Lim-Lua v. Lua 2013
Lim-Lua v. Lua 2013
Lim-Lua v. Lua 2013
175279-80, June 5, 2013 Nature: Petition for review on certiorari under Rule 5 Topic: Per!on!, "u##ort #endente lite Facts: Petitioner "u!an $i%-$ua filed an action for t&e declaration of nullit' of &er %arria(e wit& re!#ondent )anilo *. $ua. +n &er #ra'er for !u##ort #endente lite for &er!elf and &er two c&ildren, #etitioner !ou(&t t&e a%ount ofP500,000.00 a! %ont&l' !u##ort, citin( re!#ondent,! &u(e earnin(! fro% !alarie! and dividend! in !everal co%#anie! and -u!ine!!e! &ere and a-road. .fter due &earin(, Jud(e Ra#&ael /. *ra!tor0a, "r. i!!ued an 1rder (rantin( !u##ort #endente lite, fort&e a%ount of 2wo 3undred 4ift' 5P250,000.006 2&ou!and Pe!o! would -e !ufficient to ta7e care of t&e need! of t&e #laintiff. 2&i! a%ount e8clude! t&e 1ne &undred t&irt'-five 5P135,000.006 2&ou!and Pe!o! for %edical attendance e8#en!e! needed -' #laintiff for t&e o#eration of -ot& &er e'e! w&ic& i! de%anda-le u#on t&e conduct of !uc& o#eration. 2&e a%ount! alread' e8tended to t&e two 526 c&ildren, -ein( a co%%enda-le act of defendant, !&ould -e continued -' &i% con!iderin( t&e va!t financial re!ource! at &i! di!#o!al. Re!#ondent filed a %otion for recon!ideration, a!!ertin( t&at #etitioner i! not entitled to !#ou!al !u##ort con!iderin( t&at !&e doe! not %aintain for &er!elf a !e#arate dwellin( fro% t&eir c&ildren and re!#ondent &a! continued to !u##ort t&e fa%il' for t&eir !u!tenance and well--ein( in accordance wit& fa%il',! !ocial and financial !tandin(. 9. rendered it! )eci!ion, findin( %erit in re!#ondent,! contention t&at t&e trial court (ravel' a-u!ed it! di!cretion in (rantin( P250,000.00 %ont&l' !u##ort to #etitioner wit&out evidence to #rove &i! actual inco%e. Issue: :&et&er certain e8#en!e! alread' incurred -' t&e re!#ondent %a' -e deducted fro% t&e total !u##ort in arrear! owin( to #etitioner and &er c&ildren; Ruling: .! a %atter of law, t&e a%ount of !u##ort w&ic& t&o!e related -' %arria(e and fa%il' relation!&i# i! (enerall' o-li(ed to (ive eac& ot&er !&all -e in #ro#ortion to t&e re!ource! or %ean! of t&e (iver and to t&e need! of t&e reci#ient. "uc& !u##ort co%#ri!e! ever't&in( indi!#en!a-le for !u!tenance, dwellin(, clot&in(, %edical attendance, education and tran!#ortation, in 7ee#in( wit& t&e financial ca#acit' of t&e fa%il'. <#on recei#t of a verified #etition for declaration of a-!olute nullit' of void %arria(e or for annul%ent of voida-le %arria(e, or for le(al !e#aration, and at an' ti%e durin( t&e #roceedin(, t&e court, %otu #ro#rio or u#on verified a##lication of an' of t&e #artie!, (uardian or de!i(nated cu!todian, %a' te%#oraril' (rant !u##ort #endente lite #rior to t&e rendition of =ud(%ent or final order. /ecau!e of it! #rovi!ional nature, a court doe! not need to delve full' into t&e %erit! of t&e ca!e -efore it can !ettle an a##lication for t&i! relief. .ll t&at a court i! ta!7ed to do i! deter%ine t&e 7ind and a%ount of evidence w&ic& %a' !uffice to ena-le it to =u!tl' re!olve t&e a##lication. +t i! enou(& t&at t&e fact! -e e!ta-li!&ed -' affidavit! or ot&er docu%entar' evidence a##earin( in t&e record. +n t&i! ca!e, t&e a%ount of %ont&l' !u##ort #endente lite for #etitioner and &er two c&ildren wa! deter%ined after due &earin( and !u-%i!!ion of docu%entar' evidence -' t&e #artie!. .lt&ou(& t&e a%ount fi8ed -' t&e trial court wa! reduced on a##eal, it i! clear t&at t&e %ont&l' !u##ort #endente lite of P115,000.00 ordered -' t&e 9. wa! intended #ri%aril' for t&e !u!tenance of #etitioner and &er c&ildren, e.(., food, clot&in(, !alarie! of driver! and &ou!e &el#er!, and ot&er &ou!e&old e8#en!e!. Petitioner,! te!ti%on' al!o %entioned t&e co!t of re(ular t&era#' for &er !colio!i! and vita%in!>%edicine!. .! to t&e financial ca#acit' of t&e re!#ondent, it i! -e'ond dou-t t&at &e can !olel' #rovide for t&e !u-!i!tence, education, tran!#ortation, &ealt&>%edical need! and recreational activitie! of &i! 2&e 4a%il' 9ourt %a' direct t&e deduction of t&e #rovi!ional !u##ort fro% t&e !alar' of t&e #arent."ince t&e a%ount of %ont&l' !u##ort #endente lite a! fi8ed -' t&e 9. wa! not a##ealed -' eit&er #art', t&ere i! no controver!' a! to it! !ufficienc' and rea!ona-lene!!. 2&e di!#ute concern! t&e deduction! %ade -' re!#ondent in !ettlin( t&e !u##ort in arrear!. 2&e a%ount! alread' e8tended to t&e two 526 c&ildren, -ein( a co%%enda-le act of #etitioner, !&ould -e continued -' &i% con!iderin( t&e va!t financial re!ource! at &i! di!#o!al.