Shear Behavior of RC Beams Prepared With Basalt and Polypropylene Fibers

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Shear behavior of RC beams prepared with basalt and polypropylene fibers

Article  in  Case Studies in Construction Materials · December 2021

DOI: 10.1016/j.cscm.2021.e00835


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2 authors:

Yasmin Murad Haneen Abd Aljabbar

University of Jordan University of Jordan


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Case Studies in Construction Materials 16 (2022) e00835

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Case study

Shear behavior of RC beams prepared with basalt and

polypropylene fibers
Yasmin Murad *, Haneen Abdel-Jabbar
Civil Engineering Department, The University of Jordan, 11942 Amman, Jordan


Keywords: Basalt and polypropylene fibers are relatively cheap, durable, and corrosion-resistant materials,
Shear behavior and they can increase the shear strength of reinforced concrete (RC) beams. Although recent
RC beams studies investigated the mechanical behavior of fibrous concrete, limited research was conducted
Basalt fibers
to explain the shear behavior of RC members prepared with basalt or polypropylene fibers. This
Polypropylene fibers
research is designed to study the shear behaviour of RC beams prepared with basalt and poly­
propylene fibers and to find the optimum percentage for each type of fiber. Eight RC beams were
tested to explain the shear behavior of RC beams prepared with basalt and polypropylene fibers.
The beams and cylinders were cast with three various proportions of basalt and polypropylene
fibers 0.6%, 1.3%, and 2.5% of the total cement weight. Test results showed that the best pro­
portions for basalt and polypropylene fibers were 2.5% and 0.6% of the total cement weight,
respectively. The inclusion of polypropylene or basalt fibers considerably enhanced the ductility
of thebeams. Polypropylene fibers are superior to basalt fibers in enhancing the shear strength
and ductility of the RC beams. The inclusion of 0.6% polypropylene fibers enhanced the shear
strength, peak deflection, ductility, and initial stiffness up to 23.2%, 39.74%, 195%, and 2.56%,
respectively with respect to the reference beam prepared with ordinary concrete. The inclusion of
2.5% basalt fibers increased the shear strength, peak deflection, ductility, and initial stiffness up
to 20%, 64%, 121%, and 21.2%, respectively, compared to the beam prepared with the ordinary
plain concrete. Finite element (FE) models were then created to capture the behavior of the beam
specimens. The proposed FE models can satisfactorily predict the observed behavior.

1. Introduction

Concrete is a brittle material that is strong in compression but weak in tension. Several research studies were carried out to enhance
the tensile behavior of concrete and increase its ductility using various types of materials such as fibers or sometimes using some waste
materials. The enhancement percentage depends on the type, magnitude, and orientation of the utilized material. Several experimental
studies [1–8] were carried out to study the mechanical and structural behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) members prepared with
fibrous concrete.
This research is conducted to explain the shear behavior of RC beams prepared with basalt and polypropylene fibers. Basalt fibers
are made from very fine basalt fibers that consist of the mineral’s plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine [9]. The production of basalt fibers
incorporates melting the crushed and washed basalt rock. The continuous filaments of basalt fiber are produced by extruding the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Murad), [email protected] (H. Abdel-Jabbar).
Received 25 August 2021; Received in revised form 14 November 2021; Accepted 3 December 2021
Available online 6 December 2021
2214-5095/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Y. Murad and H. Abdel-Jabbar Case Studies in Construction Materials 16 (2022) e00835

molten rock through tiny nozzles [9]. Basalt fibers are highly resistant to water, alkalis, salts, and acids, making basalt fibers superior
to other types of fibers and an excellent additive to concrete structures [9]. Furthermore, basalt fibers are nature friendly because they
are produced from natural materials without any biological danger. They are also recyclable, and their production cost is lower than
other types of fibers [9]. Carbon fibers are more expensive than basalt fibers [9]. Polypropylene fibers are synthetic fibers that are
made from polypropylene melt. They are resistant to organic solvents, acids, and alkalis with high performance in heat insulation[10].
The mechanical behavior of concrete can be enhanced with the inclusion of basalt fibers [11–13]. Basalt fibers can also postpone
the appearance and propagation of cracks [2,13]. Nihal et al. [2] and Irine [1] showed that basalt fibers could increase the compressive
and tensile strength of concrete, while Alnahhal et al. [14] and Kumar et al. [15] showed that basalt fibers had a minor effect on
concrete compressive strength, but they enhanced the tensile strength of concrete. The flexural, splitting tensile, compressive
strengths, and the elastic modulus of concrete were enhanced up to 44.06%, 42.71%, 26.79%,and 35.23%, respectively due to the
inclusion of 0.5% basalt fiber by concrete volume as reported by Fadil et al. [16]. Ashteyat et al. [17] showed that the inclusion of
polypropylene fibers to roller compacted concrete cylinders enhanced their durability and mechanical properties.
Although recent studies investigated the mechanical behavior of concrete cylinders prepared with basalt or polypropylene fibers as
demonstrated by Nihal et al. [2], Irine [1], Alnahhal et al. [14], Kumar et al., Fadil et al. [16], Ashteyat et al. [17], limited research was
conducted to explain the shear behavior of RC members prepared with basalt or polypropylene fibers. Krassowska et al. [18] showed
that steel and basalt fibers could replace the horizontal stirrups in RC beams. Krassowska et al. [19] measured 50% and 100% in­
crements in the shear strength of RC beams prepared with basalt and steel fibers, respectively. Sahoo et al. [3] found that the
compressive and tensile strengths of concrete were not enhanced with the sole inclusion of polypropylene fibers, but they measured an
increment in a range of 25–100% in the tensile strength of concrete with the inclusion of polypropylene and steel fibers.
Researchers showed that the shear strength of beams could be considerably improved with polypropylene fibers with or without the
presence of stirrups [20]. Sahoo et al. [21] measured increments of 20% and 40% in the shear strength and deflection of RC beams,
respectively, when using a volumetric ratio of 1% polypropylene and steel fibers. They also showed that the failure crack width was
reduced when using polypropylene and steel fibers. Sahoo et al. [3] showed that the inclusion of 1% polypropylene fibers considerably
enhanced the ductility of the beams up to 120%, compared to the reference beam.
Murad et al. [22] showed that the inclusion of plastic wires to concrete in a volumetric ratio of 6.8% increased the deflection of the
RC beams up to 47%, but they decreased the shear strength by 8.8%. They also found that the inclusion of 6.8% of steel wires increased
the deflection and shear strength up to 46.7% and 67.8%, respectively. Murad et al. [23] showed that the inclusion of 15% PVC wires of
the total cement weight significantly increased the ductility of RC beams. They showed that PVC wires are better than steel fibers in
enhancing the ductility of RC beams. Alrajfi et al. [24] found that increasing the percentage of reclaimed asphalt pavement concrete in
concrete considerably increased the shear strength of RC beams while increasing the percentage of recycled aggregate concrete
decreased their shear strength.
Soleimani and Banthia [25] studied the shear behaviour of RC beams strengthened with sprayed GFRP. They showed that sprayed
GFRP enhanced the shear strength of RC beams. Hussain and Pimanmas [26] investigated the effectiveness of sprayed glass and carbon
fibers on the shear strengthening of RC beams. They showed that sprayed fibers increased the shear strength and deflection of RC deep
beams with an appropriate anchorage system. They showed that the effectiveness of the sprayed fibers depends on the material of
fibers, thickness, anchorage system, concrete strength, and strengthening configuration.
Basalt and polypropylene fibers are relatively cheap materials, durable, and corrosion-resistant compared to steel bars, and they
can increase the shear strength of RC beams; thus, they can be used as supportive material to the stirrups. Although recent studies
investigated the mechanical behavior of concrete cylinders prepared with basalt or polypropylene fibers, limited research was con­
ducted to explain the shear behavior of RC members prepared with basalt or polypropylene fibers. Several experimental programs were
conducted to explain the structural behavior of RC beams prepared with carbon, glazed, and steel fibers, but limited research was
conducted to explain the structural behavior of RC beams prepared with basalt and polypropylene fibers. Basalt and polypropylene

Fig. 1. (a) Basalt fibers, (b) Polypropylene fibers.

Y. Murad and H. Abdel-Jabbar Case Studies in Construction Materials 16 (2022) e00835

Table 1
Properties of basalt fibers.
Properties Value

Length 60 mm
Diameter 22 µm
Density 2.7 g/cm3
Aspect ratio (L/D) 2727.3
Tensile strength 1380 MPa
Elastic modulus 75 GPa

fibers are cheaper than carbon fibers. This research studies the shear behavior of RC beams prepared with various proportions of basalt
and polypropylene fibers and finds the optimum percentage for each type of fiber.
The RC beams were made using three various proportions of 0.6%, 1.3%, and 2.5% of the total cement weight. The numerical
behavior of the test specimens was also predicted using ABAQUS. The material behavior of the concrete, made using basalt, and
polypropylene fibers, was simulated into ABAQUS using the experimental stress-strain curve of the concrete cylinders prepared with
basalt and polypropylene fibers. The developed finite element (FE) models were validated using the test results.

2. Material properties

This section explains the mechanical behavior of concrete cylinders prepared using various proportions of basalt and polypropylene
fibers. Fig. 1 demonstrates the utilized basalt and polypropylene fibers.Table 1 and Table 2 summarize the physical properties of basalt
and polypropylene fibers such as aspect ratio, length, etc. The mechanical properties of the longitudinal reinforcement are shown in
Table 4. The inclusion of 2.5% basalt and polypropylene fibers reduced the workability of concrete; therefore superplasticizer was
added to produce a workable concrete mix. Basalt and polypropylene fibers were imported from China. Fibers were added solely in
three various proportions of 0.6%, 1.3%, and 2.5% of the total cement weight, which equals 2 kg/m3, 4 kg/m3, and 8 kg/m3. Table 5
summarizes the compressive (f c ), and the tensile strength (f t ) values of the concrete cylinders prepared with basalt and polypropylene

fibers. The values shown in Table 5 were measured at 28 days, where each value is an average value of three typical cylinders
(150 mm × 300 mm). The increment and decrement in the compressive strength, the tensile strength, and the compressive strain are
also shown in Table 5, compared to the reference plain cylinder where the positive (+) and negative signs (-) in Table 5 indicates the
points with increment and decrement values respectively. It can be seen from Table 5 that the basalt fibers reduced the compressive
and tensile strength values of concrete of concrete, where the least strength values were measured with 0.6% and 2.5% basalt fibers
with a reduction of 12.2% and 27.7%, respectively, compared to the reference specimen. (Table 3).
A maximum increment of 22.8% in the tensile strength of concrete was measured with 2.5% of polypropylene fibers. The
compressive strength of concrete was reduced by 2.2% and 9.6% with the inclusion of 1.3% and 2.5% polypropylene fibers,
respectively, compared to the reference cylinder. The best percentage of polypropylene fibers for enhancing the compressive strength
of concrete was found 0.6% where the compressive strength of concrete was improved up to 8.63%. Any further increment in the
percentage of polypropylene fibers above 0.6% of the total cement weight reduced the workability of the concrete mix, as it makes the
movement of aggregates harder by reducing the lubricating effect of cement paste. The reduction in concrete strength is attributed to
the air voids in concrete that were produced due to the loss in workability.

Table 2
Properties of polypropylene fibers.
Properties Value

Length 54 mm
Diameter 0.80 mm
Density 0.91 g/cm3
Aspect ratio (L/D) 76.5
Tensile strength 585 MPa
Youngs modulus 6.6 GPa

Table 3
Concrete mix proportions.
Materials Weight (Kg/m3)

Cement 325
Water 210
Fine aggregate 1070
Sand 690
Super – Plasticizer 1.195

Y. Murad and H. Abdel-Jabbar Case Studies in Construction Materials 16 (2022) e00835

Table 4
Reinforcement steel.
Nominal Bar Diameter Yield Stress fy Ultimate Stress, fu (MPa)
(mm) (MPa)

10 403 595

Table 5
Average material properties.
Name Fiber Fiber weight Percentage of fiber Average f c

Increment or decrement ft Increment or decrement
(Kg/m3) per cement weight (MPa) of three fc

percentage (%) (MPa) f t percentage (%)

Control without fibers 0 0 41.7 3.44

P2 polypropylene 2 0.6% 45.3 +8.63 3.794 +10.3
P4 polypropylene 4 1.3% 40.8 -2.16 3.442 +0.06
P8 polypropylene 8 2.5% 37.7 -9.59 4.225 +22.8
B2 basalt 2 0.6% 36.6 -12.23 3.042 -11.6
B4 Basalt 4 1.3% 37.3 -10.55 3.058 -11.1
B8 Basalt 8 2.5% 38.7 -7.19 2.489 -27.65

3. Experimental program

3.1. Specimen details

Eight RC beams and 28 cylinders were tested to explain the shear behavior of RC beams cast with various proportions of basalt and
polypropylene fibers. The longitudinal reinforcement was sufficient to avoid a premature flexural failure, and the stirrups were
excluded from the design of RC beams to promote shear failure. The RC beams, shown in Fig. 2, have a typical rectangular section of
150 mm × 250 mm with a total length of 1200 mm. The longitudinal reinforcement consists of two top 10 mm and two bottom 16 mm
steel bars. A single stirrup was fixed at each end of the beam to hold the steel bars in place. The eight specimens consist of two RC beams
prepared with plain concrete, three RC beams made using 0.6%, 1.3%, and 2.5% basalt fibers, and three RC beams prepared with 0.6%,
1.3%, and 2.5% polypropylene fibers. The percentage of fibers was selected randomly.

3.2. Test setup

Two monotonic loadings were incrementally applied to the tested RC beams with a load rate of 2 kN/min. The test specimens were
simply supported by the mean of roller and pin supports, as shown in Fig. 3. The distance between the load application locations was
fixed to 350 mm, as shown in Fig. 3. The deflection was monitored at the middle of the beam through a Linear Variable Displacement
Transducers (LVDT). (Fig. 4).

4. Test results and discussion

A discussion is made in this section in order to compare the shear behavior of the test specimens. Test results, which are listed in
Table 6, are presented in terms of the compressive strength, peak load, load at first crack, peak displacement, maximum displacement,
initial stiffness, and ductility. It should be noted that SB in the specimens’ identity, shown in Table 6, stands for shear beam followed by
the beam number, B stands for Basalt fibers, and P refers to polypropylene fibers, C refers to the control beams (reference beams)
prepared without fibers (two control beams were prepared C1 and C2), followed by the weight of the fibers per kg/m3. The increments
or decrements in load, deflection, stiffness, and ductility are listed in Table 7, compared to the control specimen. The load-mid span
deflection curves of all test specimens are shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 2. Specimens details.

Y. Murad and H. Abdel-Jabbar Case Studies in Construction Materials 16 (2022) e00835

Fig. 3. Test Setup.

Fig. 4. The experimental load-displacement curves of the test specimens.

Table 6
Test results.
Name Fiber Fiber weight fc, Maximum load Load at first Maximum Peak deflection Initial stiffness
(Kg/m3) (MPa) (kN) crack (kN) displacement (mm) (mm) (kN/mm)

SB2- control 0 41.7 120 50 3.9 3.9 30

SB2- control 0 41.7 136 60 4.355 4.355 67.42
SB14- basalt 2 36.6 118.2 40 6.45 6.45 30.61
SB12- basalt 4 37.3 131.2 65 4.7 4.7 34.48
SB10- basalt 8 38.7 143.7 30 6.4 6.4 34.06
SB20- polypropylene 2 45.3 147.8 30 7.51 5.45 39.06
SB18- polypropylene 4 40.8 115.7 50 7.35 7.35 33.46
SB15- polypropylene 8 37.7 139.5 40 8.3 5.4 38.71

Y. Murad and H. Abdel-Jabbar
Table 7
The increments and decrements in load, deflection, ductility and stiffness of the beam specimens.
Name Maximum load Increment or decrement peak deflection Increment or decrement Ductility Increment or decrement Initial stiffness Increment or decrement initial
(kN) load percentage (%) (mm) displacement percentage (%) index ductility percentage (%) (kN/mm) stiffness percentage (%)

SB2- 120 3.9 1 30.77

SB2- 136 4.355 3.21 67.42
SB14- 118.2 -1.5 6.45 +65.20 2.06 +106.00 27.03 -9.91

SB12- 131.2 +9.33 4.7 +20.51 1.52 +52.00 46.73 +55.76

SB10- 143.7 +19.75 6.4 +64.10 2.21 +121.00 36.36 +21.21
SB20- 147.8 +23.17 5.45 +39.74 2.95 +195.00 30.77 +2.56
SB18- 115.7 -3.58 7.35 +88.46 2.73 +173.00 19.05 -36.51
SB15- 139.5 +16.25 5.4 +38.46 2.68 +168.00 37.50 +25.00

Case Studies in Construction Materials 16 (2022) e00835

Y. Murad and H. Abdel-Jabbar Case Studies in Construction Materials 16 (2022) e00835

Fig. 5. The compressive stress-strain curve of concrete cylinders.

Test results showed that the best percentage for polypropylene fibers is 0.6%. The inclusion of 0.6% polypropylene fibers increased
the peak load, peak deflection, ductility, and initial stiffness up to 23.2%, 39.74%, 195%, and 2.56%, respectively, compared to the
control reference beam. The inclusion of polypropylene fibers considerably enhanced the ductility of the RC beams. Test results
coincide with the existing results found in the literature and measured by Sahoo et al. [21]. They showed that increments in shear
strength and deflection of RC beams were increased up to 20% and 40% due to the inclusions of polypropylene fibers, which are very
close to the percentages measured in this research (23.2% and 39.74%).
Sahoo et al. [3] showed that the ductility of the RC beams increased up to 120% with the inclusion of polypropylene fibers which is
close to the increment measured in this research (195%).
Increasing the percentage of polypropylene fibers from 0.6% to 1.3% resulted in decreasing the peak load slightly by 3.6%, while it
increased the peak deflection and ductility up to 88.5% and 173%, respectively with respect to the reference specimen. A further
increase in the polypropylene dosage up to 2.5% resulted in increasing the peak load, peak deflection, ductility, and initial stiffness up
to 16.25%, 38.46%, 168%, and 25%, respectively with respect to the reference beam. The enhancement in the shear behavior of the RC
beams prepared with 0.6 or 2.5% polypropylene fibers is relatively close.
Polypropylene fiber is superior to basalt fibers in increasing the peak load and ductility of the RC beams because of the superior
mechanical properties of the polypropylene fibers in concrete. Polypropylene fibers have high durability properties [27], and they also
can reduce the shrinkage of concrete [28–30]. Polypropylene fibers have a larger number of fibers for the volume fraction, high aspect
ratios, and lower stiffness; therefore, they can control the propagation of cracks in concrete [21], resulting in increasing the shear
strength of RC beams. The best percentage for basalt fibers was found at 2.5%. The inclusion of 2.5% basalt fibers increased the peak
load, peak deflection, ductility, and initial stiffness up to 20%, 64%, 121%, and 21.2%, respectively, compared to the reference beam.
The inclusion of basalt fibers had a considerable effect on enhancing the ductility of the RC beams. The inclusion of 2.5% basalt fibers
improved the shear strength by 20%, where the increment in strength is not far from that measured by Krassowska et al. [19], where
the shear strength was increased up to 50% with the inclusion of basalt fibers.
The inclusion of 0.6% of basalt fibers had an insignificant effect on the peak load, but it enhanced the deflection and ductility up to
65% and 106%, respectively. The inclusion of 0.6% basalt fibers or 1.3% polypropylene fibers resulted in decreasing the initial stiffness
by 9.91% and 36.5%, respectively. The inclusion of 1.3% basalt fibers resulted in increasing the peak load, peak deflection, ductility,
and initial stiffness up to 9.3%, 20.5%, 52%, and 55.76%, respectively. The increment in load and ductility measured in the RC beams
prepared with 1.3% basalt fibers was less than the increment measured with 2.5% basalt fibers.
Test results showed that the optimum percentages for basalt and polypropylene fibers are 2.5% (8 kg/m3) and 0.6% (2 kg/m3) of

Fig. 6. The tensile stress-strain curve of concrete cylinders.

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8 (caption on next page)

Y. Murad and H. Abdel-Jabbar Case Studies in Construction Materials 16 (2022) e00835

Fig. 7. The experimental and numerical load-displacement curves of the test specimens.

the total cement weight, respectively. Increasing the percentage beyond the optimum percentage for each type of fiber reduced the
workability of the concrete mix, as it makes the movement of aggregates harder by reducing the lubricating effect of cement paste. The
loss in workability can produce air voids in concrete, resulting in decreasing the strength of concrete. Concrete prepared using the
optimum percentage of basalt or polypropylene fibers has superior performance compared to ordinary concrete because basalt and
polypropylene fibers have higher tensile strength than concrete. Therefore, the shear strength of RC beams made with fibrous concrete
with the optimum percentage of fibers is better than that measured in RC beams prepared with ordinary concrete.
The utilization of the chopped basalt and polypropylene fibers can increase the shear strength and ductility of RC beams when they
are added in an optimum percentage. This research recommends using chopped basalt and polypropylene fibers in RC beams to in­
crease the shear strength of beams. Fibers are relatively cheap materials, durable, and corrosion-resistant compared to steel bars, and
they can increase the shear strength of RC beams; thus, they can be used as supporting materials to stirrups. This research can also shed
light on using the chopped basalt and polypropylene fibers as full or partial replacement of the shear reinforcement.

5. Numerical behaviour

A commercial FE program, ABAQUS, was adopted to predict the numerical behavior of the beam specimens. The experimental
compressive and tensile stress-strain curves of concrete cylinders prepared using polypropylene and basalt fibers, shown in Fig. 5 and
Fig. 6, were used to simulate the material behavior. Three-dimensional FE models were developed. After performing a sensitivity
analysis, the size of the hexahedral mesh was fixed to 3 cm. The adopted material and element models are explained in this section, and
then the proposed FE models were validated based on the observed load-deflection curves and the cracks’ patterns of the test specimen.

5.1. Element and material models

Three-dimensional FE models were developed in ABAQUS. The material behavior of the concrete prepared with basalt and
polypropylene fibers was simulated into ABAQUS using the experimental stress-strain curves. The constitutive behavior of concrete
was simulated into ABAQUS using the concrete damage plasticity (CDP) model. The CDP model is an extension of the Lubliner et al.
model [31] and Lee and Fenves [32] model. The softening behavior of the concrete is considered in the CDP model using damage
parameters dt and dc where dt and dc account for the concrete damage in the tensile and compression behavior respectively. The
damage parameters have values that range from zero to one, where zero represents the undamaged material while one indicates the
fully damaged material [33]. There are other parameters that are required to simulate the CDP model in ABAQUS, which were taken as
follows: dilation angle 32˚, eccentricity 0.1, K 0.67, and fb0/fc0 1.16. Solid elements were used to simulate the behavior of the plain
concrete, the basalt concrete, and the polypropylene concrete into ABAQUS. Thus, an element called C3D8R, a three-dimensional
general-purpose linear brick element with reduced integration (1 integration point), was used to simulate the concert into ABA­
QUS. The element C3D8R is composed of eight nodes. The element C3D8R, which is used to simulate concrete behavior, is composed of
eight nodes, while the element T3D2 that simulates the reinforcement behavior consists of 2 nodes. Solid elements were used to
simulate the behavior of the plain concrete, the basalt concrete and the polypropylene concrete into ABAQUS.
The behavior of the reinforcement was simulated into ABAQUS using an elastic-perfectly plastic model. The model assumes that the
reinforcement does not harden after yielding. A three-dimensional truss element called T3D2 was used to simulate the behavior of the
longitudinal and horizontal reinforcement into ABAQUS.

5.2. Numerical behavior validation

The experimental load-displacement curves and the experimental cracks’ patterns of the test specimens were used to validate the
developed FE models. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 compare the experimental and numerical load-displacement curves and cracks’ patterns,
respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 that the experimental and numerical behaviors of the test specimens were very close.
The tensile stresses in the concrete are shown in Fig. 8 in several colors where the red color indicates the points with the highest tensile
stresses, and the yellow color indicates the points with stresses lower than that shown in red color while the lowest tensile stresses were
shown in blue color. The cracks’ pattern is shown in red color in Fig. 8 for all test specimens. The figures that show the pattern of the
cracks of the beam are located below the figure that illustrates the tensile stresses in concrete. Diagonal shear cracks were depicted in
the numerical and experimental behavior of the test specimens as expected. As can be seen from Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, the developed FE
models were satisfactorily capable of predicting the observed behavior of the test specimens.

5.3. Failure modes and cracking pattern

All test specimens failed under pure shear failure with diagonal shear cracking. Test specimens failed in a brittle manner. The
failure mechanism of all test specimens is quite similar. The diagonal critical shear crack was extended from the load application point
to the support in most of the beams. The critical crack started at the support of the tested beams prepared with 0.6% and 1.3% basalt
fibers, but it did not extend to the load application point at the top fiber of the beam. In addition, the critical crack width for the beams
prepared with basalt fibers is smaller than that depicted in the beams made with polypropylene fibers.

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10 (caption on next page)

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Fig. 8. The experimental and numerical crack pattern.

6. Conclusions

Eight RC beams and 28 cylinders were tested in this research to explain the shear behavior of RC beams prepared with various
percentages of basalt and polypropylene fibers. Fibers were added solely in three various proportions 0.6%, 1.3%, and 2.5% of the total
cement weight. The numerical behavior of the RC beams was predicted using ABAQUS, and the proposed FE models can satisfactorily
predict the observed behavior. Test results recommend using chopped basalt and polypropylene fibers for enhancing the shear
behaviour of RC beams. An optimum percentage is proposed for each type of fiber to enhance the shear behaviour of the beams. The
inclusion of polypropylene or basalt fibers considerably enhanced the ductility of the RC beams. Polypropylene fibers are superior to
the basalt fibers in enhancing the shear strength and ductility of the RC beams. The best proportion of basalt and polypropylene fibers
that enhanced the shear behaviour of RC beams were found at 2.5% and 0.6%, respectively. The inclusion of 0.6% polypropylene fibers
increased the shear strength, peak deflection, ductility, and initial stiffness up to 23.2%, 39.74%, 195%, and 2.56%, respectively with
respect to the reference beam. The enhancement ratio in the shear behavior of the RC beams prepared with 0.6 or 2.5% polypropylene
fibers was relatively close. The inclusion of 2.5% basalt fibers resulted in increasing the shear strength, peak deflection, ductility, and
initial stiffness up to 20%, 64%, 121%, and 21.2%, respectively, compared to the reference beam.

Compliance with ethical standards

Conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.

Data Availability

All data, models, and code generated or used during the study appear in the submitted article.


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