The Land Acquisition Act of 1894
The Land Acquisition Act of 1894
The Land Acquisition Act of 1894
ACT, 1894
(1 OF 1894)
(As modified up o !e Is Sepem"e#, 198$)
Su"o#di%&e 'e(is'&io% ) "ei%( pu"'is!ed sep&#&e'*)
.INIST-/ OF L&0 &%d 1usi2e
3A-T I
15 S!o# i'e, e6e% &%d 2omme%2eme%5
75 (-epe&'ed)
85 Defi%iio%s5
Preliminary investigation
45 3u"'i2&io% of p#e'imi%&#* %oifi2&io% &%d po0e#s of offi2e#s !e#e upo%5
$5 3&*me% fo# d&m&(e5
A! "earing o# objections!
$eclaration o# inten%e% ac&'isition
(! $eclaration t)at lan% is re&'ire% #or a *'blic *'r*ose!
+!A#ter %eclaration, Collector to ta-e or%er #or ac&'isition!
.!/an% to be mar-e% o't, meas're% an% *lanne%!
0!Notice to *ersons intereste%!
12!Po3er to re&'ire an% en#orce t)e ma-ing o# Statements as to
names an%
E%9ui#* i%o me&su#eme%s, :&'ue &%d 2'&ims, &%d &0&#d "*
!e Co''e2o#5
11!En&'iry an% a3ar% by Collector!
11A! Perio% 3it)in 3)ic) an a3ar% s)all be ma%e!
14!A3ar% o# Collector 3)en to be #inal!
15! A%jo'rnment o# en&'iry!
15A! Correction o# clerical errors, etc!
16! Po3er to s'mmon an% en#orce atten%ance o# 3itnesses an%
*ro%'ction o#
1! Matters to be consi%ere% an% neglecte%!
1A! Po3er to call #or recor%s, etc!
T&;i%( possessio%
1(!Po3er to ta-e *ossession!
1+!S*ecial *o3ers in cases o# 'rgency!
-efe#e%2e o 2ou# &%d p#o2edu#e !e#eo%5
1.! Re#erence to Co'rt!
10! Collector7s statement to t)e Co'rt!
42! Service o# notice
41! Restriction on sco*e o# *rocee%ings!
44! Procee%ings to be in o*en Co'rt!
45! Matters to be consi%ere% in %etermining com*ensation!
46! Matters to be neglecte% in %etermining com*ensation!
4! Amo'nt o# com*ensation a3ar%e% by Co'rt not to be lo3er t)an
t)e amo'nt
a3ar%e% by t)e Collector!
4(! Form o# a3ar%s!
4+! Costs!
4.! Collector may be %irecte%
4.A! Re8%etermination o# t)e amo'nt o# com*ensation on t)e basis
o# t)e
a3ar% o# t)e Co'rt!
40! Partic'lars o# a**ortionment to be s*eci#ie%!
52! $is*'te as to a**ortionment!
51!Payment o# com*ensation or %e*osit o# same in Co'rt!
54!Investment o# money %e*osite% in res*ect o# lan%s belonging to
incom*etent to alienate!
55!Investment o# money %e*osite% in ot)er cases!
56!Payment o# interest!
5! Tem*orary occ'*ation o# 3aste or arable lan%! Proce%'re 3)en
as to com*ensation e<ists!
5(!Po3er to enter an% ta-e *ossession, an% com*ensation on
5+!$i##erence as to con%ition o# lan%!
5.A! In%'strial concern to be %eeme% Com*any #or certain
50! Previo's consent o# a**ro*riate Government an% e<ec'tion o#
62! Previo's en&'iry!
61!Agreement 3it) a**ro*riate Government!
64!P'blication o# agreement!
65! Sections 50 to 64 not to a**ly 3)ere Government bo'n% by
agreement to
*rovi%e lan% #or Com*anies!
66! "o3 agreement 3it) Rail3ay Com*any may be *rove%!
66A! Restriction on trans#er etc!
66@! /an% not to be ac&'ire% 'n%er t)is Part e<ce*t #or certain
*'r*ose #or
*rivate com*anies ot)er t)an Government com*anies!
6! Service o# notices!
6(! Penalty #or obstr'cting ac&'isition o# lan%!
6+! Magistrate to en#orce s'rren%er!
6.! Com*letion o# ac&'isition not com*'lsory, b't com*ensation to
be a3ar%e%
3)en not com*lete%!
60! Ac&'isition o# *art o# )o'se or b'il%ing!
2! Ac&'isition o# lan% at cost o# a local a't)ority or Com*any!
1! E<em*tion #rom stam*8%'ty an% #ees!
1A! Acce*tance o# certi#ie% co*y as evi%ence!
4! Notice in case o# s'its #or anyt)ing %one in *'rs'ance o# Act!
5! Co%e o# Civil Proce%'re to a**ly to *rocee%ings be#ore Co'rt!
6!A**eals in *rocee%ings be#ore Co'rt!
!Po3er to ma-e r'les!
Part 1:
1.Short title, extet a! "o##e"e#et$
%1& Thi' A"t #a( )e "alle! the La! A"*+i'itio A"t, 1894.
%,& It exte!' to the -hole o. I!ia ex"e/t %the 'tate o. 0a##+ a! 1a'h#ir&.
%2& It 'hall "o#e ito .or"e o the .ir't !a( o. 3ar"h 1894.
,. 45e/eal a! Sa6i78 5e/. Partl( )( the 5e/eali7 a! A#e!i7 A"t, 1914 %19 o. 1914&,
'.2 a! S"h. II, a! /artl( )( the 5e/eali7 a"t, 1928 %1 o. 1928& '., a! S"h.
2. De.iitio'. $ I thi' A"t, +le'' there i' 'o#ethi7 re/+7at i the '+):e"t or "otext,
%a& the ex/re''io ;la!< i"l+!e' )' to ari'e o+t o. la!, a! thi7' atta"he! to the
earth or /er#aetl( .a'tee! to a(thi7 atta"he! to the earth=
4%aa& the ex/re''io ;lo"al a+thorit(< i"l+!e' a to- /lai7 a+thorit( %)( -hate6er
a#e "alle!& 'et +/ +!er a( la- .or the ti#e )ei7 i .or"e8=
%)& the ex/re''io ;/er'o itere'te!< i"l+!e' all /er'o' "lai#i7 a itere't i
"o#/e'atio to )e #a!e o a""o+t o. the a"*+i'itio o. la! +!er thi' A"t= a! a /er'o
'hall )e !ee#e! to )e itere'te! i la! i. he i' itere'te! i a ea'e#et a..e"ti7 the la!=
%"& the ex/re''io ;Colle"tor< #ea' the Colle"tor o. a !i'tri"t, a! i"l+!e' a De/+t(
Co##i''ioer a! a( o..i"er '/e"iall( a//oite! )( the 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 to
/er.or# the .+"tio' o. a Colle"tor +!er thi' A"t=
4%""& the ex/re''io ;"or/oratio o-e! or "otrolle! )( the ;State< #ea' a( )o!(
"or/orate e'ta)li'he! )( or +!er a Cetral, Pro6i"ial or State A"t, a! i"l+!e' a
>o6er#et "o#/a( a' !! i 'e"tio ?1@ o. the Co#/aie' A"t, 19A? %1 o. 19A?&, a
'o"iet( re7i'tere! +!er the So"ietie' 5e7+latio A"t, 18?9 %,1 o. 18?9&, or +!er a(
"orre'/o!i7 la- .or the ti#e )ei7 i .or"e i a State, )ei7 a 'o"iet( e'ta)li'he! or
a!#ii'tere! )( >o6er#et a! a "o$o/erati6e 'o"iet( -ithi the #eai7 o. a( la-
relati7 to "o$o/erati6e 'o"ietie' .or the ti#e )ei7 i .or"e i a( State, )ei7 a "o$
o/erati6e 'o"iet( i -hi"h ot le'' tha .i.t($oe /er "et+# o. the /ai!$+/ 'hare "a/ital i'
hel! )( the Cetral >o6er#et, or )( a( State >o6er#et or >o6er#et' or /artl(
)( the Cetral >o6er#et a! /artl( )( oe or #ore State >o6er#et'8.
%!& the ex/re''io ;Co+rt< #ea' a /ri"i/al Ci6il Co+rt o. ori7ial :+ri'!i"tio +le'', the
4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 ha' a//oite! %a' it i' here)( e#/o-ere! to !o& a '/e"ial
:+!i"ial o..i"er -ithi a( '/e"! lo"al li#it' to /er.or# .+"tio' o. the Co+rt +!er
thi' A"t=
4%e& the ex/re''io ;Co#/a(< #ea' $
%i& a "o#/a( a' !! i 'e"tio 2 o. the Co#/aie' A"t, 19A? %1 o. 19A?&, other tha a
>o6er#et "o#/a( re.erre! to i "la+'e %""&=
%ii& a 'o"iet( re7i'tere! +!er the So"ietie' 5e7i'tratio A"t, 18?9 %,1 o. 18?9&, or +!er a(
"orre'/o!i7 la- .or the ti#e )ei7 i .or"e i a State, other tha a 'o"iet( re.erre! to i
"la+'e %""&=
%iii& a "o$o/erati6e 'o"iet( -ithi the #eai7 o. a( la- relati7 to "o$o/erati6e 'o"ietie'
.or the ti#e )ei7 i .or"e i a( State, other tha a "o$o/erati6e 'o"iet( re.erre! to i
"la+'e %""&=8
4%ee& the ex/re''io ;a//ro/riate >o6er#et< #ea', i relati7 to a"*+i'itio o. la! .or
the /+r/o'e' o. the Uio, the Cetral >o6er#et, a!, i relatio to a"*+i'itio o. la!
.or a( other /+r/o'e', the State >o6er#et=8
4%.& the ex/re''io ;/+)li" /+r/o'e< i"l+!e'$
%i& the /ro6i'io o. 6illa7e$'ite', or the exte'io, /lae! !e6elo/#et or i#/ro6e#et o.
exi'ti7 6illa7e$'ite'=
%ii& the /ro6i'io o. la! .or to- or r+ral /lai7=
%iii& the /ro6i'io o. la! .or /lae! !e6elo/#et o. la! .ro# /+)li" .+!' i /+r'+a"e
o. a( '"he#e or /oli"( o. >o6er#et a! '+)'e*+et !i'/o'al thereo. i -hole or i /art
)( lea'e, a''i7#et or o+tri7ht 'ale -ith the o):e"t o. 'e"+ri7 .+rther !e6elo/#et a'
%i6& the /ro6i'io o. la! .or a "or/oratio o-e! or "otrolle! )( the State=
%6& the /ro6i'io o. la! .or re'i!etial /+r/o'e' to the /oor or la!le'' or to /er'o'
re'i!i7 i area' a..e"te! )( at+ral "ala#itie', or to /er'o' !i'/la"e! or a..e"te! )(
rea'o o. the i#/le#etatio o. a( '"he#e +!ertaBe )( >o6er#et, a( lo"al
a+thorit( or a "or/oratio o-e! or "otrolle! )( the State=
%6i& the /ro6i'io o. la! .or "arr(i7 o+t a( e!+"atioal, ho+'i7, health or 'l+#
"leara"e '"he#e '/o'ore! )( >o6er#et or )( a( a+thorit( e'ta)li'he! )(
>o6er#et .or "arr(i7 o+t a( '+"h '"he#e, or -ith the /rior a//ro6al o. the
a//ro/riate >o6er#et, )( a lo"al a+thorit(, or a 'o"iet( re7i'tere! +!er the So"ietie'
5e7i'tratio A"t, 18?9 %,1 o. 18?9&, or +!er a( "orre'/o!i7 la- .or the ti#e )ei7 i
.or"e i a 'tate, or a "o$o/erati6e 'o"iet( -ithi the #eai7 o. a( la- relati7 to "o$
o/erati6e 'o"ietie' .or the ti#e )ei7 i .or"e i a( State=
%6ii& the /ro6i'io o. la! .or a( other '"he#e o. !e6elo/#et '/o'ore! )( >o6er#et
or -ith the /rior a//ro6al o. the a//ro/riate >o6er#et, )( a lo"al a+thorit(=
%6iii& the /ro6i'io o. a( /re#i'e' or )+il!i7 .or lo"ati7 a /+)li" o..i"e, )+t !oe' ot
i"l+!e a"*+i'itio o. la! .or "o#/aie'=8
%7& the .ollo-i7 /er'o' 'hall )e !ee#e! /er'o ;etitle! to a"t< a' a! to the extet
hereia.ter /ro6i!e! %that i' to 'a(&$
tr+'tee' .or other /er'o' )ee.i"iall( itere'te! 'hall )e !ee#e! the /er'o etitle! to a"t
-ith re.ere"e to a( '+"h "a'e, a! that to the 'a#e extet a' the /er'o )ee.i"iall(
itere'te! "o+l! ha6e a"te! i. .ree .ro# !i'a)ilit(.
a #arrie! -o#a, i "a'e' to -hi"h the E7li'h la- i' a//li"a)le, 'hall )e !ee#e! the
/er'o', 'o etitle! to a"t, a! -hether o. .+ll a7e or ot, to the 'a#e extet a' i. 'he -ere
+#arrie! a! o. .+ll a7e= a!
the 7+ar!ia' o. #ior' a! the "o##ittee' or #aa7er' o. l+ati"' or i!iot' 'hall )e
!ee#e! re'/e"ti6el( the /er'o' 'o etitle! to a"t, to the 'a#e extet a' the #ior', l+ati"'
or i!iot' the#'el6e', i. .ree .ro# !i'a)ilit(, "o+l! ha6e a"te!:
Pro6i!e! that C
%i& o /er'o 'hall )e !ee#e! ;etitle! to a"t< -ho'e itere't i the '+):e"t #atter 'hall )e
'ho- to the 'ati'.a"tio o. the Colle"tor or "o+rt to )e a!6er'e to the itere't o. the /er'o
itere'te! .or -ho# he -o+l! other-i'e )e etitle! to a"t=
%ii& i e6er( '+"h "a'e the /er'o itere'te! #a( a//ear )( a ext .rie! or, i !e.a+lt o. hi'
a//eara"e )( a ext .rie!, the Colle"tor or Co+rt, a' the "a'e #a( )e, 'hall a//oit a
7+ar!ia .or the "a'e to a"t o hi' )ehal. i the "o!+"t thereo.=
%iii& the /ro6i'io' o. 4Or!er DDDII o. the Eir't S"he!+le to the Co!e o. Ci6il Pro"e!+re,
1998 %A o. 1998& 'hall, #+tati' #+ta!i', a//l( i the "a'e o. /er'o' itere'te! a//eari7
)e.ore a Colle"tor or Co+rt )( a ext .rie!, or )( a 7+ar!ia .or the "a'e, i /ro"ee!i7'
+!er thi' A"t= a!
%i6& o /er'o ;etitle! to a"t< 'hall )e "o#/etet to re"ei6e the "o#/e'atio #oe(
/a(a)le to the /er'o .or -ho# he i' etitle! to a"t, +le'' he -o+l! ha6e )ee "o#/etet
to alieate the la! a! re"ei6e a! 7i6e a 7oo! !i'"har7e .or the /+r"ha'e #oe( o a
6ol+tar( 'ale.
Preli#iar( i6e'ti7atio
4. P+)li"atio o. /reli#iar( oti.i"atio a! /o-er o. o..i"er' there+/o. $
%1& Fhee6er it a//ear' to the 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 the la! i a( lo"alit( 4i'
ee!e! or8 i' liBel( to )e ee!e! .or a( /+)li" /+r/o'e 4or .or a "o#/a(8, a oti.i"atio
to that e..e"t 'hall )e /+)li'he! i the O..i"ial >aGette 4a! i t-o !ail( e-'/a/er'
"ir"+lati7 i that lo"alit( o. -hi"h at lea't oe 'hall )e i the re7ioal la7+a7e8, a! the
Colle"tor 'hall "a+'e /+)li" oti"e o. the '+)'ta"e o. '+"h oti.i"atio to )e 7i6e at
"o6eiet /la"e' i the 'ai! lo"alit( 4%the la't o. the !ate' o. '+"h /+)li"atio a! the
7i6i7 o. '+"h /+)li" oti"e , )ei7 hereia.ter re.erre! to a' the !ate o. the /+)li"atio o.
the oti.i"atio&8.
%,& There+/o it 'hall )e la-.+l .or a( o..i"er, either 7eerall( or '/e"iall( a+thoriGe! )(
'+"h >o6er#et i thi' )ehal., a! .or hi' 'er6at' a! -orB#a, $
to eter +/o a! '+r6e( a! taBe le6el' o. a( la! i '+"h lo"alit(=
to !i7 or )ore ito the '+)$'oil=
to !o all other a"t' e"e''ar( to a'"ertai -hether the la! i' a!a/te! .or '+"h /+r/o'e=
to 'et o+t the )o+!arie' o. the la! /ro/o'e! to )e taBe a! the ite!e! lie o. the -orB
%i. a(& /ro/o'e! to )e #a!e thereo=
to #arB '+"h le6el', )o+!arie' a! lie )( /la"i7 #arB' a! "+tti7 tre"he'=
a!, -here other-i'e the '+r6e( "aot )e "o#/lete! a! the le6el' taBe a! the
)o+!arie' a! lie #arBe!, to "+t !o- a! "lear a-a( a( /art o. a( 'ta!i7 "ro/,
.e"e or :+7le=
Pro6i!e! that o /er'o 'hall eter ito a( )+il!i7 or +/o a( e"lo'e! "o+rt or 7ar!e
atta"he! to a !-elli7 ho+'e %+le'' -ith the "o'et o. the o""+/ier thereo.& -itho+t
/re6io+'l( 7i6i7 '+"h o""+/ier at lea't 'e6e !a('H oti"e i -riti7 o. hi' itetio to !o
A. Pa(#et .or !a#a7e. $ The o..i"er 'o a+thoriGe! 'hall at the ti#e o. '+"h etr( /a( or
te!er /a(#et .or all e"e''ar( !a#a7e! to )e !oe a' a.ore'ai!, a!, i "a'e o. !i'/+te
a' to the '+..i"ie"( o. the a#o+t 'o /ai! or te!ere!, he 'hall at o"e the !i'/+te to
the !e"i'io o. the Colle"tor or other "hie. re6e+e o..i"er o. the !i'tri"t, a! '+"h !e"i'io
'hall )e .ial.
AA. Heari7 o. o):e"tio'. $ %1& A( /er'o itere'te! i a( la! -hi"h ha' )ee! +!er 'e"tio 4, '+)$'e"tio %1&, a' )ei7 ee!e! or liBel( to )e ee!e! .or a /+)li"
/+r/o'e or .or a Co#/a( #a(, 4-ithi thirt( !a(' .ro# the !ate o. the /+)li"atio o. the
oti.i"atio8, o):e"t to the a"*+i'itio o. the la! or o. a( la! i the lo"alit(, a' the "a'e
#a( )e.
%,& E6er( o):e"tio +!er '+)$'e"tio %1& 'hall )e #a!e to the Colle"tor i -riti7, a! the
Colle"tor 'hall 7i6e the o):e"tor a o//ort+it( o. )ei7 hear! 4i /er'o or )( a( /er'o
a+thoriGe! )( hi# i thi' )ehal.8 or )( /lea!er a! 'hall, a.ter heari7 all '+"h o):e"tio'
a! a.ter #aBi7 '+"h .+rther i*+ir(, i. a(, a' he thiB' e"e''ar(, 4either #aBe a re/ort
i re'/e"t o. the la! -hi"h ha' )ee! +!er 'e"tio 4, '+)$'e"tio %1&, or #aBe
!i..eret re/ort' i re'/e"t o. !i..eret /ar"el' o. '+"h la!, to the a//ro/riate
>o6er#et, "otaii7 hi' re"o##e!atio' o the o):e"tio', to7ether -ith the re"or!
o. the /ro"ee!i7' hel! )( hi#, .or the !e"i'io o. that >o6er#et8. The !e"i'io o. the
4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 o the o):e"tio' 'hall )e .ial.
%2& Eor the /+r/o'e o. thi' 'e"tio, a /er'o 'hall )e !ee#e! to )e itere'te! i la! -ho
-o+l! )e etitle! to "lai# a itere't i "o#/e'atio i. the la! -ere a"*+ire! +!er thi'
De"laratio o. ite!e! a"*+i'itio
?. De"laratio that la! i' re*+ire! .or a /+)li" /+r/o'e. $ %1& S+):e"t to the
/ro6i'io o. Part III o. thi' A"t, 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 i' 'ati'.ie!, a.ter "o'i!eri7
the re/ort, i. a(, #a!e +!er 'e"tio AA, '+)$'e"tio %,&8, that a( /arti"+lar la! i'
ee!e! .or a /+)li" /+r/o'e, or .or a Co#/a(, a !e"laratio 'hall )e #a!e to that e..e"t
+!er the 'i7at+re o. a Se"retar( to '+"h >o6er#et or o. 'o#e o..i"er !+l( a+thoriGe!
to "erti.( it' or!er' 4a! !i..eret !e"laratio' #a( )e #a!e .ro# ti#e to ti#e i re'/e"t o.
!i..eret /ar"el' o. a( la! "o6ere! )( the 'a#e oti.i"atio +!er 'e"tio 4, '+)$'e"tio
%I& irre'/e"ti6e o. -hether oe re/ort or !i..eret re/ort' ha' or ha6e )ee #a!e %-here6er
re*+ire!& +!er 'e"tio AA, '+)$'e"tio %,&8=
4Pro6i!e! that o !e"laratio i re'/e"t o. a( /arti"+lar la! "o6ere! )( a oti.i"atio
+!er 'e"tio 4, '+)$'e"tio %1&$
%i& /+)li'he! a.ter the "o##e"e#et o. the La! A"*+i'itio %A#e!#et a!
Iali!atio& Or!ia"e, 19?@ %1 o. 19?@&, )+t )e.ore the "o##e"e#et o. the La!
A"*+i'itio %A#e!#et& A"t, 1984 %?8 o. 1984&, 'hall )e #a!e a.ter the ex/ir( o. three
(ear' .ro# the !ate o. the /+)li"atio o. the oti.i"atio= or
%ii& /+)li'he! a.ter the "o##e"e#et o. the La! A"*+i'itio %A#e!#et& A"t, 1984 %?8
o. 1984&, 'hall )e #a!e a.ter the ex/ir( o. oe (ear .ro# the !ate o. the /+)li"atio o. the
Pro6i!e! .+rther that8 o '+"h !e"laratio 'hall )e #a!e +le'' the "o#/e'atio to )e
a-ar!e! .or '+"h /ro/ert( i' to )e /ai! )( a Co#/a(, or -holl( or /artl( o+t o. /+)li"
re6e+e' or 'o#e .+! "otrolle! or #aa7e! )( a lo"al a+thorit(.
4Ex/laatio 1. $ I "o#/+ti7 a( o. the /erio!' re.erre! to i the .ir't /ro6i'o, the /erio!
!+ri7 -hi"h a( a"tio or /ro"ee!i7 to )e taBe i /+r'+a"e o. the oti.i"atio i''+e!
+!er 'e"tio 4, '+)$'e"tio %1&, i' 'ta(e! )( a or!er o. a Co+rt 'hall )e ex"l+!e!.
Ex/laatio ,. $ Fhere the "o#/e'atio to )e a-ar!e! .or '+"h /ro/ert( i' to )e /ai! o+t
o. the .+!' o. a "or/oratio o-e! or "otrolle! )( the State, '+"h "o#/e'atio 'hall )e
!ee#e! to )e "o#/e'atio /ai! o+t o. /+)li" re6e+e'.8
%,& 4E6er( !e"laratio8 'hall )e /+)li'he! i the O..i"ial >aGette 4a! i t-o !ail(
e-'/a/er' "ir"+lati7 i the lo"alit( i -hi"h the la! i' 'it+ate! o. -hi"h at lea't oe
'hall )e i the re7ioal la7+a7e, a! the Colle"tor 'hall "a+'e /+)li" oti"e o. the
'+)'ta"e o. '+"h !e"laratio to )e 7i6e at "o6eiet /la"e' i the 'ai! lo"alit( %the la't o.
the !ate' o. '+"h /+)li"atio a! the 7i6i7 o. '+"h /+)li" oti"e, )ei7 hereia.ter
re.erre! to a' the !ate o. the /+)li"atio o. the !e"laratio&, a! '+"h !e"laratio 'hall
'tate8 the !i'tri"t or other territorial !i6i'io i -hi"h the la! i' 'it+ate, the /+r/o'e .or
-hi"h It i' ee!e!, it' a//roxi#ate area, a!, -here a /la 'hall ha6e )ee #a!e o. the
la!, the /la"e -here '+"h /la #a( )e i'/e"te!.
%2& The 'ai! !e"laratio 'hall )e "o"l+'i6e e6i!e"e that the la! i' ee!e! .or a /+)li"
/+r/o'e or .or a "o#/a(, a' the "a'e #a( )e= a!, a.ter #aBi7 '+"h !e"laratio, the
4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 #a( a"*+ire the la! i #aer hereia.ter a//eari7.
@. A.ter !e"laratio, Colle"tor to taBe or!er .or a"*+i'itio. $ Fhee6er a( la!
'hall ha6e )ee 'o !e"lare! to )e ee!e! .or /+)li" /+r/o'e, or .or a Co#/a(, the
4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8, or 'o#e o..i"er a+thoriGe! )( the 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 i
thi' )ehal., 'hall !ire"t the Colle"tor to taBe or!er .or the a"*+i'itio o. the la!.
8. La! to )e #arBe! o+t, #ea'+re! a! /lae!. $ The Colle"tor 'hall there+/o
"a+'e the la! %+le'' it ha' )ee alrea!( #arBe! o+t +!er 'e"tio 4& to )e #arBet o+t. He
'hall al'o "a+'e it to )e #ea'+re!, a! %i. o /la ha' )ee #a!e thereo.&, a /la to )e
#a!e o. the 'a#e.
9. Noti"e to /er'o' itere'te!. $ %1& The Colle"tor 'hall the "a+'e /+)li" oti"e to )e
7i6e at "o6eiet /la"e' o or ear the la! to )e taBe, 'tati7 that the >o6er#et
ite!' to taBe /o''e''io o. the la!, a! that "lai#' to "o#/e'atio' .or all itere't' i
'+"h la! #a( )e #a!e to hi#.
%,& S+"h oti"e 'hall 'tate the /arti"+lar' o. the la! 'o ee!e!, a! 'hall re*+ire all
/er'o' itere'te! i the la! to a//ear /er'oall( or )( a7et )e.ore the Colle"tor at a
ti#e a! /la"e therei #etioe! %'+"h ti#e ot )ei7 earlier tha .i.tee !a(' a.ter the
!ate o. /+)li"atio o. the oti"e&, a! to 'tate the at+re o. their re'/e"ti6e itere't' i the
la! a! the a#o+t a! /arti"+lar' o. their "lai#' to "o#/e'atio .or '+"h itere't', a!
their o):e"tio' %i. a(& to the #ea'+re#et' #a!e +!er 'e"tio 8. The Colle"tor #a( i
a( "a'e re*+ire '+"h 'tate#et to )e #a!e i -riti7 a! 'i7e! )( the /art( or hi' a7et.
%2& The Colle"tor 'hall al'o 'er6e oti"e to the 'a#e e..e"t o the o""+/ier %i. a(& o. '+"h
la! a! o all '+"h /er'o' Bo- or )elie6e! to )e itere'te! therei, or to etitle! to a"t
.or /er'o' 'o itere'te!, a' re'i!e or ha6e a7et' a+thoriGe! to re"ei6e 'er6i"e o their
)ehal., -ithi the re6e+e !i'tri"t i -hi"h the la! i' 'it+ate.
%4& I "a'e a( /er'o 'o itere'te! re'i!e' el'e-here, a! ha' o '+"h a7et, the oti"e
'hall )e 'et to hi# )( /o't i letter a!!re''e! to hi# at hi' la't Bo- re'i!e"e, a!!re''
or /la"e or )+'ie'' a! 4re7i'tere! +!er 'e"tio' ,8 a! ,9 o. the I!ia Po't O..i"e A"t,
1898 %? o. 1898&8.
19. Po-er to re*+ire a! e.or"e the #aBi7 o. 'tate#et' a' to a#e' a!
itere't'. $
%1& The Colle"tor #a( al'o re*+ire a( '+"h /er'o to #aBe or !eli6er to hi#, at a ti#e a!
/la"e #etioe! %'+"h ti#e ot )ei7 earlier tha .i.tee !a(' a.ter the !ate o. the
re*+i'itio&, a 'tate#et "otaii7, 'o .ar a' #a( )e /ra"ti"a)le, the a#e o. e6er( other
/er'o /o''e''i7 a( itere't i the la! or a( /art thereo. a' "o$/ro/rietor, '+)$
/ro/rietor, #ort7a7ee, teat or other-i'e, a! o. the at+re o. '+"h itere't, a! o. the
ret' a! /' %i. a(&, re"ei6e! or re"ei6a)le o a""o+t thereo. .or three (ear' ext
/re"e!i7 the !ate o. the 'tate#et.
%,& E6er( /er'o re*+ire! to #aBe or !eli6er a 'tate#et +!er thi' 'e"tio 9 'hall )e
!ee#e! to )e le7all( )o+! to !o 'o -ithi the #eai7 o. 'e"tio' 1@A a! 1@? o. the
I!ia Peal Co!e %4A o. 18?9&.
E*+ir( ito #ea'+re#et', 6al+e a! "lai#', a! a-ar! )( the Colle"tor
11. E*+ir( a! a-ar! )( Colle"tor. $ 4%1&8 O the !a( 'o .ixe!, or o a( other !a( to
-hi"h the e*+ir( ha' )ee a!:o+re!, the Colle"tor 'hall /ro"ee! to e*+ire ito the
o):e"tio %i. a(& -hi"h a( /er'o itere'te! ha' 'tate! /+r'+at to a oti"e 7i6e +!er
'e"tio 9 to the #ea'+re#et' #a!e +!er 'e"tio 8, a! ito the 6al+e o. the la! 4at the
!ate o. the /+)li"atio o. the oti.i"atio +!er 'e"tio 4, '+)$'e"tio %1&8, a! ito the
re'/e"ti6e itere't' o. the /er'o' "lai#i7 the "o#/e'atio a! 'hall #aBe a a-ar!
+!er hi' ha! o.$
%i& the tr+e area o. the la!=
%ii& the "o#/e'atio -hi"h i hi' o/iio 'ho+l! )e allo-e! .or the la!= a!
%iii& the a//ortio#et o. the 'ai! "o#/e'atio a#o7 all the /er'o' Bo- or )elie6e!
to )e itere'te! i the la!, or -ho#, or o. -ho'e "lai#', he ha' i.or#atio, -hether or
ot the( ha6e re'/e"ti6el( a//eare! )e.ore hi# :
4Pro6i!e! that o a-ar! 'hall )e #a!e )( the Colle"tor +!er thi' '+)$'e"tio -itho+t the
/re6io+' a//ro6al o. the a//ro/riate >o6er#et or o. '+"h o..i"er a' the a//ro/riate
>o6er#et #a( a+thoriGe i thi' )ehal.:
Pro6i!e! .+rther that it 'hall )e "o#/etet .or the a//ro/riate >o6er#et to !ire"t that
the Colle"tor #a( #aBe '+"h a-ar! -itho+t '+"h a//ro6al i '+"h "la'' o. "a'e' a' the
a//ro/riate >o6er#et #a( '/e"i.( i thi' )ehal..
4%,& Not-ith'ta!i7 a(thi7 "otaie! i '+)$'e"tio %1&, i. at a( 'ta7e o. the
/ro"ee!i7', the Colle"tor i' 'ati'.ie! that all the /er'o' itere'te! i the la! -ho
a//eare! )e.ore hi# ha6e a7ree! i -riti7 o the #atter' to )e i"l+!e! i the a-ar! o.
the Colle"tor i the .or# /re'"ri)e! )( r+le' #a!e )( the a//ro/riate >o6er#et, he
#a(, -itho+t #aBi7 .+rther e*+ir(, #aBe a a-ar! a""or!i7 to the ter#' o. '+"h
%2& The !eter#iatio o. "o#/e'atio .or a( la! +!er '+)$'e"tio %,& 'hall ot i a(
-a( a..e"t the !eter#iatio o. "o#/e'atio i re'/e"t o. other la!' i the 'a#e lo"alit(
or el'e-here i a""or!a"e -ith the other /ro6i'io' o. thi' A"t.
%4& Not-ith'ta!i7 a(thi7 "otaie! i the 5e7i'tratio A"t, 1998 %1? o. 1998&, o
a7ree#et #a!e +!er '+)$'e"tio %,& 'hall )e lia)le to re7i'tratio +!er that A"t.8
411A. Perio! 'hall )e -hi"h a a-ar! -ithi #a!e. $ The Colle"tor 'hall #aBe a
a-ar! +!er 'e"tio 11 -ithi a /erio! o. t-o (ear' .ro# the !ate o. the /+)li"atio o. the
!e"laratio a! i. o a-ar! i' #a!e -ithi that /erio!, the etire /ro"ee!i7 .or the
a"*+i'itio o. the la! 'hall la/'e:
Pro6i!e! that i a "a'e -here the 'ai! !e"laratio ha' )ee /+)li'he! )e.ore the
"o##e"e#et o. the La! A"*+i'itio %A#e!#et& A"t, 1984 %?8 o. 1984&, the a-ar!
'hall )e #a!e -ithi a /erio! o. t-o (ear' .ro# '+"h "o##e"e#et.
Ex/laatio $ I "o#/+ti7 the /erio! o. t-o (ear' re.erre! to i thi' 'e"tio, the /erio!
!+ri7 -hi"h a( a"tio or /ro"ee!i7 to )e taBe i /+r'+a"e o. the 'ai! !e"laratio i'
'ta(e! )( a or!er o. a Co+rt 'hall )e ex"l+!e!.8
1,. A-ar! o. Colle"tor -he to )e .ial. $ %1& S+"h a-ar! 'hall )e .ile! i the
Colle"torH' o..i"e a! 'hall, ex"e/t a' hereia.ter /ro6i!e!, )e .ial a! "o"l+'i6e
e6i!e"e, a' )et-ee the Colle"tor a! the /er'o' itere'te!, -hether the( ha6e
re'/e"ti6el( a//eare! )e.ore the Colle"tor or ot, o. the tr+e area a! 6al+e o. the la!,
a! the a//oit#et o. the "o#/e'atio a#o7 the /er'o' itere'te!.
%,& The Colle"tor 'hall 7i6e i##e!iate oti"e o. hi' a-ar! to '+"h o. the /er'o' itere'te!
a' are ot /re'et /er'oall( or )( their re/re'etati6e' -he the a-ar! i' #a!e.
12. A!:o+r#et o. e*+ir(. $ The Colle"tor #a(, .or a( "a+'e he thiB' .it, .ro# ti#e
to ti#e a!:o+r the e*+ir( to a !a( to )e .ixe! )( hi#.
412A. Corre"tio o. "leri"al error', et". $ %1& The Colle"tor #a(, at a( ti#e )+t ot
later tha 'ix #oth' .ro# the !ate o. the a-ar!, or -here he ha' )ee re*+ire! +!er
'e"tio 18 to #aBe a re.ere"e to the Co+rt, )e.ore the #aBi7 o. '+"h re.ere"e, )( or!er,
"orre"t a( "leri"al or arith#eti"al #i'taBe' i the a-ar! or error' ari'i7 therei either
o hi' o- #otio or o the a//li"atio o. a( /er'o itere'te! or a lo"al a+thorit(:
Pro6i!e! that o "orre"tio, -hi"h i' liBel( to a..e"t /re:+!i"iall( a( /er'o, 'hall )e
#a!e +le'' '+"h /er'o ha' )ee 7i6e a rea'oa)le o//ort+it( o. #aBi7 a
re/re'etatio i the #atter.
%,& The Colle"tor 'hall 7i6e i##e!iate oti"e o. a( "orre"tio #a!e i the a-ar! to all the
/er'o' itere'te!.
%2& Fhere a( ex"e'' a#o+t i' /ro6e! to ha6e )ee /ai! to a( /er'o a' a re'+lt o. the
"orre"tio #a!e +!er '+)$'e"tio %1&, the ex"e'' a#o+t 'o /ai! 'hall )e lia)le to )e
re.+!e! a! i the "a'e o. a( !e.a+lt or re.+'al to /a(, the 'a#e #a( )e re"o6ere! a' a
arrear o. la! re6e+e.8
14. Po-er to '+##o a! e.or"e atte!a"e o. -ite''e' a! /ro!+"tio o.
!o"+#et'. $ Eor the /+r/o'e o. e*+irie' +!er thi' A"t the Colle"tor 'hall ha6e /o-er'
to '+##o a! e.or"e the atte!a"e o. -ite''e', i"l+!i7 the /artie' itere'te! o. a(
o. the#, a! to "o#/el the /ro!+"tio o. !o"+#et' )( the 'a#e #ea', a! %'o .ar a' #a(
)e& i the 'a#e #aer a' i' /ro6i!e! i the "a'e o. a Ci6il Co+rt +!er the 14Co!e o. Ci6il
Pro"e!+re 1998 %A o. 1998&8.
1A. 3atter' to )e "o'i!ere! a! e7le"te!. $ I !eter#ii7 the a#o+t o.
"o#/e'atio, the "olle"tor 'hall )e 7+i!e! )( the /ro6i'io' "otaie! i 'e"tio ,2 a!
41AA Po-er to "all .or re"or!', et". $ The a//ro/riate >o6er#et #a( at a( ti#e
)e.ore the a-ar! i' #a!e )( the Colle"tor +!er 'e"tio 11 "all .or a( re"or! o. a(
/ro"ee!i7' %-hether )( -a( o. i*+ir( or other-i'e& .or the /+r/o'e o. 'ati'.(i7 it'el. a'
to the le7alit( or /ro/riet( o. a( .i!i7' or or!er /a''e! or a' to the re7+larit( o. '+"h
/ro"ee!i7' a! #a( /a'' '+"h or!er or i''+e '+"h !ire"tio i relatio thereto a' it #a(
thiB .it:
Pro6i!e! that the a//ro/riate >o6er#et 'hall ot /a'' or i''+e a( or!er or !ire"tio
/re:+!i"ial to a( /er'o -itho+t a..or!i7 '+"h /er'o a rea'oa)le o//ort+it( o. )ei7
TaBi7 Po''e''io
1?. Po-er to taBe /o''e''io. $ Fhe the Colle"tor ha' #a!e a a-ar! +!er 'e"tio 11,
he #a( taBe /o''e''io o. the la!, -hi"h 'hall there+/o 46e't a)'ol+tel( i the
4>o6er#et88, .ree .ro# all e"+#)ra"e'.
1@. S/e"ial /o-er' i "a'e o. +r7e"(. C %1& I "a'e' o. +r7e"( -hee6er the
4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8, 'o !ire"t', the Colle"tor, tho+7h o '+"h a-ar! ha' )ee #a!e,
#a(, o the ex/iratio o. .i.tee !a(' .ro# the /+)li"atio o. the oti"e #etioe! i
'e"tio 9, '+)$'e"tio 1&. 4taBe /o''e''io o. a( la! ee!e! .or a /+)li" /+r/o'e8. S+"h
la! 'hall there+/o 46e't a)'ol+tel( i the 4>o6er#et8, .ree .ro# all e"+#)ra"e'.
%,& Fhee6er, o-i7 to a( '+!!e "ha7e i the "hael o. a( a6i7a)le ri6er or other
+.ore'ee e#er7e"(, it )e"o#e' e"e''ar( .or a( 5ail-a( A!#ii'tratio to a"*+ire the
i##e!iate /o''e''io o. a( la! .or the #aitea"e o. their tra..i" or .or the /+r/o'e o.
#aBi7 thereo a ri6er$'i!e or 7hat 'tatio, or o. /ro6i!i7 "o6eiet "oe"tio -ith or
a""e''e' to a( '+"h 'tatio, 4or the a//ro/riate >o6er#et "o'i!er' it e"e''ar( to
a"*+ire the i##e!iate /o''e''io o. a( la! .or the /+r/o'e o. #aitaii7 a( 'tr+"t+re
or '('te# /ertaii7 to irri7atio, -ater '+//l(, !raia7e, roa! "o##+i"atio or
ele"tri"it(,8 the Colle"tor #a( i##e!iatel( a.ter the /+)li"atio o. the oti"e #etioe! i
'+)$'e"tio %1& a! -ith the /re6io+' 'a"tio o. the 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8, eter +/o
a! taBe /o''e''io o. '+"h la!, -hi"h 'hall there+/o 46e't a)'ol+tel( i the
4>o6er#et88 .ree .ro# all e"+#)ra"e' :
Pro6i!e! that the Colle"tor 'hall ot taBe /o''e''io o. a( )+il!i7 or /art o. a )+il!i7
+!er thi' '+)$'e"tio -itho+t 7i6i7 to the o""+/ier thereo. at lea't .ort($ei7ht ho+r'
oti"e o. hi' itetio 'o to !o, or '+"h lo7er oti"e a' #a( )e rea'oa)l( '+..i"iet to
ea)le '+"h o""+/ier to re#o6e hi' #o6a)le /ro/ert( .ro# '+"h )+il!i7 -itho+t
+e"e''ar( i"o6eie"e.
%2& I e6er( "a'e +!er either o. the /re"e!i7 '+)$'e"tio' the Colle"tor 'hall at that ti#e
o. taBi7 /o''e''io to the /er'o' itere'te! "o#/e'atio .or the 'ta!i7 "ro/' a!
tree' %i. a(& o '+"h la! a! .ro# a( other !a#a7e '+'taie! )( the# "a+'e! )( '+"h
'+!!e !i'/o''e''io a! ot ex"e/te! i 'e"tio ,4= a!, i "a'e '+"h i' ot a""e/te!,
the 6al+e o. '+"h "ro/' a! tree' a! the a#o+t o. '+"h other !a#a7e 'hall )e allo-e! .or
i a-ar!i7 "o#/e'atio .or the la! +!er the /ro6i'io' herei "otaie!.
24%2A& Je.ore taBi7 /o''e''io o. a( la! +!er '+)$'e"tio %1& or '+)$'e"tio %,&, the
Colle"tor 'hall, -itho+t /re:+!i"e to the /ro6i'io' o. '+)$'e"tio %2&$
%a& te!er /a(#et o. ei7ht( /er "et+# o. the "o#/e'atio .or '+"h la! a' e'ti#ate! )(
hi# to the /er'o itere'te! etitle! thereto, a!
%)& /a( it to the#, +le'' /re6ete! )( 'o#e oe or #ore o. the "oti7e"ie' #etioe! i
'e"tio 21, '+)$'e"tio %,&,
a! -here the Colle"tor i' 'o /re6ete!, the /ro6i'io' o. 'e"tio 21, '+)$'e"tio %,&,
%ex"e/t the 'e"o! /ro6i'o thereto&, 'hall a//l( a' the( a//l( to the /a(#et o.
"o#/e'atio +!er that 'e"tio.
%2J& The a#o+t /ai! or !e/o'ite! +!er 'e"tio %2A&, 'hall )e taBe ito a""o+t .or
!eter#ii7 the a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio re*+ire! to )e te!ere! +!er 'e"tio 21, a!
-here the a#o+t 'o /ai! or !e/o'ite! ex"ee!' the "o#/e'atio a-ar!e! )( the Colle"tor
+!er 'e"tio 11, the ex"e'' #a(, +le'' re.+!e! -ithi three #oth' .ro# the !ate o.
Colle"torH' a-ar!, )e re"o6ere! a' a arrear o. la! re6e+e8.
4%4& I the "a'e o. a( la! to -hi"h, i the o/iio o. the 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8, the
/ro6i'io' o. '+)$'e"tio %1& or '+)$'e"tio %,& are a//li"a)le, the 4a//ro/riate
>o6er#et8 #a( !ire"t that the /ro6i'io' o. 'e"tio AA 'hall ot a//l(, a!, i. it !oe' 'o
!ire"t, a !e"laratio #a( )e #a!e +!er 'e"tio ? i re'/e"t o. the la! at a( ti#e 4a.ter
the !ate o. the /+)li"atio o. the oti.i"atio8 +!er 'e"tio 4, '+)$'e"tio %1&.8
Reference ! C!"r an# Pr!ce#"re
18. 5e.ere"e to Co+rt. $ %1& A( /er'o itere'te! -ho ha' ot a""e/te! the a-ar! #a(,
)( -ritte a//li"atio to the Colle"tor, re*+ire that the #atter )e re.erre! )( the Colle"tor
.or the !eter#iatio o. the Co+rt, -hether hi' o):e"tio )e to the #ea'+re#et o. the
la!, the a#o+t o. the "o#/e'atio, the /er'o to -ho# it i' /a(a)le, or the
a//ortio#et o. the "o#/e'atio a#o7 the /er'o' itere'te!.
%,& The a//li"atio 'hall 'tate the 7ro+!' o -hi"h o):e"tio to the a-ar! i' taBe:
Pro6i!e! that e6er( '+"h a//li"atio 'hall )e #a!e$
%a& i. the /er'o #aBi7 it -a' /re'et or re/re'ete! )e.ore the Colle"tor at the ti#e -he
he #a!e hi' a-ar!, -ithi 'ix -eeB' .ro# the !ate o. the Colle"torH' a-ar!=
%)& i other "a'e', -ithi 'ix -eeB' o. the re"ei/t o. the oti"e .ro# the Colle"tor +!er
'e"tio 1,, '+)$'e"tio %,&, or -ithi 'ix #oth' .ro# the !ate o. the Colle"torH' a-ar!,
-hi"he6er /erio! 'hall .ir't ex/ire.
19. Colle"torH' 'tate#et to the "o+rt. $ %1& I #aBi7 the re.ere"e, the Colle"tor 'hall
'tate .or the i.or#atio o. the "o+rt, i -riti7 +!er hi' ha! $
%a& the 'it+atio a! extet o. the la!, -ith /arti"+lar' o. a( tree', )+il!i7' or 'ta!i7
"ro/' thereo=
%)& the a#e' o. the /er'o' -ho# he ha' rea'o to thiB itere'te! i '+"h la!=
%"& the a#o+t a-ar!e! .or !a#a7e' a! /ai! or te!ere! +!er 'e"tio' A a! 1@, or
either o. the#, a! the a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio a-ar!e! +!er 'e"tio 11=
4%""& the a#o+t /ai! or !e/o'ite! +!er '+)$'e"tio %2A& o. 'e"tio 1@= a!8
%!& i. the o):e"tio )e to the a#o+t o. the "o#/e'atio, the 7ro+!' o -hi"h the a#o+t
o. "o#/e'atio -a' !eter#ie!.
%,& To the 'ai! 'tate#et 'hall )e atta"he! a '"he!+le 7i6i7 the /arti"+lar' o. the oti"e'
'er6e! +/o, a! o. the 'tate#et' i -riti7 #a!e or !eli6ere! )( the /artie' itere'te!
,9. Ser6i"e o. oti"e. $ The Co+rt 'hall there+/o "a+'e a oti"e '/e"i.(i7 the !a( o
-hi"h the Co+rt -ill /ro"ee! to !eter#ie the o):e"tio, a! !ire"ti7 their a//eara"e
)e.ore the Co+rt o that !a(, to )e 'er6e! o the .ollo-i7 /er'o', a#el(: $
%a& the a//li"at=
%)& all /er'o' itere'te! i the o):e"tio, ex"e/t '+"h %i. a(& o. the# a' ha6e "o'ete!
-itho+t /rote't to re"ei6e /a(#et o. the "o#/e'atio a-ar!e!= a!
%"& I. the o):e"tio i' i re7ar! to the area o. the la! or to the a#o+t o. the "o#/e'atio,
the Colle"tor.
,1. 5e'tri"tio o '"o/e o. /ro"ee!i7'. $ The '"o/e o. the e*+ir( i e6er( '+"h
/ro"ee!i7 'hall )e re'tri"te! to a "o'i!eratio o. the itere't o. the /er'o' a..e"te! )(
the o):e"tio.
,,. Pro"ee!i7' to )e i o/e Co+rt. $ E6er( '+"h /ro"ee!i7 'hall taBe /la"e i o/e
Co+rt, a! all /er'o' etitle! to /ra"ti"e i a( Ci6il Co+rt i the State 'hall )e etitle! to
a//ear, /lea a! a"t %a' the "a'e #a( )e& i '+"h /ro"ee!i7.
,2. 3atter' to )e "o'i!ere! o !eter#ii7 "o#/e'atio. $ %1& I !eter#ii7 the
a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio to )e a-ar!e! .or la! a"*+ire! +!er thi' A"t, the Co+rt 'hall
taBe ito "o'i!eratio$
.ir't, the #arBet$6al+e o. the la! at the !ate o. the /+)li"atio o. the 4oti.i"atio +!er
'e"tio 4, '+)$'e"tio %1&8=
'e"o!l(, the !a#a7e '+'taie! )( the /er'o itere'te!, )( rea'o o. the taBi7 o. a(
'ta!i7 "ro/' tree' -hi"h #a( )e o the la! at the ti#e o. the Colle"torH' taBi7
/o''e''io thereo.=
thir!l(, the !a#a7e %i. a(& '+'taie! )( the /er'o itere'te!, at the ti#e o. the Colle"torH'
taBi7 /o''e''io o. the la!, )( rea'o o. 'er6i7 '+"h la! .ro# hi' other la!=
.o+rthl(, the !a#a7e %i. a(& '+'taie! )( the /er'o itere'te!, at the ti#e o. the
Colle"torH' taBi7 /o''e''io o. the la!, )( rea'o o. the a"*+i'itio i:+rio+'l( a..e"ti7
hi' other /ro/ert(, #o6a)le or i##o6a)le, i a( other #aer, or hi' eari7'=
.i.thl(, i "o'e*+e"e o. the a"*+i'itio o. the la! )( the Colle"tor, the /er'o itere'te!
i' "o#/elle! to "ha7e hi' re'i!e"e or /la"e o. )+'ie'', the rea'oa)le ex/e'e' %i. a(&
i"i!etal to '+"h "ha7e, a!
'ixthl(, the !a#a7e %i. a(& )oa .i!e re'+lti7 .ro# !i#i+tio o. the /' o. the la!
)et-ee the ti#e o. the /+)li"atio o. the !e"laratio +!er 'e"tio ? a! the ti#e o. the
Colle"torH' taBi7 /o''e''io o. the la!.
4%1A& I a!!itio to the #arBet 6al+e o. the la!, a' a)o6e /ro6i!e!, the Co+rt 'hall i
e6er( "a'e a-ar! a a#o+t "al"+late! at the rate o. t-el6e /er "et+# /er a+# o '+"h
#arBet 6al+e .or the /erio! "o##e"i7 o a! .ro# the !ate o. the /+)li"atio o. the
oti.i"atio +!er 'e"tio 4, '+)$'e"tio %1&, i re'/e"t o. '+"h la! to the !ate o. the a-ar!
o. the Colle"tor or the !ate o. taBi7 /o''e''io o. the la!, -hi"he6er i' earlier.
Ex/laatio. $ I "o#/+ti7 the /erio! re.erre! to i thi' '+)$'e"tio, a( /erio! or
/erio!' !+ri7 -hi"h the /ro"ee!i7' .or the a"*+i'itio o. the la! -ere hel! +/ o
a""o+t o. a( 'ta( or i:+"tio )( the or!er o. a( Co+rt 'hall )e ex"l+!e!.8
%,& I a!!itio to the #arBet 6al+e o. the la! a' a)o6e /ro6i!e!, the Co+rt 'hall i e6er(
"a'e a-ar! a '+# o. 4thirt( /er "et+#8 o '+"h #arBet 6al+e, i "o'i!eratio o. the
"o#/+l'or( at+re o. the a"*+i'itio.
,4. 3atter' to )e e7le"te! i !eter#ii7 "o#/e'atio. $ J+t the Co+rt 'hall ot
taBe ito "o'i!eratio $
.ir't, the !e7ree o. +r7e"( -hi"h ha' le! to the a"*+i'itio=
'e"o!l(, a( !i'i"liatio o. the /er'o itere'te! to /art -ith the la! a"*+ire!=
thir!l(, a( !a#a7e '+'taie! )( hi# -hi"h, i. "a+'e! )( a /ri6ate /er'o, -o+l! ot
re!er '+"h /er'o lia)le to a '+it=
.o+rthl(, a( !a#a7e -hi"h i' liBel( to )e "a+'e! to the la! a"*+ire!, a.ter the !ate o. the
/+)li"atio o. the !e"laratio +!er 'e"tio ?, )( or i "o'e*+e"e o. the +'e to -hi"h it
-ill )e /+t=
.i.thl(, a( i"rea'e to the 6al+e o. the la! a"*+ire! liBel( to a""r+e .ro# the +'e to -hi"h
it -ill )e /+t -he a"*+ire!=
'ixthl(, a( i"rea'e to the 6al+e o. the other la! o. the /er'o itere'te! liBel( to a""r+e
.ro# the +'e to -hi"h the la! a"*+ire! -ill )e /+t=
'e6ethl(, a( o+tla( or i#/ro6e#et' o, or !i'/o'al o. the la! a"*+ire!, "o##e"e!,
#a!e or e..e"te! -itho+t the 'a"tio o. the Colle"tor a.ter the !ate o. the /+)li"atio o.
the 4oti.i"atio +!er 'e"tio 4, '+)$'e"tio %1&= 4or8
4ei7hthl(, a( i"rea'e to the 6al+e o. the la! o a""o+t o. it' )ei7 /+t to a( +'e, -hi"h
i' .or)i!!e )( la- or o//o'e! to /+)li" /oli"(.8
4,A. A#o+t o. "o#/e'atio a-ar!e! )( Co+rt ot to )e lo-er tha the a#o+t
a-ar!e! )( the Colle"tor. $ The a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio a-ar!e! )( the Co+rt 'hall
ot )e le'' tha the a#o+t a-ar!e! )( the Colle"tor +!er 'e"tio 11.8
,?. Eor#' o. a-ar!'. $ 4%1&8 E6er( a-ar! +!er thi' /art 'hall )e i -riti7 'i7e! )(
the 0+!7e, a! 'hall '/e"i.( the a#o+t a-ar!e! +!er "la+'e .ir't o. '+)$'e"tio %1& o.
'e"tio ,2, a! al'o the a#o+t' %i. a(& re'/e"ti6el( a-ar!e! +!er ea"h o. the other
"la+'e' o. the 'a#e '+)$'e"tio, to7ether -ith the 7ro+!' o. a-ar!i7 ea"h o. the 'ai!
4%,& E6er( '+"h a-ar! 'hall )e !ee#e! to )e a !e"ree a! the 'tate#et o. the 7ro+!' o.
e6er( '+"h a-ar! a :+!7#et -ithi the #eai7 o. 'e"tio ,. "la+'e %,&, a! 'e"tio ,,
"la+'e %9&, re'/e"ti6el( o. the Co!e o. Ci6il Pro"e!+re 1998 %A o. 1998&.8
,@. Co't'. $ %1& E6er( '+"h a-ar! 'hall al'o 'tate the a#o+t o. "o't' i"+rre! i the
/ro"ee!i7 +!er thi' Part, a! )( -hat /er'o' a! i -hat /ro/ortio' the( are to )e
%,& Fhe the a-ar! o. the Colle"tor i' ot +/hel!, the "o't 'hall or!iaril( )e /ai! )( the
Colle"tor, +le'' the Co+rt 'hall )e o/iio that the "lai# o. the a//li"at -a' 'o
extra6a7at or that he -a' 'o e7li7et i /+tti7 hi' "a'e )e.ore the Colle"tor that 'o#e
!e!+"tio .ro# hi' "o't' 'ho+l! )e #a!e or that he 'ho+l! /a( a /art o. the Colle"torH'
,8. Colle"tor #a( )e !ire"te! to /a( itere't o ex"e'' "o#/e'atio. $ I. the '+#,
-hi"h the Colle"tor !i! a-ar! a' "o#/e'atio, the a-ar! o. the Co+rt #a( !ire"t that the
"olle"tor 'hall /a( itere't o '+"h ex"e'' at the rate o. 4ie /er "et+#8 /er a+# .ro#
the !ate o -hi"h he tooB /o''e''io o. the la! to the !ate o. /a(#et o. '+"h ex"e'' ito
4Pro6i!e! that the a-ar! o. the Co+rt #a( al'o !ire"t that -here '+"h ex"e'' or a( /art
thereo. i' /ai! ito Co+rt a.ter the !ate or ex/ir( o. a /erio! o. oe (ear .ro# the !ate o
-hi"h /o''e''io i' taBe, itere't at the rate o. .i.tee /er "et+# /er a+# 'hall )e
/a(a)le .ro# the !ate o. ex/ir( o. the 'ai! /erio! o. oe (ear o the a#o+t o. '+"h ex"e''
or /art thereo. -hi"h ha' ot )ee /ai! ito Co+rt )e.ore the !ate o. '+"h ex/ir(.8
4,8A. 5e$!eter#iatio o. the a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio o the )a'i' o. the a-ar!
o. the Co+rt. $ %1& -here i a a-ar! +!er thi' /art, the "o+rt allo-' to the a//li"at
a( a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio i ex"e'' o. the a#o+t a-ar!e! )( the "olle"tor +!er
'e"tio 11, the /er'o' itere'te! i all the other la! "o6ere! )( the 'a#e oti.i"atio
+!er 'e"tio 4, '+)$'e"tio %1& a! -ho are al'o a77rie6e! )( the a-ar! o. the Colle"tor
#a(, ot-ith'ta!i7 that the( ha! ot #a!e a a//li"atio to the Colle"tor +!er 'e"tio
18, )( -ritte a//li"atio to the Colle"tor -ithi three #oth' .ro# the !ate o. the a-ar!
o. the Co+rt re*+ire that the a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio /a(a)le to the# #a( )e re$
!eter#ie! o the )a'i' o. the a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio a-ar!e! )( the "o+rt:
Pro6i!e! that i "o#/+ti7 the /erio! o. three #oth' -ithi -hi"h a a//li"atio to the
Colle"tor 'hall )e #a!e +!er thi' '+)$'e"tio, the !a( o -hi"h the a-ar! -a'
/roo+"e! a! the ti#e re*+i'ite .or o)taii7 a "o/( o. the a-ar! 'hall )e ex"l+!e!.
%,& The Colle"tor 'hall, o re"ei/t o. a a//li"atio +!er '+)$'e"tio %1&, "o!+"t a
i*+ir( a.ter 7i6i7 oti"e to all the /er'o' itere'te! a! 7i6i7 the# a rea'oa)le
o//ort+it( o. )ei7 hear!, a! #aBe a a-ar! !eter#ii7 the a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio
/a(a)le to the a//li"at'.
%2& A( /er'o -ho ha' ot a""e/te! the a-ar! +!er '+)$'e"tio %,& #a(, )( -ritte
a//li"atio to the Colle"tor, re*+ire! that the #atter )e re.erre! )( the Colle"tor .or the
!eter#iatio o. the Co+rt a! the /ro6i'io' o. 'e"tio' 18 to ,8 'hall, 'o .ar a' #a( )e,
a//l( to '+"h re.ere"e a' the( a//l( to a re.ere"e +!er 'e"tio 18.8
A//oit#et o. Co#/e'atio
,9. Parti"+lar' o. a//ortio#et to )e '/e"!. $ Fhe there are 'e6eral /er'o'
itere'te!, i. '+"h /er'o' a7ree i the a//ortio#et o. the "o#/e'atio, the /arti"+lar'
o. '+"h a//ortio#et 'hall )e '/e"! i the a-ar!, a! a' )et-ee '+"h /er'o' the
a-ar! 'hall )e "o"l+'i6e e6i!e"e o. the "orre"te'' o. the a//ortio#et.
29. Di'/+te a' to a//ortio#et. $ Fhe the a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio ha' )ee 'ettle!
+!er 'e"tio 11, i. a( !i'/+te ari'e' a' to the a//ortio#et o. the 'a#e or a( /art
thereo., or a' to the /er'o' to -ho# the 'a#e or a( /art thereo., i' /a(a)le, the Colle"tor
#a( '+"h !i'/+te to the !e"i'io o. the Co+rt.
21. Pa(#et o. "o#/e'atio or !e/o'it o. 'a#e i Co+rt. $ %1& O #aBi7 a
a-ar! +!er 'e"tio 11, the Colle"tor 'hall te!er /a(#et o. the "o#/e'atio a-ar!e!
)( hi# to the /er'o' itere'te! etitle! thereto a""or!i7 to the a-ar! a! 'hall /a( it to
the# +le'' /re6ete! )( 'o#e oe or #ore o. the "oti7e"ie' #etioe! i the ext '+)$
%,& I. the( 'hall ot "o'et to re"ei6e it, or i. there )e o /er'o "o#/etet to alieate the
la!, or i. there )e a( !i'/+te a' to the title to re"ei6e the "o#/e'atio or a' to the
a//ortio#et o. it, the Colle"tor 'hall !e/o'it the a#o+t o. the "o#/e'atio i the
Co+rt to -hi"h a re.ere"e +!er 'e"tio 18 -o+l! )e '+)#itte!:
Pro6i!e! that a( /er'o a!#itte! to )e itere'te! #a( re"ei6e '+"h /a(#et +!er
/rote't a' to the '+..i"ie"( o. the a#o+t:
Pro6i!e! al'o that o /er'o -ho ha' re"ei6e! the a#o+t other-i'e tha +!er /rote't
'hall )e etitle! to #aBe a( a//li"atio +!er 'e"tio 18:
Pro6i!e! al'o that othi7 herei "otaie! 'hall a..e"t the lia)ilit( o. a( /er'o, -ho
#a( re"ei6e the -hole or a( /art o. a( "o#/e'atio a-ar!e! +!er thi' A"t, to /a( the
'a#e to the /er'o la-.+ll( etitle! thereto.
%2& Not-ith'ta!i7 a(thi7 i thi' 'e"tio the Colle"tor #a(, -ith the 'a"tio o. the
4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 i'tea! o. a-ar!i7 a #oe( "o#/e'atio i re'/e"t o. a(
la!, #aBe a( arra7e#et -ith a /er'o ha6i7 a li#ite! itere't i '+"h la!, either )(
the 7rat o. other la!' i ex"ha7e, the re#i''io o. la!$re6e+e o other la!' hel!
+!er the 'a#e title, or i '+"h other -a( a' #a( )e e*+ita)le ha6i7 re7ar! to the
itere't' o. the /artie' "o"ere!.
%4& Nothi7 i the la't .ore7oi7 '+)$'e"tio 'hall )e "o'tr+e! to iter.ere -ith or li#it the
/o-er o. the Colle"tor to eter ito a( arra7e#et -ith a( /er'o itere'te! i the la!
a! "o#/etet to "otra"t i re'/e"t thereo..
2,. I6e't#et o. #oe( !e/o'ite! i re'/e"t o. la!' )elo7i7 to /er'o
i"o#/etet to alterate. $ %1& I. a( #oe( 'hall )e !e/o'ite! i Co+rt +!er '+)$
'e"tio %,& o. the la't /re"e!i7 'e"tio a! it a//ear' that the la! i re'/e"t -hereo. the
'a#e -a' a-ar!e! )elo7e! to a( /er'o -ho ha! o /o-er to alieate the 'a#e, the
Co+rt 'hall$
%a& or!er the #oe( to )e i6e'te! i the /+r"ha'e o. other la!' to )e hel! +!er the liBe
title a! "o!itio' o. o-er'hi/ a' the la! i re'/e"t o. -hi"h '+"h #oe( 'hall ha6e
)ee !e/o'ite! -a' hel!, or
%)& i. '+"h /+r"ha'e "aot )e e..e"te! .orth-ith, the i '+"h >o6er#et o. other
a//ro6e! 'e"+ritie' a' the Co+rt 'hall thiB .it=
a! 'hall !ire"t the /a(#et o. the itere't or other /ro"ee!' ari'i7 .ro# '+"h i6e't#et
to the /er'o or /er'o' -ho -o+l! .or the ti#e )ei7 ha6e )ee etitle! to the /o''e''io
o. the 'ai! la!, a! '+"h #oe(' 'hall re#ai 'o !e/o'ite! a! i6e'te! +til the 'a#e )e
%i& i the /+r"ha'e o. '+"h other la!' a' a.ore'ai!= or
%ii& i /a(#et to a( /er'o or /er'o' )e"o#i7 a)'ol+tel( etitle! thereto.
%,& I all "a'e' o. #oe( !e/o'ite! to -hi"h thi' 'e"tio a//lie' the Co+rt 'hall or!er the
"o't' o. the .ollo-i7 #atter', i"l+!i7 therei all rea'oa)le "har7e a! ex/e'e'
i"i!et thereo, to )e /ai! )( the Colle"tor, a#el(: $
%a& the "o't' o. '+"h i6e't#et' a' a.ore'ai!=
%)& the "o't' o. the or!er' .or the /a(#et o. the itere't or other /ro"ee!' o. the 'e"+ritie'
+/o -hi"h '+"h #oe(' are .or the ti#e )ei7 i6e'te!, a! .or the /a(#et o+t o. Co+rt
o. the /ri"i/al o. '+"h #oe(', a! o. all /ro"ee!i7' relati7 thereto, ex"e/t '+"h a' #a(
)e o""a'ioe! )( liti7atio )et-ee a!6er'e "lai#at'.
22. I6e't#et o. #oe( !e/o'ite! i other "a'e'. $ Fhe a( #oe( 'hall ha6e )ee
!e/o'ite! i Co+rt +!er thi' A"t .or a( "a+'e other tha #etioe! i the la't /ro"ee!i7
'e"tio, the "o+rt #a(, o the a//li"atio o. a( /art( itere'te! or "lai#i7 a itere't i
'+"h #oe(, or!er the 'a#e to )e i6e'te! i '+"h >o6er#et or other a//ro6e!
'e"+ritie' a' it #a( thiB /ro/er, a! /ai! i '+"h #aer a' it #a( "o'i!er -ill 7i6e the
/artie' itere'te! therei the 'a#e ) the re.or# a' the( #i7ht ha6e ha! .ro# the la!
i re'/e"t -hereo. '+"h #oe( 'hall ha6e )ee !e/o'ite! or a' ear thereto a' #a( )e.
24. Pa(#et o. itere't $ Fhe the a#o+t o. '+"h "o#/e'atio i' ot /ai! or
!e/o'ite! o or )e.ore taBi7 /o''e''io o. the la!, the Colle"tor 'hall /a( the a#o+t
a-ar!e! -ith itere't thereo at the rate o. 4ie /er "et+#8 /er a+# .ro# the ti#e o.
'o taBi7 /o''e''io +til it 'hall ha6e )ee 'o /ai! or !e/o'ite!:
4Pro6i!e! that i. '+"h "o#/e'atio or a( /art thereo. i' ot /ai! or !e/o'ite! -ithi a
/erio! o. oe (ear .ro# the !ate o -hi"h /o''e''io i' taBe, itere't at the rate o. .i.tee
/er "et+# /er a+# 'hall )e /a(a)le .ro# the !ate or ex/ir( o. the 'ai! /erio! o. oe
(ear o the a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio or /art thereo. -hi"h ha' ot )ee /ai! or !e/o'ite!
)e.ore the !ate o. '+"h ex/ir(.8
2A. Te#/orar( o""+/atio o. -a'te or ara)le la!. Pro"e!+re -he !i..ere"e a'
to "o#/e'atio exi't'. $ %1& S+):e"t to the /ro6i'io' o. Part III o. thi' A"t, -hee6er it
a//ear' to the 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 that the te#/orar( o""+/atio a! +'e o. a(
-a'te or ara)le la! are ee!e! .or a( /+)li" /+r/o'e, or .or a Co#/a(, the
4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 #a( !ire"t the Colle"tor to /ro"+re the o""+/atio a! +'e o.
the 'a#e .or '+"h ter# a' it 'hall thiB .it, ot ex"ee!i7 three (ear' .ro# the
"o##e"e#et o. '+"h o""+/atio.
%,& The Colle"tor 'hall there+/o 7i6e oti"e i -riti7 to the /er'o itere'te! i '+"h
la! o. the /+r/o'e .or -hi"h the 'a#e i' ee!e!, a! 'hall, .or the o""+/atio a! +'e
thereo. .or '+"h ter# a' a.ore'ai!, a! .or the #aterial' %i. a(& to )e taBe there .ro#, /a(
to the# '+"h "o#/e'atio, either i a 7ro'' '+# o. #oe(, or )( #othl( or other
/erio!i"al /a(#et', a' 'hall )e a7ree! +/o i -riti7 )et-ee hi# a! '+"h /er'o'
%2& I "a'e the Colle"tor a! the /er'o' itere'te! ! a' to the '+..i"ie"( o. the
"o#/e'atio or a//ortio#et thereo., the Colle"tor 'hall '+"h !i..ere"e to the
!e"i'io o. the Co+rt.
2?. Po-er to eter a! taBe /o''e''io a! "o#/e'atio o re'toratio. $ %1& O
/a(#et o. '+"h "o#/e'atio, or o exe"+ti7 '+"h a7ree#et, or o #aBi7 a re.ere"e
+!er 'e"tio 2A, the "olle"tor #a( eter +/o a! taBe /o''e''io o. the la!, a! +'e or
/er#it the +'e thereo. i a""or!a"e -ith the ter#' o. the 'ai! oti"e.
%,& O the ex/iratio o. the ter#, the Colle"tor 'hall #aBe or te!er to the /er'o'
itere'te! "o#/e'atio .or the !a#a7e %i. a(& !oe to the la! a! ot /ro6i!e! .or )(
the a7ree#et, a! 'hall re'tore the la! to the /er'o' itere'te! therei:
Pro6i!e! that, i. the la! ha' )e"o#e /er#aetl( to )e +'e! .or the /+r/o'e .or
-hi"h it -a' +'e! i##e!iatel( )e.ore the "o##e"e#et o. '+"h ter#, a! i. the /er'o'
itere'te! 'hall 'o re*+ire, the 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 'hall /ro"ee! +!er thi' A"t to
a"*+ire the la! a' i. it -a' ee!e! /er#aetl( .or a /+)li" /+r/o'e or .or a Co#/a(.
2@. Di..ere"e a' to "o!itio o. la!. $ I "a'e the Colle"tor a! /er'o' itere'te!
! a' to the "o!itio o. the la! at the ex/iratio o. the ter#, or a' to a( #atter
"oe"te! -ith the 'ai! a7ree#et, the Colle"tor 'hall '+"h !i..ere"e to the !e"i'io
o. the Co+rt.
Ac%"i&ii!n !f Lan# f!r C!m'anie&
28. 4Co#/a( #a( )e a+thoriGe! to eter a! '+r6e(8. 5e/. )( the La! A"*+i'itio
%A#e!#et& A"t, 1984 %?8 o. 1984&, '.,1.
428A. I!+'trial "o"er to )e !ee#e! Co#/a( .or "ertai /+r/o'e'. $ A
i!+'trial "o"er, or!iaril( e#/lo(i7 ot le'' tha oe h+!re! -orB#e o-e! )( a
i!i6i!+al or )( a a''o"iatio o. i!i6i!+al' a! ot )ei7 a Co#/a(, !e'iri7 to a"*+ire
la! .or the ere"tio o. !-elli7 ho+'e' .or -orB#e e#/lo(e! )( the "o"er or .or the
/ro6i'io o. a#eitie' !ire"tl( "oe"te! there-ith 'hall, 'o .ar a' "o"er' the a"*+i'itio
o. '+"h la!, )e !ee#e! to )e a Co#/a( .or the /+r/o'e' o. thi' Part, a! the re.ere"e'
to Co#/a( i 4'ele"tio' 4, AA, ?, @ a! A98 'hall )e iter/rete! a' re.ere"e' al'o to '+"h
29. Pre6io+' "o'et o. a//ro/riate >o6er#et a! exe"+tio o. a7ree#et
e"e''ar(. $ The /ro6i'io' o. 4'e"tio' ? to 1? %)oth i"l+'i6e& a! 'e"tio' 18 to 2@ %)oth
i"l+'i6e&8 'hall ot )e /+t i .or"e i or!er to a"*+ire la! .or a( "o#/a( 4+!er thi'
Part8, +le'' -ith the /re6io+' "o'et o. the 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8, ot +le'' the
Co#/a( 'hall ha6e exe"+te! the a7ree#et hereia.ter #etioe!.
49. Pre6io+' e*+ir(. $ %1& S+"h "o'et 'hall ot )e 7i6e +le'' the 4a//ro/riate
>o6er#et8 )e 'ati'.ie!. 4either o the re/ort o. the Colle"tor +!er 'e"tio AA, '+)$
'e"tio %,&, or8 )( a e*+ir( hel! a' hereia.ter /ro6i!e!, $
4%a& that the /+r/o'e o. the a"*+i'itio i' to o)tai la! .or the ere"tio o. !-elli7 ho+'e'
.or -orB#e e#/lo(e! )( the Co#/a( or .or the /ro6i'io o. a#eitie' !ire"tl(
"oe"te! there-ith, or
4%aa& that '+"h a"*+i'itio i' ee!e! .or the "o'tr+"tio o. 'o#e )+il!i7 or -orB .or a
Co#/a( -hi"h i' e7a7e! or i' taBi7 'te/' .or e7a7i7 it'el. i a( i!+'tr( or -orB
-hi"h i' .or a /+)li" /+r/o'e, or8
%)& that '+"h a"*+i'itio i' ee!e! .or the "o'tr+"tio o. 'o#e -orB, a! that '+"h -orB i'
liBel( to /ro6e +'e.+l to the /+)li"8.
%,& S+"h e*+ir( 'hall )e hel! )( '+"h o..i"er a! at '+"h ti#e a! /la"e a' the
4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 'hall a//oit.
%2& S+"h o..i"er #a( '+##o a! e.or"e the atte!a"e o. -ite''e' a! "o#/el the
/ro!+"tio o. !o"+#et' )( the 'a#e #ea' a!, a' .ar a' /o''i)le, i the 'a#e #aer a'
i' /ro6i!e! )( the 4Co!e o. Ci6il Pro"e!+re, 1998 %A o. 1998&8 i the "a'e o. a Ci6il Co+rt.
41. A7ree#et -ith a//ro/riate >o6er#et. $ I. the 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 i'
'ati'.ie! 4a.ter "o'i!eri7 the re/ort, i. a(, o. the Colle"tor +!er 'e"tio AA, '+)$'e"tio
%,&, or o the re/ort o. the o..i"er #aBi7 a i*+ir( +!er 'e"tio 498 that 4the /ro/o'e!
a"*+i'itio i' .or a( o. the /+r/o'e' re.erre! to i "la+'e %a& or "la+'e %aa& or "la+'e %)& o.
'+)$'e"tio %1& o. 'e"tio 498, it 'hall re*+ire the Co#/a( to eter ito a a7ree#et 4-ith
the 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et88, /ro6i!i7 to the 'ati'.a"tio o. the 4a//ro/riate
>o6er#et8 .or the .ollo-i7 #atter', a#el( :$
%1& the $ 4/a(#et to the 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et88 o. the "o't o. the a"*+i'itio=
%,& the tra'.er, o '+"h /a(#et, o. the la! to the Co#/a(.
%2& the ter#' o -hi"h the la! 'hall )e hel! )( the Co#/a(,
4%4& -here the a"*+i'itio i' .or the /+r/o'e o. ere"ti7 !-elli7 ho+'e' or the /ro6i'io o.
a#eitie' "oe"te! there-ith, the ti#e -ithi -hi"h, the "o!itio' o -hi"h a! the
#aer i -hi"h the !-elli7 ho+'e' or a#eitie' 'hall )e ere"te! or /ro6i!e!=
4%4A& -here the a"*+i'itio i' .or the "o'tr+"tio o. a( )+il!i7 or -orB .or a Co#/a(
-hi"h i' e7a7e! or i' taBi7 'te/' .or e7a7i7 it'el. i a( i!+'tr( or -orB -hi"h i' .or a
/+)li" /+r/o'e, the ti#e -ithi -hi"h, a! the "o!itio' o -hi"h, the )+il!i7 or -orB
'hall )e "o'tr+"te! or exe"+te!= a!8
%A& -here the a"*+i'itio i' .or the "o'tr+"tio o. a( other -orB, the ti#e -ithi -hi"h
a! the "o!itio' o -hi"h the -orB 'hall )e exe"+te! a! #aitaie! a! the ter#' o
-hi"h the /+)li" 'hall )e etitle! to +'e the -orB.8
4,. P+)li"atio o. a7ree#et. $ E6er( '+"h a7ree#et 'hall, a' 'oo a' #a( )e a.ter it'
exe"+tio, )e /+)li'he! i the o..i"ial >aGette, a! 'hall there+/o %'o .ar a' re7ar!' the
ter#' o -hi"h the /+)li" 'hall )e etitle! to +'e the -orB& ha6e the 'a#e e..e"t a' i. it ha!
.or#e! /art o. thi' A"t.
42. Se"tio 29 to 4, ot to a//l( -here >o6er#et )o+! )( a7ree#et to
/ro6i!e la! .or Co#/aie'. $ The /ro6i'io' o. 'e"tio' 29 to 4,, )oth i"l+'i6e, 'hall
ot a//l( a! the "orre'/o!i7 'e"tio' o. La! A"*+i'itio A"t, 18@9 %19 o. 18@9&, 'hall
)e !ee#e! e6er to ha6e a//lie!, to the a"*+i'itio o. la! .or a( 5ail-a( or other
Co#/a(, .or the /+r/o'e' o. -hi"h, 4+!er a( a7ree#et -ith '+"h Co#/a(, the
'e"retar( o. State .or I!ia i Co+"il, the Se"retar( o. State, 4the Cetral >o6er#et or
a( State >o6er#et8 i' or -a' )o+! to /ro6i!e la!8.
44. Ho- a7ree#et -ith 5ail-a( Co#/a( #a( )e /ro6e!. $ I the "a'e o. the
a"*+i'itio o. la! .or the /+r/o'e o. a 5ail-a( Co#/a(, the exi'te"e o. '+"h a
a7ree#et a' i' #etioe! i 'e"tio 42 #a( )e /ro6e! )( the /ro!+"tio o. a /rite! "o/(
thereo. /+r/orti7 to )e /rite! )( or!er o. >o6er#et.
444A. 5e'tri"tio o tra'.er, et". $ No Co#/a( .or -hi"h a( la! i' a"*+ire! +!er
thi' Part 'hall )e etitle! to tra'.er the 'ai! la! or a( /art thereo. )( 'ale, #ort7a7e,
7i.t, lea'e or other-i'e ex"e/t -ith the /re6io+' 'a"tio o. the a//ro/riate >o6er#et.
44J. La! ot to )e a"*+ire! +!er thi' Part ex"e/t .or "ertai /+r/o'e .or
/ri6ate "o#/aie' other tha >o6er#et "o#/aie'. $ Not-ith'ta!i7 a(thi7
"otaie! i thi' A"t, o la! 'hall )e a"*+ire! +!er thi' Part, ex"e/t .or the /+r/o'e
#etioe! i "la+'e %a& o. '+)$'e"tio %1& o. 'e"tio 49, .or a /ri6ate "o#/a(, -hi"h i' ot
a >o6er#et "o#/a(.
Ex/laatio. $ LPri6ate "o#/a(L a! L>o6er#et "o#/a(L 'hall ha6e the #eai7
re'/e"ti6el( a''i7e! to the# i the Co#/aie' A"t, 19A? %1 o. 19A?&.8
4A. Ser6i"e o. oti"e'. $ %1& Ser6i"e o. a( oti"e +!er thi' A"t 'hall )e #a!e )(
!eli6eri7 or te!eri7 a "o/( thereo. 'i7e!, i the "a'e o. a oti"e 'e"tio 4, )( the o..i"er
therei #etioe!, a!, i the "a'e o. a( oti"e, )( or )( or!er o. the Colle"tor or the
%,& Fhee6er it #a( )e /ra"ti"a)le, the 'er6i"e o. the oti"e 'hall )e #a!e o the /er'o
therei a#e!.
%2& Fhe '+"h /er'o "aot )e .o+!, the 'er6i"e #a( )e #a!e o a( a!+lt #ale
#e#)er o. hi' .a#il( re'i!i7 -ith hi#= a!, i. o '+"h a!+lt #ale #e#)er "a )e .o+!,
the oti"e #a( )e 'er6e! )( .ixi7 the "o/( o the o+ter !oor o. the ho+'e i -hi"h the
/er'o therei a#e! or!iaril( !-ell' or "arrie' o )+'ie'', or )( .ixi7 a "o/( thereo.
i 'o#e "o'/i"+o+' /la"e i the o..i"e o. the o..i"er a.ore'ai! or o. the Colle"tor or i the
"o+rt$ho+'e, a! al'o i 'o#e "o'/i"+o+' /art o. the la! to )e a"*+ire! :
Pro6i!e! that, i. the Colle"tor or 0+!7e 'hall 'o !ire"t, a oti"e #a( )e 'et )( /o't, i a
letter a!!re''e! to the /er'o a#e! therei at hi' la't Bo- re'i!e"e, a!!re'' or /la"e
o. )+'ie'' a! ?4re7i'tere! +!er 'e"tio' ,8 a! ,9 o. the I!ia Po't O..i"e A"t, 1898 %?
o. 1898&, a! 'er6i"e o. it #a( )e /ro6e! )( the /ro!+"tio o. the a!!re''eeH' re"ei/t.
4?. Pealt( .or o)'tr+"ti7 a"*+i'itio o. la!. $ Fhoe6er -ill.+ll( o)'tr+"t' a(
/er'o i !oi7 a( o. the a"t' a+thoriGe! )( 'e"tio 4 or 'e"tio 8, or -ill.+ll( .ill' +/,
!e'tro(', !a#a7e' or !i'/la"e' a( tre"h or #arB #a!e +!er 'e"tio 4, 'hall, o
"o6i"tio )e.ore a 3a7i'trate, )e lia)le to i#/ri'o#et .or a( ter# ot ex"ee!i7 oe
#oth, or to .ie ot ex"ee!i7 14.i6e h+!re! r+/ee'8, or to )oth.
4@. 3a7i'trate to e.or"e '+rre!er. $ I. the Colle"tor i' o//o'e! or i#/e!e! i taBi7
/o''e''io +!er thi' A"t o. a( la!, he 'hall, i. a 3a7i'trate, e.or"e the '+rre!er o. the
la! to hi#'el., a! i. ot a 3a7i'trate, he 'hall a//l( to a 3a7i'trate or %-ithi the to-'
o. Cal"+tta, 3a!ra' a! Jo#)a(& to the Co##i''ioer o. Poli"e, a! '+"h 3a7i'trate or
Co##i''ioer %a' the "a'e #a( )e& 'hall e.or"e the '+rre!er o. the la! to the Colle"tor.
48. Co#/letio o. a"*+i'itio ot "o#/+l'or(, )+t "o#/e'atio to )e a-ar!e!
-he ot "o#/lete!. $ %1& Ex"e/t i the "a'e /ro6i!e! .or i 'e"tio 2?, the >o6er#et
'hall )e at li)ert( to -ith!ra- .ro# the a"*+i'itio o. a( la! o. -hi"h /o''e''io ha' ot
)ee taBe.
%,& Fhee6er the >o6er#et -ith!ra-' .ro# a( '+"h a"*+i'itio, the Colle"tor 'hall
!eter#ie the a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio !+e .or the !a#a7e '+..ere! )( the o-er i
"o'e*+e"e o. the oti"e or o. a( /ro"ee!i7' there +!er, a! 'hall /a( '+"h a#o+t to
the /er'o itere'te!, to7ether -ith all "o't' rea'oa)l( i"+rre! )( hi# i the /ro'e"+tio
o. the /ro"ee!i7' +!er thi' A"t relati7 to the 'ai! la!.
%2& The /ro6i'io o. Part III o. thi' A"t 'hall a//l(, 'o .ar a' #a( )e, to the !eter#iatio
o. the "o#/e'atio /a(a)le +!er thi' 'e"tio.
49. A"*+i'itio o. /art o. ho+'e or )+il!i7. $ %1& The /ro6i'io' o. thi' A"t 'hall ot
)e /+t i .or"e .or the /+r/o'e o. a"*+iri7 a /art ol( o. a( ho+'e, #a+.a"tor( or other
)+il!i7, i. the o-er !e'ire' that the -hole o. '+"h ho+'e, #a+.a"tor( or )+il!i7 'hall
)e 'o a"*+ire!:
Pro6i!e! al'o that, i. a( *+e'tio 'hall ari'e a' to -hether a( la! /ro/o'e! to )e taBe
+!er thi' A"t !oe' or !oe' ot .or# /art o. a ho+'e, #a+.a"tor( or )+il!i7 -ithi the
#eai7 o. thi' 'e"tio, the Colle"tor 'hall the !eter#iatio o. '+"h *+e'tio to the
Co+rt a! 'hall ot )e taBe /o''e''io o. '+"h la! +til a.ter the *+e'tio ha' )ee
I !e"i!i7 o '+"h a re.ere"e the Co+rt 'hall ha6e re7ar! to the *+e'tio -hether the
la! /ro/o'e! to )e taBe, i' rea'oa)l( re*+ire .or the .+ll a! +i#/aire! +'e o. the
ho+'e, #a+.a"tor( or )+il!i7.
%,& I., i the "a'e o. a( "lai# +!er 'e"tio ,2, '+)$'e"tio %1&, thir!l(, )( a /er'o
itere'te!, o a""o+t o. the 'e6eri7 o. the la! to )e a"*+ire! .ro# hi' other la!, the
4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 i' o. o/iio that the "lai# i' +rea'oa)le or ex"e''i6e, it #a(,
at a( ti#e )e.ore the Colle"tor ha' #a!e hi' a-ar!, or!er the a"*+i'itio o. the -hole o.
the la! o. -hi"h the la! .ir't 'o+7ht to )e a"*+ire! .or#' a /art.
%2& I the "a'e la't herei)e.ore /ro6i!e! .or, o .re'h !e"laratio or other /ro"ee!i7'
+!er 'e"tio' ? to 19, )oth i"l+'i6e, 'hall )e e"e''ar(= )+t the Colle"tor 'hall -itho+t
!ela( .+ri'h a "o/( o. the or!er o. the 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 to the /er'o itere'te!,
a! 'hall therea.ter /ro"ee! to #aBe hi' a-ar! +!er 'e"tio 11.
A9. A"*+i'itio o. la! at "o't o. a lo"al a+thorit( o. Co#/a(. $ %1& Fhere the
/ro6i'io' o. thi' A"t are /+t i .or"e .or the /+r/o'e o. a"*+iri7 la! at the "o't o. a(
.+! "otrolle! or #aa7e! )( a lo"al a+thorit( or o. a( Co#/a(, the "har7e' o. a!
i"i!etal to '+"h a"*+i'itio 'hall )e !e.ra(e! .ro# or )( '+"h .+! or "o#/a(.
%,& I a( /ro"ee!i7 hel! )e.ore a Colle"tor or Co+rt i '+"h "a'e' the lo"al a+thorit( or
Co#/a( "o"ere! #a( a//ear a! a!!+"e e6i!e"e .or the /+r/o'e o. !eter#ii7 the
a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio.
Pro6i!e! that o '+"h lo"al a+thorit( or Co#/a( 'hall )e etitle! to !e#a! a re.ere"e
+!er 'e"tio 18.
A1. Exe#/tio .ro# 'ta#/ !+t( a! .ee'. $ No a-ar! or a7ree#et #a!e +!er thi'
A"t 'hall )e "har7ea)le -ith 'ta#/ !+t(, a! o /er'o "lai#i7 +!er a( '+"h a-ar! or
a7ree#et 'hall )e lia)le to /a( a( .ee .or a "o/( o. the 'a#e.
4A1A. A""e/ta"e o. "! "o/( a' e6i!e"e. $ I a( /ro"ee!i7 +!er thi' A"t, a
"! "o/( o. a !o"+#et re7i'tere! +!er the 5e7+latio A"t, 1998 %1? o. 1998&,
i"l+!i7 a "o/( 7i6e +!er 'e"tio A@ o. that A"t, #a( )e a""e/te! a' e6i!e"e o. the
tra'a"tio re"or!e! i '+"h !o"+#et8.
A,. Noti"e i "a'e o. '+it' .or a(thi7 !oe i /+r'+a"e o. A"t. $ No '+it or other
/ro"ee!i7 'hall )e "o##e"e! or /ro'e"+te! a7ai't a( /er'o .or a(thi7 !oe i
/+r'+a"e o. thi' A"t, -itho+t 7i6i7 to '+"h /er'o a #othH' /re6io+' oti"e i -riti7 o.
the ite!e! /ro"ee!i7, a! o. the "a+'e thereo., or a.ter te!er o. '+..i"iet a#e!'.
A2. Co!e o. Ci6il Pro"e!+re to a//l( to /ro"ee!i7' )e.ore Co+rt $ Sa6e i 'o .ar a'
the( #a( )e i"o'i'tet -ith a(thi7 "otaie! i thi' A"t, the /ro6i'io' o. the 4Co!e o.
Ci6il Pro"e!+re, 1998 %A o. 1998&8, 'hall a//l( to all /ro"ee!i7' )e.ore the Co+rt +!er
thi' A"t.
4A4. A//eal' i /ro"ee!i7' )e.ore Co+rt. $ S+):e"t to the /ro6i'io' o. the Co!e o.
Ci6il Pro"e!+re, 1998 %A o. 1998&, a//li"a)le to a//eal' .ro# ori7ial !e"ree', a!
ot-ith'ta!i7 a(thi7 to the "otrar( i a( ea"t#et .or the ti#e )ei7 i .or"e, a
a//eal 'hall ol( lie i a( /ro"ee!i7' +!er thi' A"t to the Hi7h Co+rt .ro# the a-ar!,
or .ro# a( /art o. the a-ar!, o. the Co+rt a! .ro# a( !e"ree o. the Hi7h Co+rt /a''e!
o '+"h a//eal a' a.ore'ai! a a//eal 'hall lie to 44the S+/re#e Co+rt8 '+):e"t to the
/ro6i'io' "otaie! i 'e"tio 119 o. the Co!e o. Ci6il Pro"e!+re, 1998, a! i Or!er DLI
AA. Po-er to #aBe r+le'. $ %1& The 4a//ro/riate >o6er#et8 'hall ha6e /o-er to #aBe
r+le' "o'i'tet -ith thi' A"t .or the 7+i!a"e o. o..i"er' i all #atter' "oe"te! -ith it'
e.or"e#et, a! #a( .ro# ti#e to ti#e alter a! a!! to the r+le' 'o #a!e:
4Pro6i!e! that the /o-er to #aBe r+le' .or "arr(i7 o+t the /+r/o'e' o. Part III o. thi' A"t
'hall )e exer"i'a)le )( the Cetral >o6er#et a! '+"h r+le' #a( )e #a!e .or the
7+i!a"e o. the State >o6er#et' a! the o..i"er' o. the Cetral >o6er#et a! o. the
State >o6er#et':
Pro6i!e! .+rther that e6er( '+"h r+le #a!e )( the Cetral >o6er#et 'hall )e lai! a'
'oo a' #a( )e a.ter it i' #a!e, )e.ore ea"h Ho+'e o. /arlia#et -hile it i' i 'e''io .or a
total /erio! o. thirt( !a(' -hi"h #a( )e "o#/ri'e! i oe 'e''io or t-o or #ore '+""e''i6e
'e''io', a! i., 4)e.ore the ex/ir( o. the 'e''io i##e!iatel( .ollo-i7 the 'e''io or the
'+""e''i6e 'e''io' a.ore'ai!8, )oth Ho+'e' a7ree i #aBi7 a( #o!i.i"atio i the r+le or
)oth Ho+'e' a7ree that the r+le 'ho+l! ot )e #a!e, the r+le 'hall therea.ter ha6e e..e"t
ol( i '+"h #o!! .or# or )e o. o e..e"t, a' the "a'e #a( )e= 'o ho-e6er that a( '+"h
#o!i.i"atio or a+l#et 'hall )e -itho+t /re:+!i"e to the 6ali!it( o. a(thi7 /re6io+'l(
!oe +!er that r+le :8
4Pro6i!e! al'o that e6er( '+"h r+le #a!e )( the State >o6er#et 'hall )e lai!, a' 'oo a'
#a( )e a.ter it i' #a!e, )e.ore the State Le7i'lat+re.8
%,& The /o-er to #aBe, alter a! a!! to r+le' +!er '+)$'e"tio %1& 'hall )e '+):e"t to the
"o!itio' o. the r+le', )ei7 #a!e, altere! or a!!e! to a.ter /re6io+' /+)li"atio.
%2& All '+"h r+le', alteratio' a! a!!itio' 'hall )e /+)li'he! i the O..i"ial >aGette, a!
'hall there+/o ha6e the .or"e o. la-.
Exa"t .ro# the La! A"*+i'itio %A#e!#et& A"t,
%21 o. 19?,&
@. Iali!atio o. "ertai a"t+atio'.$ Not-ith'ta!i7 a( :+!7#et ,!e"ree /er
or!er o. a( "o+rt, e6er( a"t+atio o. la! .or a "o#/a( #a!e or /+r/orti7 to ha6e )ee
#a!e +!er /art III o. the /ri"i/le A"t )e.ore the ,9th !a( o. 0+l( 19?, , 'hall,i 'o .ar a'
'+"h a"*+i'itio i' ot .or a( o. the /+r/o'e' #etioe! i "la+'e %a& or "la+'e %)& o. '+)$
'e"tio %1& o. 'e"tio 49 o. the /ri"i/al A"t, )e !ee#e! to ha6e )ee #a!e .or the /+r/o'e
#etioe! i "la+'e %aa& o. the 'ai! '+)$'e"tio, a! a""or!i7l( e6er( '+"h a"*+i'itio a!
a( /ro"ee!i7, or!er, a7ree#et or a"tio i "oe"tio -ith '+"h a"*+i'itio 'hall )e,
a! 'hall )e !ee#e! al-a(' to ha6e )ee, a' 6ali! a' i. the /ro6i'io' o. 'e"tio 49 a! 41
o. the /ri"i/al A"t, a' a#e!e! )( thi' A"t, -ere i .or"e at all #aterial ti#e' -he '+"h
a"*+i'itio -a' #a!e or /ro"ee!i7 -a' hel! or or!er -a' #a!e or a7ree#et -a' etere!
ito or a"tio -a' taBe.
Ex/laatio $ I thi' 'e"tio LCo#/a(L ha' the 'a#e #eai7 a' i "la+'e %e& o. 'e"tio
2 o. the /ri"i/al A"t a' a#e!e! )( thi' A"t.
The La! A"*+i'itio %A#e!#et& A"t, 1984 $ Extra"t o. Se"tio 29 $
Tra'itioal /ro6i'io'.
29%1& The /ro6i'io' o. '+)$'e"tio %1A& o. 'e"tio ,2 o. the /ri"i/al A"t, a' i'erte! )(
Cla+'e %a& o. 'e"tio 1A o. thi' A"t, 'hall a//l(, a! 'hall )e !ee#e! to ha6e a//lie!, al'o to
a! i relatio to$
%a& e6er( /ro"ee!i7 .or the a"*+i'itio o. a( la! +!er the /ri"i/al A"t /e!i7 o
the 29th !a( o. A/ril, 198, %the !ate o. itro!+"tio o. the La! A"*+i'itio %A#e!#et&
Jill i the Ho+'e o. /eo/le& i -hi"h o a-ar! ha' )ee #a!e )( the Colle"tor )e.ore that
%)& e6er( /ro"ee!i7 .or the a"*+i'itio o. a( la! +!er the /ri"i/al A"t "o##e"e!
a.ter that !ate, -hether or ot a a-ar! ha' )ee #a!e )( the Colle"tor )e.ore the
"o##e"e#et o. thi' A"t.
%,& The /ro6i'io' o. '+)$'e"tio %,& o. 'e"tio ,2 a! 'e"tio ,8 o. the /ri"i/al A"t, a'
a#e!e! )( "la+'e %)& o. 'e"tio 1A a! 'e"tio 18 o. thi' A"t re'/e"ti6el(, 'hall a//l(, a!
'hall )e !ee#e! to ha6e a//lie!, al'o to, a! relatio to, a( a-ar! #a!e )( the Colle"tor
or Co+rt or to a( or!er /a''e!, )( the Hi7h Co+rt or S+/re#e Co+rt i a//eal a7ai't
a( '+"h a-ar! +!er the /ro6i'io' o. the /ri"i/al A"t a.ter the 29th !a( o. A/ril 198,
%the !ate o. itro!+"tio o. the La! A"*+i'itio %A#e!#et& Jill 198,, i the Ho+'e o.
the Peo/le a! )e.ore the "o##e"e#et o. thi' A"t.
%2& The /ro6i'io' o. 'e"tio 24 o. the /ri"i/al A"t, a' a#e!e! )( 'e"tio ,9 o. thi' A"t,
'hall a//l(, a! 'hall )e !ee#e! to ha6e a//lie!, al'o to, a! i relatio to,
%a& e6er( "a'e i -hi"h /o''e''io o. a( la! a"*+ire! +!er the /ri"i/al A"t ha! )ee
taBe )e.ore the 29th o. A/ril, 198, %the !ate o. itro!+"tio o. the La! A"*+i'itio
%A#e!#et& Jill 198,, i the Ho+'e o. the Peo/le &, a! the a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio .or
'+"h a"*+i'itio ha! ot )ee /ai! or !e/o'ite! +!er 'e"tio 21 o. the /ri"i/al A"t +til
'+"h !ate, -ith e..e"t o a! .ro# that !ate= a!
%)& e6er( "a'e i -hi"h '+"h /o''e''io ha! )ee taBe o or a.ter that !ate )+t )e.ore
the "o##e"e#et o. thi' A"t -itho+t the a#o+t o. "o#/e'atio ha6i7 )ee /ai! or
!e/o'ite! +!er the 'ai! 'e"tio 21 -ith e..e"t o a! .ro# the !ate o. taBi7 '+"h