Cases For ARREST
Cases For ARREST
Cases For ARREST
G.R. No. 182336 December 23, 2009
PETR filed a criminal complaint aain!t
RE"P for t#e crime of robber$ %#ic# %a!
di!mi!!ed b$ t#e &it$ Pro!ec'tor of (a)ati &it$.
*o%e+er, p'r!'ant to t#e re!ol'tion of t#e D,-,
an information %a! e+ent'all$ filed aain!t t#e
RE"P for t#e crime of robber$.
No+ember 23, 2006,re!pondent filed a
(,D.motion to di!mi!!/ t#e ca!e for lac) of
probable ca'!e p'r!'ant to "ection 6.a/, R 112
of RR& and in +ie% of compellin ro'nd! for
t#e di!mi!!al of t#e ca!e to #old in abe$ance t#e
i!!'ance of t#e %arrant of arre!t. T#e RT& of
(a)ati &it$ ranted t#e motion 'p#oldin t#e
fail're to e!tabli!# probable ca'!e to c#are
RE"P of t#e crime of robber$.
PETR.'s Allegations
1. Probable ca'!e referred to in "ec. 6.a/ of R
112 relate! to t#e i!!'ance of %arrant of arre!t
and it doe! not co+er t#e determination of
probable ca'!e for t#e filin of information
aain!t re!pondent.
2. T#e determination of Probable ca'!e for t#e
filin of information i! e0ec'ti+e in nat're and
t#e po%er i! primaril$ +e!ted in t#e p'blic
T#e 1'de i! re2'ired to e+al'ate t#e re!ol'tion
of t#e pro!ec'tor and it! !'pportin e+idence. *e
ma$ immediatel$ di!mi!! t#e ca!e if t#e
e+idence in record clearl$ fail! to e!tabli!#
probable ca'!e.
3'rt#er, p'r!'ant to "ec 6.a/ R112 of t#e RR&,
t#e RT& 1'de, 'pon t#e filin of an information
#a! t#e follo%in option!
1.di!mi!! t#e ca!e if t#e e+idence on record
clearl$ failed to e!tabli!# probable ca'!e4
2.5f #e or !#e find! probable ca'!e, i!!'e a
%arrant of arre!t4
3.5n ca!e of do'bt a! to t#e e0i!tence of probable
ca'!e, order t#e pro!ec'tor to pre!ent additional
e+idence %it# fi+e da$! from notice, t#e i!!'e be
re!ol+ed b$ t#e co'rt %it#in 30 da$! from t#e
filin of t#e information
6.(. No. (T-70671628 -'ne 8, 2008
T#i! i! an admini!trati+e complaint aain!t
t#e #erein RE"P for inorance of t#e la%.
6''!t 23, 2009 ca!e! for ra+e coercion and
2'alified tre!pa!! to d%ellin #ad been filed
aain!t t#e #erein PETR" before t#e !ala of t#e
#erein RE"P.
6''!t 29, 2009 a motion for %arrant of arre!t
%a! filed.RE"P immediatel$ ranted !'c#
motion and i!!'ed a %arrant on t#at !ame da$.
5nd'bitabl$, no preliminar$ in+e!tiation
cond'cted a! re2'ired b$ t#e r'le! !ince no
!'bpoena %a! i!!'ed to PETR".
RESP's Allegations
1. 5!!'in %arrant! of arre!t de!pite t#e ab!ence
of an$ information #a+in been $et filed i!
p'r!'ant to a +alid e0erci!e of #i! 1'dicial
f'nction a! t#e pre!idin 1'de of t#e !aid co'rt.
2. T#e determinin of probable ca'!e in i!!'in
%arrant of arre!t i! #i! !ole preroati+e a! a
T#e r'le pro+ide! t#at t#ere are .3/ condition!
t#at m'!t conc'r for t#e i!!'ance of t#e %arrant
of arre!t b$ t#e m'nicipal 1'de d'rin a
preliminar$ in+e!tiation. T#e in+e!tiatin
1'de m'!t:
1. *a+e e0amined in %ritin 'nder oat# t#e
complainant and #i! %itne!!e! b$ !earc#in
2'e!tion! and an!%er!
2. ;e !ati!fied t#at a probable ca'!e e0i!t
3. T#at t#ere i! a need to place t#e re!pondent
'nder t#e immediate c'!tod$ of t#e la% in order
to pre+ent fr'!tration of t#e end! of 1'!tice
T#e i!!'ance of %arrant! of arre!t in t#i! ca!e
%a! clearl$ irre'lar !ince, not onl$ did it lac) a
preliminar$ in+e!tiation, b't t#e order rantin
!'c# i!!'ance did not !#o% an$ findin of a need
to place #erein PETR" 'nder t#e immediate
c'!tod$ in order not to fr'!trate t#e end! of
E+en t#e 1'de find! probable ca'!e, it i! not
mandator$ for #im to i!!'e a %arrant of arre!t.
*e m'!t f'rt#er determine t#e nece!!it$ of
placin t#e acc'!ed 'nder immediate c'!tod$ in
order not to fr'!trate t#e end! of 1'!tice. 5t i!
improper for a (T& 1'de to i!!'e a %arrant
i!!'e a %arrant of arre!t %it#o't an$ findin t#at
it %a! nece!!ar$ to place t#e acc'!ed in
immediate c'!tod$ to pre+ent fr'!tration of t#e
end! of 1'!tice.
RE"P i! clearl$ a%are of t#e fact t#at t#ere i! no
preliminar$ in+e!tiation t#at #a! been
cond'cted and no information! #ad $et been
filed before #i! co'rt. T#i! clearl$ +iolate! t#e
ri#t of t#e acc'!ed, in t#o!e ca!e!, to d'e
G.R. No. 130699 (arc# 13, 1998
PETR i! c#ared %it# t%o co'nt! of )idnappin
and !erio'! illeal detention.
PETR alleed t#at #e %a! denied t#e ri#t to
preliminar$ in+e!tiation and !o'#t to ann'l t#e
information! a! %ell a! t#e %arrant of arre!t
i!!'ed in con!e2'ence t#ereof. 5n t#e alternati+e,
petitioner pra$ed t#at a preliminar$ in+e!tiation
be cond'cted and t#at #e be relea!ed from
detention pendin t#e in+e!tiation.
Iss"e #:T#e pro!ec'tor! ar'e t#at PETR i!
entitled onl$ to an in2'e!t in+e!tiation 'nder
"ec.8 of R 112 !ince #e %a! la%f'll$ arre!ted
%it#o't a %arrant 'nder "ec.<, R 113 of t#e
T#e pro!ec'tor! ar'ment i! bereft of merit.
"ection 8 of R'le 112 applie! onl$ to per!on!
la%f'll$ arre!ted %it#o't a %arrant. PETR in t#e
fir!t place, %a! not arre!ted eit#er b$ a peace
officer or a pri+ate per!on. =#en !ome
member! of t#e P#ilippine National Police
&riminal 5n+e!tiation Gro'p .PNP &5G/ %ent
to t#e &enter for &'linar$ 6rt! in >'e?on &it$ to
arre!t petitioner, albeit %it#o't %arrant.
Petitioner re!i!ted t#e arre!t. *E !o'#t t#e aid
of a co'n!el, t#e latter di!!'aded t#e police
officer! from carr$in o't t#e %arrantle!! arre!t
and propo!ed to meet %it# t#em at t#e &5G
#ead2'arter! in & &rame, >'e?on &it$. T#e
police officer! $ielded and ret'rned to t#e &5G
#ead2'arter!. Petitioner, toet#er %it# #i! !i!ter
and brot#er7in7la% al!o %ent to t#e &5G
#ead2'arter! aboard t#eir o%n +e#icle. 6tt$.
6rmo+it 2'e!tioned t#e lealit$ of t#e
%arrantle!! arre!t before &5G @eal ,fficer
R'ben Aacaria!. 6fter con!'ltin %it# #i!
!'perior!, @eal ,fficer Aacaria! ordered to !top
t#e arre!t and allo%ed petitioner to o #ome.
6n arre!t i! defined a! t#e ta)in of a per!on into
c'!tod$ in order t#at #e ma$ be bo'nd to an!%er
for t#e commi!!ion of an offen!e.
5t i! made
b$ an act'al re!traint of t#e per!on to be arre!ted,
or b$ #i! !'bmi!!ion to t#e c'!tod$ of t#e per!on
ma)in t#e arre!t.
6n arre!t !inifie! re!traint
on per!on, depri+in one of #i! o%n %ill and
libert$, bindin #im to become obedient to t#e
%ill of t#e la%.
T#e foreoin fact! !#o% no
re!traint 'pon t#e per!on of petitioner. Neit#er
do t#e$ !#o% t#at petitioner %a! depri+ed of #i!
o%n %ill and libert$. *ence, "ection 8 of R'le
112 doe! not appl$ to petitioner.
Iss"e $: PETR no loner entitled to a
preliminar$ in+e!tiation beca'!e #e #ad
pre+io'!l$ %ai+ed #i! ri#t to !'c# in+e!tiation
%#en #e failed to appear d'rin t#e preliminar$
in+e!tiation !et b$ t#e &it$ Pro!ec'tor in t#e
afternoon of "eptember 18, 1998.
6 %ai+er, %#et#er e0pre!! or implied, m'!t be
made in clear and 'ne2'i+ocal manner. (ere
fail're of petitioner and #i! co'n!el to appear
before t#e &it$ Pro!ec'tor in t#e afternoon of
"eptember 18, 1998 cannot be con!tr'ed a! a
%ai+er of #i! ri#t to preliminar$ in+e!tiation,
con!iderin t#at petitioner #a! been +ioro'!l$
in+o)in #i! ri#t to a re'lar preliminar$
in+e!tiation !ince t#e !tart of t#e proceedin!
before t#e &it$ Pro!ec'tor.
6t 9:00 in t#e mornin of "eptember 18, 1998,
petitioner! co'n!el appeared before t#e &it$
Pro!ec'tor of &eb' and mo+ed t#at petitioner be
accorded a re'lar preliminar$ in+e!tiation.
T#e &it$ Pro!ec'tor, #o%e+er, denied t#e
motion, !tatin t#at petitioner i! entitled onl$ to
an in2'e!t in+e!tiation. Petitioner orall$ mo+ed
for a recon!ideration, to no a+ail. Petitioner
a!!ailed t#e deci!ion of t#e &it$ Pro!ec'tor
before t#e &o'rt of 6ppeal! on a petition for
certiorari, pro#ibition and mandamus. 6fter t#e
&o'rt of 6ppeal! di!mi!!ed !aid petition,
petitioner %ent to t#i! &o'rt, !till a!!ertin t#at
#e !#o'ld be accorded a re'lar preliminar$
G.R. No. 81882 6pril 19, 1988
T#i! ca!e oriinated from @anao. T#e offended
part$ %a! amb'!#ed in @anao, b't #e !'r+i+ed.
;a!ed on #i! de!cription, t#ere %ere aro'nd <0
per!on! %#o !taed t#e amb'!# from bot# !ide!
of t#e #ill. *o%e+er, #e co'ld not reconi?e
an$one of t#e <0. ;'t #e filed a ca!e aain!t all
<0 amb'!#er!, all D-o#n Doe!D. "o t#e co'rt
i!!'ed a %arrant! or arre!t aain!t t#e <0 -o#n
Not +alid beca'!e it i! in t#e nat're of a eneral
%arrant, one of a cla!! of %rit! lon pro!cribed
a! 'ncon!tit'tional and once anat#emati?ed a!
totall$ !'b+er!i+e of t#e libert$ of t#e !'b1ect.
&learl$ +iolati+e of t#e con!tit'tional in1'nction
t#at %arrant! of arre!t !#o'ld partic'larl$
de!cribe t#e per!on or per!on! to be !ei?ed, t#e
%arrant m'!t, a! reard! it! 'nidentified !'b1ect
be +oided.
G.R. No. 1288<<. 6pril 19, 1999
6ccordin to t#e police officer!, after t#e$ #a+e
recei+ed t#e report reardin t#e crime incident
of robber$ %it# #omicide and e+ent'all$ made
)no%n of t#e o%ner of t#e et a%a$ +e#icle
. tric$cle o%ned b$ RE"P/ t#e$ immediatel$
proceeded to t#e place %#ere t#e !aid tric$cle
and t#e o%ner t#ereof %a! located. 3indin t#e
#erein RE"P, t#e$ in+ited #im for an inter+ie%.
,n t#e %a$ to t#e police !tation, t#e RE"P
informed t#e police officer! t#e location of t#e
article! of t#e crime and t#e place %#ere t#e
#old7'pper! ma$ be fo'nd.
5n+e!tiator! too) t#e !tatement of RE"P on
(a$ 19, 1996 and %a! onl$ !'b!cribed on (a$
22, 1996. 6ll t#e %#ile #e %a! detained in t#e
police !tation.
*erein RE"P %a! acc'!ed of robber$ %it#
#omicide. No% #e contend! t#at t#ere %a! a
+iolation of #i! ri#t! !pecificall$ t#e ri#t to
remain !ilent, ri#t to #a+e a competent and
independent co'n!el and t#e ri#t to be informed
of t#e!e ri#t! a! en!#rined and 'aranteed in t#e
;ill of ri#t!.
RE"P %a! depri+ed of #i! ri#t! d'rin t#e
c'!todial in+e!tiation. 3rom t#e time t#at #e
%a! Din+itedD for 2'e!tionin at t#e #o'!e of t#e
barana$ captain, #e %a! alread$ 'nder effecti+e
c'!todial in+e!tiation, b't #e %a! not appri!ed
nor made a%are t#ereof b$ t#e in+e!tiatin
&'!todial in+e!tiation i! t#e !tae %#ere t#e
police in+e!tiation i! no loner a eneral
in2'ir$ into an 'nre!ol+ed crime b't #a! be'n
to foc'! on a partic'lar !'!pect ta)en into
c'!tod$ b$ t#e police %#o carr$ o't a proce!! of
interroation t#at lead! it!elf to elicit
incriminatin !tatement!. 5t i! %ell !ettled t#at it
encompa!!e! an$ 2'e!tion initiated b$ la%
enforcer! after a per!on #a! been ta)en into
c'!tod$ or ot#er%i!e depri+ed of #i! freedom of
action in a !inificant %a$. T#i! concept of
c'!todial in+e!tiation #a! been broadened to
incl'de the practice of issuing an invitation to a
person who is investigated in connection with an
offense he is suspected to have committed.
G.R. No. @7<2016 (a$ 13, 1981
*erein RE"P %a! con+icted of t#e crime of
robber$ %it# #omicide.
T#e !ole ba!i! of #i! con+iction %a! #i! oral
confe!!ion to t#e police !tation commander t#at
#e committed t#at offen!e.
*o%e+er, RE"P rep'diated !'c# confe!!ion %a!
on t#e %itne!! !tand allein t#at t#e !aid
confe!!ion %a! ta)en d'rin c'!todial
interroation %#en t#e RE"P %a! not informed
of #i! ri#t! to remain !ilent and to #a+e co'n!el
T#e co'rt reprod'ced #ere'nder &#ief -'!tice
=arrenE! !'mmar$ of t#e proced'ral !afe'ard!
for per!on! in police c'!tod$ %#ere t#e
interroation i! rearded a! t#e commencement
alread$ of t#e trial or ad+er!ar$ !$!tem:*e .t#e
acc'!ed/ m'!t be %arned prior to an$
2'e!tionin t#at #e #a! t#e ri#t to remain !ilent,
t#at an$t#in #e !a$! can be '!ed aain!t #im in
a co'rt of la%, t#at #e #a! t#e ri#t to t#e
pre!ence of an attorne$, and t#at if #e cannot
afford an attorne$ one %ill be appointed for #im
prior to an$ 2'e!tionin if #e !o de!ire!.
F,pport'nit$ to e0erci!e t#e!e ri#t! m'!t be
afforded to #im t#ro'#o't t#e interroation.
F6fter !'c# %arnin! #a+e been i+en, and !'c#
opport'nit$ afforded #im, t#e indi+id'al ma$
)no%inl$ and intellientl$ %ai+e t#e!e ri#t!
and aree to an!%er 2'e!tion! or ma)e a
!tatement. F;'t 'nle!! and 'ntil !'c# %arnin!
and %ai+er are demon!trated b$ t#e pro!ec'tion
at trial, no e+idence obtained a! a re!'lt of
interroation can be '!ed aain!t #im.G
T#e abo+e proced're %a! not follo%ed b$ t#e
police in t#i! ca!e. *ence, "e+erino D'eroH! oral
confe!!ion i! inadmi!!ible in e+idence. =it#o't
t#at confe!!ion, t#e pro!ec'tionH! ot#er e+idence
i! not !'fficient to e!tabli!# D'eroH! 'ilt be$ond
rea!onable do'bt.
G.R. No. 122192 (a$ 18, 2000
Police officer! recei+ed a )illin incident and it
implicate! t#e #erein RE"P a! one of t#e
(arc# 9, 1990, t#e police officer! %ere able to
appre#end t#e RE"P. T#e latter %a! po!iti+el$
identified b$ t#e %itne!! of t#e crime.
,n t#e !ame da$, RE"P a+e a confe!!ion in
%ritin %it# t#e a!!i!tance of a co'n!el. RE"P
admitted t#at #e participated in t#e commi!!ion
of t#e crime.
RE"PH! 6lleation
1. T#e e0tra 1'dicial confe!!ion made b$ #im i!
not +alid a! t#e co'n!el %#o a!!i!ted #im in
e0ec'tin t#e !aid confe!!ion %a! not t#e
co'n!el of #i! o%n c#oice.
T#ere %a! onl$ a perfunctory readin of t#e
(iranda ri#t! to RE"P %it#o't an$ effort to
find #im o't from %#et#er #e %anted to #a+e a
co'n!el and if !o, %#et#er #e #ad #i! o%n
co'n!el or #e %anted t#e police to appoint one
for #im.
(oreo+er, T#e 6rt. 555 "ec 12 .1/ re2'ire! t#at
co'n!el a!!i!tin !'!pect! in c'!todial
in+e!tiation! m'!t be competent and
independent. 5n t#e #erein ca!e, t#e co'n!el %#o
a!!i!ted t#e RE"P ma$ pre!'mabl$ be
con!idered competent b't #e i! not independent
a! #e %a! !tation commander of t#e =PD at t#e
time #e a!!i!ted t#e RE"P.
5ndependent co'n!el cannot be a !pecial co'n!el,
p'blic or pri+ate pro!ec'tor, m'nicipal attorne$,
or co'n!el t#e police %#o!e intere!t i!
admittedl$ ad+er!e to t#e acc'!ed.
5n t#e #erein ca!e, t#e co'n!el %#o a!!i!ted t#e
RE"P bein part of t#e police force cannot be
e0pected to #a+e effecti+el$ and !cr'p'lo'!l$
a!!i!ted RE"P in t#e in+e!tiation.To allo% !'c#
a #appen!tance %o'ld render ill'!or$ to t#e
protection i+en to t#e !'!pect d'rin c'!todial
T#'!, t#e e0tra 1'dicial confe!!ion of t#e RE"P
i! not admi!!ible in e+idence
G.R. No. '()*#+*$ ,"ne )- #..*
*erein Re!p %a! criminall$ c#ared for t#e !ale
and t#e po!!e!!ion of mari1'ana.
T#e e0tra 1'dicial confe!!ion e0tracted from t#e
#erein RE"P i! inadmi!!ible in e+idence for
bein +iolati+e of t#e &on!tit'tional mandate
t#at an$ per!on 'nder in+e!tiation for t#e
commi!!ion of an offen!e !#all #a+e t#e ri#t to
be informed of #i! ri#t to remain !ilent and to
#a+e a competent and independent co'n!el
preferabl$ of #i! o%n c#oice.
5n t#e #erein ca!e, t#e ri#t! %ere merel$ recited
to #er %#ic# fall! !#ort of t#e re2'irement on
proper apprai!al of con!tit'tional ri#t!.
;ein informed of #i! ri#t!, contemplate! t#e
tran!mi!!ion of meaninf'l information rat#er
t#an 1'!t ceremonial and perf'nctor$ recitation
of an ab!tract con!tit'tional principle. 5t %o'ld
not be !'fficient for a police officer to recite
!'c# ri#t! b't #e m'!t tell t#e per!on t#e ri#t!
to %#ic# t#e latter i! entitled4 #e m'!t al!o
e0plain t#eir effect! in practical term! and in a
lan'ae t#e !'b1ect fairl$ 'nder!tand!. T#ere
m'!t be a correlati+e obliation on t#e part of
t#e police officer to e0plain, and contemplate! an
effecti+e comm'nication t#at re!'lt! in
'nder!tandin of %#at i! con+e$ed."#ort of t#i!,
i! a denial of t#e ri#t.
G.R. No. @761880 -an'ar$ 31, 1983
6''!t 6, 1982, t#e &it$ 3i!cal of &aa$an de
,ro filed an information for m'rder aain!t
petitioner %it# t#e (T& of &D, pre!ided b$
#erein RE"P.
RE"P 'nder t#e circ'm!tance! mentioned abo+e
i!!'ed a %arrant for t#e arre!t of petitioner
Petitioner claim! t#at RE"P !#o'ld not #a+e
i!!'ed a %arrant of arre!t %it#o't a preliminar$
e0amination of t#e %itne!!e! for t#e pro!ec'tion.
T#e %arrant of arre!t %a! irre'larl$ i!!'ed
#o%e+er, an$ infirmit$ attac#ed to it %a! c'red
%#en petitioner !'bmitted #im!elf to t#e
1'ri!diction of t#e co'rt b$ appl$in for bail,
!'bmittin a memorand'm in !'pport t#ereof,
and filin a motion for recon!ideration %#en #i!
application %a! denied