Unit Plan Exemplar For Jhu Final

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Unit Plan 

Title of Unit   Geometry 

Unit Duration  14 days (not including IXL Fridays, Performance Assessment, and Kahoot! Review) 
Content Area and Grade  Mathematics, 7th Grade 
Developed By:  Kanwal Sumnani 

Unit Design Elements 

TEKS(s)  Unit Goal(s) 

7.9A – Solve problems involving the volume of rectangular prisms, triangular  We can understand the concept of space through 
prisms, rectangular pyramids, and triangular pyramids. (READINESS)  logic, observations, and measurement  
7.9B – Determine the circumference and area of circles. (READINESS) 
7.9C – Determine the area of composite figures containing combinations of 
rectangles, squares, parallelograms, trapezoids, triangles, semicircles, and 
quarter circles. (READINESS) 
7.9D – Solve problems involving the lateral and total surface area of a 
rectangular prism, rectangular pyramid, triangular prism, and triangular pyramid 
by determining the area of the shape’s net. (Supporting) 
7.11C – write and solve equations using geometry concepts, including the sum 
of the angles in a triangle, and angle relationships. (Supporting) 

Student Understanding(s)  Essential Question(s) 

·​ ​Volume is the amount of space within a prism or  1. What is the difference between perimeter and area? 
pyramid  2. What is the difference between the circumference and the area of a 
·​ ​The relationships between diameter, radius, area,  circle? 
and circumference of circles  3. What is the difference between lateral area and surface area? 
·​ ​Composite figures are made up of two or more   
shapes and their area is found by adding the areas   
of each shape 
·​ ​Nets are 2D representations of 3D figures and can 
be used to find surface area or volume 
·​ ​Total surface area is the sum of the areas of all 
faces of a prism or pyramid 
·​ ​Lateral surface area is the sum of the faces, not 
including the bases. 
·​ ​There are 180 degrees in a triangle 
·​ ​Isosceles triangles have two congruent sides and 
two congruent angles, called base angles 
·​ ​Vertical angles share a vertex and are congruent 
·​ ​Complementary angles sum to 90 degrees 
·​ ​Supplementary angles sum to 180 degrees 

Week 1 

Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday (Modified Day) 

Objective(s)  Objective(s)  Objective(s)  Objective(s)  Objective(s) 

SWBAT investigate the  SWBAT investigate the  SWBAT investigate the area  SWBAT investigate the  SWBAT will be able to 
circumference of a circle   circumference of a circle   of a circle   area of a circle   calculate the 
        circumference and area 
SWBAT calculate the  SWBAT calculate the  SWBAT calculate the area  SWBAT calculate the area  of circles on IXL  
circumference of a circle  circumference of a circle  of a circle  of a circle   
        Key Point(s) 
Key Point(s)  Key Point(s)  Key Point(s)  Key Point(s)   
        (see previous) 
·​ ​A circle is the set of all  ·​ ​A circle is the set of all  ·​ ​The area of a circle is all  ·​ ​The area of a circle is all   
points in a plane that are  points in a plane that are  the space inside the  the space inside the   
equal distance from a given  equal distance from a  circumference of a circle  circumference of a circle  Formative/Summative 
point.  given point.      Assessment(s) 
    ·​ ​To find the area of a  ·​ ​To find the area of a   
·​ ​Circumference is the  ·​ ​Circumference is the  circle, multiply pi times the  circle, multiply pi times the  (check IXL data) 
distance around a circle.  distance around a circle.  radius squared  radius squared 
·​ ​Circumference is found by  ·​ ​Circumference is found by     
multiplying pi times  multiplying pi times     
diameter.  diameter.     
·​ ​The ratio of circumference  ·​ ​The ratio of circumference 
to diameter is equal to pi  to diameter is equal to pi 
(≈3.14).  (≈3.14).     
    Formative/Summative  Formative/Summative 
Formative/Summative  Formative/Summative  Assessment(s)  Assessment(s) 
Assessment(s)  Assessment(s)     
    1. Which best represents  1. Calculate the area of a 
1. A group of students stood  1. Gracie wants to cover  the area of a circle with a  circle with a diameter of 
in a circle to play a game.  the rim of her circular  diameter of 9 inches?  16.5 ft. 
The circle had a diameter of  neighborhood pool with a     
22 meters. Which  foam covering as part of a  A. 81 in​2   
measurement is closest to  service project. The foam  B. 20 in​2  2. Write an equation to 
the circumference of the  covering is sold in boxes  C. 64 in​2  represent the area of a 
circle in meters?  that will cover 40 feet. How  D. 254 in​2  circle with a radius of 2s  
A. 34.54 m  many boxes of foam will     
B. 1,519.76 m  Gracie need to cover the  2. Andres is making an   
C. 379.94 m  rim of the pool? Use 3.14 for  apple pie. The top of the  Answers:  
D. 69.08 m  pi.  pie pan is shown below.   
  Approximately how much  1. Approx. 214 ft.​2 
2. A circle has a  pie crust will Andres need   
circumference value of  to cover the top of the  2. A= (3.14)(4s​2​) 
40.82 cm. What is the value  pie? Use 3.14 for pi. 
of the radius?   
  A. 2 boxes 
Answers:   B. 3 boxes  
1. D   C. 5 boxes  
2. 6.5 cm  D. 7 boxes 
  A. 25 in​2 
2. Convert the above 
circumference value into  B. 30 in​2 
inches  C. 50 in​2 
  D. 71 in​2 
Answers:   Answers:  
1. B   1. C  
2. 480 in.  2. D 
Week 2 

Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday (Modified Day) 

Objective(s)  Objective(s)  Objective(s)  Objective(s)  Objective(s) 

SWBAT calculate the volume  SWBAT calculate the  SWBAT investigate volume  SWBAT investigate volume  SWBAT will be able to 
of rectangular prisms  volume of triangular prisms  of a prism and pyramids  of a prism and pyramids  calculate the volume of 
    with the same base area  with the same base area  prisms and pyramids on IXL  
Key Point(s)  Key Point(s)  SWBAT find the volume of  SWBAT find the volume of   
rectangular pyramids and  rectangular pyramids and  Key Point(s) 
triangular pyramids  triangular pyramids 
·​ ​A prism is a 3-D object with  ·​ ​A prism is a 3-D object   
at least two parallel,  with at least two parallel,  (see previous) 
Key Point(s)  Key Point(s)   
congruent faces called  congruent faces called 
bases that are polygons  bases that are polygons       
    ·​ ​The volume of a pyramid  ·​ ​The volume of a pyramid  Formative/Summative 
·​ ​The bases of a rectangular  ·​ ​The bases of a triangular  consists of a calculation  consists of a calculation 
prism are rectangles   prism are triangles  using the same base area  using the same base area 
as a prism  as a prism   
    (check IXL data) 
·​ ​The volume of a  ·​ ​The volume of a triangular     
rectangular prism is the  prism is the product of the  ·​ ​To find the volume of a  ·​ ​To find the volume of a 
product of the area of the  area of the triangular base  rectangular prism, multiply  rectangular prism, multiply 
rectangular base ​B​ and the  B​ and the height ​h​. In other  the length by the width by  the length by the width by 
height ​h​. In other words,  words, V=​Bh​ or V=​lwh  the height  the height 
V=​Bh​ or V=​lwh       
    ·​ ​The volume of a pyramid  ·​ ​The volume of a pyramid 
    is 1/3rd of the volume of a  is 1/3rd of the volume of a 
Formative/Summative  prism with the same base  prism with the same base 
and height   and height  
Assessment(s)  Assessment(s)     
    ·​ ​The volume is the amount  ·​ ​The volume is the amount 
1. A model of a rectangular  1. A model of a triangular  of space that a 3D solid  of space that a 3D solid 
prism is shown below:  prism is shown below:  figure occupies (capacity)  figure occupies (capacity) 
Formative/Summative  Formative/Summative 
Assessment(s)  Assessment(s) 
1. Find the volume for  1. Find the volume for a 
  each of the pyramids  triangular pyramid with a 
What is the volume of the  below  base area of 12 in. and a 
  prism?     pyramid height of 24 in.  
What is the volume of the     
prism?   A. V = 42 cubic centimeters  2. BONUS: The Great 
  B. V = 378 cubic  Pyramid of Giza has a 
A. V = 48 cubic units  centimeters  volume of approximately 
B. V = 40 cubic units  C. V = 72 cubic centimeters  91 million cubic feet. If the 
C. V = 96 cubic units  D. V = 324 cubic  height of the pyramid is 
D. V = 84 cubic units  centimeters  approximately 455 ft., 
    what is the approximate 
2. Find the volume of a cube  2. The volume of Aiden’s  base area of the pyramid? 
with a side length of 2.5 in.  little sister’s triangular prism   
  block set is 282 inches. It     
  has a height of 30 inches.  Answers 
Answers  What is the area of the   
  base?  1. 96 cu. in. 
1. C    2. Approx. 600,000 cu. ft. 
2. 15.625 cubic inches  Answers 
  1. B 
2. 9.4 cubic inches   
1. 12,000 cu. cm. and 
560 cu. in. 

Week 3 

Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday (Modified Day) 

Objective(s)  Objective(s)  Objective(s)  Objective(s)  Objective(s) 

SWBAT calculate the total  SWBAT calculate the total  SWBAT calculate the total  SWBAT calculate the total  SWBAT will be able to 
and lateral surface area of  and lateral surface area of  and lateral surface area of  and lateral surface area of  calculate the total and 
rectangular prisms  triangular prisms  rectangular pyramids  triangular pyramids  lateral surface area of 
        prisms and pyramids on IXL 
Key Point(s)  Key Point(s)  Key Point(s)  Key Point(s)   
        Key Point(s) 
·​ ​The total surface area is the  ·​ ​The total surface area is  ·​ ​The total surface area is  ·​ ​The total surface area is   
area of all of the faces of  the area of all of the faces  the area of all of the faces  the area of all of the faces  (see previous) 
the whole figure  of the whole figure  of the whole figure  of the whole figure   
·​ ​The lateral suface area is  ·​ ​The lateral suface area is  ·​ ​The lateral suface area is  ·​ ​The lateral suface area is  Formative/Summative 
the area of the faces that  the area of the faces that  the area of the faces that  the area of the faces that  Assessment(s) 
are ​not​ bases  are ​not​ bases  are ​not​ bases  are ​not​ bases   
        (check IXL data) 
·​ ​The bases are the faces  ·​ ​The bases are the faces  ·​ ​The bases are the faces  ·​ ​The bases are the faces 
that are parallel to each  that are parallel to each  that are parallel to each  that are parallel to each 
other  other  other  other 
·​ ​To find the total surface  ·​ ​To find the total surface  ·​ ​To find the total surface  ·​ ​To find the total surface 
area, find the area of each  area, find the area of each  area, find the area of  area, find the area of 
face and add them up  face and add them up  each face and add them  each face and add them 
    up  up 
·​ ​To find the lateral surface  ·​ ​To find the lateral surface     
area, find the area of each  area, find the area of each  ·​ ​To find the lateral surface  ·​ ​To find the lateral surface 
face (except the bases) and  face (except the bases)  area, find the area of  area, find the area of 
add them up  and add them up  each face (except the  each face (except the 
    bases) and add them up  bases) and add them up 
Formative/Summative  Formative/Summative     
Assessment(s)  Assessment(s)  Formative/Summative  Formative/Summative 
    Assessment(s)  Assessment(s) 
Find the total and lateral  Find the total and lateral     
surface area for the figure  surface area for the figure  Find the total and lateral  Find the total and lateral 
below:  below:  surface area for the figure  surface area for the figure 
    below:  below: 

Answers  Answers 
Total: 94 square inches  Total: 72 square inches 
Lateral: 60 square inches  Answers   
Lateral: 64 square inches     
Total: 56 square inches   
Lateral: 40 square inches  Answers 
Total: 63.25 square inches 
Lateral: 52.5 square inches 

Week 4 

Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday 

Objective(s)  Objective(s)  Objective(s)  Objective(s)  Objective(s) 
SWBAT write and solve  SWBAT write and solve  SWBAT calculate the  SWBAT calculate the  SWBAT solve equations for 
equations for the sum of  equations of angle pairs  volume of multiple  volume of multiple  the sum of angle 
angle measurements of a  formed by intersecting lines  everyday objects   everyday objects   measurements of a 
triangle        triangles and identify 
    Key Point(s)  Key Point(s)  missing angle values along 
  Key Point(s)      transversals on IXL 
Key Point(s)    (all preceding key points)  (all preceding key points)   
  ·​ ​Intersecting lines are lines       
·​ ​The sum of angles within a  that cross each other  Formative/Summative  Formative/Summative  Key Point(s) 
triangle is equal to 180    Assessment(s)  Assessment(s)   
degrees  · Vertical angles are angles      (see previous) 
  formed by intersecting lines  (see appendix)  (see appendix)   
· Complementary angles are  and they are congruent   
two angles who sum is 90    Formative/Summative 
degrees   ·​ ​Adjacent angles are  Assessment(s) 
  angles that share the same   
·​ ​Supplementary angles are  ray and are side by side  (check IXL data) 
two angles who sum is 180  and they are 
degrees   supplementary 
·​ ​Isosceles triangles have two  ·​ ​Isosceles triangles have 
congruent sides and two  two congruent sides and 
congruent angles, called  two congruent angles, 
base angles  called base angles 
·​ ​The third angle is called the  ·​ ​The third angle is called 
vertex angle  the vertex angle 
·​ ​Each triangle has three  ·​ ​Each triangle has three 
angles, to determine a  angles, to determine a 
missing angle, add two sides  missing angle, add two 
plus x to equal 180 degrees   sides plus x to equal 180 
Assessment(s)  Formative/Summative 
Write and solve an equation   
to determine the value of ​x.​   Label the diagram with the 
  measures of all three 
  missing angles, x, y, and z.  
  What is the measure of 
1.  angle y? 

Equation: _______________  
x= __________ 
Label the diagram with the 
  measures of all three 
  missing angles, a, b, and c.  
Equation: _______________    
  What is the measure of 
x= __________  angle b? 
3. An isosceles triangle has 
base angles that each 
measure 42 degrees. Which 
equation can be used to 
find ​z,​ the measure of the 
third angle of this isosceles 
triangle in degrees?   
Answers:   1. 115, 65, 115 ; 65  
1. x + 90 + 42 = 180 ; x = 48  2. 54, 54, 54 ; 54 
2. 3x + 7x + 90 = 180 ; x = 9   
3. B 


Performance Assessment (see Math Lab attached) 

Goal(s)  Product Performance 

Students will be able to calculate the volume of multiple everyday objects  Students will indicate dimensions of each of the 
  objects they compute the volume for  

Student Understanding(s)  Rubric (Group Grade) 

·​ ​Volume is the amount of space within a prism or  (see Classic 3-Level Rubric at 
pyramid  https://www.exemplars.com/assets/files/Classic3LevelRubric.pdf​ ) 
·​ ​The relationships between diameter, radius, area,   
and circumference of circles   
·​ ​Composite figures are made up of two or more 
shapes and their area is found by adding the areas 
of each shape 
·​ ​Nets are 2D representations of 3D figures and can 
be used to find surface area or volume 


Unit Assessment (see attached) 

Math Lab: Volume Full Name: _____________________________
Date: ______________________________
Home Room: ______________________________


Finding Volume of Prisms

• First find the area of the base (or sometime front face)
• Multiply by height

Find volume (Bh) Find volume (Bh)

Finding Volume of Square Pyramids

• Use the formula: _________________________
• Capital letter B means: ________________________
Math Lab Instructions:
Measure the items (in inches) within your table group and assign each group member as the “measure
master” for each item. Round each measurement to the nearest 0.25 inch. The first team to accurately
compute all of the volumes, fill in the proper values, show all steps…will win the opportunity to consume some
of the items. #NomNomNom

M&Ms Box

Length: _____________ Width: ______________ Height: ______________


Volume: ___________________

Triangle Base: ______________ Triangle Height: ______________

Total Base Area: ___________________

Prism Height: ___________________


Volume: ___________________
Diversity Cube

Length: _____________ Width: ______________ Height: ______________


Volume: ___________________
Pringles Can

Circle Radius: _____________ Circle Diameter: ______________

Cylinder Height: ______________


Volume: ___________________
Square Pyramid

Base Length: _____________ Base Height: ______________

Pyramid Height: ______________


Volume: ___________________
Triangular Pyramid (BONUS)

Base Length: _____________ Base Height: ______________

Pyramid Height: ______________


Volume: ___________________
Name: ________________________________
Date: _________________________________
Homeroom: ___________________________


1. A crate is shaped like a rectangular prism. The crate is 1.2 feet wide, 3 feet long, and 4.5 feet tall.
What is the volume of the crate in cubic feet? Draw a picture to help you.

Name: ____________________________________Hmrm: ____________________

Geometry Assessment– 7th Grade Math- ANNOTATE AND BOX YOUR ANSWERS!!

1. A circular tablecloth has a radius of 2.5 feet. Kyra is sewing a piece of ribbon around the edge of the tablecloth. If Kyra has exactly
enough ribbon, which measurement is closest to the length of the piece of ribbon in feet? (Q8 STAAR 2017)

A. 7.85 ft. B. 15.7 ft. C. 19.63 ft. D. 31.4 ft

Name: ____________________________________Hmrm: ____________________

Geometry Assessment– 7th Grade Math- ANNOTATE AND BOX YOUR ANSWERS!!


What is the area in square feet of the part of the backyard in which Shayne is allowed to dig?

A. 272 sq. ft. B. 374 sq. ft. C. 102 sq ft. D. 59 sq ft.

Name: ____________________________________Hmrm: ____________________

Geometry Assessment– 7th Grade Math- ANNOTATE AND BOX YOUR ANSWERS!!


What is the combined volume of the two number cubes in cubic centimeters?
A. 54 cubic cm. B. 18 cubic cm. C. 9 cubic cm. D. 27 cubic cm.

Name: ____________________________________Hmrm: ____________________

Geometry Assessment– 7th Grade Math- ANNOTATE AND BOX YOUR ANSWERS!!


What is the area of the base of the pencil holder in square centimeters?

A. 18 sq. cm. B. 9 sq. cm. C. 6 sq. cm. D. Not here

Name: ____________________________________Hmrm: ____________________

Geometry Assessment– 7th Grade Math- ANNOTATE AND BOX YOUR ANSWERS!!


What is the value of x, if a triangle has a total of 180 degrees?

A. 25 B. 20 C. 10 D. 28

Name: ____________________________________Hmrm: ____________________

Geometry Assessment– 7th Grade Math- ANNOTATE AND BOX YOUR ANSWERS!!

Which measurement is closest to the area in square feet that this sprinkler sprays with water?

A. 100.48 sq. ft. B. 50.24 sq. ft. C. 200.96 sq. ft. D. 803.84 sq. ft.

Name: ____________________________________Hmrm: ____________________

Geometry Assessment– 7th Grade Math- ANNOTATE AND BOX YOUR ANSWERS!!

What is the area of the top surface of the desk in square feet?

A. 9.75 sq. ft. B. 8.625 sq. ft. C. 7.5 sq. ft. D. 9.375 sq. ft.

Name: ____________________________________Hmrm: ____________________

Geometry Assessment– 7th Grade Math- ANNOTATE AND BOX YOUR ANSWERS!!


What is the volume of the square pyramid in cubic meters?

A. 202.5 cubic m. B. 303.75 cubic m. C. 270 cubic m. D. 243 cubic m.

Name: ____________________________________Hmrm: ____________________

Geometry Assessment– 7th Grade Math- ANNOTATE AND BOX YOUR ANSWERS!!

What is h, the height of the window in centimeters?

A. 66 cm. B. 186 cm. C. 150 cm. D. Not here

Name: ____________________________________Hmrm: ____________________

Geometry Assessment– 7th Grade Math- ANNOTATE AND BOX YOUR ANSWERS!!


True or False: Two figures can have the same volume, but different surface areas:

A. True B. False


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