Newsletter of ST Patrick

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St Patrick’s Church and great drink.


Plumstead really hit the spot! A huge vote of ASSISI was one of Mother
CLERGY thanks goes to The ACE Group Teresa’s favourites. The
Fr. Michael Branch and members of the Polish Missionaries of Charity pray it
Fr. Robert Pachuta Community who managed to raise every day, perhaps we can too.
Rev. Deacon Dave Pease the princely sum of £750 which True prayer changes us for the
PRIEST’S HOUSE: will off-set another chunk from better.
1A CONWAY ROAD our Parish Debt. There are a few “Lord, make me an
events in the pipeline to look instrument of your peace:
Tel: 020 8854 0960
SCHOOL: forward to following the Summer where there is hatred let me
St Patrick’s Primary School recess ranging from the Guides sow love; where there is
Griffin Road hosting a coffee morning every injury, pardon; where there is
London SE18 7QG third Sunday of the month to Zara doubt, faith; where there is
Tel: 020 8854 3881 Ballara putting on an Opera despair, hope; where there is
Headteacher: Mr OP Folkes evening in October. So watch this darkness, light; where there
space! is sadness, joy; Lord, may I
FELICITATIONS to Deacon not so much seek to be
Dave who this Sunday celebrates THINKING AHEAD: September consoled as to console; to be
seventeen years of ordination to will be the month when we will be understood as to understand;
the permanent deaconate. In the beginning the usual preparation to be loved as to love.
10am Mass Deacon Dave will for the various Catechetical Rites Because it is in giving that we
renew his ordination promises. of Passage: RCIA, Confirmation receive, in pardoning that we
We are so blessed to have such a and First Reconciliation and First are pardoned.”
fine pastor in him and give thanks Holy Communion. If you know of
to God for Deacon Dave who anyone who might be interested SUNDAY PLATE: THANK YOU!
brings Jesus to us. Deacon Dave in becoming a Catholic please First Collection: £
writes, “A BIG thank you to the encourage them to join the RCIA. Development Fund: £
clergy past and present and to Application forms will be available
the people of this GREAT PARISH DIARY
in the sacristy of the Church in the MONTH OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD
Parish. Special thanks for all coming weeks. Thanks.
the generosity and help, Saturday 26th July – Vigil of Sunday
friendship and support I have WANTED! If your child made 6 pm Confessions
received during my seventeen 6.30pm Fr Paddy Fox RIP
their First Holy Communion this
Sunday 27th July – 17th in Ord. Time
years as a Deacon here at St year perhaps you would like to 10am Evans Balancy RIP
Pat’s. May God’s Blessing be consider donating their beautiful 6 pm People of the Parish
with you all.” Ad Multos Annos. outfits to the Parish to be re-used 7 pm POLISH MASS
next year by a child less Monday 28th July – Feria
WELCOME BACK to Fr Robert 9 am Ricciardi Family
fortunate. If so, please contact 8-9pm Take & Read (Presbytery)
this coming Thursday after his Anne Grant. Tuesday 29th July–St Martha
well earned break. In addition we 9 am Vera’s Thanks to Church Friends
welcome Fr Piotr Kalicinski, our WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK? Wednesday 30th July – Feria
Missionary Priest who is Fr There will be Children’s Liturgy of 9 am Mary Feeney Get Well
Tomasz’ Parish Priest in South Thursday 31st July – St Ignatius
the Word this Sunday. Also, TAKE
9 am Alice Stokes RIP
Africa. The to priests and Deacon & READ takes place on Monday in Friday 1st August – St Alphonsus
Dave will be taking good care of the Presbytery from 8-9.30pm. All 9 am Holy Souls
you while Fr Michael begins his are welcome. Saturday 2nd August – Our Lady
annual leave this Friday. You will 10am Bridie Lee RIP
6 pm Confessions
be interested to learn that CAFOD SOUTHWARK are 6.30pm People of the Parish
Seminarian James has now looking for suitable volunteers to Sunday 3rd August – 18th in Ord. Time
booked his one way ticket to take the CAFOD message into 10 am Thanksgiving
Jamaica which means he leaves Catholic Schools and Parishes 6 pm Ann McKenzie RIP
our Parish on 4th August. To all of across the Diocese. If you are 7 pm POLISH MASS
the above we give thanks to God. interested, please call Christine
Bryant or Paul Whittle on 01322
ACE IS ACE: A couple of 294 924 or email
Saturdays ago, the ACE Group [email protected] to
organised a wonderful family discuss how you can help.
disco in the School Hall on
Conway Road with delicious food

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