This document contains prayers and litanies addressing God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, saints, angels, and the Virgin Mary. It includes prayers asking for mercy, protection, guidance, sanctification, and the in-filling of the Holy Spirit. The overall focus is on expressing love, devotion and seeking assistance from higher spiritual powers.
This document contains prayers and litanies addressing God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, saints, angels, and the Virgin Mary. It includes prayers asking for mercy, protection, guidance, sanctification, and the in-filling of the Holy Spirit. The overall focus is on expressing love, devotion and seeking assistance from higher spiritual powers.
This document contains prayers and litanies addressing God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, saints, angels, and the Virgin Mary. It includes prayers asking for mercy, protection, guidance, sanctification, and the in-filling of the Holy Spirit. The overall focus is on expressing love, devotion and seeking assistance from higher spiritual powers.
This document contains prayers and litanies addressing God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, saints, angels, and the Virgin Mary. It includes prayers asking for mercy, protection, guidance, sanctification, and the in-filling of the Holy Spirit. The overall focus is on expressing love, devotion and seeking assistance from higher spiritual powers.
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LITANY OF THE LOVE OF GOD Because You are the sovereign Good,
Lord, have mercy on us. I Love You, O My God
Christ, have mercy on us. Because You are infinitely worthy of being Lord, have mercy on us. loved, Christ, hear us. Christ graciously hear us. I Love You, O My God God, the Father of heaven, Because You are infinitely perfect, Have mercy on us. I Love You, O My God God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Even had You not promised me heaven, Have mercy on us. I Love You, O My God God, the Holy Ghost, Even should You try me by want and Have mercy on us. misfortune, Holy Trinity, one God, I Love You, O My God Have mercy on us. In wealth and in poverty, You who are Infinite Love, I Love You, O My God Have mercy on us. In prosperity and in adversity, You who did first love me, I Love You, O My God Have mercy on us. In health and in sickness, You who commanded me to love You, I Love You, O My God Have mercy on us. In life and in death, I Love You, O My God With all my heart, In time and in eternity, I Love You, O My God I Love You, O My God With all my soul, In union with that love with which all the I Love You, O My God saints and angels love You in heaven, With all my mind, I Love You, O My God I Love You, O My God In union with that love with which the With all my strength, Blessed Virgin Mary love You, I Love You, O My God I Love You, O My God Above all possessions and honors, In union with that infinite love with which I Love You, O My God You love eternally, Above all pleasures and enjoyments, I Love You, O My God I Love You, O My God More than myself, and everything My God, Who possesses in belonging to me, incomprehensible abundance all that is I Love You, O My God perfect and worthy of love, root out of More than all my relatives and friends, me all guilty, sensual, and undue love for I Love You, O My God creatures. Kindle in my heart the pure fire More than all men and angels, of Your love, so that I may love nothing I Love You, O My God but You or in You, until being so entirely Above all created things in heaven or on consumed by holy love of You, I may go earth, to love You eternally with the elect in I Love You, O My God heaven, the country of pure love. Amen. Only for Thyself, -His Holiness, Pope Pius V I Love You, O My God 1 DIVINE MERCY PRAYER PRAYER TO OUR GUARDIAN ANGEL - Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.. Angel of God, my guardian dear, - I BELIEVE IN GOD, the Father almighty, To whom God's love commits me here, Creator of Heaven and earth. And in Jesus Ever this day, be at my side, Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was To light and guard, Rule and guide. conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Amen. Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate; PRAYER OF PROTECTION–ANIMA CHRISTI was crucified, died, and was buried. He Soul of Christ, sanctify me; descended into Hell. The third day He rose Body of Christ, save me; again from the dead. He ascended into Blood of Christ, inebriate me; Heaven, and sits at the right hand of God, Water from the side of Christ, wash me; the Father almighty. He shall come again Passion of Christ, strengthen me; to judge the living and the dead. I believe O good Jesus, hear me; in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, within your wounds, hide me; the communion of saints, the forgiveness let me never be separated from you; of sins, the resurrection of the body, and from the evil one, protect me; life everlasting. Amen. at the hour of my death, call me; and bid me to come to you; ETERNAL FATHER, I offer You the Body that with your saints, and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly I may praise you forever and ever. Amen. beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the PRAYER TO whole world. OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP Mother of Perpetual Help, FOR THE SAKE OF HIS SORROWFUL you have been blessed PASSION, have mercy on us and on the and favored by God. you became, whole world. not only the Mother of the Redeemer, but Mother of the redeemed as well. HOLY GOD, Holy Mighty One, Holy We come to you today as your loving Immortal One, have mercy on us and on children. the whole world. Watch over us and take care of us. As you held the child Jesus in your loving PRAYER TO RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT arms, so take us in your arms. – St Catherine of Siena Be a mother ready at every moment to help us. Holy Spirit, come into my heart; For God who is mighty has done great draw it to Thee by Thy power, O my God, things for you, and grant me charity with filial fear. and God's mercy is from age to age Preserve me, O ineffable Love, on those who love God. from every evil thought; Intercede for us, dear Mother, warm me, inflame me with Thy dear love, in obtaining pardon for our sins, and every pain will seem light to me. love for Jesus, final perseverance, My Father, my sweet Lord, help me in all and the grace always to call upon you, my actions. Jesus, love, Jesus, love. Amen. Mother of Perpetual Help. 2 PRAYER OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE I come against all Satanic vows, Satanic I proclaim Jesus Christ, Lord of all the pacts, Satanic sacrifices, voodoo practices, adventures, circumstances, and difficulties mind control, and Eastern religion of today. practices. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of His Blood, In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the authority of His Word I break, and dissolve all links with false given to me as a Christian, prophets, false visionaries, false mystics, I bind and reject you Satan, and with psychics, clairvoyance, and I command you to leave! astrologers, mediums, seers, Satanic cults, I seal this place, and all the members of fortune tellers, seances, Ouija Boards, my family, my relatives, and possessions, Tarot Cards, and occult games of all kinds. in the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Come Holy Spirit and fill this place, I bind and reject all familiar spirits, corner to corner, ceiling to floor. all companion spirits, and all carnal spirits, Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael spirits of affliction, and all ministering and all the Holy Archangels come and fight spirits. I bind and reject all spirits in the air, this battle for me. in the wind, in the fire, in the water, I ask the help of all the Holy Angels, under the water, in the netherworld, Holy _Dominations, Holy Powers, Holy in the elements and in all satanic forces of Thrones, Holy Principalities, and my nature. Guardian Angel. Be my shield of defense against all evil spirits. I bind and I reject all spirits of confusion, I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus all spirits of division, all spirits of Christ by the power of His Blood, disruption, and all spirits of fear, worry, in the authority given to me as a Christian. and anxiety, all spirits of disbelief, spirits of unforgiveness, resentment, and anger, Lord Jesus, I ask today for an in-filling of spirits of deaf and dumb, spirit of the Holy Spirit. Fill all the empty spaces disobedience, spirit of games, spirit of within me with your peace, your love, your control, and spirit of retaliation. healing, and your joy. I also ask for an I bind and I reject all spirits and aspects increase and release of all the gifts, and attributes of these spirits. power, and fruits of the Holy Spirit. I bind and reject all interlocking spirits. The Gift of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, I command that there will be no Gift of Faith, Gift of Healing, Miracles, communication between you or anyone Prophecy, Discernment of Spirits, else. I command that you leave quietly and Gift of Tongues, Interpretation of immediately go to the foot of the cross of Tongues, Deliverance, Inner Healing, the our Lord Jesus Christ. Gift of Teaching, Gift of Evangelization, the Gift of Service, the Gift of I break and dissolve every curse, Encouragement, Gift of Leadership, the spell, hex, evil wishes, evil desires, and Gift of Preaching, and the Gifts of Joy and hereditary seals. Laughter so that I may use these gifts cheerfully and enjoy the abundant life You 3 have promised. Amen. Amen. SONGS COME HOLY SPIRIT WE NEED YOU Come Holy Spirit we need You SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD Come Holy Spirit we pray Spirit of the living God,fall afresh on me. Come with your strength and your power Spirit of the living God,fall afresh on me. Come in your own special way Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me, Spirit of the living God,fall afresh on me. Come like a spring in the desert Come to the weary of soil Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us. Lord let your sweet healing power Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us. Touch us and make us whole Melt us, mold us, fill us, use us, Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us. WELCOME HOLY SPIRIT Welcome Holy Spirit BREATHE UPON ME Be here with your presence Breathe upon me breath of God Fill me (us) with your power Breathe upon me spirit of the Lord Live inside of me (us) As I lift my hands in surrender You're the living water To your name most high Never drying fountain I am yielding to your spirit Comforter and counselor I am walking in your love Take complete control Jesus I adore your holy name.
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Reign in me come with your fire. Sovereign Lord reign in me Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Reign in me come with your fire. Sovereign Lord reign in me Holy Spirit, come with your fire. Captivate my heart Holy Spirit, come with your fire. Let Your Kingdom come Establish there Your throne Come Holy Spirit, let your fire fall. Let Your will be done Come Holy Spirit, let your fire fall. let your fire fall, let your fire fall. INTO MY HEART let your fire fall, let your fire fall. Into my heart, Into my heart, HOLY SPIRIT FALL ON ME Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. Come in today, come in to stay, Holy Spirit fall on me Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. Let Your fire consume my every need Let Your wind of love flow through me He's in my heart, As I bow on my knees He's in my heart, Holy Spirit fall on me He's here in my heart, Forever. He's here today, he's here to stay, 4 He's here in my heart, Forever.