Young's Module
Young's Module
Young's Module
APPENDIX D ELASTIC PARAMETERS D-1. General. The magnitudes of soil elastic distortion or immediate settlement for practical applications are evaluated from the elastic soil parameters Youngs modulus Es , shear modulus Gs and Poissons ratio s . For most practical applications the foundation soil is heterogeneous or multilayered in which the elastic parameters can vary significantly from layer to layer. D-2. Elastic Youngs Modulus. Youngs elastic modulus is commonly used for estimation of settlement from static loads. Suitable values of the elastic modulus Es as a function of depth may be estimated from empirical correlations, results of laboratory tests on undisturbed specimens and results of field tests. a. Definition. Materials that are truly elastic obey Hookes law in which each equal increment of applied uniaxial stress z causes a proportionate increase in strain z (D-1) where E is Youngs modulus of elasticity, Table D-1. Figure D-1 illustrates the stress path for the uniaxial (UT) and other test methods. An elastic material regains its initial dimensions following removal of the applied stress. (1) Application to soil. Hookes law, which is applicable to homogeneous and isotropic materials, was originally developed from the observed elastic behavior of metal bars in tension. Soil is sometimes assumed to behave linearly elastic under relatively small loads. A partially elastic material obeys Hookes law during loading, but this material will not gain its initial dimensions following removal of the applied stress. These materials are nonlinear and include most soils, especially foundation soil supporting heavy structures that apply their weight only once. (2) Assumption of Youngs elastic modulus. Soils tested in a conventional triaxial compression (CTCT) device under constant lateral stress will yield a tangent elastic modulus Et equivalent with Youngs modulus. The soil modulus Es is assumed approximately equal to Youngs modulus in practical applications of the theory of elasticity for computation of settlement. (3) Relationship with other elastic parameters. Table D-2 relates the elastic modulus E with the shear modulus G , bulk modulus K and constrained modulus Ed . These parameters are defined in Table D-1. b. Empirical Correlations. The elastic undrained modulus may be estimated from the undrained shear strength Cu by Es for clay (D-2) where Es = Youngs soil modulus, tsf Kc = correlation factor, Figure D-2 Cu = undrained shear strength, tsf
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Figure D-1. Examples of stress paths for different tests (Refer to Table D-1 for descriptions of tests)
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Bulk Modulus
K , tsf
Constrained modulus
Ed , tsf
Figure D-2. Chart for estimating constant Kc to determine the elastic modulus Es = KcCu from the undrained shear strength (after Figure 3-20, TM 5-818-1)
The values of Kc as a function of the overconsolidation ratio and plasticity index PI have been determined from field measurements and are therefore not affected by soil disturbance compared with measurements on undisturbed soil samples. Table D-3 illustrates some typical values for the elastic modulus.
EM 1110-1-1904 30 Sep 90
Soil Clay Very soft clay Soft clay Medium clay Stiff clay, silty clay Sandy clay Clay shale Sand Loose Dense Dense Silty
c. Laboratory Tests on Cohesive Soil. The elastic modulus is sensitive to soil disturbance which may increase pore water pressure and, therefore, decrease the effective stress in the specimen and reduce the stiffness and strength. Fissures, which may have little influence on field settlement, may reduce the measured modulus compared with the in situ modulus if confining pressures are not applied to the soil specimen. (1) Initial hyperbolic tangent modulus. Triaxial unconsolidated undrained (Q or UU) compression tests may be performed on the best available undisturbed specimens at confining pressures equal to the total vertical overburden pressure o for that specimen when in the field using the Q test procedure described in EM 1110-2-1906, Laboratory Soils Testing. An appropriate measure of Es is the initial tangent modulus Eti = 1/a where a is the intercept of a plot of strain/deviator stress versus strain, Figure D-3 (item 14). (2) Reload modulus. A triaxial consolidated undrained (R or CU) compression test may be performed on the best available undisturbed specimens. The specimen is initially fully consolidated to an isotropic confining pressure equal to the vertical overburden pressure o for that specimen in the field. The R test procedure described in EM 1110-2-1906 may be used except as follows: stress is increased to the magnitude estimated for the field loading condition. The axial stress may then be reduced to zero and the cycle repeated until the reload curve shows no further increase in slope. The tangent modulus at 1/2 of the maximum applied stress is determined for each loading cycle and plotted versus the number of cycles, Figure D-4. An appropriate measure of Es is the reload tangent modulus that approaches the asymptotic value at large cycles. d. Field Tests. The elastic modulus may be estimated from empirical and semiempirical relationships based on results of field soil tests. Refer to
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Figure D-3.
EM 1110-1-1804, Geotechnical Investigations, for more information on in situ tests. (1) Plate load test. The plate load test performed in accordance with ASTM Standard Test Method D 1194, "Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Loads on Spread Footings" is used to determine the relationship between settlement and plate pressure qp , Figure D-5. The elastic modulus Es is found from the slope of the curve /qp
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Figure D-4.
where Es s Bp Iw = Youngs soil modulus, psi = Poissons ratio, 0.4 = slope of settlement versus plate pressure, inches/psi = diameter of plate, inches = influence factor, /4 for circular plates
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Figure D-5. Graphical solution of soil elastic modulus Es from the plate load test. Iw = /4 for circular rigid plate of diameter Bp . s = Poissons ratio
This elastic modulus is representative of soil within a depth of the plate. (2) Cone penetration test (CPT). The constrained modulus empirically related with the cone tip bearing resistance by
has been
(D-4) where Ed = Constrained modulus, tsf c = correlation factor depending on soil type and the cone bearing resistance, Table D-4 qc = cone tip bearing resistance, tsf A typical value for sands is c = 3 , but can increase substantially for overconsolidated sand. A typical value for clays is c = 10 when used with the net cone resistance qc - o where o is the total overburden pressure. The undrained shear strength Cu is related to qc by
(D-5) where Cu qc o Nk = = = = undrained shear strength, tsf cone tip resistance, tsf total overburden pressure, tsf cone factor
The cone factor often varies from 10 to 20 and can be greater. D-8
EM 1110-1-1904 30 Sep 90
qc , tsf
c 3 to 8 2 to 5 1 to 2.5 3 to 6 1 to 3 2 to 6 2 to 8
Silt (ML) Plastic silt clay (CH,MH) Organic silt Organic clay peat Sand
<50 >100
3 to 6 1 to 2 20 to 30 2 to 4
(3) Standard penetration test (SPT). The elastic modulus in sand may be estimated directly from the blow count by (item 60) (D-6) where Es = Youngs soil modulus, tsf N = average blow count per foot in the stratum, number of blows of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches to drive a standard sampler (1.42" ID, 2.00" OD) one foot. Sampler is driven 18 inches and blows counted the last 12 inches. B = width of footing, ft D = depth of embedment of footing, ft Equation D-6 was developed from information in the literature and original settlement observations without consideration of the energy of the hammer. An alternative method of estimating the elastic modulus for footing foundations on clean sand or sand and gravel is (after item 12)
EM 1110-1-1904 30 Sep 90
Em = 420 + 10Nave
Em = 194 + 8Nave
(4) Pressuremeter test (PMT). The preboring pressuremeter consists of a cylindrical probe of radius Ro containing an inflatable balloon lowered into a borehole to a given depth. The pressure required to inflate the balloon and probe against the side of the borehole and the volume change of the probe are recorded. The self-boring pressuremeter includes cutting blades at the head of the device with provision to permit drilling fluids to circulate and carry cuttings up to the surface. The self-boring pressuremeter should in theory lead to a less disturbed hole than the preboring pressuremeter. The pressure and volume change measurements are corrected for membrane resistance and volume losses leading to the corrected pressuremeter curve, Figure D-6. The preboring pressuremeter curve indicates a pressuremeter modulus Ei that initially increases with increasing radial dimensional change, R/Ro , as shown in Figure D-6. The self-boring pressuremeter curve is characteristic of
Figure D-6.
EM 1110-1-1904 30 Sep 90
an initially high pressuremeter modulus Ei that decreases with increasing volume change without the initial increasing modulus shown in the figure. The pressuremeter modulus is a measure of twice the shear modulus. If the soil is perfectly elastic in unloading, characteristic of a sufficiently small unloadreload cycle, the gradient will be 2GUR (item 23). The unload-reload modulus should be determined on the plastic portion of the pressuremeter curve. The pressuremeter modulus may be evaluated from the gradient of the unloadreload cycle by (ASTM 4719) (D-8) where s P Rpo Rpm Rp = = = = soil Poissons ratio, 0.33 change in pressure measured by the pressuremeter, tsf radius of probe, inches change in radius from Rpo at midpoint of straight portion of the pressuremeter curve, inches = change in radius between selected straight portions of the pressuremeter curve, inches
e. Equivalent Elastic Modulus. The following two methods are recommended for calculating an equivalent elastic modulus of cohesive soil for estimating settlement of mats and footings. (1) Kay and Cavagnaro approximation. may be calculated by (item 31) The equivalent elastic modulus
E* s
(D-9) where E* s q R L B c = = = = = = equivalent elastic modulus, tsf bearing pressure, tsf equivalent mat radius, length of mat, ft width of mat, ft center settlement from the Kay and Cavagnaro method, Figure 3-10, ft
(2) Semiempirical method. The equivalent elastic modulus of a soil with elastic modulus increasing linearly with depth may be estimated by (D-10) where k Es D n Eo = = = = = constant relating soil elastic modulus Es with depth Eo + kz, tons/ft3 depth of foundation below ground surface, ft kR/(Eo + kDb) elastic soil modulus at the ground surface, tsf z
Equation D-10 was developed from results of a parametric study using Equation D-9 (item 29).
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(3) Gibson model. The equivalent modulus of a soil with elastic modulus increasing linearly with depth and Eo = 0 is (item 19) (D-11) where B is the minimum width of the foundation, ft. G may be used for analysis of set-
D-3. Shear Modulus. The shear modulus tlement from dynamic loads.
a. Definition. Shear stresses applied to an elastic soil will cause a shear distortion illustrated by the simple shear test (SST), Table D-1. b. Evaluation by Dynamic Tests. The shear modulus may be evaluated from dynamic tests after methodology of Chapter 17, TM 5-818-1, Procedures for Foundation Design of Buildings and Other Structures (Except Hydraulic Structures). c. Relationships with Other Parameters. Table D-2 illustrates the relationship of the shear modulus with Youngs elastic E and bulk modulus K . D-4. Poissons Ratio. A standard procedure for evaluation of Poissons ratio for soil does not exist. Poissons ratio s for soil usually varies from 0.25 to 0.49 with saturated soils approaching 0.49. Poissons ratio for unsaturated soils usually vary from 0.25 to 0.40. A reasonable overall value for s is 0.40. Normal variations in elastic modulus of foundation soils at a site are more significant in settlement calculations than errors in Poissons ratio.