January 7th 2024
January 7th 2024
January 7th 2024
Saint Lawrence O’Toole: 4th Sunday of Advent & Dec. 24th/25th: Envelopes: $1,355.00 (35 env.); Loose:
$315.50; Christmas Envelopes: $1,158.00 (20 env.); Christmas Boxes: $205.00 (2 env.); Donation to
Cemetery: $2,000.00; Pre-Authorized: $155.00. Dec. 31st: Envelopes: $623.00 (28 env.); Loose: $110.00;
Christmas Offering: $20.00; New Year’s Day: $100.00 (4 env.); Initial Offering: $30.00 (2 env.); Heating:
$10.00; St. Vincent de Paul: $10.00; Pre-Authorized: $245.00.
Our Lady of Mercy: 4th Sunday of Advent & Dec. 24th: Envelopes: $550.00 (20 env.); Loose: $963.30;
Christmas Offering: $1,690.00; Candles: $143.00; Initial envelopes: $50.00; Poor Box: $5.00; Community
Garden: $240.00. Dec. 31st: Envelopes: $780.00 (22 env.); Loose: $611.65; Candles: $42.00; New Year’s
Offering: $350.00; Envelope Expenses: $10.00; Missals: $10.00; Community Garden: $70.00; Kitchen
Renos: $100.00; Poor Box: $2.00; NB Right to Life: $69.95; Ray of Hope: $20.00;
Pre-Authorized: $150.00.
Sat 6 4:00pm St.A Late Kevin Donahue Living Word Prayer Group
Sun 7 9:00am SLOT Late Danny Donnelly Claudia and Family
11:00am St.A Late Don and Anne Lahanky Children
4:00pm OLM Richard Leger (Sr. and Jr.) Our Lady of Mercy Parish
7:00pm St.A Late Bernadette Mary Olive Hughes Family
Mon 8 9:30am SLOT Late Edgar and Rita Cormier Al and Shirley Baglole and Family
Tues 9 7:00pm St.A Late Edward Mack Monique Richard
Wed 10 4:00pm SLOT Late Norma Chamberlain Family
Thurs 11 1:00pm OLM Carol Melanson Family
Fri 12 12:00noon St.A Late Edward Mack Guy and Carine Cormier
Sat 13 4:00pm St.A Late Kevin Donahue Mary Chapman
Sun 14 9:00am SLOT Late Doris Lirette Clements and Moulton Families
11:00am St.A Late Kevin Donahue St. Augustine’s Music Ministry
4:00pm OLM Deceased Arseneau Family Members Bernard & Chantal Cormier
*Joanna Wojcik Odette Babineau
7:00pm St.A Late Edward Mack Sarah and Raymond Boudreau
SAINT LAWRENCE O’TOOLE FAITH DEVELOPMENT Gather in the church basement at 10:00am
January 14th, January 28th, February 11th, February 25th.
Donations may be left at the Drop Off Barn from 8:00am until 8:00 pm only. A limit of 10
Customers are allowed in the store at one time for a 15-minute time period. Hand sanitizing
will be monitored.
Items can be dropped in the Drop Off Barn in the parking lot from 8:00am to 8:00pm.
Gospel Study Group: Saint Thomas Aquinas “The Golden Chain” http://
Atlantic Catechetical Association Monthly Check-in – January 16th, 9:30 AM via Zoom
Adult Faith Commission – January 16th, 7:00 PM at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Parish Catechetical Coordinators – January 22nd, 6:30 PM at Immaculate Heart of Mary
THEOLOGY ON TAP Our next Theology on Tap will take place on Monday, Feb-
ruary 12th at 6:30 pm at Mai Asian Restaurant on Mountain Road. Our guest
speaker will be Fr. Carlos Jacinto who will speak to us about vocation and discern-
ment. Please register with Karen at 387-4198, [email protected] or
online at www.diocesemoncton.ca → Pastoral Offices → Adult Faith → Formation
MONDAY @ THE MOVIES Our next film discussion will take place via
Zoom on January 29th at 2:00 pm, when we will talk about faith themes from
Five People You Meet in Heaven (2004). Mondays @ The Movies is a film
discussion group designed to spark conversation about issues of faith and
spirituality found in popular films. Please contact Karen at 387-4198 or ka-
[email protected] if you are interested.
Please note:
Our Lady of Mercy will
Celebrate Mass on Sundays at 4:00pm instead of Saturday.
If you are a parishioner who is not able to access this app but would like to receive updates on events you
can call the parish office at 506-857-4223. We can include you in our email group or telephone list and
keep you up to date!