April 2023 Messenger
April 2023 Messenger
April 2023 Messenger
Monthly Messenger
Saron Lutheran Church
Office Hours
Saron Lutheran Church
1742 North Street, Escalon CA95320 Tuesday through Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
209-838-7695 | [email protected]
President’s Message
Worship and Music asked that you please see future
Your church council is committed to keeping you dates for information about Holy Week services. A
informed about important issues being addressed at postcard will be sent from the office with the
our meetings. It is also our interest to hear if you service dates and times. Please share with your
have questions or suggestions. You are invited to friends and neighbors. It was also reported that the
read the minutes that are posted on the bulletin average attendance for February was 41 with 6
board. Treasurer Sylvia McGowan reported the viewing online. Service and Support continues to
income was greater than expenses in February. We stay in contact with members and friends by
appreciate the financial support of our members and sending cards, flowers, meals, etc. The next crafting
friends. day is planned for April 8th. Stewardship will be
meeting next month for future reporting. Fellowship
It was the decision of the council, based upon the is planning a pancake breakfast on April 22nd from
recommendations from the Property Committee, 8:30 to 10:30. There will be a presale for tickets.
that the heating and air conditioning units at the All proceeds will be used to improve the parking
parsonage be replaced at the cost of approximately lot. Pastor Callie shared with the council the many
$12,000. This leaves only the office, the fireside things happening at the Synod and the upcoming
room and the classroom building that will need to baptisms and other events. We ask for your
be replaced in the future for approximately $30,000. feedback as to the automated telephone messages
Sylvia reported that there are funds to replace the received from her.
units at the parsonage. We will need to continue to
ask for financial support to replace the remaining We have heard many concerns from our members
units in the future. about the condition of our parking lot. We are
currently seeking information about the cost to
The Finance Committee reported the 5% offerings, repaint the strips and/or to replace the parking lot.
designated for the Synod, are being withheld until Further information will be provided to you once it
such time as a satisfactory response is received is available, along with suggested plans for
from Synod regarding how money is received and covering the cost.
processed. At this time, no response has been
received from a letter sent to Bishop Burkat or We wish all of you a blessed Easter.
Pastor Mark Price, our conference Dean. A
registered letter has now been sent to both parties. Ann Shaddix, Council President
Easter Morning Sunrise Service Lenten Outreach
The Escalon Ministerial Association is hosting a For Saron’s annual Lenten Outreach, we are
Sunrise Easter Morning Worship Service on Easter collecting funds for Lutheran Disaster Response to
Sunday at 6:30 am at Burwood Cemetery in support our siblings in Turkey & Syria who have
Escalon. Bring a warm coat and a lawn chair (if you been impacted by the recent earthquakes. Envelopes
can) and let us celebrate the empty tomb with our for donations can be found in the back of the
siblings from other churches in Escalon! Sanctuary or make checks out to Saron Lutheran
Church and write “Lenten Outreach” in the memo
Pancake Breakfast
April 22nd from 8:30 - 10:30 am
Please attend the Saron Lutheran Pancake Breakfast
Flowers for Easter Cross on Saturday, April 22nd. Breakfast will be served
continually from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Flowers are needed to adorn the beautiful cross that
Tickets are $10.00 each for adults and include, "all
greets people when they come to worship on Easter
you can eat pancakes" sausage, eggs, yogurt parfait,
Sunday. Please bring flowers and leave them in the
juice and coffee. Children's tickets are $5.00 each.
kitchen or the social hall, left in a container with
This event is a fundraiser for our Facilities Fund,
water no later than Saturday, April 8.
and will go to support repairs for out parking
lot. Please invite your family, friends and
Annual Easter Egg Hunt neighbors. You may purchase your tickets in
On Easter Sunday, April 9th after worship, there advance or at the door. Tickets are available in the
will be an Easter Egg Hunt for the children. Bring church office or from a member of the Fellowship
an Easter basket if you have one. & Outreach Committee.
Anyone who would like to donate candy or plastic
eggs, please bring then to church on April 2nd. If you can not attend but would like to make a
Thank you! donation to this event, please note “Pancake
Breakfast” on your check or envelope.
New Member Sunday Young Families Gathering
April 23 April 16th at 11:00 am
On Sunday, April 23rd we will be welcoming The next Young Families Gathering is on Sunday,
several new members into our Saron family and April 16th at 11:00 pm. Come and hear the good
celebrating a new baptism. Come and meet the news of the Easter story while children have a
newest members of Saron and celebrate with some chance to do fun activities and parents can enjoy
special treats after worship. some fellowship. Snacks will be provided.
Bios and photos of our new members will be Next month we will be getting together on May
included in the May Messenger! 7th at 11:00 am in the Fireside Room for a lesson
about Pentecost.
Women’s Breakfast
April 1st at 8:30 am Prayer Group
Mark your calendar for the next Women’s
April 19th at noon
Breakfast on Saturday, April 1st at 8:30 am at Each month a group gathers to pray for our church,
Velvet Creamery on McHenry Ave. Please call the world, share individual prayer requests, and
Ann at 209-505-7854 to RSVP as we will need to support one another. The next prayer group
let the restaurant know how many to expect. meeting will be on Wednesday, April 19th at noon
in Pastor Callie’s office at church. All are invited,
please join us!
Spaghetti Feed and White Elephant
WOW! What an event!!! We had a spectacular
community and member turn out. It was a full
house! How wonderful to be a destination for
fellowship and fun.
We are a congregation called to faithfully follow Jesus Christ by sharing the
inclusive love of God with our neighbor using our gifts joyfully in worship and
Together we use our gifts to move into God’s future inviting all we encounter
with the hope of the Gospel
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@SaronLutheranEscalon and
look for the photo of our church.
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