March 2023 Messenger
March 2023 Messenger
March 2023 Messenger
Monthly Messenger
Saron Lutheran Church
We already know how the story ends. We already know Join us for Worship!
that Jesus has risen and that death no longer has power Sundays at 9:30 am
over us. We know that God’s love for us has no bounds. In the Sanctuary or
That is something that can certainly bring gladness to all on the “Saron Lutheran Church”
our hearts in all seasons. Facebook page
In Love and Peace, Bulletins are sent via email every
Pastor Callie Torres week.
Saron Staff
Rev. Callie Torres, Pastor
Louise Spurgeon, Secretary
Office Hours
Tuesday through Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Saron Lutheran Church
1742 North Street, Escalon CA95320
209-838-7695 | [email protected]
President’s Message Lenten Services and Soup Suppers
The church council elected the following officers: March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29
Ann Shaddix, President; Gary Thomasser, Vice Supper at 6:00 pm, Service at 7:00 pm
President; and Kathy Pendleton, Secretary. Other Every Lent we gather together to share a meal and
members on the council are Krista Adametz, Lori worship together in the middle of the week, this
Armstrong, Janet Casaus, and Louise Spurgeon. year we will gather on the Wednesdays in March.
Pastor Callie provides guidance and spiritual Supper begins at 6:00 pm and the service begins at
support and Heather Thomasser records the 7:00 pm. Services will be in the style of Taize,
minutes. including simple songs, prayers, and scripture
readings. If you are interested in bringing soup,
The Property Committee is working on resolving bread, or dessert for one of the evenings or you are
the issue of motorized vehicle riding on the back interested in helping to set-up or clean-up please see
lot. It is a hazard to the grounds and could the sign up sheet in the social hall.
endanger the safety of those walking through the
lot. Also, poses a possible danger to our Learning
Tree children.
Prayer Group Farewell to Suzanne
March 8th at noon On Sunday, February 19th we said our goodbyes to
Each month a group gathers to pray for our church, Suzanne and sent her off with our blessings. She
the world, share individual prayer requests, and was celebrated with a beautiful cake and prayer
support one another. The next prayer group meeting during worship! She will be missed.
will be on Wednesday, March 8th at noon in Pastor
Callie’s office at church. All are invited, please join
Bible Study
March 12th after worship
The next Bible Study meeting will be on Sunday,
February 12th after worship. We will be continuing
our study of the 10 Commandments, focusing on the
third and fourth commandments. Let us explore
together what it means to be a “covenant” people.
Book Club
March 26th after worship
Our next discussion of the book W aking Up W hite
will be on Sunday, March 26th, after worship. All are
welcome to reflect on our nation’s history of race, our
own upbringing, and the perspectives that have been
taught. Our discussion will focus on the fifth and
sixth sections (pgs. 113-184).If you need a copy of
the book, please contact the church office.
Thanks to Phil
A huge thanks to Phil for coming out to level the
ground of our back lot after some tracks were left by
some bikers! He faithfully tends to our back lot and
keeps it from getting overgrown and free of tripping
hazards for the many walkers in our community to Escalon Senior Fun Bunch News
use it.
The Senior Fun Bunch is gathering again on March
15th from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm at the Escalon
Community Center. The theme is “Blue Skies.”
Please wear your ESFB T-shirt or any blue T-shirt.
Come and have some fun and enjoy meeting new
Bingo, Spaghetti, and More! Craft Supplies Needed
March 25th at 5:00 pm Wendy is in need of plastic 6-pack soda can rings
Join us for an old-fashioned spaghetti feed for a turkey craft that she is putting together for our
including salad, garlic bread, and dessert. Kris Kringle market. If you have any rings to space
please bring them to worship or bring them to the
Following dinner, we will be having a WHITE office.
Please plan on attending this event that will be full Addition to February Messenger
of fun and laughs! In last months article about our processional cross,
made by Case Reitveld, there was an omission.
The crowning glory of Case’s woodwork was the
huge filigree Apostle’s Clock he made, and was not
included in the article. It was approximately 4 feet
wide and equally as high. Case made a special table
to display it. A turntable enabled his apostle figures
Spiritual Practice: Examen to rotate to enter and exit the elaborate church. It is
The examen is a reflective practice inspired by St. grand!! And now it is housed at his daughter Judy’s
Ignatius to help us connect to ourselves and the house in Woodland.
presence of God all around us. The examen usually
takes about 5-15 minutes and is typically practiced
at the end of the day, although it can take place at
any time. The examen consists of six steps:
Calling All Crafters
March 11th at 9:00 am
February’s crafting gathering was a
huge success and lots of fun! Several
folks came together to make ornaments
for the Kris Kringle Market and enjoy
fellowship with one another.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who
believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” - John 3:16
We are a congregation called to faithfully follow Jesus Christ by sharing the
inclusive love of God with our neighbor using our gifts joyfully in worship and
Together we use our gifts to move into God’s future inviting all we encounter
with the hope of the Gospel
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@SaronLutheranEscalon and
look for the photo of our church.
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livestreams, news from our
church, and more!