From The Pastor's Desk

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From the Pastor’s Desk us priest, sometimes I physically feel the

grace coming from your prayers. Priests also

My Dear People: have an obligation to pray for the people, so
in addition to other prayers the pastor must
Of the seven billion people circled around the offer one Mass every Sunday for the people.
earth, there are 400,000 men who are unique
in that they carry with them God’s power to The sixty-year tradition of celebrating the
forgive sins and they have been given the freedom of our country here at OLS by a
spiritual power to call the Lord Jesus into parish festival is a festival that will live as
what then only appears to be bread and long as OLS. The spirit continues and is as
wine. These men are Catholic priests. alive today as much as it has ever been.
Catholics are very much aware of the Sixty years is a round figure and so we are
uniqueness of priests, and the non-Catholic making more effort: more trash and treasure
world also has a vague sense of the spiritual items, more barbeque, more prizes on those
uniqueness of the Catholic priesthood. When tickets, and we hope, more attendance. May
Catholics are dying how often we hear: Call A the Lord bless us with a little cooler weather
Priest for prayers and more forgivness of and may we meet old friends, make it a
sins. family event, and yes we might drop in for a
visit with Jesus in the Church or Chapel and
Just as we finished the Year of St. Paul, know that this is another great event that
Pope Benedict began the Year of the Priest. keeps our parish working together.
This special year started on June 19th, the
Feast of the Sacred Heart. It started on this Missionaries are a breed to themselves.
feast because this is the feast of the great They are on the front lines in spreading the
love God has for us; the love that gave the cause of Christ. Theirs is uphill work and
Apostles and their successors the use of His they deserve our prayers and support. We
power to forgive sins and to make present welcome the Consolota Sisters who will
the physical presence of Jesus on the altar. speak after Communion at all the Masses to
encourage us to support the five missionary
The Pope stated the purpose for the Year of groups who will share in this collection.
the Priests as follows:
With prayers and blessings,
1). Priests are asked during Fr. Muller
this year to deepen their
spirituality and commitment.

2). The people are asked to

intensify their encouragement
of priests.

The devil tempts priests as well as people

and he woud like to stop all the spiritual good
coming from the priesthood.
Priests are not perfect, but are called to strive
to be such. We priests literally depend on
the prayers of our people. I frequently call
myself a “parasite” for I live off the prayers of
our people. I am afraid to “retire” because
out of sight, out of mind. With the spirituality
of the OLS people and the way you pray for
Monday, June 29 Donors to OLS School Foundation The family of Frank LaRussa, Sr., would like
Special Int. M. Angelo to thank the members of Our Lady of
Tuesday, June 30 Special Intention Sorrows for all the prayers and loving acts of
Anthony V. Rosato, Sr.
Wednesday, July 1 Joseph Latsis
kindness shown during his illness and death.
Anthony V. Rosato, Sr. As Frank so often told people, “when we all
Thursday, July 2 Pete Ragusa get to heaven, you can ride on his cloud.”
Donald Taccone
Friday, July 3 Stephany Macksoud
Lucille Greer
Saturday, July 4 Anita Noto
Please join us for
Bill Stephens and Children’s Eucharistic
Intentions of the Blessed Monther Adoration on
Sunday, July 5 People of the Parish Wednesday, July 1, from
Elizabeth Saia & Stella Marino 9:00 a.m. until 9:30 a.m.
in the church. Children
of all ages are welcome including newborns
and infants. This time is a wonderful
PRAY FOR VOCATIONS opportunity to encourage your child’s faith
How do you welcome others into your heart? Are
you willing to give of yourself for others? Let your and prayer life while fulfilling Christ’s
heart lead you to follow Jesus. (Matthew 10:37-42) command to “…Let the little children come to
Please pray that all new members in our parish may me…” (Mark 10:14). For more information,
be warmly welcomed into this Church community. please call Kim Stephens at 823-8886.
This ad is sponsored by the Serra Club.
First Friday Devotions will be held on The new schedule for extraordinary
Friday, July 3, at 6:00 a.m. ministers of Holy Communion, lectors and
First Saturday Devotions will be held on altar servers is available via internet for those
Saturday, July 4, at 7:15 a.m. who have provided their email address.
Those who do not have email have been
sent a copy in the mail. If you serve in any of
We still need your these ministries and do not have a copy of
donations for Trash the new schedule please contact the church
and Treasure!!! Please office.
drop donations off at
the gym between now
and July 2. When Sometimes the joy in our
donating electrical marriage can feel “dead.”
items please indicate if Jesus can bring life into our
they are in working marriage and the joy that we
order. For more information about donations desire in our relationship. The
or volunteering, please call the church office next Worldwide Marriage
or Melanie Falconer at 945-8341 or 281- Encounter Weekend is August 21-23 in
9695. The Trash and Treasure schedule for Huntsville, AL. Dates fill fast, early
this year will be Saturday, July 4, from 9:00- registration is recommended. For more
4:00 and Sunday, July 5, from 1:00-5:00. On information visit our website at:
Sunday all items will be half price!!! or call (800) 540-WWME
The flowers under the registration and information please call
Blessed Mother are in Alexandra Naylor at
loving memory of Lula 981-2773 or 871-8121
and Mickey Carpri on ____________________________________
their 70th Anniversary.


The Chapel needs

permanent Committed
Adorers for:
Monday at 11:00 p.m.
( to share hour)
Friday at 11:00 a.m. (vacant) Please remember to return your cakes to the
Friday at 1:00 p.m. (vacant) cake booth on either Friday, July 3, from
Saturday at 5:00 p.m. (vacant) 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., or on Saturday, July
Sunday at 11:00 a.m. ( to share hour) 4, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Our goal is to have at least 2 people on each ____________________________________
hour. These are the hours needed, but do
select an hour that best fits your schedule.
Please call Ida Wilker at 933-2281 or Mary
Claire Brouillette at 871-2909.
“If it were humanly possible to fully understand
the value of a Holy Hour everyone would make
time to do it.” St. Peter Julian Eymard- 1811 to

High School Youth Group canoe trip has

been cancelled for this Wednesday, July1.


OLS Church is looking for talented musicians

who would like to participate in a September
concert dedicated to raising money for poor
children in Ukraine and Honduras. We are
inviting middle school, high school and
college students who can play classical and
hymnal music level 5 and up. For

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