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Codals, Notes, and Discussion Jurisdictionc Supreme Court I. Original a. E clusi!e i. Petitions for the iss an!e of "rits of !ertiorari# $rohi%ition and mandam s against the& '. CA (. CO)ELEC *. CoA +. ,andigan%a-an .. C/A ". Concurrent i. #it$ t$e C% '. Petitions for the iss an!e of "rits of !ertiorari# $rohi%ition and mandam s against the a. NLRC %. C,C !. R/C ii. #it$ t$e R&C and C% '. 0a%eas !or$ s# 1 o "arranto# !ertiorari# mandam s# $rohi%ition 2s 3o"er !o rts iii. #it$ t$e R&C '. Cases affe!ting am%assadors# et! II. %ppellate o!er a. R/C e4er!ising origina3 5 risdi!tion i. %- $etition for re2ie" re2ie" on !ertiorari 6r 3e +.7 on $ re 1 estions of 3a" %. CA !. ,andigan%a-an# C/A# CoA# Come3e! Court o' %ppeals I. Original a. E clusi!e


Ann 3 5 dgments of the R/C %ased on e4trinsi! fra d or 3a!8 or 5 risdi!tion ". Concurrent i. #it$ t$e SC '. Petitions for the iss an!e of "rits of !ertiorari# $rohi%ition and mandam s against the a. NLRC %. C,C !. R/C ii. #it$ t$e R&C and SC '. 0a%eas !or$ s# 1 o "arranto# !ertiorari# mandam s# $rohi%ition 2s 3o"er !o rts %ppellate a. O2er R&C E4er!ising origina3 5 risdi!tion i. 9- ordinar- noti!e of a$$ea3 6if 1 estion of fa!t or 1 estion of fa!t and 3a"7 ii. If $ re 1 estion of 3a" in the R/C# go straight to ,C: %. O2er R&C e4er!ising a$$e33ate 5 risdi!tion o2er the )/C& i. 9- $etition for re2ie"# e2en if $ re 1 estion of 3a" !. O2er (uasi)*udicial agencies i. 9- $etition for re2ie"# e2en if $ re 1 estion of 3a" Original a. E clusi!e i. In a33 !i2i3 a!tions in "hi!h the s %5e!t of the 3itigation is in!a$a%3e of $e! niar- estimation ii. In a33 !i2i3 a!tions "hi!h in2o32e the tit3e to# or $ossession of# rea3 $ro$ert-# or an- interest therein# "here the assessed 2a3 e of the $ro$ert- in2o32ed e4!eeds P(;#;;;#;; or# for !i2i3 a!tions in )etro )ani3a# "here s !h 2a3 e e4!eeds P.;#;;;.;; e4!e$t a!tions for for!i%3e


R&C I.

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entr- into and n3a"f 3 detainer of 3ands or % i3dings# origina3 5 risdi!tion o2er "hi!h is !onferred $on the )etro$o3itan /ria3 Co rts# ) ni!i$a3 /ria3 Co rts# and ) ni!i$a3 Cir! it /ria3 Co rts iii. In a33 a!tions in admira3t- and maritime 5 risdi!tion "here the demand or !3aim e4!eeds P*;;#;;;.;; or# in )etro )ani3a# "here s !h demand or !3aim e4!eeds /"o h ndred tho sand $esos P+;;#;;;.;; i2. In a33 matters of $ro%ate# %oth testate and intestate# "here the gross 2a3 e of the estate e4!eeds P*;;#;;;.;; or# in $ro%ate matters in )etro )ani3a# "here s !h gross 2a3 e e4!eeds P+;;#;;;.;; 2. In a33 a!tions in2o32ing the !ontra!t of marriage and marita3 re3ations 2i. In a33 !ases not "ithin the e4!3 si2e 5 risdi!tion of an- !o rt# tri% na3# $erson or %ode4er!ising 5 risdi!tion of an- !o rt# tri% na3# $erson or %od- e4er!ising 5 di!ia3 or 1 asi= 5 di!ia3 f n!tions 2ii. Other !ases in "hi!h the demand# e4!3 si2e of interest# damages of "hate2er 8ind# attorne->s fees# 3itigation e4$enses# and !osts or the 2a3 e of the $ro$ert- in !ontro2ers- e4!eeds P*;;#;;;# or in )etro )ani3a# e4!eeds P+;;#;;; 2iii. /hose nder the se! rities reg 3ation !ode '. Cases in2o32ing de2i!es or s!hemes em$3o-ed %- the !or$oration amo nting to fra d (. Intra=!or$orate or $artnershi$ re3ations *. Contro2ersies in the e3e!tion or a$$ointments of dire!tors# tr stess# offi!ers# et! +. , s$ension of $a-ments# et! ". Concurrent +see SC and C%, %ppellate


Cases de!ided %- the )/C# et!

What do -o mean %- ?$e! niar- estimation@A Can %e meas red in mone De$ends on the nat re of the a!tion o If a!tion is re!o2er- of mone-# then that>s !a$a%3e of $e! niar- estimation o If a!tion is for res!ission of !ontra!ts# s$e!ifi! $erforman!e# e4$ro$riation# $artition of $ro$ert-# then these aren>t !a$a%3e of $e! niar- estimation B the 2a3 e of the $ro$ert- in2o32ed are mere3- in!identa3 -&C, etc I. Original a. E clusi!e i. Ci2i3 a!tions and $ro%ate $ro!eedings# testates# and intestate# in!3 ding the grant of $ro2isiona3 remedies in $ro$er !ases# "here the 2a3 e of the $ersona3 $ro$ert-# estate# or amo nt of the demand does not e4!eed P*;;#;;; or# in )etro )ani3a# does not e4!eed P+;;#;;;# e4!3 si2e of interest# damages of "hate2er 8ind# attorne->s fees# 3itigation e4$enses# and !osts# the amo nt of "hi!h m st %e s$e!ifi!a33- a33eged. 0o"e2er# interest# damages of "hate2er 8ind# attorne->s fees# 3itigation e4$enses# and !osts sha33 %e in!3 ded in the determination of the fi3ing fees. ii. Admira3t- and maritime !ases "here the demand does not e4!eed P*;;#;;;# or in )etro )ani3a# does not e4!eed P+;;#;;;. Where there are se2era3 !3aims or !a ses of a!tion %et"een the same or different $arties# em%odied in the same !om$3aint# the amo nt of the demand sha33 %e the tota3it- of the !3aims in a33 the !a ses of a!tion irres$e!ti2e of "hether the !a ses of a!tion arose o t of same or different transa!tions.

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Cor!i%3e entr- and n3a"f 3 detainer# "ith 5 risdi!tion to determine the iss e of o"nershi$ on3- to reso32e the iss e of $ossession 6regard3ess of amo nt of $ro$ert-7 the on3- damages a33o"ed are for n$aid renta3sDreasona%3e !om$ensation for se of $remises Ci2i3 a!tions "hi!h in2o32e tit3e to# or $ossession of# rea3 $ro$ert- or an- interest therein "here the assessed 2a3 e of the $ro$ert- or interest therein does not e4!eed P(;#;;;# on in )etro )ani3a# does not e4!eed P.;#;;; e4!3 si2e of interest# damages of "hate2er 8ind# attorne->s fees# 3itigation e4$enses and !osts. In !ases of 3and not de!3ared for ta4ation $ r$oses# the 2a3 e of s !h $ro$ert- sha33 %e determined %- the assessed 2a3 e of the ad5a!ent 3ots. In!3 sion and e4!3 sion of 2oters

Section .. &itle o' t$e Rules. &$ese Rules s$all "e /no0n and cited as t$e Rules o' Court. Sec. 1. In 0$at courts applica"le. &$ese Rules s$all appl2 in all t$e courts, e cept as ot$er0ise pro!ided "2 t$e Supreme Court. Sec. 3. Cases go!erned. &$ese Rules s$all go!ern t$e procedure to "e o"ser!ed in actions, ci!il or criminal, and special proceedings. +a, % ci!il action is one "2 0$ic$ a part2 sues anot$er 'or t$e en'orcement or protection o' a rig$t, or t$e pre!ention or redress o' a 0rong. % ci!il action ma2 eit$er "e ordinar2 or special. 4ot$ are go!erned "2 t$e rules 'or ordinar2 ci!il actions, su"*ect to t$e speci'ic rules prescri"ed 'or a special ci!il action. +", % criminal action is one "2 0$ic$ t$e State prosecutes a person 'or an act or omission punis$a"le "2 la0. +c, % special proceeding is a remed2 "2 0$ic$ a part2 see/s to esta"lis$ a status, a rig$t, or a particular 'act. What is an a!tionA Corma3 demand of one>s 3ega3 rights in a !o rt of 5 sti!e in the manner $res!ri%ed %- the !o rt or %- the 3a". )ethod of a$$3-ing 3ega3 remedies a!!ording to definite esta%3ished r 3es. What is a s$e!ia3 $ro!eedingA A$$3i!ation or $ro!eeding to esta%3ish& o the stat s of a $art-# or o the right of a $art-# or o a $arti! 3ar fa!t. E4am$3es are $etition for ado$tion# $etition for hos$ita3iIation of an insane $erson# sett3ement of estate of a de!eased $erson Sec. 5. In 0$at cases not applica"le. &$ese Rules s$all not appl2 to election cases, land

What do -o mean %- ?damages of "hate2er 8ind@A /his !o2ers a33 8inds of damages. Eo don>t in!3 de these damages "hen the- are mere3in!identa3 to the !a se of a!tion. 9 t if the main !a se of a!tion is the !3aim for damages# then it>33 %e the %asis on "hether -o >33 fi3e it in the R/C or )/C. An e4am$3e of this is a !3aim for a!t a3 damages or inde$endent !i2i3 a!tions see8ing damages. What a%o t interests# "hat>s the dea3 "ith thatA /he interest "hi!h is to %e e4!3 ded in !om$ ting the amo nt for the %asis of 5 risdi!tion is the a!!essor- interest. E4am$3e& /he !ase is in Pam$anga. /he $romissor- note is for P(FG#;;; "ith interest of ';H $er ann m# "here do -o fi3e the !o33e!tion s it for thisA o In the R/C of Pam$anga. /he !a se of a!tion re2o32es aro nd the entire $romissor- note.

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registration, cadastral, naturali6ation and insol!enc2 proceedings, and ot$er cases not $erein pro!ided 'or, e cept "2 analog2 or in a suppletor2 c$aracter and 0$ene!er practica"le and con!enient. Sec. 7. Commencement o' action. % ci!il action is commenced "2 t$e 'iling o' t$e original complaint in court. I' an additional de'endant is impleaded in a later pleading, t$e action is commenced 0it$ regard to $im on t$e date o' t$e 'iling o' suc$ later pleading, irrespecti!e o' 0$et$er t$e motion 'or its admission, i' necessar2, is denied "2 t$e court. /he !ommen!ement of an a!tion interr $ts the $eriod of $res!ri$tion as to a33 the $arties to the a!tion.

$a-ment of the $res!ri%ed do!8et fee that 2ests a tria3 !o rt "ith 5 risdi!tion o2er the s %5e!t matter or nat re of the a!tion. Witho t the $a-ment of the do!8et fees# no origina3 !om$3aint or $3eading is !onsidered. If the !om$3ete amo nt of the do!8et fee is not $aid# the $res!ri$ti2e $eriod !ontin es to r n as the !om$3aint is deemed not fi3ed.

Sec. 8. Construction. &$ese Rules s$all "e li"erall2 construed in order to promote t$eir o"*ecti!e o' securing a *ust, speed2 and ine pensi!e disposition o' e!er2 action and proceeding. CIVIL %C&IONS ORDIN%R9 CIVIL %C&IONS :Rules 1 to 7; RULE 1 C%USE O< %C&ION Section .. Ordinar2 ci!il actions, "asis o'. E!er2 ordinar2 ci!il action must "e "ased on a cause o' action. Sec. 1. Cause o' action, de'ined. % cause o' action is t$e act or omission "2 0$ic$ a part2 !iolates a rig$t o' anot$er. What is a !a se of a!tionA It is an a!t or omission of one $art- in 2io3ation of the 3ega3 right or rights of the other. Its essentia3 e3ements are& o Lega3 right of the $3aintiff o Corre3ati2e o%3igation of the defendant o A!t or omission of the defendant in 2io3ation of the $3aintiff>s said 3ega3 right.

When does an a!tion !ommen!eA U$on fi3ing of the origina3 !om$3aint in the !o rt With res$e!t to an additiona3 defendant# "hen does it !ommen!eA /he $resent r 3e $ro2ides that it is the date of the fi3ing of the amended !om$3aint 5oining the additiona3 defendant "hi!h is the date of the !ommen!ement of the a!tion "ith regard to s !h additiona3 defendant. o Eo on3- fi3e a motion for the admission of s !h amended !om$3aint "hen then here has %een an ans"er ser2ed on the $3aintiff. o In !ases "here the amended !om$3aint is atta!hed to the motion for its admission# the date of fi3ing thereof is the date of the !ommen!ement of the a!tion "ith regard to the additiona3 defendant# irres$e!ti2e of the a!tion of the !o rt on the motion. Does the fi3ing a3one 2est the !o rt "ith 5 risdi!tion o2er the s %5e!t matterA No. Eo ha2e to '7 fi3e and (7 $a- the do!8et fees. It is im$ortant to remem%er that it is not sim$3- the fi3ing of the !om$3aint or a$$ro$riate initiator- $3eading % t a3so the

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E4am$3e B )ario doesn>t $a- L igi as agreed $on in a de%t !ontra!t. o L igi has the 3ega3 right to %e $aid and )ario has the o%3igation to $a-# arising from the !ontra!t. o /he non=$a-ment of de%t is the a!tDomission or the !a se of a!tion. Sec. 3. One suit 'or a single cause o' action. % part2 ma2 not institute more t$an one suit 'or a single cause o' action. Sec. 5. Splitting a single cause o' action= e''ect o'. I' t0o or more suits are instituted on t$e "asis o' t$e same cause o' action, t$e 'iling o' one or a *udgment upon t$e merits in an2 one is a!aila"le as a ground 'or t$e dismissal o' t$e ot$ers. /he $ r$ose of this r 3e is to $re2ent re$eated 3itigation. /he r 3e a$$3ies not on3- to !om$3aints % t a3so to !o nter!3aims and !ross=!3aims. If t"o or more !om$3aints are %ro ght for different $arts of a sing3e !a se of a!tion# the fi3ing of the first ma- %e $3eaded in a%atement of the other. It !an %e set $ either %- means of& o A motion to dismissJ or o An affirmati2e defense on the gro nd of $enden!- of another a!tion %et"een the same $arties for the same !a se or %ar %- $rior 5 dgment. !an>t s$3itK Re!o2er- of $ro$ert- and damages Re!o2er- of o"nershi$ of and in!ome from same 3and Insta33ments d e and n$aid Non=$a-ment of de%t se! red %- a mortgage 6-o !an>t s$3it it to $a-ment of de%t and fore!3os re of mortgage# -o ha2e to !hoose one7 /ota3 %rea!h of entire !ontra!t o As a genera3 r 3e# a !ontra!t to do se2era3 things at se2era3 times is di2isi%3e# and a 5 dgment for a sing3e

%rea!h of a !ontin ing !ontra!t is not a %ar to a s it for a s %se1 ent %rea!h. 9 t "here the !ontra!t is entire# and the %rea!h tota3# there !an %e on3- one a!tion in "hi!h $3aintiff m st re!o2er a33 damages. Sec. 7. Joinder o' causes o' action. % part2 ma2 in one pleading assert, in t$e alternati!e or ot$er0ise, as man2 causes o' action as $e ma2 $a!e against an opposing part2, su"*ect to t$e 'ollo0ing conditions> +a, &$e part2 *oining t$e causes o' action s$all compl2 0it$ t$e rules on *oinder o' parties= +", &$e *oinder s$all not include special ci!il actions or actions go!erned "2 special rules= +c, #$ere t$e causes o' action are "et0een t$e same parties "ut pertain to di''erent !enues or *urisdictions, t$e *oinder ma2 "e allo0ed in t$e Regional &rial Court pro!ided one o' t$e causes o' action 'alls 0it$in t$e *urisdiction o' said court and t$e !enue lies t$erein= and +d, #$ere t$e claims in all t$e causes o' action are principall2 'or reco!er2 o' mone2, t$e aggregate amount claimed s$all "e t$e test o' *urisdiction. Eo do this "hen there>s ' !ase % t se2era3 !a ses of a!tion. Maraming angal si Mario versus Luigi (hindi nagbayad ng utang tapos kinain yung pasta niya na hindi nagpapaalam tapos hinalikan si Princess Daisy tapos sinuntok si Toad tapos hindi pina-tae si Yoshi, etc)


What !onditions m st %e metA '. /he r 3es on 5oinder of $arties m st %e o%ser2ed# meaning& It arises from the same or series of transa!tions# and It in2o32es a !ommon 1 estion of 3a" 6R 3e *# ,e! L7 (. ,$e!ia3 !i2i3 a!tions or a!tions go2erned %- s$e!ia3 r 3es are not !o2ered. Eo !an>t 5oin an e5e!tment !ase "ith mone- !3aims %e!a se e5e!tment !ases are go2erned %- s$e!ia3 r 3es on s mmar- $ro!ed re. *. In !ases of different 2en es or 5 risdi!tion# the 5oinder ma- %e

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made in the R/C# $ro2ided it has 5 risdi!tion o2er one of the !a ses of a!tion and the 2en e 3ies therein. If one !a se of a!tion fa33s "ithin the R/C and the other in the )/C# the a!tion sho 3d %e fi3ed in the R/C. If the !a ses of a!tion ha2e different 2en es# the- ma%e 5oined in an- of the !o rts of $ro$er 2en e. ,o# a rea3 a!tion and a $ersona3 a!tion ma- %e 5oined either in the R/C of the $3a!e "here the rea3 $ro$ert- is 3o!ated or "here the $arties reside. Where a33 the !a ses of a!tion are for re!o2er- of mone-# the aggregate amo nt !3aimed sha33 %e the test of 5 risdi!tion. /he tota3it- of the $rin!i$a3 !3aims for monedetermines "hi!h !o rt has 5 risdi!tion. 9 t# in !ases of 5oinder of $arties# the first !ondition sho 3d a$$3-.

?de'endant? ma2 re'er to t$e original de'ending part2, t$e de'endant in a counterclaim, t$e cross)de'endant, or t$e t$ird +'ourt$, etc., part2 de'endant. P3aintiffM!3aimant DefendantMagainst "hom the !3aim is asserted. Who ma- %e $arties to a !i2i3 a!tionA '. Nat ra3 $ersons (. N ridi!a3 $ersons *. Entities a thoriIed %- 3a" 6see R 3e *# ,e! '.7 An e4am$3e is "hen t"o or more $ersons not organiIed as an entit- "ith 5 ridi!a3 $ersona3it- enter into a transa!tion# thema- %e s ed nder the name %- "hi!h the- are genera33- or !ommon3- 8no"n. 6only as de#endants!) $ung marami sila, paano yan% In the !ase of an asso!iation of nat ra3 fo38 not 3ega33organiIed as a 5 ridi!a3 entit-# ea!h and e2er- one of the mem%ers thereof m st %e made $arties. E4!e$t& o /he- are so n mero s that it is im$ra!ti!a%3e to 5oin them a33. o /"o or more $ersons not organiIed as an entit- "ith 5 ridi!a3 $ersona3it- !an %e s ed as the- are genera33or !ommon3- 8no"n. Can the state %e s edA <enera33-# no. E4!e$t "hen& o /here is e4$ress !onsent 6there>s a 3a" a33o"ing it7 o /here is im$3ied !onsent# 3i8e "hen& /he state enters into a $ri2ate !ontra!t It enters into a % siness o$eration# n3ess it does so on3- as a ne!essar- in!ident of its $rime go2ernmenta3 f n!tion the state s es a $ri2ate $art-# n3ess the s it is entered into on3- to resist a !3aim. /here is fai3 re to a%ide %- "hat the 3a" of

Sec. 8. -is*oinder o' causes o' action. -is*oinder o' causes o' action is not a ground 'or dismissal o' an action. % mis*oined cause o' action ma2, on motion o' a part2 or on t$e initiati!e o' t$e court, "e se!ered and proceeded 0it$ separatel2. Is mis5oinder a gro nd for dismissa3 of an a!tionA No. In fa!t# if neither the !o rt nor the ad2erse $art- o%5e!ts# it "i33 %e ad5 di!ated together "ith the other !a ses of a!tion. E4am$3e B a 5oinder of !o33e!tion of mone- and an e5e!tment !ase. Di p ede yan, boy! Pero kung alang nagob"ect, oh di lusot! RULE 3 P%R&IES &O CIVIL %C&IONS Section .. #$o ma2 "e parties= plainti'' and de'endant. Onl2 natural or *uridical persons, or entities aut$ori6ed "2 la0 ma2 "e parties in a ci!il action. &$e term ?plainti''? ma2 re'er to t$e claiming part2, t$e counter)claimant, t$e cross) claimant, or t$e t$ird +'ourt$, etc., part2 plainti''. &$e term

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!ontra!t re1 ires. Sec. 1. Parties in interest. % real part2 in interest is t$e part2 0$o stands to "e "ene'ited or in*ured "2 t$e *udgment in t$e suit, or t$e part2 entitled to t$e a!ails o' t$e suit. Unless ot$er0ise aut$ori6ed "2 la0 or t$ese Rules, e!er2 action must "e prosecuted or de'ended in t$e name o' t$e real part2 in interest. Who is the $art- in interestA 0e is the $art- "ho& o ,tands to %e %enefited or in5 red %- the 5 dgment in the s it# or o Is entit3ed to the a2ai3s of the s it. What>s im$ortant here is actual interest# not mere3- in!hoate or e4$e!tant interest. E2er- a!tion m st %e $rose! ted or defended in the name of the rea3 $art- in interest. What ha$$ens "hen the a!tion has !ommen!ed# % t the $art- in interest !hangesA /he origina3 a!tion !ontin es# and the origina3 $3aintiff %e!omes the re$resentati2e of the transferee of the interest. What ha$$ens "hen the interest has !hanged# and then the a!tion !ommen!esA /he origina3 $3aintiff is no 3onger the $art- in interest. E4am$3es of $arties in interest Assignee for !o33e!tion of !redits Cor$oration so3e E4am$3es of not $arties in interest Attorne-=in=fa!t Agent of a dis!3osed $rin!i$a3 Sec. 3. Representati!es as parties.

#$ere t$e action is allo0ed to "e prosecuted or de'ended "2 a representati!e or someone acting in a 'iduciar2 capacit2, t$e "ene'iciar2 s$all "e included in t$e title o' t$e case and s$all "e deemed to "e t$e real part2 in interest. % representati!e ma2 "e a trustee o' an e press trust, a guardian, an e ecutor or administrator, or a part2 aut$ori6ed "2 la0 or t$ese Rules. %n agent acting in $is o0n name and 'or t$e "ene'it o' an undisclosed principal ma2 sue or "e sued 0it$out *oining t$e principal e cept 0$en t$e contract in!ol!es t$ings "elonging to t$e principal. If the a!tion is a33o"ed to %e $rose! ted or defended %- a re$resentati2e# "hat sho 3d %e doneA /he %enefi!iar- sho 3d %e in!3 ded in the tit3e of the !ase and sha33 %e deemed to %e the rea3 $art- in interest. A re$resentati2e ma- %e& o A tr stee of an e4$ress tr st# o A g ardian# o An e4e! tor or administrator# o A $art- a thoriIed %- 3a" or these R 3es. An agent a!ting in his o"n name and for the %enefit of an ndis!3osed $rin!i$a3 ma- %e s ed or s e "itho t 5oining the $rin!i$a3 o EOCEP/ "hen the !ontra!t in2o32es things %e3onging to the $rin!i$a3.

Sec. 5. Spouses as parties. @us"and and 0i'e s$all sue or "e sued *ointl2, e cept as pro!ided "2 la0. <enera3 r 3e& 0 s%and and "ife sha33 s e or %e s ed 5oint3- as %oth are !o=administrators of the !omm nit- $ro$ert-. E4!e$tions& o A s$o se "itho t 5 st !a se a%andons the other or fai3s to !om$3- "ith his or her o%3igations to the fami3"ith res$e!t to marita3# $arenta3 or $ro$ert- re3ations.

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o o

A s$o se mortgages# en! m%ers# a3ienates or dis$oses of his or her e4!3 si2e $ro$ert-. When the regime is se$aration of $ro$ert-.

"e $ad o' an action s$all "e *oined eit$er as plainti''s or de'endants. Who is an indis$ensa%3e $art-A Parties in interest "itho t "hom no fina3 determination !an %e had. Witho t them# there "i33 %e no reso3 tion of the !ase# no 5 dgment at a33. E4am$3es 6see Ceria %oo8# $. (**7 Co=o"ners in an a!tion for $artion of an ndi2ided interest in 3and. Vendee in an a!tion for ann 3ment of a !ontra!t of sa3e. /hose "ith tit3ed !3aims o2er the 3and in a $etition for re!onstit tion of tit3e. Sec. C. Necessar2 part2. % necessar2 part2 is one 0$o is not indispensa"le "ut 0$o oug$t to "e *oined as a part2 i' complete relie' is to "e accorded as to t$ose alread2 parties, or 'or a complete determination or settlement o' t$e claim su"*ect o' t$e action. Who is a ne!essar- $art-A Part- in interest "ho o ght to %e 5oined o if !om$3ete re3ief is to %e a!!orded as to those a3read$arties# or o for a !om$3ete determination or sett3ement of the !3aim s %5e!t of the a!tion. P3aintiff ma- !hoose to fi3e 2ers s the ne!essar- $art- not im$3eaded# % t the- o ght to %e 5oined to a2oid m 3ti$3e 3itigation. E4am$3es 6see Ceria %oo8# $. (*Q7 Co=o"ners of a $romissor- note in an a!tion for its !o33e!tion If )ario and L igi are so3idari3- 3ia%3e# either is indis$ensa%3e# and the other is not e2en ne!essar- %e!a se !om$3ete re3ief ma- %e o%tained from either. If )ario and L igi are 5oint3- 3ia%3e# either is indis$ensa%3e# and

Sec. 7. -inor or incompetent persons. % minor or a person alleged to "e incompetent, ma2 sue or "e sued, 0it$ t$e assistance o' $is 'at$er, mot$er, guardian, or i' $e $as none, a guardian ad litem. Can a minor or in!om$etent %e a $art-A Ees# % t "ith the assistan!e of his father# mother# g ardian# or if he has none# a g ardian ad 3item. A $erson need not %e 5 di!ia33- de!3ared to %e in!om$etent. It is eno gh that he %e a33eged to %e in!om$etent. 6$a a a naman& Paano kung hindi talaga bobo%) Sec. 8. Permissi!e *oinder o' parties. %ll persons in 0$om or against 0$om an2 rig$t to relie' in respect to or arising out o' t$e same transaction or series o' transactions is alleged to e ist, 0$et$er *ointl2, se!erall2, or in t$e alternati!e, ma2, e cept as ot$er0ise pro!ided in t$ese Rules, *oin as plainti''s or "e *oined as de'endants in one complaint, 0$ere an2 Auestion o' la0 or 'act common to all suc$ plainti''s or to all suc$ de'endants ma2 arise in t$e action= "ut t$e court ma2 ma/e suc$ orders as ma2 "e *ust to pre!ent an2 plainti'' or de'endant 'rom "eing em"arrassed or put to e pense in connection 0it$ an2 proceedings in 0$ic$ $e ma2 $a!e no interest. What are the re1 isites for $ermissi2e 5oinder of $artiesA '. C3aim arises from same or series of transa!tions (. Common 1 estions of 3a" or fa!t in the a!tion E4am$3es )ario P L igi 2ers s 9o"ser P Prin!ess )ario# L igi P Prin!ess 2ers s 9o"ser )ario 2ers s L igi# Prin!ess P 9o"ser Sec. B. Compulsor2 *oinder o' indispensa"le parties. Parties in interest 0it$out 0$om no 'inal determination can

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the other is ne!essar- to a!!ord !om$3ete re3ief. Indispensa"le Witho t "hom no fina3 determination of the !ase !an %e hadJ ine4tri!a%3- intert"ined "ith the other $arties> that his 3ega3 $resen!e is an a%so3 te ne!essit,ho 3d %e 5oined nder an- and a33 !onditions Necessar2 Interest is distin!t and di2isi%3e from the interest of the other $artiesJ "i33 not ne!essari3- %e $re5 di!ed %- a 5 dgment "hi!h does !om$3ete 5 sti!e to the $arties in !o rt ,ho 3d %e 5oined "hene2er $ossi%3eJ his $resen!e "o 3d mere3- $ermit !om$3ete re3ief %et"een him and those a3read$arties to the a!tion# or sim$3a2oid m 3ti$3e 3itigation

When if# after the order# the $3eader fai3s to e4$3ain to the non= 5oinder or fai3s to !om$3-# "itho t 5 stifia%3e !a se# "ith the order of the !o rtA 6<i2en that 5 risdi!tion o2er the $erson may %e o%tained7 /hen it "i33 %e deemed a "ai2er of the !3aim against s !h $art-. What if the 5oint o%3igor !an>t %e im$3eaded %e!a se 5 risdi!tion o2er the $erson !o 3dn>t %e o%tainedA /he 5 dgment rendered against the im$3eaded 5oint o%3igor "i33 not $re5 di!e the rights of the 5oint o%3igor not im$3eaded. Sec. .E. Un0illing co)plainti''. I' t$e consent o' an2 part2 0$o s$ould "e *oined as plainti'' can not "e o"tained, $e ma2 "e made a de'endant and t$e reason t$ere'or s$all "e stated in t$e complaint. What if the !onsent of a $art- "ho should %e 5oined as $3aintiff !an not %e o%tainedA 0e ma- %e made a defendant# and /he reason therefore sha33 %e stated in the !om$3aint. Sec. ... -is*oinder and non)*oinder o' parties. Neit$er mis*oinder nor non)*oinder o' parties is ground 'or dismissal o' an action. Parties ma2 "e dropped or added "2 order o' t$e court on motion o' an2 part2 or on its o0n initiati!e at an2 stage o' t$e action and on suc$ terms as are *ust. %n2 claim against a mis*oined part2 ma2 "e se!ered and proceeded 0it$ separatel2. Is mis5oinder or non=5oinder of $arties a gro nd for dismissa3 of an a!tionA No. /he non=5oinder of an indis$ensa%3e or a ne!essar- $art- is not ipso #acto a gro nd for the dismissa3. o /he !o rt sho 3d order the 5oinder of s !h $art- and non=!om$3ian!e "ith the said order "o 3d %e a gro nd for the dismissa3 of the a!tion. 6it's the non-compliance

Sec. D. Non)*oinder o' necessar2 parties to "e pleaded. #$ene!er in an2 pleading in 0$ic$ a claim is asserted a necessar2 part2 is not *oined, t$e pleader s$all set 'ort$ $is name, i' /no0n, and s$all state 0$2 $e is omitted. S$ould t$e court 'ind t$e reason 'or t$e omission unmeritorious, it ma2 order t$e inclusion o' t$e omitted necessar2 part2 i' *urisdiction o!er $is person ma2 "e o"tained. &$e 'ailure to compl2 0it$ t$e order 'or $is inclusion, 0it$out *usti'ia"le cause, s$all "e deemed a 0ai!er o' t$e claim against suc$ part2. &$e non)inclusion o' a necessar2 part2 does not pre!ent t$e court 'rom proceeding in t$e action, and t$e *udgment rendered t$erein s$all "e 0it$out pre*udice to t$e rig$ts o' suc$ necessar2 part2. What if a ne!essar- $art- is not 5oined# "hat ha$$ensA /he $3eader sha33 set forth his name and sha33 state "h- he is omitted. What if the !o rt finds the reason for his omission nmeritorio sA /he ma- order the in!3 sion of the omitted ne!essar- $art- if 5 risdi!tion o2er his $erson ma- %e o%tained.

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ith the order, not the mis"oinder itsel#) /he a%sen!e of an indis$ensa%3e $art- renders a33 s %se1 ent a!tions of the !o rt n 33 and 2oid for "ant of a thorit- to a!t# not on3- as to the a%sent $arties % t e2en as to those $resent.

s its. Sec. .5. Un/no0n identit2 or name o' de'endant. #$ene!er t$e identit2 or name o' a de'endant is un/no0n, $e ma2 "e sued as t$e un/no0n o0ner, $eir, de!isee, or "2 suc$ ot$er designation as t$e case ma2 reAuire= 0$en $is identit2 or true name is disco!ered, t$e pleading must "e amended accord. Sec. .7. Entit2 0it$out *uridical personalit2 as de'endant. #$en t0o or more persons not organi6ed as an entit2 0it$ *uridical personalit2 enter into a transaction, t$e2 ma2 "e sued under t$e name "2 0$ic$ t$e2 are generall2 or commonl2 /no0n. In t$e ans0er o' suc$ de'endant, t$e names and addresses o' t$e persons composing said entit2 must all "e re!ealed. /hese fo38 !an on3- %e s ed nder the name "hi!h the- are genera33- or !ommon3- 8no"n# ie as defendants. o ,er2i!e of s mmons ma- %e effe!ted $on a33 the defendants %- ser2ing $on an- one of themJ or $on the $erson in !harge of the offi!e or $3a!e of % siness maintained nder s !h name. /he- !an>t s e as an entit-# the- "i33 ha2e to fi3e as indi2id a3s.

Sec. .1. Class suit. #$en t$e su"*ect matter o' t$e contro!ers2 is one o' common or general interest to man2 persons so numerous t$at it is impractica"le to *oin all as parties, a num"er o' t$em 0$ic$ t$e court 'inds to "e su''icientl2 numerous and representati!e as to 'ull2 protect t$e interests o' all concerned ma2 sue or de'end 'or t$e "ene'it o' all. %n2 part2 in interest s$all $a!e t$e rig$t to inter!ene to protect $is indi!idual interest. What are the re1 isites for a !3ass s itA '. , %5e!t matter is one of !ommon or genera3 interest to man$ersons# and (. /he interested $ersons are son n mero s that it is im$ra!ti!a%3e to 5oin them a33 as $arties. Tip( If a 5 dge denies the !3ass s it# go for a $ermissi2e 5oinder of $arties. /he thing here is that those not $3eaded "i33 not %e affe!ted %- the 5 dgment 6as !om$ared to ha2ing a !3ass s it "here a33 "i33 get affe!ted7

Sec. .3. %lternati!e de'endants. #$ere t$e plainti'' is uncertain against 0$o o' se!eral persons $e is entitled to relie', $e ma2 *oin an2 or all o' t$em as de'endants in t$e alternati!e, alt$oug$ a rig$t to relie' against one ma2 "e inconsistent 0it$ a rig$t o' relie' against t$e ot$er. If -o >re not s re "ho to go against# "hat do -o doA Noin an- or a33 of them as defendants in the a3ternati2e# a3tho gh a right to re3ief against one ma- %e in!onsistent "ith a right of re3ief against the other. N st %e !aref 3# %e!a se this "i33 o$en -o rse3f $ to !o nter=

What sho 3d %e !ontained in their ans"erA /heir ans"er m st re2ea3 the names and addresses of the $ersons !om$osing it# so that the 5 dgment rendered against them sha33 set o t their indi2id a3 or $ro$er names. Sec. .8. Deat$ o' part2= dut2 o' counsel. #$ene!er a part2 to a pending action dies, and t$e claim is not t$ere"2 e tinguis$ed, it s$all "e t$e dut2 o' $is counsel to in'orm t$e court 0it$in t$irt2 +3E, da2s a'ter suc$ deat$ o' t$e 'act t$ereo', and to gi!e t$e name and address o' $is legal representati!e or representati!es. <ailure o' counsel to compl2 0it$ t$is dut2 s$all "e a ground 'or disciplinar2 action. &$e $eirs o' t$e deceased ma2 "e allo0ed to "e

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su"stituted 'or t$e deceased, 0it$out reAuiring t$e appointment o' an e ecutor or administrator and t$e court ma2 appoint a guardian ad litem 'or t$e minor $eirs. &$e court s$all 'ort$0it$ order said legal representati!e or representati!es to appear and "e su"stituted 0it$in a period o' t$irt2 +3E, da2s 'rom notice. I' no legal representati!e is named "2 t$e counsel 'or t$e deceased part2, or i' t$e one so named s$all 'ail to appear 0it$in t$e speci'ied period, t$e court ma2 order t$e opposing part2, 0it$in a speci'ied time, to procure t$e appointment o' an e ecutor or administrator 'or t$e estate o' t$e deceased and t$e latter s$all immediatel2 appear 'or and on "e$al' o' t$e deceased. &$e court c$arges in procuring suc$ appointment, i' de'ra2ed "2 t$e opposing part2, ma2 "e reco!ered as costs. /his $ro2ision a$$3ies "hen the a!tion s r2i2es the death of a $art-.

U$on fai3 re to of the 3ega3 re$ to a$$ear# the !o rt ma- order the o$$osing $art-# "ithin a gi2en $eriod# to $ro! re the a$$ointment of an e4e! tor or administrator "ho sha33 immediate3- a$$ear for the estate of the de!eased.

Who is gi2en $riorit-A /he 3ega3 re$resentati2e of the de!eased B that>s the e4e! tor or the admin of his estate# as the s %stit te. On3- "hen there is nreasona%3e de3a- in $ro! ring an e4e! tor or "hen the heirs resort to an e4tra=5d sett3ement that the !o rt may a33o" the heirs of the de!eased to %e s %stit ted for the de!easd. What if no administrator is $ro! redA /he !ase "i33 %e ar!hi2ed. What ha$$ens if there is no 2a3id s %stit tion des$ite noti!e or 8no"3edge of the !o rt death of the $art-A /he $ro!eedings are n 33 and 2oid %e!a se the !o rt ne2er a!1 ired 5 risdi!tion o2er the $ r$orted s %stit te. What if there "as no noti!e of death and the !o rt has no 8no"3edge thereofA /he $ro!eedings "i33 not %e set aside. /he !o rt !an not %e e4$e!ted to 8no" of the death of the $3aintiff "itho t the $ro$er manifestation of her !o nse3. Sec. .B. Deat$ or separation o' a part2 0$o is a pu"lic o''icer. #$en a pu"lic o''icer is a part2 in an action in $is o''icial capacit2 and during its pendenc2 dies, resigns, or ot$er0ise ceases to $old o''ice, t$e action ma2 "e continued and maintained "2 or against $is successor i', 0it$in t$irt2 +3E, da2s a'ter t$e successor ta/es o''ice or suc$ time as ma2 "e granted "2 t$e court, it is satis'actoril2 s$o0n to t$e court "2 an2 part2 t$at t$ere is a su"stantial need 'or continuing or maintaining it and t$at t$e successor adopts or continues or t$reatens to adopt or continue t$e

Mario #iled a case o# collection o# money versus Luigi& )hile the case as pending, Luigi as killed by *o ser& What>s the test to determine "hether the a!tion s r2i2es or notA If the "rong !om$3ained of affe!ts $rimari3- and $rin!i$a33$ro$ert- or $ro$ert- rights# the a!tion "i33 s r2i2e# the in5 ries to the $erson %eing mere3- in!identa3. o )one- !3aims If the in5 r- !om$3ained of is to the $erson and the in5 ries to the $ro$ert- are in!identa3# then the a!tion "i33 not s r2i2e. o Ann 3ment of marriage# 3ega3 se$aration B e2en if it in2o32es !hanges in the $ro$ert- re3ations What sho 3d the 3a"-er doA 0e sho 3d# "ithin *; da-s after the death# inform the !o rt thereof and gi2e the name and address of the 3ega3 re$resentati2e of the de!eased. /he !o rt "i33 order the re$resentati2e to a$$ear and %e s %stit ted "ithin *; da-s from noti!e.

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action o' $is predecessor. 4e'ore a su"stitution is made, t$e part2 or o''icer to "e a''ected, unless e pressl2 assenting t$ereto, s$all "e gi!en reasona"le notice o' t$e application t$ere'or and accorded an opportunit2 to "e $eard. Tamad& +ead codal& Sec. .C. Incompetenc2 or incapacit2. I' a part2 "ecomes incompetent or incapacitated, t$e court, upon motion 0it$ notice, ma2 allo0 t$e action to "e continued "2 or against t$e incompetent or incapacitated person assisted "2 $is legal guardian or guardian ad litem. What do I do if m- !3ient %e!omes in!om$etent or in!a$a!itated mid"a-A Ci3e a motion "ith noti!e as8ing the !o rt to !ontin e the !ase and for the !3ient to %e assisted %- a 3ega3 g ardian or g ardian ad 3item. Sec. .D. &rans'er o' interest. In case o' an2 trans'er o' interest, t$e action ma2 "e continued "2 or against t$e original part2, unless t$e court upon motion directs t$e person to 0$om t$e interest is trans'erred to "e su"stituted in t$e action or *oined 0it$ t$e original part2. Mario #iled an action #or replevin o# his mushroom against Luigi& )hile the case as pending, Luigi sold the mushroom to *o ser& What if there "as a transfer of interestA /he a!tion ma- %e !ontin ed %- or against the origina3 $art-. o 0e "i33 then ho3d the fr its of the a!tion as sort of tr stee for the se and %enefit of his transferee. In the same manner that the transferee of the origina3 defendant is %o nd %- the 5 dgment against the 3atter. UNLE,, the !o rt# upon motion# dire!ts the $erson to "hom the interest is transferred to %e s %stit ted in the a!tion or 5oined "ith the origina3 $art-. /he transferee pendent elite is a $ro$er $art- in the !ase % t

not an indis$ensa%3e $art-. Sec. 1E. %ction on contractual mone2 claims. #$en t$e action is 'or reco!er2 o' mone2 arising 'rom contract, e press or implied, and t$e de'endant dies "e'ore entr2 o' 'inal *udgment in t$e court in 0$ic$ t$e action 0as pending at t$e time o' suc$ deat$, it s$all not "e dismissed "ut s$all instead "e allo0ed to continue until entr2 o' 'inal *udgment. % 'a!ora"le *udgment o"tained "2 t$e plainti'' t$erein s$all "e en'orced in t$e manner especiall2 pro!ided in t$ese Rules 'or prosecuting claims against t$e estate o' a deceased person. What ha$$ens if the defendant dies in a !ase in2o32ing a mone!3aimA /he defendant is s %stit ted %- his e4e! tor or administrator or 3ega3 heirs and the a!tion !ontin es nti3 fina3 5 dgment is entered. On!e a fina3 5 dgment is entered against the estate of the de!eased# it sha33 %e enfor!ed as a !3aim "itho t need of $ro2ing the same. If %ased on a !ontra!t# fi3e mone- !3aim in $ro%ate !o rt. If %ased on tort or de3i!t# fi3e against the e4e! tor or administrator. Sec. 1.. Indigent part2. % part2 ma2 "e aut$ori6ed to litigate $is action, claim or de'ense as an indigent i' t$e court, upon an e parte application and $earing, is satis'ied t$at t$e part2 is one 0$o $as no mone2 or propert2 su''icient and a!aila"le 'or 'ood, s$elter and "asic necessities 'or $imsel' and $is 'amil2. Suc$ aut$orit2 s$all include an e emption 'rom pa2ment o' doc/et and ot$er la0'ul 'ees, and o' transcripts o' stenograp$ic notes 0$ic$ t$e court ma2 order to "e 'urnis$ed $im. &$e amount o' t$e doc/et and ot$er la0'ul 'ees 0$ic$ t$e indigent 0as e empted 'rom pa2ing s$all "e a lien on an2 *udgment rendered in t$e case 'a!ora"le to t$e indigent, unless t$e court ot$er0ise pro!ides.

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%n2 ad!erse part2 ma2 contest t$e grant o' suc$ aut$orit2 at an2 time "e'ore *udgment is rendered "2 t$e trial court. I' t$e court s$ould determine a'ter $earing t$at t$e part2 declared as an indigent is in 'act a person 0it$ su''icient income or propert2, t$e proper doc/et and ot$er la0'ul 'ees s$all "e assessed and collected "2 t$e cler/ o' court. I' pa2ment is not made 0it$in t$e time 'i ed "2 t$e court, e ecution s$all issue 'or t$e pa2ment t$ereo', 0it$out pre*udice to suc$ ot$er sanctions as t$e court ma2 impose. Who !an %e !onsidered an indigentA Part- is one "ho has& o No mone- or $ro$ert- s ffi!ient and a2ai3a%3e for Cood ,he3ter 9asi! ne!essities for himse3f and his fami3-. What if he "asn>t an indigent and he !3aimed he "asA /he $ro$er do!8et and 3a"f 3 fees sha33 %e assessed and !o33e!ted %- the !3er8 of !o rt. If $a-ment is not made "ithin the time fi4ed %- the !o rt# e4e! tion sha33 iss e or the $a-ment thereof# "itho t $re5 di!e to s !h other san!tions as the !o rt ma- im$ose. Sec. 11. Notice to t$e Solicitor Feneral. In an2 action in!ol!ing t$e !alidit2 o' an2 treat2, la0, ordinance, e ecuti!e order, presidential decree, rules or regulations, t$e court, in its discretion, ma2 reAuire t$e appearance o' t$e Solicitor Feneral 0$o ma2 "e $eard in person or t$roug$ a representati!e dul2 designated "2 $im. RULE 5 VENUE O< %C&IONS Section .. Venue o' real actions. %ctions a''ecting title to or possession o' real propert2, or interest t$erein, s$all "e commenced and tried in t$e proper court 0$ic$ $as *urisdiction o!er t$e area 0$erein t$e real propert2 in!ol!ed, or a portion t$ereo', is situated.

<orci"le entr2 and detainer actions s$all "e commenced and tried in t$e municipal trial court o' t$e municipalit2 or cit2 0$erein t$e real propert2 in!ol!ed, or a portion t$ereo', is situated. What is the 2en e of rea3 a!tionsA It>s the $ro$er !o rt "hi!h has 5 risdi!tion o2er the area "herein the rea3 $ro$ert-# or a $ortion thereof# is sit ated. What>s a rea3 a!tionA /hose affe!ting tit3e to or $ossession of rea3 $ro$ert-. A33 e3se are $ersona3 a!tions. /he $rin!i$a3 o%5e!ti2e or re3ief so ght is either o"nershi$ or $ossession of rea3 $ro$ert-. /hese in!3 de o Partition# o E4$ro$riation o Core!3os re of mortgage on rea3 $ro$erto A!tion for the ann 3ment or res!ission of sa3e of 3and. What ha$$ens if the !ontra!t of mortgage !o2ers 2ario s $ar!e3s of 3and sit ated in different $ro2in!es# "hat>s the 2en eA R/C of an- of the $ro2in!es. What>s the 2en e for for!i%3e entr- and detainer a!tionsA /he )/C "here the $ro$ert- or a $ortion thereof is sit ated. Sec. 1. Venue o' personal actions. %ll ot$er actions ma2 "e commenced and tried 0$ere t$e plainti'' or an2 o' t$e principal plainti''s resides, or 0$ere t$e de'endant or an2 o' t$e principal de'endants resides, or in t$e case o' a non)resident de'endant 0$ere $e ma2 "e 'ound, at t$e election o' t$e plainti''. What>s the 2en e of $ersona3 a!tionsA Either in the $3a!e "here o /he $3aintiff or an- of the $rin!i$a3 $3aintiff resides# or o /he defendant or an- of the $rin!i$a3 defendant

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resides# or In the !ase of a non=resident defendant# "here he ma%e fo nd At the e3e!tion of the $3aintiff

Sec. 5. #$en Rule not applica"le. &$is Rule s$all not appl2> +a, In t$ose cases 0$ere a speci'ic rule or la0 pro!ides ot$er0ise= or +", #$ere t$e parties $a!e !alidl2 agreed in 0riting "e'ore t$e 'iling o' t$e action on t$e e clusi!e !enue t$ereo'. <i2e an e4am$3e of 6a7 Q o "arranto $ro!eedings# "hi!h m st %e he3d at the R/C in the residen!e of the defendant. Can 2en e %e sti$ 3atedA Ees# % t it m st not %e !ontrar- to $ %3i! $o3i!-. A "ritten agreement of the $arties as to 2en e %efore the fi3ing of an a!tion is not on3- %inding $on the $arties % t a3so on the !o rts. /he $arties m st em$3o- !ategori!a3 and s ita%3- 3imiting 3ang age that the- "ish the 2en e of the a!tion %e 3aid on3and e4!3 si2e3- at a definite $3a!e. If not# the !o rts "i33 find it as mere3- $ermissi2e. /he sti$ 3ation said# ?K e4!3 si2e3- in the R/C of 9ag io@# is that 2a3idA No. /he R/C>s 5 risdi!tion is determined %- 3a". /o fi4 it# sa- ?K e4!3 si2e3- in the a$$ro$riate !o rt in 9ag io.@

What does residen!e mean in this r 3eA ,ctual residen!e# "here there is $ersona3# a!t a3 and $h-si!a3 ha%itation. E4am$3es of $ersona3 a!tions Damages Re!o2er- of $ersona3 $ro$ert Can!e33ation of rea3 estate mortgage 6to !om$e3 the mortgagee to a!!e$t $a-ment of the mortgage de%t7 Sec. 3. Venue o' actions against non)residents. I' an2 o' t$e de'endants does not reside and is not 'ound in t$e P$ilippines, and t$e action a''ects t$e personal status o' t$e plainti'', or an2 propert2 o' said de'endant located in t$e P$ilippines, t$e action ma2 "e commenced and tried in t$e court o' t$e place 0$ere t$e plainti'' resides, or 0$ere t$e propert2 or an2 portion t$ereo' is situated or 'ound. What if an- of the defendants does not reside and is not fo nd in the Phi3i$$ines# "hat>s the 2en eA If it in2o32es the $ersona3 stat s of the $3aintiff# then in the !o rt of the $3a!e "here the $3aintiff resides. If it in2o32es the $ro$ert- of the defendant 3o!ated in the Phi3i$$ines# "here the $ro$ert- or an- $ortion thereof is sit ated or fo nd. N risdi!tion is 3imited to the res# name3-# the $ersona3 stat s of the $3aintiff or the $ro$ert- of the defendant 3o!ated in the Phi3i$$ines. /he 5 dgment m st %e !onfined to the res# and no $ersona3 5 dgment !an %e rendered against the defendant# n3ess he s %mits to the 5 risdi!tion of the !o rt.

RULE 7 UNI<OR- PROCEDURE IN &RI%L COUR&S Section .. Uni'orm procedure. &$e procedure in t$e -unicipal &rial Courts s$all "e t$e same as in t$e Regional &rial Courts, e cept +a, 0$ere a particular pro!ision e pressl2 or impliedl2 applies onl2 to eit$er o' said courts, or +", in ci!il cases go!erned "2 t$e Rule on Summar2 Procedure. Sec. 1. -eaning o' terms. &$e term ?-unicipal &rial Courts? as used in t$ese Rules

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s$all include -etropolitan &rial Courts, -unicipal &rial Courts in Cities, -unicipal &rial Courts, and -unicipal Circuit &rial Courts. RULE 8 GINDS O< PLE%DINFS Section .. Pleadings de'ined. Pleadings are t$e 0ritten statements o' t$e respecti!e claims and de'enses o' t$e parties su"mitted to t$e court 'or appropriate *udgment. What>s a $3eadingA It>s a "ritten statement of the& o Res$e!ti2e !3aims and defenses of the $arties o , %mitted to the !o rt for a$$ro$riate 5 dgment. No !3aimA No defenseA /hen not a $3eading. Sec. 1. Pleadings allo0ed. &$e claims o' a part2 are asserted in a complaint, counterclaim, cross)claim, t$ird +'ourt$, etc., part2 complaint, or complaint)in)inter!ention. &$e de'enses o' a part2 are alleged in t$e ans0er to t$e pleading asserting a claim against $im. %n ans0er ma2 "e responded to "2 a repl2. Sec. 3. Complaint. &$e complaint is t$e pleading alleging t$e plainti''Hs cause or causes o' action. &$e names and residences o' t$e plainti'' and de'endant must "e stated in t$e complaint. What>s a !om$3aintA It>s a $3eading a33eging the $3aintiff>s !a se of a!tion. It sho 3d !ontain the names and residen!es of the $3aintiff and defendant. What e3se sho 3d it !ontainA A !on!ise statement of the 3timate fa!ts !onstit ting the

$3aintiff>s !a se of a!tion# not e2identiar- fa!ts or 3ega3 !on!3 sions. It sho 3d a3so !ontain the re3ief $ra-ed for. o It is the re3ief %ased on the fa!ts a33eged# and not the re3ief demanded# "hi!h is the ta8en into !onsideration in determining the !a se of a!tion. If it de$ends $on a !ondition $re!edent# he m st a33ege and $ro2e the f 3fi33ment of the !ondition or the 3ega3 e4! se for its non=f 3fi33ment.

What are 3timate fa!tsA /hese are the essentia3 fa!ts !onstit ting the $3aintiff>s !a se of a!tion. o A genera3 a33egation of o"nershi$ is a s ffi!ient a2erment of the 3timate fa!t. o An a33egation that defendant $romised to $a- is an 3timate fa!t. What are not 3timate fa!tsA E2identiar- or immateria3 fa!ts. Lega3 !on!3 sions. A33egation that a !ontra!t is 2a3id or 2oid 6it>s a 3ega3 !on!3 sion7

Sec. 5. %ns0er. %n ans0er is a pleading in 0$ic$ a de'ending part2 sets 'ort$ $is de'enses. What is an ans"erA P3eading in "hi!h a defending $art- sets forth his defenses. When sho 3d it %e fi3edA Ordinar- ser2i!e of s mmons 6R 3e ''# ,e! '7 E4traterritoria3 ser2i!e , mmons %- $ %3i!ation Within '. da-s At 3east L; da-s after noti!e At 3east L; da-s after date of

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the 3ast $ %3i!ation In res$onse to an amended !om$3aint 6R 3e ''# ,e! *7 If amendment a matter of right If amendment not a matter of right In res$onse to a s $$3ementa3 !om$3aint 6R 3e ''# ,e! Q7 In res$onse to a !o nter!3aim and !ross=!3aim 6R 3e ''# ,e! +7 In res$onse to a third=$art- !om$3aint 6R 3e ''# ,e! .7 Where defendant is a foreign $ri2ate 5 ridi!a3 entit- and ser2i!e& made on its resident agent designate in a!!ordan!e "ith 3a" for that $ r$ose made on the go2ernment offi!ia3 designated %- 3a" to re!ei2e the same 6R 3e ''# ,e! (7 After ser2i!e of the %i33 of $arti! 3ars# or after noti!e of denia3 of one>s motion for a %i33 of $arti! 3ars 6R 3e '(# ,e! .7 After denia3 of a motion to dismiss 6R 3e '.# ,e! +7 Within '. da-s Within '; da-s from noti!e of the order admitting the same Within '; da-s from noti!e of the order admitting the same# n3ess a different $eriod is fi4ed %- the !o rt Within '; da-s from ser2i!e Within '. da-s

material 'act or 'acts alleged in t$e pleading o' t$e claimant essential to $is cause or causes o' action. +", %n a''irmati!e de'ense is an allegation o' a ne0 matter 0$ic$, 0$ile $2pot$eticall2 admitting t$e material allegations in t$e pleading o' t$e claimant, 0ould ne!ert$eless pre!ent or "ar reco!er2 "2 $im. &$e a''irmati!e de'enses include 'raud, statute o' limitations, release, pa2ment, illegalit2, statute o' 'rauds, estoppel, 'ormer reco!er2, disc$arge in "an/ruptc2, and an2 ot$er matter "2 0a2 o' con'ession and a!oidance. What is a negati2e defenseAA It>s a s$e!ifi! denia3 of the materia3 fa!t or fa!ts a33ege in the $3eading of the !3aimant essentia3 to his !a seD!a ses of a!tion. A s$e!ifi! denia3 !an %e t"o things 6R 3e G# ,e! ';7& '. /he defendant s$e!ifies ea!h materia3 a33egation of fa!t 6he doesn>t admit the tr th:7 and "hene2er $ra!ti!a%3e# sets forth s %stan!e of the matters he re3ies $on to s $$ort his denia3# or if he denies on3- a $art of the a2erment# he s$e!ifies so m !h of it as is tr e and denies the remainder. 6*asically, he chooses stu## #rom the complaint and shoots them do n by denying them) (. /he defendant states that he does not ha2e 8no"3edge or information s ffi!ient to form a %e3ief as to the tr th of a materia3 a2erment. 6-e says he doesn't kno anything) What>s an affirmati2e defenseA It>s an a33egation of a ne" matter "hi!h# "hi3e h-$otheti!a33admitting the materia3 a2erments in the $3eading of the !3aimant# "o 3d $re2ent or %ar re!o2er-. E4am$3es& o Pres!ri$tion# re3ease# $a-ment# stat te of fra ds 6gro nds for motion to dismiss7 o Raise these first in -o r motion to dismiss 6"hi!h -o fi3e %efore -o r ans"er7# then raise it again in -o r

Within '. da-s Within *; da-s after re!ei$t of s mmons %- s !h entitWithin the $eriod remaining to "hi!h he "as entit3ed at the time of fi3ing his motion# "hi!h sha33 not %e 3ess than . da-s in an- e2ent Within the $eriod remaining to "hi!h he "as entit3ed at the time of fi3ing his motion# "hi!h sha33 not %e 3ess than . da-s in an- e2ent# !om$ ted from his re!ei$t of the noti!e of denia3

Sec. 7. De'enses. De'enses ma2 eit$er "e negati!e or a''irmati!e. +a, % negati!e de'ense is t$e speci'ic denial o' t$e

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ans"er: 0o" do -o $3ead affirmati2e defensesA If esto$$e3# a33ege the fa!ts !onstit ting it. If fra d or mista8e# the !ir! mstan!es !onstit ting it m st %e stated "ith $arti! 3arit-. If ma3i!e# intent# 8no"3edge or other !ondition of the mind of a $erson# 5 st a2er it genera33-. Sec. 8. Counterclaim. % counterclaim is an2 claim 0$ic$ a de'ending part2 ma2 $a!e against an opposing part2. Mario #iled a collection case versus Luigi& Luigi #iled a collection case versus Mario, claiming Mario o ed him& What>s a !o nter!3aimA A !o nter!3aim is a distin!t and inde$endent !a se of a!tion. U$on its fi3ing# the same $ro!eedings are had as in the origina3 !om$3aint. It m st %e ans"ered "ithin '; da-s from ser2i!e. Pro$er3- inter$osed# the defendant %e!omes the $3aintiff. Sec. B. Compulsor2 counterclaim. % compulsor2 counterclaim is one 0$ic$, "eing cogni6a"le "2 t$e regular courts o' *ustice, arises out o' or is connected 0it$ t$e transaction or occurrence constituting t$e su"*ect matter o' t$e opposing part2Hs claim and does not reAuire 'or its ad*udication t$e presence o' t$ird parties o' 0$om t$e court cannot acAuire *urisdiction. Suc$ a counterclaim must "e 0it$in t$e *urisdiction o' t$e court "ot$ as to t$e amount and t$e nature t$ereo', e cept t$at in an original action "e'ore t$e Regional &rial Court, t$e counterclaim ma2 "e considered compulsor2 regardless o' t$e amount. What are the re1 isites for a !om$ 3sor- !o nter!3aimA '. ) st arise o t of# or %e ne!essari3- !onne!ted "ith# the transa!tion or o!! rren!e that is the s %5e!t matter of the

(. *.

o$$osing $art->s or !o=$art->s !3aimJ Does not re1 ire for its ad5 di!ation the $resen!e of * rd $arties of "hom the !o rt !annot a!1 ire 5 risdi!tionJ and ) st %e "ithin the 5 risdi!tion of the !o rt# and is !ogniIa%3e %- the reg 3ar !o rts of 5 sti!e. ,o if the !o nter!3aim is a 3a%or !3aim# it !annot %e !onsidered !om$ 3sor- %e!a se it is the NLRC "ho has 5 risdi!tion# not the reg 3ar !o rts.

What are the re1 isites for a $ermissi2e !o nter!3aimA '. Does not arise o t of or is not ne!essari3- !onne!ted "ith the transa!tion or o!! rren!e that is the s %5e!t matter of the o$$osing $art->s !3aimJ (. Does not re1 ire for its ad5 di!ation the $resen!e of third $arties of "hom the !o rt !annot a!1 ire 5 risdi!tionJ and *. ) st %e "ithin the 5 risdi!tion of the !o rt# and is !ogniIa%3e %- the reg 3ar !o rts of 5 sti!e Not re3ated at a33 to the origina3 !3aim fi3ed# pinapayagan na lang& )ario fi3ed a !o33e!tion s it 2ers s L igi in the R/C of )ani3a for PF;;#;;;. L igi made a !o nter!3aim for P'.;#;;;. Whi!h !o rt has a 5 risdi!tionA R/C of )ani3a. )ario fi3ed a !o33e!tion s it 2ers s L igi in the )/C of )ani3a for P(.;#;;;. L igi made a !o nter!3aim for P.;;#;;;. What ha$$ensA /his is not a !om$ 3sor- !o nter!3aim %e!a se the !o nter!3aim is not in the 5 risdi!tion of the origina3 !o rt 6)/C7. Nor is it $ermissi2e for the same reason. ,o L igi sho 3d fi3e it in the R/C as a se$arate a!tion. Sec. C. Cross)claim. % cross)claim is an2 claim "2 one part2 against a co)part2 arising out o' t$e transaction or occurrence t$at is t$e su"*ect matter eit$er o' t$e original action or o' a counterclaim t$erein. Suc$ cross)claim ma2 include a claim t$at t$e part2 against 0$om it is asserted is or ma2 "e

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lia"le to t$e cross)claimant 'or all or part o' a claim asserted in t$e action against t$e cross)claimant. Mario #iled a suit versus *o ser and Luigi& Then, Luigi #iles versus *o ser& What is a !ross=!3aimA It>s an- !3aim %- one $art- against a !o=$art arising o t of the transa!tion or o!! rren!e that is the s %5e!t matter either of& the origina3 a!tion or of a !o nter!3aim therein. Sec. D. Counter)counterclaims and counter)cross)claims. % counterclaim ma2 "e asserted against an original counter) claimant. % cross)claim ma2 also "e 'iled against an original cross)claimant. Mario #iled a collection case versus Luigi& Luigi #iled a collection case versus Mario, claiming Mario o ed him& Then Mario #iled another case versus Luigi, not arising #rom the same transaction& .ir says this applies to permissive counterclaims, because it ould be useless to #ile a counterclaim against a counterclaim i# it ere compulsory since it ould still pertain to the same transaction& Sec. .E. Repl2. % repl2 is a pleading, t$e o''ice or 'unction o' 0$ic$ is to den2, or allege 'acts in denial or a!oidance o' ne0 matters alleged "2 0a2 o' de'ense in t$e ans0er and t$ere"2 *oin or ma/e issue as to suc$ ne0 matters. I' a part2 does not 'ile suc$ repl2, all t$e ne0 matters alleged in t$e ans0er are deemed contro!erted. I' t$e plainti'' 0is$es to interpose an2 claims arising out o' t$e ne0 matters so alleged, suc$ claims s$all "e set 'ort$ in an amended or supplemental complaint. You #ile this a#ter the ans er&

What is a re$3-A P3eading "hose f n!tion is to& o Den-# or o A33ege fa!ts in denia3 or a2oidan!e of ne" matters# Whi!h "ere a33eged %- "a- of defense in the ans"er# o And there%- 5oin or ma8e iss e as to s !h ne" matters. What ha$$ens if -o don>t fi3e a re$3-A A33 the ne" matters a33eged in the ans"er are deemed !ontro2erted. o /ontroverted na pala eh, hy #ile a reply pa% 9e!a se it>s not good $ra!ti!e. /he $ro$er f n!tion of a re$3- is to a33ege ne" matters in a2oidan!e of an- affirmati2e defense. It a3so f rther defines the iss es and s$e!ifies matter for tria3. When sho 3d one fi3e a re$3-A Res$onse to an ans"er 6R 3e ''# ,e! L7 If in res$onse to a s $$3ementa3 ans"er After ser2i!e of the %i33 of $arti! 3ars# or after noti!e of denia3 of one>s motion for a %i33 of $arti! 3ars 6R 3e '(# ,e! .7 Within '; da-s from ser2i!e Within '; da-s from noti!e of order Within the $eriod remaining to "hi!h he "as entit3ed at the time of fi3ing his motion# "hi!h sha33 not %e 3ess than . da-s in an- e2ent

Sec. ... &$ird, +'ourt$, etc., part2 complaint. % t$ird +'ourt$, etc., part2 complaint is a claim t$at a de'ending part2 ma2, 0it$ lea!e o' court, 'ile against a person not a part2 to t$e action, called t$e t$ird +'ourt$, etc., part2 de'endant, 'or contri"ution, indemnit2, su"rogation or an2 ot$er relie', in respect o' $is opponentHs

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claim. Mario #iles versus Luigi on a promissory note& Luigi, ith leave o# court, #iles against *o ser because Luigi lent hal# o# the amount to *o ser& What is a third $art- !om$3aintA A !3aim that a defending $art- ma-# "ith 3ea2e of !o rt# fi3e against a $erson not a $art- to the a!tion# for o Contri% tion# indemnit-# s %rogation or an- other re3ief# 6see Ceria %oo8# $age (G. for e4am$3es7 In res$e!t of his o$$onent>s !3aim. If a !o rt has 5 risdi!tion o2er the main a!tion# it has 5 risdi!tion o2er a third=$art- !om$3aint "hi!h is an!i33arthereto. o A third=$art- !om$3aint m st -ie3d to the 5 risdi!tion and 2en e of the main a!tion. What is the test to determine $ro$riet- of a third=$art- !om$3aintA Does it arise o t of the same transa!tion on "hi!h the $3aintiff>s !3aim is %ased# or does the third=$art->s !3aim arising o t of another or different !ontra!t or transa!tion# !onne!ted "ith the $3aintiff>s !3aimA 0o" do -o o%tain 3ea2e of !o rtA Ci3e a motion nder R 3e '.. What ha$$ens if the motion is deniedA , !h a !3aim ma- sti33 %e enfor!ed in a se$arate a!tion. /he a!tion is not 3ost. Is s mmons needed on the third=$art- defendantA Ees. Of !o rse. In order to o%tain 5 risdi!tion o2er himDher. Can the origina3 !3aimant amend his $3eading to 5oin the third $artdefendantA Ees. 0e ma- amend his $3eadings to assert against the third= $art- defendant an- !3aim "hi!h the former might ha2e asserted against the 3atter had he %een 5oined origina33- as a

$art-. E4am$3e o Mario sold land to Luigi& *o ser sues Luigi to recover said parcel o# land, claiming he's the real o ner& Luigi then #iles a third-party complaint versus Mario to en#orce the arranty against eviction& *o ser may amend his complaint to include Mario and claim damages #or having deprived him o# said land&

Is the *rd $art- defendant %o nd %- the ad5 di!ation of the third= $art- $3aintiff>s 3ia%i3it- to the origina3 $3aintiffA Ees. What is the effe!t of the dismissa3 of the !om$3aint on the third= $art- !om$3aintA If the !om$3aint is dismissed# the third=$art- !om$3aint "i33 a3so ne!essari3- %e dismissed. Sec. .1. 4ringing ne0 parties. #$en t$e presence o' parties ot$er t$an t$ose to t$e original action is reAuired 'or t$e granting o' complete relie' in t$e determination o' a counterclaim or cross)claim, t$e court s$all order t$em to "e "roug$t in as de'endants, i' *urisdiction o!er t$em can "e o"tained. .ee page 012, 3eria #or an e4ample& 0o" is this different from a third=$art- !om$3aintA In a third $art- !om$3aint# one of the third=$art- defendants is not a $art- to the main a!tion. In this se!tion# one or more of the defendants in a !o nter!3aim or !ross=!3aim is a3read- a $art- to the a!tion. /he- !an %e %ro ght as other ne!essar- $arties nder this se!tion. Sec. .3. %ns0er to t$ird +'ourt$, etc., part2 complaint. % t$ird +'ourt$, etc., part2 de'endant ma2 allege in $is ans0er $is de'enses, counterclaims or cross)claims, including suc$ de'enses t$at t$e t$ird +'ourt$, etc., part2

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plainti'' ma2 $a!e against t$e original plainti''Hs claim. In proper cases, $e ma2 also assert a counterclaim against t$e original plainti'' in respect o' t$e latterHs claim against t$e t$ird)part2 plainti''.

to se!eral causes o' action, t$e2 s$all "e pre'aced "2 0ords to t$at e''ect. +c, Relie'. ) &$e pleading s$all speci'2 t$e relie' soug$t, "ut it ma2 add a general pra2er 'or suc$ 'urt$er or ot$er relie' as ma2 "e deemed *ust or eAuita"le. +d, Date. ) E!er2 pleading s$all "e dated. Sec. 3. Signature and address. E!er2 pleading must "e signed "2 t$e part2 or counsel representing $im, stating in eit$er case $is address 0$ic$ s$ould not "e a post o''ice "o . &$e signature o' counsel constitutes a certi'icate "2 $im t$at $e $as read t$e pleading= t$at to t$e "est o' $is /no0ledge, in'ormation, and "elie' t$ere is good ground to support it= and t$at it is not interposed 'or dela2. %n unsigned pleading produces no legal e''ect. @o0e!er, t$e court ma2, in its discretion, allo0 suc$ de'icienc2 to "e remedied i' it s$all appear t$at t$e same 0as due to mere inad!ertence and not intended 'or dela2. Counsel 0$o deli"eratel2 'iles an unsigned pleading, or signs a pleading in !iolation o' t$is Rule, or alleges scandalous or indecent matter t$erein, or 'ails to promptl2 report to t$e court a c$ange o' $is address, s$all "e su"*ect to appropriate disciplinar2 action. Sec. 5. Veri'ication. E cept 0$en ot$er0ise speci'icall2 reAuired "2 la0 or rule, pleadings need not "e under oat$, !eri'ied or accompanied "2 a''ida!it. % pleading is !eri'ied "2 an a''ida!it t$at t$e a''iant $as read t$e pleading and t$at t$e allegations t$erein are true and correct o' $is /no0ledge and "elie'. % pleading reAuired to "e !eri'ied 0$ic$ contains a !eri'ication "ased on ?in'ormation and "elie',? or upon ?/no0ledge, in'ormation and "elie',? or lac/s a proper !eri'ication, s$all "e treated as an unsigned pleading. Sec. 7. Certi'ication against 'orum s$opping. &$e plainti'' or principal part2 s$all certi'2 under oat$ in t$e complaint or ot$er initiator2 pleading asserting a claim 'or relie', or in a s0orn certi'ication anne ed t$ereto and

RULE B P%R&S O< % PLE%DINF Section .. Caption. &$e caption sets 'ort$ t$e name o' t$e court, t$e title o' t$e action, and t$e doc/et num"er i' assigned. &$e title o' t$e action indicates t$e names o' t$e parties. &$e2 s$all all "e named in t$e original complaint or petition= "ut in su"seAuent pleadings, it s$all "e su''icient i' t$e name o' t$e 'irst part2 on eac$ side "e stated 0it$ an appropriate indication 0$en t$ere are ot$er parties. &$eir respecti!e participation in t$e case s$all "e indicated. Sec. 1. &$e "od2. &$e "od2 o' t$e pleading sets 'ort$ its designation, t$e allegations o' t$e part2Hs claims or de'enses, t$e relie' pra2ed 'or, and t$e date o' t$e pleading. +a, Paragrap$s. ) &$e allegations in t$e "od2 o' a pleading s$all "e di!ided into paragrap$s so num"ered as to "e readil2 identi'ied, eac$ o' 0$ic$ s$all contain a statement o' a single set o' circumstances so 'ar as t$at can "e done 0it$ con!enience. % paragrap$ ma2 "e re'erred to "2 its num"er in all succeeding pleadings. +", @eadings. ) #$en t0o or more causes o' action are *oined, t$e statement o' t$e 'irst s$all "e pre'aced "2 t$e 0ords ?'irst cause o' action,? o' t$e second "2 ?second cause o' action,? and so on 'or t$e ot$ers. #$en one or more paragrap$s in t$e ans0er are addressed to one o' se!eral causes o' action in t$e complaint, t$e2 s$all "e pre'aced "2 t$e 0ords ?ans0er to t$e 'irst cause o' action? or ?ans0er to t$e second cause o' action? and so on= and 0$en one or more paragrap$s o' t$e ans0er are addressed

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simultaneousl2 'iled t$ere0it$> +a, t$at $e $as not t$ereto'ore commenced an2 action or 'iled an2 claim in!ol!ing t$e same issues in an2 court, tri"unal or Auasi)*udicial agenc2 and, to t$e "est o' $is /no0ledge, no suc$ ot$er action or claim is pending t$erein= +", i' t$ere is suc$ ot$er pending action or claim, a complete statement o' t$e present status t$ereo'= and +c, i' $e s$ould t$erea'ter learn t$at t$e same or similar action or claim $as "een 'iled or is pending, $e s$all report t$at 'act 0it$in 'i!e +7, da2s t$ere'rom to t$e court 0$erein $is a'oresaid complaint or initiator2 pleading $as "een 'iled. <ailure to compl2 0it$ t$e 'oregoing reAuirements s$all not "e cura"le "2 mere amendment o' t$e complaint or ot$er initiator2 pleading "ut s$all "e cause 'or t$e dismissal o' t$e case 0it$out pre*udice, unless ot$er0ise pro!ided, upon motion and a'ter $earing. &$e su"mission o' a 'alse certi'ication or non)compliance 0it$ an2 o' t$e underta/ings t$erein s$all constitute indirect contempt o' court, 0it$out pre*udice to t$e corresponding administrati!e and criminal actions. I' t$e acts o' t$e part2 or $is counsel clearl2 constitute 0ill'ul and deli"erate 'orum s$opping, t$e same s$all "e ground 'or summar2 dismissal 0it$ pre*udice and s$all constitute direct contempt, as 0ell as a cause 'or administrati!e sanctions. What is for m=sho$$ingA /he fi3ing of m 3ti$3e s its in different !o rts# either sim 3taneo s3- or s !!essi2e3-# o In2o32ing the same $arties# o /o as8 the !o rts to& r 3e on the same or re3ated !a ses# andDor grant the same or s %stantia33- same re3iefs. Is there identit- of& o Parties# o Rights or !a ses of a!tion# and o Re3iefs so ghtA

Who m st sign itA /he $art- himse3f# not the !o nse3. When is it neededA In e2er- initiator- $3eading. o No need for a$$ea3s# % t needed for $etitions for !ertiorari. RULE C -%NNER O< -%GINF %LLEF%&IONS IN PLE%DINFS Section .. In general. E!er2 pleading s$all contain in a met$odical and logical 'orm, a plain, concise and direct statement o' t$e ultimate 'acts on 0$ic$ t$e part2 pleading relies 'or $is claim or de'ense, as t$e case ma2 "e, omitting t$e statement o' mere e!identiar2 'acts. I' a de'ense relied on is "ased on la0, t$e pertinent pro!isions t$ereo' and t$eir applica"ilit2 to $im s$all "e clearl2 and concisel2 stated. What sho 3d it !ontainA /he 3timate fa!ts# not e2identiar- fa!ts. Un3i8e a !om$3aint "hi!h on3- a33eges fa!ts# an ans"er ma!ite 3ega3 $ro2isions re3ied $on for defense 63i8e stat te of 3imitations7 Sec. 1. %lternati!e causes o' action or de'enses. % part2 ma2 set 'ort$ t0o or more statements o' a claim or de'ense alternati!el2 or $2pot$eticall2, eit$er in one cause o' action or de'ense or in separate causes o' action or de'enses. #$en t0o or more statements are made in t$e alternati!e and one o' t$em i' made independentl2 0ould "e su''icient, t$e pleading is not made insu''icient "2 t$e insu''icienc2 o' one or more o' t$e alternati!e statements. Can a sing3e !a se of a!tion entit3e a $art- to t"o a3ternati2e re3iefsA Ees. /a8e %rea!h of !ontra!t as an e4am$3e. 9rea!h is the !a se of a!tion# "hi3e re3iefs are either s$e!ifi! $erforman!e or

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res!ission. A3ternati2e statements ma- %e made either in one !a se of a!tion or defense or in se$arate !a ses of a!tion or defenses.

denial, 0$ic$ s$all include suc$ supporting particulars as are peculiarl2 0it$in t$e pleaderHs /no0ledge. With res$e!t to !a$a!it-# the fa!ts !on!erning the fo33o"ing m st %e a2erred& o /he !a$a!it- of a $erson to s e or %e s ed o /he a thorit- of a $art- to s e or %e s ed in a re$resentati2e !a$a!ito Lega3 e4isten!e of an organiIed asso!iation of the $ersons that is made a $art-

Can the $3aintiff ma8e a3ternati2e a33egationsA Ees. /here are !ases "here fa!ts# essentia3 to the $3aintiff>s !a se of a!tion# are "ithin the 8no"3edge of the defendant# % t of "hi!h the $3aintiff is so im$erfe!t3- informed that he !anot state "ith !ertaint-# e2en on information or %e3ief. /he $ro$er $ro!ed re is for him to state the fa!ts "ithin his 8no"3edge "ith !ertaint-# % t to $3ead in the a3ternati2e the do %tf 3 fa!ts "hi!h are "ho33- "ithin the defendant>s 8no"3edge# and !a33 $on the defendant to ma8e the f 33 dis!3os re of the fa!ts. Can the defendant $3ead as man- defenses as he "antsA Ees. 0e has the right to set $ negati2e defense in one !a se of a!tion and affirmati2e defense in another in the same a!tion. /he affirmati2e matter in a se$arate defense does not o$erate as a "ithdra"a3 of a defense in another $ortion of his ans"er. /hose different defenses ma- %e in!onsistent "ith ea!h other# % t it is s ffi!ient that ea!h is !onsistent "ith itse3f. Sec. 3. Conditions precedent. In an2 pleading a general a!erment o' t$e per'ormance or occurrence o' all conditions precedent s$all "e su''icient. *arangay conciliation process, etc& /hese m st %e a2erred. If not# it ma- %e dismissed on the gro nd of 3a!8 of !a se of a!tion. Sec. 5. Capacit2. <acts s$o0ing t$e capacit2 o' a part2 to sue or "e sued or t$e aut$orit2 o' a part2 to sue or "e sued in a representati!e capacit2 or t$e legal e istence o' an organi6ed association o' persons t$at is made a part2, must "e a!erred. % part2 desiring to raise an issue as to t$e legal e istence o' an2 part2 or t$e capacit2 o' an2 part2 to sue or "e sued in a representati!e capacit2, s$all do so "2 speci'ic

If a $art- "ishes to raise an iss e as to the 3ega3 e4isten!e of an$art-# et!# "hat sho 3d he doA 0e sho 3d do so %- a s$e!ifi! denia3# "hi!h sho 3d in!3 de s !h s $$orting $arti! 3ars as are $e! 3iar3- "ithin the $3eader>s 8no"3edge. If the defendant "ishes to raise an iss e as to the $3aintiff>s 3ega3 !a$a!it- to s e# he ma- fi3e a motion to dismiss on that gro nd# or set it $ as an affirmati2e defense in the ans"er. If the defendant "ishes to raise an iss e as to his 3ega3 !a$a!it- to %e s ed# he ma- 1 estion the 5 risdi!tion of the !o rt o2er his $erson. In either !ase# the defendant ma- den- the a33egation of !a$a!it-. Sec. 7. <raud, mista/e, condition o' t$e mind. In all a!erments o' 'raud or mista/e, t$e circumstances constituting 'raud or mista/e must "e stated 0it$ particularit2. -alice, intent, /no0ledge or ot$er condition o' t$e mind o' a person ma2 "e a!erred generall2. If fra d or mista8e# the !ir! mstan!es !onstit ting it m st %e stated "ith $arti! 3arit-. If ma3i!e# intent# 8no"3edge or other !ondition of the mind of a $erson# 5 st a2er it genera33-.

Sec. 8. Judgment. In pleading a *udgment or decision o' a domestic or 'oreign

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court, *udicial or Auasi)*udicial tri"unal, or o' a "oard or o''icer, it is su''icient to a!er t$e *udgment or decision 0it$out setting 'ort$ matter s$o0ing *urisdiction to render it. Sec. B. %ction or de'ense "ased on document. #$ene!er an action or de'ense is "ased upon a 0ritten instrument or document, t$e su"stance o' suc$ instrument or document s$all "e set 'ort$ in t$e pleading, and t$e original or a cop2 t$ereo' s$all "e attac$ed to t$e pleading as an e $i"it, 0$ic$ s$all "e deemed to "e a part o' t$e pleading, or said cop2 ma2 0it$ li/e e''ect "e set 'ort$ in t$e pleading. 0o" do -o $3ead an a!tion or defense %ased on a do! mentA '. ,et for the s %stan!e of the do! ment in the $3eading# and (. Atta!h the origina3 or the !o$- of the do! ment to the $3eading as an e4hi%it# or set forth the !o$- in the $3eading Sec. C. @o0 to contest suc$ documents. #$en an action or de'ense is 'ounded upon a 0ritten instrument, copied in or attac$ed to t$e corresponding pleading as pro!ided in t$e preceding section, t$e genuineness and due e ecution o' t$e instrument s$all "e deemed admitted unless t$e ad!erse part2, under oat$, speci'icall2 denies t$em, and sets 'ort$ 0$at $e claims to "e t$e 'acts= "ut t$e reAuirement o' an oat$ does not appl2 0$en t$e ad!erse part2 does not appear to "e a part2 to t$e instrument or 0$en compliance 0it$ an order 'or an inspection o' t$e original instrument is re'used. What does ?gen ineness and d e e4e! tion@ meanA <en ineness means nothing more than the instr ment is not s$ rio s# !o nterfeit or of different im$ort on its fa!e from the one e4e! ted D e e4e! tion means that it "as done "ith a thorit0o" does one !ontest itA 9- s$e!ifi!a33- den-ing them nder oath# and setting forth "hat he !3aims to %e the fa!ts

When does the re1 irement of %eing nder oath not neededA An oath is not re1 ired "hen& o Ad2erse $art- does not a$$ear to %e $art- to the instr ment# or o When !om$3ian!e "ith an order for an ins$e!tion of the origina3 instr ment is ref sed. What are deemed admitted if there is no denia3 nder oathA /he do! ment>s gen ineness and d e e4e! tion Corger-# na thoriIed signat re# that at the time the do! ment "as signed it "as not in "ords and fig res e4a!t3as set o t in the $3eading# do! ment "as ne2er de3i2ered# et! What are not deemed admittedA /he tr e nat re or tr e intention is not admitted /hat>s $a-ment# "ant or i33ega3it- of !onsideration# fra d# mista8e# !om$romise# et! Sec. D. O''icial document or act. In pleading an o''icial document or o''icial act, it is su''icient to a!er t$at t$e document 0as issued or t$e act done in compliance 0it$ la0. Sec. .E. Speci'ic denial. % de'endant must speci'2 eac$ material allegation o' 'act t$e trut$ o' 0$ic$ $e does not admit and, 0$ene!er practica"le, s$all set 'ort$ t$e su"stance o' t$e matters upon 0$ic$ $e relies to support $is denial. #$ere a de'endant desires to den2 onl2 a part o' an a!erment, $e s$all speci'2 so muc$ o' it as is true and material and s$all den2 onl2 t$e remainder. #$ere a de'endant is 0it$out /no0ledge or in'ormation su''icient to 'orm a "elie' as to t$e trut$ o' a material a!erment made in t$e complaint, $e s$all so state, and t$is s$all $a!e t$e e''ect o' a denial. Sec. ... %llegations not speci'icall2 denied deemed admitted. -aterial a!erment in t$e complaint, ot$er t$an t$ose as to

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t$e amount o' unliAuidated damages, s$all "e deemed admitted 0$en not speci'icall2 denied. %llegations o' usur2 in a complaint to reco!er usurious interest are deemed admitted i' not denied under oat$. A s$e!ifi! denia3 !an %e t"o things& '. /he defendant s$e!ifies ea!h materia3 a33egation of fa!t 6he doesn>t admit the tr th:7 and "hene2er $ra!ti!a%3e# sets forth s %stan!e of the matters he re3ies $on to s $$ort his denia3# or if he denies on3- a $art of the a2erment# he s$e!ifies so m !h of it as is tr e and denies the remainder. 6*asically, he chooses stu## #rom the complaint and shoots them do n by denying them) (. /he defendant states that he does not ha2e 8no"3edge or information s ffi!ient to form a %e3ief as to the tr th of a materia3 a2erment. 6-e says he doesn't kno anything)

Section .. De'enses and o"*ections not pleaded. De'enses and o"*ections not pleaded eit$er in a motion to dismiss or in t$e ans0er are deemed 0ai!ed. @o0e!er, 0$en it appears 'rom t$e pleadings or t$e e!idence on record t$at t$e court $as no *urisdiction o!er t$e su"*ect matter, t$at t$ere is anot$er action pending "et0een t$e same parties 'or t$e same cause, or t$at t$e action is "arred "2 a prior *udgment or "2 statute o' limitations, t$e court s$all dismiss t$e claim. What is the genera3 r 3eA Defenses and o%5e!tions not raised in a motion to dismiss or in the ans"er are deemed "ai2ed. Are there an- e4!e$tionsA What aren>t deemed "ai2edA '. La!8 of 5 risdi!tion o2er the s %5e!t matter (. Penden!- of another a!tion %et"een the same $arties for the same !a se 6litis pendentia) 5& +es "udicata +. ,tat te of 3imitations If these gro nds a$$ear from the $3eadings or the e2iden!e of re!ord# the !o rt sha33 dismiss the !3aim. Is the "ai2er irre2o!a%3eA No. Eo !an o%tain re3ief from the !onse1 en!es of s !h "ai2er %- an amendment of the ans"er "ith 3ea2e of !o rt. Sec. 1. Compulsor2 counterclaim, or cross)claim, not set up "arred. % compulsor2 counterclaim, or a cross)claim, not set up s$all "e "arred. Is it rea33- %arredA Not rea33-. A !om$ 3sor- !o nter!3aim or a !ross=!3aim ma- sti33 %e set $ 2ia the fo33o"ing& a. an amended ans"er# provided that the !o nter!3aim or !ross=!3aim a3read- e4isted at the time the origina3 ans"er "as fi3ed# % t d e to o2ersight# inad2erten!e or

What is the effe!t of a genera3 denia3A )ateria3 a2erments in the !om$3aint sha33 %e deemed admitted "hen not s$e!ifi!a33- denied. E4!e$t& o those as to the amo nt of n3i1 idated damages 6if 3i1 idated# the- are deemed admitted7# and o immateria3 a2erments 6a33egations %- "a- of anti!i$ation of defense or !on!3 sions of 3a"7 Sec. .1. Stri/ing out o' pleading or matter contained t$erein. Upon motion made "2 a part2 "e'ore responding to a pleading or, i' no responsi!e pleading is permitted "2 t$ese Rules, upon motion made "2 a part2 0it$in t0ent2 +1E, da2s a'ter t$e ser!ice o' t$e pleading upon $im, or upon t$e courtHs o0n initiati!e at an2 time, t$e court ma2 order an2 pleading to "e stric/en out or t$at an2 s$am or 'alse, redundant, immaterial, impertinent, or scandalous matter "e stric/en out t$ere'rom. RULE D E<<EC& O< <%ILURE &O PLE%D

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e4! sa%3e neg3e!t# it "as not set $. A s $$3ementa3 ans"er# if the !o nter!3aim or !ross= !3aim mat res or is a!1 ired after the origina3 ans"er is fi3ed. In %oth !ases# the- m st %e fi3ed "ith 3ea2e of !o rt %efore 5 dgment. %.

Can a !om$ 3sor- !o nter!3aim ! re 5 risdi!tiona3 defe!ts in the !om$3aintA Ees. A3tho gh the origina3 !3aim in2o32es 3ess than the 5 risdi!tiona3 amo nt# 5 risdi!tion !an %e s stained if the !om$ 3sor!o nter!3aim# %ased $on the damages a33eged3- s ffered %the defendant in !onse1 en!e of the fi3ing of the !om$3aint# fa33s "ithin the 5 risdi!tiona3 amo nt. Sec. 3. De'ault= declaration o'. I' t$e de'ending part2 'ails to ans0er 0it$in t$e time allo0ed t$ere'or, t$e court s$all, upon motion o' t$e claiming part2 0it$ notice to t$e de'ending part2, and proo' o' suc$ 'ailure, declare t$e de'ending part2 in de'ault. &$ereupon, t$e court s$all proceed to render *udgment granting t$e claimant suc$ relie' as $is pleading ma2 0arrant, unless t$e court in its discretion reAuires t$e claimant to su"mit e!idence. Suc$ reception o' e!idence ma2 "e delegated to t$e cler/ o' court. +a, E''ect o' order o' de'ault. ) % part2 in de'ault s$all "e entitled to notice o' su"seAuent proceedings "ut not to ta/e part in t$e trial. +", Relie' 'rom order o' de'ault. ) % part2 declared in de'ault ma2 at an2 time a'ter notice t$ereo' and "e'ore *udgment 'ile a motion under oat$ to set aside t$e order o' de'ault upon proper s$o0ing t$at $is 'ailure to ans0er 0as due to 'raud, accident, mista/e or e cusa"le negligence and t$at $e $as a meritorious de'ense. In suc$ case, t$e order o' de'ault ma2 "e set aside on suc$ terms and conditions as t$e *udge ma2 impose in t$e interest o' *ustice. +c, E''ect o' partial de'ault. ) #$en a pleading asserting a claim states a common cause o' action against se!eral

de'ending parties, some o' 0$om ans0er and t$e ot$ers 'ail to do so, t$e court s$all tr2 t$e case against all upon t$e ans0ers t$us 'iled and render *udgment upon t$e e!idence presented. +d, E tent o' relie' to "e a0arded. ) % *udgment rendered against a part2 in de'ault s$all not e ceed t$e amount or "e di''erent in /ind 'rom t$at pra2ed 'or nor a0ard unliAuidated damages. +e, #$ere no de'aults allo0ed. ) I' t$e de'ending part2 in an action 'or annulment or declaration o' nullit2 o' marriage or 'or legal separation 'ails to ans0er, t$e court s$all order t$e prosecuting attorne2 to in!estigate 0$et$er or not a collusion "et0een t$e parties e ists, and i' t$ere is no collusion, to inter!ene 'or t$e State in order to see to it t$at t$e e!idence su"mitted is not 'a"ricated. When is one !onsidered in defa 3tA /he !o rt "i33 de!3ared the defending $art- in defa 3t o When he fai3s to ans"er "ithin the time a33o"ed therefore 6see the time $eriods:7# and o U$on motion of the !3aiming $art-# and o With noti!e to the defending $art-# o And $roof of s !h fai3 re. What ha$$ensA /he !o rt sha33 $ro!eed to render 5 dgmente granting the !3aimant s !h re3ief as the $3eading ma- "arrant# UNLE,, its dis!retion re1 ires the !3aimant to s %mit e2iden!e. What>s the effe!t of the order of defa 3tA /he $art- in defa 3t sha33 %e entit3ed to noti!e of s %se1 ent $ro!eedings# % t not ta8e $art in the tria3. 6haha, loser&) 0o" !an one get re3ief from an order of defa 3tA 0e ma-# at an- time# after noti!e thereof and %efore 5 dgment# fi3e a motion nder oath to set aside the order of defa 3t. 0e m st $ro$er3- sho" that his fai3 re to ans"er "as d e to&

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o o o o

Cra d A!!ident )ista8e E4! sa%3e neg3igen!e

What>s the effe!t of $artia3 defa 3tA When a $3eading asserting a !3aim states a !ommon !a se of a!tion against se2era3 defending $arties# some of "hom ans"er and the others fai3 to do so# the !o rt sha33 tr- the !ase against a33 $on the ans"ers th s fi3ed and render 5 dgment $on the e2iden!e $resented. o /his doesn>t a$$3- "hen the defenses inter$osed %those $resent are $ersona3. What a%o t the re3ief to %e a"ardedA We33# it sha33 not e4!eed the amo nt or %e different in 8ind from that $ra-ed for. /he !o rt sho 3d a3so not a"ard n3i1 idated damages 6not s $$orted %- e2iden!e7. o E2en if the 5 dge orders more e2iden!e to %e $resented# the a"ard sho 3d sti33 not e4!eed the amo nt $ra-ed for. 6Att-. < e2ara7 o If the !ontra!t states ?K in case o# breach, damages ill amount to P622,222&@# then that>s not n3i1 idated and the 5 dge !an a"ard that. When are defa 3ts not a33o"edA '. A!tion for 3ega3 se$aration (. A!tion for ann 3ment or de!3aration of n 33it- of marriage '. In this !ases# the !o rt sha33 order the $rose! ting attorne- to in2estigate "hether or not a !o33 sion %et"een the $arties e4ists# and if there is none# to inter2ene for the ,tate in order to see to it that the e2iden!e s %mitted is not fa%ri!ated. RULE .E %-ENDED %ND SUPPLE-EN&%L PLE%DINFS

Section .. %mendments in general. Pleadings ma2 "e amended "2 adding or stri/ing out an allegation or t$e name o' an2 part2, or "2 correcting a mista/e in t$e name o' a part2 or a mista/en or inadeAuate allegation or description in an2 ot$er respect, so t$at t$e actual merits o' t$e contro!ers2 ma2 speedil2 "e determined, 0it$out regard to tec$nicalities, and in t$e most e peditious and ine pensi!e manner. What is an amended $3eadingA /he- are $ro$er in order to a33ege fa!ts "hi!h o!! rred $rior to the fi3ing of the origina3 $3eadings# % t "hi!h for some reason# s !h as o2ersight# inad2erten!e# or s %se1 ent dis!o2er-# "ere not a33eged therein. 6!om$are "ith s $$3ementa3 $3eadings7 Sec. 1. %mendments as a matter o' rig$t. % part2 ma2 amend $is pleading once as a matter o' rig$t at an2 time "e'ore a responsi!e pleading is ser!ed or, in t$e case o' a repl2, at an2 time 0it$in ten +lE, da2s a'ter it is ser!ed. When are amendments a matter of rightA '. An-time %efore the res$onsi2e $3eading is ser2ed# or (. In the !ase of a re$3-# at an- time "ithin '; da-s after it is ser2ed. Eo !an on3- amend as a matter of right once. An- s %se1 ent amendments after that needs 3ea2e of !o rt. Does this mean -o !an amend -o r ans"erA Ees. /he 3a" sa-s ?$3eading.@ Eo !an amend -o r ans"er an-time %efore the re$3- is ser2ed $on -o . After a motion to dismiss has %een ser2ed on -o # !an -o fi3e an amendment of -o r !om$3aint as a matter of rightA Ees# as a matter of right. A motion to dismiss is not a res$onsi2e $3eading. /he $3aintiff ma- fi3e an amended !om$3aint e2en after the

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origina3 !om$3aint "as ordered dismissed if the order is not -et fina3 and the amendment is %efore the ans"er. When sho 3d -o fi3e -o r res$onse to an amended !om$3aintA If it "as done as a matter of right# '. da-s after %eing ser2ed "ith a !o$- thereof. If it "as not done as a matter of right# '; da-s from noti!e of the order admitting the same. An ans"er ear3ier fi3ed maser2e as the ans"er to the amended !om$3aint if no ne" ans"er is fi3ed. 6No defa 3t, nag#ile ka na sa unang complaint eh:7 6R 3e ''# ,e! *7 o 0o"e2er# ne" materia3 a33egations in the amended !om$3aint "hi!h are not s$e!ifi!a33- denied are deemed admitted. 6.o sumagot ka!) Sec. 3. %mendments "2 lea!e o' court. E cept as pro!ided in t$e ne t preceding section, su"stantial amendments ma2 "e made onl2 upon lea!e o' court. 4ut suc$ lea!e ma2 "e re'used i' it appears to t$e court t$at t$e motion 0as made 0it$ intent to dela2. Orders o' t$e court upon t$e matters pro!ided in t$is section s$all "e made upon motion 'iled in court, and a'ter notice to t$e ad!erse part2, and an opportunit2 to "e $eard. What is a s %stantia3 amendmentA It modifies or a3ters the !a se of a!tion or defenses. When do -o need 3ea2e of !o rt "hen amendingA '. After the ser2i!e of the res$onsi2e $3eading# or (. , !h amendment ma- s %stantia33- a3ter the !a se of a!tion or defense. A $3aintiff !annot# after defendant>s ans"er# amend his !om$3aint %- !hanging the !a se of a!tion or adding a ne" one "itho t $re2io s3- o%taining 3ea2e of !o rt. Can an ans"er !ontaining a genera3 denia3 %e amended as to !ontain a s$e!ifi! denia3A Ees# it ma- %e "ithdra"n "ith 3ea2e of !o rt if there is a 5 stifia%3e reason therefore and if the interests of 5 sti!e so

re1 ire 6R 3e G# ,e! ''7. )a- a !om$3aint stating no !a se of a!tion %e ! red %- an amendmentA Ees. If in fa!t# a !a se of a!tion e4ists % t the statement thereof is defe!ti2e for fai3 re to a33ege essentia3 fa!ts and a motion to dismiss "as fi3ed on the gro nd that it stated no !a se of a!tion# the !om$3aint ma- %e amended. What if there "as no motion to dismissA /he defe!t ma- %e ! red at the tria3 on the merits %- the $resentation of e2iden!e. If no o%5e!tion "as made# amendment is not ne!essar- and ma- %e made at an- time# e2en after 5 dgment. If o%5e!ted# the !o rt ma- a33o" the !om$3aint to %e amended and the e2iden!e ma- %e admitted. 9 t remem%er that the !a se of a!tion m st e4ist at the time the a!tion "as %eg n. /he $3aintiff "i33 not %e a33o"ed %- an amendment to introd !e a !a se of a!tion "hi!h had not e4isten!e "hen the a!tion "as !ommen!ed.

0o" does amendment re3ate to the stat e of 3imitationsA A ne" !a se of a!tion in!3 ded in an amended !om$3aint does not re3ate %a!8 to the date of the fi3ing of the origina3 !om$3aint nder the stat te of 3imitations. o 9 t if it mere3- s $$3ements the origina3 !om$3aint "itho t stating a ne" !a se of a!tion# it re3ates %a!8 to the date o the fi3ing of the origina3 !om$3aint. Sec. 5. <ormal amendments. % de'ect in t$e designation o' t$e parties and ot$er clearl2 clerical or t2pograp$ical errors ma2 "e summaril2 corrected "2 t$e court at an2 stage o' t$e action, at its initiati!e or on motion, pro!ided no pre*udice is caused t$ere"2 to t$e ad!erse part2. What a%o t forma3 amendmentsA When !an -o do thoseA At an- stage# $on motion of the $art- or the !o rt mot

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$ro$rio Sec. 7. %mendment to con'orm to or aut$ori6e presentation o' e!idence. #$en issues not raised "2 t$e pleadings are tried 0it$ t$e e press or implied consent o' t$e parties, t$e2 s$all "e treated in all respects as i' t$e2 $ad "een raised in t$e pleadings. Suc$ amendment o' t$e pleadings as ma2 "e necessar2 to cause t$em to con'orm to t$e e!idence and to raise t$ese issues ma2 "e made upon motion o' an2 part2 at an2 time, e!en a'ter *udgment= "ut 'ailure to amend does not a''ect t$e result o' t$e trial o' t$ese issues. I' e!idence is o"*ected to at t$e trial on t$e ground t$at it is not 0it$in t$e issues made "2 t$e pleadings, t$e court ma2 allo0 t$e pleadings to "e amended and s$all do so 0it$ li"eralit2 i' t$e presentation o' t$e merits o' t$e action and t$e ends o' su"stantial *ustice 0ill "e su"ser!ed t$ere"2. &$e court ma2 grant a continuance to ena"le t$e amendment to "e made. /his r 3e a33o"s the fo33o"ing& o A !om$3aint "hi!h states no !a se of a!tion to %e ! red either %- e2iden!e $resented "itho t o%5e!tion# or in the e2ent of an o%5e!tion s stained %- the !o rt# %- an amendment of the !om$3aint "ith 3ea2e of !o rt. o Admission of e2iden!e on a defense not raised in a motion to dismiss or an ans"er if No o%5e!tion is made# or In the e2ent that there "as an o%5e!tion# the amendment of the ans"er in order to raise s !h defense.

9- $ro2iding e2iden!e in !ontra. In instan!es s !h as these# the !o rt "i33 render 5 dgment and "i33 5 st order the amendment so that the !om$3aint "i33 !onform "ith the e2iden!e $resented and the 5 dgment rendered.

Amendment done %e!a se of an o%5e!tion# ho" does this goA /his ta38s a%o t a sit ation "here a $art- $resents e2iden!e and the o$$osing $art- o%5e!ts. /he !o rt "i33 sha33 a33o" the $3eadings to %e amended "hen the $resentaion of the merits of the a!tion "i33 %e s %ser2ed there%- and the admission of s !h e2iden!e "o 3d not $re5 di!e the o%5e!ting $art- in maintaining his a!tion or defense $on the merits. After the amendment# the e2iden!e o%5e!ted to ma- %e $resented. Sec. 8. Supplemental pleadings. Upon motion o' a part2 t$e court ma2, upon reasona"le notice and upon suc$ terms as are *ust, permit $im to ser!e a supplemental pleading setting 'ort$ transactions, occurrences or e!ents 0$ic$ $a!e $appened since t$e date o' t$e pleading soug$t to "e supplemented. &$e ad!erse part2 ma2 plead t$ereto 0it$in ten +.E, da2s 'rom notice o' t$e order admitting t$e supplemental pleading. What is a s $$3ementa3 $3eadingA /he- are $ro$er in order to a33ege fa!ts "hi!h o!! rred a#ter the fi3ing of the origina3 $3eadings. /he- are designed to !o2er matters s %se1 ent3- o!! rring % t $ertaining to the origina3 !a se. Of !o rse# the origina3 !om$3aint m st ha2e a 2a3id and s %sisting !a se of a!tion to %egin "ith. Are s $$3ementa3 $3eadings ne !om$3aintsA No. /his means that s $$3ementa3 !om$3aints do not s $ersede the origina3 !om$3aints. 6,ee R 3e ';# ,e! G7 Can the- %e amendedA

Amendment "itho t o%5e!tion# "hat does this meanA /his ta38s a%o t a sit ation "here a $art- $resents e2iden!e and no one o%5e!ts# either e4$ress3- or im$3ied3-. o -o can one not ob"ect impliedly% 9- !ross=e4amining

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Ees# "ith 3ea2e of !o rt. 6Att-. < e2ara7

When sho 3d a res$onse to a s $$3ementa3 $3eading %e madeA Within '; da-s# n3ess the Co rt gi2es a different $eriod. 6R 3e ''# ,e! Q7 Sec. B. <iling o' amended pleadings. #$en an2 pleading is amended, a ne0 cop2 o' t$e entire pleading, incorporating t$e amendments, 0$ic$ s$all "e indicated "2 appropriate mar/s, s$all "e 'iled. 0o" sho 3d an amended $3eading %e fi3edA With a ne" !o$- of the entire $3eading "hi!h in!or$orates and indi!ates the amendments "ith a$$ro$riate mar8s ,ho 3d the amended !om$3aint %e ser2ed on the defendantA Ees. 6Page *.'# Ceria7 Sec. C. E''ect o' amended pleadings. %n amended pleading supersedes t$e pleading t$at it amends. @o0e!er, admissions in superseded pleadings ma2 "e recei!ed in e!idence against t$e pleader= and claims or de'enses alleged t$erein not incorporated in t$e amended pleading s$all "e deemed 0ai!ed. What is the effe!t of an amended $3eadingA It s $ersedes the $3eading that it amends. What a%o t the admissions in s $erseded $3eadingsA /he- ma- %e re!ei2ed in e2iden!e against the $3eader. Wha a%o t the !3aims or defenses a33eged in the s $erseded $3eadingsA If the- are not in!or$orated in the amended $3eading# thesha33 %e deemed "ai2ed. RULE .. #@EN &O <ILE RESPONSIVE PLE%DINFS

Section .. %ns0er to t$e complaint. &$e de'endant s$all 'ile $is ans0er to t$e complaint 0it$in 'i'teen +l7, da2s a'ter ser!ice o' summons, unless a di''erent period is 'i ed "2 t$e court. Ordinar- ser2i!e of s mmons E4traterritoria3 ser2i!e , mmons %- $ %3i!ation Within '. da-s At 3east L; da-s after noti!e At 3east L; da-s after date of the 3ast $ %3i!ation

Sec. 1. %ns0er o' a de'endant 'oreign pri!ate *uridical entit2. #$ere t$e de'endant is a 'oreign pri!ate *uridical entit2 and ser!ice o' summons is made on t$e go!ernment o''icial designated "2 la0 to recei!e t$e same, t$e ans0er s$all "e 'iled 0it$in t$irt2 +3E, da2s a'ter receipt o' summons "2 suc$ entit2. Where defendant is a foreign $ri2ate 5 ridi!a3 entit- and ser2i!e& Within '. da-s made on its resident agent designate in a!!ordan!e "ith 3a" for that $ r$ose Within *; da-s after re!ei$t made on the go2ernment offi!ia3 of s mmons %- s !h entitdesignated %- 3a" to re!ei2e the same 6R 3e ''# ,e! (7 If sent to the go2ernment offi!ia3# the !o nting on3- starts a#ter receipt of s mmons %- s !h entit ,er2i!e of s mmons to the designated go2ernment offi!ia3 sho 3d %e made on3- in the a%sen!e of a designated resident agent Sec. 3. %ns0er to amended complaint. #$ere t$e plainti'' 'iles an amended complaint as a matter o' rig$t, t$e de'endant s$all ans0er t$e same 0it$in 'i'teen +l7, da2s a'ter "eing ser!ed 0it$ a cop2 t$ereo'. #$ere its 'iling is not a matter o' rig$t, t$e de'endant s$all ans0er t$e amended complaint 0it$in ten +.E, da2s 'rom

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notice o' t$e order admitting t$e same. %n ans0er earlier 'iled ma2 ser!e as t$e ans0er to t$e amended complaint i' no ne0 ans0er is 'iled. &$is Rule s$all appl2 to t$e ans0er to an amended counterclaim, amended cross)claim, amended t$ird +'ourt$, etc., part2 complaint, and amended complaint)in) inter!ention. In res$onse to an amended !om$3aint 6R 3e ''# ,e! *7 If amendment a matter of right If amendment not a matter of right

Sec. B. %ns0er to supplemental complaint. % supplemental complaint ma2 "e ans0ered 0it$in ten +.E, da2s 'rom notice o' t$e order admitting t$e same, unless a di''erent period is 'i ed "2 t$e court. &$e ans0er to t$e complaint s$all ser!e as t$e ans0er to t$e supplemental complaint i' no ne0 or supplemental ans0er is 'iled. In res$onse to a s $$3ementa3 !om$3aint 6R 3e ''# ,e! Q7 Within '; da-s from noti!e of the order admitting the same# n3ess a different $eriod is fi4ed %- the !o rt

Within '. da-s Within '; da-s from noti!e of the order admitting the same P3ease see !omments of R 3e ';# ,e! (.

Sec. 5. %ns0er to counterclaim or cross)claim. % counterclaim or cross)claim must "e ans0ered 0it$in ten +lE, da2s 'rom ser!ice. In res$onse to a !o nter!3aim and !ross=!3aim Within '; da-s from ser2i!e

Sec. C. E isting counterclaim or cross)claim. % compulsor2 counterclaim or a cross)claim t$at a de'ending part2 $as at t$e time $e 'iles $is ans0er s$all "e contained t$erein. An e4isting !om$ 3sor- !o nter!3aim or !ross=!3aim sho 3d %e in!3 ded in the ans"er. If not# it sha33 %e %arred n3ess "ith 3ea2e of !o rt# it is set $ in an amended ans"er %efore 5 dgment.

Sec. 7. %ns0er to t$ird +'ourt$, etc.,) part2 complaint. &$e time to ans0er a t$ird +'ourt$, etc.,) part2 complaint s$all "e go!erned "2 t$e same rule as t$e ans0er to t$e complaint. In res$onse to a third=$art- !om$3aint 6R 3e ''# ,e! .7 Within '. da-s

Sec. D. Counterclaim or cross)claim arising a'ter ans0er. % counterclaim or a cross)claim 0$ic$ eit$er matured or 0as acAuired "2 a part2 a'ter ser!ing $is pleading ma2, 0it$ t$e permission o' t$e court, "e presented as a counterclaim or a cross)claim "2 supplemental pleading "e'ore *udgment. /his is an instan!e of a s $$3ementa3 ans"er. It m st %e done "ith 3ea2e of !o rt and %efore 5 dgment.

Sec. 8. Repl2. % repl2 ma2 "e 'iled 0it$in ten +lE, da2s 'rom ser!ice o' t$e pleading responded to. Res$onse to an ans"er If in res$onse to a amended or s $$3ementa3 ans"er Within '; da-s from ser2i!e Within '; da-s from noti!e of order

Sec. .E. Omitted counterclaim or cross)claim. #$en a pleader 'ails to set up a counterclaim or a cross) claim t$roug$ o!ersig$t, inad!ertence, or e cusa"le neglect, or 0$en *ustice reAuires, $e ma2, "2 lea!e o' court, set up t$e counterclaim or cross)claim "2 amendment "e'ore *udgment.

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/his is an instan!e of an amended ans"er. It m st %e done "ith 3ea2e of !o rt and %efore 5 dgment.

Sec. ... E tension o' time to plead. Upon motion and on suc$ terms as ma2 "e *ust, t$e court ma2 e tend t$e time to plead pro!ided in t$ese Rules. &$e court ma2 also, upon li/e terms, allo0 an ans0er or ot$er pleading to "e 'iled a'ter t$e time 'i ed "2 t$ese Rules. When sho 3d a motion for e4tension of the time to $3ead %e fi3edA 9efore the e4$iration of the time so ght to %e e4tended. What if the 3ast da- of the $eriod for fi3ing a $3eading fa33s on a "ee8end or 3ega3 ho3ida-A Eo fi3e it on the ne4t "or8ing da-. 9U/ An- e4tension of time to fi3e the same sho 3d %e !o nted from the e4$iration of the $eriod regard3ess of the fa!t that said d e date is a ,at rda-# , nda- or 3ega3 ho3ida-. What if -o "eren>t a%3e to fi3e -o r $3eading on timeA Ci3e a motion for 3ea2e to fi3e a $3eading or motion# a3ong "ith the $3eading or motion so ght to %e admitted. 6R 3e '.# ,e! F7 RULE .1 4ILL O< P%R&ICUL%RS Section .. #$en applied 'or= purpose. 4e'ore responding to a pleading, a part2 ma2 mo!e 'or a de'inite statement or 'or a "ill o' particulars o' an2 matter 0$ic$ is not a!erred 0it$ su''icient de'initeness or particularit2 to ena"le $im properl2 to prepare $is responsi!e pleading. I' t$e pleading is a repl2, t$e motion must "e 'iled 0it$in ten +.E, da2s 'rom ser!ice t$ereo'. Suc$ motion s$all point out t$e de'ects complained o', t$e paragrap$s 0$erein t$e2 are contained, and t$e details desired.

Wh- do -o a$$3- for a %i33 of $arti! 3arsA /o $re$are $ro$er3- for one>s res$onsi2e $3eading "hen the other $art- has not a2erred "ith s ffi!ient definiteness or $arti! 3arit- an- matter. Eo on3- mo2e for a %i33 of $arti! 3ars "hen "hat>s am%ig o s are the materia3 a33egationsDessentia3 a!ts or omissions /he matters so ght to %e o%tained sho 3d %e the 3timate fa!ts When sho 3d -o mo2e for oneA '. 9efore res$onding to a $3eading 6either a !om$3aint or an ans"er7 (. If the %i33 of $arti! 3ars is to !3arif- a re$3-# '; da-s from ser2i!e thereof. What sho 3d it $oint o tA '. /he defe!ts !om$3ained of# and (. /he $aragra$hs "herein the- are !ontained# and *. /he detai3s desired.

Sec. 1. %ction "2 t$e court. Upon t$e 'iling o' t$e motion, t$e cler/ o' court must immediatel2 "ring it to t$e attention o' t$e court 0$ic$ ma2 eit$er den2 or grant it outrig$t, or allo0 t$e parties t$e opportunit2 to "e $eard. Sec. 3. Compliance 0it$ order. I' t$e motion is granted, eit$er in 0$ole or in part, t$e compliance t$ere0it$ must "e e''ected 0it$in ten +lE, da2s 'rom notice o' t$e order, unless a di''erent period is 'i ed "2 t$e court. &$e "ill o' particulars or a more de'inite statement ordered "2 t$e court ma2 "e 'iled eit$er in a separate or in an amended pleading, ser!ing a cop2 t$ereo' on t$e ad!erse part2. If the motion is granted# "hen sho 3d it %e !om$3ied "ithA It sho 3d %e !om$3ied "ith '; da-s from noti!e of order.

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0o" do -o fi3e the %i33 of $arti! 3arsA It !an %e fi3ed either in& o ,e$arate $3eading# or o In an amended $3eading. Sec. 5. E''ect o' non)compliance. I' t$e order is not o"e2ed, or in case o' insu''icient compliance t$ere0it$, t$e court ma2 order t$e stri/ing out o' t$e pleading or t$e portions t$ereo' to 0$ic$ t$e order 0as directed or ma/e suc$ ot$er order as it deems *ust. What if the order is not o%e-edA /he !o rt ma- order the stri8ing o t of the $3eading or the $ortions thereof. It ma- %e a gro nd for dismissing the !om$3aint. , !h "o 3d %e a %ar to a s %se1 ent a!tion on the same !a se# n3ess made "itho t $re5 di!e. Sec. 7. Sta2 o' period to 'ile responsi!e pleading. %'ter ser!ice o' t$e "ill o' particulars or o' a more de'inite pleading, or a'ter notice o' denial o' $is motion, t$e mo!ing part2 ma2 'ile $is responsi!e pleading 0it$in t$e period to 0$ic$ $e 0as entitled at t$e time o' 'iling $is motion, 0$ic$ s$all not "e less t$an 'i!e +7, da2s in an2 e!ent. After ser2i!e of the %i33 of $arti! 3ars# or after noti!e of denia3 of one>s motion for a %i33 of $arti! 3ars 6R 3e '(# ,e! .7 Within the $eriod remaining to "hi!h he "as entit3ed at the time of fi3ing his motion# "hi!h sha33 not %e 3ess than . da-s in an- e2ent# !o nted from the ser2i!e of the %i33 of $arti! 3ars or amended $3eading /he fi3ing of a motion of a %i33 of $arti! 3ars s s$ends the r nning of the $eriod to fi3e an ans"er or a motion to dismiss. It is res med $on the amended !om$3aint %eing fi3ed in !om$3ian!e "ith the !o rt>s order granting the motion for a %i33 of a $arti! 3ars.

Sec. 8. 4ill a part o' pleading. % "ill o' particulars "ecomes part o' t$e pleading 'or 0$ic$ it is intended. ,h ok& RULE .3 <ILINF %ND SERVICE O< PLE%DINFS, JUDF-EN&S %ND O&@ER P%PERS Section .. Co!erage. &$is Rule s$all go!ern t$e 'iling o' all pleadings and ot$er papers, as 0ell as t$e ser!ice t$ereo', e cept t$ose 'or 0$ic$ a di''erent mode o' ser!ice is prescri"ed. Sec. 1. <iling and ser!ice, de'ined. <iling is t$e act o' presenting t$e pleading or ot$er paper to t$e cler/ o' court. Ser!ice is t$e act o' pro!iding a part2 0it$ a cop2 o' t$e pleading or paper concerned. I' an2 part2 $as appeared "2 counsel, ser!ice upon $im s$all "e made upon $is counsel or one o' t$em, unless ser!ice upon t$e part2 $imsel' is ordered "2 t$e court. #$ere one counsel appears 'or se!eral parties, $e s$all onl2 "e entitled to one cop2 o' an2 paper ser!ed upon $im "2 t$e opposite side. What is fi3ingA It>s the a!t of $resenting the $3eading or other $a$er to the !3er8 of !o rt. What a%o t ser2i!eA It>s the a!t of $ro2iding a $art- "ith a !o$- of the $3eading or $a$er !on!erned. What if a $art- has a$$eared %- !o nse3A ,er2i!e $on the $art- sha33 %e made $on his !o nse3 or one of them# n3ess ser2i!e $on the $art- himse3f is ordered %the !o rt. When "i33 the !o rt order ser2i!e $on the $art-A

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'. (.

When the attorne- of re!ord !annot %e 3o!ated either %e!a se he ga2e no address or !hanged his gi2en address An order to sho" !a se "h- a $art- sho 3d not %e $ nished for !ontem$t for diso%e-ing a s$e!ia3 5 dgment.

What if there are t"o attorne-sA /he r 3e is that the noti!e of hearing ma- %e made either $on %oth attorne-s or $on one of them# regard3ess of "hether the- %e3ong to the same 3a" firm or are $ra!ti!ing one inde$endent3- of the other. Sec. 3. -anner o' 'iling. &$e 'iling o' pleadings, appearances, motions, notices, orders, *udgments and all ot$er papers s$all "e made "2 presenting t$e original copies t$ereo', plainl2 indicated as suc$, personall2 to t$e cler/ o' court or "2 sending t$em "2 registered mail. In t$e 'irst case, t$e cler/ o' court s$all endorse on t$e pleading t$e date and $our o' 'iling. In t$e second case, t$e date o' t$e mailing o' motions, pleadings, or an2 ot$er papers or pa2ments or deposits, as s$o0n "2 t$e post o''ice stamp on t$e en!elope or t$e registr2 receipt, s$all "e considered as t$e date o' t$eir 'iling, pa2ment, or deposit in court. &$e en!elope s$all "e attac$ed to t$e record o' t$e case. What are the t"o "a-s of fi3ingA '. Persona33- handing it to the !3er8 of !o rt /he !3er8 of !o rt sha33 endorse in the $3eading the date and ho r of fi3ing (. 9- registered mai3 /he date of the mai3ing as sho"n %- the $ost offi!e stam$ on the en2e3o$e or the registr- re!ei$t sha33 %e !onsidered as the date of their fi3ing# $a-ment# or de$osit in !o rt What if I had m- $a$ers sent %- a $ri2ate !arrierA In s !h !ases# the a!t a3 re!ei$t %- the !3er8 of !o rt# and not the $ri2ate !arrier is the date !o nted for fi3ing.

Sec. 5. Papers reAuired to "e 'iled and ser!ed. E!er2 *udgment, resolution, order, pleading su"seAuent to t$e complaint, 0ritten motion, notice, appearance, demand, o''er o' *udgment or similar papers s$all "e 'iled 0it$ t$e court, and ser!ed upon t$e parties a''ected. What !onstit tes $rom 3gationA /he a!t of fi3ing the 5 dgment# reso3 tion and order of the !o rt !onstit tes rendition or $rom 3gation thereof. /he- sho 3d first %e fi3ed "ith the !3er8 of !o rt %efore theare ser2ed $on the $arties. In the !ase of $3eadings s %se1 ent to the origina3 !om$3iant and "ritten motions# the- sho 3d first %e ser2ed on the $arties %efore the- are fi3ed "ith the !o rt. Sec. 7. -odes o' ser!ice. Ser!ice o' pleadings, motions, notices, orders, *udgments and ot$er papers s$all "e made eit$er personall2 or "2 mail. 0o" do -o ser2e $3eadings# motions# et!A '. Persona33(. 9- mai3 0o" is this different from ser2i!e of s mmonsA ,er2i!e of s mmon is ne!essar- in order that the !o rt maa!1 ire 5 risdi!tion o2er the $erson of the defendant. On!e the !o rt has a!1 ired s !h 5 risdi!tion either %- ser2i!e of s mmons or 2o3 ntar- a$$earan!e# the defendant ma- %e ser2ed !o$ies of the $3eadings# either $ersona33- or %- mai3. Sec. 8. Personal ser!ice. Ser!ice o' t$e papers ma2 "e made "2 deli!ering personall2 a cop2 to t$e part2 or $is counsel, or "2 lea!ing it in $is o''ice 0it$ $is cler/ or 0it$ a person $a!ing c$arge t$ereo'. I' no person is 'ound in $is o''ice, or $is o''ice is not /no0n, or $e $as no o''ice, t$en "2 lea!ing t$e cop2, "et0een t$e $ours o' eig$t in t$e morning and si in t$e e!ening, at t$e part2Hs or counselHs residence, i' /no0n, 0it$ a person o' su''icient age and discretion t$en residing t$erein.

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0o" !an $a$ers %e $ersona33- ser2edA 9- de3i2ering $ersona33- a !o$- to the $art- or his !o nse3# or 9- 3ea2ing it in his offi!e "ith his !3er8 or "ith a $erson ha2ing !harge thereof. If no $erson is fo nd in his offi!e# or his offi!e is not 8no"n# then %- 3ea2ing the !o$-# %et"een G=L# at the $art->s or !o nse3>s residen!e# if 8no"n# "ith a $erson of s ffi!ient age and dis!retion residing therein. Sec. B. Ser!ice "2 mail. Ser!ice "2 registered mail s$all "e made "2 depositing t$e cop2 in t$e o''ice, in a sealed en!elope, plainl2 addressed to t$e part2 or $is counsel at $is o''ice, i' /no0n, ot$er0ise at $is residence, i' /no0n, 0it$ postage 'ull2 pre)paid, and 0it$ instructions to t$e postmaster to return t$e mail to t$e sender a'ter ten +lE, da2s i' undeli!ered. I' no registr2 ser!ice is a!aila"le in t$e localit2 o' eit$er t$e sender or t$e addressee, ser!ice ma2 "e done "2 ordinar2 mail. What a%o t %- mai3A '. 9- registered mai3 De$ositing the !o$- in the $ost offi!e In a sea3ed en2e3o$e P3ain3- addressed to the $art- or his !o nse3 at his offi!e# or other"ise at his residen!e With $ostage f 33- $re$aid# and With instr !tions to the $ostmaster to ret rn the mai3 to the sender after '; da-s if nde3i2ered. (. If no registr- ser2i!e is a2ai3a%3e# then %- ordinar- mai3. Sec. C. Su"stituted ser!ice. I' ser!ice o' pleadings, motions, notices, resolutions, orders and ot$er papers cannot "e made under t$e t0o preceding sections, t$e o''ice and place o' residence o' t$e part2 or $is counsel "eing un/no0n, ser!ice ma2 "e made "2 deli!ering t$e cop2 to t$e cler/ o' court, 0it$ proo' o' 'ailure o' "ot$ personal ser!ice and ser!ice "2 mail. &$e ser!ice is complete at t$e time o' suc$ deli!er2.

If a33 e3se fai3s# "hat do "e do to ser2e $a$ersA , %stit ted ser2i!e to the !3er8 of !o rt# "ith $roof of fai3 re of %oth $ersona3 ser2i!e and ser2i!e %- mai3. /he ser2i!e is !om$3ete at the time of s !h de3i2er-. Sec. D. Ser!ice o' *udgments, 'inal orders or resolutions. Judgments, 'inal orders or resolutions s$all "e ser!ed eit$er personall2 or "2 registered mail. #$en a part2 summoned "2 pu"lication $as 'ailed to appear in t$e action, *udgments, 'inal orders or resolutions against $im s$all "e ser!ed upon $im also "2 pu"lication at t$e e pense o' t$e pre!ailing part2. 0o" do -o '. (. *. /ompared '. (. *. +. ser2e 5 dgments# fina3 orders or reso3 tionsA Persona339- registered mai3 P %3i!ation ith service o# papers, Persona339- registered mai3 9- ordinar- mai3 , %stit ted ser2i!e hich can be served(

Sec. .E. Completeness o' ser!ice. Personal ser!ice is complete upon actual deli!er2. Ser!ice "2 ordinar2 mail is complete upon t$e e piration o' ten +.E, da2s a'ter mailing, unless t$e court ot$er0ise pro!ides. Ser!ice "2 registered mail is complete upon actual receipt "2 t$e addressee, or a'ter 'i!e +7, da2s 'rom t$e date $e recei!ed t$e 'irst notice o' t$e postmaster, 0$ic$e!er date is earlier. When is ser2i!e !om$3etedA '. If $ersona3 ser2i!e# $on a!t a3 de3i2er(. If %- ordinar- mai3# $on the e4$iration of '; da-s after mai3ing# n3ess the !o rt other"ise $ro2ides *. If %- registered mai3# !om$3ete $on a!t a3 re!ei$t %- the

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addressee 6as seen in the registr- ret rn !ard7 or after . da-s from the date he re!ei2ed the first noti!e of the $ostmaster 6!onstr !ti2e ser2i!e7# "hi!he2er is ear3ier. Pres $$oses that the addressee has a!t a33- re!ei2ed the mai3 on said date. If he didn>t# then the $res m$tion !annot a$$3-. ,er2i!e at the o3d address of !o nse3 of re!ord is 2a3id. 0e did not inform the !o rt that he mo2ed addresses. 6Ethi!s !ase:7

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If not# and %- $ersona33-# %- the "ritten or stam$ed a!8no"3edgment of its fi3ing %- the !3er8 of !o rt on a !o$- of the same If %- registered mai3# %- the registr- re!ei$t and %- the affida2it of the $erson "ho did the mai3ing# !ontaining a f 33 statement of the im$ortant detai3s

Sec. ... Priorities in modes o' ser!ice and 'iling. #$ene!er practica"le, t$e ser!ice and 'iling o' pleadings and ot$er papers s$all "e done personall2. E cept 0it$ respect to papers emanating 'rom t$e court, a resort to ot$er modes must "e accompanied "2 a 0ritten e planation 0$2 t$e ser!ice or 'iling 0as not done personall2. % !iolation o' t$is Rule ma2 "e cause to consider t$e paper as not 'iled. If not ser2ed or fi3ed $ersona33-# ho">s thatA /here m st %e a "ritten e4$3anation "h- the ser2i!e or fi3ing "as not done $ersona33-. Sec. .1. Proo' o' 'iling. &$e 'iling o' a pleading or paper s$all "e pro!ed "2 its e istence in t$e record o' t$e case. I' it is not in t$e record, "ut is claimed to $a!e "een 'iled personall2, t$e 'iling s$all "e pro!ed "2 t$e 0ritten or stamped ac/no0ledgment o' its 'iling "2 t$e cler/ o' court on a cop2 o' t$e same= i' 'iled "2 registered mail, "2 t$e registr2 receipt and "2 t$e a''ida!it o' t$e person 0$o did t$e mailing, containing a 'ull statement o' t$e date and place o' depositing t$e mail in t$e post o''ice in a sealed en!elope addressed to t$e court, 0it$ postage 'ull2 prepaid, and 0it$ instructions to t$e postmaster to return t$e mail to t$e sender a'ter ten +.E, da2s i' not deli!ered. 0o" is fi3ing $ro2edA '. 9- the e4isten!e in the re!ord of the !ase#

Sec. .3. Proo' o' ser!ice. Proo' o' personal ser!ice s$all consist o' a 0ritten admission o' t$e part2 ser!ed, or t$e o''icial return o' t$e ser!er, or t$e a''ida!it o' t$e part2 ser!ing, containing a 'ull statement o' t$e date, place and manner o' ser!ice. I' t$e ser!ice is "2 ordinar2 mail, proo' t$ereo' s$all consist o' an a''ida!it o' t$e person mailing o' 'acts s$o0ing compliance 0it$ section B o' t$is Rule. I' ser!ice is made "2 registered mail, proo' s$all "e made "2 suc$ a''ida!it and t$e registr2 receipt issued "2 t$e mailing o''ice. &$e registr2 return card s$all "e 'iled immediatel2 upon its receipt "2 t$e sender, or in lieu t$ereo' t$e unclaimed letter toget$er 0it$ t$e certi'ied or s0orn cop2 o' t$e notice gi!en "2 t$e postmaster to t$e addressee. 0o" is ser2i!e $ro2edA '. If $ersona3 ser2i!e# then %-& a. Written admission of the $art- ser2ed# or %. /he offi!ia3 ret rn of the ser2er# or !. Affida2it of the $art- ser2ing !ontaining a f 33 statementK (. If %- ordinar- mai3# then %- affida2it of the $erson mai3ing of fa!ts sho"ing !om$3ian!e "ith se!tion Q of this r 3e *. If %- registered mai3# %-& a. , !h affida2it and the registr- re!ei$t iss ed %- the mai3ing offi!e. %. /he registr- ret rn !ard sho 3d %e fi3ed immediate3$on its re!ei$t %- the sender# or !. in 3ie thereof# the n!3aimed 3etter together "ith the !ertified or s"orn !o$- of the noti!e gi2en %- the $ostmaster to the addressee.

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Sec. .5. Notice o' lis pendens. In an action a''ecting t$e title or t$e rig$t o' possession o' real propert2, t$e plainti'' and t$e de'endant, 0$en a''irmati!e relie' is claimed in $is ans0er, ma2 record in t$e o''ice o' t$e registr2 o' deeds o' t$e pro!ince in 0$ic$ t$e propert2 is situated a notice o' t$e pendenc2 o' t$e action. Said notice s$all contain t$e names o' t$e parties and t$e o"*ect o' t$e action or de'ense, and a description o' t$e propert2 in t$at pro!ince a''ected t$ere"2. Onl2 'rom t$e time o' 'iling suc$ notice 'or record s$all a purc$aser, or encum"rancer o' t$e propert2 a''ected t$ere"2, "e deemed to $a!e constructi!e notice o' t$e pendenc2 o' t$e action, and onl2 o' its pendenc2 against t$e parties designated "2 t$eir real names. &$e notice o' lis pendens $ereina"o!e mentioned ma2 "e cancelled onl2 upon order o' t$e court, a'ter proper s$o0ing t$at t$e notice is 'or t$e purpose o' molesting t$e ad!erse part2, or t$at it is not necessar2 to protect t$e rig$ts o' t$e part2 0$o caused it to "e recorded. RULE .5 SU--ONS Section .. Cler/ to issue summons. Upon t$e 'iling o' t$e complaint and t$e pa2ment o' t$e reAuisite legal 'ees, t$e cler/ o' court s$all 'ort$0it$ issue t$e corresponding summons to t$e de'endants. What is a s mmons an-"a-A It>s a mode# "rit# $ro!ess# noti!e# or "arning the ser2i!e of "hi!h !onfers 5 risdi!tion to the !o rt o2er the $erson of the defendant. You've been served! )hat up& Sec. 1. Contents. &$e summons s$all "e directed to t$e de'endant, signed "2 t$e cler/ o' court under seal, and contain> +a, t$e name o' t$e court and t$e names o' t$e parties to

t$e action= +", a direction t$at t$e de'endant ans0er 0it$in t$e time 'i ed "2 t$ese Rules= +c, a notice t$at unless t$e de'endant so ans0ers, plainti'' 0ill ta/e *udgment "2 de'ault and ma2 "e granted t$e relie' applied 'or. % cop2 o' t$e complaint and order 'or appointment o' guardian ad litem, i' an2, s$all "e attac$ed to t$e original and eac$ cop2 o' t$e summons. What does the s mmons !ontainA '. /he name of the !o rt and the names of the $arties to the a!tionJ (. A dire!tion that the defendant ans"er "ithin the time fi4ed %these R 3esJ *. A noti!e that n3ess the defendant so ans"ers# $3aintiff "i33 ta8e 5 dgment %- defa 3t and ma- %e granted the re3ief a$$3ied for. +. A !o$- of the !om$3aint 6and order for a$$ointment of g ardian ad litem# if an-7 sha33 %e atta!hed to the origina3 and ea!h !o$- of the s mmons What if an additiona3 defendant is 5oinedA 0e m st %e ser2ed "ith s mmons as if he "ere an origina3 $art- defendant. E4!e$t& In s %stit tion of an administrator or one>s heirs to a de!eased $art- 6ser2i!e of order of s %stit tion is s ffi!ient7 If the defendant is not s mmoned# 5 dgment against him is 2oid. When sho 3d ser2i!e of ne" s mmons %e done "ith an amended !om$3aintA If a ne" !a se of a!tion is a33eged in an amended !om$3aint be#ore the defendant has a$$eared in !o rt# another s mmons m st %e ser2ed on the him "ith the amended !om$3aint. If the defendant is in defa 3t as to the origina3 !om$3aint# and an amended !om$3aint is fi3ed "hi3e s !h defa 3t e4ists# a ne"

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s mmons 6"ith regard to the amended !om$3aint7 m st %e fi3ed. 9asi!a33-# "hen the defendant has -et to a$$ear in !o rt# a ne" s mmons m st %e fi3ed "ith an amended !om$3aint.

re'uses to recei!e and sign 'or it, "2 tendering it to $im. What if the s mmons is ret rned "itho t %eing ser2edA /he ser2er sha33 ser2e a !o$- of the ret rn on the $3aintiff>s !o nse3# stating the reasons for the fai3 re of the ser2i!e# "ithin . da-s therefom. In a !ase 3i8e this or if the s mmons as 3ost# the !3er8# on demand of the $3aintiff# ma- iss e an a3ias s mmons. 0o" is $ersona3 ser2i!e of s mmons madeA '. 9- handing a !o$- to the defendant in $erson# or (. If he ref ses to re!ei2e and sign for it# %- tendering it to him. Sec. B. Su"stituted ser!ice. I', 'or *usti'ia"le causes, t$e de'endant cannot "e ser!ed 0it$in a reasona"le time as pro!ided in t$e preceding section, ser!ice ma2 "e e''ected +a, "2 lea!ing copies o' t$e summons at t$e de'endantHs residence 0it$ some person o' suita"le age and discretion t$en residing t$erein, or +", "2 lea!ing t$e copies at de'endantHs o''ice or regular place o' "usiness 0it$ some competent person in c$arge t$ereo'. When !an -o do s %stit ted ser2i!eA 6Re1 isites7 '. On3- "hen the defendant !annot %e ser2ed $ersona33- "ithin a reasona%3e time that a s %stit ted ser2i!e ma- %e made (. Im$ossi%i3it- of $rom$t ser2i!e sho 3d %e sho"n %- stating the efforts made to find the defendant $ersona33- and the fa!t that s !h efforts fie3d. /his statement sho 3d %e made in the $roof of ser2i!e. What do -o mean %- ?reasona%3e time@A One month 0o" man- times sho 3d the attem$t ser2i!e %een doneA At 3east * times# on at 3east ( different dates 6+FF ,CRA (7 0o" is s %stit ted ser2i!e effe!tedA

Sec. 3. 42 0$om ser!ed. &$e summons ma2 "e ser!ed "2 t$e s$eri'', $is deput2, or ot$er proper court o''icer, or 'or *usti'ia"le reasons "2 an2 suita"le person aut$ori6ed "2 t$e court issuing t$e summons. Who m st '. (. *. +. ser2e the s mmonsA /he sheriff 0is de$ tOther $ro$er !o rt offi!er# or Cor 5 stifia%3e reasons# %- an- s ita%3e $erson a thoriIed %- the !o rt ,er2i!e %- other than those en merated in ,e!tion * is in2a3id.

Sec. 5. Return. #$en t$e ser!ice $as "een completed, t$e ser!er s$all, 0it$in 'i!e +7, da2s t$ere'rom, ser!e a cop2 o' t$e return, personall2 or "2 registered mail, to t$e plainti''Hs counsel, and s$all return t$e summons to t$e cler/ 0$o issued it, accompanied "2 proo' o' ser!ice. Sec. 7. Issuance o' alias summons. I' a summons is returned 0it$out "eing ser!ed on an2 or all o' t$e de'endants, t$e ser!er s$all also ser!e a cop2 o' t$e return on t$e plainti''Hs counsel, stating t$e reasons 'or t$e 'ailure o' ser!ice, 0it$in 'i!e +7, da2s t$ere'rom. In suc$ a case, or i' t$e summons $as "een lost, t$e cler/, on demand o' t$e plainti'', ma2 issue an alias summons. Sec. 8. Ser!ice in person on de'endant. #$ene!er practica"le, t$e summons s$all "e ser!ed "2 $anding a cop2 t$ereo' to t$e de'endant in person, or, i' $e

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'. (.

9- 3ea2ing !o$ies of the s mmons at the defendant>s residen!e "ith some $erson of s ita%3e age and dis!retion then residing therein# or 9- 3ea2ing the !o$ies at the defendant>s offi!e or reg 3ar $3a!e of % siness "ith some !om$etent $erson in !harge thereof.

What do -o mean %- ?s ita%3e age@A 'G -ears o3d and a%o2e 0o" do -o test ?dis!retion@A As8 1 estions# are the- !a$a%3e of ma8ing 5 dgmentsA Do thenderstand "hat>s ha$$eningA /he $res $$oses that a re3ation of !onfiden!e e4ists %et"een the $erson "ith "hom the !o$- is 3eft and the defendant# and ass mes that s !h $erson "i33 de3i2er the $ro!ess to the defendant. ,er2i!e is made at the residen!e of the defendant# % t he "as a%road# 2a3idA Ees. Residen!e refers to the $3a!e "here the $erson named in the s mmons is 3i2ing at the time "hen the ser2i!e is made# e2en tho gh he ma- %e tem$orari3- o t of the !o ntr- at the time. Can -o gi2e the s mmons to a !o sin "ho>s 2isitingA Att-. < e2ara sa-s no. ,tri!t !om$3ian!e m st %e met. /hem st %e residing therein. Sec. C. Ser!ice upon entit2 0it$out *uridical personalit2. #$en persons associated in an entit2 0it$out *uridical personalit2 are sued under t$e name "2 0$ic$ t$e2 are generall2 or commonl2 /no0n, ser!ice ma2 "e e''ected upon all t$e de'endants "2 ser!ing upon an2 one o' t$em, or upon t$e person in c$arge o' t$e o''ice or place o' "usiness maintained in suc$ name. 4ut suc$ ser!ice s$all not "ind indi!iduall2 an2 person 0$ose connection 0it$ t$e entit2 $as, upon due notice, "een se!ered "e'ore t$e action 0as "roug$t.

0o" !an s mmons %e ser2ed $on entities "itho t 5 ridi!a3 $ersona3itiesA 9- ser2ing either& o U$on an- one of them# or o U$on the $erson in !harge of the offi!e or $3a!e of % siness maintained in s !h name Sec. D. Ser!ice upon prisoners. #$en t$e de'endant is a prisoner con'ined in a *ail or institution, ser!ice s$all "e e''ected upon $im "2 t$e o''icer $a!ing t$e management o' suc$ *ail or institution 0$o is deemed deputi6ed as a special s$eri'' 'or said purpose. 0o" !an s mmons %e ser2ed $on $risoners in a 5ai3 or instit tionA It sha33 %e effe!ted $on him %- the offi!er ha2ing the management of s !h 5ai3 or instit tion /he offi!er is deemed de$ tiIed as a s s$e!ia3 sheriff Sec. .E. Ser!ice upon minors and incompetents. #$en t$e de'endant is a minor, insane or ot$er0ise an incompetent, ser!ice s$all "e made upon $im personall2 and on $is legal guardian i' $e $as one, or i' none, upon $is guardian ad litem 0$ose appointment s$all "e applied 'or "2 t$e plainti''. In t$e case o' a minor, ser!ice ma2 also "e made on $is 'at$er or mot$er. 0o" !an s mmons %e ser2ed $on a minor# insane or in!ome$etentA 9- ser2ing $on& o 0im# $ersona33-# and o 0is 3ega3 g ardian# if he has# or A g ardian ad litem "ho sha33 %e a$$3ied for %the $3aintiff If a minor# ser2i!e ma- a3so %e made on his father or mother Sec. ... Ser!ice upon domestic pri!ate *uridical entit2. #$en t$e de'endant is a corporation, partners$ip or association organi6ed under t$e la0s o' t$e P$ilippines 0it$

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a *uridical personalit2, ser!ice ma2 "e made on t$e president, managing partner, general manager, corporate secretar2, treasurer, or in)$ouse counsel. 0o" !an s mmons %e ser2ed $on a domesti! 5 ridi!a3 entit-A 9- ser2ing $on& o /he $resident o )anaging $artner o <enera3 manager o Cor$orate se!retaro /reas rer# or o In=ho se !o nse3 ,tri!t !om$3ian!e "ith the mode of ser2i!e is ne!essar-. /he offi!er $on "hom ser2i!e is made m st %e one "ho is named in the stat te# other"ise# the ser2i!e is ins ffi!ient. 0o"e2er# one sho 3d 3oo8 at the f n!tions of the offi!er# not the nomen!3at re. o ,o# ser2i!e to the COO is o8# he>s the genera3 manager. ,o "ith the CCO# sin!e he>s the treas rer. Sec. .1. Ser!ice upon 'oreign pri!ate *uridical entit2. #$en t$e de'endant is a 'oreign pri!ate *uridical entit2 0$ic$ $as transacted "usiness in t$e P$ilippines, ser!ice ma2 "e made on its resident agent designated in accordance 0it$ la0 'or t$at purpose, or, i' t$ere "e no suc$ agent, on t$e go!ernment o''icial designated "2 la0 to t$at e''ect, or on an2 o' its o''icers or agents 0it$in t$e P$ilippines. 0o" !an s mmons %e ser2ed $on a foreign $ri2ate 5 ridi!a3 entit-A 9- ser2ing $on& o Its resident agent designated in a!!ordan!e "ith 3a" for that $ r$ose# or o If none# on the go2ernment offi!ia3 designate %- 3a" to that effe!t# or o An- of its offi!ers or agents "ithin the Phi3i$$ines Read this $ro2ision "ith R 3e ''# ,e!t ( 6When to fi3e

res$onsi2e $3eadings7 Does it matter if the entit- has a 3i!ense or notA No. A foreign !or$oration a!t a33- doing % siness in this 5 risdi!tion# "ith or "itho t 3i!ense or a thorit- to do so# is amenda%3e to $ro!ess and the 5 risdi!tion of 3o!a3 !o rts. Sec. .3. Ser!ice upon pu"lic corporations. #$en t$e de'endant is t$e Repu"lic o' t$e P$ilippines, ser!ice ma2 "e e''ected on t$e Solicitor Feneral= in case o' a pro!ince, cit2 or municipalit2, or li/e pu"lic corporations, ser!ice ma2 "e e''ected on its e ecuti!e $ead, or on suc$ ot$er o''icer or o''icers as t$e la0 or t$e court ma2 direct. 0o" !an s mmons %e ser2ed $on $ %3i! !or$orationsA If the defendant is the Re$ %3i! of the Phi3i$$ines# on the ,o3 <enJ In !ase of a $ro2in!e# !it- or m ni!i$a3it- or 3i8e $ %3i! !or$ortations# on its e4e! ti2e head or s !h other offi!erDoffi!ers as the 3a" or the !o rt ma- dire!t Sec. .5. Ser!ice upon de'endant 0$ose identit2 or 0$erea"outs are un/no0n. In an2 action 0$ere t$e de'endant is designated as an un/no0n o0ner, or t$e li/e, or 0$ene!er $is 0$erea"outs are un/no0n and cannot "e ascertained "2 diligent inAuir2, ser!ice ma2, "2 lea!e o' court, "e e''ected upon $im "2 pu"lication in a ne0spaper o' general circulation and in suc$ places and 'or suc$ time as t$e court ma2 order. When !an s mmons %- $ %3i!ation %e doneA Where the defendants is designated as an n8no"n o"ner# or the 3i8eJ or Where his "herea%o ts are n8no"n and !annot %e as!ertained %- di3igent in1 ir , mmons %- $ %3i!ation !annot %e done in a!tions stri!t3- in personam&

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Sec. .7. E traterritorial ser!ice. #$en t$e de'endant does not reside and is not 'ound in t$e P$ilippines, and t$e action a''ects t$e personal status o' t$e plainti'' or relates to, or t$e su"*ect o' 0$ic$ is, propert2 0it$in t$e P$ilippines, in 0$ic$ t$e de'endant $as or claims a lien or interest, actual or contingent, or in 0$ic$ t$e relie' demanded consists, 0$oll2 or in part, in e cluding t$e de'endant 'rom an2 interest t$erein, or t$e propert2 o' t$e de'endant $as "een attac$ed 0it$in t$e P$ilippines, ser!ice ma2, "2 lea!e o' court, "e e''ected out o' t$e P$ilippines "2 personal ser!ice as under section 8= or "2 pu"lication in a ne0spaper o' general circulation in suc$ places and 'or suc$ time as t$e court ma2 order, in 0$ic$ case a cop2 o' t$e summons and order o' t$e court s$all "e sent "2 registered mail to t$e last /no0n address o' t$e de'endant, or in an2 ot$er manner t$e court ma2 deem su''icient. %n2 order granting suc$ lea!e s$all speci'2 a reasona"le time, 0$ic$ s$all not "e less t$an si t2 +8E, da2s a'ter notice, 0it$in 0$ic$ t$e de'endant must ans0er. When !an e4traterritoria3 s mmons %e madeA When the defendant does not reside and is not fo nd in the Phi3i$$ines# and /he a!tion affe!ts& o /he $ersona3 stat s of the $3aintiff# or o An- $ro$ert- of said defendant 3o!ated in the Phi3i$$ines 0o" !an ser2i!e of s mmons on a nonresident not fo nd in the Phi3i$$ines %e doneA 9- $ersona3 ser2i!e nder ,e!tion L# or 9- $ %3i!ation in a ne"s$a$er of genera3 !ir! 3ation in s !h $3a!es and for s !h time as the !o rt ma- order o A !o$- of the s mmons and order of the !o rt sha33 %e sent %- registered mai3 to the 3ast 8no"n address of the defendant# In an- other manner that the !o rt ma- deem s ffi!ient

In the !ase of non=resident defendants "ho are not fo nd in the Phi3i$$ines# e4traterritoria3 ser2i!e of s mmons is a33o"ed on3- in an a!tion in rem and 7uasi in rem o If it>s an a!tion in personam, on3- $ersona3 ser2i!e "i33 s ffi!e. ,er2i!e of s mmons in the manner $ro2ided in this se!tion is not for the $ r$ose of 2esting it "ith 5 risdi!tion o2er the $erson of the defendant % t for !om$3-ing "ith the re1 irement of fair $3a- or d e $ro!ess# so that he "i33 %e informed of the $enden!- of the a!tion against him.

0o" !an ser2i!e of s mmons on a resident defendant in an a!tion in personam %e doneA 9- $ersona3 ser2i!e# or If not $ossi%3e and he !annot %e $ersona33- ser2ed# %s %stit ted ser2i!e# or If the resident defendant is tem$orari3- a%road# %- $ %3i!ation# "ith 3ea2e of !o rt 6R 3e '+# ,e! 'L# see belo 7. Sec. .8. Residents temporaril2 out o' t$e P$ilippines. #$en an2 action is commenced against a de'endant 0$o ordinaril2 resides 0it$in t$e P$ilippines, "ut 0$o is temporaril2 out o' it, ser!ice ma2, "2 lea!e o' court, "e also e''ected out o' t$e P$ilippines, as under t$e preceding section. Sec. .B. Lea!e o' court. %n2 application to t$e court under t$is Rule 'or lea!e to e''ect ser!ice in an2 manner 'or 0$ic$ lea!e o' court is necessar2 s$all "e made "2 motion in 0riting, supported "2 a''ida!it o' t$e plainti'' or some person on $is "e$al', setting 'ort$ t$e grounds 'or t$e application. Sec. .C. Proo' o' ser!ice. &$e proo' o' ser!ice o' a summons s$all "e made in 0riting "2 t$e ser!er and s$all set 'ort$ t$e manner, place, and date o' ser!ice= s$all speci'2 an2 papers 0$ic$ $a!e "een ser!ed 0it$ t$e process and t$e name o' t$e person 0$o recei!ed t$e same= and s$all "e s0orn to 0$en made "2 a

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person ot$er t$an a s$eri'' or $is deput2. 0o" do -o $ro2e ser2i!e of s mmonsA In "riting %- the ser2er# setting forth the manner# $3a!e and date of ser2i!e It sho 3d a3so s$e!if- an- $a$ers "hi!h ha2e %een ser2ed "ith the $ro!ess and the name of the $erson "ho re!ei2ed it Needs to %e s"orn to "hen made %- a $erson other than a sheriff or de$ to ,heriffs or de$ ties need not s"ear sin!e it>s $art of their offi!ia3 d ties Sec. .D. Proo' o' ser!ice "2 pu"lication. I' t$e ser!ice $as "een made "2 pu"lication, ser!ice ma2 "e pro!ed "2 t$e a''ida!it o' t$e printer, $is 'oreman or principal cler/, or o' t$e editor, "usiness or ad!ertising manager, to 0$ic$ a''ida!it a cop2 o' t$e pu"lication s$all "e attac$ed, and "2 an a''ida!it s$o0ing t$e deposit o' a cop2 o' t$e summons and order 'or pu"lication in t$e post o''ice, postage prepaid, directed to t$e de'endant "2 registered mail to $is last /no0n address. 0o" do -o $ro2e ser2i!e of s mmons %- $ %3i!ationA 9- t"o affida2its. '. 9- an affida2it of o /he $rinter o Coreman o Prin!i$a3 !3er8# or o Editor or % siness or ad2ertising manager o Atta!hed to it is a !o$- of the $ %3i!ation (. Affida2it sho"ing the de$osit of a !o$- of the s mmons and order for $ %3i!ation in the $ost offi!e# et! et! Sec. 1E. Voluntar2 appearance. &$e de'endantHs !oluntar2 appearance in t$e action s$all "e eAui!alent to ser!ice o' summons. &$e inclusion in a motion to dismiss o' ot$er grounds aside 'rom lac/ o' *urisdiction o!er t$e person o' t$e de'endant s$all not "e deemed a

!oluntar2 appearance. Is the assertion of an affirmati2e defenseDs a "ai2er of the defense of 3a!8 of 5 risdi!tion o2er the $ersonA No. 9 t it m st %e seasona%3- raised# 3est the $erson %e esto$$ed. o Ci3ing of ans"er "itho t o%5e!tion is 2o3 ntara$$earan!e. o Ci3ing of motion for e4tension of time to fi3e ans"er is 2o3 ntar- a$$earan!e. RULE .7 -O&IONS Section .. -otion de'ined. % motion is an application 'or relie' ot$er t$an "2 a pleading. A motion ma- %e fina3 or inter3o! tor-. /here are a3so motions "hi!h $ra- for a 5 dgment on the merits.

Sec. 1. -otions must "e in 0riting. %ll motions s$all "e in 0riting e cept t$ose made in open court or in t$e course o' a $earing or trial. Sec. 3. Contents. % motion s$all state t$e relie' soug$t to "e o"tained and t$e grounds upon 0$ic$ it is "ased, and i' reAuired "2 t$ese Rules or necessar2 to pro!e 'acts alleged t$erein, s$all "e accompanied "2 supporting a''ida!its and ot$er papers. What sho 3d the motion !ontainA '. /he re3ief so ght to %e o%tained (. <ro nds $on "hi!h it is %ased *. If re1 ired %- the R 3es or ne!essar- to $ro2e fa!ts a33eged therein# it sho 3d %e a!!om$anied %- s $$orting affida2its When are s $$orting affida2its ne!essar-A

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If the fa!ts a33eged in the motion are not of re!ord or of 5 di!ia3 noti!e A motion for setting aside a 5 dgment %- defa 3t m st %e a!!om$anied %- an affida2it of merit 6to $ro2e that there is a meritorio s defense7

and# ,ha33 %e ser2ed together "ith the noti!e of hearing in s !h a manner as to ins re re!ei$t %- the other $art- at 3east three da-s %efore he date of hearing. Eo need notice o# hearing and proo# o# service&

When are the- not ne!essar-A When the gro nds $on "hi!h the motion is %ased !an %e fo nd in the re!ord Sec. 5. @earing o' motion. E cept 'or motions 0$ic$ t$e court ma2 act upon 0it$out pre*udicing t$e rig$ts o' t$e ad!erse part2, e!er2 0ritten motion s$all "e set 'or $earing "2 t$e applicant. E!er2 0ritten motion reAuired to "e $eard and t$e notice o' t$e $earing t$ereo' s$all "e ser!ed in suc$ a manner as to ensure its receipt "2 t$e ot$er part2 at least t$ree +3, da2s "e'ore t$e date o' $earing, unless t$e court 'or good cause sets t$e $earing on s$orter notice. What motions !an %e a!ted $on "itho t hearingA 84 parte motions 3i8e motion for e4tension of time to fi3e $3eadings# motion for e4tension of time to fi3e an ans"er# $re3iminar- atta!hment 6yes, it ill adversely a##ect the other party, but to re7uire a hearing #or this ill de#eat the purpose o# the motion& *aka tumakas lang yung other party) /hese !an %e a!ted $on immediate3- "itho t $re5 di!e to the ad2erse $arWhat motions sho 3d ha2e a hearingA Litigated motions, 3i8e motion for re!onsideration# motion to set aside order of defa 3t# $re3iminar- in5 n!tion# tem$orarrestraining order 6"ith e4!e$tions7 /hese "i33 s %stantia33- affe!t the ad2erse $artWhat m st %e done "hen fi3ing for a motion "hi!h is re1 ired to %e heardA A33 3itigated hearings sha33 %e set for hearing %- the a$$3i!ant

0o" do -o atta!8 a !o rt order arising from a motionA If it>s a fina3 order 63i8e an order granting a motion to dismiss# 5 dgment on the $3eadings# dem rrer# s mmar- 5 dgment7# -o r remed- is %- a$$ea3. If it>s inter3o! tor- 63i8e an order not granting a motion to dismiss7# -o r remed- is %- !ertiorari nder r 3e L.. Sec. 7. Notice o' $earing. &$e notice o' $earing s$all "e addressed to all parties concerned, and s$all speci'2 t$e time and date o' t$e $earing 0$ic$ must not "e later t$an ten +.E, da2s a'ter t$e 'iling o' t$e motion. When sho 3d the date of the hearing %e setA Not 3ater than '; da-s after the fi3ing of the motion. When sho 3d noti!e %e gi2enA It sho 3d %e ser2e three da-s %efore the motion da- at the 3atest. Co nt %a!8"ards: /he ordinar- motion da- is on a Crida- 6% t this de$ends on the !o rt# so !a33 them first to as87. )hen should the notice be served% It sho 3d %e ser2ed %- / esda- at the 3atest. 9# you ant to send the notice by ordinary mail, do it% /en da-s %efore / esda-. hen should you

9# you ant to send the notice by registered mail # hen should you do it% It sho 3d a!t a33- %e re!ei2ed %- / esda-# or if not !3aimed

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from the $ost offi!e# the date of the first noti!e of the $ostmaster sho 3d %e at 3east . da-s %efore / esda-. Sec. 8. Proo' o' ser!ice necessar2. No 0ritten motion set 'or $earing s$all "e acted upon "2 t$e court 0it$out proo' o' ser!ice t$ereo'. What is the effe!t of 3a!8 of noti!e and $roof of ser2i!eA It is nothing % t a $ie!e of $a$er fi3ed "ith the !o rt. It>s s!ra$. Lega3 im$3i!ation is that it does not to33 the r nning of the $eriod of a$$ea3 Sec. B. -otion da2. E cept 'or motions reAuiring immediate action, all motions s$all "e sc$eduled 'or $earing on <rida2 a'ternoons, or i' <rida2 is a non)0or/ing da2, in t$e a'ternoon o' t$e ne t 0or/ing da2. /all the court to #ind out& Sec. C. Omni"us motion. Su"*ect to t$e pro!isions o' section . o' Rule D, a motion attac/ing a pleading, order, *udgment, or proceeding s$all include all o"*ections t$en a!aila"le, and all o"*ections not so included s$all "e deemed 0ai!ed. What ha$$ens if -o don>t in!3 de a2ai3a%3e o%5e!tions in -o r motionA Deemed "ai2ed. E4!e$t for those in R 3e F# ,e! '. Sec. D. -otion 'or lea!e. % motion 'or lea!e to 'ile a pleading or motion s$all "e accompanied "2 t$e pleading or motion soug$t to "e admitted. Sec. .E. <orm. &$e Rules applica"le to pleadings s$all appl2 to 0ritten motions so 'ar as concerns caption, designation, signature,

and ot$er matters o' 'orm. Do -o need a !ertifi!ation for non=for m sho$$ing in motionsA No. it>s not an initiator- $3eading. RULE .8 -O&ION &O DIS-ISS Section .. Frounds. #it$in t$e time 'or "ut "e'ore 'iling t$e ans0er to t$e complaint or pleading asserting a claim, a motion to dismiss ma2 "e made on an2 o' t$e 'ollo0ing grounds> +a, &$at t$e court $as no *urisdiction o!er t$e person o' t$e de'ending part2= +", &$at t$e court $as no *urisdiction o!er t$e su"*ect matter o' t$e claim= +c, &$at !enue is improperl2 laid= +d, &$at t$e plainti'' $as no legal capacit2 to sue= +e, &$at t$ere is anot$er action pending "et0een t$e same parties 'or t$e same cause= +', &$at t$e cause o' action is "arred "2 a prior *udgment or "2 t$e statute o' limitations= +g, &$at t$e pleading asserting t$e claim states no cause o' action= +$, &$at t$e claim or demand set 'ort$ in t$e plainti''Hs pleading $as "een paid, 0ai!ed, a"andoned, or ot$er0ise e tinguis$ed= +i, &$at t$e claim on 0$ic$ t$e action is 'ounded is unen'orcea"le under t$e pro!isions o' t$e statute o' 'rauds= and +*, &$at a condition precedent 'or 'iling t$e claim $as not "een complied 0it$. When sho 3d a motion to dismiss %e fi3edA 9efore fi3ing the ans"er to the !om$3aint or $3eading asserting a !om$3aint /his !an %e done %- an- defending $artWhat are the gro ndsA

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'. (. *. +. .. L. Q. G.

No 5 risdi!tion o2er the defendant No 5 risdi!tion o2er the s %5e!t matter Im$ro$er 2en e P3aintiff no 3ega3 !a$a!it- to s e Lis $endens Res 5 di!ataD$res!ri$tion 6%ar to refi33ing7 Cai3 re to state !a se of a!tion C3aim has %een $aid# "ai2ed# a%andoned# e4ting ished 6%ar to refi33ing7 F. Unenfor!ea%3e nder stat te of fra ds 6%ar to refi33ing7 ';. Condition $re!edent not !om$3ied "ith What are re1 isites of lis pendens% '. ,ame $arties (. ,ame interest *. ,ame rights asserted +. ,ame re3ief $ra-ed for .. Co 3d %e $3eaded as res 5 di!ata if the $ending !ase has %een dis$osed of What are the re1 isites for res "udicata% '. Cina3 5 dgment (. 9- a !o rt ha2ing 5 risdi!tion of the s %5e!t matter of the $arties *. ) st %e on the merits 6"ith tria3# !onsidering the e2iden!e. E4!e$tion "o 3d %e 5 dgment on the $3eadings# order of dismissa3 B these are sti33 res "udicata7 +. ,ame $arties# s %5e!t matter and !a se of a!tion Pres!ri$ti2e $eriod ta%3e Rea3 a!tions o2er immo2a%3es Rea3 a!tions o2er mo2a%3es )ortgage a!tion Written !ontra!t O%3igation !reated %- 3a" *; -ears 6% t if a!1 ired "ith good faith and 5 st tit3e# on3- '; -ears to a!1 ire o"nershi$7 G -ears 6% t if a!1 ired "ith good faith and 5 st tit3e# on3- + -ears to a!1 ire o"nershi$7 '; -ears '; -ears

N dgment Ora3 !ontra!t Q asi=!ontra!t In5 r- to the rights of the $3aintiff Q asi=de3i!t Cor!i%3e entrUn3a"f 3 detainer defamation A33 others not fi4ed %- other 3a"s

L -ears + -ears ' -ear . -ears

What>s the test to determine if the !om$3aint fai3s to state a !a se of a!tionA As8& admitting the fa!ts a33eged# !an the !o rt render a 2a3id 5 dgment in a!!ordan!e "ith the re3ief $ra-ed forA /his m st %e determined from the a33egations of fa!t in the !om$3aint a3one. o /his is the on3- gro nd of a motion to dismiss "hi!h m st a$$ear on the fa!e of the !om$3aint. )hen ill the court not :admit allegations as true;% o When there is 5 di!ia3 noti!e of the fa3sito When it>s 3ega33- im$ossi%3e o When the fa!ts are inadmissi%3e in e2iden!e o When the fa!ts are nfo nded What>s the differen!e %et"een no cause o# action and #ailure to state a cause o# actionA Use the former in the ans"er as a defense. Use the 3atter as a gro nd for motion to dismiss. Us a33- the !om$3aint is in!om$3ete# defe!ti2e or 3a!8s a33egations. Sec. 1. @earing o' motion. %t t$e $earing o' t$e motion, t$e parties s$all su"mit t$eir arguments on t$e Auestions o' la0 and t$eir e!idence on t$e Auestions o' 'act in!ol!ed e cept t$ose not a!aila"le at t$at time. S$ould t$e case go to trial, t$e e!idence presented during t$e $earing s$all automaticall2 "e part o'

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t$e e!idence o' t$e part2 presenting t$e same. Sec. 3. Resolution o' motion. %'ter t$e $earing, t$e court ma2 dismiss t$e action or claim, den2 t$e motion, or order t$e amendment o' t$e pleading. &$e court s$all not de'er t$e resolution o' t$e motion 'or t$e reason t$at t$e ground relied upon is not indu"ita"le. In e!er2 case, t$e resolution s$all state clearl2 and distinctl2 t$e reasons t$ere'or. /he !o '. (. *. rt is 3imited to three a!tions# in reso32ing a motion& Dismiss the a!tion or !3aim# Den- the motion# or Order the amendment of the $3eading

at the time of fi3ing his motion# "hi!h sha33 not %e 3ess than . da-s in an- e2ent If ordered %- the !o rt to %e amended 6ne" $eriod: EEAE:7 )atter of right Not a matter of right '. da-s '; da-s from ser2i!e of amended $3eading

Sec. 7. E''ect o' dismissal. Su"*ect to t$e rig$t o' appeal, an order granting a motion to dismiss "ased on paragrap$s +',, +$, and +i, o' section . $ereo' s$all "ar t$e re'iling o' t$e same action or claim. When "i33 the dismissa3 %e res "udicata or a %ar to a refi3ing of the same a!tion or !3aim% '. 9arred %- $rior 5 dgment (. Pres!ri$tion *. C3aim or demand has %een $aid# "ai2ed# et! +. Unenfor!ea%3e .. When other $ending !ase>s 5 dgment "i33 !onstit te res "udicata What>s the effe!t of dismissa3 on the gro nd of fai3 re to state a !a se of a!tionA A !om$3aint sho 3d not %e dismissed for fai3 re to state a !a se of a!tion if the defe!t ma- %e !orre!ted %- amendment. 9 t# if the $3aintiff !annot or does not amened the !om$3aint# the dismissa3 o$erates as an ad5 di!ation $on the merits# n3ess# other"ise ordered %- the !o rt. 6Cai3 re to Com$3- "ith order of !o rt# R 3e 'Q# ,e! *7 A dismissa3 %e!a se the !a se of a!tion had not -et a!!r ed at the time the !om$3aint "as fi3ed is not a %ar to a s %se1 ent a!tion after the !a se of a!tion a!!r es. Sec. 8. Pleading grounds as a''irmati!e de'enses. I' no motion to dismiss $as "een 'iled, an2 o' t$e grounds 'or dismissal pro!ided 'or in t$is Rule ma2 "e pleaded as an

What are -o r remediesA If it "as granted# -o r remed- is %- a$$ea3. If it "as denied# -o ha2e t"o remedies& o %- !ertiorari nder r 3e L. or $rohi%ition 6if 3a!8 of 5 risdi!tion "as the gro nd7# or o /he ordinar- $ro!ed re to %e fo33o"ed is to fi3e an ans"er and inter$ose as defenses the o%r5e!tions raised in the motion# $ro!eed to tria3# and if the de!ision is ad2erse# reiterate the iss e on a$$ea3 from the fina3 5 dgment. Sec. 5. &ime to plead. I' t$e motion is denied, t$e mo!ant s$all 'ile $is ans0er 0it$in t$e "alance o' t$e period prescri"ed "2 Rule .. to 0$ic$ $e 0as entitled at t$e time o' ser!ing $is motion, "ut not less t$an 'i!e +7, da2s in an2 e!ent, computed 'rom $is receipt o' t$e notice o' t$e denial. I' t$e pleading is ordered to "e amended, $e s$all 'ile $is ans0er 0it$in t$e period prescri"ed "2 Rule .. counted 'rom ser!ice o' t$e amended pleading, unless t$e court pro!ides a longer period. If denied Within the %a3an!e of the $eriod to "hi!h he "as entit3ed

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a''irmati!e de'ense in t$e ans0er and, in t$e discretion o' t$e court, a preliminar2 $earing ma2 "e $ad t$ereon as i' a motion to dismiss $ad "een 'iled. &$e dismissal o' t$e complaint under t$is section s$all "e 0it$out pre*udice to t$e prosecution in t$e same or separate action o' a counterclaim pleaded in t$e ans0er. What ha$$ens if no motion to dismiss "as fi3ed# !an I raise the gro nds as an affirmati2e defense in the ans"erA Ees. A $re3iminar- hearing ma- %e had thereon as i# a motion of dismiss had %een fi3ed. If I ha2e a !om$ 3sor- !o nter!3aim# sho 3d I fi3e a motion to dismissA No. I sho 3d a33ege the gro nds of the motion to dismiss as affirmati2e defenses in his ans"er and a33ege the !om$ 3sor!o nter!3aim. A $re3iminar- hearing ma- %e he3d and in the e2ent the !om$3aint is dismissed# the defendant !an $rose! te his !o nter!3aim. /he !oda3 $ro2ides that the dismissa3 of the !om$3aint is "itho t $re5 di!e to the $rose! tion of said !o nter!3aim in the same or se$arate a!tion. If I fi3e a motion to dismiss# and the gro nds then a2ai3a%3e "ere not a33eged# the- "i33 %e deemed "ai2ed# s %5e!t to a fe" e4!e$tions. 6R 3e of Omni% s )otion7 RULE .B DIS-ISS%L O< %C&IONS Section .. Dismissal upon notice "2 plainti''. % complaint ma2 "e dismissed "2 t$e plainti'' "2 'iling a notice o' dismissal at an2 time "e'ore ser!ice o' t$e ans0er or o' a motion 'or summar2 *udgment. Upon suc$ notice "eing 'iled, t$e court s$all issue an order con'irming t$e dismissal. Unless ot$er0ise stated in t$e notice, t$e

dismissal is 0it$out pre*udice, e cept t$at a notice operates as an ad*udication upon t$e merits 0$en 'iled "2 a plainti'' 0$o $as once dismissed in a competent court an action "ased on or including t$e same claim. When !an the $3aintiff dismiss an a!tion %- noticeI '. An- time %efore ser2i!e of the ans"er# or (. An- time %efore a motion for s mmar- 5 dgment /he !o rt "i33 then iss e an order !onfirming the dismissa3. What is the effe!t of the dismissa3A It is "itho t $re5 di!e# e4!e$t in the fo33o"ing !ases& If it is stated in the noti!e that the dismissa3 is "ith $re5 di!e# or If the $3aintiff has on!e dismissed in a !om$etent !o rt an a!tion %ased on or in!3 ding the same !3aim 6t"o= dismissa3 r 3e7 Sec. 1. Dismissal upon motion o' plainti''. E cept as pro!ided in t$e preceding section, a complaint s$all not "e dismissed at t$e plainti''Hs instance sa!e upon appro!al o' t$e court and upon suc$ terms and conditions as t$e court deems proper. I' a counterclaim $as "een pleaded "2 a de'endant prior to t$e ser!ice upon $im o' t$e plainti''Hs motion 'or dismissal, t$e dismissal s$all "e limited to t$e complaint. &$e dismissal s$all "e 0it$out pre*udice to t$e rig$t o' t$e de'endant to prosecute $is counterclaim in a separate action unless 0it$in 'i'teen +.7, da2s 'rom notice o' t$e motion $e mani'ests $is pre'erence to $a!e $is counterclaim resol!ed in t$e same action. Unless ot$er0ise speci'ied in t$e order, a dismissal under t$is paragrap$ s$all "e 0it$out pre*udice. % class suit s$all not "e dismissed or compromised 0it$out t$e appro!al o' t$e court. /his se!tion a$$3ies to a motion for dismissa3 %- the $3aintiff after ser2i!e of the ans"er# in "hi!h !ase# an order of the !o rt is ne!essar- $on s !h terms and !onditions as the !o rt deems $ro$er.

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/he dismissa3 nder this se!tion is "itho t $re5 di!e n3ess other"ise s$e!ified in the order of the !o rt.

What ha$$ens if a !o nter!3aim has %een $3eaded %- the defendant $rior to the ser2i!e $on him of the $3aintiff>s motion of dismissa3A /he dismissa3 sha33 %e 3imited to the !om$3aint. /he defendant !an sti33 $rose! te his !o nter!3aim in a se$arate a!tion# n3ess "ithin '. da-s from noti!e of the motion# he manifests his $referen!e to ha2e his !o nter!3aim reso32ed in the same a!tion. Sec. 3. Dismissal due to 'ault o' plainti''. I', 'or no *usti'ia"le cause, t$e plainti'' 'ails to appear on t$e date o' t$e presentation o' $is e!idence in c$ie' on t$e complaint, or to prosecute $is action 'or an unreasona"le lengt$ o' time, or to compl2 0it$ t$ese Rules or an2 order o' t$e court, t$e complaint ma2 "e dismissed upon motion o' t$e de'endant or upon t$e courtHs o0n motion, 0it$out pre*udice to t$e rig$t o' t$e de'endant to prosecute $is counterclaim in t$e same or in a separate action. &$is dismissal s$all $a!e t$e e''ect o' an ad*udication upon t$e merits, unless ot$er0ise declared "2 t$e court. When "i33 the dismissa3 d e to the $3aintiff %e "ith $re5 di!eA '. /he fai3 re of the $3aintiff to a$$ear "itho t 5 stifia%3e !a se on the date of the $resentaion of his e2iden!e in !hief on the !om$3aint (. /he fai3 re of the $3aintiff to $rose! te his a!tion for an nreasona%3e 3ength of time *. Cai3 re of the $3aintiff to !om3- "ith the R 3es of Co rt or anorder of the !o rt /hese !an %e gro nds of dismissa3 %ased $on motioin of the defendant or $on the !o rt motu proprio Sec. 5. Dismissal o' counterclaim, cross)claim, or t$ird) part2 complaint. &$e pro!isions o' t$is Rule s$all appl2 to t$e dismissal o'

an2 counterclaim, cross)claim, or t$ird)part2 complaint. % !oluntar2 dismissal "2 t$e claimant "2 notice as in section . o' t$is Rule, s$all "e made "e'ore a responsi!e pleading or a motion 'or summar2 *udgment is ser!ed or, i' t$ere is none, "e'ore t$e introduction o' e!idence at t$e trial or $earing. RULE .C PRE)&RI%L Section .. #$en conducted. %'ter t$e last pleading $as "een ser!ed and 'iled, it s$all "e t$e dut2 o' t$e plainti'' to promptl2 mo!e e parte t$at t$e case "e set 'or pre)trial. What does 3ast $3eading meanA /he ans"er# or the re$3-# de$ending on the !ase Sec. 1. Nature and purpose. &$e pre)trial is mandator2. &$e court s$all consider> +a, &$e possi"ilit2 o' an amica"le settlement or o' a su"mission to alternati!e modes o' dispute resolution= +", &$e simpli'ication o' t$e issues= +c, &$e necessit2 or desira"ilit2 o' amendments to t$e pleadings= +d, &$e possi"ilit2 o' o"taining stipulations or admissions o' 'acts and o' documents to a!oid unnecessar2 proo'= +e, &$e limitation o' t$e num"er o' 0itnesses= +', &$e ad!isa"ilit2 o' a preliminar2 re'erence o' issues to a commissioner= +g, &$e propriet2 o' rendering *udgment on t$e pleadings, or summar2 *udgment, or o' dismissing t$e action s$ould a !alid ground t$ere'or "e 'ound to e ist= +$, &$e ad!isa"ilit2 or necessit2 o' suspending t$e proceedings= and +i, Suc$ ot$er matters as ma2 aid in t$e prompt disposition o' t$e action. What>re the $ r$oses of $re=tria3A '. Ami!a%3e sett3ement

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E4$edite $ro!eedings

the !o rt. What if the defendant doesn>t sho" $A P3aintiff ma- %e a33o"ed to $resent his e2iden!e e4 parte& /he defendant is not in defa 3t as he a3read- fi3ed an ans"er. Inasm !h as the defendant has fi3ed an ans"er# the $3aintiff ma- ti3iIe admissions made %- the defendant in his ans"er. What if the !3ient is $resent# % t the 3a"-er isn>t thereA No ad2erse effe!t. La"-er to %e re$rimanded. What if the 3a"-er is the attorne-=at=fa!t of the $3aintiff a3so# and he didn>t attend $re=tria3A Dismissed "ith $re5 di!e. Sec. 8. Pre)trial "rie'. &$e parties s$all 'ile 0it$ t$e court and ser!e on t$e ad!erse part2, in suc$ manner as s$all ensure t$eir receipt t$ereo' at least t$ree +3, da2s "e'ore t$e date o' t$e pre) trial, t$eir respecti!e pre)trial "rie's 0$ic$ s$all contain, among ot$ers> +a, % statement o' t$eir 0illingness to enter into amica"le settlement or alternati!e modes o' dispute resolution, indicating t$e desired terms t$ereo'= +", % summar2 o' admitted 'acts and proposed stipulation o' 'acts= +c, &$e issues to "e tried or resol!ed= +d, &$e documents or e $i"its to "e presented, stating t$e purpose t$ereo'= +e, % mani'estation o' t$eir $a!ing a!ailed or t$eir intention to a!ail t$emsel!es o' disco!er2 procedures or re'erral to commissioners= and +', &$e num"er and names o' t$e 0itnesses, and t$e su"stance o' t$eir respecti!e testimonies. <ailure to 'ile t$e pre)trial "rie' s$all $a!e t$e same e''ect as 'ailure to appear at t$e pre)trial.

Sec. 3. Notice o' pre)trial. &$e notice o' pre)trial s$all "e ser!ed on counsel, or on t$e part2 0$o $as no counsel. &$e counsel ser!ed 0it$ suc$ notice is c$arged 0it$ t$e dut2 o' noti'2ing t$e part2 represented "2 $im. Sec. 5. %ppearance o' parties. It s$all "e t$e dut2 o' t$e parties and t$eir counsel to appear at t$e pre)trial. &$e non)appearance o' a part2 ma2 "e e cused onl2 i' a !alid cause is s$o0n t$ere'or or i' a representati!e s$all appear in $is "e$al' 'ull2 aut$ori6ed in 0riting to enter into an amica"le settlement, to su"mit to alternati!e modes o' dispute resolution, and to enter into stipulations or admissions o' 'acts and o' documents. Who has to go to the $re=tria3A /he $arties# and /heir !o nse3 A re$resentati2e !an go % t he needs a "ritten ,PA a thoriIing him to& i. Enter into an ami!a%3e sett3ement# ii. , %mit to a3ternati2e modes of dis$ te reso3 tion iii. Enter into sti$ 3ations or admissions of fa!ts and do! ments Sec. 7. E''ect o' 'ailure to appear. &$e 'ailure o' t$e plainti'' to appear 0$en so reAuired pursuant to t$e ne t preceding section s$all "e cause 'or dismissal o' t$e action. &$e dismissal s$all "e 0it$ pre*udice, unless ot$er0ise ordered "2 t$e court. % similar 'ailure on t$e part o' t$e de'endant s$all "e cause to allo0 t$e plainti'' to present $is e!idence e parte and t$e court to render *udgment on t$e "asis t$ereo'. What if the $3aintiff doesn>t sho" $A Case dismissed "ith $re5 di!e# n3ess other"ise ordered %-

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What is the effe!t of fai3 re to fi3e the $re=tria3 %riefA ,ame as fai3 re to a$$ear at the $re=tria3. Sec. B. Record o' pre)trial. &$e proceedings in t$e pre)trial s$all "e recorded. Upon t$e termination t$ereo', t$e court s$all issue an order 0$ic$ s$all recite in detail t$e matters ta/en up in t$e con'erence, t$e action ta/en t$ereon, t$e amendments allo0ed to t$e pleadings, and t$e agreements or admissions made "2 t$e parties as to an2 o' t$e matters considered. S$ould t$e action proceed to trial, t$e order s$all e plicitl2 de'ine and limit t$e issues to "e tried. &$e contents o' t$e order s$all control t$e su"seAuent course o' t$e action, unless modi'ied "e'ore trial to pre!ent mani'est in*ustice. /he $re=tria3 order is the %i%3e of the $ro!eedings. If the !o nse3 doesn>t !omment# that>s it# -o !an>t de2iate from it 6 n3ess the $arties !onsent# of !o rse7

%- E3).)ED)SC E2iden!e m st %e $remar8ed in $re=tria3 N dge to refer $arties to mediation o If fai3edA Pre3im !onferen!e "ith !3er8 of !o rt for mar8ing of do! ments N dge has the dis!retion to re1 ire s %mission of 5 di!ia3 affida2its Judicial Dispute Resolution %- E5)E.).1)SC A$$3ies to a33 !i2i3 !ases 6in!3 ding s mmar- $ro!ed re# !i2i3 as$e!t of 9P ((# estafa# 3i%e3# theft# 1 asi offenses nder RPC7 9aranga- !on!i3iation If the 5 dge fai3s to reso32e the dis$ te# the !ase "i33 %e resh ff3ed to another 5 dge# n3ess $arties agree not to resh ff3e.

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