All Saints Bulletin 2009-03-01

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Fri. Mar.

6 8:45am Morning Prayer (Chapel)

WELCOME TO ALL SAINTS 9:30am Adoration following 9am Mass
CATHOLIC CHURCH 9:30am First Friday and Friends (Parish Hall
Lenten Activities 5:45pm Benediction (Chapel)
Reminder: Please be aware that incense may be used during various 6:00pm Lenten Dinner (Parish Hall)
Lenten liturgies. 7:00pm Stations of the Cross
• All Fridays during Lent are days of Abstinence (no eating
• Good Friday is a day of Abstinence and Fast (no eating In the narthex you will find a basket with the names of the people who
between meals). are seeking to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism,
• Understated décor to emphasize the simplicity of the Confirmation and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. Please take a name and
season. keep them in your prayers as they continue their journey!
• Change in Mass parts -- #161-163. No “Gloria.”
• Enhanced penitential rite (Kyrie #418) and Lamb of God Parish cookbooks are available in the office during regular office hours
(Agnus Dei #320) (7:30am-3:30pm, M-F). A bargain at just $15!
• Petition response will be “Hear us Lord; hold us in your your
mercy.” Baptism preparation class next Sunday (March 8) 2pm in the parish hall.
• Communion: 1st song “Sanctuary.”Lyrics: Lord, prepare me
to be a sanctuary, pure and holy holy, tried and true. With Everyone is invited to hear Tom Salter, Knox County Solid Waste
thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for you.” Director, speak on recycling efforts for the home and parish on Mon.,
• Meditative silence before Mass and after Communion. March 9th at 1pm in the hall. Sponsored by the Gardening Guild.
• Flowing water in our baptismal font will be turned off during
Holy Week. MEDIC will be in the parish hall on Tues., March 10th from 9:30am-
• No coffee and donuts. 6pm. Please come any time during your day to help address the shortage
• Morning prayer will be prayed 15 minutes before all in all types of blood. We need YOU to help Medic!
weekday Masses.
• All are asked to remember our RCIA candidates and SAVE THE DATE! It’s time for the next All Saints Town Hall
catechumens in their daily prayers. Meeting! Mark your calendars for Sat., March 14 and join the parish
• RCIA rites of scrutiny 8:15am, March 15th; 10am, March priests and leaders in the hall following the 5pm Mass.
22nd and 11:45am, March 29th.
• Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays following CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to Cayleigh Allison, daughter of
the 9am Mass; Benediction at 5:45pm. Tyler and Carolyn who was baptized this past weekend.
• Lenten dinner each Friday at 6pm in the hall.*
• Stations of the Cross each Friday, 7pm in church. There will be two different Virtus Sessions on Sat., March 7th at 1pm
*This Friday’s dinner is sponsored by the Men’s Club and will feature and Mon., May 18th at 1pm. here at All Saints. All volunteers 21 or
fish and macaroni and cheese. older, working with children are required by the diocese to attend one of
PARISH CALENDAR these sessions; this is not optional. Please register online at
Sun. Mar. 1 10:00am Children’s Liturgy (Parish Hall) or call Peggy at 531-0770.
1:30pm Altar Servers training (Church)
6:00pm High School Rel. Ed. (Grades 9-12) GRIEF SUPPORT MINISTRY
Mon. Mar. 2 8:45am Morning Prayer (Chapel) Grief Support Group will meet Thurs., 9:45am in the Resource room.
9:30am “Just Moved” Ladies Guild (Lounge)
7:00pm Dave Ramsey course (Ed. Bldg.)
Tues. Mar. 3 8:45am Morning Prayer (Chapel)
9:30am Mother Cabrini Guild (Resource Room) Certificates are available during the week in the parish office.
9:30am College Moms Guild (Lounge) All Saints Parish receives 5% profit on all sales
7:00pm Social Action Committee (Ed. Bldg.)
7:00pm Liturgy Committee (Ed. Bldg.)
7:00pm Catherine’s Croppers (Parish Hall) YOUTH MINISTRY
Wed. Mar. 4 8:45am Morning Prayer (Chapel) (Annie N., Youth Minister)
6:30pm Rel. Ed., Grades 1-5 (Ed. Bldg.) Email [email omitted] or phone 531-0770
7:00pm Choir practice
7:30pm Rel. Ed., Grades 6-8 (Parish Hall) High School Youth Ministry meets Thurs., 7:30pm in the parish hall.
Thurs. Mar. 5 8:45am Morning Prayer (Chapel)
9:45am Catholic Women and Friends (Parish Hall) CATHOLIC SINGLES
10:00am Grief Support Group (Resource Room) Wed., March 4 Coffee and Conversation at Panera Bread on N. Peters,
7:00pm First Friday Adoration begins 6:30pm Enjoy a good cup of coffee or other beverage, along with good
7:30pm High School Youth Ministry (Parish Hall) soups, pastries and conversation. For info, contact Randy S. at [# omitted].
Fri., March 6 Winter Jam Tour! This is a Christian music tour at CATHOLIC CHARITIES
Thompson Boling arena featuring Toby Mac and several other bands. The Knoxville Regional Advisory Board of Catholic Charities is hosting
Cost is just $10. Meet at Sacred heart at 6pm to carpool. For more info, its 24th Annual Dinner on Thurs., March 12th at the Convention Center.
contact Keith at [# omitted]. Corporate and table sponsorships and individual tickets are available.
For more info, go to or call [# omitted].
Sat., March 7 BYOC (Bring your own chair but no loungers) Party
at Jan’s house. Party starts at 7pm. Finger foods provided but bring your CATHOLIC SCHOOLS
own beverage. If you have a special appetizer you would like to share, it SACRED HEART CATHEDRAL
will be welcomed. Questions? [email omitted] or [# omitted]. We are currently accepting applications for Kindergarten through 8th
grade. For more info, contact [# omitted] or
Sun., March 8 Easy to moderate hike to be determined by the group
where the hike will take place. Meet at the parking lot near the pavilion ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL
at 9:30am. For more info, contact Randy S. at [# omitted]. Applications are now being accepted for grades Pre-K-8th grade. You
may schedule a tour with Mrs. Dorisha Chargualaf, Director of
CATHOLIC WOMEN Admissions by calling [# omitted]. You can also visit our website at
What happens after the Resurrection? Join us each Thursday at 9:45am All pre-registered Kindergarten children must
in the parish hall. for “Acts of the Apostles” led by Dr. Ruth Q. Smith. participate in the Kindergarten Readiness Screening on April 7. You
may direct any questions to Mrs. Chargualaf.
Come and “Scrap Your Faith” with St. Catherine Croppers—a Lenten
reflection for scrapbookers! We will meet each Tues. during March from ST. MARY’S SCHOOL
7-8:30pm in the hall. All supplies are included but please feel free to St. Mary’s School in Oak Ridge, offering academic excellence in a
bring your trimmer and adhesives. All are invited, even if you’ve never Christ-centered environment, is currently accepting applications for
scrapped before. Childcare will be available. For more information, grades pre-K-8 for the 2009-10 school year. Please call Cheryl K. at [#
please contact Sodeya at [email omitted] or call [# omitted]. omitted] to schedule a tour.

All women of the parish are invited to the DCCW Spring General DIOCESE AND DEANERY
Meeting at St. Thomas in Lenoir City on Wed., March 11. Reservations The ordination/installation of Bishop-elect Stika as the Third Bishop
due by March 7th. Please contact Susan T. at [# omitted] for details. of Knoxville will be held on Thurs., March 19th at 2:30pm at the
Convention Center. If you will be attending this event, you must
FAITH FORMATION officially RSVP. You will have this opportunity to RSVP by signing up
Renew-Why Catholic?-The Sacraments The Lenten program is now in after the Sat. Vigil and Sun. masses this weekend. You can check the
session. It is not too late to join. Contact Dave or Barb W. at [# omitted] diocesan website at and select the link in
for more info. the upper right corner entitled “March 19th Mass.” Information about the
facility, schedule of events, parking, shuttle services and directions will
SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE be posted along with a map of the area. In addition, Deacon Ken L. will
Angela McGuire, Direct of Columbus Home will speak Tues., March act as our parish contact and can assist you with any questions. Please
3rd, 7:30pm in the Ed. Bldg. This meeting is open to anyone in the parish feel free to call Deacon Ken at 531-0770.
interested in learning more about the Columbus Home programs. We
invite anyone interested in becoming involved with our committee to The Merry Widows will meet at noon, Tuesday, March 3 at Puleo’s on
attend. We will also discuss a project to provide starter home items to Cedar Lane. We are a group of widowed women who meet for lunch and
those in the Volunteer Ministry Center program. fellowship once a month. Please feel free to join us!

Please remember to support the Food Drive throughout Lent. The food Every Friday during Lent, we will be praying in front of the abortion
will be donated to Ladies of Charity and the Seton Thrift Store in clinic at 313 Concord St. from 7am-3pm. For more info, go to
Harriman. Please purchase only items on the list, which has been chosen or call Lisa at [# omitted].
for its nutritional value and its ability to be transported and stored. Food
may be brought to the narthex until Palm Sunday. The Ulster Project seeks families with teenagers between the ages of 14-
16 to host a teen from Northern Ireland during the month of July. The
SPIRITUAL LIFE purpose of this project is to bring Catholic and Protestant teens from
Morning prayers during Lent will begin at 8:45am Mon. thru Sat. in the Northern Ireland together with American teens for a busy, fun-filled
chapel. Everyone is invited to come and pray this beautiful prayer. month. The project works towards promoting peace and reconciliation in
Northern Ireland. Your participation can make a difference in your life
This Friday is First Friday. Eucharistic Adoration will begin Thurs. and the lives of many others. For more info, please contact Katie A. at [#
evening at 7pm and will conclude with Benediction at 5:45pm. In omitted] or visit our website at
addition, Adoration will take place all other Friday’s of March from
9:30am-6pm. To sign up for an hour or if you can’t make your regular SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT
hour, please contact Nancy Q., [email omitted] or [# omitted]. Your temper is one of your most valuable possessions.
Don’t lose it
Today’s Readings are on page 905 in the Hymnal
Mon. Lv 19: 1-2; 11-18 Mt 25: 31-46
Tues. Is 55: 10-11 Mt 6: 7-15
Wed Jon 3: 1-10 Lk 11: 29-32
Thur. Est C 12: 14-16; 23-25 Mt 7: 7-12
Fri. Ez 18: 21-28 Mt 5: 20-26
Sat. Dt 26: 16-19 Mt 5: 43-48
Sun. Gn 22: 1-18 Rom 8: 31b-34 Mk 9: 2-10

Please pray for Fay C. of All Saints Parish who died recently
Mon., 03-02 9:00am Mary Lou W. by Joan F.
12:10pm Margaret T. by the C. family
Tues., 03-03 9:00am Marian B. by Jeanne K.
12:10pm LeeAnn S. by Charles and Mickey P.
Wed., 3-04 9:00am Daniel K. by the P. family
12:10pm Deceased of D./N. families
Thur., 03-05 9:00am Joseph G. by the family
12:10pm Albert and Mildred B. by the family
Fri., 03-06 9:00am Gerard N. by the Senior Kids
12:10pm Melinda T. by Leonard
Sat., 03-07 9:00am For the Intentions of the Senior Kids
5:00pm Special Intention for Bill C.
Sun., 03-08 8:15am Daniel K. by the B. family
10:00am People of All Saints parish
11:45am Special Intention for Molly & Mike J.

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