Judicial Affidavit Rule: Object 1

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Object 1

[A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC, 4 September 2012]


Whereas, case congestion and dela s plag!e most co!rts in cities, gi"en t#e #!ge "ol!me o$ cases $iled eac# ear and t#e slo% and c!mbersome ad"ersarial s stem t#at t#e &!diciar #as in place' Whereas, abo!t 40( o$ criminal cases are dismissed ann!all o%ing to t#e $act t#at complainants simpl gi"e !p coming to co!rt a$ter repeated postponements' Whereas, $e% $oreign b!sinessmen ma)e long-term in"estments in t#e *#ilippines beca!se its co!rts are !nable to pro"ide ample and speed protection to t#eir in"estments, )eeping its people poor' Whereas, in order to red!ce t#e time needed $or completing t#e testimonies o$ %itnesses in cases !nder litigation, on +ebr!ar 21, 2012 t#e S!preme Co!rt appro"ed $or piloting b trial co!rts in ,!e-on Cit t#e comp!lsor !se o$ &!dicial a$$ida"its in place o$ t#e direct testimonies o$ %itnesses' Whereas, it is reported t#at s!c# piloting #as .!ic)l res!lted in red!cing b abo!t t%o-t#irds t#e time Senior !sed $or presenting t#e testimonies o$ %itnesses, t#!s speeding !p t#e #earing and ad&!dication o$ cases' Whereas, t#e S!preme Co!rt Committee on t#e /e"ision o$ t#e /!les o$ Co!rt, #eaded b *roced!re, #eaded b &!dicial a$$ida"its' and Whereas, t#e S!preme Co!rt 3n 4anc $inds merit in t#e recommendation' NOW, THEREFORE, t#e S!preme Co!rt 3n 4anc #ereb iss!es and prom!lgates t#e $ollo%ing5 Section 1. Scope. 6 7a8 1#is /!le s#all appl reception o$ e"idence be$ore5 718 1#e Metropolitan 1rial Co!rts, t#e M!nicipal 1rial Co!rts in Cities, t#e M!nicipal 1rial Co!rts, t#e M!nicipal Circ!it 1rial Co!rts, and t#e S#ari9a Circ!it Co!rts b!t s#all not appl !nder A.M. 08-8-:-SC' to small claims cases to all actions, proceedings, and incidents re.!iring t#e Associate 0!stice Antonio 1. Carpio, and t#e S!b-Committee on t#e /e"ision o$ t#e /!les on Ci"il Associate 0!stice /oberto A. Abad, #a"e recommended $or adoption a 0!dicial e2perience in t#e !se o$ A$$ida"it /!le t#at %ill replicate nation%ide t#e s!ccess o$ t#e ,!e-on Cit

728 1#e /egional 1rial Co!rts and t#e S#ari9a ;istrict Co!rts'

7<8 1#e Sandiganba an, t#e Co!rt o$ 1a2 Appeals, t#e Co!rt o$ Appeals, and t#e S#ari9a Appellate Co!rts'

748 1#e in"estigating o$$icers and bodies a!t#ori-ed b t#e S!preme Co!rt to recei"e e"idence, incl!ding t#e =ntegrated 4ar o$ t#e *#ilippine 7=4*8' and

7>8 1#e special co!rts and .!asi-&!dicial bodies, %#ose r!les o$ proced!re are s!b&ect to disappro"al o$ t#e S!preme Co!rt, inso$ar as t#eir e2isting r!les o$ proced!re contra"ene t#e pro"isions o$ t#is /!le.[1]

7b8 +or t#e p!rpose o$ bre"it , t#e abo"e co!rts, .!asi-&!dicial bodies, or in"estigating o$$icers s#all be !ni$orml re$erred to #ere as t#e ?co!rt.@ Sec. 2. Submission of Judicia !ffida"its and E#hibits in ieu of direct testimonies . 6 7a8 1#e parties s#all $ile %it# t#e co!rt and ser"e on t#e ad"erse part , personall or b licensed co!rier ser"ice, not later t#an $i"e da s be$ore pre-trial or preliminar con$erence or t#e sc#ed!led #earing %it# respect to motions and incidents, t#e $ollo%ing5

718 1#e &!dicial a$$ida"its o$ t#eir %itnesses, %#ic# s#all ta)e t#e place o$ s!c# %itnesses9 direct testimonies' and

728 1#e parties9 doc!mentar or ob&ect e"idence, i$ an , %#ic# s#all be attac#ed to t#e &!dicial a$$ida"its and mar)ed as 32#ibits A, 4, C, and so on in t#e case o$ t#e complainant or t#e plainti$$, and as 32#ibits 1, 2, <, and so on in t#e case o$ t#e respondent or t#e de$endant.

7b8 S#o!ld a part or a %itness desire to )eep t#e original doc!ment or ob&ect e"idence in #is possession, #e ma , a$ter t#e same #as been identi$ied, mar)ed as e2#ibit, and a!t#enticated, %arrant in #is &!dicial a$$ida"it t#at t#e cop or reprod!ction attac#ed to s!c# a$$ida"it is a $ait#$!l cop or reprod!ction o$ t#at original. =n addition, t#e part or %itness s#all bring t#e original doc!ment or ob&ect e"idence $or con$erence %it# t#e attac#ed cop , reprod!ction, or pict!res, $ailing comparison d!ring t#e preliminar

%#ic# t#e latter s#all not be admitted. Sec. $. %ontents of Judicia !ffida"it . 6 A &!dicial a$$ida"it s#all be prepared in t#e lang!age )no%n to t#e %itness and, i$ not in 3nglis# or +ilipino, accompanied b a translation in 3nglis# or +ilipino, and s#all contain t#e $ollo%ing5 7a8 1#e name, age, residence or b!siness address, and occ!pation o$ t#e %itness'

7b8 1#e name and address o$ t#e la% er %#o cond!cts or s!per"ises t#e e2amination o$ t#e %itness and t#e place %#ere t#e e2amination is being #eld'

7c8 A statement t#at t#e %itness is ans%ering t#e .!estions as)ed o$ #im, $!ll conscio!s t#at #e does so !nder oat#, and t#at #e ma $ace criminal liabilit $or $alse testimon or per&!r '

7d8 ,!estions as)ed o$ t#e %itness and #is corresponding ans%ers, consec!ti"el n!mbered, t#at5

718 S#o% t#e circ!mstances !nder %#ic# t#e %itness ac.!ired t#e $acts !pon %#ic# #e testi$ies'

728 3licit $rom #im t#ose $acts %#ic# are rele"ant to t#e iss!es t#at t#e case presents' and

7<8 =denti$ t#e attac#ed doc!mentar and ob&ect e"idence and establis# t#eir a!t#enticit in accordance %it# t#e /!les o$ Co!rt'

7e8 1#e signat!re o$ t#e %itness o"er #is printed name' and

7$8 A &!rat %it# t#e signat!re o$ t#e notar p!blic %#o administers t#e oat# or an o$$icer %#o is a!t#ori-ed b la% to administer t#e same. Sec. &. S'orn attestation of the a'(er. 6 7a8 1#e &!dicial a$$ida"it s#all contain a s%orn attestation at t#e end, e2ec!ted b e$$ect t#at5 718 Ae $ait#$!ll recorded or ca!sed to be recorded t#e .!estions #e as)ed and t#e corresponding t#e la% er %#o cond!cted or s!per"ised t#e e2amination o$ t#e %itness, to t#e

ans%ers t#at t#e %itness ga"e' and

728 Neit#er #e nor an latter9s ans%ers.

ot#er person t#en present or assisting #im coac#ed t#e %itness regarding t#e

7b8 A $alse attestation s#all s!b&ect t#e la% er mentioned to disciplinar action, incl!ding disbarment. Sec. ). Subpoena. 6 =$ t#e go"ernment emplo ee or o$$icial, or t#e re.!ested %itness, %#o is neit#er t#e %itness o$ t#e ad"erse part nor a #ostile %itness, !n&!sti$iabl declines to e2ec!te a &!dicial a$$ida"it or re$!ses %it#o!t &!st ca!se to ma)e t#e rele"ant boo)s, doc!ments, or ot#er t#ings !nder #is control a"ailable $or cop ing, a!t#entication, and e"ent!al prod!ction in co!rt, t#e re.!esting part ma a"ail #imsel$ o$ t#e iss!ance o$ a s!bpoena ad testi$icand!m or d!ces tec!m !nder /!le 21 o$ t#e /!les o$ Co!rt. 1#e r!les go"erning t#e iss!ance o$ a s!bpoena to t#e %itness in t#is case s#all be t#e same as %#en ta)ing #is deposition e2cept t#at t#e ta)ing o$ a &!dicial a$$ida"it s#all be !nderstood to be e2 parte. Sec. *. Offer of and ob+ections to testimon( in +udicia affida"it . B 1#e part presenting t#e &!dicial a$$ida"it o$ #is %itness in place o$ direct testimon s#all state t#e p!rpose o$ s!c# testimon at t#e start o$ t#e presentation o$ t#e %itness. 1#e ad"erse part ma mo"e to dis.!ali$ t#e %itness or to stri)e o!t #is a$$ida"it or an o$ t#e ans%ers $o!nd in it on gro!nd o$ inadmissibilit . 1#e co!rt s#all promptl e2cl!ded ans%er b placing it in r!le on t#e motion and, i$ granted, s#all ca!se t#e mar)ing o$ an e"idence !nder Section 40 o$ /!le 1<2 o$ t#e /!les o$ Co!rt. Sec. ,. E#amination of the 'itness on his +udicia affida"it . 6 1#e ad"erse part s#all #a"e t#e rig#t to cross-e2amine t#e %itness on #is &!dicial a$$ida"it and on t#e e2#ibits attac#ed to t#e same. 1#e part %#o presents t#e %itness ma also e2amine #im as on re-direct. =n e"er case, t#e co!rt s#all ta)e acti"e part in e2amining t#e %itness to determine #is credibilit as %ell as t#e tr!t# o$ #is testimon and to elicit t#e ans%ers t#at it needs $or resol"ing t#e iss!es. Sec. -. Ora offer of and ob+ections to e#hibits . 6 7a8 Cpon t#e termination o$ t#e testimon last %itness, a part t#e partic!lar e2#ibit. 7b8 A$ter eac# piece o$ e2#ibit is o$$ered, t#e ad"erse part s#all state t#e legal gro!nd $or #is ob&ection, i$ an , to its admission, and t#e co!rt s#all immediatel ma)e its r!ling respecting t#at e2#ibit. s#all immediatel ma)e an oral o$$er o$ e"idence o$ #is doc!mentar o$ #is or ob&ect

brac)ets !nder t#e initials o$ an a!t#ori-ed co!rt personnel, %it#o!t pre&!dice to a tender o$ e2cl!ded

e2#ibits, piece b piece, in t#eir c#ronological order, stating t#e p!rpose or p!rposes $or %#ic# #e o$$ers

7c8 Since t#e doc!mentar

or ob&ect e2#ibits $orm part o$ t#e &!dicial a$$ida"its t#at describe and

a!t#enticate t#em, it is s!$$icient t#at s!c# e2#ibits are simpl cited b t#eir mar)ings d!ring t#e o$$ers, t#e ob&ections, and t#e r!lings, dispensing %it# t#e description o$ eac# e2#ibit. Sec. .. !pp ication of ru e to crimina actions. 6 7a8 1#is r!le s#all appl to all criminal actions5 718 D#ere t#e ma2im!m o$ t#e imposable penalt does not e2ceed si2 ears'

728 D#ere t#e acc!sed agrees to t#e !se o$ &!dicial a$$ida"its, irrespecti"e o$ t#e penalt in"ol"ed' or

7<8 Dit# respect to t#e ci"il aspect o$ t#e actions, %#ate"er t#e penalties in"ol"ed are.

7b8 1#e prosec!tion s#all s!bmit t#e &!dicial a$$ida"its o$ its %itnesses not later t#an $i"e da s be$ore t#e pre-trial, ser"ing copies o$ t#e same !pon t#e acc!sed. 1#e complainant or p!blic prosec!tor s#all attac# to t#e a$$ida"its s!c# doc!mentar or ob&ect e"idence as #e ma #a"e, mar)ing t#em as 32#ibits A, 4, C and so on. No $!rt#er &!dicial a$$ida"it, doc!mentar , or ob&ect e"idence s#all be admitted at t#e trial.

7c8 =$ t#e acc!sed desires to be #eard on #is de$ense a$ter receipt o$ t#e &!dicial a$$ida"its o$ t#e prosec!tion, #e s#all #a"e t#e option to s!bmit #is &!dicial a$$ida"it as %ell as t#ose o$ #is %itnesses to t#e co!rt %it#in ten da s $rom receipt o$ s!c# a$$ida"its and ser"e a cop o$ eac# on t#e p!blic and pri"ate prosec!tor, incl!ding #is doc!mentar and ob&ect e"idence pre"io!sl mar)ed as 32#ibits 1, 2, <, and so on. 1#ese a$$ida"its s#all ser"e as direct testimonies o$ t#e acc!sed and #is %itnesses %#en t#e appear be$ore t#e co!rt to testi$ . Sec. 1/. Effect of non0comp iance 'ith the Judicia !ffida"it Ru e . 6 7a8 A part %#o $ails to s!bmit t#e re.!ired &!dicial a$$ida"its and e2#ibits on time s#all be deemed to #a"e %ai"ed t#eir s!bmission. 1#e co!rt ma , #o%e"er, allo% onl reason, %o!ld not !nd!l once t#e late s!bmission o$ t#e same pro"ided, t#e dela is $or a "alid pre&!dice t#e opposing part , and t#e de$a!lting part pa s a $ine o$ not less

t#an *1,000.00 nor more t#an *>,000.00, at t#e discretion o$ t#e co!rt. 7b8 1#e co!rt s#all not consider t#e a$$ida"it o$ an %itness %#o $ails to appear at t#e sc#ed!led #earing o$ t#e case as re.!ired. Co!nsel %#o $ails to appear %it#o!t "alid ca!se despite notice s#all be deemed to #a"e %ai"ed #is client9s rig#t to con$ront b cross-e2amination t#e %itnesses t#ere present.

7c8 1#e co!rt s#all not admit as e"idence &!dicial a$$ida"its t#at do not con$orm to t#e content re.!irements o$ Section < and t#e attestation re.!irement o$ Section 4 abo"e. 1#e co!rt ma , #o%e"er, allo% onl once t#e s!bse.!ent s!bmission o$ t#e compliant replacement a$$ida"its be$ore t#e #earing or trial pro"ided t#e dela is $or a "alid reason and %o!ld not !nd!l pre&!dice t#e opposing part and pro"ided $!rt#er, t#at p!blic or pri"ate co!nsel responsible $or t#eir preparation and s!bmission pa s a $ine o$ not less t#an *l,000.00 nor more t#an *>,000.00, at t#e discretion o$ t#e co!rt. Sec. 11. Repea or modification of inconsistent ru es . 6 1#e pro"isions o$ t#e /!les o$ Co!rt and t#e r!les o$ proced!re go"erning in"estigating o$$icers and bodies a!t#ori-ed b /!le. 1#e r!les o$ proced!re go"erning .!asi-&!dicial bodies inconsistent #ere%it# are #ereb disappro"ed. Sec. 12. Effecti"it(. B 1#is r!le s#all ta)e e$$ect on 0an!ar 1, 201< $ollo%ing its p!blication in t%o t#e S!preme Co!rt to recei"e e"idence are repealed or modi$ied inso$ar as t#ese are inconsistent %it# t#e pro"isions o$ t#is

ne%spapers o$ general circ!lation not later t#an September 1>, 2012. =t s#all also appl to e2isting cases. Manila, 4 September 2012.

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