Iss35 Art1 - Comparison of Structural Elements Response in PLAXIS 3D & SAP2000

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The response of several structural models was analyzed and compared between PLAXIS 3D and SAP2000 finite element codes to assess the performance of structural elements in PLAXIS 3D. Beams, columns, floor slabs, and infill panels were modeled and their responses under different loads generally showed good agreement between the two codes.

Beams and columns were modeled using frame elements in SAP2000 and beam elements in PLAXIS 3D. Floor slabs were modeled using shell elements in SAP2000 and plate elements in PLAXIS 3D. Infill panels were modeled using cross bracings.

The models were subjected to the following loading conditions: uniform vertical loads on beams, concentrated vertical loads at nodes, and combinations of uniform and concentrated loads.

Comparison of Structural Elements Response in

PLAXIS 3D and SAP2000

Gragnano C. G., Fargnoli V., Boldini D. (Corresponding Author), University of Bologna, Italy
Amorosi A., Technical University of Bari, Italy

In this paper the response of a number of structural models subjected to different loading conditions is analysed with the
codes PLAXIS 3D and SAP2000. The goal of such a comparison is the assessment of the structural elements performance in
PLAXIS 3D as compared to that obtained by the well-known SAP2000, a widely used code for structural analysis. An overall
good match was obtained, as such highlighting the possibility to use the code PLAXIS 3D to perform both structural and
geotechnical calculations in soil-structure interaction problems.

The impulse in software technology and

computational power of personal computers
has recently offered the possibility to perform
fully-3D finite element analyses of complex
engineering projects. In particular, in the field of
civil engineering it is nowadays feasible to perform
the analysis of a soil-structure interaction problem
by a unique model, accounting at the same time
for both geotechnical and structural issues.
The three-dimensional version of the finite
element code PLAXIS includes a wider choice of
structural elements (such as beams, plates and
node-to-node anchors), enhancing its modelling
capability at the cost of a deeper structural
competence required to the user. This paper
provides a contribution on this specific topic,
illustrating a number of structural models, where
the different structural elements were employed,
to investigate and clarify their response under
different loading conditions. These models range
from simple single-bay spatial frame to multistorey frame with cross-bracings simulating the
presence of infilled panels. All the models are
assumed fixed at base, i.e. no foundation systems
were considered, in order to focus the attention on
the structural response only.
The observed behaviour was compared with that
obtained analysing the same structure by the finite
element code SAP2000, a widely used software
for structural analysis. This assessment was useful
to highlight some differences in the formulation of
the corresponding structural elements in the two

Modelling a Spatial Frame with Beams and

Columns: Model M1
The reference structure of the case study
described in this section is a single-bay spatial
frame fixed at the base and consisting only of
beams and columns all characterised by a section
Unit weight (kN/m3)


Young's modulus E (GPa)


Poisson's ratio (-)


of 30 cm x 30 cm (Fig. 1). The figure illustrates the

dimension of the structural elements, the righthanded global reference system (x, y, z) and the
local coordinate (s), this latter represented only for
beam 2-6 for sake of simplicity.

Table 1: Material properties of beams and columns

Unit weight (kN/m3)


Young's modulus E (GPa)


Poisson's ratio (-)


Table 2: Material properties of the isotropic floor slab

Figure 1: Spatial frame with beams and columns and global

coordinate system

Figure 2: Three-dimensional view of model M1 under loading conditions C1 (a), C2 (b) and C3 (c)

Plaxis Bulletin l Spring issue 2014 l

a rigid contact at the soil-structure interface,

thus being appropriate for the modelling of a
soil-foundation system much stiffer than the
On the contrary, a foundation plinth 1 m high and
characterised by a square section (1 m x 1 m) was
assumed at the base of each column in the PLAXIS
3D analysis, modelled by a two-dimensional
plate element. As this code does not allow to
perform numerical analyses without including
soil elements, a soil volume (12 m x 15 m x 15 m)
was defined at the frame base, assuming for it a
very rigid behaviour, characterised by a Youngs
modulus of 750 GPa and a Poissons ratio equal
to zero.
The response of the model was analysed
considering the following loading conditions:
C1 = gravity loads + uniformly distributed
vertical loads equal to 10 kN/m acting on the
beams (Fig. 2 a);
C2 = gravity loads + concentrated vertical loads
of 50 kN acting at nodes 3 and 6 (Fig. 2 b);
C3 = gravity loads + concentrated horizontal
loads of 50 kN acting at nodes 3 and 6 (Fig. 2 c).
Numerical analyses were carried out using a finite
element mesh of medium density in PLAXIS 3D
(i.e. the average size of the finite element is equal
to 1.3 m), while adopting the default option in
Figure 3: Model M1: response of beam 6-7 under loading
condition C1 in PLAXIS 3D and in SAP2000

Figure 4: Model M1: response of beam 3-7 under loading

condition C2 in PLAXIS 3D and in SAP2000

In this example, defined model M1, as in the

following ones, beams and columns are modelled
as one-dimensional elements of frame-type in
SAP2000 and beam-type in PLAXIS 3D. This latter
element, differently from the frame type, is not
able to react to torsional actions. Both elements
allow for deflections due to shearing as well as

A linear-elastic constitutive law was adopted for

these elements, whose parameters were selected
consistently with the assumed reinforced concrete
material (Table 1).

Distributions of shear, bending moment and

inflection for beams 6-7 (relative to loading
conditions C1 and C3) and 3-7 (for loading
condition C2) as calculated by the two codes are
shown in Figures 3, 4 and 5. This latter figure also
reports the horizontal displacements along x
direction of column 1-2 under loading condition

All the six displacement components were

restrained at the base of the model in SAP2000. In
an interaction problem, this condition simulates

It is possible to note that the results calculated by

SAP2000 and PLAXIS 3D are fairly coincident in
terms of shear, bending moment and inflection, l Spring issue 2014 l Plaxis Bulletin

Comparison of Structural Elements Response in PLAXIS 3D and SAP2000

while the horizontal displacements evaluated for

column 1-2 differ in a non-negligible way. Such
difference is due to the characteristics of the beam
element in PLAXIS 3D which, as anticipated, does
not sustain the torsional action induced by loading
condition C3 (Fig. 5). This is confirmed by the
results of a further analysis, illustrated in Figure
6, identical to the previous one except for the
torsional constraint at the column head which was
removed in the SAP2000 model: this modification
leads to an almost coincident response as
obtained by the two codes.
Modelling a Floor Slab in a Simple Spatial Frame:
Model M2
Figure 7 shows a single-bay spatial frame differing
from the simple structure of model M1 (Fig. 1)
for the presence of a floor slab at the top. A
brick-reinforced concrete floor slab is a structural
element having a heterogeneous composition
(i.e. reinforced concrete and brick) and a different
stiffness in the two plane directions (i.e. higher
stiffness in the warping direction). It is subjected
to a plane stress condition and it is mainly loaded
in its out-of-plane direction.
Figure 5: Model M1: response of beam 6-7 and column 1-2 under loading condition C3 in PLAXIS 3D and in SAP2000

The numerical model of this structure (model

M2) is coincident to model M1 in terms of beams,
columns and constraint conditions at the base.
Concerning the floor slab, two different
mechanical hypotheses were considered, namely
isotropic and anisotropic. This latter allows to
reproduce the main characteristic of a floor slab,
that is a structural element rigid in its own plane
and capable of differentiating the load transferred
to the main beams as compared to the secondary
The isotropic behaviour was obtained in PLAXIS
3D using a two-dimensional linear-elastic plate
element of thickness equal to 25 cm with the
material properties listed in Table 2.
A two-dimensional shell element with the same
geometrical and material properties was selected
to model the isotropic floor slab in SAP2000.

Figure 6: Model M1: response of beam 6-7 and column 1-2 under loading condition C3 in PLAXIS 3D and in SAP2000 without
torsional constraints at column heads.

Figure 7: Spatial frame with beams, columns and a floor


tw (m)


hw (m)

Ew (GPa)

Ec (GPa)


Ic (m4)




w (1/m)


dw (m)


bw (m)


Table 3: Values of the parameters for estimating the

equivalent diagonal width, bw

Plaxis Bulletin l Spring issue 2014 l

The presence a floor slab with anisotropic

behaviour was represented in SAP2000 without
simulating the structural element itself, but just
applying the constraint diaphragm to the nodes 2,
3, 6 and 7 (Fig. 7). This constraint, generally used
to model structural components which have very
high in-plane stiffness, forces the nodes belonging
to the plane of the slab to move together in a rigid
way. Assuming the warping direction of the floor
slab along x-axis and according to the current
design practice, the weight of the floor slab was
accounted for applying vertical forces to the main
beams (in y direction) and to the secondary ones
(in x direction) with reference to the influence
areas: a load equal to 64.1 kN and 16.8 kN was
attributed to the main and secondary beams,
respectively. In particular, the first load is equal
to half of the floor slab weight (80.9 kN, being the
total weight equal to 161.8 kN), reduced of the load
(16.8 kN) transferred to the adjacent secondary
beams by a floor slab slice 50 cm wide.
When modelling the same slab in PLAXIS 3D, an
anisotropic elastic model was employed. More
specifically, according to the warping direction
along x-axis, the Youngs modulus, Ey, and the
shear modulus, Gyz, were reduced as compared to
those adopted in the isotropic case. The amount

Comparison of Structural Elements Response in PLAXIS 3D and SAP2000

of the necessary reduction of the moduli to match

the reference results obtained by SAP2000 is equal
to 10%, as such the adopted parameters are Ey = 1
GPa; Gyz= 416.7 MPa.
The same loading conditions previously analysed
for model M1were considered, namely C1 (taking
also into account the floor slab weight), C2 and C3.
The finite element mesh used for this model in
PLAXIS 3D is similar to that defined in model
M1; in SAP2000, on the contrary, the mesh of the
model with isotropic slab was modified to make
it roughly equivalent to that defined in PLAXIS
3D. This expedient is related to the fact that in
SAP2000 the load of the floor slab is transferred to
the beams in correspondence of the mesh nodes,
therefore a similar finite element discretisation is
required in order to obtain consistent results by
the two different codes.
Figures 8, 9 and 10 show the comparison between
models M1 and M2 in terms of shear, bending
moment and inflection for beam 3-7 under loading
conditions C1, C2 and C3, respectively. Figure 10
also shows the horizontal displacements of column
1-2 along x-axis.

Figure 8: Model M2: response of beam 3-7 under loading

condition C1 in PLAXIS 3D and in SAP2000

Results demonstrate the good agreement

between the structural responses obtained by
the two different numerical codes. In general, it
is possible to observe an equivalent response
of beam 3-7 under loading conditions C1 and
C2 for model M2 too. As expected, the different
assumption concerning the behaviour of the floor
slab (i.e. isotropic or anisotropic) plays an essential
role in the intensity and distribution of shear,
bending moment and inflection.
In the anisotropic case, the structural element 3-7
is one of two main beams of the floor slab and it
results to be more heavily loaded as compared to
what observed in the isotropic model, where all
the beams were equally loaded per unit of length.
On the contrary, the different mechanical
hypotheses seem to have a barely relevant
influence on the horizontal displacement of the
column: this should be due to the fact that in both
isotropic and anisotropic cases the relevant shear
stiffness Gxy assumes the same value, leading
to a similar head restrain acting on the column,
therefore resulting in a correspondingly similar
displacement pattern.
Modelling a 2D-Frame with Diagonal Elements:
Model M3
The simple structure shown in Figure 11 is a
single-bay plane frame with cross bracings.
These elements are commonly adopted in
numerical studies to account for infill panels (e.g.:
Panagiotakos and Fardis, 1996). Those latter,
although being non-structural components,
significantly contribute to the overall structural
response in the in-plane horizontal direction,
leading to a generally stiffer behaviour as
compared to open-frame ones.

Figure 9: Model M2: response of beam 3-7 under loading

condition C2 in PLAXIS 3D and in SAP2000

In the corresponding numerical model, defined as

model M3, the structural elements (i.e. beam and
columns) are represented by frames and beams
in SAP2000 and PLAXIS 3D, respectively, and are
characterised by the material properties listed in
Table 1. The base of the frame is constrained as in
all the other models.

The diagonal elements of the frame were

modelled in order to make them equivalent
to a building infill panel, adopting a simplified
version of a formulation proposed in the literature
(Panagiotakos and Fardis, 1996; Fardis, 1997). The
width of the cross bracings, bw, was defined with
reference to the expression of Mainstone (1971):

bw = 0.175 ( h hw ) 0.4 dw (1)
where: d w is the diagonal length of the panel, hw is
the panel height and the parameter h is equal to:

Ew t w sin( 2 )

h = 4
4 Ec Ic hw


where Ew and Ec are the Youngs moduli of the infill

panel and of the reinforced concrete structural
elements surrounding the panel, respectively;
is the angle formed by the diagonal of the infill
panel with respect to the horizontal axis; t w is the
panel thickness; Ic is the moment of inertia of the
columns adjacent to the infill panel. The values of
these parameters are summarised in Table 3.
The cross bracings were modelled as weightless
one-dimensional elements reacting only to axial
stress (denoted as truss elements in SAP2000 and
node-to-node anchor elements in PLAXIS 3D),
characterised by an axial stiffness equal to
K = Ew * bw * t w = 450000 kN. An elastic-plastic
constitutive law was selected for the elements to
introduce a limit value of the tensile strength equal
to zero, aimed at neglecting tensile stresses for
the cross bracings.
The response of model M3 was assessed by
considering the structural elements weight (beams
and columns) and a force of 20 kN applied at
node 2 along x-axis (loading condition C4). Figure
12 shows a perfect match among the results of
the two models in terms of normal stress acting
in column 3-4 and diagonal element 2-4; shear,
bending moment and inflection in beam 2-3;
horizontal displacement in column 3-4.
Modelling a Spatial 3-Storey Frame with and
without Cross Bracings: Models M4(I) and M4(II)
In this section the responses of two 3-storey
frame structures subjected to horizontal loads
are compared, the structures differing only for
the presence of cross bracings (Fig. 13). The interstorey height is 4 m and the beams length is equal
to 4 m in x direction and 5 m in y direction.
The numerical models of the open-frame structure
and that of the structure with diagonal elements
are denoted as M4(I) and M4(II). In the models
beams and columns are represented by onedimensional elements (frames and beams in the
two codes) and, for sake of simplicity, the floor
slabs are modelled as linear-elastic-isotropic
elements of shell-type in SAP2000 and plate-type
in PLAXIS 3D. For both models the mechanical
properties of columns, beams and floor slabs
are those listed in Tables 1 and 2; the usual rigid
constraint conditions are assumed at the base of
the frames.
The equivalent width dw of the cross bracings,
modelled as node-to-node anchor and truss
elements in PLAXIS 3D and SAP2000 respectively,
was defined using Eq. (1) and the same elasticplastic constitutive law assumed for model M3 was
selected in this case.
Both models were analysed under gravity loading l Spring issue 2014 l Plaxis Bulletin

Comparison of Structural Elements Response in PLAXIS 3D and SAP2000

and horizontal ones acting along x-axis, those

latter equal to 20 kN, 40 kN and 60 kN at the
first, second and third frame level respectively
(loading condition C5) (Fig. 13). A control point
position was selected at the top level (node 3.4) as
representative of the horizontal displacement of
the structure.
The horizontal displacement distributions in
columns 0.4-1.4, 1.4-2.4, 2.4-3.4 are reported in
Figure 14 for the two models. It is worth noting
that both codes provide the same results: the
maximum horizontal displacement is equal to 8 cm
for model M4(I) and about 0.8 cm for model M4(II).
The outcome of the analyses clearly highlights
the effect of claddings on the overall structural
stiffness, although simply accounted for by means
of equivalent diagonal elements: in fact, the
presence of cross bracings produces a horizontal
displacement reduction of an order of magnitude
as compared to the reference case where they are
not included.
In the paper the response of a number of
structural models subjected to different loading
conditions was analysed by the finite element
codes PLAXIS 3D and SAP2000. The main
outcomes resulting from the comparison, carried
out in terms of stress and displacements, can be
summarised as follows:
beams and columns can be modelled with
frame elements in SAP2000 and beam elements
in PLAXIS 3D. The main difference in the element formulations resides in the inability of
beam elements to react to torsional actions.
In fact, the release of torsional constrains in
SAP2000 produces perfectly matching results;
the floor slab can be modelled in SAP2000 by a
shell element or using a diaphragm constraint
combined with some additional vertical forces
at the top of the columns to simulate the effect
of the slab weight. In the first case an isotropic
behaviour is obtained, while in the latter a more
realistic response is reproduced, as it allows to
account for the higher stiffness observed in the
warping direction. A plate element is instead
available in PLAXIS 3D. The use of an isotropic
formulation allows to nicely reproduce the
response of the shell element, while an anisotropic model should be selected to fit, after
a careful calibration of its elastic parameters,
the response of the more advanced scheme of
infill panels can be modelled in a simplified
manner as cross bracings, whose characteristics
were obtained using the formulation proposed
by Mainstone (1971). Truss and node-to-node
anchor elements were used respectively in
SAP2000 and PLAXIS 3D, leading to perfectly
consistent structural responses.
This study should be considered as a preliminary
step towards more complex soil-structure
interaction problems, which indeed require a
good level of confidence in the use of structural
elements in 3D analyses with PLAXIS.
Special thanks to Ph.D. Eng. Francesco Tucci for
his helpful support during this research activity.


Figure 10: Model M2: response of beam 3-7 and column 1-2 under loading condition C3 in PLAXIS 3D and in SAP2000

Figure 11: 2D frame with cross bracings

1. M.N. Fardis, 1997. Experimental and numerical investigations on the seismic response of
RC infilled frames and recommendations for
code provisions. Report ECOEST-PREC8 No. 6.
Prenormative research in support of Eurocode
2. R.J. Mainstone, 1971. On the stiffnesses and
strengths of infilles frames. Proc. Inst. Civil.
Engineers, iv 7360s: 59-70.
3. T.B. Panagiotakos and M.N. Fardis, 1996.
Seismic response of infilled RC frames structures. 11th World Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Acapulco, Mxico, June 23-28.
Paper No. 225.

Plaxis Bulletin l Spring issue 2014 l

Comparison of Structural Elements Response in PLAXIS 3D and SAP2000

Figure 12: Model M3: responses of column 3-4, beam 2-3, and diagonal element 2-4 under C4 load condition in PLAXIS 3D and
in SAP2000

Figure 13: Three-dimensional view of the structures and

loading distributions with (top) and without (bottom) cross
bracings. Each node of the frame is defined through a
double number: the first indicates the level it belongs to,
while the second is a sequential number.

Figure 14: Models M4(I) and M4(II): comparison between horizontal displacements obtained in PLAXIS 3D and in SAP2000 with
(on the right) and without (on the left) cross bracings. l Spring issue 2014 l Plaxis Bulletin


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