September 5th

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400 Maywood Avenue, Maywood, New Jersey 07607

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 5, 2010

Served by
Rev. Lawrence J. Fama, Pastor
Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Zaccardo, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Kevin Schott, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Jonathan Yabiliyok, In Residence
Deacon Anthony A. Balestrieri
Deacon Joseph L. Mantineo
Angela Connelly, Director of Religious Education
Steven H. Taylor, Music Director
Thomas Viola, Youth Minister
Sr. Barbara Takacs, M.P.F. Principal
St. Peter Academy (Co-Sponsored School)

Our Mass Schedule

Saturday - 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM
Sunday - 8:00,10:00 AM and 12:00 Noon
Family Mass (With Children’s Liturgy of the Word)
at 10:00 AM - Beginning September 26th
- Our Mission - Daily - Monday-Friday 8:30 AM
We, the Catholic Community of Our Lady Queen of Peace,
Holy days - See Bulletin for Mass Schedule
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, are called to live
and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We Praise God
while sharing His Joy and Truth through Word, Worship,
Community Service, and Stewardship. Saturday - 1:00 PM or by appointment
We share our gifts of Time, Talent, and Treasure Social Services Help Line
in a tapestry of diverse cultures as we gather 1-800-CCS-7413
together to celebrate our Roman Catholic Faith.
Serving our Lord God through the Liturgy and
Eucharist, our ministries welcome all into our
parish Family.

Email: [email protected]

Rectory Religious Education Convent St. Peter Academy

201-845-9566 201-845-9545 201-845-9568 201-261-3468
Fax: 201-845-3742
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time STEWARDSHIP: Called to be Generous: Stewardship a Way
September 5, 2010 of Life; 2 Corinthians 8:7 “But just as you excel in everything-in
Fill us at daybreak with your kindness, faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in
that we may shout for joy and gladness all our days. your love for us-see that you also excel in this grace of giving.”
When we develop the “habit” of gratitude for our blessings,
— Psalm 90:14 sharing becomes the natural expression of our thankfulness.
READINGS FOR THE WEEK Stewardship is not a clock to be worn occasionally. It is woven
Monday: 1 Cor 5:1-8; Lk 6:6-11 into the very fabric of our being. To be a “child of God” is to be
Tuesday: 1 Cor 6:1-11; Lk 6:12-19 called to Stewardship, to be called to sharing, to be called to
generosity. Each of us, every day, will have many opportunities to
Wednesday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; give the gift of ourselves.
Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
Thursday: 1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13; Lk 6:27-38 Our Stewardship of Treasure for 8/29/10 amounted to
Friday: 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Lk 6:39-42 $6,349.00 / Our Children’s Collection = $57.70
Saturday: 1 Cor 10:14-22; Lk 6:43-49
Sunday: Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51; 1 Tm 1:12-17;
Lk 15:1-32 [1-10] Please remember to place Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in
your Will. Those who generously did this in the past have
UPCOMING EVENTS helped us to stay out of a heavy debt.
MAYWOOD AND MUSIC- So you don’t think you can SEPT. 2010 OLQP CALENDAR / [email protected]
sing, dance, or act? Well, maybe you are all wrong.
Come and join the Maywood Music Group, and you will (A) Auditorium / (Ch) Church / (C) Convent / (LR) Lower Rectory / (S) School
not only meet a great bunch of people, but you will also
have a great time. And guess what? Maybe you can sing,
dance, or act. Anyway, come and have fun. Rehearsals MONDAY 9/6 PARISH OFFICES CLOSED
start Sept. 12th at 7:30 pm in OLQP Auditorium.
TUESDAY 9/7 9:30am Legion of Mary (LR)
Upcoming Meeting - Monday, September 13th, 7:30 pm
WEDNESDAY 9/8 7:30pm Alive in the Spirit (LR)
We will hold our first meeting since April.
All ARE WELCOME. We will meet in the THURSDAY 9/9 6:30pm Catechist Meeting (C)
auditorium and will begin with the Rosary. 7:00pm Respect Life Committee (S)
We have a great deal to discuss. You don’t want to miss it. 7:30pm BINGO (A)
SOUP KITCHEN MINISTRY - On August 22nd, we Spiritual Life Committee (LR)
served 260 meals at Eva's Kitchen in Paterson. Many FRIDAY 9/10
thanks to all who donated food, served, and helped to
transport food. Our next date is Saturday, September SATURDAY 9/11
18th at Mother Teresa's in Newark, and we will be
serving Ziti. If interested in participating, please call Mary SUNDAY 9/12 8:30am First Day for Religious Ed
Flanigan at 973-458-9602. Parent Orientation (A)
10:00am Catechist Commissioning Mass
Save the date: Second Annual OLQP Beefsteak Dinner 1:30pm Baptism
Saturday, October 16, 2010—6pm 7:30pm Maywood & Music Rehearsal (A)
More details in upcoming bulletins
TRICKY TRAY NEWS - Our annual Tricky Tray will take FINALLY!
place once again this year on Oct. 22, 2010 in OLQP After 60 years, Our Lady Queen of Peace
auditorium. The doors will open at 6:00 pm. Drawings will has its own t-shirt!
begin at 7:30 pm. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The Shirts are navy blue with white print.
committee is looking for baskets and new items for They are available in Children’s sizes (S, M, L)
donation. Please bring the donated items to the & Adult sizes (S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL) They are $12 ea.
rectory. Thank you for your support in making this fund Please detach this form and drop it off at the rectory,
raiser a success. see Steve Taylor after Mass, or drop it in the collection
basket during Mass. You must pay when you hand in
$10.00 per sheet are now available Name:_______________________________________
for Friday, October 22nd event. Phone: _______________________________________
Please call Monica, Joyce or the Rectory for tickets.
This has been a sold-out event for the last 2 years. Number of shirts: ________ @ $12 each
Monica: 201-315-0553 / Joyce: 201-880-5011 Sizes of shirts: _________________________________
Rectory: 201-845-9566 Total: ________________________
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Mark This Year's Calendar - November 7, 2010 RCIA is a process of faith formation for people who may want
to become a member of the Catholic Faith Community.
Our 60th Anniversary Gala will begin with Mass at 3 pm
celebrated by Bishop John Flesey, D.D.. Mass will be Some people may not belong to any religion and may not
followed by a reception from 5 - 9 pm at the Hasbrouck have been baptized. This may be for you!
Heights Hilton. Good food, fun, fellowship, and great Some people may have been baptized in another religion but
dancing with a fabulous live band. wish to become Catholic. This may be for you!
Ticket orders for the dinner /dance are due by September Some people may already be Catholic through baptism but
15th. There are only 250 tickets available, and 113 have never received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and/
have been sold already. Be sure to get your order in or Confirmation and now want to do so. This may be for
soon. Don't miss the fun! you!
The order forms for the tickets are available in the church For more information, please contact Fr. Kevin or
vestibule, in the Rectory office, and can be downloaded fill out below and drop in the mail or collection.
from our website. (Click on the word "Gala".)
Name __________________________________________
The Gala Committee is looking for prizes. If you would like
to donate something such as Hotel or condo stays, Address ________________________________________
vacations or trips, spa treatments, sporting event tickets,
theater or concert tickets, jewelry (we have a man's watch), Telephone number ________________________________
restaurant certificates, electronic equipment, etc., please
contact Susan at the parish center 201-845-9566. E-mail __________________________________________

I am a Catholic but never received :

PRAYER FOR PEACE - Mary, Queen of Peace, save us all, who Holy Eucharist _______Confirmation _________
have so much trust in you from wars, hatred, and oppression.
Make us all learn to live in peace, and educate ourselves for peace, I am from another religion but wish to become Catholic ____
do what is demanded by justice and respect the rights of every I have never been Baptized ______
person, so that peace may be firmly established. Amen I wish to receive more information _______
Pope John Paul
We invite all our Parish Community to write a note / letter to
our soldiers overseas. We pray that they may be safe.
Keep Paul Bezak, Carolyn Rocco and all the soldiers in your PARISH PICNIC
prayers. Sunday, September 19th / 2 - 5pm
Rain Date - Sunday, September 26th
LCPO Paul Bezak Carolyn Rocco
2/6 WPNS CO, 81st PLT 24 EFIS This year we will have our traditional Multicultural
UNIT 73170 FPO-AE 09510-3170 APO AF 09309 Food Sharing Table. We are asking people to bring
food from your culture to share with your fellow
Hotdogs, hamburgers, and drinks will be supplied.
ST. PETER ACADEMY MIDDLE STATES ACCREDITED Bring favorite appetizer, entrée, or dessert to share
The Catholic School Advantage with others.
EDUCATION PLUS… Please fill out the form below with the appropriate
REGISTRATION IS ONGOING DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS! information. You may pick up your tickets at the
PreK-3 Program - Age 3 by Oct. 1 main office in the Rectory. While admission is free,
Mon/Wed/Fri Program. 8 – 11AM you must have a ticket.

PreK-4 Program - Age 4 by Oct.1 NAME________________________________________

Full Day Program 8-2:30PM
Kdg. Full Day Program - Age 5 by Oct. 1 / Reading, PHONE_______________ No. attending____________
Language Arts, Math, Computer, Spanish, Phys Ed.,
etc. I would like to bring the following ________________
Grades 1 – 8 / Complete Academic Program (cultural type)
After Care for PreK-4-Gr. 8 Food_________________________________________
Check the website & call the School Office for an (Name of dish)
appointment and tour of the school.
RSVP as soon as possible.
(201) 261-3468 ...CATCH THE SPIRIT! Drop in collection basket or at the rectory by 9/12/10
Please go to our website to view the upcoming
changes in the wording of several parts of the Mass. These
Dates Sept. 5th through Sept. 12th, 2010 translations will help the English speaking Church to be closer
to the original text and will begin on November 27, 2011.
Sunday - Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Regina
Sept. 5th 8:00 am James Kierce Feast day: September 7
10:00 am Michael Viva St. Regina was a martyr. She was an actual martyr
12:00 pm Rocco Rullo at Autun, France. Legend has her the daughter of a
pagan, Clement, and tortured and beheaded during
Monday the second century when she refused to marry the
Sept. 6th 8:30 am People of the Parish proconsul Olybrius. Feast day is Sept 7th.

Tuesday Liturgical Ministries: As we look to the beginning of a new

year full of excitement and energy here at Our Lady Queen
Sept. 7th 8:30 am Michael Viva of Peace, we ask you to search your hearts and ask the Holy
Wednesday - The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Spirit to help you discern your Stewardship of Time and
Talent. Perhaps the Holy Spirit is asking you to serve the
Sept. 8th 8:30 am James Cullinane people of God in a ministry in worship. Maybe you are called
Thursday - St. Peter Claver, Priest to become a Lector, to proclaim God’s Word at Mass?
Maybe the Spirit is calling you to serve as a Greeter or
Sept. 9th 8:30 am Marie Bodtmann Usher? Maybe you have been gifted with a musical talent in
Friday which case your stewardship may be in the Music Ministry?
Maybe you wish to become an Altar Server assisting the
Sept. 10th 8:30 am Charles R. Glowzenski priests at Mass? Think about what God is asking of you and
Saturday - BVM prayerfully discern your Ministry.

Sept. 11th 8:30 am Joseph Mazzei Why should I register in the parish?
All members of the parish should be formally registered as
5:00 pm George & Mona McGowan
members of the parish. However, you MUST be formally
Sunday - Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time registered if you wish to arrange a Baptism, a Confirmation,
or a Wedding in the parish Church. You MUST also be
Sept. 12th 8:00 am Caraccio Family
formally registered if you wish to register in the Parish School
10:00 am George Emery or the Religious Education (CCD) Program. You MUST be a
registered member of the parish for at least three months
12:00 pm Pat Morgan before you can obtain a Sponsor Certificate or schedule a
Baptism or a Wedding.
Altar Bread in Memory of George Tracey CAUTION! : New speed bumps
by the Maher Family
have been added in the driveways.
Altar Wine in Memory of George Tracey
Altar Candles in Honor of Wedding Anniversary
of Helen & Tom Collins by Janice & Bill Cromwell
exáà |Ç cxtvx
Nicholas Caprera, Eleanore Miragliotta and Marie Rushitaj.
Note: Please remember the Altar Bread, Wine and Candles
can be memorialized by calling the Rectory. 201-845-9566 f|v~ exÄtà|äxá tÇw YÜ|xÇwá
Lloyd Bartels, William Bergmann, Ruth Bonday, Jackie Byrne,
MASS TIMES Helen Dunleavy, Gudrun Hagele, Doris Honkisz, Carmine Inga,
Traveling this season? Going away for vacation? Ed LaTourette, Marcia Laughery, Tom Loizzi, Misty Mantineo,
No need to miss Sunday Mass! Jonathan Mechan, Betsy Merz, Virginia Mary Minihan,
Go online: Steven Monahan, Marilyn Montemarano, Elizabeth Morrell,
Christine Napoli, Julius Nemes, Doris Neumann,
Thomas Niemczyk, Thomas O’Neill, Florence Paolella,
HOW SHOULD WE DRESS FOR MASS? Kathy Puzziferri, Christopher Quigley, Maria Revilla, Fran Ruffino,
Keaton Sarro, Lois Schutz, Brenda Schwarz, Bernice Stavola,
Would you ever consider attending a formal dinner or Mariano Terdoslavich, Ralph Troisi, Barbara Tropia,
a wedding dressed in a tee shirt and shorts, or a tank Domenica Trovini, Linda Underkoffler, Dr. Robert Valgento,
top and swimming trunks? Each Sunday the Lord Giovanni Alberto Villegas and Theophil Wasielewski.
invites us to His House. Are you dressed properly for
this important Sacred Sacrificial Meal? If you have a family member who is in a nursing home or rehabilitation
center, please notify the Rectory so we can arrange to visit them.
Abortion is not healthcare because killing is not healing.
Religious Education Classes begin next Sunday,
September 12th at 9:00am. All families in Grades 1-7 are For more info. go to or [email protected].
to report to the church auditorium no later than 9:00am. Any woman who is pregnant and in need can get help. She never
Family orientation will take place and attendance will be has to feel that abortion is the only option and can find assistance
taken. Families are then expected to attend the 10am at the following numbers:
Mass for the Commissioning of the Catechists. New Jersey law allows a mother who cannot keep a recently born
LATE REGISTRATIONS will not be taken at this time baby to leave the baby at a hospital or a police station, no
but will be available at 11:15am in the auditorium after questions asked.
the 10am Mass or during the week of Sept. 13-17th during For information call 877-839-2339.
regular business hours at the Religious Education Office. Post Abortion Healing / 1-877-HOPE 4 ME or
The $25 late fee must be paid at this point in time. If you Crisis Pregnancy Helpline/1-888-4-OPTIONS
have a special circumstance please call the office and Birthright/1-800-550-4900 or 201-845-4646
speak to Angela Connelly.
PARENTS ARE THE FIRST TEACHERS OF THEIR CHILD. The Respect Life Committee will be holding its next meeting on
September 9, 2010 at 7pm in the School Faculty Room.
Use your Stewardship of Time and Talent We have many important things to discuss and plan to have our
Children's Liturgy of the Word Catechists Wanted ! Baby Shower in October. Letters of invitation have been sent out
We are offering training for adults and high school students to surrounding churches in an effort to combine our talents and
energies. There are many different activities to plan-come and
who have received Confirmation to participate as readers join us and add your time and talents as we work towards an end
and catechists in this wonderful ministry. to abortion and a respect for life in all stages. We look forward to
Beginning on September 26th, Children's Liturgy of the seeing you!
Word will occur on a weekly basis at the 10AM Mass.
Volunteers would be part of a rotating schedule and RELAY FOR LIFE / TEAM OLQP
probably serve once every four weeks. Please consider On September 24, 2010, at 5:00pm in Memorial Park
this worthwhile ministry especially if you regularly attend Maywood will host its 2nd Annual Relay for Life.
the 10AM Mass. Call Angela Connelly at the Religious TEAM OLQP will represent Our Lady Queen of Peace in the
Education Office (201-845-9545). walk. Anyone interested in joining the team and walking can do
so by logging onto
Enter the zipcode 07607, hit "Find Event".
Click on "Relay for Life Maywood”.
Make a donation to help the purchase of our new organ! When the page opens you will see "Top Teams" on the left, click
Adopt individual keys to help out! "View All" and scroll down to Team OLQP
60 STOPS LEFT @ $100 Each - click on "Join Team". Follow directions to join.
You have the option to stay all night or leave at
174 KEYS LEFT @ $200 Each 11 or 12 pm. The more the merrier.
This is a great event, and it’s for a great cause.
27 PEDALS LEFT @ $300 Each
VOLUME PEDALS - SOLD OUT! To make a donation, follow the directions above and click on
"Donate". Any questions, please email Marianne Tracey at
You can make a donation in your name, make a group [email protected] or call 201-880-5111. Thank you
donation, or make it in memory of a loved one!
When we have enough to buy our new organ, those who RESPECT LIFE- REMEMBER - Our spiritual “Adopt a
donated will have their donation on a plaque that will be Baby” baby shower - weekend of Oct. 2nd and 3rd.
hung by the music area. See Steve Taylor on the
weekends, the rectory during the week, or drop off the "Defending the Gospel of Life" Seminar
below in the collection basket on the weekends. Saturday, October 2, 2010. Queen of Peace Church and H.S. in
As of 8/29/10 we have $28,081.00 in our Organ Fund North Arlington. It will feature a series of speakers on life issues
toward our goal of $60,000.00. and begins with Mass at 11:00 AM. For more info, see the flyer
on the back bulletin board in the vestibule or call 201-997-0700.
Part of Organ Price # purchased Total GOD'S HANDS ARE WORKING THROUGH OUR PRAYER
Stop $100 SHAWL MINISTRY. If you are adding someone to our Parish
sick list, please consider the healing power of these beautiful
Key $200
shawls. They are prayed over by the Prayer Shawl Ministry and
Pedal $300 blessed by our Pastor. If you know of someone you think is
Volume Pedal $1,000 SOLD OUT! in need of a Prayer Shawl, you may write to: The Prayer
Shawl Ministry, c/o Janice Marich, 834 Spring Valley Road,
Write here what you wish to appear on the plaque: Maywood, NJ 07607. Tell us about the person and make sure
___________________________________________________ you include their name, address, and phone number. I would
also like to invite anyone who is interested to join our group
Your Name: ________________________________________
in this prayerful ministry, which is very rewarding. God Bless!
Phone: ____________________________________________ Janice
YOUTH MINISTRY - [email protected] *COME ON DOWN*
9/14 Tue. Youth Group Meeting (A) 7PM We appreciate the support that you have shown in the past
9/19 Sun. Parish Picnic at various functions. We hope that you will continue your
support. We play a few different games aside from the
9/20 Mon. Confirmation Parent Mtg. (CH) 7PM regular BINGO games. One of which is called .......
"MEGA SPECIAL", and the winner receives 75% of the
9/21 Tue. Youth Group Meeting (A) 7PM
proceeds sold for that game. SMOKE FREE!
9/28 Tue. Youth Group Meeting (A) 7PM If we work together, we can make BINGO the successful
FUND RAISER it could be.
The Youth Group is looking for volunteers to help out at the Parish
So, PLEASE, come on down and bring a friend
Picnic in September; please e-mail Tom (Service Hours Available) (or two, or three or more!!!)
**Please Look for OLQP Youth Ministry Facebook You'll be glad you did! It's a fun night!
(see website) **
“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your NEXT THURSDAY, SEPT. 16TH!
presence?” - Psalm 139:7 Computerized games in addition to our paper games.
Dear Parish Family,
Our Lady Queen of Peace We are looking for 20" -
While I was reading my Daybook of Prayers, I came across announces the beginning 30" TV sets for Bingo.
something that I wanted to share with you. A man by the name of electronic Bingo. If you have one that you
of “Brother Lawrence” submitted the following secrets of intimacy Starting Sept. 16th there will be the would like to donate,
with God: usual paper Bingo sales as well as please call Joe Jameson
Renounce everything that does not lead to God. computerized Bingo. Also available are at 201-845-9566.
Become accustomed to a continual conversation with Him in Pull Tabs for instant wins and additional
freedom and simplicity. wins per the games. Also added are two 50/50 specials. There
Speak to Him every moment. are the usual games and a full board plus an accumulative full
Ask Him to tell you what to do when you are not sure. board. The Bingo hall is smoke free with an intermission for
Get busy with it when you plainly see what He requires of you. those who do smoke. There is a friendly atmosphere by the staff
Offer your activity to Him even before you do it. and a kitchen selling coffee, soda, food and snacks. Bingo is
Give God thanks when you accomplish something. held every Thursday at 7:30 pm. The doors open at 5:30 pm.
For more Information, please call (201) 845-9566.
We need not change the things we do to be spiritual, but instead
consider God’s presence in the things that we normally do for
ourselves. While only we know the true secrets of our own WANTED - Volunteers to call Bingo on Thursday nights.
intimacy with God, applying the above statements can help us all Call Fr. Larry or see him after Mass if you feel this is your
in our faith journeys. Thank you. "calling" to stewardship for your parish.
Live Jesus In Our Hearts Forever.
Make money for the parish
-Tom Viola, Youth Minister by searching the internet!
If you need service hours for your high school, please contact Just go to and be sure to enter
the Religious Education Office at 201-845-9545. We can use Our Lady Queen of Peace, Maywood, NJ as the charity
your help as teacher aides on Sunday mornings throughout the you want to support. And, be sure to spread the word!
year. Other times are available during the year also. $180 has been raised thus far!

Upcoming Service Opportunity Dates: All Confirmation Our Parish Ministry Book is available on our website.
Candidates are required to complete 20 service hours during the Please go to & see all the ministries that are offered.
2010-2011 school term. Contact Tom Viola, Youth Minister at
[email protected] to sign up as soon as possible. SOUTHERN ITALY, SICILY & ROME
9/19 Parish Picnic (Rain Date-Sept. 26) 1pm-4pm (Palermo, Monreale, Agrigento, Taormina, Pompeii,
Montecassino, Rome and Vatican City)
10/2 CCD Grade 3 Retreat 9am-11:45am
October 17-28, 2011
10/2 Respect Life Baby Shower Collections Spiritual Director: Fr. Larry Fama
& 10/3 after all weekend Masses
Brochures are available in the rectory & website.
10/16 Anointing Mass Hospitality 11:30am-1pm
10/16 Beefsteak Dinner (After 5pm Mass) 6pm Trip info night - Monday, Nov 15th at 7pm.

10/22 Tricky Tray Gift Runners 6pm - 10pm SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE

10/31 Memorial Mass Hospitality after Noon Mass SATURDAY, SEPT. 11, 2010, 7:30 PM
12/10 Ministries Appreciation Dinner MAYWOOD AND THOMA AVE., MAYWOOD, NJ
12/12 New! Christmas Craft Boutique FOR MORE INFO CALL (201)845-8830
SOCIAL SERVICES HOTLINE Please patronize our advertisers, and when you do,
Catholic Community Services offers Social Service Assistance let them know you saw their ads in our parish bulletin!
in the areas of: Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation, Child
Development, Emergency Food/Housing, Programs for the
Elderly, Mental Health, Special Education, Immigration, For bulletin submission
Family Counseling and Services for people living with Please e-mail [email protected] by Thursday
HIV/AIDS. Call 1-800-CCS-7413. for it to be in the following Sunday (a week later).


How do I schedule a Baptism? - Baptisms are scheduled once a month during the year (except during Lent). Arrangements must
be made in advance by calling the rectory during business hours. Parents must be registered members of the parish
(on our parish mailing list). Parents are required to attend an instruction session the week before.
Sacrament of Marriage - Please make arrangements at least one year in advance.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick - Anyone sick or housebound, or who is going to the hospital for tests or surgery,
please call a priest at the Rectory.
R.C.I.A.- (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) - is the process the Catholic Community provides to welcome adults who wish to
become Catholic and to prepare adult Catholics to receive Confirmation (and, when needed, First Eucharist).
Please contact Fr. Kevin for more information. Meets Tuesday evening 7:00 PM in the Rectory Basement.
Religious Education - Classes meet on Sunday mornings from 8:30 - 9:50 AM for grades 1-8. Office hours for the Religious
Education Center are Mon.-Fri. 9:30-11:30am - 1:00-4:00pm; evenings by appt.
What about my ‘Teenager’? - Our parish has a very active “Youth Ministry” program for the youth of our parish.
Our Youth Group takes part in Retreats held in the Archdiocese and also participates in various functions that are held within our
parish. See our calendar of events in this bulletin.
Rosary Society - Meetings as announced in Bulletin.
Legion of Mary - Meets every Tuesday morning in the lower level of the Rectory at 9:30 AM.
Alive In the Spirit - A charismatic prayer group meets every Wednesday at 7:30 PM in the lower level of the Rectory.
Choir - Adult Choir meets Thursdays in the church from 7 - 8 PM.
If you are interested in joining the newly forming Family Choir, please contact Steve Taylor.
Bingo - Thursday evening at 7:30 PM.
Rosary - Prayed after the 8:30 AM Mass Monday-Saturday.
St. Pio (Padre Pio) Devotion - The first Friday of every month at 7:30 PM in the church.
Eucharistic Adoration - The first Saturday of each month following the 8:30 AM Mass until 10:00 AM, closing with Benediction.
Corpus Christi Adoration Chapel - Hasbrouck Heights, NJ /Monday through Thursday from 12 Noon to 10 PM.
Our Lady of Visitation Chapel - Paramus, NJ /Sundays from 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Sacred Heart Church - Rochelle Park, NJ /First
Fridays of the month from 8:30 AM - 8:30 AM Saturday. Every Thursday after 8 AM Mass for an hour.
Perpetual Adoration - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - Ridgewood, NJ (24 hrs. - 7 days)
Bible Study - Classes meets mornings and evenings. Discussions and sharing will be on the Gospel for the coming Sunday.
All materials are provided; do not bring a Bible. For information on days, times and locations contact Deacon Joe:
[email protected] or at 201-845-9566.
Sponsor Certificates - If you are requesting a sponsor certificate for Baptism or Confirmation, you must be registered, practicing
and meet all Church requirements.
St. Peter Academy - Co-sponsored by our parish and St. Peter the Apostle Church in River Edge.
For more information call the School Office during school hours, (201) 261-3468. Registration is in the spring.

New Parishioners are requested to register in the Parish as soon as possible. Please notify the Parish office
of any changes in address and phone number.
Name ___________________________________ Check
Address _________________________________ ______ I wish to receive a registration form
Town ___________________________________ ______ I have a change of address
Phone # _________________________________ ______ I am moving out of the parish
Please cut out and return to the Parish Rectory or place in the basket.

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