March 2024
March 2024
March 2024
Good Friday, March 29, noon. Eucharist will be from the reserved
sacrament. The Stations of the Cross are installed on the walls of the
sanctuary and the doors will stay open for you to come in on your own
time and meditate and pray on the icons representing Jesus’ journey to
the Cross.
Holy Saturday, March 30 at noon. A simple Holy Saturday service will be offered.
The Altar Guild members will gather at 1:00 on Saturday to decorate the sanctuary. If
you’d like to donate or loan us an Easter lily, please have it here by then. Envelopes for
cash donations to the flower fund are available on the table in Browning Hall. We are also
looking for cut garden flowers (weather-dependent) to use in the outside flower boxes.
The Great Vigil of Easter, March 30, 7pm. We recognize this day as The
Great Sabbath, the day when Christ rested in the tomb and all creation awaited
the resurrection. At 7pm we will gather in darkness to light the first fire.
Through the elements of fire, light, word, water, bread and wine, we hear, see,
taste and the smell the beauty and wonder of the Pascal Mystery. Before
celebrating the Eucharist together for the first time, we
turn up the lights and shout “Alleluia!” once again.
Please join us for this joyful and moving service. We
will be looking for several readers for this liturgy.
Results in a nutshell:
• The 2024 budget was approved after
• New vestry members (class of 2027)
approved by affirmation: Tim Sedgwick, Barb
Menard and Dave Anderson.
• Sr Warden remains as Jennifer Meisberger Guild officers were chosen at
• Jr. Warden remains as Mike Freeman the February meeting: President
• Treasurer remains as Pravin Rajamoney Nealya Cargill, Vice-President Vicki
• Diocesan Convention representatives: Kelsey, Secretary Joyce Uczen,
Pamela Krause and Jasinta Rajamoney. Treasurer Sue Jenkins.
Alternates: Dave Anderson and Ruth Tsu. It was voted to send $500 to
• Endowment Committee: Kevin Liddiard stays each of these organization from the
on for another year. One more person is proceeds of the Holiday Bazaar:
needed. FISH, Cove Ascension School,
• Gorge Ecumenical Ministries representative: Caretakers of the Land, Helping
Pamela Krause Hands Against Violence, HR Senior
Center’s Meals on Wheels, GEM’s
Meeting packets are available from the office or Immigration Relief Fund, Hukari
can be emailed to you. Animal Shelter, HRValley High
School’s Leos Club fund-raising
efforts toward elimination of student
lunches debt.
Remember, sales of Equal
Exchange Coffee and Chocolate
(available for sale at coffee hour) go
into the Guild’s funds.
Before going to bed
on March 9th
The Gospel Based Discipleship group gathers on the second and fourth
Thursdays of the month at 1:30. GBD is a method to compare
translations of the Bible. Any questions—contact Georgia at: 541-965-
2976 or by email: [email protected]
Building Use March
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
AA noon AA 10am
AA 8pm
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8&10 HE AA noon AA noon 10a ACIM AA noon AA noon AA 10am
AA 6p Study AA 8pm
Alanon 7p AA noon AA 8pm
AA 8p
10 11 12 Guild 11:30a 13 14 15 16
8 &10 HE AA noon 10 ACIM study AA noon AA 10a
AA noon AA 6p AA noon AA noon
Alanon 7p AA 8pm AA 8pm
AA 8p
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
8 &10 HE AA noon AA noon 10 ACIM Study AA noon AA 10a
AA 6p AA noon AA noon
Alanon 7p AA 8pm
AA 8p AA 8 pm
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
8 &10 HE AA noon AA noon 10 ACIM Study Maundy noon AA 10a
PALM AA 6p AA noon Thurs 7pm Good Holy Sat 12p
SUNDAY Alanon 7p Friday 7pm Great
AA 8p AA noon Vigil
8 &10 HE
Readers Georgia Sue Jenkins & Cathy Peck & Dave Tim Sedgwick
Giacobbe & Dale Don Anderson & & Vicki
Nick Kevin
Prayers Ruth Tsu Pamela Krause Monte Georgia Martha
Dickinson Giacobbe Sedgwick
Ushers Sue Jenkins Pamela & Pravin & Dave & Ann Nick Kirby &
& ————- Monique Bricker Jasinta Anderson —————
Coffee Vicki Kelsey Jim & Penny
Altar Barb Sigl/ Monique Bricker Ruth Tsu Sue & Sue
Guild Joyce Uczen & Jasinta Jennifer Lois Butler
Rajamoney Meisberger
Flowers Palms Lilies
Joyce Bryerton, the glass artist, included a lot of symbolism in our windows. There are
hidden symbols and meanings in the colors. She included a circle in all our windows to
represent God. A cross to represent Christianity. Also birds to represent the Holy Spirit,
and angels’ wings. There are heads to represent the people and symbols of the 12
disciples. Look closely at all of our windows.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
400 11th Street
Hood River, OR 97031