Masses of The Week: Second Sunday of Easter Divine Mercy Sunday
Masses of The Week: Second Sunday of Easter Divine Mercy Sunday
Masses of The Week: Second Sunday of Easter Divine Mercy Sunday
The Academy
of Our Lady
of Peace News
Pastoral Council
Meeting Minutes March 16, 2011
Meeting attendees: Father Bill, Fred Cowburn, Karen Dreitlein, Pat Jackson & Jerry
Old Business:
No response to the request for new members and the replacement of open positions on
the Pastoral Council.
New Business:
Council members reflected on the pre-Lenten parish mission and were very pleased
with the attendance on all four nights especially Sunday night considering the weather.
Father Bill stated that next year’s mission presenter was already signed up. He
requested suggestion for speakers for 2013.
The snow plowing special collection yielded about $13,500. The two collections (Retired
Priests & Father Sullivan) taken on Ash Wednesday yielded about $5,300 each.
A suggestion was offered to conduct a ministry fair on a Sunday in the fall for the
purpose of exposing the ministries to the general parish community, especially those
who are new to the parish.
Pastor’s Report:
We are honored to have two parishioners who will be ordained as permanent deacons
on May 21st. They will preside at the 12:00 mass on May 22, 2011.
From The
The Have you thought about sharing your love of our
Catechetical Office Catholic faith with the children of our parish?
Catechists are needed for the following grades:
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Thursdays, 3:30 – 4:15 pm: Grade 3 or 5
REGISTRATION Wednesdays, 7:15 – 8:30 pm: Grade 8
We provide training and the materials you will need.
Registration for fall sessions is now in progress. Call Carol Skrocki, Pastoral Associate for
Religious Education registration packets for Catechetics at 908-464-8156. It’s a great way to
September 2011/2012 have been mailed to families learn more about your faith as you share with the
of current students. Additional packets and children. Baby sitting service is offered for younger
information are on the tables in the back of the children of catechists.
church for families with children new to the program.
All Catholic children attending public schools should FIRST EUCHARIST
attend religious education classes so that they may be Please remember to keep our First Eucharist
well grounded in our faith and be prepared for the Children and their families in your prayer.
sacraments. You may either mail your completed
Blessings on a First Eucharist
forms to the Catechetical Office or drop them off at
our Office located in the rectory. It helps us greatly if
As these children approach your Holy Supper for
you register before June 15. It enables us to take the first time, grant them your protection, O
advantage of early order vendor discounts, and to Lord. Strengthen them in faith, and prepare
prepare for the fall over the quieter summer months. them for your way of love.
May Jesus and Mary take their hand and lead
Registration for First Grade the way as they come to the Holy Table. May
Don’t delay registering your young one. Our First these children, and we, never lack for daily
Reconciliation and Eucharist preparation begins in bread and drink. May we always be fully fed on
grade one. Children generally receive First
God’s love and find His love forever satisfying.
Reconciliation in the second grade and First
Communion in the third grade after they have
May God in heaven bless these children on this
experienced full preparation during those three years. day and always. Amen.
Plant Sale
Saturday, May 7
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, May 8
7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Our Lady of Peace Parking Lot
Flats, Hanging Baskets, and a Beautiful
and colorful assortment of Potted Plants
(P.S. Remember Mother on
Mother’s Day, Sunday May 8 !)
Sunday, May 1, 2011 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 11
Please leave this form at the rectory or drop it in the collection basket or
mail it to: Debbie Johnston 12 W. 4th St, New Providence, NJ 07974
Country Fair Volunteer Sign-up Sheet
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Country Store:
Sell Tickets Hourly
Inside Raffle:
Sell Chances
Ride Booths:
Sell Tickets
1:00 - 3: 30pm
6:00 - 8:00pm 6:00 - 8: 00pm 6:00 - 8: 30pm
Wheels of Chance 3:30 - 6:00pm
And Trailer Workers:
Circle your time 6:00 - 8: 30pm
Preference. 8:00 - 10:00pm 8:00 - 10:00pm 8:30 - 11:00pm
8:30 - 11:00pm
Mom’s Kitchen
If someone has already called you to work, there is no need to fill out this form. But if you haven’t
received a call or have not yet signed up to work, please check the boxes for the days and areas that you can
help. Then print your full name, phone number and email address on the reverse side. Please return this form
to the rectory as soon as possible.
Thank you for the many hours that you, our parishioners, school parents and friends, have volunteered for
at the Country Fair in past years and we hope to see you working at the Fair again this year.
**Children under 18 who would like to volunteer or need service hours MUST contact
Jim or Debbie Johnston at 908-464-1591.**