This document is the GNU General Public License which allows users to freely distribute and modify software. It guarantees users the freedom to share and change free software. The license applies to most software from the Free Software Foundation and any other programs whose authors commit to using it.
This document is the GNU General Public License which allows users to freely distribute and modify software. It guarantees users the freedom to share and change free software. The license applies to most software from the Free Software Foundation and any other programs whose authors commit to using it.
This document is the GNU General Public License which allows users to freely distribute and modify software. It guarantees users the freedom to share and change free software. The license applies to most software from the Free Software Foundation and any other programs whose authors commit to using it.
This document is the GNU General Public License which allows users to freely distribute and modify software. It guarantees users the freedom to share and change free software. The license applies to most software from the Free Software Foundation and any other programs whose authors commit to using it.
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Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 675 a!! "#e, Ca$%ridge, " &'1(9, )S". *#eryone i! per$itted to copy and di!tri%ute #er%ati$ copie! of thi! +icen!e docu$ent, %ut changing it i! not a++owed. Preamble ,he +icen!e! for $o!t !oftware are de!igned to ta-e away your freedo$ to !hare and change it. .y contra!t, the /0) /enera+ 1u%+ic 2icen!e i! intended to guarantee your freedo$ to !hare and change free !oftware33to $a-e !ure the !oftware i! free for a++ it! u!er!. ,hi! /enera+ 1u%+ic 2icen!e app+ie! to $o!t of the Free Software Foundation4! !oftware and to any other progra$ who!e author! co$$it to u!ing it. (So$e other Free Software Foundation !oftware i! co#ered %y the /0) 2i%rary /enera+ 1u%+ic 2icen!e in!tead.) 5ou can app+y it to your progra$!, too. 6hen we !pea- of free !oftware, we are referring to freedo$, not price. 7ur /enera+ 1u%+ic 2icen!e! are de!igned to $a-e !ure that you ha#e the freedo$ to di!tri%ute copie! of free !oftware (and charge for thi! !er#ice if you wi!h), that you recei#e !ource code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the !oftware or u!e piece! of it in new free progra$!8 and that you -now you can do the!e thing!. ,o protect your right!, we need to $a-e re!triction! that for%id anyone to deny you the!e right! or to a!- you to !urrender the right!. ,he!e re!triction! tran!+ate to certain re!pon!i%i+itie! for you if you di!tri%ute copie! of the !oftware, or if you $odify it. For e9a$p+e, if you di!tri%ute copie! of !uch a progra$, whether grati! or for a fee, you $u!t gi#e the recipient! a++ the right! that you ha#e. 5ou $u!t $a-e !ure that they, too, recei#e or can get the !ource code. "nd you $u!t !how the$ the!e ter$! !o they -now their right!. 6e protect your right! with two !tep!: (1) copyright the !oftware, and (') offer you thi! +icen!e which gi#e! you +ega+ per$i!!ion to copy, di!tri%ute and;or $odify the !oftware. "+!o, for each author4! protection and our!, we want to $a-e certain that e#eryone under!tand! that there i! no warranty for thi! free !oftware. If the !oftware i! $odified %y !o$eone e+!e and pa!!ed on, we want it! recipient! to -now that what they ha#e i! not the origina+, !o that any pro%+e$! introduced %y other! wi++ not ref+ect on the origina+ author!4 reputation!. Fina++y, any free progra$ i! threatened con!tant+y %y !oftware patent!. 6e wi!h to a#oid the danger that redi!tri%utor! of a free progra$ wi++ indi#idua++y o%tain patent +icen!e!, in effect $a-ing the progra$ proprietary. ,o pre#ent thi!, we ha#e $ade it c+ear that any patent $u!t %e +icen!ed for e#eryone4! free u!e or not +icen!ed at a++. ,he preci!e ter$! and condition! for copying, di!tri%ution and $odification fo++ow. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERS AN! C"N!ITI"NS #"R C"P$ING, !ISTRIBUTI"N AN! "!I#ICATI"N &. ,hi! 2icen!e app+ie! to any progra$ or other wor- which contain! a notice p+aced %y the copyright ho+der !aying it $ay %e di!tri%uted under the ter$! of thi! /enera+ 1u%+ic 2icen!e. ,he <1rogra$<, %e+ow, refer! to any !uch progra$ or wor-, and a <wor- %a!ed on the 1rogra$< $ean! either the 1rogra$ or any deri#ati#e wor- under copyright +aw: that i! to !ay, a wor- containing the 1rogra$ or a portion of it, either #er%ati$ or with $odification! and;or tran!+ated into another +anguage. (=ereinafter, tran!+ation i! inc+uded without +i$itation in the ter$ <$odification<.) *ach +icen!ee i! addre!!ed a! <you<. "cti#itie! other than copying, di!tri%ution and $odification are not co#ered %y thi! 2icen!e8 they are out!ide it! !cope. ,he act of running the 1rogra$ i! not re!tricted, and the output fro$ the 1rogra$ i! co#ered on+y if it! content! con!titute a wor- %a!ed on the 1rogra$ (independent of ha#ing %een $ade %y running the 1rogra$). 6hether that i! true depend! on what the 1rogra$ doe!. 1. 5ou $ay copy and di!tri%ute #er%ati$ copie! of the 1rogra$4! !ource code a! you recei#e it, in any $ediu$, pro#ided that you con!picuou!+y and appropriate+y pu%+i!h on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and di!c+ai$er of warranty8 -eep intact a++ the notice! that refer to thi! 2icen!e and to the a%!ence of any warranty8 and gi#e any other recipient! of the 1rogra$ a copy of thi! 2icen!e a+ong with the 1rogra$. 5ou $ay charge a fee for the phy!ica+ act of tran!ferring a copy, and you $ay at your option offer warranty protection in e9change for a fee. '. 5ou $ay $odify your copy or copie! of the 1rogra$ or any portion of it, thu! for$ing a wor- %a!ed on the 1rogra$, and copy and di!tri%ute !uch $odification! or wor- under the ter$! of Section 1 a%o#e, pro#ided that you a+!o $eet a++ of the!e condition!: a) 5ou $u!t cau!e the $odified fi+e! to carry pro$inent notice! !tating that you changed the fi+e! and the date of any change. %) 5ou $u!t cau!e any wor- that you di!tri%ute or pu%+i!h, that in who+e or in part contain! or i! deri#ed fro$ the 1rogra$ or any part thereof, to %e +icen!ed a! a who+e at no charge to a++ third partie! under the ter$! of thi! 2icen!e. c) If the $odified progra$ nor$a++y read! co$$and! interacti#e+y when run, you $u!t cau!e it, when !tarted running for !uch interacti#e u!e in the $o!t ordinary way, to print or di!p+ay an announce$ent inc+uding an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there i! no warranty (or e+!e, !aying that you pro#ide a warranty) and that u!er! $ay redi!tri%ute the progra$ under the!e condition!, and te++ing the u!er how to #iew a copy of thi! 2icen!e. (*9ception: if the 1rogra$ it!e+f i! interacti#e %ut doe! not nor$a++y print !uch an announce$ent, your wor- %a!ed on the 1rogra$ i! not re>uired to print an announce$ent.) ,he!e re>uire$ent! app+y to the $odified wor- a! a who+e. If identifia%+e !ection! of that wor- are not deri#ed fro$ the 1rogra$, and can %e rea!ona%+y con!idered independent and !eparate wor-! in the$!e+#e!, then thi! 2icen!e, and it! ter$!, do not app+y to tho!e !ection! when you di!tri%ute the$ a! !eparate wor-!. .ut when you di!tri%ute the !a$e !ection! a! part of a who+e which i! a wor- %a!ed on the 1rogra$, the di!tri%ution of the who+e $u!t %e on the ter$! of thi! 2icen!e, who!e per$i!!ion! for other +icen!ee! e9tend to the entire who+e, and thu! to each and e#ery part regard+e!! of who wrote it. ,hu!, it i! not the intent of thi! !ection to c+ai$ right! or conte!t your right! to wor- written entire+y %y you8 rather, the intent i! to e9erci!e the right to contro+ the di!tri%ution of deri#ati#e or co++ecti#e wor-! %a!ed on the 1rogra$. In addition, $ere aggregation of another wor- not %a!ed on the 1rogra$ with the 1rogra$ (or with a wor- %a!ed on the 1rogra$) on a #o+u$e of a !torage or di!tri%ution $ediu$ doe! not %ring the other wor- under the !cope of thi! 2icen!e. (. 5ou $ay copy and di!tri%ute the 1rogra$ (or a wor- %a!ed on it, under Section ') in o%?ect code or e9ecuta%+e for$ under the ter$! of Section! 1 and ' a%o#e pro#ided that you a+!o do one of the fo++owing: a) "cco$pany it with the co$p+ete corre!ponding $achine3reada%+e !ource code, which $u!t %e di!tri%uted under the ter$! of Section! 1 and ' a%o#e on a $ediu$ cu!to$ari+y u!ed for !oftware interchange8 or, %) "cco$pany it with a written offer, #a+id for at +ea!t three year!, to gi#e any third party, for a charge no $ore than your co!t of phy!ica++y perfor$ing !ource di!tri%ution, a co$p+ete $achine3reada%+e copy of the corre!ponding !ource code, to %e di!tri%uted under the ter$! of Section! 1 and ' a%o#e on a $ediu$ cu!to$ari+y u!ed for !oftware interchange8 or, c) "cco$pany it with the infor$ation you recei#ed a! to the offer to di!tri%ute corre!ponding !ource code. (,hi! a+ternati#e i! a++owed on+y for nonco$$ercia+ di!tri%ution and on+y if you recei#ed the progra$ in o%?ect code or e9ecuta%+e for$ with !uch an offer, in accord with Su%!ection % a%o#e.) ,he !ource code for a wor- $ean! the preferred for$ of the wor- for $a-ing $odification! to it. For an e9ecuta%+e wor-, co$p+ete !ource code $ean! a++ the !ource code for a++ $odu+e! it contain!, p+u! any a!!ociated interface definition fi+e!, p+u! the !cript! u!ed to contro+ co$pi+ation and in!ta++ation of the e9ecuta%+e. =owe#er, a! a !pecia+ e9ception, the !ource code di!tri%uted need not inc+ude anything that i! nor$a++y di!tri%uted (in either !ource or %inary for$) with the $a?or co$ponent! (co$pi+er, -erne+, and !o on) of the operating !y!te$ on which the e9ecuta%+e run!, un+e!! that co$ponent it!e+f acco$panie! the e9ecuta%+e. If di!tri%ution of e9ecuta%+e or o%?ect code i! $ade %y offering acce!! to copy fro$ a de!ignated p+ace, then offering e>ui#a+ent acce!! to copy the !ource code fro$ the !a$e p+ace count! a! di!tri%ution of the !ource code, e#en though third partie! are not co$pe++ed to copy the !ource a+ong with the o%?ect code. @. 5ou $ay not copy, $odify, !u%+icen!e, or di!tri%ute the 1rogra$ e9cept a! e9pre!!+y pro#ided under thi! 2icen!e. "ny atte$pt otherwi!e to copy, $odify, !u%+icen!e or di!tri%ute the 1rogra$ i! #oid, and wi++ auto$atica++y ter$inate your right! under thi! 2icen!e. =owe#er, partie! who ha#e recei#ed copie!, or right!, fro$ you under thi! 2icen!e wi++ not ha#e their +icen!e! ter$inated !o +ong a! !uch partie! re$ain in fu++ co$p+iance. 5. 5ou are not re>uired to accept thi! 2icen!e, !ince you ha#e not !igned it. =owe#er, nothing e+!e grant! you per$i!!ion to $odify or di!tri%ute the 1rogra$ or it! deri#ati#e wor-!. ,he!e action! are prohi%ited %y +aw if you do not accept thi! 2icen!e. ,herefore, %y $odifying or di!tri%uting the 1rogra$ (or any wor- %a!ed on the 1rogra$), you indicate your acceptance of thi! 2icen!e to do !o, and a++ it! ter$! and condition! for copying, di!tri%uting or $odifying the 1rogra$ or wor-! %a!ed on it. 6. *ach ti$e you redi!tri%ute the 1rogra$ (or any wor- %a!ed on the 1rogra$), the recipient auto$atica++y recei#e! a +icen!e fro$ the origina+ +icen!or to copy, di!tri%ute or $odify the 1rogra$ !u%?ect to the!e ter$! and condition!. 5ou $ay not i$po!e any further re!triction! on the recipient!4 e9erci!e of the right! granted herein. 5ou are not re!pon!i%+e for enforcing co$p+iance %y third partie! to thi! 2icen!e. 7. If, a! a con!e>uence of a court ?udg$ent or a++egation of patent infringe$ent or for any other rea!on (not +i$ited to patent i!!ue!), condition! are i$po!ed on you (whether %y court order, agree$ent or otherwi!e) that contradict the condition! of thi! 2icen!e, they do not e9cu!e you fro$ the condition! of thi! 2icen!e. If you cannot di!tri%ute !o a! to !ati!fy !i$u+taneou!+y your o%+igation! under thi! 2icen!e and any other pertinent o%+igation!, then a! a con!e>uence you $ay not di!tri%ute the 1rogra$ at a++. For e9a$p+e, if a patent +icen!e wou+d not per$it roya+ty3free redi!tri%ution of the 1rogra$ %y a++ tho!e who recei#e copie! direct+y or indirect+y through you, then the on+y way you cou+d !ati!fy %oth it and thi! 2icen!e wou+d %e to refrain entire+y fro$ di!tri%ution of the 1rogra$. If any portion of thi! !ection i! he+d in#a+id or unenforcea%+e under any particu+ar circu$!tance, the %a+ance of the !ection i! intended to app+y and the !ection a! a who+e i! intended to app+y in other circu$!tance!. It i! not the purpo!e of thi! !ection to induce you to infringe any patent! or other property right c+ai$! or to conte!t #a+idity of any !uch c+ai$!8 thi! !ection ha! the !o+e purpo!e of protecting the integrity of the free !oftware di!tri%ution !y!te$, which i! i$p+e$ented %y pu%+ic +icen!e practice!. any peop+e ha#e $ade generou! contri%ution! to the wide range of !oftware di!tri%uted through that !y!te$ in re+iance on con!i!tent app+ication of that !y!te$8 it i! up to the author;donor to decide if he or !he i! wi++ing to di!tri%ute !oftware through any other !y!te$ and a +icen!ee cannot i$po!e that choice. ,hi! !ection i! intended to $a-e thorough+y c+ear what i! %e+ie#ed to %e a con!e>uence of the re!t of thi! 2icen!e. 8. If the di!tri%ution and;or u!e of the 1rogra$ i! re!tricted in certain countrie! either %y patent! or %y copyrighted interface!, the origina+ copyright ho+der who p+ace! the 1rogra$ under thi! 2icen!e $ay add an e9p+icit geographica+ di!tri%ution +i$itation e9c+uding tho!e countrie!, !o that di!tri%ution i! per$itted on+y in or a$ong countrie! not thu! e9c+uded. In !uch ca!e, thi! 2icen!e incorporate! the +i$itation a! if written in the %ody of thi! 2icen!e. 9. ,he Free Software Foundation $ay pu%+i!h re#i!ed and;or new #er!ion! of the /enera+ 1u%+ic 2icen!e fro$ ti$e to ti$e. Such new #er!ion! wi++ %e !i$i+ar in !pirit to the pre!ent #er!ion, %ut $ay differ in detai+ to addre!! new pro%+e$! or concern!. *ach #er!ion i! gi#en a di!tingui!hing #er!ion nu$%er. If the 1rogra$ !pecifie! a #er!ion nu$%er of thi! 2icen!e which app+ie! to it and <any +ater #er!ion<, you ha#e the option of fo++owing the ter$! and condition! either of that #er!ion or of any +ater #er!ion pu%+i!hed %y the Free Software Foundation. If the 1rogra$ doe! not !pecify a #er!ion nu$%er of thi! 2icen!e, you $ay choo!e any #er!ion e#er pu%+i!hed %y the Free Software Foundation. 1&. If you wi!h to incorporate part! of the 1rogra$ into other free progra$! who!e di!tri%ution condition! are different, write to the author to a!- for per$i!!ion. For !oftware which i! copyrighted %y the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation8 we !o$eti$e! $a-e e9ception! for thi!. 7ur deci!ion wi++ %e guided %y the two goa+! of pre!er#ing the free !tatu! of a++ deri#ati#e! of our free !oftware and of pro$oting the !haring and reu!e of !oftware genera++y. N" %ARRANT$ 11& BECAUSE T'E PR"GRA IS LICENSE! #REE "# C'ARGE, T'ERE IS N" %ARRANT$ #"R T'E PR"GRA, T" T'E E(TENT PERITTE! B$ APPLICABLE LA%& E(CEPT %'EN "T'ER%ISE STATE! IN %RITING T'E C"P$RIG'T '"L!ERS AN!)"R "T'ER PARTIES PR"VI!E T'E PR"GRA *AS IS* %IT'"UT %ARRANT$ "# AN$ +IN!, EIT'ER E(PRESSE! "R IPLIE!, INCLU!ING, BUT N"T LIITE! T", T'E IPLIE! %ARRANTIES "# ERC'ANTABILIT$ AN! #ITNESS #"R A PARTICULAR PURP"SE& T'E ENTIRE RIS+ AS T" T'E ,UALIT$ AN! PER#"RANCE "# T'E PR"GRA IS %IT' $"U& S'"UL! T'E PR"GRA PR"VE !E#ECTIVE, $"U ASSUE T'E C"ST "# ALL NECESSAR$ SERVICING, REPAIR "R C"RRECTI"N& 12& IN N" EVENT UNLESS RE,UIRE! B$ APPLICABLE LA% "R AGREE! T" IN %RITING %ILL AN$ C"P$RIG'T '"L!ER, "R AN$ "T'ER PART$ %'" A$ "!I#$ AN!)"R RE!ISTRIBUTE T'E PR"GRA AS PERITTE! AB"VE, BE LIABLE T" $"U #"R !AAGES, INCLU!ING AN$ GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCI!ENTAL "R C"NSE,UENTIAL !AAGES ARISING "UT "# T'E USE "R INABILIT$ T" USE T'E PR"GRA -INCLU!ING BUT N"T LIITE! T" L"SS "# !ATA "R !ATA BEING REN!ERE! INACCURATE "R L"SSES SUSTAINE! B$ $"U "R T'IR! PARTIES "R A #AILURE "# T'E PR"GRA T" "PERATE %IT' AN$ "T'ER PR"GRAS., EVEN I# SUC' '"L!ER "R "T'ER PART$ 'AS BEEN A!VISE! "# T'E P"SSIBILIT$ "# SUC' !AAGES& EN! "# TERS AN! C"N!ITI"NS