June 23rd 2024

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Welcome to Queen of All Saints Parish

June 23rd 2024, Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass Schedule—Heures des Messes
Monday 9:30 a.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole Saturday 4:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s
Tuesday 7:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s 6:30 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy
Wednesday 4:00 p.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole (French) Sunday 9:00 a.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole
Thursday 1:00 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy 11:00 a.m. St. Augustine’s
Friday 12:00 noon St. Augustine’s 7:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s
First Saturday of the month Mass is celebrated each month at 10:00am
St. Augustine’s Church / Confessions available.
Saint Lawrence O’Toole Mondays 10:00am to 12:00noon
St. Augustine’s Wednesdays 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Our Lady of Mercy Thursdays 11:00am to 1:00pm

Monday Solemnity: The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

Isaiah 49:1-6; Luke 1:57-66,80
Tuesday 2 Kings 19:9-11, 14-21, 31-36; Matthew 7:6, 12-14
Wednesday 2 Kings 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Matthew 7:15-20
Thursday 2 Kings 24:8-17; Matthew 7:21-29
Friday Memorial: St. Irenaeus 2 Kings 25:1-12; Matthew 8:1-4
Saturday Solemnity: Saints Peter and Paul
Acts 12:1-11; Matthew 16:13-19
Sunday Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24; 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mark 5:21-24, 35-43


Our next baptism preparation course will he held on
Saturday July 20th and Saturday July 27th at 9:30a.m. in the Church basement.
Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register please call the parish
office at 506-857-4223 or email [email protected].

If you would like to set up Pre-Authorized payments

or start using weekly envelopes please contact
Charlie Farrell at 506-857-4223 or
[email protected].
Weekly Offering—Thank you for your generosity!
St. Augustine’s: Envelopes: $1,625.10 (75 env.); Loose: $990.45; Building Fund: $510.00 (8 env.);
St. Vincent de Paul: $5.00; Candles: $93.80; Funerals: $700.00; Beaverbrook School: $52.25; Donation:
$290.00; Pre-Authorized: $3,205.00 (38 env.);

Saint Lawrence O’Toole: Envelopes: $825.00 (32 env.); Loose: $62.00; Cemetery Up Keep: $50.00;
Pre-Authorized: $145.00 (6 env.)

Our Lady of Mercy: Envelopes: $500.00 (16 env.); Loose: $192.00; Candles: $27.00; Kitchen Renos:
$50.00; Community Garden: $40.00; Missals: $5.00.
Sat 22 4:00pm St.A Late Joan Mary Cormier Linda Cuthbertson
6:30pm OLM Evangeline Sablay and Abigail Fastidio Precy Tagay
Sun 23 9:00am SLOT Ann. Dave and Kelly Crossman Laurel Cliff
9:30am OLM In Memory of Fr. Laurence Quin Morris Odette Babineau
11:00am St.A Late Juanita Knorr Family
7:00pm St.A Late Arthur McGinnis Wife Ramona
Mon 24 9:30am SLOT In Memory of Fr. Laurence Quin Morris Laurel, Julie and Clarence
Tues 25 7:00pm St.A Late Lois MacFarlane Shirley Gale
Wed 26 4:00pm SLOT Late Fr. Sloan Julie, Clarence, Laurel
Thurs 27 1:00pm OLM Frances Kelley Odette Babineau
Fri 28 12:00noon St.A Late Meaghan Hudson Family
Sat 29 4:00pm St.A Late Isidor LeBlanc Elaine Elward and Family
6:30pm OLM In Memory of Deanna Gallant Odette Babineau
Sun 30 9:00am SLOT Late Barbara Ann Brown Cecilia and Armand Bertin
9:30am OLM In Memory of All Departed Souls Our Lady of Mercy
11:00am St.A For the People -
7:00pm St.A For the Church -

We pray for the sick including

Deacon Frank Quinn, Joe Felix, Randy Curtis, Beverly Dayon
We also pray for those who have died
And for those who mourn the loss of a loved one.

Mass Intentions for St. Augustine’s and

Saint Lawrence O’Toole can be scheduled by calling the parish office during
regular office hours Monday to Friday. For Our Lady of Mercy call Josephine at
506-871-9508. The cost is $15.00 per intention.

Memorial Mass
A Memorial Mass for Fr. Laurence Quin Morris will be
celebrated Saturday June 29th at 10:00am at
St. Augustine’s

Prayers of the Faithful

For the Church: for those who constantly give of their time, talent, and treasure.
May they be richly blessed for their generosity. We pray:

For our weary, war-torn world. May the leaders of all nations come together under
one banner of continuous support for all people. We pray

May the Eucharistic Celebration calm the storms in our daily lives and those of our
We pray:

As school comes to an end, may students, teachers, professors, and parents enter into
a time of rest and recreation.
We pray:
Trevor Droesbeck 857-4879
[email protected]
Karen Leblanc 387-4198
[email protected]

SCUBA: Diving into Friendship with God! This year’s VBS (for ages
3 up to the end of sixth grade) will take place this week at Immaculate
Heart of Mary church in Riverview (June 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th from
8:30 am – 12:00 pm.) Please note we have reached our limit for reg-
istrations, but please pray for the VBS planning team and participating
children as we help children to develop a closer friendship with God.

MONDAY @ THE MOVIES Our next Monday @ The Movies will actually take place on Thursday
July 25th at 2:00 PM when we will discuss faith themes in the 1986 coming of age film, Stand by
Me. Monday @ The Movies is a film discussion group which meets regularly on Zoom to discuss
faith themes in popular films. Over the summer, please contact Trevor Droesbeck at 857-4879 or
email [email protected]
"Pray the Rosary by Building it!" - Any or all parishioners are being requested by the
Knights of Columbus and the Prayer Garden Committee to help in rebuilding and restoring
the beautiful and actual rose beads making up the Rosary at the Magnetic Hill Prayer
Garden - Time & Place: every Monday evening from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, at the Magnetic Hill
Prayer Garden - Info: 871-3912."

R.C.I.A. stands for “Rite of Christian

Initiation of Adults.”
It does require a commitment of time but we think you will find the process much easier
than you might expect. In addition, we have found that everyone who becomes involved,
young or old, highly religious or moderately so, finds the process to be a wonderful
experience. An invitation is extended to those who are not baptized, those baptized in the Catholic
Church but have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and / or Confirmation, those baptized in
another Christian tradition who are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. The people of
Queen of All Saints offer you support in your search for a deeper relationship with God lived out through
the Catholic church. For information please contact the parish office at 506-857-4223 or speak with one
of our RCIA team members. RCIA will begin meeting in September.

Through the SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM we welcomed into our

Christian Family at St. Augustine’s on June 15th, 2024

Serina Lisa Marie, beloved child of Jason and Jennifer

Zoie Elyze, beloved child of Emil and Liezel
Novi May, beloved child of Nicholas and Ashley
Boyd James, beloved child of Corey and Lindsey
Bless these children. May the example of their parents,
Godparents and all of us lead them to a greater love of God.
Faith Development / Family Catechism St. Augustine’s
Registration is closed, will re-open September 2024 for the 2024-2025 sessions. You can register on our
website and your information will be placed on file for September.

2024 Steubenville Atlantic Youth Conference

Calling all youths (Ages 14-18) In our ever-changing world, Jesus is the answer to the longing of our hearts
for meaning, fulfillment, security, and love. Join hundreds of Catholic teens at Steubenville Atlantic in Hali-
fax, NS on July 5-7, 2024 to be illuminated in the light of Christ. Steubenville Conferences are an outreach
of Franciscan University of Steubenville. The conferences serve nearly 50,000 high school youth and their
leaders at 25 different conferences across North America
every summer.

The conferences seek to invite teens into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church, em-
powering them to live as his disciples. These conferences are high energy events featuring inspiring talks,
dynamic worship, and profound encounters with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and sacrament of reconcilia-
tion. Come and join us! The registration fee will be covered by the archdiocese,
parishes, and donors. It means the residence accommodations, five meals (Friday dinner through Sunday
breakfast), talks, and sessions are all covered. You just have to show up!


Fr. Carlos Jacinto at [email protected] or call the
St. Bernard’s Parish Office 506-857-0425
Monday-Friday: 9:00am-12:00noon; 1:00pm-4:00pm)

Queen of All Saints Parish App

From your Apple or Android device select your app store then download
myparish app on to your phone or tablet. Once you have it downloaded you will
see an option to find a parish. A box will appear where you can type in “Moncton”
and you are setup. With this app you will be able to…..Receive parish
information, Bulletins, access daily scripture readings, Mass times, calendar for
Church events, keep in touch with your parish life.

If you are a parishioner who is not able to access this app but would like to receive updates on events you
can call the parish office at 506-857-4223. We can include you in our email group or telephone list and
keep you up to date!

The City of Moncton summer concert series returns this year with another
exciting lineup of FREE outdoor shows. The 2024 program will include:
musical concerts at Victoria Park on Tuesday evenings / family-friendly
entertainment at Centennial Park on Wednesday evenings / musical
concerts at various downtown locations on Thursday evenings / Acoustic singers and songwriters at
the Moncton Market on Saturday mornings. A limited number of seats will be available at Victoria
Park and Centennial Park, spectators are welcome to bring their own chairs. In the event of
inclement weather, the show will be cancelled, and a notice of cancellation will be posted on the
City of Moncton's Facebook page.This week’s schedule:

Victoria Park, Tuesday June 25th 7:00pm—Pipes & Drums RCMP NB Band
Centennial Park Wednesday June 26th 6:00pm—Mad Science
Moncton Market, Saturday June 29th—Vita and Yeva
Msg Coyle will be presiding Sunday morning masses at 9:30am from
June 23rd until August 18th at Our Lady of Mercy Church.

Our Lady of Mercy Baptism Preparation Course

The next course will be offered July 9th / July 16th at 7:00pm
Pre-registration is required, please contact
Brenda Kent at 506-532-6950
Our Lady of Mercy: Student summer job. The parish has been approved for an 8 week
student program through CSJ at 35 hrs per week at 16$ per hour. This job involves many odd jobs
such as cleaning, yardwork and misc projects around the church. Please contact Josephine at
506-871-9508 to get information or send your resume at: [email protected]

The Gospel Study Group will not be held throughout the months of July and
August. We will resume in September.


A huge thank you to all who were involved in the United Way Day of Caring,
which took place last Friday. A good group of RBC employees came to
St Lawrence O’Toole. With their help and energy, a lot was accomplished to
clean, reorganize and refresh the Church. They enjoyed a lunch we
provided. Thank you to the parishioners who provided these yummies and
to Adele and Barb who coordinated the job assignments and served the
meal. The workers had two requests, they wanted to ring the Church bells and be on the list to come back
next year. We could only oblige them with the first. As you may have noticed the pews have been done, the
kneelers will also be redone soon and the monument man will be working on straightening the stones in the
cemetery as well the monument for the Indigenous people buried in our cemetery will be set up within the
next month.

SAINT LAWRENCE O’TOOLE Parish council has an opening for a chairperson, if you are interested please
speak with Rosmonde Gilmore or Shirley Richard at Mass. Thank you.


Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:30am to 1:00pm
Donations may be left at the Drop Off Barn from 8:00am until 8:00 pm only. A limit of 10
Customers are allowed in the store at one time for a 15-minute time period. Hand sanitizing
will be monitored. Items can be dropped in the Drop Off Barn in the parking lot from
8:00am to 8:00pm.

Queen of All Saints Parish Summer Office Hours

Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 12:00noon and 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Friday 9:00am to 12:00noon

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