Masses of The Week: Second Sunday of Easter Divine Mercy Sunday

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Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 2

“…whatever you did for one of these

Masses of the Week least brothers of mine, you did for me.”
(Mt 25:40)
Saturday, April 30th
8:30 a.m. Weekly Memorial Mass Dear Parishioners,
5:00 p.m. Jacob Yaeger and Virginia Y. Higgins Our recent efforts to collect funds for
Japan Relief were very successful. The Academy
Sunday, May 1st
raised $1,175 by selling Palm Crosses and the
Second Sunday of Easter Second Collection totals $5,421 up to now. All
Divine Mercy Sunday these funds are being sent to Catholic Relief
7:30 a.m. Raymond Pasquale, req. his family Services to be used to help our Neighbors in
9:00 a.m. Marie Urbano, req. Susan Pocaro Japan.
10:30 a.m. Jane Myers, req. The Aresco Family
The final totals are $14,449 for our snow
12:00 p.m. Anthony Velez, req. The Nowicki
collection and $5,705 for the Archdiocesan
Retired Priest collection.
Monday, May 2nd The Preliminary count for the Easter
7:00 a.m. For the People of the Parish and all Collection is $55,282.
their intentions Thank you for your generosity.
12:10 p.m. Louis, Frances and Chip Masterbone,
req. Theresa Zappulla Fr. Bill
Tuesday, May 3
7:00 a.m. Mary Carlin, req. Barbara McMahon Stewardship Report for March
12:10 p.m. Elvira and Salvatore Madonna, req.
their children Collections (4 Sundays) = $53,209
th Net available for use after
Wednesday, May 4
Archdiocesan Assessment = $47,356
7:00 a.m. Eugenia Mizzoni, req. Grace
Avg. Sunday Envelope
12:10 p.m. Catherine F. Donohue, req.
Donations = $11,972
Wednesday SCC Prayer Group
Avg. Loose Cash = $ 1,330
Thursday, May 5th Avg. # of Envelopes Used
7:00 a.m. Angela Kull, req. Rosemarie Lafiosca Weekly = 476
12:10 p.m. Joseph Dill, req. Virginia Dill Avg. Donation per Envelope= $25.15
Friday, May 6th
Thank you for your donations and your Stewardship
7:00 a.m. Madelyn Allocco, req. Joe and Rose
Marie La Bella and family
11:00 a.m. For the intentions of the staff and Please Come on May 6th for
families of The Academy of Our Lady
of Peace Eucharistic Adoration
12:10 p.m. Anna and Carmine Mastrobuono, req.
Theresa Zappulla May 6th is the first Friday of the month.
Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the church
Saturday, May 7th starting after the 12:10 PM Mass and continuing
8:30 a.m. Weekly Memorial Mass until 9 PM with a Holy Hour between 8 PM and
5:00 p.m. For the intentions of the Mothers and 9 PM. Why not take this opportunity to spend some
Women of the parish quiet time in prayer and thank God for all the
Sunday, May 8th blessings He continues to give us.
Third Sunday of Easter All are welcome whether you come alone or with
7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. family and friends. Thank you for signing the
Today’s Masses will be celebrated for the intentions attendance book which will be placed on the table at
of the Mothers and Women of the parish. the entrance of the church closest to the rectory.
Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 3

Calendar of Parish Activities Sunday, May 8th

Mother’s Day Plant Sale
The Week of May 1, 2011 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Church parking Lot
First Eucharist will be received at the
Sunday, May 1st 10:30 a.m. Mass today
First Eucharist will be received at the 10:00 a.m. R.C.I.A., Parish Library
9:00 a.m. and 12 noon Masses today 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. High School Youth Group,
9:00 a.m. Children’s Liturgy, church PH/K/A
10:00 a.m. R.C.I.A., Parish Library
10:00 a.m. Welcome Coffee And…, PH/K
10:30 a.m. Following Mass, recitation of the
Welcoming Committee News
Rosary by the Rosary Altar As a parish, we will be welcoming the
Society following new parishioners during the 9:00 a.m.
2:00 p.m. Baptisms, church Mass this Sunday, May 1, 2011.
7:00 – 9:00 p.m. High School Youth Group,
PH/K/A David and Michele Posehn and family, Jo-Ann
Monday, May 2 nd Mercado, Armando and Nancy Lugo and family
The Academy of Our Lady of Peace Reopens Today Please be sure to attend this mass and then
7:30 p.m. Rosary Altar Society Living come join us in the Parish Hall for coffee and
Rosary, church followed by their goodies to celebrate the welcoming of our newest
May Crowning and General
Meeting, PH/K
Tuesday, May 3rd
7:00 p.m. A Quick Journey through the Bible Scriptural Readings
Wednesday, May 4
Series, PH
th for the Week of May 1st
6:40 p.m. A of OLP Cub Scout Den
Meeting, CAF Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday
7:30 p.m. Country Fair Planning Meeting, Acts 2:42-47; 1 Pt 1:3-9; Jn 20:19-31
PH/K Monday
Thursday, May 5th Acts 4:23-31; Jn 3:1-8
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Holy Hour of Reparation to the
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Church
1 Cor 15:1-8; Jn 14:6-14
3:00 – 4:45 p.m. A of OLP 7th Grade Girl Scouts,
rectory basement Wednesday
7:00 – 8:30 p.m. A of OLP Bear Den Meeting, CAF Acts 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21
Friday, May 6 Thursday
11:00 a.m. A of OLP First Friday Mass, Acts 5:27-33; Jn 3:31-36
12:30 p.m. A of OLP early dismissal First Friday
7:30 – 10:00 p.m. A of OLP Student Council Dance, Acts 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15
A/K First Saturday
Saturday, May 7th Acts 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21
Mothers’ Day Plant Sale
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. - Church Parking Lot Food Pantry Items of the Week
9:00 – 10:00 a.m. First Eucharist practice for May 8th
– 10:30 a.m. Mass, church Our supplies of canned beans (all varieties
4:00 – 6:00 p.m. 8th Grade Confirmation Candidates including Baked Beans) and clothes and laundry
Rite of Service, A/church detergents are very low. Your donations to our
(Candidates will be attending the Food Pantry are truly appreciated.
5:00 p.m. Mass)
Thank you very much!
Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 4

Relatives and Friends Cooking for Our Priests

Who Need Our Prayers Because the rectory no longer employs a cook,
Please pray especially for the following people Father Bill is asking parishioners to help by
who have recently been added to our prayer list: cooking meals for Fr.'s Bill, Charlie and Philip on
Joanne Madonna Morse, Marge Margiotta, Jeff Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each
Cotugno, Charles DiLemme, James Verducci, week. If you would like to help, you may start the
Marion Pencinger, Jason C., Sr. Mary LaReina registration process at
Kelly, Brigida Espinal, Annette Fiorilli, Marian
Coleman, Pam Stewart, Julia Redling, Anthony by entering your email address under “Interested
Gheselli and eight special intentions. in becoming a member of this community?” Once
Let us also pray for the men and women who are you are registered, you may sign up for dates to
serving in our military in particular those who are cook. If you do not have access to a computer and
from our parish: would like to contribute, please call Sue Janazzo
o PFC. Joseph Robert Pecca - Korea at 908 464-3896.
o 2LT. Kyle R. Lee, Army - Iraq Lotsa Helping Hands™ is an easy-to-use,
o 2LT. Charlie Law, Army - Iraq private group calendar, specifically designed for
o CPL. Gerald Squirlock Jr., Army – Afghanistan organizing helpers. On your scheduled date, we
o Lance CPL. Christopher Sodano, Marines - ask that you deliver a well-balanced, nutritious
Afghanistan meal for three (people not armies) to the rectory
We received word that LT. John Michael office by 5:00 p.m. No desserts please.
Elefante has returned from Iraq. Thank you for your Thank you.
Also, please remember our dearly departed relatives
and friends who have passed away recently especially
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
Michael Rubino There will be a Fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner for a
May they rest in peace. needy resident of New Providence who is suffering
Please remember that there is a special intention from cancer on Saturday, May 7th beginning at 4:00
book located in the Baptistery of the church. Your p.m. at The William Paca Club on 1st Steet (off
intention can be written in it and prayed for during Livingston Ave.) in New Providence.
the Masses that are said at Our Lady of Peace. Dinner prices are: Adults $20, Senior Citizens
$15, Children (8 and up) $10 and Children (under 8)
are free. Take outs are available but please bring
Mass and Anointing of the your own containers.
Sick and Elderly Please come and support our neighbor!

There will be a special Mass and the Sacrament

of Anointing for the Sick and Elderly on Senior Health Fair
Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 11:00 p.m. The
There will be free Medical Screenings for seniors
sacrament is the means by which Christ gives
on Wednesday, May 11th from 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. at
comfort and strength to the soul and sometimes to
the New Providence Senior Center at 15 East 4th
the body. This Mass will be a wonderful
Street. A variety of health screenings will be
opportunity to ask the Lord for His strength, His
healing and His grace.
Please note: a Blood Chemistry Screening is also
Following the Mass, light refreshments will be
available and requires that you are a resident of New
served in the Parish Hall. All are encouraged to
Providence, age 62 or older and that you pre-register
take advantage of this opportunity to visit with those
at the NP Senior Center through May 9th. This blood
who attended the Mass.
test also requires a 12 hour fast. For more details,
If you need transportation to church for this
please call the NP Health Nurse at 908-464-7308 or
special Mass, please contact Joanne at the Rectory
the NP Senior Center at 908-665-0046.
Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 5

The Academy
of Our Lady
of Peace News

Annual Country Fair New Summer Enrichment Camps

May 18th, 19th, 20th & 21st Now Offered at The Academy
The Academy of Our Lady of Peace proudly
Ride Tickets Now on Sale announces its new “Panther Camp” Summer
Country Fair Rides are now on sale at the Enrichment Program. The program is comprised of 5
Rectory Office. A sheet of 30 tickets costs $20. camps offered for children in grades 4-9, and 2
additional camps for younger students. In keeping
This is the best price of the season. (Once the
with the Academy’s mission to inspire each student
Country Fair opens, the best price when
to achieve their personal best, The Academy Panther
purchasing in bulk will be $1.00 each).
Camp will offer a range of programs including
 athletics, robotics, fine arts and leadership.
Please Return Your The 2011 Summer Enrichment program for
children in grades 4-8 / 5-9 will include: Volleyball
50/50 Raffle Tickets Camp - offering daily drills and scrimmages to
We want to thank those who have already prepare the camper for the next volleyball season;
purchased and returned Country Fair 50/50 Raffle Character and Leadership - focusing on building
Tickets. If you are planning to buy your tickets, character and self-confidence, developing leadership
please return them as soon as possible to the rectory and presentations skills; Art Camp - offering four
office. challenging projects in painting, printmaking and
50/50 Raffle Tickets can be purchased at the more; Robotics Camp - based on the First Lego
rectory office before the Fair opens then at the League Robotics Guidelines, children will build a
Raffle Tickets booth on the Fair grounds once the robot, learn team-building and programming skills.
Fair begins!
The Panther Camp Summer Program will include
the following camps for younger children: Little
Bakers Needed! Panther Camp - For ages 3-6, this program offers
Volunteers are needed to bake cupcakes, cookies, four different weekly experiences including
brownies, pies, cakes or your own specialty treats Dinosaurs, Stories Around the World, Sports and
during our Country Fair. Please label what your Games, and Out of This World; and Art Camp -
baked item is and if it contains nuts. You can bring Offered to grades 1-4, this camp will explore the
your baked items directly to the gym during the Fair. work of Eric Carle and will highlight techniques
Thank you in advance for your efforts and creativity! such as collage and printmaking. Experienced
accredited teachers and coaches will guide your
Country Fair New Gifts Table children through a fun-filled week which will surely
enrich your child. Children from all schools and
Seeking new unused gifts and household items communities are welcome to attend.
for our Country Fair New Gifts Table. Please bring
these little treasures to the rectory between now and The Panther Camp Summer Program will run
May 8th. You can feel good that your donation will from late June through the end of July. Classes held
help your parish through the efforts of the Country in air conditioned rooms.
Fair. Someone will love them. Thank you for your For more information, please visit the Academy
generosity. website at, or contact
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE LAST DAY Tina McDonough at (908) 464-8657 x11 or at
Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 6

Rosary Altar Society News

The Living Rosary
Please join the Rosary Altar Society’s “Living
Rosary” in the church on Monday, May 2nd at 7:30
p.m. Everyone is invited to attend and participate.
2011-2012 Leadership Team Info Meeting on The Society’s May Crowning of the Blessed
Sunday, May 1st from 6-7pm in the Parish Hall.
Mother and general meeting will take place in the
Attendance is required. Contact Tracey with any
concerns. Parish Hall immediately following the Living
Rosary. Refreshments will be served.
Our next gathering is Sunday, May 1st from 7-9pm in
the Parish Hall. Anyone in grades 9-12 are welcome to
attend. Hope to see you there! Marriage Anniversary Masses
*Find information on these, and other upcoming The Archdiocese will celebrate anniversary Masses
events on commemorating special years for couples. On June 5,
Facebook – OLP Youth Ministry! 2011 couples celebrating 50 years of marriage or more
are invited to the Cathedral at 3:00 p.m. for Mass with
Honor Our Lady the Archbishop (the registration deadline is Friday,
May 27th). On June 12, 2011, couples celebrating 25
Pray for Peace years and 5 years of marriage are invited to the
Rosary Shrine Pilgrimage Cathedral for Mass with the Archbishop at 3:00 p.m.
(the registration deadline is Friday, June 3rd).
Sunday, May 8th at 3:00 p.m. Please contact Joanne at the rectory office to
Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of The Annual register.
Mary Rosary Pilgrimage honoring Mary the Mother
of God will be held on Sunday, May 8th at 3:00 p.m. Mount St. Mary’s House of Prayer
at the Rosary Shrine on Springfield Ave. Summit. Watchung, NJ
Included in the Holy Hour will be the recitation of
the Rosary, procession, May Crowning, sermon and Summer Spa for the Spirit
Benediction. Put on Your Seeing Glasses
For more information please contact the Rosary Consider the world today through the practice of
Shrine – Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary icon seeing – Wed. June 15th - 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. $25.
543 Springfield Ave. Summit, NJ at 908-273-1228 Presented by May-Paula Cancienne, RSM
or God’s Imprint – Imprinting God!
Enjoy praying and playing with clay as you reflect
on God’s presence in our world and on ourselves.
Annulment Information Evening Bring your own lunch. Materials provided. No art
An Annulment Information Evening is scheduled experience needed. Sat. July 9th - 9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
for Wednesday, May 11, 2011. A Canon lawyer $45 Presented Tina Geiger RSM
from the Archdiocese of Newark will discuss the The Gospel of John: Jesus, His Family and
most recent theology, guidelines and requirements Friends
for obtaining a Church annulment. The information Encounter the biblical person of Jesus as the
will be presented in terms that all can understand. A Evangelist John reveals Jesus’ love for his family and
question and answer period will conclude the friends. Wed. July 13th - 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. $25
session. Pre-registration is not necessary. This Presented by Judith Schubert, RSM, PhD
evening of information will be held at Our Lady of Put on Your Own Oxygen Mask First!
the Blessed Sacrament (Founders’ Hall) 28 Stress is always with us! Come learn how to
Livingston Ave., Roseland, at 7:30 p.m. manage stress from a spiritual perspective. Includes
For additional information, please call the Office prayer, breath work and yoga. Wed. Aug. 10th - 7:00 –
of Family Life Ministries at 973-497-4327. 9:30 p.m. $25 Presented by Theresa Palmer
Pre-registration is necessary – call 908-753-2091
Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 7

May God Bless Our Parish Children Making Their

First Eucharist This Sunday
May 1, 2011

9:00 a.m. Mass

Marcello Boccellari Aisling Kruger
Zachary Daly Connor Lawton
Sean Dillon Ethan Neidich
April Doyle Joseph Pick
Bethany Frith Samuel John Ransom
Ethan Guarriello Paola A. Salazar
Peyton Nicholas Hopeck William Tselepis

12:00 Noon Mass

Patrick Brett Christian Xavier Nowicki
Christopher Buerle Kayla Pallotto
Jane Carlson Mitchell Ping
Kyle Cheung Kyra Pitarresi
Alex Delargy Matthew Regan
Aidan Donnelly Nina Rhines
Emily Veronica Evers Olivia Rose Rittenhouse
Grace Finnegan John Robertson
Camille Fournier-Ruiz Elizabeth Rucki
John Goceljak Nina Suske
Jonathan Izzo Corvin Terzo
Nicole Jankowski Olivia Torsiello
Emily Kapp Daniel Vislocky
Catherine Keating Alyssa Weber
Michelle Kodua Aidan West
Matthew Mazzuca Nathan Woodby
Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 8

Pastoral Council
Meeting Minutes March 16, 2011

Meeting attendees: Father Bill, Fred Cowburn, Karen Dreitlein, Pat Jackson & Jerry

Opening Prayer: Pat Jackson

Old Business:
No response to the request for new members and the replacement of open positions on
the Pastoral Council.

New Business:

Council members reflected on the pre-Lenten parish mission and were very pleased
with the attendance on all four nights especially Sunday night considering the weather.

Father Bill stated that next year’s mission presenter was already signed up. He
requested suggestion for speakers for 2013.

The snow plowing special collection yielded about $13,500. The two collections (Retired
Priests & Father Sullivan) taken on Ash Wednesday yielded about $5,300 each.

A suggestion was offered to conduct a ministry fair on a Sunday in the fall for the
purpose of exposing the ministries to the general parish community, especially those
who are new to the parish.

Pastor’s Report:

Work is progressing nicely on the rectory kitchen.

The church roof leaks and will be repaired.
The carpet will be replaced in the parish hall
The gym will be getting a make over in late August
A sign has been ordered and will be put up in the field on the north side of the property
entitled “Academy of Our Lady of Peace Athletic Field”
In May, Father Dente will conduct a presentation on the “new” missal to the Eucharistic
ministers and lectures

We are honored to have two parishioners who will be ordained as permanent deacons
on May 21st. They will preside at the 12:00 mass on May 22, 2011.

Closing Prayer: Jerry Russo

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM

Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 9

From The
The Have you thought about sharing your love of our
Catechetical Office Catholic faith with the children of our parish?
Catechists are needed for the following grades:
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Thursdays, 3:30 – 4:15 pm: Grade 3 or 5
REGISTRATION Wednesdays, 7:15 – 8:30 pm: Grade 8
We provide training and the materials you will need.
Registration for fall sessions is now in progress. Call Carol Skrocki, Pastoral Associate for
Religious Education registration packets for Catechetics at 908-464-8156. It’s a great way to
September 2011/2012 have been mailed to families learn more about your faith as you share with the
of current students. Additional packets and children. Baby sitting service is offered for younger
information are on the tables in the back of the children of catechists.
church for families with children new to the program.
All Catholic children attending public schools should FIRST EUCHARIST
attend religious education classes so that they may be Please remember to keep our First Eucharist
well grounded in our faith and be prepared for the Children and their families in your prayer.
sacraments. You may either mail your completed
Blessings on a First Eucharist
forms to the Catechetical Office or drop them off at
our Office located in the rectory. It helps us greatly if
As these children approach your Holy Supper for
you register before June 15. It enables us to take the first time, grant them your protection, O
advantage of early order vendor discounts, and to Lord. Strengthen them in faith, and prepare
prepare for the fall over the quieter summer months. them for your way of love.
May Jesus and Mary take their hand and lead
Registration for First Grade the way as they come to the Holy Table. May
Don’t delay registering your young one. Our First these children, and we, never lack for daily
Reconciliation and Eucharist preparation begins in bread and drink. May we always be fully fed on
grade one. Children generally receive First
God’s love and find His love forever satisfying.
Reconciliation in the second grade and First
Communion in the third grade after they have
May God in heaven bless these children on this
experienced full preparation during those three years. day and always. Amen.

Call or visit the Catechetical Office with any

questions. (908-464-8156) The Catechetical Office is
located in the Rectory and is open from 9:00 am to
3:00 pm daily. Other hours are available by

Kindergarten Sessions We are in the process of tallying the generous

Our Lady of Peace parish also offers religious donations given for our parish Lenten project,
education for kindergarten aged children at a reduced Operation Starfish, and will publish the results as
fee. Kindergarten classes are not ‘required’ but soon we combine the amounts from the Religious
parents often want their children to begin classes at Education Program, Academy of OLP and OLP
this age. Please call the Catechetical Office at 908- parishioners. While it is too soon to report an exact
464-8156 for information. number, we are approaching the $3,200 needed to
sponsor a modest home with a latrine for a homeless
THE EASTER SEASON family in Haiti.
Did you know that Easter is not just one day, but a
‘season’ of fifty days? The Easter Season begins If you have not as yet submitted your donation,
with the Easter Vigil and concludes on Pentecost please drop it off at the Rectory desk or place it in the
Sunday, June 12 this year. It is a joyous time when collection basket next weekend. Please be sure to
we celebrate Christ’s resurrection and ascension, the note “Operation Starfish” in the note box on your
coming of the Holy Spirit, and the beginning of the check.
Church. This is a time of rejoicing, when Alleluia is This project is sponsored by Food for the Poor, and
sung with heartfelt emotion! you can check them out at
Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 10

Plant Sale

Saturday, May 7
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, May 8
7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Our Lady of Peace Parking Lot
Flats, Hanging Baskets, and a Beautiful
and colorful assortment of Potted Plants
(P.S. Remember Mother on
Mother’s Day, Sunday May 8 !)
Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 11


For Children Pre-K to Entering 4th Grade

Monday, June 27 through Friday, July 1, 2011

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Cost: $35 per child $90 family maximum
Please complete the information below and return with payment to OLP Rectory,
111 South Street, New Providence, NJ 07974. Make checks payable to OLP Church

Child’s Name (first and last) Age Grade Completed

_____________________________ _______ ____________________
_____________________________ _______ ____________________
_____________________________ _______ ____________________

Parent Contact Information

Parent/Guardian Name(s): ____________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________
E-Mail Address:_______________________________________________
Home Phone: __________________ Cell: ___________________________
Emergency Contact: (Name) _____________ (Phone) __________________

Adult and Student (MS/HS) Volunteers Needed:

Dates Available: (circle) Mon. 6/27 Tue. 6/28 Wed. 6/29 Thur. 6/30 Fri. 7/1
Name: (circle) Parent or Student: _________________________________
E-Mail Address:_______________________________________________
Home Phone: ___________________ Cell: __________________________
Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 12


Mark these dates on your calendar:

Wednesday, May 18th 6:00 p.m. –10:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 19th 6:00 p.m. –10:00 p.m.
Friday, May 20th 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 21st 1:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
It’s time for our annual Country Fair. What better way to get involved than to help
at the Fair? This is the largest fund raising event held at OLP. The success of the
Fair depends on you! All we ask is for you to donate a few hours of your time and
have lots of fun while doing it. We would like to get as many people involved as
possible. We need your help!


Help with clean up Saturday night May 21st at 11:00 p.m. ______
(Volunteer areas needed during fair hours are listed on the reverse side of
this sheet)
Name: __________________________
Phone: __________________________
Email: _______________________________________________

Please leave this form at the rectory or drop it in the collection basket or
mail it to: Debbie Johnston 12 W. 4th St, New Providence, NJ 07974

Come join the Fun!

Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 13

Country Fair Volunteer Sign-up Sheet
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Country Store:

Sell Tickets Hourly

Inside Raffle:
Sell Chances

Munchies & More:

Sell Food Items
************** ************** ************** **************
Kiddie Tent:

Ride Booths:
Sell Tickets
1:00 - 3: 30pm
6:00 - 8:00pm 6:00 - 8: 00pm 6:00 - 8: 30pm
Wheels of Chance 3:30 - 6:00pm
And Trailer Workers:
Circle your time 6:00 - 8: 30pm
Preference. 8:00 - 10:00pm 8:00 - 10:00pm 8:30 - 11:00pm
8:30 - 11:00pm

Mom’s Kitchen

Work Where needed

If someone has already called you to work, there is no need to fill out this form. But if you haven’t
received a call or have not yet signed up to work, please check the boxes for the days and areas that you can
help. Then print your full name, phone number and email address on the reverse side. Please return this form
to the rectory as soon as possible.
Thank you for the many hours that you, our parishioners, school parents and friends, have volunteered for
at the Country Fair in past years and we hope to see you working at the Fair again this year.

**Children under 18 who would like to volunteer or need service hours MUST contact
Jim or Debbie Johnston at 908-464-1591.**

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