The Keene Koinoia: Pastor's Corner

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The Keene Koinoia

Keene Evangelical Free Church Newsletter March 2011

Let us pray as this goes out that hearts will be

Pastor’s Corner open and God will be glorified. If you have
any questions please contact Nurtia or myself.
It is always a joy to see how God calls
different people in our church family to Blessings,
minister. Many of you in Sunday School have Pastor Matt
heard the call that has been laid on Nurita’s
heart about challenging people to stand up for
God and humble ourselves in prayer. I want Inside this Issue…
to share with you the letter Nurita is sending Page 1 – Pastor’s Corner-
- Missions
to surrounding newspapers and is endorsed Page 2 - Messiah Rehearsal Information
by the church: -Daylight Savings Time Reminder
-Family Night: Hawaiian Luau
Please stand united as a people in prayer, -Women’s Circle for March
Good Friday, April 22 at 7 p.m. Wherever you -6-Week Ladies’ Bible Study
-Awana Ministry
might be take time to pray. Now is the time Page 3 – S.W.A.T. Ministry
for us to stand up and stop the removing of -S.W.A.T. Ski Trip Information
God from our society. We need to speak up, -Summer Camp Promotion
be strong, be humble and fall on our knees to -Coming Up at Keene
pray for forgiveness for our sinful ways. We -Contact Information
need to pray not only for ourselves but for our
leaders as well. Missions
God has so much love for us…but tears are
falling from Him. May we take this moment to Missions for February is for Juan and Maria
Santos: Comino de Vida – Lexington Hispanic
honor our Lord and let Him know that we will
Church Plant
not deny Him. We will stand up, not only for
this moment in time but to make changes in Chrissy Frerichs is traveling to China in May with
our lives as those who trust in Him. We will a group from Christ Community Church of
be a witness to others of God’s amazing love. Omaha. They will be going to a special needs
God tells us these things Himself in John orphanage in Beijing and ministering in other
chapter 3, verse 16: “For God so loved the aspects to pastors and families. Please be in
world that he gave his one and only son, that prayer for all the preparation, details and for the
whoever believes in him shall not perish but trip itself.
have eternal life.” Furthermore, he gives the
promise in 2 Chronicles, chapter 7, verse 14. Kaylie Mellema is traveling to Uganda, Tanzania
and Kenya and Adventures in Missions this
“If my people, who are called by my name, will
summer. During this trip Kaylie will be disciple
humble themselves and pray and seek my and trained in various areas of ministry and
face and turn from their wicked ways, then will missions and will also have the chance to
I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin minister to people who need to hear of salvation
and will heal their land.” through Jesus. Please begin to pray for Kaylie as
Please spread the date and time through God prepares her for this adventure and during
mail/email/twitter/facebook/verbally/etc…to her ministry in Africa.
others so that we can all “Stand for the Lord.”

Church Newsletter 1
“Messiah” Rehearsals 6-Week Ladies’ Bible Study
“Messiah” Rehearsals are beginning. Sunday afternoons Ruth: message of Redemption & Revival
at 2:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Axtell.
Nancy DeMoss
Final rehearsal is on Saturday, April 16th at 1:00 p.m. at
Kearney Evangelical Free Church. Please plan to attend this powerful Bible Study on the book
of Ruth!
Performance will be on Palm Sunday, Sunday April 17 th Do you ever deal with difficult people? Whirlwind
at 7:00 p.m. at Kearney EFC. circumstances? Unfulfilled longings? Loneliness?
Bitterness? Grief? If so, you can relate to the story
of Ruth. Be reminded that God can redeem, revive
and restore any life, anytime, anywhere.

Bible Studies will be on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m.

beginning on March 15th for six weeks.

 Tuesday, March 15th

 Tuesday, March 22nd
 Tuesday, March 29th
 Tuesday, April 5th
 Tuesday, April 12th
 Tuesday, April 19th
Daylight Savings Time
Just a reminder…that Daylight Savings
Time begins on Sunday, March 13 th.
Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead
one hour or you will be late for church on
the 13th! AWANA Ministry

April: 6th & 13th (both from 3:30-5:00 p.m.)

Family Night
April 27th will be the Awana Awards and Parents Night
Hawaiian Island Party with store beginning at 7:00 p.m.

When: Sunday, March 13th -Cookies for snack time each week (please sign up on
the bulletin board)
Where: Church Fellowship Hall
-“Store” donations for our April 27th Awards and Parents
Time 5:30 p.m. Night. We gratefully accept any donations for 2nd-6th
grade boys and girls. Students use earned shares
Theme: Hawaiian Luau (Awana money) from passing sections in their handbooks
to purchase “store” items as a reward! Ideas include
Please bring the whole family out for an island party full sports balls, outdoor spring and summer activities like
of laughs, games and good food! (Meal will be provided.) Frisbees, books, CD’s, lip gloss, fun notepads, games,
jewelry, sunglasses, stuffed animals, novelty items, etc.,
etc. Thank you, thank you!

Women’s Circle for March

Circle #2 headed up by Nurita Lambert and
Rachel Hicks are responsible for serving at
events taking place at church in March.

Thank you ladies!

Church Newsletter 2
S.W.A.T. Ministry (Spiritually Willing Active Teens) Summer Camp Opportunities
Summer Bible Camp is fast approaching!
Start registering for camp now. Check out the Timberlake
S.W.A.T. Breakfast Brunch Buffet Ranch Camp information in the corner of the Fellowship
ood Hall. Camp Joy information coming out soon!
Sunday, March 20th
Following Morning Worship
Funds have been set aside to give out to all those
attending Bible Camp this Summer. (Exact amount TBA
as we gather final camp numbers.)
Our youth will be serving egg casseroles, pancakes,
sausage & bacon, biscuits & gravy, coffee cakes,
muffins, juice & coffee. Free will donations will be
accepted with all proceeds going towards our upcoming
S.W.A.T. youth events.

S.W.A.T. Ski Trip Information

Schedule: April 1 [Friday]: leave for Laramie after track

meet putting us there around midnight Coming up at Keene…
April 2 [Saturday]: skiing April 1-3 – S.W.A.T. Ski Trip
April 3 [Sunday]: attend early church service April 6 & 7 – 24-hour Prayer
skiing April 10th – 5:30 p.m. Family Night
head home April 17 – 7:00 p.m. Messiah Palm Sunday at Kearney
Cost: $185 per person which includes: April 22 – Good Friday Community Service at Keene
*2 nights lodging April 24 – 8:30 Easter Sunrise Service with Celebration
*2 days ski rental Breakfast Pot-Luck to follow
*2 days lift tickets April 27 – AWANA Awards, Store, and Parents Night
*5 meals
*add $14.00 if snowboarding
Adults not skiing cost is $97.00

Questions: see Pastor Matt Keene Evangelical Free Church

662 F Road
Axtell, NE 68924
(Church and Parsonage)
Church Email: [email protected]
Pastor Matthew J. Snell
Pastor’s Cell (308)830-2603

Stay up to date on blogspot

For general communication items for bulletin,

announcements, newsletter, etc. email to:
[email protected]

Church Newsletter 3

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