Limitation Act
Limitation Act
Limitation Act
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[Act No. 36 of Year 1963, dated 5th. October, 1963]
1. Short title, extent an !o""en!e"ent
#. $e%nition&
3. )ar o* li"itation
+. Ex,ir- o* ,re&!ri.e ,erio /hen !o0rt i& !lo&e
1. Exten&ion o* ,re&!ri.e ,erio in !ertain !a&e&
6. Le2al i&a.ilit-
3. $i&a.ilit- o* one o* &e4eral ,er&on&
5. S,e!ial ex!e,tion&
9. Contin0o0& r0nnin2 o* ti"e
16. S0it& a2ain&t tr0&tee& an their re,re&entati4e&
11. S0it& on !ontra!t& entere into o0t&ie the territorie& to /hi!h the A!t
1#. Ex!l0&ion o* ti"e in le2al ,ro!eein2&
13. Ex!l0&ion o* ti"e in !a&e& /here lea4e to &0e or a,,eal a& a ,a0,er i&
a,,lie *or
1+. Ex!l0&ion o* ti"e o* ,ro!eein2 .ona %e in !o0rt /itho0t 70ri&i!tion
11. Ex!l0&ion o* ti"e in !ertain other !a&e&
16. E8e!t o* eath on or .e*ore the a!!r0al o* the ri2ht to &0e
13. E8e!t o* *ra0 or "i&ta9e
15. E8e!t o* a!9no/le2e"ent in /ritin2
19. E8e!t o* ,a-"ent on a!!o0nt o* e.t or o* intere&t on le2a!-
#6. E8e!t o* a!9no/le2e"ent or ,a-"ent .- another ,er&on
#1. E8e!t o* &0.&tit0tin2 or ain2 ne/ ,lainti8 or e*enant
##. Contin0in2 .rea!he& an tort&
#3. S0it& *or !o",en&ation *or a!t& not a!tiona.le /itho0t &,e!ial a"a2e
#+. Co",0tation o* ti"e "entione in in&tr0"ent&
#1. A!>0i&ition o* ea&e"ent .- ,re&!ri,tion
#6. Ex!l0&ion in *a4o0r o* re4er&ioner o* &er4ient tene"ent
#3. Extin20i&h"ent o* ri2ht to ,ro,ert-
#5. A"en"ent o* !ertain A!t&
#9. Sa4in2
36. Pro4i&ion *or &0it&, et!., *or the ,re&!ri.e ,erio i& &horter than the
,erio ,re&!ri.e .- the Inian Li"itation A!t, 1965
31. Pro4i&ion& a& to .arre or ,enin2 &0it&, et!.
3#. Re,eal
'oot Note&
An Act to consolidate and amend the law for the limitation of suits and other proceedins and
for purposes connected therewith
Be it enacted by Parliament in the o!rteenth Year of the "e#!blic of $ndia a% follo&%' (
1. Short title, extent and commencement
)1* +hi% Act may be called the ,imitation Act, 1963.
)-* $t e.tend% to the &hole of $ndia e.ce#t the /tate of 0amm! and 1a%hmir.
)3* $t %hall come into force on %!ch date
a% the 2entral 3o4ernment may, by notification in
the Official 3a5ette, a##oint.
2. Deinition!
$n thi% Act, !nle%% the conte.t other&i%e re6!ire%,
)a* 7a##licant7 incl!de%(
)i* a #etitioner8
)ii* any #er%on from or thro!9h &hom an a##licant deri4e% hi% ri9ht to a##ly8
)iii* any #er%on &ho%e e%tate i% re#re%ented by the a##licant a%!tor, admini%trator or
other re#re%entati4e8
)b* 7a##lication7 incl!de% a #etition8
)c* 7bill of e.chan9e7 incl!de% a h!ndi and a che6!e8
)d* 7bond7 incl!de% any in%tr!ment &hereby a #er%on obli9e% him%elf to #ay money to
another, on condition that the obli9ation %hall be 4oid if a %#ecified act i% #erformed, or i% not
#erformed, a% the ca%e may be8
)e* 7defendant7 incl!de%(
)i* any #er%on from or thro!9h &hom a defendant deri4e% hi% liability to be %!ed8
)ii* any #er%on &ho%e e%tate i% re#re%ented by the defendant a%!tor, admini%trator or
other re#re%entati4e8
)f* 7ea%ement7 incl!de% a ri9ht not ari%in9 from contract, by &hich one #er%on i% entitled to
remo4e and a##ro#riate for hi% o&n #rofit any #art of the %oil belon9in9 to another or
anythin9 9ro&in9 in, or attached to, or %!b%i%tin9 !#on, the land of another8
)9* 7forei9n co!ntry7 mean% any co!ntry other than $ndia8
)h* 79ood faith7(nothin9 %hall be deemed to be done in 9ood faith &hich i% not done &ith
d!e care and attention8
)i* 7#laintiff7 incl!de%(
)i* any #er%on from or thro!9h &hom a #laintiff deri4e% hi% ri9ht to %!e8
)ii* any #er%on &ho%e e%tate i% re#re%ented by the #laintiff a%!tor, admini%trator or
other re#re%entati4e8
):* 7#eriod of limitation7 mean% the #eriod of limitation #re%cribed for any %!it, a##eal or
a##lication by the /ched!le, and 7#re%cribed #eriod7 mean% the #eriod of limitation com#!ted
in accordance &ith the #ro4i%ion% of thi% Act8
);* 7#romi%%ory note7 mean% any in%tr!ment &hereby the ma;er en9a9e% ab%ol!tely to #ay
a %#ecified %!m of money to another at a time therein limited, or on demand, or at %i9ht8
)l* 7%!it7 doe% not incl!de an a##eal or an a##lication8
)m* 7tort7 mean% a ci4il &ron9 &hich i% not!%i4ely the breach of a contract or the
breach of a tr!%t8
)n* 7tr!%tee7 doe% not incl!de a benamidar, a mort9a9ee remainin9 in #o%%e%%ion after the
mort9a9e ha% been %ati%fied or a #er%on in &ron9f!l #o%%e%%ion &itho!t title.
&. 'ar o limitation
)1* /!b:ect to the #ro4i%ion% contained in %ection% < to -< )incl!%i4e*, e4ery %!it in%tit!ted,
a##eal #referred, and a##lication made after the #re%cribed #eriod %hall be di%mi%%ed
altho!9h limitation ha% not been %et !# a% a defence.
)-* or the #!r#o%e% of thi% Act(
)a* a %!it i% in%tit!ted(
)i* in an ordinary ca%e, &hen the #laint i% #re%ented to the #ro#er officer8
)ii* in the ca%e of a #a!#er, &hen hi% a##lication for lea4e to %!e a% a #a!#er i% made8
)iii* in the ca%e of a claim a9ain%t a com#any &hich i% bein9 &o!nd !# by the co!rt,
&hen the claimant fir%t %end% in hi% claim to the official li6!idator8
)b* any claim by &ay of a %et off or a co!nter claim, %hall be treated a% a %e#arate %!it
and %hall be deemed to ha4e been in%tit!ted(
)i* in the ca%e of a %et off, on the %ame date a% the %!it in &hich the %et off i% #leaded8
)ii* in the ca%e of a co!nter claim, on the date on &hich the co!nter claim i% made in
)c* an a##lication by notice of motion in a =i9h 2o!rt i% made &hen the a##lication i%
#re%ented to the #ro#er officer of that co!rt.
(. Ex)ir* o )re!cri+ed )eriod ,hen co-rt i! clo!ed
>here the #re%cribed #eriod for any %!it, a##eal or a##lication e.#ire% on a day &hen the
co!rt i% clo%ed, the %!it, a##eal or a##lication may be in%tit!ted, #referred or made on the date
&hen the co!rt reo#en%.
!"planation# A co!rt %hall be deemed to be clo%ed on any day &ithin the meanin9 of thi%
%ection if d!rin9 any #art of it% normal ∨in9 ho!r% it remain% clo%ed on that day.
.. Exten!ion o )re!cri+ed )eriod in certain ca!e!
Any a##eal or any a##lication, other than an a##lication !nder any of the #ro4i%ion% of Order
??$ of the 2ode of 2i4il Proced!re, 19@A, may be, admitted after the #re%cribed #eriod, if the
a##ellant or the a##licant %ati%fie% the co!rt that he had %!fficient ca!%e for not #referrin9 the
a##eal or ma;in9 the a##lication &ithin %!ch #eriod.
!"planation# +he fact that the a##ellant or the a##licant &a% mi%led by any order, #ractice or
:!d9ement of the =i9h 2o!rt in a%certainin9 or com#!tin9 the #re%cribed #eriod may be
%!fficient ca!%e &ithin the meanin9 of thi% %ection.
/. Le0al di!a+ilit*
)1* >here a #er%on entitled to in%tit!te a %!it or ma;e an a##lication for the!tion of a
decree, i% at the time from &hich the #re%cribed #eriod i% to be rec;oned, a minor or in%ane,
or an idiot, he may in%tit!te the %!it or ma;e the a##lication &ithin the %ame #eriod after the
di%ability ha% cea%ed, a% &o!ld other&i%e ha4e been allo&ed from the time %#ecified therefor
in the third col!mn of the /ched!le.
)-* >here %!ch #er%on i%, at the time from &hich the #re%cribed #eriod i% to be rec;oned,
affected by t&o %!ch di%abilitie%, or &here, before hi% di%ability ha% cea%ed, he i% affected by
another di%ability, he may in%tit!te the %!it or ma;e the a##lication &ithin the %ame #eriod
after both di%abilitie% ha4e cea%ed, a% &o!ld other&i%e ha4e been allo&ed from the time% %o
)3* >here the di%ability contin!e% !# to the death of that #er%on, hi% le9al re#re%entati4e
may in%tit!te the %!it or ma;e the a##lication &ithin the %ame #eriod after the death, a% &o!ld
other&i%e ha4e been allo&ed from the time %o %#ecified.
)<* >here the le9al re#re%entati4e referred to in %!b(%ection )3* i%, at the date of the death
of the #er%on &hom he re#re%ent%, affected by any %!ch di%ability, the r!le% contained in %!b(
%ection% )1* and )-* %hall a##ly.
)5* >here a #er%on !nder di%ability die% after the di%ability cea%e% b!t &ithin the #eriod
allo&ed to him !nder thi% %ection, hi% le9al re#re%entati4e may in%tit!te the %!it or ma;e the
a##lication &ithin the %ame #eriod after the death, a% &o!ld other&i%e ha4e been a4ailable to
that #er%on had he not died.
!"planation# or the #!r#o%e% of thi% %ection BminorB incl!de% a child in the &omb.
1. Di!a+ilit* o one o !e2eral )er!on!
>here one of %e4eral #er%on% :ointly entitled to in%tit!te a %!it or ma;e an a##lication for the!tion of a decree i% !nder any %!ch di%ability, and a di%char9e can be 9i4en &itho!t the
conc!rrence of %!ch #er%on, time &ill r!n a9ain%t them all8 b!t, &here no %!ch di%char9e can
be 9i4en, time &ill not r!n a% a9ain%t any of them !ntil one of them become% ca#able of
9i4in9 %!ch di%char9e &itho!t the conc!rrence of the other% or !ntil the di%ability ha% cea%ed.
!"planation I ' +hi% %ection a##lie% to a di%char9e from e4ery ;ind of liability, incl!din9 a
liability in re%#ect of any immo4able #ro#erty.
!"planation II# or the #!r#o%e% of thi% %ection, the mana9er of a =ind! !ndi4ided family
9o4erned by the Cita;%hara la& %hall be deemed to be ca#able of 9i4in9 a di%char9e &itho!t
the conc!rrence of the other member% of the family only if he i% in mana9ement of the :oint
family #ro#erty.
3. S)ecial exce)tion!
Nothin9 in %ection 6 or in %ection D a##lie% to %!it% to enforce ri9ht% of #re(em#tion, or %hall
be deemed to e.tend, for more than three year% from the ce%%ation of the di%ability or the
death of the #er%on affected thereby, the #eriod of limitation for any %!it or a##lication.
4. %ontin-o-! r-nnin0 o time
>here once time ha% be9!n to r!n, no %!b%e6!ent di%ability or inability to in%tit!te a %!it or
ma;e an a##lication %to#% it'
P"OE$FGF that &here letter% of admini%tration to the e%tate of creditor ha4e been 9ranted to
hi% debtor, the r!nnin9 of the #eriod of limitation for a %!it to reco4er the debt %hall be
%!%#ended &hile the admini%tration contin!e%.
15. S-it! a0ain!t tr-!tee! and their re)re!entati2e!
Not&ith%tandin9 anythin9 contained in the fore9oin9 #ro4i%ion% of thi% Act, no %!it a9ain%t a
#er%on in &hom #ro#erty ha% become 4e%ted in tr!%t for any %#ecific #!r#o%e, or a9ain%t hi%
le9al re#re%entati4e% or a%%i9n% )not bein9 a%%i9n% for 4al!able con%ideration*, for the #!r#o%e
of follo&in9 in hi% or their hand% %!ch #ro#erty, or the #roceed% thereof, or for an acco!nt of
%!ch #ro#erty or #roceed%, %hall be barred by any len9th of time.
!"planation# or the #!r#o%e% of thi% %ection any #ro#erty com#ri%ed in a =ind!, C!%lim or
B!ddhi%t reli9io!% or charitable endo&ment %hall be deemed to be #ro#erty 4e%ted in tr!%t for
a %#ecific #!r#o%e and the mana9er of the #ro#erty %hall be deemed to be the tr!%tee thereof.
11. S-it! on contract! entered into o-t!ide the territorie! to ,hich the Act extend!
)1* /!it% in%tit!ted in the territorie% to &hich thi% Act e.tend% on contract% entered into in
the /tate of 0amm! and 1a%hmir or in a forei9n co!ntry %hall be %!b:ect to the r!le% of
limitation contained in thi% Act.
)-* No r!le of limitation in force in the /tate of 0amm! and 1a%hmir or in a forei9n co!ntry
%hall be a defence to a %!it in%tit!ted in the %aid territorie% on a contract entered into in that
/tate or in a forei9n co!ntry !nle%%(
)a* the r!le ha% e.tin9!i%hed the contract8 and
)b* the #artie% &ere domiciled in that /tate or in the forei9n co!ntry d!rin9 the #eriod
#re%cribed by %!ch r!le.
12. Excl-!ion o time in le0al )roceedin0!
)1* $n com#!tin9 the #eriod of limitation for any %!it, a##eal or a##lication, the day from
&hich %!ch #eriod i% to be rec;oned, %hall be!ded.
)-* $n com#!tin9 the #eriod of limitation for an a##eal or an a##lication for lea4e to a##eal
or for re4i%ion or for re4ie& of a :!d9ement, the day on &hich :!d9ement com#lained of &a%
#rono!nced and the time re6!i%ite for obtainin9 a co#y of the decree, %entence or order
a##ealed from or %o!9ht to be re4i%ed or re4ie&ed %hall be!ded.
)3* >here a decree or order i% a##ealed from or %o!9ht to be re4i%ed or re4ie&ed, or &here
an a##lication i% made for lea4e to a##eal from a decree or order, the time re6!i%ite for
obtainin9 a co#y of the :!d9ement
[HHH] %hall al%o be!ded.
)<* $n com#!tin9 the #eriod of limitation for an a##lication to %et a%ide an a&ard, the time
re6!i%ite for obtainin9 a co#y of the a&ard %hall be!ded.
!"planation# $n com#!tin9 !nder thi% %ection the time re6!i%ite for obtainin9 a co#y of a
decree or an order, any time ta;en by the co!rt to #re#are the decree or order before an
a##lication for a co#y thereof i% made %hall not be!ded.
1&. Excl-!ion o time in ca!e! ,here lea2e to !-e or a))eal a! a )a-)er i! a))lied or
$n com#!tin9 the #eriod of limitation #re%cribed for any %!it or a##eal in any ca%e &here an
a##lication for lea4e to %!e or a##eal a% a #a!#er ha% been made and re:ected, the time d!rin9
&hich the a##licant ha% been #ro%ec!tin9 in 9ood faith hi% a##lication for %!ch lea4e %hall be!ded, and the co!rt may, on #ayment of the co!rt fee% #re%cribed for %!ch %!it or a##eal,
treat the %!it or a##eal a% ha4in9 the %ame force and effect a% if the co!rt fee% had been #aid
in the fir%t in%tance.
1(. Excl-!ion o time o )roceedin0 +ona ide in co-rt ,itho-t 6-ri!diction
)1* $n com#!tin9 the #eriod of limitation for any %!it the time d!rin9 &hich the #laintiff
ha% been #ro%ec!tin9 &ith d!e dili9ence another ci4il #roceedin9, &hether in a co!rt of fir%t
in%tance or of a##eal or re4i%ion, a9ain%t the defendant %hall be!ded, &here the
#roceedin9 relate% to the %ame matter in i%%!e and i% #ro%ec!ted in 9ood faith in a co!rt
&hich, from defect of :!ri%diction or other ca!%e of a li;e nat!re, i% !nable to entertain it.
)-* $n com#!tin9 the #eriod of limitation for any a##lication, the time d!rin9 &hich the
a##licant ha% been #ro%ec!tin9 &ith d!e dili9ence another ci4il #roceedin9, &hether in a
co!rt of fir%t in%tance or of a##eal or re4i%ion, a9ain%t the %ame #arty for the %ame relief %hall
be!ded, &here %!ch #roceedin9 i% #ro%ec!ted in 9ood faith in a co!rt &hich, from defect
of :!ri%diction or other ca!%e of a li;e nat!re, i% !nable to entertain it.
)3* Not&ith%tandin9 anythin9 contained in r!le - of Order ??$$$ of the 2ode of 2i4il
Proced!re, 19@A )5 of 19@A*, the #ro4i%ion% of %!b(%ection )1* %hall a##ly in relation to a
fre%h %!it in%tit!ted on #ermi%%ion 9ranted by the co!rt !nder r!le 1 of that Order, &here %!ch
#ermi%%ion i% 9ranted on the 9ro!nd that the fir%t %!it m!%t fail by rea%on of a defect in the
:!ri%diction of the co!rt or other ca!%e of a li;e nat!re.
!"planation# or the #!r#o%e% of thi% %ection(
)a* in!din9 the time d!rin9 &hich a former ci4il #roceedin9 &a% #endin9, the day on
&hich that #roceedin9 &a% in%tit!ted and the day on &hich it ended %hall both be co!nted8
)b* a #laintiff or an a##licant re%i%tin9 an a##eal %hall be deemed to be #ro%ec!tin9 a
)c* mi%:oinder of #artie% or of ca!%e% of action %hall be deemed to be a ca!%e of a li;e
nat!re &ith defect of :!ri%diction.
1.. Excl-!ion o time in certain other ca!e!
)1* $n com#!tin9 the #eriod of limitation of any %!it or a##lication for the!tion of a
decree, the in%tit!tion or!tion of &hich ha% been %tayed by in:!nction or order, the time
of the contin!ance of the in:!nction or order, the day on &hich it &a% i%%!ed or made, and the
day on &hich it &a% &ithdra&n, %hall be!ded.
)-* $n com#!tin9 the #eriod of limitation for any %!it of &hich notice ha% been 9i4en, or for
&hich the #re4io!% con%ent or %anction of the 9o4ernment or any other a!thority i% re6!ired,
in accordance &ith the re6!irement% of any la& for the time bein9 in force, the #eriod of %!ch
notice or, a% the ca%e may be, the time re6!ired for obtainin9 %!ch con%ent or %anction %hall be!ded.
!"planation# $n!din9 the time re6!ired for obtainin9 the con%ent or %anction of the
9o4ernment or any other a!thority, the date on &hich the a##lication &a% made for obtainin9
the con%ent or %anction and the date of recei#t of the order of the 9o4ernment or other
a!thority %hall both be co!nted.
)3* $n com#!tin9 the #eriod of limitation for any %!it or a##lication for!tion of a
decree by any recei4er or interim recei4er a##ointed in #roceedin9% for the ad:!dication of a
#er%on a% an in%ol4ent or by any li6!idator or #ro4i%ional li6!idator a##ointed in #roceedin9%
for the &indin9 !# of a com#any, the #eriod be9innin9 &ith the date of in%tit!tion of %!ch
#roceedin9 and endin9 &ith the e.#iry of three month% from the date of a##ointment of %!ch
recei4er or li6!idator, a% the ca%e may be, %hall be!ded.
)<* $n com#!tin9 the #eriod of limitation for a %!it for #o%%e%%ion by a #!rcha%er at a %ale in!tion of a decree, the time d!rin9 &hich a #roceedin9 to %et a%ide the %ale ha% been
#ro%ec!ted %hall be!ded.
)5* $n com#!tin9 the #eriod of limitation for any %!it the time d!rin9 &hich the defendant
ha% been ab%ent from $ndia and from the territorie% o!t%ide $ndia !nder the admini%tration of
the 2entral 3o4ernment, %hall be!ded.
1/. Eect o death on or +eore the accr-al o the ri0ht to !-e
)1* >here a #er%on &ho &o!ld, if he &ere li4in9, ha4e a ri9ht to in%tit!te a %!it or ma;e an
a##lication die% before the ri9ht accr!e%, or &here a ri9ht to in%tit!te a %!it or ma;e an
a##lication accr!e% only on the death of a #er%on, the #eriod of limitation %hall be com#!ted
from the time &hen there i% a le9al re#re%entati4e of the decea%ed ca#able of in%tit!tin9 %!ch
%!it or ma;in9 %!ch a##lication.
)-* >here a #er%on a9ain%t &hom, if he &ere li4in9, a ri9ht to in%tit!te a %!it or ma;e an
a##lication &o!ld ha4e accr!ed die% before the ri9ht accr!e%, or &here a ri9ht to in%tit!te a
%!it or ma;e an a##lication a9ain%t any #er%on accr!e% on the death of %!ch #er%on, the #eriod
of limitation %hall be com#!ted from the timeD &hen there i% a le9al re#re%entati4e of the
decea%ed a9ain%t &hom the #laintiff may in%tit!te %!ch %!it or ma;in9 %!ch a##lication.
)3* Nothin9 in %!b(%ection )1* or %!b(%ection )-* a##lie% to %!it% to enforce ri9ht% of #re(
em#tion or to %!it% for the #o%%e%%ion of immo4able #ro#erty or of a hereditary office.
11. Eect o ra-d or mi!ta7e
)1* >here, in the ca%e of any %!it or a##lication for &hich a #eriod of limitation i%
#re%cribed by thi% Act(
)a* the %!it or a##lication i% ba%ed !#on the fra!d of the defendant or re%#ondent or hi%
a9ent8 or
)b* the ;no&led9e of the ri9ht or title on &hich %!it or a##lication i% fo!nded i%
concealed by the fra!d of any %!ch #er%on a% afore%aid8 or
)c* the %!it or a##lication i% for relief from the con%e6!ence% of a mi%ta;e8 or
)d* &here any doc!ment nece%%ary to e%tabli%h the ri9ht of the #laintiff or a##licant ha%
been fra!d!lently concealed from him8
the #eriod of limitation %hall not be9in to r!n !ntil the #laintiff or a##licant ha% di%co4ered
the fra!d or the mi%ta;e or co!ld, &ith rea%onable dili9ence, ha4e di%co4ered it8 or in the ca%e
of a concealed doc!ment, !ntil the #laintiff or the a##licant fir%t had the mean% of #rod!cin9
the concealed doc!ment or com#ellin9 it% #rod!ction'
P"OE$FGF that nothin9 in thi% %ection %hall enable any %!it to be in%tit!ted or a##lication to
be made to reco4er or enforce any char9e a9ain%t, or %et a%ide any tran%action affectin9, any
#ro#erty &hich(
)i* in the ca%e of fra!d, ha% been #!rcha%ed for 4al!able con%ideration by a #er%on &ho &a%
not a #arty to the fra!d and did not at the time of the #!rcha%e ;no&, or ha4e rea%on to
belie4e, that any fra!d had been committed, or
)ii* in the ca%e of mi%ta;e, ha% been #!rcha%ed for 4al!able con%ideration %!b%e6!ently to
the tran%action in &hich the mi%ta;e &a% made, by a #er%on &ho did not ;no&, or ha4e rea%on
to belie4e, that the mi%ta;e had been made, or
)iii* in the ca%e of concealed doc!ment, ha% been #!rcha%ed for 4al!able con%ideration by a
#er%on &ho &a% not a #arty to the concealment and, did not at the time of #!rcha%e ;no&, or
ha4e rea%on to belie4e, that the doc!ment had been concealed.
)-* >here a :!d9ement(debtor ha%, by fra!d or force, #re4ented the!tion of a decree
or order &ith the #eriod of limitation, the co!rt may, on the a##lication of the :!d9ement(
creditor made after the e.#iry of the %aid #eriod e.tend the #eriod for!tion of the decree
or order'
P"OE$FGF that %!ch a##lication i% made &ithin one year from the date of the di%co4ery
of the fra!d or the ce%%ation of force, a% the ca%e may be.
13. Eect o ac7no,led0ement in ,ritin0
)1* >here, before the e.#iration of the #re%cribed #eriod for a %!it or a##lication in re%#ect
of any #ro#erty or ri9ht, an ac;no&led9ement of liability in re%#ect of %!ch #ro#erty or ri9ht
ha% been made in &ritin9 %i9ned by the #arty a9ain%t &hom %!ch #ro#erty or ri9ht i% claimed,
or by any #er%on thro!9h &hom he deri4e% hi% title or liability, a fre%h #eriod of limitation
%hall be com#!ted from the time &hen the ac;no&led9ement &a% %o %i9ned.
)-* >here the &ritin9 containin9 the ac;no&led9ement i% !ndated, oral e4idence may be
9i4en of the time &hen it &a% %i9ned8 b!t %!b:ect to the #ro4i%ion% of the $ndian G4idence
Act, 1AD- )1 of 1AD-*, oral e4idence of it% content% %hall not be recei4ed,.
!"planation # or the #!r#o%e% of thi% %ection(
)a* an ac;no&led9ement may be %!fficient tho!9h it omit% to %#ecify the e.act nat!re of
the #ro#erty or ri9ht, or a4er% that the time for #ayment, deli4ery, #erformance or en:oyment
ha% not yet come or i% accom#anied by a ref!%al to #ay, deli4er, #erform or #ermit to en:oy, or
i% co!#led &ith a claim to %et(off, or i% addre%%ed to a #er%on other than a #er%on entitled to
the #ro#erty or ri9ht8
)b* the &ord 7%i9ned7 mean% %i9ned either #er%onally or by an a9ent d!ly a!thori%ed in
thi% behalf8 and
)c* an a##lication for the!tion of a decree or order %hall not be deemed to be an
a##lication in re%#ect of any #ro#erty or ri9ht.
14. Eect o )a*ment on acco-nt o de+t or o intere!t on le0ac*
>here #ayment on acco!nt of a debt or of intere%t on a le9acy i% made before the e.#iration
of the #re%cribed #eriod by the #er%on liable to #ay the debt or le9acy or by hi% a9ent d!ly
a!thori%ed in thi% behalf, a fre%h #eriod of limitation %hall be com#!ted from the time &hen
the #ayment &a% made'
P"OE$FGF that, %a4e in the ca%e of #ayment of intere%t made before the 1%t day of 0an!ary,
19-A, an ac;no&led9ement of the #ayment a##ear% in the hand&ritin9 of, or in a &ritin9
%i9ned by, the #er%on ma;in9 the #ayment.
!"planation# or the #!r#o%e% of thi% %ection (
)a* &here mort9a9ed land i% in the #o%%e%%ion of the mort9a9ee, the recei#t of the rent or
#rod!ce of %!ch land %hall be deemed to be a #ayment8
)b* 7debt7 doe% not incl!de money #ayable !nder a decree or order of a co!rt.
25. Eect o ac7no,led0ement or )a*ment +* another )er!on
)1* +he e.#re%%ion 7a9ent d!ly a!thori%ed in thi% behalf7 in %ection% 1A and 19 %hall, in the
ca%e of a #er%on !nder di%ability, incl!de hi% la&f!l 9!ardian, committee or mana9er or an
a9ent d!ly a!thori%ed by %!ch 9!ardian, committee or mana9er to %i9n the ac;no&led9ement
or ma;e the #ayment.
)-* Nothin9 in the %aid %ection% render% one of %e4eral :oint contractor%, #artner%,!tor%
or mort9a9ee% char9eable by rea%on only of a &ritten ac;no&led9ement %i9ned by, or of a
#ayment made by, or by the a9ent of, any other or other% of them.
)3* or the #!r#o%e% of the %aid %ection%,(
)a* an ac;no&led9ement %i9ned or a #ayment made in re%#ect of any liability by or by
the d!ly a!thori%ed a9ent of, any limited o&ner of #ro#erty &ho i% 9o4erned by =ind! la&,
%hall be a 4alid ac;no&led9ement or #ayment, a% the ca%e may be, a9ain%t a re4er%ioner
%!cceedin9 to %!ch liability8 and
)b* &here a liability ha% been inc!rred by or on behalf of a =ind! !ndi4ided family a%
%!ch, an ac;no&led9ement or #ayment made by, or by the d!ly a!thori%ed a9ent of, the
mana9er of the family for the time bein9 %hall be deemed to ha4e been made on behalf of the
&hole family.
21. Eect o !-+!tit-tin0 or addin0 ne, )lainti or deendant
)1* >here after the in%tit!tion of a %!it, a ne& #laintiff or, defendant i% %!b%tit!ted or
added, the %!it %hall, a% re9ard% him, be deemed to ha4e been in%tit!ted &hen he &a% %o made
a #arty'
P"OE$FGF that &here the co!rt i% %ati%fied that the omi%%ion to incl!de a ne& #laintiff or
defendant &a% d!e to a mi%ta;e made in 9ood faith it may direct that the %!it a% re9ard% %!ch
#laintiff or defendant %hall be deemed to ha4e been in%tit!ted on any earlier date.
)-* Nothin9 in %!b(%ection )1* %hall a##ly to a ca%e &here a #arty i% added or %!b%tit!ted
o&in9 to a%%i9nment or de4ol!tion of any intere%t d!rin9 the #endency of a %!it or &here a
#laintiff i% made a defendant or a defendant i% made a #laintiff.
22. %ontin-in0 +reache! and tort!
$n the ca%e of a contin!in9 breach of contract or in the ca%e of a contin!in9 tort, a fre%h #eriod
of limitation be9in% to r!n at e4ery moment of the time d!rin9 &hich the breach or the tort, a%
the ca%e may be, contin!e%.
2&. S-it! or com)en!ation or act! not actiona+le ,itho-t !)ecial dama0e
$n the ca%e of a %!it for com#en%ation for an act &hich doe% not 9i4e ri%e to a ca!%e of action
!nle%% %ome %#ecific in:!ry act!ally re%!lt% therefrom, the #eriod of limitation %hall be
com#!ted from the time &hen the in:!ry re%!lt%.
2(. %om)-tation o time mentioned in in!tr-ment!
All in%tr!ment% %hall for the #!r#o%e% of thi% Act be deemed to be made &ith reference to the
3re9orian calendar.
2.. Ac<-i!ition o ea!ement +* )re!cri)tion
)1* >here the acce%% and !%e of li9ht or air to and for any b!ildin9 ha4e been #eaceably
en:oyed there&ith a% an ea%ement, and a% of ri9ht, &itho!t interr!#tion, and for t&enty year%,
and &here any &ay or &aterco!r%e or the !%e of any &ater or any other ea%ement )&hether
affirmati4e or ne9ati4e* ha% been #eaceably and o#enly en:oyed by any #er%on claimin9 title
thereto a% an ea%ement and a% of ri9ht &itho!t interr!#tion and for t&enty year%, the ri9ht to
%!ch acce%% and !%e of li9ht or air, &ay, &aterco!r%e, !%e of &ater, or other ea%ement %hall be
ab%ol!te and indefea%ible.
)-* Gach of the %aid #eriod% of t&enty year% %hall be ta;en to be a #eriod endin9 &ithin t&o
year% ne.t before the in%tit!tion of the %!it &herein the claim to &hich %!ch #eriod relate% i%
)3* >here the #ro#erty o4er &hich a ri9ht i% claimed !nder %!b(%ection )1* belon9% to the
9o4ernment that %!b(%ection %hall be read a% if for the &ord% 7t&enty year%7 the &ord% 7thirty
year%7 &ere %!b%tit!ted.
!"planation # Nothin9 i% an interr!#tion &ith the meanin9 of thi% %ection, !nle%% &here
there i% an act!al di%contin!ance of the #o%%e%%ion or en:oyment by rea%on of an ob%tr!ction
by the act of %ome #er%on other than the claimant, and !nle%% %!ch ob%tr!ction %!bmitted to or
ac6!ie%ced in for one year after the claimant ha% notice thereof and of the #er%on ma;in9 or
a!thori%in9 the %ame to be made.
2/. Excl-!ion in a2o-r o re2er!ioner o !er2ient tenement
>here any land or &ater !#on, o4er or from, &hich any ea%ement ha% been en:oyed or
deri4ed ha% been held !nder or by 4irt!e of any intere%t for life or in term% of year% e.ceedin9
three year% from the 9rantin9 thereof the time of the en:oyment of %!ch ea%ement d!rin9 the
contin!ance of %!ch intere%t or term %hall be!ded in the com#!tation of the #eriod of
t&enty year% in ca%e the claim i%, &ithin three year% ne.t after the determination of %!ch
intere%t% or term re%i%ted by the #er%on entitled on %!ch determination to the %aid land or
21. Extin0-i!hment o ri0ht to )ro)ert*
At the determination of the #eriod hereby limited to any #er%on for in%tit!tin9 a %!it for
#o%%e%%ion of any #ro#erty, hi% ri9ht to %!ch #ro#erty %hall be e.tin9!i%hed.
23. Amendment o certain Act!
$%ep& '( the %epealin and Amendin Act, 19)* +,6 of 19)*- s& . and /irst 0ch&1
24. Sa2in0
)1* Nothin9 in thi% Act %hall affect %ection -5 of the $ndian 2ontract Act, 1AD- )9 of 1AD-*.
)-* >here any %#ecial or local la& #re%cribe% for any %!it, a##eal or a##lication a #eriod of
limitation different from the #eriod #re%cribed by the /ched!le, the #ro4i%ion% of %. 3 %hall
a##ly a% if %!ch #eriod% &ere the #eriod% #re%cribed by the /ched!le and for the #!r#o%e of
determinin9 any #eriod of limitation #re%cribed for any %!it, a##eal or a##lication by any
%#ecial or local la&, the #ro4i%ion% contained in %ection% < to -< )incl!%i4e* %hall a##ly only
in %o far a%, and to the e.tent to &hich, they are not e.#re%%ly!ded by %!ch %#ecial or
local la&.
)3* /a4e a% other&i%e #ro4ided in any la& for the time bein9 in force &ith re%#ect to
marria9e and di4orce, nothin9 in thi% Act %hall a##ly to any %!it or other #roceedin9 !nder
any %!ch la&.
)<* /ection% -5 and -6 and the definition of 7ea%ement7 in %ection - %hall not a##ly to ca%e%
ari%in9 in the territorie% to &hich the $ndian Ga%ement% Act, 1AA- )5 of 1AA-*, may for the
time bein9 e.tend.
&5. Pro2i!ion or !-it!, etc., or the )re!cri+ed )eriod i! !horter than the )eriod
)re!cri+ed +* the Indian Limitation Act, 1453
Not&ith%tandin9 anythin9 contained in thi% Act(
)a* any %!it for &hich the #eriod of limitation i% %horter than the #eriod of limitation
#re%cribed by the $ndian ,imitation Act, 19@A )9 of 19@A*, may be in%tit!ted &ithin a #eriod
[%e4en year%] ne.t after the commencement of thi% Act or &ithin the #eriod #re%cribed for
%!ch %!it by the $ndian ,imitation Act, 19@A, &hiche4er #eriod e.#ire% earlier'
[P"OE$FGF that if in re%#ect of any %!ch %!it, the %aid #eriod of %e4en year% e.#ire%
earlier than the #eriod of limitation #re%cribed therefor !nder the $ndian ,imitation Act, 19@A
and the %aid #eriod of %e4en year% to9ether &ith %o m!ch of the #eriod of limitation in re%#ect
of %!ch %!it !nder the $ndian ,imitation Act, 19@A )9 of 19@A*, a% ha% already e.#ired before
the commencement of thi% Act i% %horter than the #eriod #re%cribed for %!ch %!it !nder thi%
Act, then, the %!it may be in%tit!ted &ithin the #eriod of limitation #re%cribed therefor !nder
thi% Act8]
)b* any a##eal or a##lication for &hich the #eriod of limitation i% %horter than the #eriod of
limitation #re%cribed by the $ndian ,imitation Act, 19@A, may be #referred or made &ithin a
#eriod of ninety day% ne.t after the commencement of thi% Act or &ithin a #eriod #re%cribed
for %!ch a##eal or a##lication by the $ndian ,imitation Act, 19@A, &hiche4er #eriod e.#ire%
&1. Pro2i!ion! a! to +arred or )endin0 !-it!, etc.
Nothin9 in thi% Act %hall(
)a* enable any %!it, a##eal or a##lication to be in%tit!ted, #referred or made, for &hich the
#eriod of limitation #re%cribed by the $ndian ,imitation Act, 19@A, e.#ired before the
commencement of thi% Act8 or
)b* affect any %!it, a##eal or a##lication in%tit!ted, #referred or made before, and #endin9
at, %!ch commencement.
&2. Re)eal
$%ep& '( the %epealin and Amendin Act, 19)* +,6 of 19)*-1
$0ections . +2- and 31
$"/+ F$E$/$ON(/I$+/
Description of suits Period of
Time from which period begins to
3A%T I4 0uits relatin to accounts
1. 'or the .alan!e 0e on a
"0t0al, o,en an !0rrent
a!!o0nt, /here there ha4e
.een re!i,ro!al e"an&
.et/een the ,artie&.
-. A9ain%t a factor for an acco!nt
3. By a #rinci#al a9ain%t hi%
a9ent for mo4able #ro#erty
recei4ed by the latter and not
acco!nted for.
<. Other %!it% by #rinci#al%
a9ain%t a9ent% for ne9lect or
5. or an acco!nt and a %hare of
the #rofit% of a di%%ol4ed
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
The !lo&e o* the -ear in /hi!h the
la&t ite" a"itte or ,ro4e i&
entere in the a!!o0nt? &0!h -ear
to .e !o",0te a& in the
>hen the acco!nt i%, d!rin9 the
contin!ance of the a9ency, demanded
and ref!%ed or, &here no %!ch demand
i% made, &hen the a9ency terminate%.
>hen the acco!nt i%, d!rin9 the
contin!ance of the a9ency, demanded
and ref!%ed or, &here no %!ch demand
i% made, &hen the a9ency terminate%.
>hen the ne9lect or mi%cond!ct
become ;no&n to the #laintiff.
+he date of the di%%ol!tion.
3A%T II40uits relatin to contacts
6. or a %eamanJ% &a9e%
D. or &a9e% in the ca%e of any
other #er%on
A. or the #rice of food or drin;
%old by the ;ee#er of a hotel,
ta4ern or lod9in9 ho!%e
9. or the #rice of lod9in9
1@. A9ain%t a carrier for
com#en%ation for lo%in9 or
in:!rin9 9ood%.
11. A9ain%t a carrier for
com#en%ation for non(deli4ery
of, or delay in deli4erin9, 9ood%
1-. or the hire of animal%,
4ehicle%, boat% or ho!%ehold
13. or the balance of money
ad4anced in #ayment of 9ood% to
be deli4ered.
1<. or the #rice of 9ood% %old
and deli4ered &here no fi.ed
#eriod of credit i% a9reed !#on.
15. or the #rice of 9ood% %old
and deli4ered to be #aid for after
the e.#iry of a fi.ed #eriod of
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+he end of the 4oya9e d!rin9 &hich
the &a9e% are earned. >hen
the &a9e% accr!e d!e.
the food or drin; i% deli4ered.
>hen the #rice become% #ayable
>hen the lo%% or in:!ry occ!r%.
>hen the 9ood% o!9ht to be deli4ered
the hire become% #ayable.
the 9ood% o!9ht to be deli4ered.
date of the deli4ery of the 9ood%.
the #eriod of credit e.#ire%.
>hen the #eriod of the #ro#o%ed bill
date of the %ale.
16. or the #rice of 9ood% %old
and deli4ered to be #aid for by a
bill of e.chan9e, no %!ch bill
bein9 9i4en.
1D. or the #rice of tree% or
9ro&in9 cro#% %old by the
#laintiff to the defendant &here
no fi.ed #eriod of credit i%
a9reed !#on.
1A. or the #rice of ∨ done by
the #laintiff for the defendant at
hi% re6!e%t, &here no time ha%
been fi.ed for #ayment.
19. or money #ayable for
money lent.
-@. ,i;e %!it &hen the lender ha%
9i4en a che6!e for the money.
-1. or money lent !nder an
a9reement that it %hall be #ayable
on demand.
--. or money de#o%ited !nder
an a9reement that it %hall be
#ayable on demand, incl!din9
money of a c!%tomer in the hand%
of hi% ban;er %o #ayable.
-3. or money #ayable to the
#laintiff for money #aid for the
-<. or money #ayable by the
defendant% to the #laintiff for
money recei4ed by the
defendant, for the #laintiffJ% !%e.
-5. or money #ayable for
intere%t !#on money d!e from
the defendant to the #laintiff.
-6. or money #ayable to the
#laintiff for money fo!nd to be
d!e from the defendant to the
#laintiff on acco!nt% %tated
bet&een them.
-D. or com#en%ation for breach
of a #romi%e to do anythin9 at a
%#ecified time, or !#on the
ha##enin9 of a %#ecified
-A. On a %in9le bond, &here a
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
the ∨ i% done.
the loan i% made.
>hen the
che6!e i% #aid.
>hen the
loan i% made.
>hen the demand i% made.
>hen the money i% #aid.
>hen the money i% recei4ed.
>hen the
intere%t become% d!e.
>hen the acco!nt% are %tated in
&ritin9 %i9ned by the defendant or hi%
a9ent d!ly a!thori%ed in thi% behalf,
!nle%% &here the debt i%, by a
%im!ltaneo!% a9reement in &ritin9
%i9ned a% afore%aid, made #ayable at a
f!t!re time, and then &hen that time
>hen the time %#ecified arri4e% or the
contin9ency ha##en%.
+he day %o %#ecified.
date of!tin9 the bond.
>hen the
condition i% bro;en.
>hen the bill or note fall% d!e.
>hen the bill i% #re%ented.
>hen the bill i% #re%ented at that
>hen the fi.ed time e.#ire%.
+he date of the bill or note.
+he e.#iration of the fir%t term of
#ayment a% to the #art then #ayable8
and for the other #art%, the e.#iration
day i% %#ecified for #ayment
-9. On a %in9le bond, &here no
%!ch day i% %#ecified
3@. On a bond %!b:ect to a
31. On a bill of e.chan9e or
#romi%%ory note #ayable at a
fi.ed time after date.
3-. On a bill of e.chan9e or
#ayable at %i9ht, or after %i9ht,
b!t not at a fi.ed time.
33. On a bill of e.chan9e
acce#ted #ayable at a #artic!lar
3<. On a bill of e.chan9e or
#romi%%ory note #ayable at a
fi.ed time after %i9ht or after
35. On a bill of e.chan9e or
#romi%%ory note #ayable on
demand and not accom#anied by
any &ritin9 re%trainin9 or
#o%t#onin9 the ri9ht to %!e.
36. On a #romi%%ory note or bond
#ayable by in%talment%.
3D. On a #romi%%ory note or bond
#ayable by in%talment%, &hich
#ro4ide% that, if defa!lt be made
in #ayment of one or more
in%talment%, the &hole %hall be
3A. On a #romi%%ory note 9i4en
by the ma;er to a third #er%on to
be deli4ered to the #ayee after a
certain e4ent %ho!ld ha##en.
39. On a di%hono!red forei9n bill
&here #rote%t ha% been made and
notice 9i4en.
<@. By the #ayee a9ain%t the
dra&er of a bill of e.chan9e,
&hich ha% been di%hono!red by
<1. By the acce#tor of an
accommodation(bill a9ain%t the
<-. By a %!rety a9ain%t the
#rinci#al debtor.
<3. By a %!rety a9ain%t a co(
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
of the re%#ecti4e term% of #ayment.
>hen the defa!lt i% made, !nle%%
&here the #ayee or obli9ee &ai4e% the
benefit of the #ro4i%ion% and then
&hen fre%h defa!lt i% made in re%#ect
of &hich there i% no %!ch &ai4er.
+he date of the deli4ery to the #ayee.
>hen the notice i% 9i4en.
+he date of the ref!%al to acce#t.
>hen the acce#tor #ay% the amo!nt of
the bill.
the %!rety #ay% the creditor.
the %!rety #ay% anythin9 in e.ce%% of
hi% o&n %hare.
date of the death of the decea%ed, or
&here the claim on the #olicy i%
denied, either #artly or &holly, the
date of %!ch denial.
+he date of the occ!rrence ca!%in9 the
lo%%, or &here the claim on the #olicy
i% denied, either #artly or &holly, the
date of %!ch denial.
>hen the in%!rer% elect to a4oid the
date of the #ayment of di%trib!tion
+he date of the fail!re.
date of the #ayment in e.ce%% of the
#laintiffJ% o&n %hare.
>hen the ri9ht to contrib!tion a
date of the #ayment.
>hen the #rofit% are recei4ed.
<<.)a* On a #olicy of in%!rance
&hen the %!m in%!red i% #ayable
after #roof of the death ha% been
9i4en to or recei4ed by the
)b* On a #olicy of in%!rance
&hen the %!m in%!red i% #ayable
after #roof of the lo%% ha% been
9i4en to or recei4ed by the
<5. By the a%%!red to reco4er
#remia #aid !nder a #olicy
4oidable at the election of the
<6. Inder the $ndian /!cce%%ion
Act, 19-5 )39 of 19-5*, %ection
36@ or %ection 361, to com#el a
ref!nd by a #er%on to &hom an!tor or admini%trator ha%
#aid a le9acy or di%trib!ted
<D. or money #aid !#on an
e.i%tin9 con%ideration &hich
after&ard% fail%.
<A. or contrib!tion by a #arty
&ho ha% #aid the &hole or more
than hi% %hare of the amo!nt d!e
!nder a :oint decree, or by a
%harer in a :oint e%tate &ho ha%
#aid the &hole or more than hi%
%hare of the amo!nt of re4en!e
d!e from him%elf and hi% co(
<9. By a co(tr!%tee to enforce
a9ain%t the e%tate of a decea%ed
tr!%tee a claim for contrib!tion.
5@. By the mana9er of a :oint
e%tate of an !ndi4ided family for
contrib!tion, in re%#ect of a
#ayment made by him on
acco!nt of the e%tate.
51. or the #rofit of immo4able
#ro#erty belon9in9 to the
#laintiff &hich ha4e been
&ron9f!lly recei4ed by the
5-. or arrear% of rent.
the arrear% become d!e.
+he time fi.ed for com#letin9 the %ale,
or )&here the title i% acce#ted after the
time fi.ed for com#letion* the date of
the acce#tance.
date fi.ed for the #erformance, or, if
no %!ch date i% fi.ed, &hen the
#laintiff ha% noticed that #erformance
i% ref!%ed.
>hen the contract i% bro;en or )&here
there are %!cce%%i4e breache%* &hen
the breach in re%#ect of &hich the %!it
i% in%tit!ted occ!r% or )&here the
breach i% contin!in9* &hen it cea%e%.
53. By a 4endor of immo4able
#ro#erty for #er%onal #ayment of
!n#aid #!rcha%e(money.
5<. or %#ecific #erformance of a
55. or com#en%ation for the
breach of any contract, e.#re%% or
im#lied not herein %#ecially
#ro4ided for.
PART III- Suits relating to declarations
56. +o declare the for9ery of an
in%tr!ment i%%!ed or re9i%tered.
5D. +o obtain the declaration that
an alle9ed ado#tion i% in4alid, or
ne4er, in fact, too; #lace.
5A. +o obtain any other
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
>hen the i%%!e or re9i%tration
become% ;no&n to the #laintiff.
>hen the alle9ed ado#tion become%
;no&n to the #laintiff.
>hen the
ri9ht to %!e fir%t accr!e%.
PART IV-Suits relating to decrees and instruments
59. +o cancel or %et a%ide an
in%tr!ment or decree or for the
re%ci%%ion of a contract.
6@. +o %et a%ide a tran%fer of
#ro#erty made by the 9!ardian of
a &ard
)a* by the &ard &ho ha% attained
)b* by the &ardJ% le9al
)i* >hen the &ard die% &ithin
three year% from the date of
attainin9 ma:ority8
)ii* >hen the &ard die% before
attainin9 ma:ority.
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
>hen the fact% entitlin9 the #laintiff to
ha4e the in%tr!ment or decree
cancelled or %et a%ide or the contract
re%cinded fir%t become ;no&n to him.
>hen the &ard attain% ma:ority.
>hen the &ard attain% ma:ority.
>hen the &ard die%.
PA"+ E(/!it% relatin9 to immo4able #ro#erty
61. By a mort9a9or(
)a* to redeem or reco4er
#o%%e%%ion of immo4able
#ro#erty mort9a9ed8
)b* to reco4er #o%%e%%ion of
+hree year%
>hen the ri9ht to redeem or to reco4er
#o%%e%%ion accr!e%.
>hen the tran%fer become% ;no&n to
the #laintiff.
immo4able #ro#erty mort9a9ed
and after&ard% tran%ferred by the
mort9a9ee for a 4al!able
)c* to reco4er %!r#l!% collection%
recei4ed by the mort9a9ee after
the mort9a9e ha% been %ati%fied.
6-. +o enforce #ayment of
money %ec!red by a mort9a9ee
or other&i%e char9e !#on
immo4able #ro#erty.
63. By a mort9a9e%(
)a* for foreclo%!re,
)b* for #o%%e%%ion of immo4able
#ro#erty mort9a9ed.
6<. or #o%%e%%ion of immo4able
#ro#erty ba%ed on #re4io!%
#o%%e%%ion and not on title, &hen
the #laintiff &hile in #o%%e%%ion
of the #ro#erty ha% been
65. or #o%%e%%ion for
immo4able #ro#erty or any
intere%t therein ba%ed on title.
!"planation ' or the #!r#o%e% of
thi% article(
)a* >here the %!it i% by a
remainderman, a re4er%ioner
)other than a landlord* or a
de4i%ee the #o%%e%%ion of the
defendant %hall be deemed to
become ad4er%e only &hen the
e%tate of the remainderman,
re4er%ioner or de4i%ee, a% the
ca%e may be, fall% into
)b* >here the %!it i% by a =ind!
or C!%lim entitled to the
#o%%e%%ion of immo4able
#ro#erty on the death of a =ind!
or C!%lim female, the #o%%e%%ion
of the defendant %hall be deemed
to become ad4er%e only &hen the
female die%8
)c* >here the %!it i% by a
#!rcha%er at a %ale in!tion
of a decree &hen the :!d9ement(
debtor &a% o!t of #o%%e%%ion at
the date of the %ale, the #!rcha%er
+hree year%
+hirty year%
the mort9a9or re(enter% on the
mort9a9ed #ro#erty.
the money %!ed for become d!e.
the money %ec!red by the mort9a9ee
become d!e. >hen the
mort9a9ee become% entitled to
+he date of di%#o%%e%%ion.
>hen the #o%%e%%ion of the defendant
become% ad4er%e to the #laintiff.
>hen the forfeit!re i% inc!rred the
condition i% bro;en.
the tenancy i% determined
%hall be deemed to be a
re#re%entati4e of the :!d9ement(
debtor &ho &a% o!t of
66. or #o%%e%%ion of immo4able
#ro#erty &hen the #laintiff ha%
become entitled to #o%%e%%ion by
rea%on of any forfeit!re or breach
of condition.
6D. By a landlord to reco4er
#o%%e%%ion from a tenant.
PA"+ E$(/!it% relatin9 to mo4able #ro#erty
6A. or %#ecific mo4able
#ro#erty lo%t, or ac6!ired by
theft, or di%hone%t
mi%a##ro#riation or con4er%ion.
69. or other %#ecific mo4eable
D@. +o reco4er mo4eable
#ro#erty de#o%ited or #a&ned
from de#o%itory or #a&nee.
D1. +o reco4er mo4able #ro#erty
de#o%ited or #a&ned, and
after&ard% bo!9ht from the
de#o%itory or #a&nee for a
4al!able con%ideration
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
+hree year%
>hen the #er%on ha4in9 the ri9ht to
the #o%%e%%ion of the #ro#erty fir%t
learn% in &ho%e #o%%e%%ion it i%.
>hen the
#ro#erty i% &ron9f!lly ta;en.
+he date of ref!%al after demand.
>hen the %ale become% ;no&n to the
PART :II@S0it& relatin2 to tort
D-. or com#en%ation for doin9
or for omittin9 to do an act
alle9ed to be in #!r%!ance of any
enactment in force for the time
bein9 in the territorie% to &hich
thi% Act e.tend%.
One year >hen the act or omi%%ion ta;e% #alace.
D3. or com#en%ation for fal%e
One year
<hen the i",ri&on"ent en&.
3+. 'or !o",en&ation *or a
"ali!io0& ,ro&e!0tion
One year
<hen the ,lainti8 i& a!>0itte or
the ,ro&e!0tion i& other/i&e
D5. or com#en%ation the libel. One year >hen the libel i% #!bli%hed.
D6. or com#en%ation for %lander. One year >hen the &ord% are %#o;en or, if the
&ord% are not actionable in
them%el4e%, &hen the %#ecial dama9e
com#lained of re%!lt%.
DD. or com#en%ation for lo%% of
%er4ice occa%ioned by the
%ed!ction of the #laintiffJ%
%er4ant or da!9hter.
One year >hen the lo%% occ!r%.
DA. or com#en%ation for
ind!cin9 a #er%on to brea;
contract &ith the #laintiff.
One year +he date of the breach.
D9. or com#en%ation for an
ille9al, irre9!lar or e.ce%%i4e
One year +he date of the di%tre%%.
A@. or com#en%ation for
&ron9f!l %ei5!re of mo4able
#ro#erty !nder le9al #roce%%.
One year +he date of the %ei5!re.
A1. By!tor%, admini%trator
or re#re%entati4e !nder the ,e9al
"e#re%entati4e% /!it% Act, 1A55
)1- of 1A55*.
One year +he date of the death of the #er%on
A-. By!tor%, admini%trator%
or re#re%entati4e% !nder the
$ndian atal Accident% Act, 1A55
)13 of 1A55*.
+&o year% +he date of the death of the #er%on
A3. Inder the le9al
re#re%entati4e% /!it% Act, 1A55
)1- of 1A55* a9ain%t an!tor,
an admini%trator or any other
+&o year% >hen the &ron9 com#lained of i%
A<. A9ain%t one &ho, ha4in9 a
ri9ht to !%e #ro#erty for %#ecific
#!r#o%e%, #er4ert% it to other
+&o year%
<hen the ,er4er&ion %r&t
.e!o"e& 9no/n to the ,er&on
in70re there.-.
A5. or com#en%ation for
ob%tr!ctin9 a &ay or a
+hree year%
+he date of the ob%tr!ction.
56. 'or !o",en&ation *or
i4ertin2 a /ater!o0r&e.
+hree year% +he date of the di4er%ion.
AD. or com#en%ation for
tre%#a%% !#on immo4able
+hree year% +he date of the tre%#a%%.
AA. or com#en%ation for
infrin9in9 co#yri9ht or any other!%i4e #ri4ile9e.
+hree year% +he date of the infrin9ement.
A9. +o re%train &a%te.
>hen the &a%te be9in%.
9@. or com#en%ation for in:!ry
ca!%ed by an in:!nction
&ron9f!lly obtained.
+hree year% >hen the in:!nction cea%e%
91. or com#en%ation(
)a* for &ron9f!lly ta;in9 or
detainin9 any %#ecific mo4able
#ro#erty lo%t, or ac6!ired by
theft, or di%hone%t
mi%a##ro#riation or con4er%ion8
+hree year% >hen the #er%on ha4in9 the ri9ht the
#o%%e%%ion of the #ro#erty fir%t learn%
in &ho%e #o%%e%%ion it i%.
)b* for &ron9f!lly ta;in9 or
in:!rin9 or &ron9f!lly detainin9
any other %#ecific mo4able
+hree year% >hen the #ro#erty i% &ron9f!lly ta;en
or in:!red, or &hen the detainerJ%
#o%%e%%ion become !nla&f!l.
PA"+ E$$$(/!it% relatin9 to tr!%t% and tr!%t #ro#erty
9-. +o reco4er #o%%e%%ion of
immo4able #ro#erty con4eyed or
be6!eathed in tr!%t and after
&ard% tran%ferred by the tr!%tee
for a 4al!able con%ideration.
93. +o reco4er #o%%e%%ion of
mo4eable #ro#erty con4eyed or
be6!eathed in tr!%t and
after&ard% tran%ferred by the
tr!%tee for a 4al!able
9<. +o %et a%ide a tran%fer of
immo4able #ro#erty com#ri%ed
in =ind!, C!%lim or B!ddhi%t
reli9io!% or charitable
endo&ment, made by a mana9er
thereof for a 4al!able
95. +o %et a%ide a tran%fer of
mo4able #ro#erty com#ri%ed in a
=ind!, C!%lim or B!ddhi%t
reli9io!% or charitable
endo&ment, made by a mana9er
thereof for a 4al!able
+hree year%
+hree year%
>hen the tran%fer become% ;no&n to
the #laintiff.
the tran%fer become% ;no&n to the
>hen the
tran%fer become% ;no&n to the
>hen the tran%fer become% ;no&n to
the #laintiff.
+he date of death, re%i9nation or
remo4al of the tran%feror or the date of
a##ointment of the #laintiff a%
mana9er of the endo&ment, &hiche4er
i% later.
96. By the mana9er of a =ind!,
C!%lim or B!ddhi%t reli9io!% or
charitable endo&ment to reco4er
#o%%e%%ion of mo4able or
immo4able #ro#erty com#ri%ed
in the endo&ment &hich ha%
been tran%ferred by a #re4io!%
mana9er for a 4al!able
3A%T I540uits relatin to miscellaneous matters
9D. +o enforce a ri9ht of #re(
em#tion &hether the ri9ht i%
fo!nded on la& or 9eneral !%a9e
or on %#ecial contract.
9A. By a #er%on a9ain%t &hom
[an order referred to in r!le 63
or in r!le 1@3] of Order ??$ of
the 2ode of 2i4il Proced!re,
19@A )5 of 19@A* or an order
!nder %ection -A of the
Pre%idency /mall 2a!%e 2o!rt%
Act, 1AA- )15 of 1AA-* ha% been
made, to e%tabli%h the ri9ht &hich
he claim% to the #ro#erty
com#ri%ed in the order.
99. +o /et a%ide a %ale by a ci4il
or re4en!e co!rt or a %ale for
arrear% of 9o4ernment re4en!e or
for any demand reco4erable a%
%!ch arrear%.
1@@. +o alter or %et a%ide any
deci%ion or order of a ci4il co!rt
in any #roceedin9 other than a
%!it or any act or order of an
officer of 9o4ernment in hi%
official ca#acity.
1@1. I#on a :!d9ement incl!din9
a forei9n :!d9ement, or a
1@-. or #ro#erty &hich the
#laintiff ha% con4eyed &hile
1@3. +o ma;e 9ood o!t of the
9eneral e%tate of a decea%ed
One year
One year
One year
One year
+hree year
+hree year
+hree year
+hree year
+hree year
+&el4e year
+&el4e year
>hen the #!rcha%er ta;e% !nder the
%ale %o!9ht to be im#eached, #hy%ical
#o%%e%%ion of the &hole or #art of the
#ro#erty %old, or, &here the %!b:ect(
matter of the %ale doe% not admit of
#hy%ical #o%%e%%ion of the &hole or
#art of the #ro#erty, &hen the
in%tr!ment of %ale i% re9i%tered.
date of the final order.
the %ale i% confirmed or &o!ld
other&i%e ha4e become final and
concl!%i4e had no %!ch %!it been
+he date of the final deci%ion or order
by the co!rt or the date of the act or
order of the officer a% the ca%e may be.
date of the :!d9ement or reco9ni%ance.
>hen the #laintiff i% re%tored to %anity
and ha% ;no&led9e of the con4eyance.
+he date of the
tr!%teeJ% death or if the lo%% ha% not
then re%!lted, the date of the lo%%.
the #laintiff i% fir%t ref!%ed the
en:oyment of the ri9ht
>hen the arrear% are #ayable.
the le9acy or %hare become% #ayable
or deli4erable.
tr!%tee the lo%% occa%ioned by a
breach of tr!%t.
1@<. +o e%tabli%h a #eriodically
rec!rrin9 ri9ht.
1@5. By a =ind! for arrear% of
1@6. or a le9acy or for a %hare
of a re%id!e be6!eathed by a
te%tator or for a di%trib!ti4e %hare
of the #ro#erty of an inte%tate
a9ain%t an!tor or an
admini%trator or %ome other
#er%on le9ally char9ed &ith the
d!ty of di%trib!tin9 the e%tate.
1@D. or #o%%e%%ion of a
hereditary office.
!"planation ' A hereditary office
i% #o%%e%%ed &hen the #ro#ertie%
thereof are !%!ally recei4ed, or
)if there are no #ro#ertie%* &hen
the d!tie% thereof are !%!ally
1@A. /!it d!rin9 the life of a
=ind! or C!%lim female by a
=ind! or C!%lim, &ho if the
female died at the date of
in%tit!tin9 the %!it, &o!ld be
entitled to the #o%%e%%ion of land,
to ha4e an alienation of %!ch land
made by the female declared to
be 4oid e.ce#t for her life or
!ntil her re(marria9e.
1@9. By a =ind! 9o4erned by
Cita;%hara la& to %et a%ide hi%
fatherJ% alienation of ance%tral
11@. By a #er%on!ded from a
:oint family #ro#erty to enforce a
ri9ht to %hare therein.
111. By or on behalf or any local
a!thority for #o%%e%%ion of any
#!blic %treet or road or any #art
thereof from &hich it ha% been
di%#o%%e%%ed or of &hich it ha%
di%contin!ed the #o%%e%%ion.
11-. Any %!it )e.ce#t a %!it
before the /!#reme 2o!rt in the
e.erci%e of it% ori9inal
:!ri%diction* by or on behalf of
+&el4e year
+&el4e year
+&el4e year
+hirty year%
+hirty year%
the defendant ta;e% #o%%e%%ion of the
office ad4er%ely to the Plaintiff.
date of the alienation.
>hen the alienee ta;e% #o%%e%%ion of
the #ro#erty.
>hen the!%ion become% ;no&n
to the #laintiff.
date of the di%#o%%e%%ion or
>hen the #eriod of limitation &o!ld
be9in to r!n !nder thi% Act a9ain%t a
li;e %!it by a #ri4ate #er%on.
the 2entral 3o4ernment or any
/tate 3o4ernment, incl!din9 the
3o4ernment, incl!din9 the
3o4ernment of the /tate of
0amm! and 1a%hmir.
3A%T 5 60uits for which there is no prescri'ed period
113. An- &0it *or /hi!h no
,erio o* li"itation i&
,ro4ie el&e/here in thi&
<hen the ri2ht to &0e a!!r0e&
7escription of appeal 3eriod of
Time from which period 'eins to
11+. A,,eal *ro" an orer o*
AaB (ner &0.@&e!tion A1B or
&0.&e!tion A#B o* &e!tion +13
o* the Coe o* Cri"inal
Pro!e0re, 1595 A1 o* 1595B
Ninet- a-&
The ate o* the orer
a,,eale *ro".
A.B (ner &0.@&e!tion A3B o*
&e!tion +13 o* that Coe.
Thirt- a-& The ate o* the 2rant o*
&,e!ial lea4e.
111. (ner the Coe o*
Cri"inal Pro!e0re, 1595 A1 o*
AaB *ro" a &enten!e o* eath
,a&&e .- a !o0rt o* &e&&ion
or .- a =i2h !o0rt in the
exer!i&e o* it& ori2inal !ri"inal
Thirt- a-& The ate o* the &enten!e.
)b* from any other %entence or any
order not bein9 an order of
)i* to the =i9h 2o!rt
)ii* to any other co!rt
Sixt- a-&
+hirty day%
+he date of the %entence or order.
+he date of the %entence or order.
116. Inder the 2ode of 2i4il
Proced!re, 19@A )5 of 19@A*,(
Ninety day%
)a* to a =i9h 2o!rt from any
decree or order.
)b* to any other co!rt from any
decree or order.
11D. rom a decree or order of any
=i9h 2o!rt to the %ame co!rt.
+hirty day%
+hirty day%
+he date of the decree or order.
+he date of the decree or order.
+he date of the decree or order.
+=$"F F$E$/$ON(APP,$2A+$ON/
7escription of a##ellation 3eriod of
Time from which period 'eins to run
3A%T I4Applications in specified cases
11A. or lea4e to a##ear and
defend a %!it !nder %!mmary
119. Inder the Arbitration Act,
19<@ )1@ of 19<@*(
)a* for the fillin9 in co!rt of an
)b* for %ettin9 a%ide an a&ard or
9ettin9 an a&ard remitted for
Ten a-&
>hen the %!mmon% i% %er4ed.
+he date of %er4ice of the notice of the
ma;in9 of the a&ard. +he date
of %er4ice of the notice of the filin9 of
the a&ard.
1#6. (ner the Coe o* Ci4il
Pro!e0re, 1965 A1 o* 1965B,
to ha4e the le2al
re,re&entati4e o* a e!ea&e
,lainti8 or a,,ellant or o* a
e!ea&e e*enant or
re&,onent, "ae a ,art-.
The ate o* eath o* Plainti8,
a,,ellant, e*enant or
re&,onent a& the !a&e "a- .e
1#1. (ner the &a"e Coe
*or an orer to &et a&ie an
The ate o* a.ate"ent.
1##. To re&tore a &0it or
a,,eal or a,,li!ation *or
re4ie/ or re4i&ion i&"i&&e
*or e*a0lt o* a,,earan!e or
*or /ant o* ,ro&e!0tion or *or
or *or /ant o* ,ro&e!0tion or
*or *ail0re to ,a- !o&t& o*
&er4i!e o* ,ro!e&& or to
*0rni&h &e!0rit- *or !o&t&.
The ate o* i&"i&&al.
1-3. +o %et a%ide a decree #a%%ed
e. #arte or to re(hear an a##eal
decreed or heard e. #arte.
!"planation ' or the #!r#o%e of
thi% article, %!b%tit!ted %er4ice
!nder r!le -@ of Order E of the
2ode of 2i4il Proced!re, 19@A )5
of 19@A* %hall not be deemed to
be d!e %er4ice.
The ate o* the e!ree or /here
the &0""on& or noti!e /a& not
0l- &er4e, /hen the a,,li!ant
ha 9no/le2e o* the e!ree.
1#+. 'or a re4ie/ o*
702e"ent .- a !o0rt other
than the S0,re"e Co0rt
The ate o* the e!ree or orer.
1#1. To re!or an a70&t"ent
or &ati&*a!tion o* a e!ree.
<hen the ,a-"ent or a70&t"ent
i& "ae.
1#6. 'or the ,a-"ent o*
a"o0nt o* a e!ree .-
The ate o* the e!ree.
1#3. To &et a&ie a &ale on
exe!0tion o* a e!ree,
in!l0in2 an- &0!h
a,,li!ation .- a 702e"ent@
The ate o* the &ale.
1-A. or #o%%e%%ion by one
di%#o%%e%%ed of immo4able
#ro#erty and di%#!tin9 the ri9ht of
the decree holder or #!rcha%er at a
%ale in!tion of a decree.
The ate o* the i&,o&&e&&ion.
1#9. 'or ,o&&e&&ion a*ter
re"o4in2 re&i&tan!e or
o.&tr0!tion to eli4er- o*
,o&&e&&ion o* i""o4a.le
,ro,ert- e!ree or &ol in
exe!0tion o* a e!ree.
The ate o* re&i&tan!e or
13@. or lea4e to a##eal a% a
)a* to the =i9h 2o!rt8
)b* to any other co!rt.
/i.ty day%
+he date of decree a##ealed from.
+he date of decree a##ealed from.
131. To an- !o0rt *or the
exer!i&e o* it& ,o/er& o*
re4i&ion 0ner the Coe o*
Ci4il Pro!e0re, 1965 A1 o*
1965B, or the Coe o*
Cri"inal Pro!e0re, 1595, A1
o* 1595B.
The ate o* the e!ree or orer or
&enten!e &o02ht to .e re4i&e.
13#. To the =i2h Co0rt *or a
!erti%!ate o* %tne&& or a,,eal
to the S0,re"e Co0rt 0ner
!la0&e A1B o* arti!le 13#,
arti!le 133 or &0.@!la0&e A!B
o* !la0&e A1B o* arti!le 13+ o*
the Con&tit0tion or 0ner an-
other la/ *or the ti"e .ein2
in *or!e.
+he date of the decree, order or
133. To the S0,re"e Co0rt
*or &,e!ial lea4e to a,,eal@
AaB in a !a&e in4ol4in2 eath
The ate o* the 702e"ent, %nal
orer or &enten!e.
A.B in a !a&e /here lea4e to
a,,eal /a& re*0&e .- the
=i2h Co0rt?
The ate o* the orer o* re*0&al.
)c* in any other ca%e.
The ate o* the 702e"ent or
13<. or deli4ery of #o%%e%%ion by
a #!rcha%er of immo4able
#ro#erty at a %ale in!tion of a
One -ear <hen the &ale .e!o"e a.&ol0te.
131. 'or the en*or!e"ent o* a
e!ree 2rantin2 a "anator-
The ate o* the e!ree or /here a
ate i& %xe *or ,er*or"an!e&,
&0!h ate.
136. 'or the exe!0tion o* an-
e!ree Aother than a e!ree
2rantin2 a "anator-
in70n!tionB or orer o* an-
C<henD the e!ree or orer
.e!o"e& en*or!ea.le or /here the
e!ree or an- &0.&e>0ent orer
ire!t& an- ,a-"ent o* "one- or
Ci4il Co0rt. the eli4er- o* an- ,ro,ert- to .e
"ae at a !ertain ate or at
re!0rrin2 ,erio&, /hen e*a0lt in
"a9in2 the ,a-"ent or eli4er- in
re&,e!t o* /hi!h exe!0tion i&
&o02ht, ta9e& ,ala!e:
P"OE$FGF that an a##lication for the
enforcement or!tion of a decree
9rantin9 a #er#et!al in:!nction %hall not
be %!b:ect to any #eriod of limitation.
3A%T II4 Other applications
133. An- other a,,li!ation *or
/hi!h no ,erio o* li"itation
i& ,ro4ie el&e/here in thi&
<hen the ri2ht to a,,l- a!!r0e&.
#oot Note!
1 Notified date i% 1%t. 0an!ary, 196<, 4ide Notification No. /O 311A, dated -9th. October,
1963, in 3O$, Part $$.
-.+he &ord% 7on &hich the decree or order i% fo!nded7 omitted by the 2ode of 2i4il
Proced!re )Amendment* Act, 1999.
3 /!b%tit!ted for the &ord% 7fi4e year%7 by Act No. 1@ of 1969.
<.$n%erted by Act No. 1@ of 1969.
1.S0.&tit0te *or the /or& Ean orer r0le 63 or r0le 163E .- A!t No. 1# o*
6.S0.&tit0te *or the /or EThirt-E .- A!t No. 16+ o* 1936.
D./!b%tit!ted for the &ord 7>here7 by Act No. 5- of 196<.