The Chalice: The Pastor's Corner

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Holy Eucharist

Sunday service is at 10 a.m.

at 616 Stockell Drive,
The Chalice
Eureka, MO.
St. Francis Episcopal Church
Visit our parish office at Eureka MO
126 S. Central in Old Town, April2010
Phone: 636-938-3733
Vicar The Pastor’s Corner
The Rev. Sally S. Weaver
Phone No.s: Home 636- Soon Holy Week, the most sacred week of the
church year, begins. On Palm Sunday we will wave our
Cell: 314-651-3836 leafy branches, heralding Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. On
In this issue Thursday we will remember Jesus’ last meal with his disci-
ples. We will hear how Jesus washed his friends’ feet,
Adult Forum Calendar, pg 3;
modeling for his followers servant leadership. At the con-
Attendance statistics pg 9;
clusion of that Maundy Thursday worship service we will
Bible Study, pg 2;
strip the altar bare and leave in silence, recalling Jesus’
Birthday/Anniversaries, pg
10; long and anxious night in the Garden of Gethsemane as he awaited his in-
Bishop’s Committee, pg 13; evitable arrest. On Good Friday, as Jesus hangs dying on the cross, we will
Calendar April, pg 11; worship solemnly with prayers punctuated by long silences. Then on Easter
Christian Formation, pg 10; morning we will celebrate the resurrection with trumpets, songs, a festive
Christian Life Model, pg 4-6; Eucharist, incense, flowers, and “Alleluias!”
Coffee & Dessert, pg 8; While there’s great drama and redemption in the liturgies of Holy
Community Happenings, pg Week, that’s not why I commend them to you. Engaging in worship reminds
us that we are participants in Jesus’ story. Jesus was killed because he re-
Confirmation Class, pg 7;
fused to bow to imperial Rome and the authorities of the Jerusalem Temple
Discretionary Fund, pg 9;
who were in league with Rome. Jesus’ fealty was to the kingdom of God,
Financial Update, pg 13;
not the kingdom of Rome. Jesus sought peace through justice for all of
Holy Week Schedule, pg. 2;
God’s people, not peace through violence and military might.
Keeping Churches Safe, pg 7;
Movie Review, pg 13; We too are called to work for a just world, a world in which all people
Pastor’s Corner, pg 1; have enough – food, water, and shelter. We too are called to nonviolently
People We Pray For, pg 14; resist governments or authorities who use arms or intimidation to threaten or
Prayer for St. Francis’, pg2; silence their citizenry. We too are called to serve those on the margins. We
Reaching the Vicar, pg 2; too are called to speak out for those whose voices are not heard because
Worship Schedule April, pg the rhetoric of the powerful is so loud.
Jesus’ story is our story. Walking with Jesus through Holy Week re-
Youth Groups, pg 7
minds us that as his followers we are likely to run afoul of powers and princi-
palities at various points in our lives. Faithful living can lead to suffering.
But God’s promise of Easter is ever present: Suffering is transformed into
realized hope, death is overcome with new life. Come experience in Holy
Week the death and resurrection of Jesus. Alleluia!

Page 2

Holy Week Worship Services

Bishop’s Committee: Bar- Through worship this Holy Week come remember Jesus’
bara Sacco, Sr. Warden; Suz- final meal with his friends, his agonizing death, and the miracle of his
anne Jones, Jr. Warden; resurrection.
Cassie Eckhardt, Bill Cody; Maundy Thursday April 1 7 p.m. Masonic Lodge
Leroy Young; Kathleen
McDonald; Lori Scissors; Good Friday April 2 Noon & 7 p.m. Parish house
Bob Hosutt; Steve Strat- Easter April 4 10 a.m. Masonic Lodge
hearn, Clerk;
Nancy Bergman, Treasurer.

Friday morning Bible study at Michelle’s

Annual Meeting
On Fridays from 10-11:30 a.m. we gather at Michelle’s
An Annual Meeting is held
Café to study the Bible readings for the upcoming Sunday. Mi-
each year at the end of Janu-
ary at which new Bishop’s chelle’s is at 104 S. Central Ave., on the same side of the street
Committee and Convention as the parish house toward the railroad tracks. Please join us
Delegates are elected. for lively conversation and good coffee.

St. Francis Episcopal Church

is a mission of the Episcopal
If you need to reach the Vicar
Diocese of Missouri. Pastor Sally can be reached at the following numbers:
Cell phone: 314-651-3836
The Chalice is the newsletter
Home: 636-938-7773
of St. Francis’ Episcopal
Church, Eureka, and is pub- St. Francis’: 636-938-3733
lished at least 10 times per You can always call the church office (636-938-3733) and listen to the
year. message.
Submissions for The Chal- These numbers are also listed on the worship service leaflet each Sunday.
ice are due on the 20th of
each month and may be sent Pastor Sally wants to hear from you when you have an urgent pastoral
or e-mailed to the Parish need. Please call her home or cell number to reach her at any hour of the
Office. day or night when a pastoral emergency occurs.

Prayer for St. Francis’

We pray for the witness, renewal, and growth of our parish family.
Open the door of St. Francis’ Church, O God, wide enough to beckon
those of every age and situation. Smooth the threshold into an inviting
pathway for children and for straying feet; and fill all who enter here
with your Divine love and peace, and with our human love and fellow-
ship. Amen.

The Chalice
Page 3

Adult Forum Calendar

Here is the schedule of what will be offered at the Adult Forums on Sundays from
11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

April 4 Easter brunch

April 11 Unbinding Your Heart – Introduction and chapter 1
April 18 Unbinding Your Heart – Chapter 2; week 1: day 7 of prayer journal
April 25 Unbinding Your Heart – Chapter 3; week 2: day 7 of prayer journal
May 2 Unbinding Your Heart – Chapter 4; week 3: day 7 of prayer journal
May 9 Unbinding Your Heart – Chapter 5; week 4: day 7 of prayer journal
May 16 Unbinding Your Heart – Chapter 6; week 5: day 7 of prayer journal
May 23 The Nestorians
May 30 Keepin’ kosher
June 6 Vicar’s forum – quarterly goals review
June 13 “Mass in the Grass” and picnic
June 20 Guest series -- #1
June 27 Guest series -- #2
July 4 Guest series -- #3
July 11 Guest series -- #4
July 18 Repitching the tent
July 25 Episcopalian 101/confirmation class #1: Worship, BCP, Scripture
Aug 1 Episcopalian 101/confirmation class #2: Sacraments: baptism,
Aug 8 Episcopalian 101/confirmation class #3: Sacraments: the other,
non-dominical sacraments
Aug 15 Episcopalian 101/confirmation class #4: Eucharist, part I
Aug 22 Episcopalian 101/confirmation class #5: Eucharist, part 2
Aug 29 Episcopalian 101/confirmation class #6: Episcopal polity
Sep 5 Vicar’s forum – quarterly goals review
Sep 12 Bishop Smith’s visitation
Sep 19 Creeds – part 1
Sep 26 Creeds – part 2

The Chalice

Page 4

The Christian Life Model and St. Francis’ Church

At the February 13 retreat the Bishop’s Committee mapped St. Francis’ activities and pro-
grams – both existing and planned – to a framework called the Christian Life model. As the article in
the March Chalice stated, this Christian Life model contains the former St. Francis’ “values” that
were reported as a checklist monthly, with a few additions.

The Christian Life model helps us see what we as a church are doing in the primary areas of
our common life – worship, action, and doctrine. Pastor Sally presented this mapping (below) at the
Adult Forum on March 7, along with our 2010 goals.

Holy Eucharist


Daily offices Personal


What we offer

♦ Sundays at 10 a.m.
♦ Lent, Holy Week services
♦ Funerals, weddings – pastoral offices
♦ “Forward Day by Day” booklets
♦ Altar Guild, choir, acolytes, ushers, lectors, etc.
♦ “Eat ‘n’ Pray” – Compline, Evening Prayer
♦ Taize – March 25

What we will offer

♦ Pet blessing – October 2
♦ “Mass in the Grass” on June 13 with picnic
♦ A children-led service in Summer
♦ Our youth playing guitar during service
♦ Notification of other services (e.g., choral Evensongs)
♦ Eucharistic Visitors
Page 5



Evangelism Stewardship

What we offer
♦ Eureka Food Pantry donations, year-round
♦ Scarves for the homeless
♦ Trinity hot lunch (5th Sundays)
♦ School supplies
♦ Adopt-a-family (November-December)
♦ Pastoral care to our faith community
♦ Adopt-a-Highway
♦ Recycling our paper & plastic, being green
♦ Sunday hospitality
♦ Name tags
♦ Communications (Website, Chalice, etc.)
♦ Eureka Days – September 10-11

What we will offer

♦ Local Outreach (ongoing) project
♦ Pastoral Care: E-mail to congregation when a person needs prayer that includes a prayer to

Stewardship program in Fall

♦ Forum Dinners
♦ Unbinding Your Heart church growth program during Easter season
♦ Communications Committee with 2010 plan
♦ Welcoming Committee that will develop “goodie bags” for newcomers, children, new mem-
ber incorporation process
♦ Vicar introducing herself to civic leaders
♦ Christmas cards to former parishioners
Page 6

Holy Scripture


Tradition Reason

What we offer
♦ Bible study Fridays at 10 a.m. at Michelle’s
♦ Adult Forums Sundays at 11:30 a.m.
♦ “Forward Day by Day” for use with Morning/Evening Prayer
♦ “Eat ‘n’ Pray” during Lent

What we will offer

♦ Nursery during and after Sunday worship

♦ Christian formation for children of all ages, year-round
♦ Youth Group for Senior High schoolers as part of another church’s group
♦ Youth Group for Middle Schoolers as part of another church’s group
♦ Vacation Bible School, partnering with another church
♦ Confirmation class for all ages to be completed by the time of Bishop Smith’s visit in Sep-
♦ Camp Phoenix – July 25-31


Transforming Spiritual
community guidance

What we offer
♦ Bishop’s Committee
♦ Buildings, grounds oversight
♦ Financial management/oversight
♦ Parish administration
Page 7

Confirmation Class – Episcopalian 101

Bishop Smith’s annual visit is Sunday, September 12. In addition to presiding at
our Eucharist that day the Bishop will lay his hands on anyone wanting to be confirmed,
received, or reaffirmed into the Episcopal Church.
A baptized person who has not been confirmed in any faith may be “confirmed.” A
person who has been confirmed in a different denomination may be “received” into the
Episcopal Church. A person who previously has been confirmed as an Episcopalian may
be “reaffirmed.” (“Reaffirming” your confirmation is similar to already being married and
renewing your wedding vows – you’re assenting once again to your previous pledge.)
Baptism is often an acceptance of faith in Christ that is done on a person’s behalf.
The baptized baby becomes a Christian, but is too young to make a declaration of faith
him/herself. Confirmation is a public declaration of faith, willingly and knowingly under-
taken by the individual.
If you are interested in confirmation/reception/reaffirmation, please let Pastor
Sally know.
Also please attend the 6 confirmation classes during the Adult Forum time, begin-
ning July 25. We will explore things Episcopalian. Even if you’re not interested in having
Bishop Smith lay his hands on you, come to the Adult Forums. They should be interesting
and fun.

Youth Groups
St. Francis’ Senior High youth are invited to Eureka United Methodist Church’s
(UMC) youth group, known as MUCK. MUCK meets once a month from 6-8 p.m. on Sun-
day evening. MUCK next meets on April 18 and features “the passion painter,” Andy
Raines. There’s dinner, live music, and the artist Andy Raines, who will paint a picture of
Jesus as the praise band performs. This particular MUCK event is open to all ages.
The middle schoolers of St. Francis’ are invited to Eureka UMC’s youth group that
meets each Thursday after school. Children are picked up at the LaSalle Middle School in
a Eureka UMC bus and taken to the church, where they snack and play games. Pick up
from Eureka UMC is at 5 p.m.

Keeping our Churches Safe

On March 20 Pastor Sally attended a workshop required of all Episcopal clergy in
this Diocese, “Preventing Sexual Exploitation in our Churches.” At that training Canon Dan
Smith said that recently he had been hugged by a woman he didn’t know during the pass-
ing of the Peace. Canon Smith felt that his personal space had been invaded by this per-
son. Many of us are “huggers.” We need to remember that what we perceive as a friendly
hug may be seen as unwelcome touch by the other person. When in doubt, ask.
Page 8

Coffee & Dessert info

Pastor Sally held “coffee and dessert” each Friday evening in Feb-
ruary at the parish house as a way of getting to know the people of St.
Francis’ better. Forty-four people came -- 39 current parishioners and 5
former parishioners. Here is a summary of what people said when asked
the question:

What are your hopes, dreams, aspirations for St. Francis’ Church?

♦ Outreach is the reason we’re here. We want to continue to be outward focused, not
spending all our time, money, and energy on ourselves.
♦ Doing more local outreach
♦ Having a youth group here in Eureka
♦ Programs for kids
♦ Don’t want a building. Allows us to spend more money on others.
♦ Really want a building
♦ Want a building, but want to be able to afford the building, so that it doesn’t compro-
mise our financial viability
♦ Want to move back to LaSalle
♦ More families
♦ More kids
♦ More young adults
♦ Don’t want to grow, although know we need to. Fear:
• Not knowing everyone; might have to have 2 Sunday worship services!
• Losing sense of smallness, intimacy
• Losing the ability to care for everyone individually
♦ Children-led worship
♦ More contemporary worship
♦ More traditional-style worship
♦ Using the Book of Common Prayer & 1982 Hymnals rather than having the words in
the service bulletin
♦ Financial soundness
♦ A wider, more open spirituality
♦ More emphasis on our openness to doubts, questions
♦ People who are willing to be evangelists (‘cause I’m not!)
Page 9

The Discretionary Fund – what is it and

why do I care?
The Vicar’s discretionary fund is a checking account, used
solely by Pastor Sally at her discretion (hence the name). Only the
Pastor knows to whom checks are written, but IRS regulations
govern what the funds may be used for. The account is also au-
dited annually and the amount of the funds received and disbursed
is tracked by the Treasurer.
So what does Pastor Sally spend discretionary funds on? Pastoral emergencies –
for example, if a parishioner needs money to pay the bill so the electricity won’t be turned
off; or if a member of the community needs a few dollars to pay for an expensive and des-
perately needed medication.
How does Pastor Sally get money into her discretionary account? When Pastor
Sally performs a wedding, funeral, or other service for which she is paid directly, she puts
that money in the discretionary account. But the primary way the account gets money is
through your donations. If you would like to contribute to the discretionary account, please
put “discretionary fund” on the memo line of your check. Be assured that the money will be
used to relieve the suffering of those in need around us.

2010 Average Sunday Attendance To Date

At the March 7 Adult Forum the question was asked of Pastor Sally, “What’s our
average Sunday attendance so far in 2010?” The answer is 37, as of March 21. Our aver-
age Sunday attendance for all of 2009 was 38. Our goal for the year of 2010 is an average
Sunday attendance of 45.

Sunday Attendance Comparison Statistics

2009 2010
2 Lent 41 38
3 Lent 39 40
4 Lent 30 30
5 Lent 31 37
Palm Sunday 62 39
Page 10

Christian Formation Begins at St. Francis’ on Sunday, April 11

The children will meet for class downstairs, in the dining room at 10:00am, as the Church service
begins upstairs. Class will continue until the Offertory of the Holy Eucharist begins, at which time the chil-
dren will be escorted into Church for the remainder of the service.

Providing Christian education is a big step forward in the direction of growth for our faithful and
enduring community of St. Francis”. We have just a few children to start with, but believing in the hope of
"build it and they will come", from the movie "Field of Dreams," we begin. Now we need some more play-
ers! Namely volunteer teachers.

Volunteers commit to only one Sunday at a time. You will find teaching from our textbooks,
"Living the Good News" and "The Bible Big Book" easy and fun. Each set of textbooks comes with a
teacher’s guide that offers several creative options to present to your class. Materials for arts and crafts,
music and games are provided.
Preparation for teaching a lesson only takes about an hour. It requires you to:
1. get the teacher's guide in advance
2. read the Scripture and Bible story for the lesson
3. choose from the options offered in the guide you feel the most comfortable teaching
4. come to church around 9 a.m. to prepare the class room
Be sure to call me if you need help in any way. Thank you so much for your support.

Linda Doolittle

Please congratulate Barb and Nick
Sacco on their anniversary, April 29
April Birthdays
Richard Mayfield, Jr. 4/8
John Schmidt 4/10
Jerry Smith 4/27

We would love to publish important dates for ALL members of the congregation — your birth date, an-
niversaries, and others of importance to you. BUT — in order to publish we need the facts! So that official
parish records may be updated, you are urged to pick up and complete the salmon-colored sheets that will be
available in the lobby at the Lodge on Sunday and return it to the Parish Office or just leave with the Teller
sheets for Maxine to pick up. Knowing who to serve and how best to serve our members, requires data on who
we are. Let’s help the Vicar, Bishop’s Committee and Committee Chairpersons in planning appropriate pro-
grams and activities by letting them know who we are with facts and figures.
Page 11
St. Francis Episcopal Church
126 S. Central Avenue
Eureka, MO 63025 April 2010
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

2 Good Friday
1 Maundy 3
10 am Bible Study,
Please call or e-mail ([email protected]) the Parish Thursday Michelle’s Café
Office with items for the calendar before the last week in 12 noon— Service
each month to get on the following month’s calendar. at Parish House
Shaded area indicates days Maxine is in office
7 p.m. Service at
7 p.m.—Holy Parish House
Eucharist, Ma-

4 Easter 5 6 7 Vicar’s Day 8 9 10

8:30 a Choir off—Office
6:30 p.m. Worship 9:30-3 pm Eden 11:30 am Rolla
Practice closed
& Music Mtg — Seminary Spring lectionary group
10 am Bible
10 a.m. Holy Parish House Convocation
8—3 pm Eden Study, Michelle’s
Seminary Spring Café

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
8:30 a Choir 1:30-3 pm Ser- Vicar’s Day 7:30 a.m.—Chi
Practice mon Lectionary off—Office Alpha
10 a.m. Holy Group closed 10 am Bible
Eucharist-Lodge Study, Michelle’s
11:30 am Adult Café

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
8:30 a Choir 11:30—1 pm 1:30-3 pm Sermon Vicar’s Day 10 am Bible
Lectionary Group
Practice Spiritual direction off—Office Study, Michelle’s
11:30 a.m. Rolla
5:30 p.m. Commu- Café
10 a.m. Holy closed lectionary group
Eucharist-Lodge Committee meeting
11:30 am Adult

25 8:30 am 26 27 28 29 30
Choir Practice
Vicar’s Day Noon—1:30 p.m. 10 am Bible
10 a.m. Holy
Eucharist- off—Office Spiritual direc- Study, Michelle’s
Healing, Lodge closed tor Café
11:30 am Adult
BC Mtg
Page 12

Worship Participant Schedule April 2010

Maundy Good Fri- Easter Sun-
Thursday day day
Ministry 01-Apr 02-Apr 04-Apr 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr
SACRISTAN Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield
Kathleen McDonald & Paddy Wrob
McDonald & Ruth Dick & Kath- Barb Sacco & Sarah Branch- & Kathleen
LECTORS Laura Dick leen McDonald Michael Booker field McDonald
INTERCESSOR Paddy Wrob Carroll Dick Paddy Wrob Michael Booker McDonald

Kathleen Michael
CHALICE McDonald Laura Dick Rich Mayfield Barb Sacco Booker

Stevie Sewell & Brigitte Jung

ALTAR GUILD All members All members Linda Doolittle Jerry Smith & Jerry Smith
USHER Bob Smith Rich Mayfield Jim Eckhardt Bob Smith Booker
Suzanne Jones Suzanne
Jim Eckhardt & & Arlene Un- Jim Eckhardt & Jones & Rich
TELLERS Carroll Dick derwood Bob Smith Mayfield

Brunch, bring a
HOSPITALITY/ favorite dish to Judy & Bill
COFFEE HOUR share Cody

The Chalice — Calendar — Worship Schedule

for April
Please remember to check in the lobby for an updated
copy of the Calendar and Worship Participation Schedule. Cop-
ies of The Chalice newsletter are also available. As changes oc-
cur in the Parish Directory, updated copies will also be available.
The deadline for articles for the May Chalice is Monday,
May 24.
Page 13

Financial Update — February 2010

Comparison Budget 2010 to Total
February 2010 February 2009 date 2010 Budget

Total Income $6,503 $12,665 $15,700 $84,396

Total Expenses 7,277 11,606 $17,883 101,821

Difference ($774) 1,059 ($2,183) ($17,425)

Checking Account—Rockwood Bank $ 12,858

Balance in Edward Jones Money Market 21,673
Balance in Diocesan Investment pooled fund-general 3,624
Balance in Diocesan Investment pooled fund-Sp Growth 2,736
Received year to date for special growth fund 0

Bishop’s Committee Meeting Schedule

The Bishop’s Committee meets on Sundays beginning at 12:15 p.m. All are welcome
to sit in and listen. Here are the dates for Bishop’s Committee meetings for the remainder of
April 25 September 26
May 23 October 24
June 27 November 21
July 25 December 19
August 22

Movie Review
This is one of the best things to come out of Sweden since ABBA. It
is a film about a “po-dunk” town choir, a famous conductor and the power of
the Spirit through song. The movie contains a kaleidoscopic mix of good
and evil that expresses writer-director Kay Pollak’s personal view of Swe-
den . The film’s title, taken from the Lord’s Prayer, makes clear that Pollak is putting forward
his theological alternative of how to bring meaning to life. This Oscar nominated movie is un-
by Ernie Benecke
Page 14

People We Pray For

We’ve changed the system for the Prayers of the People. Please tell Pastor Sally, e-mail
[email protected], or call the office (636-938-3733), to add a name to the prayer list.
We will keep a list and will pray for each person on the list for 6 Sundays in a row. After that
time, if you want us to continue to pray for the person, just let us know, and we’ll keep the person on the
list for 6 additional Sundays. First names will be included in the Prayers of the People sheet for the Inter-
cessor and full names (if not re- quested otherwise) will be printed in the Announce-
ments insert along with the Congre- gational Rota and Birthdays & Anniversaries for
that Sunday.
Information needed: We would like first and last name (unless you prefer first
name only), and why we’re praying. For example: for an illness, because the person has
died, because they are being de- ployed to Iraq, etc. — this information is maintained,
but is not published. Please talk to Sally if you have questions or concerns. This method
should enable us to sustain our prayers as a community, for the needs of those we care about.
Our current 6-week list includes: Tom; John; Dan Merideth; Karl Mikolka; Doug Van Selow; Sulli-
van Hurley; Winston; Gene Duckworth; Christopher Slane, Robert Patterson; Renee Boblette; Doris Hart-
man; the earthquake victims in Haiti, Chile & Turkey; for all who are unemployed or underemployed.
In addition to the group of 12 or 13 members of the congregation on a rotating basis each week, we
pray also for various groups requested by the Diocese — congregations/people/ministers in our companion
Diocese of Lui; our local Missouri Diocese; and the worldwide Anglican communion.

Happenings in Our Community

Around Eureka
♦ April 4th: Eureka Masons, All You Can Eat Breakfast
♦ September 10, 11: Eureka Days (Not too early to plan to be there!)
Around The Diocese
♦ April 18th: Inaugural Organ Recital, 4 p.m. at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, St. Louis — Call 314-
832-3588 for information

Spring at last —
Happy April
The Chalice

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