a nd re freshment s

Young children ma y bring bic ycles
Route suitable for pushchairs
Dogs welcome, but on leads please
Tickets cos t £10.00 pe r person or £25.00 per fami ly

Proceeds in aid o f St M ary’s Church, Stratfield Saye

Please apply in advance for tickets to the Estate Office, Stratfield Saye,
Nr Reading RG7 2BT enclosing payment and SAE
Please make cheque payable to ST MARY’S, STRATFIELD SAYE
Name/s …… ……… …… …… … … …… ……… …… …… …… …… … ……
(Please n ame all attendees)

Contact Telep hone Nu mber

Please accept this as a Gift Aid donation to St Mary’s Church PCC,
Stratfield Saye

Name ………………………………… Address ……………………….

As a UK tax-payer, I pay sufficient tax to cover this donation.
Please recover the tax on it. 40

The c urtain is f alling at th e e nd of another

s eason of enjo y men t a nd entert aining f oot ball.
The Club’s Inv itat ion Tourna men t ta kes place
on Sunday 3rd June w hen v is iting c lu bs
des cend upon t he V illage Green to ta ke part in this annual ev ent. The
Clu b’s “ In Ho use” Tour na ment w ill be held on Sunday 1st July on t he
Village Gr een w hen every clu b me mber has the opportu nity t o d is play
his /her skills d uring th is gala ‘fun day’.
The h ighlights of the se ason have been the Under 15 s quad lif tin g the
Pet er House man League Cup, th e Under 11 sq uad f inis hing ‘r unn ers up’
in t he ir league a nd the success of the new ly f ormed Nursery Sect io n.
Under the gu idance and care of St eve A llaw ay, Davide Demic helli and
Barry Brew er, this group has instilled a breat h of f resh air into th e club.
The gro up co nsist ing of some f orty five b oys and girls aged 4½ to 6 years
of age, have been a ptly named the “Lods Tods”, w ith ta le nt w hic h many
of the m already disp lay , t he futur e lifeline of the club is indeed looking
very pro mising.
The c lub’s thanks go t o a l the par ents, co aches and helpers w ho have
often braved the w eather to supp ort a nd he lp the club through the season
ending w ithout your assistanc e our aim to supply foot ball and en jo yment
to s ome tw o hundred p lus boys and g irls w ould not be poss ible.
Anyone in ter ested in jo ining our clu b f or season 2007/2 00 8 can r each me
on 0125 6 8827 98.
Fre d Be rnts en

Co ffee Morning

Thursday 28th June 2007


v o ol a


10.30 to 12.00




By kind p ermissi on of Dr. Dav id & Dr. Audrey Price
in aid of A GE CONCERN
Ju st £1 f or a coffee an d bi scuit

Do com e an d brin g y our friends

Loddon Valley Link Management Committee
Chair m an: Dr . Don ald Daw s on Tel. 8 82 379
De puty Chairm an: Re vd. Bob Pol itt Tel. 8 82 209
Hartley Repre se ntative : Dr . John Will iam s Tel. 8 82705
Str atfie ld Re pr esentative Mr . Eric Price Tel: 8 81402
Sher fie ld Park Rep: Mr Chr is Wr ight Tel: 88 0436
email: c hrisw right@dartw ood.w anado o.co.uk

Se cr etary: Esm e War d

28 Pound Mead ow ,
Sherf ield on Loddon ,
Hoo k RG27 OEP
Te l. 01256 880503
email: geoc.w ard@bt int ernet.co m

Adve rtising: Wins ton Br uce

Ple as e call Wins ton 18 Longbr id ge Close
for all adver tis ing Sherf ie ld on Lodd on
enquir ies . Hook. RG2 7 0DQ
Te l. 0 1256 8 83277
email: w in.bruc e@t isc ali.co.uk

Editor f or the Clair e Osborne

July 2007 edition 47, Warb let on Roa d
Ch ine ha m Basingstoke
NB. The final d ate for RG 24 8 RF
i te ms fo r J uly i ssue is Tel: 01256 324458
Monday 18th June email: guyclair e @ukonlin e.co.uk

Editor f or August/Sept. Shee na Ar cher

double issue & Octo ber 1, Orc hard L ea
Sherf ield on Lod do n,
Hook RG27 0ES
Tel: 01256 882099
e mail: s heenaarcher @bt int ernet.c o m

Editor for the Br ian Arche r

Nove mber 07 & 1 , Orchard Lea
Dec/Jan dou ble is sue Sherfield on Loddon
Hoo k RG27 0 ES
Tel. 01 256 88 20 99
email: brianarcher@bt in terne t.com
Re ctor: Reverend Bob Politt,
33 Northfield Road ,
Sherfield on Loddon. RG27 0DR
Tel. 01256-882209
Kindly note the Rector’s day off is Thursday.

Readers: Mr. Ric hard Elphick Tel. 01256-882860

Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256-882705


Churchwardens: Mrs. Gill Austin Tel. 01256-882364
Mr. Peter Gould Tel. 01256-882538

Trea sure r: Mr. Stephen Hemmings Tel.01256-882523

Orga nists: Mr. Mike Abrams Tel. 01256-881188

Mr. Brian Archer Tel. 01256-882099
Mrs. Peggy Willson Tel. 01256-880503


Churchwarden: Mr. Roy Best Tel. 01189-882422

Trea sure r: Mr Robert Craig Tel: 01256-882253

Orga nist: Mrs. Fran Oliver Tel. 01189-268364


Churchwardens: Mr Pip Iles Tel. 01256-880559
Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256-882705

Trea sure r: Mr. Michael Webster Tel. 01256-882413

Orga nist: Dr. Gill Williams Tel. 01256-882705


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