July 2023

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Newsletter of The Parish of St.

Mark the Evangelist

Hood River, Oregon ~~~ July 2023

>>>Finally, on a personal note – and also

Dear Friends, with an eye to the future – this afternoon I
signed all the papers on buying the
Our Vestry, Wardens, condominium which I have been renting
and Treasurer for four years. So, by the time you read
met in retreat at the beginning of this this I should be a homeowner. I’ve got a
month. Special thanks to Jennifer and great thing going here with you good
Jasinta who made that happen. We people, with my theater and music
hadn’t gathered like this since 2021 communities, and it’s time to put down
because our plans to meet last spring roots for the foreseeable future. It needs a
were waylaid by Covid. fair amount of work on the inside – carpet,
paint, etc., but eventually I will host a big
We discussed a number of things, open house.
a couple of which I am going to recap
here… Stewardship of course came up,
and thankfully we are in a good place
month to month at this time. In the
coming year we plan to implement online
giving and reminder letters which will be
sent around May/June which will have an
update as to our parish finances, and
remind folks where they are at. We plan
to send a personalized letter to all INCARNATION PLACE
pledging members – on time, behind and from Amy Russell
everywhere in between – in a spirit of
transparency. Recently I returned to
writing a blog called
Recall that St. Mark’s received a Incarnation Place. The
most generous gift of $50,000 back in tag line is: "a place where
February towards a new roof. We are faith and embodiment
also about two years out from meet." The blog is for Christians and non-
celebrating the 100th anniversary of our Christians who struggle with faith.
historic sanctuary. To celebrate that The audience includes clergy and non-clergy, as
event, and with an eye towards the well as anyone who wants to explore questions
future, I would like to gather a couple of like:
new committees with similar but distinct • How has your faith evolved?
goals – a Centennial Committee and • What gets in the way of your faith growing?
Sunlight Committee to make that • How do we know God's love?
happen. Look out for invites to those • What about the church?
groups in the Fall. The Leadership • How can Buddhist practice support Christian
Team and I will create in depth job faith?
descriptions in those invites. It will take
a village to get these things done. Join me! You can find me at:
>>>> incarnation-place.com
Church directories of
active members are Donations of peanut butter, oil and sugar
available on the table are always welcome and can be placed in
in the parish hall. the basket in the columbarium room or
dropped off at the FISH location at Spirit of
Grace Church on Tucker Road.
They could use your Rosauer’s paper
bags. Recycle them to FISH.
Pet food is also accepted.

St. Mark’s Vestry meets regularly to discuss and support

the ministries of our Parish. Our next meetings are
scheduled for the following Sundays, after the 10am
- July 23rd ~ - August 20th ~September 17th.
Current vestry minutes and treasurer’s report can be
found on the bulletin board in the parish hall.
All are welcome.

We are pleased to announce St. Mark's is now offering

care for children during Sunday services each week at 10am.
Kate Bricker will be in the nursery each week during the 10am
If you are interested in dropping off a child during the 10am
service and have questions, please reach out to myself, any
vestry member, or Rev. Kelly. We would be happy to discuss the
nursery with you.

With gratitude, Jennifer

St. Mark’s Nursery

The Gospel Based Discipleship group will gather on

Thursday July 6 and July 20 at 1:30. GBD stands for
Gospel Based Discipleship, and it is a method to compare
translations of the Bible. The Primary source will be the
First Nations Translation of the New Testament with others
used to supplement. Any questions—contact Georgia at:
541-965-2976 or by email: [email protected]
The Episcopal Relief & Development
Fund (also referred to as ERD) is an
international relief and development
agency that works in collaboration with
the Episcopal Church and partners to
promote change in communities. The
ERD focuses on women, children, and
climate change, and also provides
training to prepare for disasters, as well as emergency support and recovery
services following disasters.
Current ERD efforts include supporting humanitarian assistance in Ukraine,
hurricane relief in the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean, and
partnerships with local communities to provide emergency response
domestically following floods and fires.
Learn more about the work of ERD in the United States and abroad, as well
as opportunities to support the Fund’s efforts, on the ERD website at
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
400 11th Street
Hood River, OR 97031
Building Use July
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
AA 10am

AA 8pm
2 3 4 OFFICE 5 6 7 8
AA noon CLOSED 10 ACIM Book AA noon AA noon AA 10am
8&10 HE AA noon Study 1:30 GBD
AA 6p AA noon AA 8pm AA 8pm
Alanon 7p
AA 8p
9 10 11 AA noon 12 13 14 15
8 &10 HE AA 6p 10 ACIM Book AA noon AA 10a
AA noon Alanon 7p Study AA noon
AA 8p AA noon AA 8pm AA 8pm

16 17 18 AA noon 19 20 21 22
8 &10 HE AA 6p 10 ACIM Book AA noon
AA noon Alanon 7p Study 11:30 GEM AA noon AA 10a
AA 8p AA noon 1:30 GBD
AA 8 pm
AA 8pm

23 24 25 AA noon 26 27 28 29
8 &10 HE AA noon AA 6p 10 ACIM Book AA noon AA 10a
Alanon 7p Study AA 8pm AA noon
AA 8p AA noon AA 8 pm

30 31
8 & 10 HE AA noon
Rev Kelly on vacation July 1—12

Friend us on Facebook:
We are also on the Web at www.stmarks-hr.org

St Mark’s Episcopal Church

400 11th Street, Hood River, OR 97031
Please help newcomers [email protected] 541-386-2077
get to know us, and we Office hours T, W, F 10am-2pm
them, by wearing your The Rev. P. Kelly Mahon, Rector
nametag. [email protected]
Ministers of Worship for July

July 2 July 9 July 16 July 23 July 30

Celebrant Rob Sachs Rob Sachs Rev Kelly Rev Kelly Rev Kelly
Pam Miller
LEM/Chalice Nick Kirby Vicki Kelsey Tim Sedgwick Dale Bricker Don Dickinson

Readers Bret Russell Dave Julie Georgia &

& Nick & Vicki & Tim & Dale Don

Prayers Amy Russell Ruth Georgia Monte

Greeters Andersons Nick Monique & Sue Cathy Peck

& &
Coffee Ruth Tsu

Altar Guild Barb Sigl Jasinta Ruth Tsu Sue & Sue
Joyce Uczen Rajamoney Jennifer Lois Butler

Flowers Cramblett Rutledge

Driver for
Childcare Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate

There are all kinds of opportunities to

volunteer here—talk to Sue and she’ll
steer you in the right direction for Coffee
hours, Flowers, readers, ushering, Susan & Kirk Lalor 7/7
chalice bearers, drivers, etc. Charlie V & Sue J 7/14
Hannah Lamson 7/24
Kevin/Ashley Liddiard 7/29
Julie Cramblett 7/19

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