All Saints Bulletin 2009-03-01
All Saints Bulletin 2009-03-01
All Saints Bulletin 2009-03-01
All women of the parish are invited to the DCCW Spring General DIOCESE AND DEANERY
Meeting at St. Thomas in Lenoir City on Wed., March 11. Reservations The ordination/installation of Bishop-elect Stika as the Third Bishop
due by March 7th. Please contact Susan T. at [# omitted] for details. of Knoxville will be held on Thurs., March 19th at 2:30pm at the
Convention Center. If you will be attending this event, you must
FAITH FORMATION officially RSVP. You will have this opportunity to RSVP by signing up
Renew-Why Catholic?-The Sacraments The Lenten program is now in after the Sat. Vigil and Sun. masses this weekend. You can check the
session. It is not too late to join. Contact Dave or Barb W. at [# omitted] diocesan website at and select the link in
for more info. the upper right corner entitled “March 19th Mass.” Information about the
facility, schedule of events, parking, shuttle services and directions will
SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE be posted along with a map of the area. In addition, Deacon Ken L. will
Angela McGuire, Direct of Columbus Home will speak Tues., March act as our parish contact and can assist you with any questions. Please
3rd, 7:30pm in the Ed. Bldg. This meeting is open to anyone in the parish feel free to call Deacon Ken at 531-0770.
interested in learning more about the Columbus Home programs. We
invite anyone interested in becoming involved with our committee to The Merry Widows will meet at noon, Tuesday, March 3 at Puleo’s on
attend. We will also discuss a project to provide starter home items to Cedar Lane. We are a group of widowed women who meet for lunch and
those in the Volunteer Ministry Center program. fellowship once a month. Please feel free to join us!
Please remember to support the Food Drive throughout Lent. The food Every Friday during Lent, we will be praying in front of the abortion
will be donated to Ladies of Charity and the Seton Thrift Store in clinic at 313 Concord St. from 7am-3pm. For more info, go to
Harriman. Please purchase only items on the list, which has been chosen or call Lisa at [# omitted].
for its nutritional value and its ability to be transported and stored. Food
may be brought to the narthex until Palm Sunday. The Ulster Project seeks families with teenagers between the ages of 14-
16 to host a teen from Northern Ireland during the month of July. The
SPIRITUAL LIFE purpose of this project is to bring Catholic and Protestant teens from
Morning prayers during Lent will begin at 8:45am Mon. thru Sat. in the Northern Ireland together with American teens for a busy, fun-filled
chapel. Everyone is invited to come and pray this beautiful prayer. month. The project works towards promoting peace and reconciliation in
Northern Ireland. Your participation can make a difference in your life
This Friday is First Friday. Eucharistic Adoration will begin Thurs. and the lives of many others. For more info, please contact Katie A. at [#
evening at 7pm and will conclude with Benediction at 5:45pm. In omitted] or visit our website at
addition, Adoration will take place all other Friday’s of March from
9:30am-6pm. To sign up for an hour or if you can’t make your regular SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT
hour, please contact Nancy Q., [email omitted] or [# omitted]. Your temper is one of your most valuable possessions.
Don’t lose it
Today’s Readings are on page 905 in the Hymnal
Mon. Lv 19: 1-2; 11-18 Mt 25: 31-46
Tues. Is 55: 10-11 Mt 6: 7-15
Wed Jon 3: 1-10 Lk 11: 29-32
Thur. Est C 12: 14-16; 23-25 Mt 7: 7-12
Fri. Ez 18: 21-28 Mt 5: 20-26
Sat. Dt 26: 16-19 Mt 5: 43-48
Sun. Gn 22: 1-18 Rom 8: 31b-34 Mk 9: 2-10
Please pray for Fay C. of All Saints Parish who died recently
Mon., 03-02 9:00am Mary Lou W. by Joan F.
12:10pm Margaret T. by the C. family
Tues., 03-03 9:00am Marian B. by Jeanne K.
12:10pm LeeAnn S. by Charles and Mickey P.
Wed., 3-04 9:00am Daniel K. by the P. family
12:10pm Deceased of D./N. families
Thur., 03-05 9:00am Joseph G. by the family
12:10pm Albert and Mildred B. by the family
Fri., 03-06 9:00am Gerard N. by the Senior Kids
12:10pm Melinda T. by Leonard
Sat., 03-07 9:00am For the Intentions of the Senior Kids
5:00pm Special Intention for Bill C.
Sun., 03-08 8:15am Daniel K. by the B. family
10:00am People of All Saints parish
11:45am Special Intention for Molly & Mike J.