October 13th 2024
October 13th 2024
October 13th 2024
All Saints Day Mass will be celebrated Friday November 1st at St. Augustine’s 7:00pm
There will not be a 12:00noon Mass on Friday November 1st.
The Book of The Names of the Dead will be on display in each of our churches throughout the month of
November. Parishioners are encouraged to enter the names of loved ones who have died in the last year.
Names previously written in the book remain from year to year and continue to be in our thoughts and
prayers. No need to write their names in again. Everyone is invited to attend this liturgy.
Saint Lawrence O’Toole: Envelopes: $743.00; (22 env.); Loose: $131.00; Needs of the Canadian Church:
$70.00 (3 env.); Beaverbrook School: $20.00 (1 env.); Pre-Authorized: $145.00 (6 env.).
Our Lady of Mercy: Envelopes: $610.00 (21 env.); Loose: $137.70; Candles: $65.00; Kitchen Renos:
$75.00; Community Garden: $1,875.00; Needs of Canadian Church: $60.00.
Sat 12 4:00pm St.A Late Anna Mary (Dutcher) Innes Linda Cuthbertson
Sun 13 9:00am SLOT Sheryl and Brad Jenkins Laurel Cliff
11:00am St.A Bernadita and Julito Joel Gepiga and Family
4:00pm OLM Marie-Lea LeBlanc Odette Babineau
7:00pm St.A Late Florence Lirette Anne Marie Arsenault
Mon 14 9:30am SLOT Late Herve Gagnon Lee and Leana Tamburri
Tues 15 7:00pm St.A Christian McGinnis Mother Ramona
Wed 16 4:00pm SLOT Late Edmond (T-Mine) Cormier Clarence Gagnon and Family
Thurs 17 1:00pm OLM Agnes Rodgers M. Donald A. Rodgers
Fri 18 12:00noon St.A Late Kenneth Charles Ashe Ramona McGinnis
Sat 19 4:00pm St.A Late Gerald Gaudet Jessie Gaudet
Sun 20 9:00am SLOT Late Bob Kostinuk Laurel, Julie and Clarence
11:00am St.A For the Church -
4:00pm OLM Agnes Rodgers Gerry Lirette
7:00pm St.A For the People -
Mass Intentions for St. Augustine’s and Saint Lawrence O’Toole can be scheduled by
calling the parish office during regular office hours
Monday to Friday. For Our Lady of Mercy call Josephine at
506-871-9508. The cost is $15.00 per intention.
A World Food Day has been promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization
since 1981. The Church is concerned about the issue of hunger in the world,
remembering the words of the Son of Man on the last judgment of the nations,
“....I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink....” (Mt 25:35).
Please use the door at the top of the stairs in the parking lot. Registration forms are available at the back
of the church at St. Augustine’s or by visiting our website at www.qasmoncton.com , opening the tab for Faith
Development and use the form for faith development. You can submit the form online or print the form (using
the word or pdf document) and drop it off at our office or in the collection basket at mass.
Evolving Faith in an Join us at Holy Family Church Hall for this 3-part
Evolving Universe series, each evening starting at 6:30 p.m.
NB Right to Life Moncton Chapter Fundraising Dinner at the Dan Bohan Centre, Riverview on Sunday
November 3rd at 5:00 p.m. Guest Speaker is Msgr Guy Desrochers. Tickets are $30 and are available at the
Parish offices of St. Bernard’s, St. Augustine’s and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Info.: Lise 506 854 4209 or
Karl 506 229 0740
The Baptism Preparation course consists of two sessions and will be held
next on Tuesday October 15th and Tuesday October 22nd at 7:00pm in the church hall.
Pre-Registration is required: For more information and to register please contact
Brenda Kent at 506/532-6950 or speak with Precy Tagay De Mayo.
CATECHISM: Classes began on Sept. 22nd and will be held every 2 weeks. You must register your
children and bring a copy of their baptism certificates. Please email: [email protected] or call
506-531-0252. For those not baptized yet, please bring a copy of their birth certificates for our files. We will welcome
children of all ages. Preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation, First communion and
Confirmation for 12yrs and over, starts in a few weeks! All children have to be baptized and supply proof of baptism at
the beginning of the sessions. Younger children under 6 may also listen and participate in the sessions but they need to
be in grade one for the first sacraments. The catechism program is an engagement by parents to accompany their chil-
dren in the education program as well as attending the weekly mass that follows the sessions! We lead by example al-
ways and our children learn from their parents, first and foremost!
The Catechism and Mass schedule is as follows:
Oct. 13th thanksgiving mass 4:00pm (potential dinner after Mass) Dec. 8th Mass 4:00pm
Oct. 20th at 3:00pm catechism / mass 4:00pm Dec. 15th 3:00pm catechism/mass 4:00
Oct. 27th Mass 4:00pm Dec. 22nd Mass 4:00 (tentative Christmas
Nov. 3rd at 3:00pm catechism / mass 4:00pm concert 6:00pm)
Nov. 10th Mass 4:00pm Dec. 24th (Mass time to be determined)
Nov. 17th at 3:00pm catechism / mass 4:00pm Dec. 29th Mass 4:00pm
Nov. 24th Mass 4:00pm Dec. 31st (Mass time to be determined)
Dec. 1st 3:00pm catechism / mass 4:00pm
The Irishtown Community Centre will be selling poutine rapee on Friday Oct. 18th at the Irishtown
Community Centre. Pre-orders only - Please call 506-382-9340 to place your order. Leave a mes-
sage if no response and we will call you back to confirm your order. $5.00 each - cash only.
Thank you for your support!