Lesson 18.1 Angles of Rotation and Radian Measure

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Angles of Rotation and 18.1 Angles of Rotation and Radian

Radian Measure Measure
Essential Question: What is the relationship between the unit circle and radian measure?
Common Core Math Standards Locker

The student is expected to:

CORE F-TF.A.1 Explore 1 Drawing Angles of Rotation and Finding
Coterminal Angles
Understand radian measure of an angle as the length of the arc on the
unit circle subtended by the angle. Also G-C.C.5 In trigonometry, an angle of rotation is an angle formed by the starting and ending positions of a ray that rotates
about its endpoint. The angle is in standard position in a coordinate plane when the starting position of the ray, or
Mathematical Practices initial side of the angle, is on the positive x-axis and has its endpoint at the origin. To show the amount and direction
of rotation, a curved arrow is drawn to the ending position of the ray, or termina l side of the angle.
CORE MP.8 Patterns In geometry, you were accustomed to working with angles having measures y
between 0° and 180°. In trigonometry, angles can have measures greater
Language Objective than 180° and even less than 0°. To see why, think in terms of revolutions, or
complete circular motions. Let θ be an angle of rotation in standard position.
Work with a partner to complete a chart that shows an angle’s initial and side x
terminal sides, and the defining standard position of an angle. initial

ENGAGE • If the rotation for an angle θ is less than 1 revolution in a y

counterclockwise direction, then the measure of θ is between 0°
Essential Question: What is the and 360°. An angle of rotation measured clockwise from standard
relationship between the unit circle and position has a negative angle measure. Coterminal angles are angles
that share the same terminal side. For example, the angles with
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

radian measure? measures of 257° and −103° are coterminal, as shown. 257° -103°
Possible answer: The unit circle is a circle centered at
the origin with a radius of 1 and a circumference of
2π. An angle of rotation that intercepts an arc on the
unit circle whose length is 1 has a measure defined
as 1 radian. So, there are 2π radians in an angle that
• If the rotation for θ is more than 1 revolution but less than
makes one full revolution. 2 revolutions in a counterclockwise direction, then the measure
of θ is between 360° and 720°, as shown. Because you can have
any number of revolutions with an angle of rotation, there is a
counterclockwise angle of rotation corresponding to any positive
PREVIEW: LESSON real number and a clockwise angle of rotation corresponding to 420°
PERFORMANCE TASK any negative real number.

View the online Engage. Discuss the photo and

how a centrifuge simulates the forces that Module 18 ges must
be made throu
gh “File info” 913 Lesson 1

astronauts encounter. Then preview the Lesson


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s of Rotat

18.1 Angle
Performance Task. Measure
Quest ion: What
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radian measu

the arc on

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F-TF.A.1 Unders angle. Also G-C.C.5 and Find
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9:50 AM
Module 18

8L1 913

913 Lesson 18.1

A Draw an angle of rotation of 310°. In what quadrant is the terminal side of the angle?
x Drawing Angles of Rotation and
Finding Coterminal Angles

The terminal side is in Quadrant IV. INTEGRATE TECHNOLOGY

B On the same graph from the previous step, draw a positive coterminal angle. What is the Students have the option of completing the activity
angle measure of your angle?
either in the book or online.

What is the difference between a 180° angle of
rotation and a -180° angle of rotation? They
have the same terminal side, but the positive angle
Possible angle shown, with measure of 670°. has a counterclockwise rotation, while the negative
C On the same graph from the previous two steps, draw a negative coterminal angle. What is
angle has a clockwise rotation.
the angle measure of your angle?
What is the difference between a 90° angle of
rotation and a -90° angle of rotation? The
positive angle has its terminal side along the
positive y-axis. The negative angle has its terminal
side along the negative y–axis.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Possible angle shown, with measure of -50°.


1. Is the measure of an angle of rotation in standard position completely determined by the

position of its terminal side? Explain.
No; there are infinitely many angles of rotation, both positive and negative, that can be
drawn in standard position with a given terminal side.

2. Find the measure between 720° and 1080° of an angle that is coterminal with an angle that
has a measure of -30°. In addition, describe a general method for finding the measure of
any angle that is coterminal with a given angle.
The measure will be 1050°, since 720 and 1080 are consecutive multiples of 360 and
-30 + 1080 = 1050. In general, you can find the measure of any angle that is coterminal with
a given angle by adding or subtracting a multiple of 360° from the given angle’s measure.
Module 18 914 Lesson 1

IN3_MNLESE389892_U7M18L1.indd 914 4/9/14 2:12 AM

Integrate Mathematical Practices

This lesson includes opportunities to address Mathematical Practice Standard
MP.8, “Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.” Drawing angles
helps students visualize the fact that the measures of coterminal angles differ by
multiples of ±360°. Students apply this fact to calculate measures of angles
coterminal with a given angle.

Angles of Rotation and Radian Measure 914

Explore 2 Understanding Radian Measure
EXPLORE 2 The diagram shows three circles centered at the origin. The arcs that are on the
circle between the initial and terminal sides of the 225° central angle are called
intercepted arcs. 2
1 225°
Understanding Radian Measure ⁀ is on a circle with radius 1 unit. AC E x
⁀ is on a circle with radius 2 units.
AVOID COMMON ERRORS ⁀ is on a circle with radius 3 units.

Students may seek to add a unit symbol or Notice that the intercepted arcs have different lengths, although they are intercepted
by the same central angle of 225°. You will now explore how these arc lengths are related to the angle.
abbreviation to radian measures. Tell them that
although they may see the abbreviation rad used to  The angle of rotation is 225 degrees counterclockwise.
refer to radians, radian measures do not require a There are 360 degrees in a circle.
unit symbol or an abbreviation. Degree measures
should always have a degree symbol; angle measures 225° represents _____ of the total number of degrees in a circle.
without a symbol or unit abbreviation should be 5
So, the length of each intercepted arc is _____ of the total circumference of the circle that it lies on.
assumed to be radians.

B Complete the table. To find the length of the intercepted arc, use the fraction you found in
the previous step. Give all answers in terms of π.
Circumference, C Length of Ratio of Arc Length to
What happens to the intercepted arc length s Radius, r (C = 2πr) Intercepted Arc, s Radius, __rs
as the radius increases? Explain. It increases. 1 2π(1) = 2π _5 · 2π = ___
10π __
= 5π __

÷ 1 = __

8 8 4 4 4
As the radius increases, so does the circumference, 2 2π(2) = 4π _5 · 4π = ___
20π ___
= 5π __

÷ 2 = __

8 8 2 2 4
which increases the length of the intercepted arc. _5 · 6π = ___
30π ___ ___
3 2π(3) = 6π 8 8
= 15π 4
÷ 3 = __

What will be the ratio of arc length to radius
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for a 60° central angle in a circle of radius
3. What do you notice about the ratios _rs in the fourth column of the table?
10 feet? For a 60° central angle in a circle of any All of the ratios are equal to __

radius? π ; π
3 3 4. When the ratios of the values of a variable y to the corresponding values of another variable x all equal
a constant k, y is said to be proportional to x, and the constant k is called the constant of proportionality.
Because __x = k, you can solve for y to get y = kx. In the case of the arcs that are intercepted by a
225° angle, is the arc length s proportional to the radius r? If so, what is the constant of proportionality,
and what equation gives s in terms of r?
Yes; the constant of proportionality is __ 5π
, and the equation is s = __ 5π

5. Suppose that the central angle is 270° instead of 225°. Would the arc length s still be proportional to the
radius r? If so, would the constant of proportionality still be the same? Explain.
Yes; s is still proportional to r, but the constant of proportionality would become __ 3π
. This
is because a 270° angle represents __
of a circle. For example, on a circle of radius 2:
r = 2, s = _
· 4π = 3π, and _sr = __


Module 18 915 Lesson 1

IN3_MNLESE389892_U7M18L1.indd 915 4/9/14 2:12 AM

Whole Class Activity

Have students put masking tape around a few circular objects to mark the
circumferences. Have them lay the masking tape pieces flat on the desk and
measure the radius of each circular object. Then have them measure how many
radii fit onto each tape piece by marking off each whole number of radii. Each
should be a bit more than 6. Have students relate the number to the circumference
formula. Students can then trace the circle onto paper, and put the masking tape
back on the circle. Have them draw a central angle that is the width of one of these
radius lengths. This is an angle that is one radian angle, or radius, wide.

915 Lesson 18.1

Explain 1 Converting Between Degree Measure and
Radian Measure y
For a central angle θ that intercepts an arc of length s on a circle with radius r, the s
radian measure of the angle is the ratio θ = _rs . In particular, on a unit circle, a circle θ
centered at the origin with a radius of 1 unit, θ = s. So, 1 radian is the angle that 2 x Converting Between Degree Measure
intercepts an arc of length 1 on a unit circle, as shown. 1 and Radian Measure
Recall that there are 360° in a full circle. Since the circumference of a circle of
radius r is s = 2πr, the number of radians in a full circle is ___r = 2π. Therefore,
2π π 360 180
360° = 2π radians. So, 1° = ___ = ___ = ___ = ___
360 180
This result is summed up in the following table.
and 1 radian 2π π degrees.
θ = 1 radian
Help students differentiate between a radian and a
radius. These two words can be easily confused when
π radians
Multiply the number of degrees by _______
. ) ( π radians )
Multiply the number of radians by _______ .
English learners are listening to explanations,
especially because they associate the term radius
Example 1 Convert each measure from degrees to radians or from radians to degrees.
with a circle.

 Degree measure Radian measure

π π
20° ____ · 20° = __
315° π

· 315° = ___ 4 Focus on Math Connections
600° π
____ 10π
· 600° = ____
MP.1 Since the circumference of a circle C is equal
180° 3
to 2πr, and a radian measure is 1r, there are
π π
-60° ____ · (-60°) = -__ 3 2π ≈ 6.283 radians in a circle. Thus, a radian is

-540° π
____ · (-540°) = -3π
between one seventh and one sixth of a circle.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company QUESTIONING STRATEGIES

 Radian measure Degree measure
What is the radian measure for a central angle
__ ____
180° __
8 8
of 180°? π

___ ___ 4π
180 · ___ = 240°
3 π 3 If the radian measure is 1, what can you say
180 __ about the arc length of the angle and the

π · 9π = 810°
radius of the circle? They are equal.

( 12 )
π · -

= -105°
How can you check that you are using your
π · (- 6 ) = -390°
-____ ___
180 ___
6 conversion factor between degrees and radians
correctly? When you convert an angle measure
from degrees to radians, the ratio of the degree
Module 18 916 Lesson 1
measure to the radian measure should be
about 57.3°.
DIFFERENTIATE INSTRUCTION As a quick check of your conversion, you can
IN3_MNLESE389892_U7M18L1.indd 916

Multiple Representations
4/9/14 2:12 AM
look at values. If 0° < d° < 180°, between
what values will the corresponding radians
Give students copies of blank unit circles to label. Suggest that students use
be? 0 < θ < π If 180° < d° < 360°, between
colored pencils to help them organize the information. Over the course of the
what values will the corresponding radians be?
unit, have them add to the circle. For example, students might circle the measures
π < θ < 2π
of all angles with the same reference angle in the same color. Students can use
their unit circles as references throughout this unit.

Angles of Rotation and Radian Measure 916


6. Which is larger, a degree or a radian? Explain.

A radian is larger, since it is equivalent to ___
π ≈ 57.3°.

7. The unit circle below shows the measures of angles of rotation that are commonly used in
trigonometry, with radian measures outside the circle and degree measures inside the circle.
Provide the missing measures.

2π π
3 3
3π 90°
120° 60° π
4 4
5π 135° 45° π
6 6
150° 30°

π 180° 0° 0

210° 330°
7π 11π
6 225° 315° 6
5π 240° 300° 7π
4 270° 4
4π 5π
3 3π 3

Your Turn
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Convert each measure from degrees to radians or from radians to degrees.

8. -495°
· (-495°) = -___
180° 4

9. 13π
___ · ( 13π ) = 195°
180 ____
π 12

Module 18 917 Lesson 1

IN3_MNLESE389892_U7M18L1.indd 917 4/9/14 2:12 AM

Communicate Math
Have students work in pairs to complete a table like the one below. Once students
are familiar with radian measure, they can use this table as a reference throughout
the lesson.
Term Drawing or diagram Explanation
1 radian angle in standard position
Initial side
Terminal side
Coterminal angle

917 Lesson 18.1

Explain 2 Solving a Real-World Problem Involving Arc Length
As you saw in the first Explain, for a central angle θ in radian measure, θ = _rs where s is the intercepted
arc length. Multiplying both sides of the equation by r gives the arc length formula for a circle:
Arc Length Formula Solving a Real-World Problem
For a circle of radius r, the arc length s intercepted by a central angle θ (measured in Involving Arc Length
radians) is given by the following formula.

s = rθ
Many problems involving arc length also involve angular velocity, which is the angle measure through which an object
turns in a given time interval. For example, the second hand of a clock has an angular velocity of 360° per minute, or The prefix radi- comes from the Latin word for ray
6° per second. Angular velocity may also be expressed in radians per unit of time. This makes finding the arc length
traversed in an amount of time especially easy by using the arc length formula. and means extending from a central location. This
meaning is seen in words such as radius, radiate,
A The Sun A point on the Sun’s equator makes a full revolution
radial, and radio.
once every 25.38 days. The Sun has a radius of about 432,200
miles at its equator. What is the angular velocity in radians per
hour of a point on the Sun’s equator? What distance around
the Sun’s axis does the point travel in one hour? How does this
compare with the distance of about 1038 miles traveled by a
point on Earth’s equator in an hour? Some students may think that multiplying the
One revolution is 2π radians. The angular velocity in radians per

diameter of a circle by some number n either
day is ____ . Convert this to radians per hour.
25.38 multiplies both the arc length and radian measure by
2π radians _
1 day 2π radians
= __ n or leaves both unchanged. Remind them that when
25.38 days 24 hours 25.38(24) hours
≈ 0.01032 radians/h n ≠ 1, multiplying by n multiplies arc length by n but

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The distance the point travels in an hour is the arc length it traverses in an hour.
leaves the radian measure unchanged.
s = rθ

= 432, 200(0.01032)
≈ 4460
How could you find average angular
The point travels about 4460 miles around the Sun’s axis in an hour. This is more than 4 times farther
than a point on Earth’s equator travels in the same time.
speed? Divide the total number of degrees
in a rotation by the time in which the rotation
B The Earth Earth’s equator is at a latitude of 0°. The Arctic circle is at a latitude of 66.52°N. occurred.

The diameter of the equator is 7926 miles. The diameter of the Arctic circle is 3150 miles.

a. Find the angular velocity in degrees per minute of a point on the equator and of a point
on the Arctic circle.
b. How far does a point on the Equator travel in 15 minutes? PRACTICES
c. How long will it take a point on the Arctic circle to travel this distance?
Focus on Math Connections
MP.1 The number of radians in a central angle of a
circle is the measure of the intercepted arc in radian
Module 18 918 Lesson 1 units.

IN3_MNLESE389892_U7M18L1 918 9/16/14 10:23 AM

Angles of Rotation and Radian Measure 918

a. Every point on Earth completes 1 revolution of 360 degrees each 24 hours, so the angular
velocities of the points will be the same. Convert the angular velocity to degrees per minute.
360 ° 360 °
_______ · ______ = ________ = 0.25 °/min
60 min 24(60) min
24 h
The angular velocity is 0.25 /min.

b. Multiply the time by the angular velocity to find the angle through which a point rotates in 15 minutes.

15 min · 0.25°/min = 3.75 °

Write a proportion to find the distance to the nearest tenth that this represents at the equator, where

Earth’s circumference is π · 7926 miles.

_______ x mi
= ___________
360 ° π · 7926 mi

x = _________

x ≈ 259.4

A point at the equator travels about

259.4 miles in 15 minutes.

c. Write a proportion to find the angle of rotation to the nearest thousandth required to move a point

259.4 miles on the Arctic circle, where the circumference is π · 3150 miles.
259.4 mi
___________ = _______

π · 3150 mi 360

x = ________

x≈ 9.437

Use the angular velocity to find the time t to the nearest hundredth required for a point on the Arctic
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

circle to move through an angle of rotation of 9.437°.

( 0.25 °/min)(t min) = 9.437°

t≈ 37.75
It takes about minutes for a point on the Arctic circle to travel the same distance that a point
on the equator travels in 15 minutes.


10. How does using an angle of rotation to find the length of the arc on a circle intercepted by the angle differ
when degrees are used from when radians are used?
When radians are used, you can find the arc length by simply multiplying the radius of the
circle times the angle. When degrees are used, you must write a proportion equating the
ratio of the measure of the angle to 360 degrees and the ratio of the unknown arc length to
the circumference of the circle. Then you can solve for the arc length.

Module 18 919 Lesson 1

IN3_MNLESE389892_U7M18L1.indd 919 4/9/14 2:12 AM

919 Lesson 18.1

Your Turn

11. Astronomy A neutron star (an incredibly dense collapsed star) in the Sagittarius Galaxy has a radius of
10 miles and completes a full revolution every 0.0014 seconds. Find the angular velocity of the star in
radians per second, then use this velocity to determine how far a point on the equator of the star travels
each second. How does this compare to the speed of light (about 186,000 mi/sec)? INTEGRATE MATHEMATICAL
Find the angular velocity. PRACTICES
2π radians
≈ 4490 radians/second Focus on Math Connections
0.0014 second
The distance the point travels in a second is the arc length it traverses in a second. MP.1 Point out to students that they can convert
s = rθ = 10(4490) ≈ 45,000 between degrees and radians by using the proportion
The point travels about 45,000 miles around the star’s axis in one second. Because d degrees
r radians = __________
______ , where r is the measure of
≈ 0.24, this is about one fourth the speed of light. π radians 180 degrees
12. Geography The northeastern corner of Maine is due north of the southern tip of South America in Chile. an angle θ in radians and d is its measure in degrees.
The difference in latitude between the locations is 103°. Using both degree measure and radian measure, and
a north-south circumference of Earth of 24,860 miles, find the distance between the two locations.

Using degrees: Using radians: QUESTIONING STRATEGIES

103° x mi
____ = ________ First convert to radians.
360° 24,860 mi When determining angular velocity, is it better
π · 103° = 103π
____ ____
360x = 103(24,860) 180° 180 to have the angle measure in degrees or
103(24,860) Use the arc length formula. radians? in radians, because you can directly
x = _________

x ≈ 7110 S = rθ = _____
2π (
24,860 103π
____ ≈ 7110
convert to arc length

The distance is about 7100 miles. The distance is about 7100 miles.


13. Given the measure of two angles of rotation, how can you determine whether they are coterminal without How can the unit circle be used to determine
actually drawing the angles? arc length for a circle with radius r?
If the difference between the angles is an integer multiple of 360 degrees or 2π radians,
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Explain. The unit circle has a radius of 1 and a
then they are coterminal angles.
circumference of 2π. An angle of rotation that
14. What is the conversion factor to go from degrees to radians? What is the conversion factor to go from intercepts an arc on the unit circle whose length is 1
radians to degrees? How are the conversion factors related?
The conversion factor to go from degrees to radians is _______π radians
, while the conversion has a measure defined as 1 radian, so for an arc on a
factor to go from radians to degrees is _______
π radians
. The two conversion factors are circle with radius r, there are 2πr radians in an angle
reciprocals of each other.
that makes one full revolution.

15. Essential Question Check-In An angle of rotation in standard position intercepts an arc of length 1 on
the unit circle. What is the radian measure of the angle of rotation?
The angle of rotation that intercepts an arc whose length is 1 on this circle has a measure
of 1 radian.

Module 18 920 Lesson 1

IN3_MNLESE389892_U7M18L1.indd 920 17/10/14 1:31 AM

Angles of Rotation and Radian Measure 920

EVALUATE Evaluate: Homework and Practice
• Online Homework
Draw the indicated angle of rotation in standard position. • Hints and Help
• Extra Practice
1. A positive angle coterminal 2. A negative angle
to 130° coterminal to 130°
Possible answer: Possible answer:

y y

Concepts and Skills Practice x x

Explore 1 Exercises 1–6

Drawing Angles of Rotation and
Finding Coterminal Angles
Explore 2 Exercise 21 For each angle, find the nearest two positive coterminal angles and the nearest two
Understanding Radian Measure negative coterminal angles.
3. 84° 4. 420°
Example 1 Exercises 7–15
84° + 360° = 444°, 84° + 2 (360°) = 804°, 420° - 360° = 60°, 420° + 360° = 780°,
Converting Between Degree
Measure and Radian Measure 84° - 360° = -276°, 84° - 2 (360°) = -636° 420° - 2(360°) = -300°, 420° - 3 (360°) = -660°
π 5π
Example 2 Exercises 16–20 5. -__
Solving a Real-World Problem -__
π 5π
+ 2π = ___ π
, -__ + 2(2π) = ___
, __

- 2π = __ , 5π + 2π = __
π ___ 9π
3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2
Involving Arc Length __ __
π __
7π __
- 3 - 2π = - 3 , - 3 - 2(2π) = - 3___
13π 5π
- 2(2π) = - , - 3(2π) = -__
3π 5π
2 2

Convert each measure from degrees to radians or from radians to degrees.
7. 70° -270°
· 70° = ___

· (-270°) = -__

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180° 2
Make sure students can articulate what makes a unit
9. -945° 10. 2160°
circle distinct from just any circle drawn on the ___
· (-945°) = -___
, or -5_
π 4
· 2160° = 12π
coordinate plane. Help them make connections and
11. _ 12. _
increase their mathematical vocabularies by using the 18 4
terms origin, coordinate plane, x– and y–axes and so ___
180° ___
· 33π = 330° ___
180° ___
· 11π = 495°
π 18 π 4
on, as you help them explain. 5π
13. -_ 7π
14. -_
3 2

π · (- ) = -300° π · (- ) = -630°
180° __
5π ___
180° __

3 2

Module 18 921 Lesson 1

IN3_MNLESE389892_U7M18L1 921
Exercise Depth of Knowledge (D.O.K.) CORE Mathematical Practices 9/16/14 10:25 AM

1–14 1 Recall of Information MP.7 Using Structure

921 Lesson 18.1

15. Geography A student in the United States has an friend overseas with whom she
corresponds by computer. The foreign student says, “If you write the latitude and KINESTHETIC EXPERIENCE
longitude of my school in radians instead of degrees, you get the coordinates 0.6227
radians north latitude and 2.438 radians east longitude”. Convert the coordinates back
Have students sit in a circle around a clearly labeled
to degrees. Then use a globe, map, or app to identify the city. set of x- and y-axes on the floor. Call out an angle and
have the student closest to that angle measure stand
· 0.6227 radians = 35.68°;
π radians up. Be sure to call both positive and
· 2.438 radians = 139.69°
π radians negative angles.
The coordinates are 35.68° north latitude and 139.69° east longitude. The school is in
Tokyo, Japan.


16. Geography If a ship sailed due south from Iceland to Antarctica, it would sail
through an angle of rotation of about 140° around Earth’s center. Find this measure in Students who commonly make errors in calculations
radians. Then, using 3960 miles for Earth’s radius, find how far the ship would travel. should always go back to the basic relationship
π radians
· 140° = __

radians; s = rθ = 3960 · __

≈ 9700;
360° = 2π radians, or about 6.28 radians, to help
The ship would travel about 9700 miles. them form a rough estimate of the size of the answer
before they calculate.
17. Geography Acapulco, Mexico and Hyderabad, India both lie at 17° north latitude,
and lie very nearly halfway around the world from each other in an east-west
direction. The radius of Earth at a latitude of 17° is about 3790 miles. Suppose that
you could fly from Acapulco directly west to Hyderabad or fly directly north to
Hyderabad. Which way would be shorter, and by how much? Use 3960 miles for
Earth’s radius. (Hint: To fly directly north, you would go from 17° north latitude to
90° north latitude, and then back down to 17° north latitude.)

Flying west, the plane goes halfway around a circle with radius of 3790 miles:
_1 · 2πr = πr = π · 3790 ≈ 11,900 mi
Flying north, the plane travels over an angle of rotation of 2(90° - 17°) = 146°.
= ________
x mi
→ x ≈ 10, 100 mi
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360° 2π · 3960 mi
It would be about 11,900 - 10,100 = 1800 miles shorter to fly over the North Pole.

Module 18 922 Lesson 1

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Depth of Knowledge (D.O.K.) CORE Mathematical Practices 4/9/14 2:12 AM

18 1 Recall of Information MP.5 Using Tools

19 3 Strategic Thinking MP.3 Logic
20–23 2 Skills/Concepts MP.3 Logic
24, 26–27 3 Strategic Thinking MP.3 Logic
25 2 Skills/Concepts MP.1 Problem Solving

Angles of Rotation and Radian Measure 922

18. Planetary Exploration “Opportunity” and “Phoenix” are two
INTEGRATE MATHEMATICAL of the robotic explorers on Mars. Opportunity landed at 2° south
PRACTICES latitude, where Mars’ radius is about 2110 miles. Phoenix landed
at 68° north latitude, where Mars’ radius is about 790 miles. Mars
Focus on Critical Thinking rotates on its axis once every 24.6 Earth-hours. How far does each
explorer travel as Mars rotates by 1 radian? How many hours does
MP.3 Remind students to check that their answers it take Mars to rotate 1 radian? Using this answer, how fast is each
are reasonable. When comparing the rotations of two explorer traveling around Mars’ axis in miles per hour?

spheres where one is much larger than the other but The distance s is given by the formula s = rθ. Because θ = 1, this is just s = r.
has a shorter rotational period, the second body So, Opportunity travels 2110 miles and Phoenix travels 790 miles.
should rotate through a much smaller angle than Mars rotates 2π radians every 24.6 hours. So, its angular velocity
does the first, in the same period of time. 2π radians
is _________ ≈ 0.2554 radians/h. Find the time t to rotate 1 radian.
24.6 h
(t h)(0.2554 radians/h) = 1 radian
t = _____
t ≈ 3.92
It takes about 3.92 hours to rotate one radian.
Opportunity: ______
2110 mi
3.92 h
≈ 540 mi/h
Phoenix: _____
790 mi
3.92 h
≈ 200 mi/h

19. Earth’s Rotation The 40th parallel of north latitude runs across the United States
through Philadelphia, Indianapolis, and Denver. At this latitude, Earth’s radius is
about 3030 miles. The earth rotates with an angular velocity of __π
radians (or 15°) per
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company • Image Credits: NASA Jet

hour toward the east. If a jet flies due west with the same angular velocity relative to
the ground at the equinox, the Sun as viewed from the jet will stop in the sky. How
fast in miles per hour would the jet have to travel west at the 40th parallel for this to
By the arc length formula, the number of miles represented by an angle of __
radians where Earth’s radius is 3030 miles is s = rθ = 3030 __
12 ( )
≈ 793. The jet
would have to fly about 793 mi/h.
20. Our Galaxy It is about 30,000 light years from our solar system to the center of the
Milky Way Galaxy. The solar system revolves around the center of the Milky Way
with an angular velocity of about 2.6 × 10 -8 radians per year.
Propulsion Laboratory

a. What distance does the solar system travel in its orbit each year?
b. Given that a light year is about 5.88 × 10 12 miles, how fast is the solar system
circling the center of the galaxy in miles per hour?

a. s = rθ = 30,000(2.6 × 10 -8) ≈ 7.8 × 10 -4 light years

b. ( ______________) (__________) (______) (____) ≈ 520,000 mi/hr

7.8 × 10 -4 light years
5.88 × 10 12 mi
light year
1 year
365 days
1 day
24 h

Module 18 923 Lesson 1

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923 Lesson 18.1

21. Driving A windshield wiper blade turns through an angle of 135°. The bottom of the
blade traces an arc with a 9-inch radius. The top of the blade traces an arc with a 23-inch INTEGRATE MATHEMATICAL
radius. To the nearest inch, how much longer is the top arc than the bottom arc? PRACTICES
Notice that 135° is ___ π
· 135 = __3π
180 4 Focus on Math Connections
( )

Top arc: s = rθ = 23 ___
≈ 54.2
MP.1 Emphasize that radian measures are often
Bottom arc: s = rθ = 9(___
4 )

≈ 21.2
written with fractions. This notation has the
The difference is 54.2 - 21.2 = 33 inches.
advantage of giving exact values instead of decimal
22. Cycling You are riding your bicycle, which has tires with a 30-inch diameter, at a
steady 15 miles per hour. What is the angular velocity of a point on the outside of the
approximations. However, when measuring lengths
tire in radians per second? or distances in an actual situation, the decimal value
Convert miles per hour to inches per second. may be required.
1 hr ) ( 1 mi ) ( 1 ft ) ( 60 min ) ( 60 sec )
15 mi _____
5280 ft ____
12 in. _____
1 hr ____
1 min
= 264 in./sec
A point on the tire travels 264 inches in one second.
The circumference of the tire is C = πd = 30π in.
Find the number of revolutions per second that the tire makes.
264 in./sec
≈ 2.80 revolutions/sec
30π in./revolution
Convert revolutions per second to radians per second.
___________ ( 2π radians ) = 5.6π radians/sec
2.80 revolutions ________
1 sec 1 revolution
23. Select all angles that are coterminal with an angle of rotation of 300°.
A. -420°
A, B, D, E, F
Note that ____π
· 300° = __

B. 2100°
A. -420° = 300° - 2(360°)
C. -900°
B. 2100° = 300° + 5(360°)
D. -__
radians C. -900° falls between 300° - 3(360°) = -780° and

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E. ___
radians 300° - 4(360°) = - 1140°.

F. -___

radians D. -__

= ___
- 2π
23π 5π
E. 3 = 3 + 6π
F. -__


= ___
- 4π
H.O.T. Focus on Higher Order Thinking

24. Explain the Error Lisa was told that a portion of the restaurant on the Space Needle
in Seattle rotates at a rate of 8 radians per hour. When asked to find the distance
through which she would travel if she sat at a table 40 feet from the center of rotation
for a meal lasting 2 hours, she produced the following result:
θ = _rs
8 = __
320 = s The distance is 320 feet.
Lisa did the calculation correctly in finding the distance per hour, but because the
meal lasted two hours, the total distance is the rate times the time, or 640 feet.
Module 18 924 Lesson 1

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Angles of Rotation and Radian Measure 924

25. Represent Real-World Problems The minute hand on a clock has an angular
JOURNAL velocity of 2π radians/hour, while the hour hand has an angular velocity of
__ radians/hour. At 12:00, the hour and second hands both point straight up. The two
Have students write a journal entry describing what 6
hands will next come back together sometime after 1:00. At what exact time will this
radian measure is, how it is used, and showing how to happen? (Hint: You want to find the next time when the angle of rotation made by
the hour hand is coterminal with the angle made by the minute hand after it has first
convert between radians and degrees. Students completed one full revolution.)
should explain the conversion formulas in words. Let t represent the number of hours after 12:00. Then the minute hand rotates
2πt radians in t hours and the hour hand rotates __
t radians in the same time. The
hands will come together after the hour hand has gone __
t radians and the minute
hand has gone one full revolution of 2π radians plus the __
t radians that the
hour hand has moved. This gives us a second expression for the angle of rotation
of the minute hand from 12:00 until the hands next come together. Equate the
expressions and solve for t.
2πt = 2π + __
2t = 2 + _
12t = 12 + t
11t = 12
t = __
The hands will come together after 1__
hours. Because __
h = __
= 5__
min, this is
about halfway between 1:05 and 1:06.

26. Critical Thinking Write a single rational expression that can be used to represent all

angles that are coterminal with an angle of ___

The angles will have the form __

+ n(2π) where n is an integer representing a
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

number of revolutions, positive or negative, around the unit circle. Then:
__ 8 · n(2π) (5 + 16n)π
+ n(2π) = __ + ______ + _______ , or ________
5π 5π 5π + 16πn
8 8 8 8 8

27. Extension You know that the length s of the arc intercepted on a circle of radius r by
an angle of rotation of θ radians is s = rθ. Find an expression for the area of the sector
of the circle with radius r that has a central angle of θ radians. Explain your reasoning.

_1 r 2θ; A full circle has an area of πr 2. A full circle is 2π radians, so an angle of θ

radians is __ θ

of the circle. Find the portion of the area of a full circle that this
represents: __
· πr 2 = _
θ 2 _
· r = 1 r 2θ.
2π 2 2

Module 18 925 Lesson 1

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925 Lesson 18.1

Lesson Performance Task
At a space exploration center, astronauts are training on a human centrifuge that has a diameter
of 70 feet. When converting, some students may be confused by
a. The centrifuge makes 72 complete revolutions in 2 minutes. What is the angular the acceleration units ft/s 2 and m/s 2 due to the “per
velocity of the centrifuge in radians per second? What distance does an astronaut
travel around the center each second? second squared” notation. Explain that, in
Find the number of revolutions per second. converting, these units cancel, so this conversion is
72 revolutions ____
· 160
revolution/s like, for example, converting feet to meters.
2 min s 5
Because 1 revolution is 2π radians, _
revolution is _
· 2π = __

Find the length of the arc intercepted by an angle of __

radians for a circle
with a radius of 75 ÷ 2 = 35 feet. PRACTICES
s = rθ = 35 __

5 ( )
= 42π ≈ 132
Focus on Critical Thinking
The astronaut travels about 132 feet each second.
MP.3 Students can solve for the number of
b. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with time. An object moving at a revolutions in several ways. They may first see that
constant velocity v in circular motion with a radius of r has an acceleration a
of a = __
v2 1 of 2 minutes, or convert both units to
30 seconds is __
r . What is the astronaut’s acceleration? (Note that the acceleration will
have units of feet per second squared.)
minutes. Encourage students to do this but to use a
To find acceleration, first find the velocity. To do this, divide the number of feet
formal thinking process they can repeat for more
traveled by the number of seconds elapsed.
complicated numbers. Have students share
(42π ft/s)2
a = __
r =
_________ ≈ 497 ft/s 2 equivalent methods.
35 ft
The acceleration is about 497 ft/s 2.

c. One “g” is the acceleration caused on Earth’s surface by gravity. This acceleration is
what gives you your weight. Some roller coasters can produce an acceleration in a
tight loop of 5 or even 6 g’s. Earth’s gravity produces an acceleration of 32 ft/s 2. How
many g’s is the astronaut experiencing in the centrifuge?

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Convert 497 ft/s 2 to g’s.
497 ft/s 2 · ______2 ≈ 15.5 g
32 ft/s
The astronaut is experiencing about 15.5 g’s.

Module 18 926 Lesson 1

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Have students research the centrifugal forces created by spinning amusement park
rides; how the rides are designed for safety; and why only healthy adults are
allowed to ride them. Students may need to determine the relationship between g
forces and the centrifugal forces of rotational acceleration. Have students present
their findings to the class.

Scoring Rubric
2 points: Student correctly solves the problem and explains his/her reasoning.
1 point: Student shows good understanding of the problem but does not fully
solve or explain his/her reasoning.
0 points: Student does not demonstrate understanding of the problem.

Angles of Rotation and Radian Measure 926

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