March 31st 2024

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Welcome to Queen of All Saints Parish

March 31st 2024, Easter Sunday

Mass Schedule—Heures des Messes
Monday 9:30 a.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole Saturday 4:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s
Tuesday 7:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s Sunday 9:00 a.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole
Wednesday 4:00 p.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole (French) 11:00 a.m. St. Augustine’s
Thursday 1:00 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy 4:00 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy
Friday 12:00 noon St. Augustine’s 7:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s

First Saturday of the month Mass is celebrated each month at 10:00am

St. Augustine’s Church / Confessions available.


Saint Lawrence O’Toole Mondays 10:00am to 12:00noon
St. Augustine’s Wednesdays 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Our Lady of Mercy Thursdays 11:00am to 1:00pm

Monday Acts 2:14, 22-33; Matthew 28:8-15

Tuesday Acts 2:36-41; John 20:11-18
Wednesday Acts 3:1-10; Luke 24:13-35
Thursday Acts 3:11-26; Luke 24:35-48
Friday Acts 4:1-12; John 21:1-14
Saturday Acts 4:13-21; Mark 16:9-15
Sunday Second Sunday of Easter: Acts 4:32-35; 1 John 5:1-6; John 20:19-31

The Parish office will be Closed

Monday April 1st

Mass Intentions for St. Augustine’s and Saint Lawrence O’Toole can be
scheduled by calling the parish office during regular office hours
Monday to Friday. For Our Lady of Mercy call Josephine at
506-871-9508. The cost is $15.00 per intention.

Thank you for your generosity!

St. Augustine’s: Envelopes: $2,299.50 (93 env.); Loose: $1,852.00; Building Fund: $15.00 (2 env.);
Wedding Fees: $60.00; Beaverbrook School: $1,630.00 (3 donations); Candles: $141.90; Easter Flowers:
$15.00; Share Lent: $264.50 (13 env.); Mass Intention: $15.00; Funerals: $500.00; Lent Retreat: $2957.30;
Pre-Authorized: $805.00 (15 env.).

Saint Lawrence O’Toole: Envelopes: $612.40 (26 env.); Loose: $48.00; Development and Peace: $30.00;
Good Friday / Hospital Chaplains: $25.00; Pre-Authorized: $155.00 (6env.).

Our Lady of Mercy: Envelopes: $480.00 (19 env.); Loose: $387.20;

Community Garden: $25.00; Kitchen Renos: $90.00; Easter Flowers:
$120.00; Poor Box: $25.00.
Sat 30 8:00pm St.A Late Joe Longphee Family
8:00pm OLM Aldo & Gialomina Cuzzolino Daughter Silvana
Sun 31 9:00am SLOT Edgar and Rita Cormier Al and Shirley Baglole
11:00am St.A Late Brian Savoie Lorraine Bond-Wojcicki
11:00am OLM Dora and Umberto Taraschi Lorena Taraschi
7:00pm St.A Helen Layden Parishioner
Mon 1 9:30am SLOT Late Doris Lirette Linda and Gerald Roy
Tues 2 7:00pm St.A Late David Eugene Predergast Parishioner
Wed 3 4:00pm SLOT Jaret and Caitlyn Gary and Delina Girouard
Thurs 4 1:00pm OLM Desire Vandenburghe Daughter Josephine
Fri 5 12:00noon St.A Late Agnes Rafferty Family
Sat 6 4:00pm St.A Anita Longbal Lee and Leana Tamburri
Sun 7 9:00am SLOT Josh Despres Laurel Cliff
11:00am St.A Late Desire Lirette Rita Landry and Family
4:00pm OLM Omer Cormier Bernard and Chantal Cormier
7:00pm St.A Late Doris Lirette Rosette Fontaine

We pray for the sick including

Norman & Pauline Gagnon, Harvey Gagnon, Don Richard, Anita Longbal
We also pray for those who have died including
Joan Cormier
And for those who mourn the loss of a loved one.

Dear Friends in Christ, It is with great joy that I celebrate

with you this sacred and holy season.

With these words I opened my Easter greetings to
you last year, really as we were coming out of the
pandemic lockdowns. I was so proud of everyone, We had
come out stronger than when we went in. God had worked
wonderfully through His Church.
He hasn’t stopped!
Basking in the glow of Father Mark Cherry’s Lenten
Mission, I am overwhelmed by the love and commitment
of our community’s faith. Prayer and service are such
powerful hallmarks of a healthy church. We are blessed to have been granted the graces to have
both vigorously expressed in our communities.
I was speaking with someone the other day about how there had been so many lean years in
our churches, but the faith of the people and the hard work that was needed to keep things going
has brought us to this blossoming of the faith. We are Easter people; but there is no Easter without
Good Friday. Let us continue
On behalf of Father Damian and myself, I wish you a Holy Easter, I wish you the blessings that
come from a complete immersion into Holy Week.
God Bless All of You,
Fr. Angus Johnston
Faith Development / Family Catechism
St. Augustine’s
Please note that your family must be pre-registered in order to attend any
of the sessions. Use the door at the top of the stairs in the parking lot.

Level 1-3 (age 6-8)

Session #14 Sunday April 7th - 9:30am Group A 12:15pm Group B
Session #15 Sunday April 21st - 9:30am Group A 12:15pm Group B
Session #16 Sunday May 5th - 9:30am Group A 12:15pm Group B
Level 4-6 (age 9-11)
Session #13 Monday Mar. 25th - 6:30pm Group C Tuesday Mar. 26th - 6:30pm Group D
Session #14 Monday April 8th - 6:30pm Group C Tuesday April 9th - 6:30pm Group D
Session #15 Monday April 22nd - 6:30pm Group C Tuesday April 23rd - 6:30pm Group D
Session #16 Monday May 6th - 6:30pm Group C Tuesday May 7th - 6:30pm Group D


at 10:00am April 7th, April 21st, May 26th.

Please keep our confirmation candidates in your prayers as

they prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation
at the 4:00 pm liturgy Saturday, April 13th.

Throughout Lent, parishioners at St Augustine’s

have watched the
grow. Youth from levels 4, 5 and 6 have made a difference to
almost 300 friends, neighbors, family members and
classmates through their activities related to the
Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
We are overwhelmed and so proud of how well these
youngsters Embraced this project.

Eileen, coordinator,
Ed, Karen, Susan - 4, 5, 6 helpers

Congratulations to all who received initiation sacraments at the
Easter Vigil or will be initiated in this Easter season.
May God continue to guide you on your journey, and may you walk
always in the peace and joy that this Easter season brings.
Please know that as you continue your walk of faith
you are always in our prayers.
OUR LADY OF MERCY: Our next baptism preparation course will be held on Saturday
April 6th and Saturday April 13 at 1:00pm in the Church Basement. Pre-Registration is
required. For more information please contact Brenda Kent Baptism Co-ordinator at

Catechism for all ages are on the following Sundays

Sunday, April 7th at 3:00pm Catechism for all ages.

Saturday, April 13th at 4:00pm Mass, Confirmation at (St. Augustine’s).
Rehearsal for Confirmation will be held Wednesday April 10th at 6:30pm
(St. Augustine’s).
Sunday, April 21st at 3:00pm catechism for all ages, first confession,
special session with Fr. Angus.
Sunday, May 5th at 3:00pm catechism for all ages, 1st Communion, special session with Fr. Angus
Sunday, May 12th at 4:00pm 1st Communion for all who are prepared.

Call 506-531-0252 to register or email: [email protected].

A Special Journey Is your spiritual life in need of renewal? Are you ready to
embark on a spiritual journey? Look no further: we have the perfect experience for you!
You are cordially invited to attend a 7 - week journey beginning April 8th, 2024! Where?
Holy Family Church, 52 Falkland Drive, Moncton When? 7 -9 pm Cost: $15.00. This
is a life-changing experience that will increase your faith, bring joy to your heart, and fill
you with a new understanding of the Holy Spirit and His role in your life. This experience
is enhanced with music, praise, scripture, and friendship. Do plan on embarking on this faith–filling journey
with us. Contact: Donna Babineau 506-386-2072 or Roberta Brine 506-386-5175

A very special Thank you to our environment committees for beautifully

decorating our Churches for the Easter Season and to the music ministry
and all who participated in any way to help at our Triduum,
Easter celebrations. It is greatly appreciated.
Fr. Angus Johnston

Divine Mercy Novena at St. Bernard’s Church, 43 Botsford Street

All are welcome!
Day 1: March 29, 12:00 Noon (Parish Hall) Day 6: April 3, 6:30 PM (Main Church)
Day 2: March 30, 12:00 Noon (Parish Hall) Day 7: April 4, 6:30 PM (Main Church)
Day 3: March 31, 2:30 PM (Main Church) Day 8: April 5, 6:30 PM (Main Church)
Day 4: April 1, 6:30 PM (Main Church) Day 9: April 6, 2:30 PM (Main Church)
Day 5: April 2, 6:30 PM (Main Church)
*Feast of the Divine Mercy: April 7, 2:30 PM (Main Church)

Two upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends in 2024 in the

Atlantic Regions: April 26-28, 2024 at Our Lady of Hope Retreat Centre in
Stanley Bridge PEI and the next one September 27-29, 2024 at
Villa Madonna in Rothesay NB. Questions?
Call (902) 626-8875 [email protected] Ron and Joanne Arsenault, R1
Atlantic Canada Leaders (506) 451-8489
Trevor Droesbeck 857-4879
[email protected]
Karen Leblanc 387-4198
[email protected]


Parish Catechetical Coordinators - May 22nd at 6:00 PM, Immaculate Heart of Mary
End of Life Pastoral Care Committee – April 18th at 10:30 AM, Immaculate Heart of Mary
Adult Faith Commission – April 23rd at 7:00 PM, Immaculate Heart of Mary
R.C.I.A. FORMATION WITH CATHERINE ECKER We will be offering a series of four virtual formation ses-
sions (Via Zoom) on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.), facilitated by Catherine Ecker. Cathe-
rine joins us from the Archdiocese of Toronto, Ontario where she currently serves as the Coordinator of Min-
istry with Maturing Adults and Parish Catechist at St. Mary's Parish. She is also a lead Canadian expert in
Christian Initiation and has co-authored the Alive in the Spirit! confirmation preparation program for young
people. Sessions will take place on April 22nd, April 29th, May 6th, and May 13th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
To register visit → Pastoral Offices → Adult Faith → Formation
Opportunities. For more information contact Trevor at 857-4879 or email [email protected]
THEOLOGY ON TAP Our next Theology on Tap will take place on Monday, April 22nd (Earth Day), when we
will be joined by Sr. Denise Lirette, fj who will give a presentation entitled “My Faith Journey: From Sky God
to God Consciousness at the Heart of the Cosmos.” The event will take place at Mai Asian Restaurant (1909
Mountain Road, Moncton) at 6:30 pm. To register visit → Pastoral Offices → Adult Faith
→ Formation Opportunities. For more information contact Karen LeBlanc at 387-4198 or email
[email protected].
Welcome to SENIORS CONNECT A safe space for Seniors to gather, socialize, learn about, and discuss issues related
to aging in New Brunswick. Our next gathering will take place on Thursday April 11th at 10:30 am at Holy Family
Church, 52 Falkland St. Moncton. An avid gardener will be speaking to us about benefits of gardening. She will also
instruct us on container gardening inside on a window ledge, our balcony and our backyard. We ask that you bring your
favorite pot to plant a little something in it. Questions? Contact Karen LeBlanc at 387-4198 or email
[email protected]
Catholic Bishops is offering an eight-part webinar series on prayer, facilitated by Dr. Josephine Lombardi (St. Au-
gustine’s Seminary). There will be one four-part webinar series in the spring (information below) and one four-part webi-
nar series in the fall (details TBA). The Jubilee Office in Rome has prepared a series of booklets on prayer, the themes
of which will be taken up during the webinar series. This will enable the faithful one meaningful way to participate in the
Year of Prayer, which was announced by Pope Francis on January 21 st, 2024.

1. Tuesday, April 2 (1:00 – 2:30 pm EDT): Why did Jesus address God as Father?
2. Tuesday, April 9 (1:00 – 2:30 pm EDT): Seeking God’s Kingdom and Knowing God’s Will
3. Tuesday, April 23 (1:00 – 2:30 pm EDT): Daily Bread and the Gift of Forgiveness
4. Tuesday, April 30 (1:00 – 2:30 pm EDT): Managing Trials and Resisting Evil
Contact Trevor at 857-4879 or [email protected] for information on how to register.

Spring into action. Donate blood and save lives.

Spring is the season of new beginnings, and your blood
donation could be a patient’s new beginning.
Donate blood:
Monday April 1st 3:00pm to 8:00m. Please help us fill appointments this Easter. Moncton
Centre 500 Mapleton Rd. Book at or call 1-888-2-DONATE.
The beautiful Easter Flowers adorning
our Churches are in loving memory of ….

St. Augustine’s

In Memory of Bernie Boyle –from Family

In Memory of Alberto Amante – Caitly and Aria Enriquez
In Memory of Manuel Baculio & Luz Baculio – from Maribel and Ramon Rodas
In Memory of Andres Rodas & Irenea Rodas – from Maribel and Ramon Rodas
In Memory of Alfred and Margaret Morgan – from Mick and Rosy Weightman
In Memory of William and Patricia Weightman – from Mick and Rosy Weightman
In Memory of Ma Corazon Amante – from Emma, Agatha & Gabie Amante
In Memory of Roy and Laura Day – from Family
In Memory of Bazil Lund—from Madge Lund and Family
In Memory of Rodolfo A. Amante—from Francis and Lucky
In Memory of Don & Anne Lahanky and deceased family members – from children
and family

St. Lawrence O’Toole

In Memory of Edgar and Rita Cormier – from Al and Shirley Baglole

In Memory of Marie-Celine Thebeau – from Alfred Thebeau

Our Lady of Mercy

In Memory of Aldo Gialomina Cuzzolino, Mary
Cuzzolino, Matteo Curcio - from Silvana
In Memory of Dorice Miller & Troy Savard -
from Frank & Gloria Savard
In Memory of MacNeil & Gautreau Families- from
Paul & Anne Marie MacNeil
In Memory of Bernie and Dot Doiron -
from Ann Doiron
In Memory of Felicitas Tagay & Angelo DeMayo -
from Precy
In Memory of Marie-Lea LeBlanc –from family
In Memory of Marie-Lea LeBlanc -from Odette
& family
In Memory of Desire, Lucy & Emile
Vandenburghe, Robert Van Snick –from Josephine
In Memory of John & Eileen Sullivan & Ted &
Joan Blakney –from Judy & Mike Sullivan
Queen of All Saints International Outreach

In 2011 civil war erupted in Syria that forced millions of its citizens to flee their homes in
search of safety. By 2014, as the war continued its devastation, the world had to deal with the larg-
est refugee crises in its recorded history. Overwhelmed relief organizations called on world govern-
ments to give the growing number of refugees a safe haven. The Canadian government heeded the
call, and asked its citizens to help. After attending a public information session in Moncton, a few
Queen of All Saints parishioners felt that this was a way for our parish to fulfill their baptismal call “to
be Christ for one another” and committed to sponsoring a Syrian family in need. Within months
funds were raised, household necessities were collected and volunteers had committed to help the
family ease into a new life in Moncton. They welcomed this family in January 2016. Their efforts to
raise funds and household sundries was so successful, they realized they had enough to sponsor
another family. This new family arrived in November 2018.
Since that initial effort the International Outreach Committee of Queen of All Saints was
formed. It has continued to help refugees from Syria, Iran, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea,
Sudan and most recently Afghanistan, by screening applications, helping families collect and submit
required official documents, collecting household supplies, raising funds, and helping newly arrived
families adjust to the culture and climate of NB and to navigate through government, medical and
educational agencies.
The need to provide a safe and healthy home for refugees has continued to grow. The UN
has estimated that over 115 million people worldwide are presently displaced from their homes be-
cause of violence, conflict, persecution or economic and environmental disasters. Our QAS Interna-
tional Outreach Committee continues to try and help some of those in need, but would like to ask
the parish for help in their efforts.
At present, there is a family of 3 young girls/women and one brother who have had to flee the
Taliban regime in Afghanistan. After months of difficult and dangerous travels, they will be arriving
soon in Moncton, and the committee is still in need of funds and household basics (furniture and
kitchenware) to help settle them here in safety.
Thank you to all who have already assisted and donated to this cause.

For more information on what this committee does and how you can help, please contact
Bill Black 506-850-8215

URGENT NEEDS: 1. funding – $30,000.00. Cash in an envelope marked QAS,

Cheques to QAS international outreach. Tax receipts upon request.
2. furniture – for family of 6 arriving from Saudi Arabia May 7th
3. Household items: small appliances, linens, bedding etc.
4. Storage – dry, clean location where large items can be stored until needed

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