August 11th 2024
August 11th 2024
August 11th 2024
Saint Lawrence O’Toole: July 28th Envelopes: $660.00 (22 env.); Loose: $117.00; Funerals: $550.00;
Pre-Authorized: $215.00 (8 env.). August 4th: Envelopes: $792.35 (30 env.); Loose: $97.00; Poor of the
Parish: $70.00; Beaverbrook School: $70.00; Funeral: $400.00; Hall Rental: $260.00; Donation: $100.00;
Pre-authorized: $145.00 (6 env.).
Our Lady of Mercy: July 28th: Envelopes: $555.00 (21 env.); Loose: $756.55; Community Garden:
$220.00; Kitchen Renos: $75.00; Candles: $74.00; August 4th: Envelopes: $969.00 (31 env.); Loose:
$354.75; Candles: $10.00; Community Garden: $60.00; Kitchen Renos: $143.00; Pre-authorized: $150.00.
Sat 10 4:00pm St.A Thanksgiving Nancy Middleton
6:30pm OLM Souls in Purgatory -
Sun 11 9:00am SLOT Julie Gagnon Laurel Cliff
9:30am OLM For the People -
11:00am St.A Late Juanita Knorr Family
7:00pm St.A Late Al Belliveau Wife Winnie
Mon 12 9:30am SLOT Special Intention Parishioner
Tues 13 7:00pm St.A For the People -
Wed 14 4:00pm SLOT Late Harvey Gagnon Natasha and Jean Guy
Thurs 15 1:00pm OLM For the Church -
Fri 16 12:00noon St.A For the Sick -
Sat 17 4:00pm St.A Late Anna Mary (Dutcher) Innes Linda Cuthbertson
6:30pm OLM For the People -
Sun 18 9:00am SLOT Late Harvey Gagnon Gary and Delina Girouard
9:30am OLM Souls in Purgatory -
11:00am St.A Bernardita & Julito Jr., Antonio Sr. Lourdes Joel Gepiga and Family
7:00pm St.A Yvon and Edna Tremblay Happy Anniversary
Mass Intentions for St. Augustine’s and Saint Lawrence O’Toole can be
scheduled by calling the parish office during regular office hours
Monday to Friday. For Our Lady of Mercy call Josephine at
506-871-9508. The cost is $15.00 per intention.
MARK THE DATE: This year’s Tending the Soil, Tending the
Sower Catechist Formation will take place on Saturday,
September 14th from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm at Immaculate Heart of
Mary Church in Riverview. While of particular interest to those who
are catechist coaches with the coaching parents process of
children’s catechism, the day is open to all those who work in the
ministry of catechesis, i.e. marriage preparation, RCIA, baptismal
preparation. This year’s theme will be “Spiritual Journeys,” and our
facilitators will be Fr. Phil Mulligan from St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Pastoral Grouping and Dr. Andrew Wilson from Mount Allison
University. Registration information will be made available in the
coming weeks.
Spark your Communication - You'll discover new ways to love, listen,
and share with each other on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Experience. A weekend is scheduled for September 27th, 28th and 29 th
2024 at Villa Madonna in Rothesay, NB. Call Ron and Joanne
Arsenault at (506) 451-8489 for more information, to apply prior to
August 31 or email us at: [email protected]
For those who grow and prepare our food; And for sufficient rain and sun for the crops and human
We pray:
For all of us to seek the Holy Spirit’s aid to overcome our weaknesses and be compassionate,
forgiving one another.
We pray:
For hunger for the food that lasts, the bread of God which comes down from heaven and gives life to
the world.
We pray:
Over the summer months church contributions normally decrease while parishioners are travelling
and vacationing. However, the expenses to run our church remain constant and increase as
necessary maintenance or repairs are completed. Please give consideration to “making up” your
missed contributions.