Newsletter April 2017
Newsletter April 2017
Newsletter April 2017
WORSHIP/SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES Church Office (936) 564-8308
8:45 am Contemporary Worship Service Fax (936) 564-8582
Volume 10, Issue 2 9:45 am Sunday School Email: [email protected]
April 2017 10:55 am Traditional Worship Service Website:
APRIL Office Hours: Mon-Thur: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm; Fri: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm. Closed for lunch 12:00 -1:00 pm
02Houston Boy Choir
performing during the 10:55
am Traditional Worship
03-Heart-to-Heart Chorus April 9 - Palm Sunday
rehearsal at 9 am in the Choir
Rm and performance at 10 am April 10-14 - Holy Week Noon Services by Nacogdoches Ministerial Alliance in the
at StallingsCourt Sanctuary, followed by a Luncheon in the Family Life Center
April 10-14 - Prayer Room in the Parlor
April 13 - Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 pm
Childrens Ministry
Journey to the Cross April 14 - Good Friday Service at 6:00 pm
FLC April 16 - Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00 am - Oak Grove Cemetery (contingency, in the Chapel)
APR 10 to APR 14 Easter Morning Breakfast at 7:45 am - Family Life Center
HOLY WEEK Easter Sunday Services at 8:45 am and 10:55 am
Holy Week Walk with Jesus Easter Egg Hunt at 9:45 am - Family Life Center
8:30 am-6:30 pmParlor
Noon Holy week Services in
the Sanctuary
Luncheon at 12:30 pm in the Palm Sunday, April 9
Maundy Thursday Service at Palm Sunday recalls Jesus' triumphal entrance into Jerusalem the week
6 pmFLC before his death. Jesus rode a donkey while people waved palm branch-
Good Friday Service at 6 pm
Sanctuary es, laid their cloaks in his path, and shouted "Hosanna!" To remember this
event, both Worship Services on Sunday morning will include a proces-
EASTER SUNDAYApr 16 sional with palms.
7:00 am-Easter Sunrise
Service at Oak Grove
Cemetery with
Rev. Lorraine Brown
(contingency - FUMC Chapel
Holy Week Walk With Jesus
if it rains) Mon, Apr 10Fri, Apr 14
7:45 am-Breakfast in the During Holy Week, you are invited to Walk With Jesus.
Family Life Center Easter is not possible without the events you will experience on
8:00 am-Flower Cross - your Walk With Jesus. Your journey will take place in the
Front Lawn
Parlor, which will be transformed into a series of nine areas
8:45 am-Contemporary
Worship Service
reflecting scripture of Jesus last
9:45 am- Sunday School and days. The parlor will be open Monday, April 10 through Friday, April 14, 8:30 am
Easter Egg Celebration in 6:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to be a part of this treasured experience. Come as
the Family Life Center your schedule permits. For more information, please refer to the brochure Holy
10:55 am Traditional Week Walk With Jesus available in the hallway outside the Sanctuary.
Worship Service
PASTORS CORNER All around us we are seeing new life springing up! I hope that you are
experiencing the joy of being Easter people.
This verse tells us that Christians do not have to live in a state of anxiety, worry, fear or confusion.
Paul in this verse tells us the secret to overcoming anxiety is to rejoice constantly in the Lord and to
pray to God, constantly for His provision, His goodness, and His mercy.
Now that we are journeying through the Lenten Season, and the focus for this season is on sacrific-
ing, giving up something that is not good for us or our taking on a behavior that will enhance our rela-
tionship with God. I want to challenge you to spend more time with God in this season through pray-
Through the journey of prayer, we are seeking Gods presence and direction in our lives. Stanley J.
Grenz, in his book titled Prayer: The Cry for the Kingdom says that we are no longer a praying
world. Rather than God being the center of everything, we have displaced him with, love of self,
being the center of all things. In other words, God, has been pushed to the margins, offstage or
backstage. Our world has become a world that listens and answers mostly to one another, very little
listening and answering to God. So, I am asking that we, Christians, make God the center of our
everything by praying and giving thanks in everything.
Page 2 Newsletter
Continued from page 1Palm Sunday-Holy Week-Easter
Minister: Rev. Shirley Watts Eastside Assembly of God
Liturgist: Ashley Cook SFA Episcopal College Ministry
Song Leader: Frank Pratt Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Organist/Pianist: Sister Lillian Wyatt Bethlehem Baptist Church
Ushers: Knights of Columbus - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Lunch by Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Menu: Chicken BBQ, Egg Rolls, Noodles, Fried Rice
Minister: Rev. Michael Caldwell - Christ Episcopal Church
Liturgist: Dr. Curtis Barbarick North Street Church of Christ
Song Leader: David Fears - North Street Church of Christ
Organist/Pianist: Dr. James Pitts - Westminster Presbyterian Church
Ushers: Nortrpointe Church of God
Lunch by Westminster Presbyterian Church - Menu: Baked Potato
Minister: Rev. Kyle Childress Austin Heights Baptist Church
Liturgist: Rev. Elgena Weaver Mt. Zion CME (Center TX)
Song Leader: Nita Hudson - Christ Episcopal Church
Organist/Pianist: Dr. Mario Ajero First United Methodist Church
Ushers: First United Methodist Church
Lunch by: First United Methodist Church - Menu: Chicken Tetrazzini, Tossed Salad, Rolls, Green Beans and Dessert
Minister: Rev. Lorraine Brown - First United Methodist Church
Liturgist: Rev. Gary Suell Stonewall Baptist Church
Song Leader: Rev. George Patterson - Austin Heights Baptist Church
Organist/Pianist: Carole Deptula Fairview United Methodist Church
Ushers: Christ Episcopal Church
Lunch by: Perritte Memorial United Methodist Church - Menu: Chicken Spaghetti, Salad, Bread and Dessert
Minister: Rev. Andi Roberts Northpointe Church of God
Liturgist: Rev. Donald Lacey - Zion Hill First Baptist Church
Song Leader: Dr. Tod Fish First United Methodist Church
Organist/Pianist: Dr. Andrew Parr St. Marys Catholic Campus Ministry
Ushers: Austin Heights Baptist Church
Lunch by: Austin Heights Baptist Church - Menu: Lasagna, Green Beans, Bread and Dessert
Page 3 Newsletter
You may place your order in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends. The cost is $15.00 each. Please fill out this form and
return it to the Church Office or place it in the collection plate with cash/check. The Lily/ies will be placed in the Sanctuary on
Easter Sunday, April 16.
Name of Donor_________________________________________________________________Phone_______________________________
In Memory of_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
In Honor of________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Emma Ward Trey & Morgan Neighbors (Mary Caroline) Adam and Melissa Sparks (Devyn and Taryn)
6101 E State Hwy 7, Nac 75965 239 Sandstone Lane, Nac 75965 119 Quail Run, Nac 75965
Mike and Lily Post Bill Pratte and Kathy Thomas Ron, Carey and Harleigh Dushane
825 Crooked Creek Dr, Nac 229 CR 301, Nac 75961 229 CR 301, Nac 75961
Page 4 Newsletter
We are partnering with Perritte United Methodist Church for Spring Fling on Saturday, April 8, 2017 between 10:00 am and
12:00 pm at Perritte United Methodist Church (1025 Durst St., Nacogdoches TX 75964). Please join us for FELLOWSHIP
& FUN there will be Arts & Crafts, Bouncers, Popcorn, Egg Hunt, Games, Face Painting, Puppet Show and etc.
For more information, kindly contact Elsa Jordan936-564-8308 or [email protected].
Page 5 Newsletter
Easter Sunday - April 16
7:00 am Easter Sunrise Service at Oak Grove Cemetery with Rev. Lorraine Brown
(contingency - FUMC Chapel if it rains)
7:45 am Breakfast in the Family Life Center
8:00 am Flower Cross - Front Lawn
8:45 am Contemporary Worship Service
9:45 am Sunday School and Easter Egg Celebration in the Family Life Center
10:55 am Traditional Worship Service
In Memory Of: A.L Mangham
From: Paul and Connie Howe, Emmie Peacock Smith
In Memory Of: Dick Voigtel
From: Judy Burk
In Memory Of: Dr. Charles Warlick
From: Karen Embry Jenlink
In Memory Of: Louise Owens
From: Harold Bogan, Dr. Daniel & Leta Weaver
In Memory Of: Clyde Everett Sheffield
From: Floy Bousman, Richard & Patricia Rayne
In Memory Of: Wally Cox
From: Laverne H. Creech
In Memory Of: Dwayne D. Hallman
From: Judy Burk, Kelley Rayne Spurrier, Coy and Patsy Johnson, Lynn & Linda Johnson,
James & Holly Beall, Emmie Peacock Smith, Richard & Patricia Rayne, Floy Bousman, Mike Bay,
Joyce Swearingen, Dr. Carol Voigtel, Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Dobbs, Bobbie Forsythe,
Shirley R. Watterston
In Memory Of: Rev. F. Richardson
From: Peggy & Campbell Cox
In Memory Of: Bill C. Tucker
From: Milton Pitts, Dr. Daniel & Leta Weaver
In Memory Of: Donald Musgrave, Carl Bailey
From: Charles and Emmie Smith
Page 6 Newsletter
MARCH 17Heart-to-Heart Chorus rehearsal at 9:00 am in the Choir
26Disciple Bible Study II at 4 pmConf Room; Lenten Room followed by performance at Magnolia Court
Studies5:30 pm Meal; 6:30 pm Study UMW Circle III Meeting at 6:30 pm
Confirmation Class at 6:00 pmRoom 208 18UMW Circle II Meeting at 9:30 amLibrary
APRIL UMW Circle IV Meeting at 9:30 am
02Houston Boy Choir to perform during the 10:55 am UMW Circle VII Meeting at10:00 amParlor
Traditional Worship Service
Disciple Bible Study II at 4 pmConf Room; Lenten
Studies5:30 pm Meal; 6:30 pm Study
Confirmation Class at 6:00 pmRoom 208 CHURCH EVENT FORM
03Heart-to-Heart Chorus rehearsal at 9 am in the Choir If you are planning to reserve a room in the church for a meeting,
Room followed by performance at Stallings Court gathering, etc., or would like an offsite church-related event to be
04UMW Circle VI AM MeetingLibrary published on the official church calendar, a request can be made
06 Missions Committee Meeting at 7:00 pmRoom 202 by completing a Church Event Form that can be found in the
09PALM SUNDAY Workroom or online at Scroll down to the
Journey to the Cross at 9:30 am (FLC) - Childrens bottom of the home page and click resources, church event form.
Ministry For more information, contact Jim Jenkins at 936-564-8308 or
email - [email protected]
Holy Week Walk with Jesus8:30 am-6:30 pmParlor To obtain an ACCESS ACS user ID, log on to
Noon Holy week Services in the Sanctuary, click the ACCESS ACS link at the bottom of
Luncheon at 12:30 pm in the FLC the page. For more information, kindly contact Sharon Bright at
Maundy Thursday Service at 6:00 pmFLC 936-564-8308 or email [email protected]
Good Friday Service at 6:00 pmSanctuary
Articles Due for Next Newsletter
EASTER SUNDAY Our May/June Newsletter deadline is Wednesday, April 12. Arti-
7:00 am Easter Sunrise Service at Oak Grove Cemetery cles for this issue should be submitted using the online form
with Rev. Lorraine Brown available on our, scroll down to the
bottom of the page, click resources and select Announcement
(contingency - FUMC Chapel if it rains) Request Form
7:45 am Breakfast in the Family Life Center BULLETIN and E-News DEADLINES
8:00 am Flower Cross - Front Lawn Please submit your requests using the online form available on
8:45 am Contemporary Worship Service our, scroll down to the bottom of the
9:45 am Sunday School and Easter Egg Celebration in page, click resources and select Announcement Request Form
the Family Life Center for our weekly Bulletin/E-News by 3:00 pm on Tuesdays.
10:55 am Traditional Worship Service
Regularly-Scheduled Meetings
Heart-to-Heart Chorus at 9:00 am in the Choir Room and performances at Nursing Homes at 10:00 am
(1st & 3rd Mondays)
HRT Emmaus Reunion Group meets on Mondays at 5:30 pm - Barbara LaFours
Cub Scout Pack 100 Meeting at 6:30 pmYouth Center
Venturing Crew 100 Meeting at 6:00 pmScout Lodge
Boy Scout Troop 100 Meeting at 7:00 pmFamily Life Center
Celebrate Service Rehearsal at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Christian Writers Fellowship at 5:30 pm - Library
Sr. High Youth Ignite - Doors Open at 6:30 pm and Ministry Program is at 7-8:30 pm
Bell Choir Rehearsal at 6:00 pm in Room 207
Chancel Choir Rehearsal at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room.
Grace Emmaus Reunion Group meeting at 8:30 am in the Library
Youth Praise Band practice at 4:30 pm in the Youth Lounge
Boy Scout Troop 161 meeting at 5:00 pm in the Scout Lodge
Page 7 Newsletter
Our Staff PRAYER CONCERNSUPDATED, Monday, March 22 (9 am)
Mike Willingham (Tip and Nanny Smiths son-in-law), Nancy Page (requested by Helen Grout), Railey Brown (Ashley
Senior Pastor and Tyler Browns youngest child), Marilyn Taylor (Kathy Brantons Mother), Bill Heeney (requested by Nancy Price),
[email protected] Bebe Sartor, Carolyn Mitchell, Janise Barkocy (requested by Sharon Scifres), Bill Lewis, Michelle Lewis (requested by
REV. LORRAINE BROWN Betty Yarbrough), Karen Peschka (Daughter of Charlene Kraemer), Martin Houser, William Embry (requested by Karen
Associate Pastor Embry Jenlink), Bill Lewis, Isabelle Kruger Meredith, Connor Adams (Judy Hartensteins grandson), Stefan Schell
[email protected] (Requested by Christine Houser), Sue Smith, Robert Coale (Karen Migls Father), Jean Dodge, Doris Smith, Patrick
Director of Youth Ministry
Hodo (requested by Jo Spurlin), Doris Johnston (Ray Johnstons mom), Abigail Smith (requested by Lynn Teague),
[email protected] Bruce Lanham (requested by Harold Hall), Jean Jackson (requested by Gale White), John McGee (requested by John
ELSA JORDAN and Gale White), James Smith (Al Smiths nephew), Holly DeBardelaben (Kay Jeffreys granddaughter) , Caroline Rahm
Director of Childrens Ministry (requested by Tracy Rahm), Steven Russell (Lynn Teagues brother), John Mac Burn (requested by Pat Stephens-
[email protected] Williams), Andrew Bird, Alexander Phillips (Sue Laws cousin grandson), Noureen Ronchetto (Lenee McDonalds Aunt),
LISA LABOSKY Matt Rocco (requested by Sarah Ash), Mike Rigsby, Joe Rewolinski (Becky Rewolinskis Brother), Martha Sullivan,
Director of Preschool
[email protected] Annette Rodriguez (Brenda Coopers sister), Emmet Doan (Norma and Malcolm Doans grandson), Suzi Sipes (Skeeter
BECCA ANTHONY Davis Cousin), Tim Kenney (Jerry and Marry Lynne Andis, son-in-law), Bob Palm, Johnnie Johnson, Brandi Hunt (Jan
Asst. Director of Preschool Griffins sister-in-law), Rev. Lani Rousseau.
[email protected]
DR. TOD FISH Military Personnel in Combat Zone
Director of Music Ministry
[email protected] Jake Trotter, Tracy Coe
Praise Team Leader Our Hearts Go Out to
[email protected]
Mary Nelle Brunson and family on the passing of her mother, Lenelle Mohler
Organist The George Coats family on his passing
[email protected] Cathy Martin and family on the passing of her brother, Donald Musgrave and her nephew Robert Musgrave
SHARON BRIGHT The Roy Blake family on his passing
Office Manager The Ray Mize family on his passing
[email protected]
Financial Secretary Names will remain on a published prayer team list for 90 days. The prayer team appreciates current
[email protected] updates on requests. Please email your requests and updates to [email protected] If you know of a
JIM JENKINS member of FUMC who is in the hospital or who will be having surgery, kindly contact the Church Office
Building Manager - 936-564-8308.
[email protected]