The Keene Koinoia: Pastor's Corner
The Keene Koinoia: Pastor's Corner
The Keene Koinoia: Pastor's Corner
Church Newsletter 1
“Messiah” Rehearsals 6-Week Ladies’ Bible Study
“Messiah” Rehearsals are beginning. Sunday afternoons Ruth: message of Redemption & Revival
at 2:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Axtell.
Nancy DeMoss
Final rehearsal is on Saturday, April 16th at 1:00 p.m. at
Kearney Evangelical Free Church. Please plan to attend this powerful Bible Study on the book
of Ruth!
Performance will be on Palm Sunday, Sunday April 17 th Do you ever deal with difficult people? Whirlwind
at 7:00 p.m. at Kearney EFC. circumstances? Unfulfilled longings? Loneliness?
Bitterness? Grief? If so, you can relate to the story
of Ruth. Be reminded that God can redeem, revive
and restore any life, anytime, anywhere.
When: Sunday, March 13th -Cookies for snack time each week (please sign up on
the bulletin board)
Where: Church Fellowship Hall
-“Store” donations for our April 27th Awards and Parents
Time 5:30 p.m. Night. We gratefully accept any donations for 2nd-6th
grade boys and girls. Students use earned shares
Theme: Hawaiian Luau (Awana money) from passing sections in their handbooks
to purchase “store” items as a reward! Ideas include
Please bring the whole family out for an island party full sports balls, outdoor spring and summer activities like
of laughs, games and good food! (Meal will be provided.) Frisbees, books, CD’s, lip gloss, fun notepads, games,
jewelry, sunglasses, stuffed animals, novelty items, etc.,
etc. Thank you, thank you!
Church Newsletter 2
S.W.A.T. Ministry (Spiritually Willing Active Teens) Summer Camp Opportunities
Summer Bible Camp is fast approaching!
Start registering for camp now. Check out the Timberlake
S.W.A.T. Breakfast Brunch Buffet Ranch Camp information in the corner of the Fellowship
ood Hall. Camp Joy information coming out soon!
Sunday, March 20th
Following Morning Worship
Funds have been set aside to give out to all those
attending Bible Camp this Summer. (Exact amount TBA
as we gather final camp numbers.)
Our youth will be serving egg casseroles, pancakes,
sausage & bacon, biscuits & gravy, coffee cakes,
muffins, juice & coffee. Free will donations will be
accepted with all proceeds going towards our upcoming
S.W.A.T. youth events.
Church Newsletter 3