The Chalice: The Pastor's Corner
The Chalice: The Pastor's Corner
The Chalice: The Pastor's Corner
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The Chalice
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The Christian Life model helps us see what we as a church are doing in the primary areas of
our common life – worship, action, and doctrine. Pastor Sally presented this mapping (below) at the
Adult Forum on March 7, along with our 2010 goals.
Holy Eucharist
What we offer
♦ Sundays at 10 a.m.
♦ Lent, Holy Week services
♦ Funerals, weddings – pastoral offices
♦ “Forward Day by Day” booklets
♦ Altar Guild, choir, acolytes, ushers, lectors, etc.
♦ “Eat ‘n’ Pray” – Compline, Evening Prayer
♦ Taize – March 25
Evangelism Stewardship
What we offer
♦ Eureka Food Pantry donations, year-round
♦ Scarves for the homeless
♦ Trinity hot lunch (5th Sundays)
♦ School supplies
♦ Adopt-a-family (November-December)
♦ Pastoral care to our faith community
♦ Adopt-a-Highway
♦ Recycling our paper & plastic, being green
♦ Sunday hospitality
♦ Name tags
♦ Communications (Website, Chalice, etc.)
♦ Eureka Days – September 10-11
♦ Forum Dinners
♦ Unbinding Your Heart church growth program during Easter season
♦ Communications Committee with 2010 plan
♦ Welcoming Committee that will develop “goodie bags” for newcomers, children, new mem-
ber incorporation process
♦ Vicar introducing herself to civic leaders
♦ Christmas cards to former parishioners
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Holy Scripture
Tradition Reason
What we offer
♦ Bible study Fridays at 10 a.m. at Michelle’s
♦ Adult Forums Sundays at 11:30 a.m.
♦ “Forward Day by Day” for use with Morning/Evening Prayer
♦ “Eat ‘n’ Pray” during Lent
Transforming Spiritual
community guidance
What we offer
♦ Bishop’s Committee
♦ Buildings, grounds oversight
♦ Financial management/oversight
♦ Parish administration
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Youth Groups
St. Francis’ Senior High youth are invited to Eureka United Methodist Church’s
(UMC) youth group, known as MUCK. MUCK meets once a month from 6-8 p.m. on Sun-
day evening. MUCK next meets on April 18 and features “the passion painter,” Andy
Raines. There’s dinner, live music, and the artist Andy Raines, who will paint a picture of
Jesus as the praise band performs. This particular MUCK event is open to all ages.
The middle schoolers of St. Francis’ are invited to Eureka UMC’s youth group that
meets each Thursday after school. Children are picked up at the LaSalle Middle School in
a Eureka UMC bus and taken to the church, where they snack and play games. Pick up
from Eureka UMC is at 5 p.m.
What are your hopes, dreams, aspirations for St. Francis’ Church?
♦ Outreach is the reason we’re here. We want to continue to be outward focused, not
spending all our time, money, and energy on ourselves.
♦ Doing more local outreach
♦ Having a youth group here in Eureka
♦ Programs for kids
♦ Don’t want a building. Allows us to spend more money on others.
♦ Really want a building
♦ Want a building, but want to be able to afford the building, so that it doesn’t compro-
mise our financial viability
♦ Want to move back to LaSalle
♦ More families
♦ More kids
♦ More young adults
♦ Don’t want to grow, although know we need to. Fear:
• Not knowing everyone; might have to have 2 Sunday worship services!
• Losing sense of smallness, intimacy
• Losing the ability to care for everyone individually
♦ Children-led worship
♦ More contemporary worship
♦ More traditional-style worship
♦ Using the Book of Common Prayer & 1982 Hymnals rather than having the words in
the service bulletin
♦ Financial soundness
♦ A wider, more open spirituality
♦ More emphasis on our openness to doubts, questions
♦ People who are willing to be evangelists (‘cause I’m not!)
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Providing Christian education is a big step forward in the direction of growth for our faithful and
enduring community of St. Francis”. We have just a few children to start with, but believing in the hope of
"build it and they will come", from the movie "Field of Dreams," we begin. Now we need some more play-
ers! Namely volunteer teachers.
Volunteers commit to only one Sunday at a time. You will find teaching from our textbooks,
"Living the Good News" and "The Bible Big Book" easy and fun. Each set of textbooks comes with a
teacher’s guide that offers several creative options to present to your class. Materials for arts and crafts,
music and games are provided.
Preparation for teaching a lesson only takes about an hour. It requires you to:
1. get the teacher's guide in advance
2. read the Scripture and Bible story for the lesson
3. choose from the options offered in the guide you feel the most comfortable teaching
4. come to church around 9 a.m. to prepare the class room
Be sure to call me if you need help in any way. Thank you so much for your support.
Linda Doolittle
Please congratulate Barb and Nick
Sacco on their anniversary, April 29
April Birthdays
Richard Mayfield, Jr. 4/8
John Schmidt 4/10
Jerry Smith 4/27
We would love to publish important dates for ALL members of the congregation — your birth date, an-
niversaries, and others of importance to you. BUT — in order to publish we need the facts! So that official
parish records may be updated, you are urged to pick up and complete the salmon-colored sheets that will be
available in the lobby at the Lodge on Sunday and return it to the Parish Office or just leave with the Teller
sheets for Maxine to pick up. Knowing who to serve and how best to serve our members, requires data on who
we are. Let’s help the Vicar, Bishop’s Committee and Committee Chairpersons in planning appropriate pro-
grams and activities by letting them know who we are with facts and figures.
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St. Francis Episcopal Church
126 S. Central Avenue
Eureka, MO 63025 April 2010
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2 Good Friday
1 Maundy 3
10 am Bible Study,
Please call or e-mail ([email protected]) the Parish Thursday Michelle’s Café
Office with items for the calendar before the last week in 12 noon— Service
each month to get on the following month’s calendar. at Parish House
Shaded area indicates days Maxine is in office
7 p.m. Service at
7 p.m.—Holy Parish House
Eucharist, Ma-
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
8:30 a Choir 1:30-3 pm Ser- Vicar’s Day 7:30 a.m.—Chi
Practice mon Lectionary off—Office Alpha
10 a.m. Holy Group closed 10 am Bible
Eucharist-Lodge Study, Michelle’s
11:30 am Adult Café
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
8:30 a Choir 11:30—1 pm 1:30-3 pm Sermon Vicar’s Day 10 am Bible
Lectionary Group
Practice Spiritual direction off—Office Study, Michelle’s
11:30 a.m. Rolla
5:30 p.m. Commu- Café
10 a.m. Holy closed lectionary group
Eucharist-Lodge Committee meeting
11:30 am Adult
25 8:30 am 26 27 28 29 30
Choir Practice
Vicar’s Day Noon—1:30 p.m. 10 am Bible
10 a.m. Holy
Eucharist- off—Office Spiritual direc- Study, Michelle’s
Healing, Lodge closed tor Café
11:30 am Adult
BC Mtg
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Kathleen Michael
CHALICE McDonald Laura Dick Rich Mayfield Barb Sacco Booker
Brunch, bring a
HOSPITALITY/ favorite dish to Judy & Bill
COFFEE HOUR share Cody
Movie Review
This is one of the best things to come out of Sweden since ABBA. It
is a film about a “po-dunk” town choir, a famous conductor and the power of
the Spirit through song. The movie contains a kaleidoscopic mix of good
and evil that expresses writer-director Kay Pollak’s personal view of Swe-
den . The film’s title, taken from the Lord’s Prayer, makes clear that Pollak is putting forward
his theological alternative of how to bring meaning to life. This Oscar nominated movie is un-
by Ernie Benecke
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Spring at last —
Happy April
The Chalice