Event/Meeting Schedule: Saint Luke's Refrigerator Sheet

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Saint Luke’s Refrigerator Sheet


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spoken Holy Eucharist Rite II 8:00 AM EASTER EGG HUNT!
Holy Eucharist Rite II w/ Music 10:00 AM ~ Sponsored by our Acolytes ~
Check the Narthex for several sign-ups for Holy Week! Easter Egg Hunt will be held after the 10 a.m.
Service on April 4, Easter Sunday.
This Week (Mar 28 - Apr 3) Remember to bring a basket or bag for your
Mon Morning Prayer 9:00 AM children to place the eggs they collect!
Mon Yoga class 6:00 PM
Tue Morning Prayer 9:00 AM
Wed Morning Worship 7:00 AM
Wed Evening Prayer 6:00 PM Easter Memorial Flowers
Wed Lenten Soup Supper 6:30 PM
Wed Lenten Book Study 7:00 PM There is a sign up sheet in the Narthex for Easter
Thur Morning Prayer 9:00 AM Memorial Flowers. If you would like to give a
Thur Maundy Thursday Meal & memorial, please clearly print your name and the
Service 6:00 PM name(s) for the memorial in the boxes on the
Thur Footwashing Liturgy &
sheet. Use a second box if necessary. You may
Stripping of the Altar 7:00 PM
Thur Altar of Repose and enclose your donation in the envelope provided
All Night Vigil 8:00 PM and drop in the offering plate, mail, or hand
Fri Stations of the Cross 12:00 AM deliver to the church office.
Fri Childrens’ Good Friday Service 4:00.PM
Fri Good Friday Service 7:00 PM
Sat Holy Saturday Liturgy 9:00 AM Bible Study News
Sat Altar Guild Cleaning &
Easter Preparation 9:30 AM
Sat Great Vigil of Easter 7:30 PM The Monday night Bible study group is on
Handel’s Messiah and the Bible. This study
Next Week (April 4 -10) has 6 sessions which focus on the Lenten
Sun Hope for Housing Card Sales Texts and will use some audio of the
Sun Confirmation Class 12:15 AM Messiah. To join this group, please let one
Mon Yoga class 6:00 PM of the current members know or contact
Mon Bible Study 7:00 PM Kristin Hartness Law, so that a book can be
Wed Morning Worship 7:00 AM ordered for you. Kristin can be reached at
Wed Evening Prayer 6:00 PM 508-892-0260 or [email protected]
Wed Soup Supper 6:30 PM
Wed Lenten Book Study 7:00 PM
Thur Evening Prayer 6:00 PM
Thur Choir Practice 7:00 PM
Fri Girl Scout Meeting 5:30 PM

Our Servers:
Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church—921 Pleasant St. Worcester, MA 01602
Rector: [email protected]
Parish Administrator: [email protected]
Saint Luke’s Refrigerator Sheet

Sunday 3/28 Each year since 1922, special offerings collected

during Holy Week from across our church have been
LEM: 8- Andrew Boyd sent in aid of the church in the Middle East; this
10- David Vogel collection has become known as the Good Friday
Acolytes: Rafisa R, Drew L, Jonathan H. Offering.

Ushers: Chrissy Pole, Anna Schmalz The province of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem
Prayers of and the Middle East covers an enormous area - the
The People: Jane Griesbach southern Mediterranean coast from Algeria through
Lector: Claudia Girling to Lebanon and Syria in the east and down to the
Greeters: 8- The O’Reillys Persian Gulf and the Horn of Africa - and yet it is
10- Roger Moulin one of the smaller provinces of the Anglican
Coffee: 8- Groves Communion in membership. Outside of the Holy
10- Arnold/Warren City, the countryside is overwhelmingly Islamic and
Altar Guild: Team I Jewish, and even in Jerusalem the dominant
Teachers: Kristin & Jennifer Christian traditions are Greek Orthodox, Roman
Catholic and Armenian Apostolic. Yet, Anglican
bishops staunchly maintain a visible Anglican
Sunday 4/4 presence throughout the Middle East, which
includes Israel, the Palestinian National Authority,
Jordan, Egypt and the North African countries,
LEM: 8
Saudi Arabia, the island of Cyprus, Ethiopia and
Sam McClure
10 Barbara Groves Somalia, and both Iraq and Iran. The entire region
Acolytes: 8 Nafisa R, Jonathan H, Drew L is fertile ground for numerous ministries, which are
10 Shantell N, Nick P, Jackie F being conducted in very difficult circumstances each
Ushers: Chrissy Poole & Parent day. In addition to assisting Anglican parishes and
missions, support received through the Good Friday
Prayers of Offering translates into operating hospitals, schools,
The People: Debra Holmes orphanages and many other programs accomplished
Lector: Raul Laborde for the benefit of all people in the province,
Greeters: 8 Jane Whearley Christian, Jewish and Muslim alike.
10 Connie C. and John Z.
Coffee: 8 Zeugner/Valentine Your support for the Good Friday Offering is
10 Burton essential to a continued Anglican witness in Jesus'
Altar Guild: Team II homeland. As you walk with Christ from Palm
Teachers: No church school Sunday through Holy Week toward his final victory
at the Resurrection, may every blessing be yours.

Faithfully in Christ, Bishop Scruton


As Lent approaches, it is most appropriate that we again

turn our attention to the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem
and the Middle East, both in prayer and in support.
Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church—921 Pleasant St. Worcester, MA 01602
Rector: [email protected]
Parish Administrator: [email protected]
Saint Luke’s Refrigerator Sheet

Red Door Record ---seeks new editor,

new schedule:
Project Bread’s 42nd Annual Walk
for Hunger, Sunday, May 2 Having creatively shepherded a myriad of issues of the
Starts on the Boston Common, 7:00 – 9:00 A.M. Red Door Record in a period of profound transition as most
forms of print communication reach accommodation with
For all details, go to www.projectbread.org/walk
alternative electronic modes, Mary Hicks would now like to
step down from the editorship. Her tireless work has earned
With poverty and unemployment rising at the parish’s deepest thanks.
unprecedented rates and 554,000 people across the Is there someone (or someones) in the congregation
state struggling to put food on the table, this year’s interested in editing the RDR?
Walk for Hunger is more important than ever. Since
1969, The Walk for Hunger has relied on support from The job entails around 15 hours of work per issue, with,
religious organizations such as yours. Over the years, perhaps only four or five issues brought out per year, timed
to the Church’s seasons. It’s a fine opportunity to learn and
that support has grown from one to more than 1,000
develop publication skills. If you are interested, please
religious and community organizations that come out
contact Lisa in the church office, or any member of the
to protest the social injustice of hunger in our midst. Vestry.
Now is the time to step up and join us for Project
Bread’s 42nd Annual Walk for Hunger on Sunday, May
2. With the economy struggling, every dollar, every
mile, and every volunteer hour counts for our
neighbors in need. The 20-mile Walk weaving through SANCTUARY CHAIR RECANING
Boston, Brookline, Newton, Watertown, and
Cambridge will include entertainment and free snacks There are 15 sanctuary chairs at Saint Luke’s that
and will help raise $4 million to fight hunger. Your need recaning . We have already had 5
pledges fund emergency food programs throughout the parishioners donate the funds needed to cane 6 of
state and provide food for families in natural settings them.
such as schools, after school programs, summer If you’d like to donate to this project, the
programs, community health centers, hospitals, and cost is $95. per chair.
home care organizations, all of which integrate help
into the fabric of everyday life. Celebrate the spirit of
giving along with over 40,000 other concerned citizens
by participating in this Massachusetts family tradition.
For more information, visit
www.projectbread.org/walk or call 617-723-5000.

Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church—921 Pleasant St. Worcester, MA 01602

Rector: [email protected]
Parish Administrator: [email protected]

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