PreCalculus 11 - Q1 - 11a-Review - Angles

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SY 2020-2021


Expanded Project
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Subject (Check or choose from below.) ______________________________
 Religion/Values Education  Filipino  TLE / ICT
 Natural Sciences  English  MAPEH
 Araling Panlipunan  Math  CAdT
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Angles in Trigonometry

Learning Target: To define important terms for angles in trigonometry
References: (1) ) J. G. Bernabe, Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics,
(Author, Title, Pages)
pp. 135
(2) V. B. Galbizo and M. V. Bernido, CVIF Learning Activities
An angle is the union of two rays which share a common endpoint.
In trigonometry, an angle is defined in terms of rotation of a ray from a
specified axis in the Cartesian coordinate system.

Important Terms:
Initial ray – the stationary side of the angle.
Terminal ray – the rotating side of an angle.
Standard Position – when the initial ray of an angle coincides with the
x–axis and its initial point is at the origin.

terminal ray
initial ray

Positive Angles – measured counterclockwise from the initial ray.

Negative Angles – measured clockwise from the initial ray.

Exercises: Draw the following angles on separate coordinate systems and

label their corresponding rays.
A. Two positive angles
B. Two negative angles

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