42 U.S.C. Conspiracy Authorities, 9th Circuit

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42 USC 1983 Conspiracy

Distinction between conspiracy under 1983, and under 1985(3)

To estabis! conspiracy under 1983, t!e painti"" #ust s!ow an a$ree#ent or #eetin$ o"
#inds to %ioate !is or !er constitutiona ri$!ts and an o%ert act in "urt!erance o"
t!e conspiracy
To estabis! conspiracy under under Section 1985(3) painti"" #ust s!ow a t!e ee#ents
o" (1) a conspiracy (2) "or t!e purpose o" directy or indirecty depri%in$ t!e
painti"" or cass o" painti"" e&ua protection o" t!e aws or e&ua pri%ie$es, and
i##unities under t!e aws' and (3) an act in "urt!erance o" t!e conspiracy' (4) w!ere
t!e painti"" is in(ured in !is or !er property, or is depri%ed o" any ri$!t or
pri%ie$e o" a United States Citi)en*
Mendocino Environmental Center v. Mendocino County, 192 F.3d 1283, 45 Fed.R.Serv.3d
114, 99 Cal. Daily !. Serv. "912, 1999 Daily #ournal D.$.R. 1%,%33 &9t' Cir.&Cal.(,Se!
24, 1999(
)2%* Con+!iracy 91 ".5&1(
91 Conspiracy
91+ Ci%i ,iabiity
91+(-) -cts Constitutin$ Conspiracy and ,iabiity T!ere"or
91./05 Conspiracy to +nter"ere wit! Ci%i 1i$!ts
91./05(1) .0 +n 2enera0 3ost Cited Cases
To estabis! t!e de"endants4 iabiity "or a conspiracy to %ioate ci%i ri$!ts, a
painti"" #ust de#onstrate t!e e5istence o" an a$ree#ent or #eetin$ o" t!e #inds to
%ioate constitutiona ri$!ts' t!e de"endants #ust !a%e, by so#e concerted action,
intended to acco#pis! so#e unaw"u ob(ecti%e "or t!e purpose o" !ar#in$ anot!er w!ic!
resuts in da#a$e, but suc! an a$ree#ent need not be o%ert, and #ay be in"erred on t!e
basis o" circu#stantia e%idence suc! as t!e actions o" t!e de"endants0
,. -'e Con+!iracy Claim
6278 6218 To estabis! t!e de"endants4 iabiity "or a conspiracy, a painti"" #ust
de#onstrate t!e e5istence o" 9 ::;an a$ree#ent or ::;#eetin$ o" t!e #inds4 to %ioate
constitutiona ri$!ts0< = United Steelworkers of America v. Phelps Dodge Corp., 8>5
?02d 1539, 1547@41 (9t! Cir01989) (en banc) (&uotin$ Fonda v. Gray, /7/ ?02d 435, 438
(9t! Cir01983))0 T!e de"endants #ust !a%e, 9by so#e concerted action, intend6ed8 to
acco#pis! so#e unaw"u ob(ecti%e "or t!e purpose o" !ar#in$ anot!er w!ic! resuts in
Gilrook v. City of !estminster, 1// ?03d 839, 85> (9t! Cir01999) (&uotin$
"ie#$ v. %ast &ay 'eg(l Park Dist., 97> ?02d 1337, 1343 (9t! Cir01997))0 Suc! an
a$ree#ent need not be o%ert, and #ay be in"erred on t!e basis o" circu#stantia e%idence
suc! as t!e actions o" t!e de"endants0 See id. at 85>0 ::?or e5a#pe, a s!owin$ t!at
t!e ae$ed conspirators !a%e co##itted acts t!at 9are uni.ey to !a%e been underta.en
wit!out an a$ree#ent= #ay aow a (ury to in"er t!e e5istence o" a conspiracy0 )#nik v.
'acine Co#nty, 94> ?02d 15/4, 1587 (/t! Cir01991)0 B!et!er de"endants were in%o%ed in
an unaw"u conspiracy is $eneray a "actua issue and s!oud be reso%ed by t!e (ury,
9so on$ as t!ere is a possibiity t!at t!e (ury can ;in"er "ro# t!e circu#stances (t!at
t!e ae$ed conspirators) !ad a ;#eetin$ o" t!e #inds4 and t!us reac!ed .13%2 a
understandin$< to ac!ie%e t!e conspiracy4s ob(ecti%es0= *ampton v. *anrahan, >77 ?02d
>77, >21 (/t! Cir019/9), reversed in part on other gro#nds, 44> U0S0 /54, 177 S0Ct0
198/, >4 ,0Cd02d >/7 (1987)) (&uotin$ Adickes v. )ress + Co., 398 U0S0 144, 158@59, 97
S0Ct0 1598, 2> ,0Cd02d 142 (19/7))0 9To be iabe, eac! participant in t!e conspiracy
need not .now t!e e5act detais o" t!e pan, but eac! participant #ust at east s!are
t!e co##on ob(ecti%e o" t!e conspiracy0= Phelps Dodge, 8>5 ?02d at 15410
?A330 T!e painti""s !a%e ae$ed t!at t!e de"endants intended to 9 ;e5pose,
disrupt, #isdirect, discredit or ot!erwise neutrai)e< and ot!erwise suppress,
punis! and c!i t!e protected acti%ities o" t!e painti""s, Cart! ?irstD and
1edwood Su##er,= and de"ined t!e ob(ect o" t!e conspiracy as "oowsE
6T8o ;e5pose, disrupt, #isdirect, discredit or ot!erwise neutrai)e< and
ot!erwise suppress, punis! and c!i t!e protected acti%ities o" t!e
painti""s, Cart! ?irstD and 1edwood Su##er0
0 0 0 0 0
F to endea%or to cause 1edwood Su##er to be seen and branded in t!e pubic #ind
as i.ey to in%o%e awess con"ict and %ioence, so t!at its #eanin$ and
non@%ioent pre#ise woud be !idden and peope woud be "ri$!tened and
discoura$ed "ro# co#in$ to participate'
F to nurture t!e at#osp!ere o" con"ict, dan$er and di%ision in t!e co##unities
o" t!e o$$in$ district and a#on$ t!e peope t!ere, so as to i#pede t!e
or$ani)in$ wor. o" painti""s and t!eir associates directed at t!e o$$in$
co#panies and t!eir responsibiity "or t!e destruction o" t!e "orest and
i#po%eris!#ent o" t!e "orest wor.ers' and,
F to "asey portray painti""s and Cart! ?irstD, and cause t!e# to be
portrayed, as dan$erous e5tre#ists, in%o%ed wit! bo#bs and $uns and tree@
spi.in$, wiin$ to resort to %ioence, power@!un$ry and wit!out conscience in
t!e pursuit o" t!eir ends, etc0
Gainti""s4 Se%ent! -#ended Co#paint at 15@1>0
2. -'e Di+trict Court/+ Conclu+ion+
T!e district court "ound t!at t!e appeees !ad de#onstrated t!at t!eir ?irst -#end#ent
9ad%ocacy was disrupted= by t!e actions o" t!e appeants and t!e ot!er de"endants0 +t
t!en !ed t!at t!e appeees !ad produced su""icient e%idence t!at ?H+ a$ents !ad
intended to in!ibit t!eir ?irst -#end#ent acti%ities, citin$ t!e s!owin$ t!at t!e ?H+
!ad pre%iousy in%esti$ated Cart! ?irstD and !ad #isrepresented t!e nature o" t!ese
prior in%esti$ations, !ad pro%ided "ase or #iseadin$ in"or#ation about t!e appeees
to t!e Ia.and poice, and continued to in%esti$ate t!e# e%en a"ter t!e -a#eda County
District -ttorney decined to pursue c!ar$es0 Jowe%er, t!e court reasoned t!at, because
t!e appeees coud not estabis! t!at t!e Ia.and poice !ad pre%iousy in%esti$ated
Cart! ?irstD, !ad 9en$a$e6d8 in any co%erup,= or !ad any ani#us toward t!e#, t!ey coud
not as a #atter o" aw de#onstrate t!at 9t!e unaw"u arrests and searc!es 000 6were8
#oti%ated by an intent to c!i painti""s4 speec!0=
T!e district court4s reasonin$ on t!e appeees4 conspiracy ae$ation paraeed t!at
reatin$ to t!eir ?irst -#end#ent cai#sE it !ed t!at t!e appeees !ad presented
circu#stantia e%idence su$$estin$ ani#us and a$ree#ent a#on$ t!e ?H+ a$ents, but !ad
"aied to s!ow t!at t!e appeants !ad any ani#us, intended to c!i appeees4 speec!,
or were part o" t!e a$ree#ent to "asey accuse appeees o" responsibiity "or t!e
3. Su00iciency o0 t'e Evidence 1re+ented ,y t'e $!!ellee+
6228 Direct e%idence o" i#proper #oti%e or an a$ree#ent a#on$ t!e parties to %ioate a
painti""4s constitutiona ri$!ts wi ony rarey be a%aiabe0 +nstead, it wi
a#ost aways be necessary to in"er suc! a$ree#ents "ro# circu#stantia e%idence or t!e
e5istence o" (oint action0 See ,agana, 17/ ?03d at 144/' )#nik, 94> ?02d at 1587'
*ampton, >77 ?02d at >27@210 3oreo%er, 96&8uestions in%o%in$ a person4s state o"
#ind 000 are $eneray "actua issues inappropriate "or resoution by su##ary (ud$#ent0=
&ra$ton-Secret v. 'oins Co., />9 ?02d 528, 531 (9t! Cir01985)0
6238 +n t!e instant case, t!e appeees !a%e presented su""icient circu#stantia
e%idence t!at t!e appeants intended to in!ibit t!eir ?irst -#end#ent acti%ities, and
t!at t!ey entered a conspiracy to "urt!er t!is $oa, to sur%i%e a #otion "or su##ary
(ud$#ent0 ::?irst, t!e "act t!at t!e appeants !ad t!e#se%es %iewed t!e cri#e scene
and t!e p!ysica e%idence raises a &uestion as to w!et!er t!ey woud !a%e reied upon
t!e ?H+ a$ents4 &uestionabe c!aracteri)ation o" t!e e%idence absent an i#proper #oti%e
or conspiracy0 See Phelps Dodge, 8>5 ?02d at 1541 ::(poice "aiure to e5ercise
independent (ud$#ent #ay !ep de#onstrate in%o%e#ent in conspiracy)0 ::Second, so#e o"
t!e #isin"or#ation incuded in, and so#e o" t!e #ateria o#issions "ro# t!e searc!
warrant a""ida%its were directy attributabe to t!e appeants, w!ic! per#its t!e
in"erence o" an i#proper #oti%e "or suc! conduct0 T!ird, t!e appeants acti%ey
pubici)ed t!e inaccurate in"or#ation to t!e #edia, an act w!ic! is consistent wit! a
desire to create a ne$ati%e i#pression o" Cart! ?irstD a#on$ t!e pubic0 ?ourt!, t!e
Ia.and poice depart#ent !ad a di%ision t!at !ad #onitored t!e acti%ities o" Cart!
?irstD and cooperated wit! t!e ?H+ prior to t!e bo#bin$ incident0 ?i"t!, t!e Ia.and
poice, in t!e searc! warrant a""ida%it, stated t!eir beie" t!at appeees were
9#e#bers o" a %ioent terrorist $roup0= Suc! a state#ent stron$y su$$ests t!at t!e
o""icers .13%3 #i$!t !a%e wanted to in!ibit bot! t!e $roup4s operations and t!e
acti%ities o" its #e#bers0 -nd "inay, $i%en t!e district court4s "indin$s o" a "actua
dispute on t!e point, we #ust assu#e "or purposes o" t!is opinion t!at a conspiracy
e5isted a#on$ ?H+ a$ents Doye, 1ei.es, Sena, Huc., Je#(e and Conway0 T!e "act t!at t!e
appeants acted in cose cooperation wit! t!ese 9conspirators= in pannin$ and
conductin$ t!eir in%esti$ation, and t!at bot! t!e ?H+ a$ents and t!e appeants
contributed #isin"or#ation to t!e probabe cause s!owin$s t!at aowed t!e appeants to
obtain t!e searc! warrants, is !i$!y probati%e as to t!e e5istence o" an a$ree#ent,
i#picit or e5picit, a#on$ t!e appeants and t!e ?H+ 9conspirators=0 See Phelps
Dodge, 8>5 ?02d at 1545, 154/ (c!aracteri)in$ t!e e5istence o" a conspiracy as a
9s#o.in$ $un= wit! re$ard to a painti""4s atte#pt to pro%e t!at a particuar de"endant
was part o" t!at conspiracy)0
?A340 T!e "act t!at t!e Ia.and poice o""icers !ed #eetin$s wit! and conducted
a (oint in%esti$ation wit! t!e ?H+ a$ents renders suc! e%idence e%en #ore
probati%e on t!e &uestion o" t!e in%o%e#ent o" t!e Ia.and poice o""icers0 9T!e
abiity and opportunity to conspire, w!ie insu""icient aone, constitute
circu#stantia e%idence o" actua participation in t!e conspiracy0= .d. at 154/0
6248 T!e possibiity t!at ot!er in"erences coud be drawn t!at woud pro%ide an
aternate e5panation "or t!e appeants4 actions does not entite t!e# to su##ary
(ud$#ent0 See Phelps Dodge, 8>5 ?02d at 1542 (in"erence need not be #ost i.ey but
#erey a 9rationa= or 9reasonabe= one)' *ampton, >77 ?02d at >21 (9T!e "act t!at ;a
o" t!e e%idence 000 does not point in one direction and di""erent in"erences #i$!t
reasonaby be drawn "ro# it< does not (usti"y (udicia intrusion into t!e (ury4s roe in
deter#inin$ w!et!er a ci%i conspiracy e5isted0=) (&uotin$ Continental /re Co. v. Union
Caride + Caron Corp., 3/7 U0S0 >97, /77@71, 82 S0Ct0 1474, 8 ,0Cd02d /// (19>2))0 +n
ot!er cases, we !a%e aowed si#iar circu#stantia s!owin$s to wit!stand su##ary
(ud$#ent #otions0 See Phelps Dodge, 8>5 ?02d at 1543, 154/ (co#pany4s power"u position
and cose reations!ip wit! aw en"orce#ent, #eetin$ at w!ic! co#pany ur$ed poice to
treat painti""s !ars!y, ine&uitabe treat#ent o" painti""s by poice, and acti%e
cooperation between co#pany and poice durin$ stri.e was su""icient e%idence o"
co#pany4s participation in conspiracy to wit!stand su##ary (ud$#ent)0
See also &ell
v. City of ,ilwa#kee, /4> ?02d 1275, 125/@58 (/t! Cir01984) (de"endants4 adoption o"
#odi"ied %ersion o" e%ents (usti"yin$ poice s!ootin$ wit!out notin$ discrepancies wit!
earier story pro%ided su""icient e%idence o" participation in conspiracy, despite
absence o" any e%idence t!at de"endants .new new %ersion was "ase)' ,yatt v. City of
Chicago, 81> ?0Supp0 1259, 12>8 (A0D0+01992) (o""icer4s presence durin$ "eow
o""icer4s use o" e5cessi%e "orce, warnin$ to ot!ers to stay away, and retrie%a o"
"eow o""icer4s $un a"ter it "e out o" an.e !oster raised in"erence o" conspiracy
t!at de"eated su##ary (ud$#ent)0
?A350 Fonda v. Gray, /7/ ?02d 435 (9t! Cir01983), is not to t!e contrary0 +n
t!at case, we !ed t!at a ban.4s ac&uiescence to t!e ?H+4s in%esti$ation re&uest
was insu""icient to pro%e its participation in t!e conspiracy0 /7/ ?02d at 4380
Jowe%er, t!e "act t!at t!e appeants in t!is case are aw en"orce#ent o""icias
w!o were in%o%ed in a (oint in%esti$ation wit! conspirator aw en"orce#ent
o""icers ceary distin$uis!es it "ro# Fonda, in w!ic! t!e de"endants w!ose
participation in t!e conspiracy was at issue were ban. e#poyees w!o de#onstrated
t!at t!ey .new absoutey not!in$ about t!e nature o" t!e ?H+ in%esti$ation0 .d.
Be t!ere"ore !od t!at t!e e%idence is su""icient to raise a $enuine issue o" "act as to
w!et!er t!e appeants intended to inter"ere wit! t!e appeees4 poitica acti%ities
and w!et!er t!ey did so by actin$ to$et!er wit! t!e ?H+ a$ents to "asey portray Hari
and C!erney as bein$ responsibe "or t!e e5posion0
T!e district court4s denia o" su##ary (ud$#ent to appeants on t!e issue o" .13%4
&uai"ied i##unity is -??+13CD' its $rant o" su##ary (ud$#ent to appeants on t!e
appeees4 cai#s o" ?irst -#end#ent %ioations and conspiracy is 1CKC1SCD' and t!e case
is 1C3-ADCD "or "urt!er proceedin$s consistent wit! t!is opinion0
-??+13CD in part, 1CKC1SCD in part, and 1C3-ADCD0
SCJ1ICDC1, Circuit Lud$e, concurrin$E
United Steewor.ers o" -#erica %0 G!eps Dod$e Corp0, 8>5 ?02d 1539, 5/ US,B 24>/,
137 ,0101030 (HA-) 2353, 117 ,ab0Cas0 G 5>,71/ (9t! Cir0(-ri)0), Lan 18, 1989)
6Cited 98 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
United Steewor.ers o" -#erica %0 G!eps Dod$e Corp0, 8>5 ?02d 1539
91 C4S12R$C7
91+ Ci%i ,iabiity
91+(H) -ctions
91.19 .0 C%idence0
C%idence t!at poice "aied to e5ercise independent (ud$#ent wi support in"erence o"
conspiracy wit! pri%ate party, "or purpose o" estabis!in$ M 1983 iabiity0 42
U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
6Cited 8 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
3ars!a %0 Ido#, 15> ?0Supp02d 525
To estabis! a ci%i conspiracy under M 1983, painti"" #ust present e%idence t!at
de"endants acted (ointy in concert and t!at so#e o%ert act was done in "urt!erance o"
t!e conspiracy, w!ic! resuted in depri%ation o" a constitutiona ri$!t, by presentin$
speci"ic circu#stantia e%idence t!at eac! #e#ber o" t!e ae$ed conspiracy s!ared sa#e
conspiratoria ob(ecti%e, suc! as woud reasonaby ead to t!e in"erence t!at de"endants
positi%ey or tacity ca#e to a #utua understandin$ to try to acco#pis! a co##on and
unaw"u pan0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
6Cited / ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
Kene$as %0 Ba$ner, 831 ?02d 1514
C%idence supported (ury4s concusions t!at poice o""icers procured "ase testi#ony "ro#
witness and denied painti"" a "air tria in a #urder prosecution and t!at o""icers
%ioated ci%i ri$!ts statutes0 42 U0S0C0-0 MM 1983 , 1985(3) 0
6Cited / ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
Stone %0 City o" C!ica$o, /38 ?02d 89>
C%idence in ci%i ri$!ts action ae$in$, inter aia, t!at poice o""icers conspired to
!inder due course o" (ustice by en$a$in$ in co%er@up o" in%o%e#ent o" o""icers in
accident in%o%in$ painti"" or by en$a$in$ in co%er@up o" use o" e5cessi%e "orce in
e""ectin$ arrest o" painti"" and !is wi"e "oowin$ t!e accident, incudin$ "act t!at
o""icers were !udded to$et!er at intersection con%ersin$, t!at se%era #ade racia
surs a$ainst painti""s, t!at o""icia poice reports o#itted re"erence to poice car
in%o%ed in accident, t!at o""icers "aied to report !it@and@run ae$ations to
appropriate aut!ority, and t!at none o" t!e o""icers too. na#es o" witnesses w!o #i$!t
!a%e seen appication o" e5cessi%e "orce, was su""icient to support %erdict "or t!e
painti""s0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1985 0
6Cited > ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
Cacutt %0 2eri$, 2/1 ?0 227
+n a ci%i action "or conspiracy, painti"" need not pro%e prei#inary #eetin$ o" t!e
de"endants, or a de"inite pan or a$ree#ent by t!e# to in(ure !is person or property'
but it is su""icient i" t!e proo" s!ows a concert o" action in t!e co##ission o" t!e
unaw"u acts, "ro# w!ic! t!e natura in"erence arises t!at t!ey were in "urt!erance o"
a co##on desi$n o" t!e ae$ed conspirators0
6Cited 5 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
Jandeen %0 ,e#aire, 112 ?03d 1339
To estabis! conspiracy to %ioate 1ac.eteer +n"uenced and Corrupt Ir$ani)ations -ct
(1+CI), painti"" need estabis! ony a tacit understandin$ between parties, and can
rey w!oy on circu#stantia e%idence o" eac! de"endant4s actions0 18 U0S0C0-0 M
19>2(c, d) 0
6Cited 5 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
Aeibe %0 Trans Bord -ssur0 Co0, 178 ?03d 1123
Substantia e%idence supported (ury4s "indin$ t!at insurance co#pany a$reed to !a%e so#e
part in directin$ a$ent4s a""airs concernin$ ta5 a%oidance sc!e#e, w!ic! t!us supported
%erdict a$ainst insurance co#pany "or ci%i %ioation o" conspiracy pro%ision o"
1ac.eteer +n"uenced and Corrupt Ir$ani)ations -ct (1+CI)' president o" insurance
co#pany and a$ent discussed ta5 sc!e#e in%o%in$ saes o" insurance and !ow t!ey woud
pro"it "ro# it, insurance co#pany !ired a$ent4s a$ents as independent contractors to
se poicies, president o" insurance co#pany appeared at a$ent4s ta5 se#inar and
appro%ed o" a$ent4s ta5 "or# sc!e#e, and insurance co#pany de%iated "ro# standard poicy
to destroy #icro"i# records w!ie iti$ation was pendin$0 18 U0S0C0-0 M 19>2(d) 0
6Cited 5 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
Lones %0 City o" C!ica$o, 85> ?02d 985
C%idence was su""icient to support deter#ination t!at poice o""icers !ad acted in
co##on sc!e#e to 9rairoad= "or#er #urder and rape de"endant, now ci%i painti"", in
%ioation o" !is ri$!ts' basis "or arrest o" painti"" on #o#entary identi"ication o"
!i# by c!id wit! !ead in(ury durin$ su$$esti%e circu#stances, o""icers4 t!reats to
anot!er o""icer to pre%ent e5cupatory e%idence "ro# bein$ presented to prosecutor,
issuance o" "rauduent e%idence report to prosecutin$ attorney, and ab report w!ic!
"aied to present e5cupatory e%idence was su""icient0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
6Cited 5 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
3artine) %0 Binner, 548 ?0Supp0 2/8
Conspiracy #ay be i#pied by a course o" conduct and ot!er circu#stantia e%idence, but
t!e circu#stantia "acts reied upon #ust at east point in so#e #ini#a way to an
actionabe conspiracy, and t!ere #ust be so#e indicia o" a$ree#ent in unaw"u #eans or
6Cited 5 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
Crowe %0 ,ucas, 595 ?02d 985
?indin$ t!at de"endant city o""icias !ad conspired to depri%e painti"" ader#an o" !is
ci%i ri$!ts was supported by e%idence, incudin$ e%idence t!at de"endants !ad
participated in pri%ate #eetin$s at w!ic! painti"" was discussed, as we as e%idence
o" de"endants4 course o" conduct0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
6Cited 33 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
City o" I#a!a C#poyees Hetter#ent -ss4n %0 City o" I#a!a, 883 ?02d >57
Gainti"" ae$in$ ci%i ri$!ts conspiracy #ust ae$e wit! particuarity and
speci"icay de#onstrate wit! #ateria "acts t!at de"endants reac!ed an a$ree#ent, and
painti"" can satis"y t!at burden by pointin$ to at east so#e "acts w!ic! woud su$$est
t!at de"endants reac!ed understandin$ to %ioate t!e ri$!ts0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1985(3) 0
6Cited 3 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
+n re 3ana$ed Care ,iti$ation, 437 ?0Supp02d 133>
To estabis! conspiratoria a$ree#ent ee#ent o" t!eir ci%i conspiracy cai# a$ainst
!eat! #aintenance or$ani)ations (J3Is) under 1ac.eteer +n"uenced and Corrupt
Ir$ani)ations -ct (1+CI), w!ic! was based on ae$ed sc!e#e to de"raud p!ysicians
t!rou$! use o" J3Is4 auto#ated cai#s processin$ syste#s to syste#aticay underpay "or
ser%ices, p!ysicians !ad to present e%idence tendin$ to e5cude possibiity o"
independent conduct and tendin$ to s!ow conspiratoria be!a%ior, notwit!standin$
p!ysicians4 contention t!at J3Is4 ae$ed parae conduct o" #ai and wire "raud,
bein$ itse" unaw"u, su""iced to create in"erence o" conspiracy, inas#uc! as ae$ed
proo" t!at J3Is en$a$ed in predicate acts o" #ai and wire "raud was as consistent wit!
independent be!a%ior as wit! industry@wide conspiracy to #anipuate cai#s processin$
syste#s0 18 U0S0C0-0 MM 1341 , 1343 , 19>2(d) 0
6Cited 21 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
Crowe %0 County o" San Die$o, >78 ?03d 47>
To estabis! iabiity "or a conspiracy in a M 1983 case, a painti"" #ust de#onstrate
t!e e5istence o" an a$ree#ent or #eetin$ o" t!e #inds to %ioate constitutiona ri$!ts'
suc! an a$ree#ent need not be o%ert, and #ay be in"erred on t!e basis o" circu#stantia
e%idence suc! as t!e actions o" t!e de"endants0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
6Cited 21 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
2reen %0 Henden, 281 ?03d >>1
-$ree#ent a#on$ ae$ed conspirators, "or purpose o" statute $o%ernin$ action "or
conspiracy to inter"ere wit! ci%i ri$!ts, #ay be in"erred "ro# circu#stantia e%idence,
but ony i" it is su""icient to per#it a reasonabe (ury to concude t!at a #eetin$ o"
t!e #inds !ad occurred and t!at t!e parties !ad an understandin$ to ac!ie%e t!e
conspiracy4s ob(ecti%es0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1985(3) 0
6Cited 21 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
C5c!an$e Han. %0 3oss, 149 ?0 347
B!ere t!e petition in an action to reco%er #oney, ae$ed to !a%e been obtained "ro#
painti"" by #eans o" a conspiracy between de"endant ban. and ot!ers, ae$ed t!at suc!
conspiracy co%ered an e5tended period o" ti#e, bot! be"ore and a"ter t!e transaction in
suit, and was or$ani)ed "or t!e purpose o" swindin$ a stran$ers w!o coud be induced
to enter into si#iar transactions, e%idence o" acts o" t!e cas!ier o" de"endant ban. in
respect to si#iar transactions w!ie conductin$ t!e business o" t!e ban., or
decarations #ade by !i# to ot!er persons si#iary de"rauded tendin$ to s!ow t!e ban.4s
co#picity, w!et!er suc! acts and decarations were be"ore or a"ter t!e transaction in
issue, are ad#issibe to estabis! t!e $uity intent and #oti%e o" t!e ban. in t!e
transaction in%o%ed in t!e case on tria0
6Cited 27 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
Jernande) %0 Loiet Goice Dept0, 19/ ?03d 25>
T!e a$ree#ent upon w!ic! a ci%i ri$!ts conspiracy cai# is based #ay be in"erred "ro#
circu#stantia e%idence, but ony i" t!ere is su""icient e%idence t!at woud per#it a
reasonabe (ury to concude t!at a #eetin$ o" t!e #inds !ad occurred and t!at t!e
parties !ad an understandin$ to ac!ie%e t!e conspiracy4s ob(ecti%es0 42 U0S0C0-0 M
1985(3) 0
6Cited 2 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
,i&uidation Co#4n o" Hanco +ntercontinenta, S0-0 %0 1enta, 537 ?03d 1339
T!e e5istence o" an a$ree#ent to participate in a 1ac.eteer +n"uenced and Corrupt
Ir$ani)ations -ct (1+CI) conspiracy, as we as its ob(ecti%e, #ay be in"erred "ro#
circu#stantia e%idence de#onstratin$ t!at eac! de"endant #ust necessariy !a%e .nown
t!at t!e ot!ers were aso conspirin$ to participate in t!e sa#e enterprise t!rou$! a
pattern o" rac.eteerin$ acti%ity0 18 U0S0C0-0 M 19>2(c)0
6Cited 2 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
Lo!nson %0 Hranc!, 242 ?0Supp0 /21
To pro%e conspiracy in ci%i action, painti"" was not re&uired to pro%e date and pace
o" de"endants4 #eetin$ and su##ary o" t!eir con%ersation, but was bound to s!ow
so#et!in$ #ore t!an "acts w!ic! woud as we (usti"y de"endants4 conduct as to ead to
in"erence o" conspiracy0
6Cited 2 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
Ca#pbe %0 Lo!nson, 1>/ ?0 172
C%idence considered, and !ed to sustain a %erdict and (ud$#ent "or da#a$es in "a%or o"
a #e#ber o" a typo$rap!ica union a$ainst ot!er #e#bers "or a conspiracy to cause !is
suspension as a #e#ber unaw"uy and contrary to t!e rues o" t!e union0
6Cited 18 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
Ce"au %0 Kia$e o" C. 2ro%e, 211 ?03d 41>
C%idence re$ardin$ %ia$e4s ae$ed e""orts to e%ade iabiity in connection wit!
arrests was not ree%ant to arrestees4 cai# t!at %ia$e and o""icers conspired to
co%er up purported %ioations o" arrestees4 constitutiona ri$!ts, e%en i" e%idence
woud !a%e s!own t!at %ia$e was #ore concerned about da#a$e contro t!an it was about
(ustice, w!en suc! e%idence did not s!ow t!at %ia$e or o""icers suppressed or
wit!!ed in"or#ation, or too. any action, w!ic! !a#pered arrestees in resortin$ to court
to %indicate t!eir constitutiona ri$!ts0 U0S0C0-0 Const0-#ends0 1 , 14 ' 42 U0S0C0-0
M 1983 0
::S0,0 e5 re0 ,ender#an %0 St0 ,ouis 3etropoitan Goice Dept0 Hd0 o" Goice Co#4rs,
/25 ?03d 843
C%idence was su""icient to support arrestee4s cai# t!at poice ieutenant coone and
ser$eant conspired to %ioate !er constitutiona ri$!ts so as to $i%e rise to M 1983
conspiracy cai#' reasonabe (ury coud "ind t!at de"endants deiberatey "asi"ied
arrest records to protect t!e depart#ent4s reputation "oowin$ arrestin$ o""icers4
abusi%e #isconduct, ::t!at arrestin$ o""icers, w!o were aso conspiracy #e#bers,
en$a$ed in o%ert acts by sub#ittin$ t!e "asi"ied arrest report and #iseadin$ t!e
in%esti$ators durin$ t!e interna a""airs in%esti$ation, and t!at arrestee4s p!ysica
and econo#ic in(uries were in.ed to arrestin$ o""icer4s o%ert acts, w!ic! were in turn
reated to ieutenant coone4s acts o" pro%idin$ o""icer wit! in"or#ation about t!e
interna a""airs in%esti$ation so s!e coud protect !er own interests0 42 U0S0C0-0 M
::+n re Cowin, 2713 B, 1/8>72>
3eetin$ o" #inds between participants in ae$ed conspiracy to use ta5 ien "orecosure
sae process in order to strip deed o" trust iens "ro# property and to abscond wit!
e5cess "orecosure sae proceeds coud be in"erred, "or purposes o" estabis!in$
e5istence o" ci%i conspiracy and !odin$ ae$ed conspirator iabe "or o%ert, ie$a
acts co##itted, not ony by !i#se", but by ot!er conspirators, ::"ro# repeated pattern
o" conduct a#on$ parties in ac&uirin$ rea property sub(ect to deed o" trust iens,
s!orty t!erea"ter borrowin$ "unds "ro# con"ederate or co#pany t!at !e controed "or
purpose o" payin$ rea property ta5es assessed a$ainst property, and i##ediatey
de"autin$ on t!ese oans in order to enabe con"ederate to "orecose and to strip o""
any (unior iens0
Ooc! %0 1oya Bine 3erc!ants, ,td0, 23 ?a0 ,0 Bee.y ?ed0 D 385
+n t!e conte5t o" a conspiracy, under ?orida aw, #ere e%idence o" .nowed$e o" t!e
cri#e or association wit! conspirators is insu""icient to estabis! an a$ree#ent, but
::proo" t!at t!e de"endant co##itted an act w!ic! "urt!ered t!e purpose o" t!e
conspiracy is circu#stantia e%idence t!at can pro%e t!e e5istence o" an a$ree#ent0
Jarrin$ton %0 City o" Counci Hu""s, +owa, 972 ?0Supp02d 1195
C%idence s!owin$ t!at poice o""icers ped$ed sience to one anot!er "or purpose o"
wron$"uy con%ictin$ arrestees was ad#issibe in arrestees4 M 1983 action ae$in$ t!at
t!eir ci%i ri$!ts were %ioated durin$ #urder prosecution, inas#uc! as it was ree%ant
to conspiracy cai# and woud not be unduy pre(udicia0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
::Jarrin$ton %0 City o" Counci Hu""s, +owa, 972 ?0Supp02d 1195
C%idence s!owin$ t!at poice o""icers ped$ed sience to one anot!er "or purpose o"
wron$"uy con%ictin$ arrestees was ad#issibe in arrestees4 M 1983 action ae$in$ t!at
t!eir ci%i ri$!ts were %ioated durin$ #urder prosecution, inas#uc! as it was ree%ant
to conspiracy cai# and woud not be unduy pre(udicia0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
Jarrin$ton %0 City o" Counci Hu""s, +owa, 972 ?0Supp02d 118>
C%idence o" !ow non@discosure o" e5cupatory reports occurred durin$ #urder prosecution
woud not be ad#issibe, in arrestees4 subse&uent M 1983 action ae$in$ t!at t!eir
ci%i ri$!ts were %ioated durin$ #urder prosecution, to s!ow t!at Hrady %ioations
t!e#se%es %ioated any particuar constitutiona ri$!t o" arrestees, since de"endant
poice o""icers were i##une "ro# suc! cai#, but arrestees woud be per#itted to o""er
"act o" t!e %ioations and e%idence as to !ow %ioations occurred as support "or t!eir
cai# t!at o""icers conspired wit! prosecutors to intentionay depri%e t!e# o"
constitutiona ri$!ts0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
::Goe %0 Bebber, 899 ?0Supp02d 1155
-bsent e%idence o" an a$ree#ent between cient4s "or#er attorneys and t!e state@court
(ud$e w!o !ad dis#issed !is state@court action a$ainst t!e#, or o" any concerted action
between attorneys and (ud$e, ot!er t!an e%idence t!at t!ey 9co##unicated directy and
continuousy t!rou$! peadin$s and #otions,= cient "aied to estabis! t!at attorneys
conspired wit! (ud$e to depri%e !i# o" !is constitutiona ri$!ts in %ioation o" M 19830
42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
::Lo!nson %0 Dossey, 8/8 ?0Supp02d 975
G!one cas and #eetin$s in%o%in$ aw en"orce#ent personne in%esti$atin$ arson case
and personne associated wit! in%esti$ation conducted by suspect4s insurer did not
indicate conspiracy under M 1983' co##unication between parties in%esti$atin$ sa#e case
see#ed to be not ony routine, but aut!ori)ed and encoura$ed by +inois aw0 42
U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
::B!ite %0 City o" -tanta, 449 ?ed0-pp50 874
Gainti"" "aied to s!ow t!at city poice o""icer was aware o" ae$ed conspiracy to coerce
!i# to concea ie$a searc! o" !o#e t!at resuted in deat! o" !o#eowner, so as to support
ci%i ri$!ts conspiracy cai#' %iewed in i$!t #ost "a%orabe to painti"", record
estabis!ed t!at corrupt super%isor dispatc!ed o""icer to inter%iew painti"", t!at corrupt
o""icers prepared painti"" to #eet wit! o""icer, and t!at o""icer &uestioned painti"" and
t!en pursued a #ateria witness to co#pete !is in%esti$ation0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1985(2)0
::+n re US- Co##ercia 3ort$0 Co0, 872 ?0Supp02d 114/
Substantia e%idence o" #oti%ations t!at dro%e "inancer and oan ser%icer to conspire to
pace t!eir interests in t!e proceeds "ro# t!e oans in priority to t!ose o" t!e direct
enders supported de"endants4 iabiity under Ae%ada aw "or ci%i conspiracy0
::Jernande) %0 City o" Aapa, 2711 B, 99>/91 (o""icers denied &uai"ied i##unity)
To constitute a ci%i ri$!ts conspiracy, t!e a$ree#ent to %ioate constitutiona ri$!ts
need not be o%ert, and #ay be in"erred on t!e basis o" circu#stantia e%idence suc! as
t!e actions o" t!e de"endants0
::Si$#aG!ar#, +nc0 %0 3utua G!ar#aceutica Co0, +nc0, //2 ?0Supp02d >>7
Garae conduct t!at indicates t!e sort o" restricted "reedo# o" action and sense o"
obi$ation t!at one $eneray associates wit! a$ree#ent #ay be su""icient to state a cai# o"
tacit conspiracy0
+n re Cnron Corp0 Securities, Deri%ati%e P Crisa ,iti$ation, 2717 B, 5177879
::Under Te5as aw, a c!an$in$ cast o" c!aracters does not!in$ to essen t!e "act o" one
conspiracy' once t!e e5istence o" a co##on sc!e#e o" conspiracy is s!own, si$!t
e%idence is a t!at is re&uired to connect a particuar de"endant wit! t!e conspiracy0
Her$in ?inancia, +nc0 %0 ?irst -#erican Tite Co0, 39/ ?ed0-pp50 119
3ort$a$e co#pany ar$ued t!at tite co#pany4s independent a$ent !ad noti"ied tite
co#pany t!at it was under in%esti$ation "or its in%o%e#ent in ae$ed sca# as coser o"
%arious 9"ippin$= rea estate transactions "or w!ic! tite co#pany was tite insurer,
but presented not!in$ to indicate t!at a$ent noti"ied tite co#pany t!at it !ad actuay
participated in suc! sc!e#e, rat!er t!an #erey "aiin$ to detect and pre%ent it, t!us
precudin$ #ort$a$e co#pany4s cai# to !od tite co#pany directy iabe "or ci%i
conspiracy to de"raud #ort$a$e co#pany0
::2reen %0 3issouri, /34 ?0Supp02d 814
To a%oid su##ary (ud$#ent on a ci%i ri$!ts conspiracy cai#, t!e painti"" #ust ae$e
wit! particuarity and de#onstrate wit! speci"ic #ateria "acts t!at t!e de"endants
reac!ed an a$ree#ent' w!ie t!ose ae$ations #ay incude circu#stantia e%idence, t!e
painti"" #ust point to at east so#e "acts t!at woud su$$est t!at de"endants reac!ed
an understandin$ to %ioate !is ri$!ts0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1985(3)0
2reen %0 3issouri, /34 ?0Supp02d 814
T!e &uestion o" t!e e5istence o" a conspiracy to depri%e a painti"" o" !is or !er
constitutiona ri$!ts s!oud not be ta.en "ro# t!e (ury i" t!ere is a possibiity t!e
(ury coud in"er "ro# t!e circu#stances a #eetin$ o" t!e #inds or understandin$ a#on$
t!e conspirators to ac!ie%e t!e conspiracy4s ai#s' because t!e ee#ents o" a conspiracy
are rarey estabis!ed t!rou$! #eans ot!er t!an circu#stantia e%idence, and su##ary
(ud$#ent is ony warranted w!en t!e e%idence is so one@sided as to ea%e no roo# "or any
reasonabe di""erence o" opinion as to !ow t!e case s!oud be decided, a court #ust be
con%inced t!at t!e e%idence presented is insu""icient to support any reasonabe
in"erence o" a conspiracy0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1985 0
2reen %0 3issouri, /34 ?0Supp02d 814
Specuation and con(ecture are not enou$! to pro%e t!at a ci%i ri$!ts conspiracy
e5isted0 42 U0S0C0-0 MM 1983 , 1985(3)0
::Stee %0 City o" San Die$o, /2> ?0Supp02d 11/2
?or purposes o" conspiracy under M 1983, a$ree#ent or #eetin$ o" #inds #ay be in"erred
on basis o" circu#stantia e%idence, suc! as actions o" de"endants0 42 U0S0C0-0 M
1983 0
::Stee %0 City o" San Die$o, /2> ?0Supp02d 11/2
S!owin$ t!at de"endants co##itted acts t!at are uni.ey to !a%e been underta.en wit!out
an a$ree#ent #ay support in"erence o" conspiracy under M 19830 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
::Crowe %0 County o" San Die$o, >78 ?03d 47> (o""icer<s ac.ed &uai"ied i##unity)
To estabis! iabiity "or a conspiracy in a M 1983 case, a painti"" #ust de#onstrate
t!e e5istence o" an a$ree#ent or #eetin$ o" t!e #inds to %ioate constitutiona ri$!ts'
suc! an a$ree#ent need not be o%ert, and #ay be in"erred on t!e basis o" circu#stantia
e%idence suc! as t!e actions o" t!e de"endants0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
::Bac.#an %0 1ubsa#en, >72 ?03d 391
C%idence o" a #eetin$ o" t!e #inds was su""icient to support "indin$, in action under
Te5as aw, t!at !ospice patient4s careta.er conspired to cause !er deat!, e%en t!ou$!
t!ere was no direct e%idence t!at t!e conspirators discussed t!e detais o" t!at deat!
in ad%ance' conspirators !ad a on$standin$, cose reations!ip, t!ere was e%idence t!ey
went to t!e "unera !o#e to discuss arran$e#ents be"ore deat! occurred, and it was
reasonabe to in"er t!at since careta.er stood to $ain contro o" a o" patient4s
assets upon !er deat!, coconspirator stood to bene"it based on t!eir on$@ti#e, cose
0Hetancourt %0 1!odes, 2717 B, >/2/5> Best OeySu##ary618 D0+da!o,2717C%idence did not
support a #urder de"endant4s ci%i ri$!ts conspiracy cai#s a$ainst t!e coroner w!o
in%esti$ated t!e %icti#4s body0 T!ere was no e%idence t!at t!e coroner conspired to destroy
t!e %icti#4s body "uids and sa#pes, or t!at !e acted wit! bad "ait! w!en !e "aied to
preser%e t!e e%idence or "aied to per"or# certain tests01 91.192
::3is %0 City o" Jarrisbur$, 357 ?ed0-pp50 //7
Goice o""icers w!o conducted underco%er prostitution stin$ operation did not unaw"uy
conspire to depri%e arrestee o" !is e&ua protection ri$!ts, w!ere t!ere was no
indication t!at o""icers acted wit! discri#inatory intent or ot!erwise tar$eted
arrestee and !is co@de"endant because o" t!eir race0 U0S0C0-0 Const0-#end0 14 ' 42
U0S0C0-0 M 1985(3)0
::U0S0 %0 Santia$o@3ende), 2779 B, 1/>/>>> Best OeySu##ary618 D0C0G010,2779Su""icient
e%idence supported poice o""icer4s con%iction "or conspiracy to %ioate ci%i ri$!ts o"
innocent citi)ens %ia %ioation o" due process by t!e "abrication o" a narcotics case0 Goice
o""icer participated in t!e "abrication o" cases a$ainst innocent indi%iduas0 U0S0C0-0
Const0-#end 5 , 14?
::1oy %0 Hoard o" County Co#4rs, >7/ ?0Supp02d 129/,
+ntentiona discri#ination, "or purposes o" a cai# under M 1981, M 1982, or M 1985, #ay be
pro%en t!rou$! (1) direct e%idence, (2) circu#stantia e%idence, or (3) statistica proo"0 42
U0S0C0-0 MM 1981 , 1982 , 1985 0
1oy %0 Hoard o" County Co#4rs, >7/ ?0Supp02d 129/, 1375, (A0D0?a0, 3ar 31, 2779)
618 628 638 To pre%ai on a cai# under M 1981 , M 1982 , or M 1985 , a painti"" #ust
pro%e intentiona discri#ination on t!e basis o" race0 See Gen. &ldg. Contractors Ass(n
v. Pennsylvania, 458 U0S0 3/5, 391, 172 S0Ct0 3141, 3157, /3 ,0Cd02d 835 (1982) (M
1981)' 0ackson v. /kaloosa Co#nty, Fla., 21 ?03d 1531, 1543 (11t! Cir01994) (M 1982)'
,orris v. /ffice ,a$, .nc., 89 ?03d 411, 413 (/t! Cir0199>) (MM 1981 and 1982)'
Griffin v. &reckenridge, 473 U0S0 88, 172, 91 S0Ct0 1/97, 1/98, 29 ,0Cd02d 338 (19/1)
(M 1985)0 Hecause intentiona discri#ination is re&uired, a #ere 9s!owin$ o" disparate
i#pact t!rou$! a neutra practice is insu""icient=' rat!er, t!e painti"" #ust s!ow
9purpose"u discri#ination0= Ferrill v. Parker Gro#p, .nc., 1>8 ?03d 4>8, 4/2 (11t!
Cir01999)0 To estabis! purpose"u discri#ination under M 1981 and M 1982 a painti""
#ust s!ow t!at, under si#iar circu#stances, t!e de"endant treated a w!ite indi%idua
di""erenty t!an it treated !i#0 See *#mphries v. C&/CS !est, .nc., 4/4 ?03d 38/, 474
(/t! Cir0277/), aff(d on other gro#nds, QQQ U0S0 QQQQ, 128 S0Ct0 1951, 1/7 ,0Cd02d 8>4
(2778) (M 1981)' &#rke1Fowler v. /range Co#nty, Fla., 44/ ?03d 1319, 1324Q2> (11t!
Cir0277>) (M 1981)' 2awrence v. Co#rtyards at Deerwood Ass(n, .nc., 318 ?0Supp02d 1133,
1148 (S0D0?a02774) (M 1982)0 +ntentiona discri#ination #ay be pro%en t!rou$! ::(1)
direct e%idence, ::(2) circu#stantia e%idence, or ::(3) statistica proo"0 'io#$ v.
City of Atlanta, 527 ?03d 12>9, 12/4 (11t! Cir02778)0
648 T!e court !as t!orou$!y re%iewed t!e record in t!is case "or any e%idence o"
purpose"u racia discri#ination on t!e part o" any de"endant in t!is case0 T!ere is
none0 +n "act, t!e record is crysta cear .13%8 t!at as o" Luy 2775, w!en t!e 1oys4
pat appication was appro%ed, not!in$ t!e County or t!e indi%idua de"endants !ad done
inter"ered wit!, !a#pered, i#peded, or deayed t!e 1oys4 abiity to de%eop and #ar.et
t!eir property to w!o#e%er t!ey wis!ed0 ?urt!er#ore, subse&uent to Luy 2775 t!e ony
t!in$ t!e 1oys were pre%ented "ro# constructin$ was t!e "ront pri%acy wa, a
pro!ibition w!ic! did not i#picate a ci%i ri$!t, #uc! ess t!e %ioation o" a ci%i
ri$!t0 3oreo%er, t!ere is not!in$ in t!e record to su$$est t!at issuance o" t!e 3ay 11,
2775, stop@wor. order and re#o%a o" t!e pat appication "ro# t!e 3ay 2775 HI- a$enda
was raciay #oti%ated0 T!e 1oys !a%e not s!own t!at, under circu#stances si#iar to
t!ose ae$ed in t!is case, t!e County treated a w!ite de%eoper di""erenty t!an it
treated t!e#, i.e., t!e 1oys !a%e co#e "orward wit! not!in$ t!at s!ows a w!ite
de%eoper w!o buit in t!e scenic corridor setbac. )one recei%ed #ore "a%orabe
treat#ent by t!e County t!an did t!e 1oys0 Jere, t!ere is absoutey no credibe
co#parator e%idence0
?A210 To satis"y t!eir burden o" introducin$ a co#parator, t!e 1oys #i$!t !a%e produced
e%idence o" a w!ite de%eoper w!o sou$!t and recei%ed a %ariance o" t!e type denied to
t!e#, e%idence o" a w!ite de%eoper w!o was per#itted to buid in t!e scenic corridor
setbac. )one despite ar$uabe code %ioations, or ot!er pausibe e%idence o" disparate
treat#ent, but t!ey did not0 +n "act, t!ey !a%e identi"ied no ot!er property owner or
de%eoper "or co#parison at a0
C%en i" t!e painti""s were not re&uired to co#e "orward wit! e%idence o" a w!ite
co#parator on t!eir M 1981 and M 1982 cai#s, t!ey !a%e "aied to rebut t!e de"endants4
articuated non@discri#inatory reason "or issuin$ t!e stop@wor. orders and re#o%in$
t!eir pat "ro# t!e 3ay 24, 2775, #eetin$ a$enda0
3ore speci"icay, t!e 1oys4
construction o" t!e "ront pri%acy wa %ioated t!e speci"ic setbac. and %e$etation
protection re&uire#ents o" t!e ,and De%eop#ent Code0 Gainti""s4 "anci"u ar$u#ents
notwit!standin$, t!e "ront pri%acy wa construction un&uestionaby %ioated t!ese
Aonet!eess, e%en i" Bebb, 2odber$, and t!e County were incorrect in
t!eir deter#ination t!at t!e wa %ioated t!e bu""er and %e$etation re&uire#ents t!eir
error does not e&uate to intentiona discri#ination0 Cf. % + 3 'ealty v. Strickland,
837 ?02d 117/, 1114 (11t! Cir0198/) (96#8ere error or #ista.e= or 96e8%en arbitrary
ad#inistration= o" a .13%" statute does not a#ount to intentiona discri#ination)0
T!ere is si#py not one s!red o" e%idence o" prete5t on t!e record be"ore t!e court0
+ndeed, t!e 1oys !a%e co#e "orward wit! absoutey no credibe direct or circu#stantia
e%idence, or statistica proo", o" any intentiona discri#ination w!atsoe%er0 'io#$,
527 ?03d at 12/40 T!e 1oys4 cai#s pursuant to M 1981 and M 1982 t!ere"ore are
co#petey wit!out #erit0
?A220 To s!ow intentiona discri#ination t!rou$! circu#stantia e%idence, t!e 1oys #ay
use t!e "a#iiar burden@s!i"tin$ "ra#ewor. estabis!ed by t!e Supre#e Court in
,cDonnell Do#glas Corp. v. Green, 411 U0S0 /92, 872, 93 S0Ct0 181/, 1824, 3> ,0Cd02d
>>8 (19/3)0 %%/C v. 0oe(s Stone Cra, .nc., 227 ?03d 12>3, 12/2Q/3 (11t! Cir02777)
(per c#riam )0 Under t!is "ra#ewor., a painti"" #ust "irst present su""icient e%idence
to estabis! a prima facie case o" intentiona discri#ination0 ,cDonnell Do#glas Corp.,
411 U0S0 at 872, 93 S0Ct0 at 18240 +" a prima facie case is estabis!ed, t!e burden
t!en s!i"ts to t!e de"endant to articuate a e$iti#ate, nondiscri#inatory reason "or
its actions0 .d. +" t!e de"endant does so, t!e burden s!i"ts bac. to t!e painti"" to
s!ow t!at t!e reason was #erey prete5tua0 .d., 411 U0S0 at 874, 93 S0Ct0 181/0
?A230 -ccordin$ to t!e 1oys, t!ere are #utipe 9prima facie cases= under w!ic!
intentiona discri#ination #ay be estabis!ed0 So#e o" t!e 1oys4 t!eories are not
appicabeR"or e5a#pe, disparate i#pact does not pro%e an intentiona discri#ination
cai# under MM 1981, 1982, or 1985Rand ot!ers are pu))in$ to t!e court, suc! as t!e
1oys4 distinction between 9denia o" bene"it= and 9i#position o" penaty= outco#es or
t!eir co#paint t!at de"endants !a%e pro%en no 9%ioation o" rue0=
-dditionay, t!e 1oys ar$ue at en$t! about procedura irre$uarities in t!e County4s
processes0 +n "act t!e court initiay !ad concerns about so#e o" t!ese irre$uarities'
!owe%er, on re%iew o" t!e record it is ob%ious t!at any suc! procedura irre$uarities
operated ony to t!e 1oys4 bene"it0
,i.ewise, t!ere is no proo" o" a conspiracy in t!is case0 Section 1985 protects ony
9t!e ri$!t to be "ree "ro# bein$ a %icti# o" independent ie$aity,= but t!e 1oys
cannot s!ow t!at de"endants are iabe under M 1981 or M 1982 and t!ere can be no
conspiracy wit!out an underyin$ ie$a act0 See Poirier v. *odges, 445 ?0Supp0 838,
845 (30D0?a019/8)0 3oreo%er, M 1985 re&uires proo" o" a conspiracy, or a$ree#ent,
between t!e de"endants0 Dickerson v. Alach#a Co#nty Comm(n, 277 ?03d />1, />/ (11t!
Cir02777)0 T!e 1oys !a%e presented no credibe "actua e%idence o" an a$ree#ent, ony
ae$ations w!ic! are insu""icient to rebut t!e de"endants4 denias0
T!us t!e 1oys4 M
1985 cai# aso is wit!out #erit0
?A240 T!e 1oys4 conspiracy ae$ations are based on t!e "oowin$0 B!en 2odber$ was a
de"endant in t!is case !e sub#itted an a""ida%it in w!ic! !e denied representin$ 9any
ot!er party= t!an Bebb0 T!e 1oys insist t!is contradicts a state#ent contained in a
truncated, 17Qsecond %ideo cip purportedy s!owin$ 2odber$ at t!e Septe#ber 22, 2775,
HI- #eetin$0 +n t!e %ideo, an unidenti"iabe #an is "i#ed "ro# be!ind sayin$, 93y na#e
is Oen 2odber$, + represent se%era !o#eowners in Tran&uiity S!ores and 2u" Kista,
w!ic! are t!e nei$!borin$ subdi%isions to t!is particuar pro(ectR0= T!e 1oys insists
2odber$ #ust !a%e been re"errin$ to Aeson and Ko$e because t!ey i%e in 2u" Kista'
t!us, at ora ar$u#ent, 1oy4s counse cai#ed t!at 2odber$ #ust !a%e been 9yin$=
eit!er in t!e a""ida%it or at t!e HI- #eetin$0 Second, 1oy asserts t!ere is e%idence o"
a conspiracy because 2odber$ and Aeson bot! attended t!is #eetin$, w!ere t!ey sat
to$et!er, and t!ey aso attended t!e ?ebruary 2, 277>, "ina #eetin$ at t!e County4s
T!e court cannot consider t!e %ideo cip purportedy depictin$ 2odber$' it is
inad#issibe because t!ere is no testi#ony in t!e record to aut!enticate it and it is
not se"@aut!enticatin$0 ?ed010C%id0 971, 9720 C%en i" t!e e%idence were ad#issibe,
!owe%er, t!e court "inds it is uttery insu""icient to $i%e rise to an in"erence t!at
2odber$ ied, t!us castin$ doubt on !is credibiity0 2odber$4s 9se%era !o#eowners=
coud !a%e been any nu#ber o" peope ot!er t!an Aeson and Ko$e0 3oreo%er, in !is
a""ida%it 2odber$ a%ers t!at in connection with this matter !e represented no party
ot!er t!an Bebb0 T!ere is si#py no contradiction, as t!e 1oys cai#, between 2odber$4s
denia t!at !e represented any ot!er party in t!is awsuit and any state#ent t!at !e
represents se%era ot!er !o#eowners0 -dditionay, t!ere is not!in$ ne"arious in Aeson
and 2odber$4s appearance at t!e HI- #eetin$' 1oy himself sent t!e notice o" t!e
#eetin$ to Aeson and Bebb, 2odber$4s cient, because t!ey were nearby andowners
a""ected by 1oy4s %ariance petition0
::Koda. %0 City o" C!ica$o, >24 ?0Supp02d 933
C%idence was insu""icient to support protestors4 cai# t!at poice o""icers conspired to
arrest t!e# durin$ #ass de#onstration in %ioation o" t!e ?irst -#end#ent ri$!ts'
e%idence t!at o""icers discussed #a.in$ arrests did not support "indin$ t!at t!ere was a
#eetin$ o" t!e #inds between o""icers to %ioate protestors4 ri$!ts0 U0S0C0-0
Const0-#end0 1 0
6Cited 8 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
::Kene$as %0 Ba$ner, 831 ?02d 1514
C%idence supported (ury4s concusions t!at poice o""icers procured "ase testi#ony "ro#
witness and denied painti"" a "air tria in a #urder prosecution and t!at o""icers
%ioated ci%i ri$!ts statutes0 42 U0S0C0-0 MM 1983 , 1985(3) 0
6Cited 3 ti#es "or t!is e$a issue8
::2ibroo. %0 City o" Best#inster, 1// ?03d 839
Lury4s "indin$ t!at #ayor and city counci #e#bers conspired to retaiate a$ainst
"ire"i$!ters due to "ire"i$!ters4 protected ?irst -#end#ent acti%ities was supported by
e%idence t!at #ayor and counci #e#bers attended cosed@door city counci #eetin$s in
w!ic! "ire c!ie" discussed w!at discipinary actions s!oud be ta.en a$ainst
"ire"i$!ters and t!at #ayor and counci #e#bers eac! #ade !ostie state#ents about
"ire"i$!ters, incudin$ t!reats o" poitica retribution and accusations o" cri#ina
conduct0 U0S0C0-0 Const0-#end0 1 0
::2ibbons %0 ,a#bert, 358 ?0Supp02d 1748
,ac. o" e%idence t!at any poice or (udicia o""icers, in%o%ed in searc! o" !o#e "or
presence o" dru$ acti%ities, .new t!at owner was pro#inent ban.er, or t!at t!ey !ad
ta.en concerted actions, precuded M 1983 cai# t!at o""icers conspired to 9brin$ down=
!o#eowner t!rou$! "iin$ o" "ase c!ar$es t!at !o#eowner possessed controed substances
and deat in !ar#"u #ateria to #inor0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 0
::Hurre %0 -nderson, 353 ?0Supp02d 55
-bsent any e%identiary support "or ae$ations t!at e#poyees o" poice depart#ent and
e#poyees o" district attorney4s o""ice "asi"ied e%idence in assaut case in%o%in$
c!id, or suppressed e%idence in order to a%oid "indin$ probabe cause to arrest c!id4s
#ot!er and !er boy"riend, e#poyees did not en$a$e in any conspiracy to discri#inate
a$ainst c!id4s "at!er, on t!e basis o" !is $ender, at!ou$! t!ey prosecuted !i# "or
ae$ed do#estic %ioence a$ainst #ot!er0 U0S0C0-0 Const0-#end0 4 ' 42 U0S0C0-0 M
1985 0
::Jeartand -cade#y Co##unity C!urc! %0 Badde, 31/ ?0Supp02d 984
- conspiracy e5isted between two (u%enie o""icers to depri%e students at a pri%ate
sc!oo o" t!eir ?ourt! -#end#ent ri$!ts, by ie$ay sei)in$ t!e# and re#o%in$ t!e#
"ro# t!e sc!oo' t!ere were %arious #eetin$s, correspondences, and discussions between
t!e o""icers in w!ic! t!ey discussed re#o%a o" t!e c!idren and #et!ods to discoura$e
parents or $uardians "ro# returnin$ t!eir c!idren to t!e sc!oo0 U0S0C0-0 Const0-#end0
4 0
::Dru$ 3art G!ar#acy Corp0 %0 -#erican Jo#e Groducts Corp0, 288 ?0Supp02d 325
- de"endant #ust ta.e an a""ir#ati%e action to disa%ow or de"eat t!e purpose o" t!e
conspiracy, to #a.e sure t!at a wit!drawa did occur and is not si#py bein$ in%ented e5
post' unti a""ir#ati%e e%idence o" wit!drawa !as been produced, a de"endant4s
participation in t!e conspiracy is presu#ed to continue unti t!e ast o%ert act by any
o" t!e conspirators0
::Biia#s %0 County o" Santa Harbara, 2/2 ?0Supp02d 995
Cac! ae$ed participant in ci%i conspiracy need not .now t!e e5act detais o" t!e
pan, but #ust at east s!are t!e co##on ob(ecti%e o" t!e conspiracy' painti""s need
not pro%ide direct e%idence o" t!e a$ree#ent between t!e conspirators, but #ust s!ow
circu#stantia e%idence su""icient "or a (ury to in"er "ro# t!e circu#stances t!at t!e
ae$ed conspirators reac!ed an understandin$ to ac!ie%e t!e conspiracy4s ob(ecti%es0
Soun$ %0 Hi$$ers, 938 ?02d 5>5 (5t! Cir0(3iss0), Lu 2>, 1991)
Gainti"" brou$!t "edera ci%i ri$!ts action ae$in$ t!at nu#erous de"endants
conspired to "ra#e !i# "or ar#ed robbery0 T!e United States District Court "or t!e
Aort!ern District o" 3ississippi, ,0T0 Senter, Lr0, C!ie" Lud$e, $ranted su##ary
(ud$#ent in "a%or o" de"endants0 Gainti"" appeaed0 In re!earin$, t!e Court o" -ppeas,
Oin$, Circuit Lud$e, superseded earier opinion at 91/ ?02d 8/3, and !ed t!atE (1)
prosecutin$ assistant district attorney was absoutey i##une "ro# iabiity "or !is
actions in initiatin$ prosecution and coud not be !ed iabe "or ae$ed acts outside
scope o" prosecutoria duties w!ere suc! ae$ations were w!oy unsupported and
concusory' (2) prosecution witness in ar#ed robbery tria and (uror were entited to
absoute i##unity' (3) concusory ae$ations a$ainst attorneys and ban.er were
insu""icient to pead re&uisite operati%e "acts to tie t!e# to conspiracy wit! state
actors' and ::(4) ae$ations a$ainst poice c!ie" and detecti%e stated cai#0
-""ir#ed in part' re%ersed in part and re#anded0
)9* Con+!iracy 91 18
91 Conspiracy
91+ Ci%i ,iabiity
91+(H) -ctions
91.18 .0 Geadin$0 3ost Cited Cases
?edera ci%i ri$!ts painti""4s concusory ae$ations t!at two attorneys and ban.er
conspired to ri$ (ury and depri%e !i# o" "air tria as part o" conspiracy, wit! state
actors, to con%ict painti"" o" ar#ed robbery were insu""icient to s!ow conspiracy w!ere
operati%e "acts were not ped0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 19830
)1%* Civil Ri9't+ "8 1398
/8 Ci%i 1i$!ts
/8+++ ?edera 1e#edies in 2enera
/8.1392 Geadin$
/8.1398 .0 De"enses' i##unity and $ood "ait!0 3ost Cited Cases
(?or#ery /8.238)
::Gainti"" stated "edera ci%i ri$!ts cai# a$ainst poice c!ie" and detecti%e "or
t!eir roe in ae$ed conspiracy to "ra#e !i# "or ar#ed robbery w!ere !is co#paint
ae$ed speci"ic, operati%e "acts w!ic!, i" pro%ed, woud not per#it o""icers to a%oid
iabiity under t!eir de"ense o" &uai"ied i##unity' painti"" ae$ed t!at o""icers
::!arbored ani#osity a$ainst !i#, ::!arassed !i#, and ::persuaded !is two ae$ed
acco#pices in ar#ed robbery to i#picate !i#, and ::t!at poice c!ie" aso persuaded
c!ie" prosecution witness to "asey identi"y !i#0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 19830
"3 $5R Fed "8
:'en i+ eviction o0 tenant ,y !rivate landlord conducted ;under color o0 +tate la<; 0or
!ur!o+e+ o0 42 6.S.C.$. = 1983
= 9)a* 1rivate !arty/+ con+!iracy or >oint action <it' +tate o00icial a+ !lacin9
eviction under color o0 +tate la<?@eld under color o0 +tate la<
6Cu#uati%e Suppe#ent8
T!e ae$ations and e%idence in t!e "oowin$ cases de#onstrated or supported a
"indin$ t!at a pri%ate andord !ad participated in (oint action wit! a state o""icia
in atte#ptin$ to obtain a tenant4s e%iction, and t!at t!e e%iction was t!ere"ore
conducted under coor o" state aw "or purposes o" 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983
1easonin$ t!at a set o" "acts #i$!t be pro%en w!ic! woud de#onstrate t!at a
andord and a process ser%er !ad conspired, under coor o" state aw, to e%ict a tenant
wit!out due process, t!e court in Carrasco % Oein (19/4, CD AS) 381 ? Supp /82,
re"used to dis#iss t!e tenant4s action under 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 T!e court "ound it we
estabis!ed t!at pri%ate persons co#e wit!in t!e a#bit o" M 1983 w!en t!ey are wi"u
participants in (oint acti%ity wit! t!e state or its a$ents0 Jowe%er, t!e court obser%ed
t!at in t!is case, t!e ae$ed conspiracy was not between a pri%ate person and a state
o""icia, suc! as a poice#an, but rat!er between one pri%ate person and anot!er, w!ere
ony t!e process ser%er was initiay brou$!t wit!in t!e scope o" t!e M 1983 state
action re&uire#ent under t!e pubic "unction t!eory0 T!e court ac.nowed$ed t!at a
probe# o" t!e re#oteness o" t!e state4s participation was present under t!ese "acts,
but "ound no o$ica reason to distin$uis! between a conspiracy wit! an o""icia state
actor, suc! as a poice#an, and a conspiracy wit! a pri%ate party cot!ed wit! state
aut!ority, suc! as t!e process ser%er, w!en t!e atter is su""icienty pubic0 T!e
court, t!ere"ore, decined to dis#iss t!e case pendin$ a "uer de%eop#ent o" t!e
B!ere a andord sou$!t and recei%ed t!e inter%ention o" town poice to e""ectuate
t!e ae$edy ie$a e%iction o" tenants "ro# a rented traier, t!e court in Jowerton
% 2abica (1983, C-9 +da!o) /78 ?2d 387, /3 -,1 ?ed /7, rued t!at t!e e%iction !ad
ta.en pace under coor o" state aw "or purposes o" 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 T!e andord
initiay tod t!e tenants to #o%e "ro# t!e traier a"ter t!eir rent pay#ent was ate,
and t!e tenant t!reatened to !ar# t!e andord i" s!e returned0 -n e%iction notice was
subse&uenty ser%ed wit! a poice o""icer present0 B!en t!e tenants continued to re#ain
in t!e traier, t!e andord returned wit! a poice o""icer, w!o was in uni"or# and on
duty, to warn t!e tenants t!at utiities woud be cut o"" i" t!ey stayed0 T!is poice
o""icer ater returned aone, tod t!e tenants t!at proper e%iction procedures were
bein$ used, and ad%ised t!e# to ea%e0 Subse&uenty, t!e o""icer acco#panied t!e
andord w!en t!e utiities were disconnected, but t!e tenants continued to spend so#e
ni$!ts in t!e traier0 In one occasion, t!ree poice o""icers %isited t!e traier in
response to t!e andord4s ca re$ardin$ a "a#iy disturbance, and one o""icer as.ed i"
t!e tenants were sti oo.in$ "or a new renta0 T!e District Court dis#issed t!e
tenants4 M 1983 co#paint, "indin$ t!at t!e poice o""icers !ad ta.en no a""ir#ati%e
action in t!e e%iction, but #erey stood by to .eep t!e peace0 T!e tenants ar$ued on
appea t!at t!ey were denied ?ourteent! -#end#ent ri$!ts w!en t!e andords, wit! poice
aid, used se"@!ep to e%ict t!e# wit!out proper notice and a prior (udicia !earin$0
1ecountin$ t!e %arious tests e#poyed by t!e Supre#e Court to deter#ine t!e e5istence o"
state action, and "indin$ a si#iarity between t!e present case and cases considerin$
poice in%o%e#ent in t!e repossession o" persona property, t!e court stated t!at at
so#e point, as poice in%o%e#ent beco#es increasin$y i#portant, repossession by
pri%ate indi%iduas assu#es t!e c!aracter o" state action0 T!e court obser%ed t!at t!e
e%iction !ad in%o%ed #ore t!an one incident o" poice consent to Tstand byT in case o"
troube0 1at!er, t!e poice participation !ad $i%en t!e tenants t!e i#pression t!at t!e
andord acted e$ay in cuttin$ o"" t!e utiities0 ?urt!er#ore, t!e court stated t!at
t!e poice o""icer !ad acti%ey inter%ened in reco##endin$ t!at t!e tenants ea%e t!e
traier0 T!e court "ound t!e record repete wit! e%idence t!at t!e andords
deiberatey coa.ed t!e#se%es wit! t!e aut!ority o" t!e state in e""ectin$ t!e
repossession0 B!ie a sin$e re&uest "or poice [email protected]$ assistance #i$!t not #a.e
a andord a T(oint actorT wit! t!e state "or M 1983 purposes, t!e court concuded, t!e
andords acted under coor o" state aw w!ere t!ey repeatedy re&uested t!e aid o" t!e
poice to e%ict t!e tenants, and w!ere t!e poice inter%ened at e%ery step0
C6M65$-23E S6115EME4-
Certain wron$s a""ect #ore t!an a sin$e ri$!t and, accordin$y, can i#picate #ore
t!an one o" t!e ?edera Constitution4s co##ands' w!ere suc! #utipe %ioations are
ae$ed, t!e courts wi not identi"y as a prei#inary #atter t!e cai#4s Tdo#inantT
c!aracter, but wi e5a#ine eac! constitutiona pro%ision in turn' t!us, in an action
under 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 by t!e owner o" a traier !o#eRw!ic! action ae$es t!at t!e
Constitution4s ?ourt! -#end#ent was %ioated w!en t!e !o#e was "orciby re#o%ed "ro# a
pri%ate #obie !o#e par. by e#poyees o" t!e par. owner, w!ie county s!eri""4s
deputies, aware t!at t!e par. owner did not !a%e a e$a e%iction order, watc!ed t!e
re#o%a, in"or#ed t!e traier !o#e owner t!at t!ey were t!ere to see t!at !e did not
inter"ere, and re"used to accept !is co#paint "or cri#ina trespassRt!e owner4s ?ourt!
-#end#ent cai# is not propery barred on t!e t!eory t!at t!e owner4s cai# is #ore a.in
to a c!aen$e a$ainst depri%ation o" property wit!out due process0 Soda %0 Coo.
County, +0, 57> U0S0 5>, 113 S0 Ct0 538, 121 ,0 Cd0 2d 457 (1992)0
+n M 1983 action by tenants a$ainst t!eir "or#er andord and county s!eri"" "or
ae$edy e%ictin$ painti""s "ro# t!eir !o#e wit!out aw"u process, "orcin$ t!e# to
i%e on street and su""er oss o" t!eir c!idren, s!eri"" was potentiay iabe in bot!
o""icia and persona capacity, and andord was iabe "or actin$ in concert wit!
s!eri"" under coor o" state aw0 Uuinones % Dur.is (198>, SD ?a) >38 ? Supp 85>0
)-o! o0 Section*
)E4D F S6115EME4-*
/3 -,1 ?CD /8' B!en is e%iction o" tenant by pri%ate andord conducted Tunder coor o"
state awT "or purposes o" 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983
M 96a8 Gri%ate party4s conspiracy or (oint action wit! state o""icia as pacin$
e%iction under coor o" state awRJed under coor o" state aw
6Cu#uati%e Suppe#ent8
T!e ae$ations and e%idence in t!e "oowin$ cases de#onstrated or supported a "indin$
t!at a pri%ate andord !ad participated in (oint action wit! a state o""icia in
atte#ptin$ to obtain a tenant4s e%iction, and t!at t!e e%iction was t!ere"ore conducted
under coor o" state aw "or purposes o" 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983
1easonin$ t!at a set o" "acts #i$!t be pro%en w!ic! woud de#onstrate t!at a andord
and a process ser%er !ad conspired, under coor o" state aw, to e%ict a tenant wit!out
due process, t!e court in Carrasco % Oein (19/4, CD AS) 381 ? Supp /82, re"used to
dis#iss t!e tenant4s action under 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 T!e court "ound it we
estabis!ed t!at pri%ate persons co#e wit!in t!e a#bit o" M 1983 w!en t!ey are wi"u
participants in (oint acti%ity wit! t!e state or its a$ents0 Jowe%er, t!e court
obser%ed t!at in t!is case, t!e ae$ed conspiracy was not between a pri%ate person and
a state o""icia, suc! as a poice#an, but rat!er between one pri%ate person and
anot!er, w!ere ony t!e process ser%er was initiay brou$!t wit!in t!e scope o" t!e M
1983 state action re&uire#ent under t!e pubic "unction t!eory0 T!e court ac.nowed$ed
t!at a probe# o" t!e re#oteness o" t!e state4s participation was present under t!ese
"acts, but "ound no o$ica reason to distin$uis! between a conspiracy wit! an o""icia
state actor, suc! as a poice#an, and a conspiracy wit! a pri%ate party cot!ed wit!
state aut!ority, suc! as t!e process ser%er, w!en t!e atter is su""icienty pubic0 T!e
court, t!ere"ore, decined to dis#iss t!e case pendin$ a "uer de%eop#ent o" t!e
::B!ere a andord sou$!t and recei%ed t!e inter%ention o" town poice to e""ectuate
t!e ae$edy ie$a e%iction o" tenants "ro# a rented traier, t!e court in Jowerton
% 2abica (1983, C-9 +da!o) /78 ?2d 387, /3 -,1 ?ed /7, rued t!at t!e e%iction !ad
ta.en pace under coor o" state aw "or purposes o" 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1983 T!e andord
initiay tod t!e tenants to #o%e "ro# t!e traier a"ter t!eir rent pay#ent was ate,
and t!e tenant t!reatened to !ar# t!e andord i" s!e returned0 -n e%iction notice was
subse&uenty ser%ed wit! a poice o""icer present0 B!en t!e tenants continued to re#ain
in t!e traier, t!e andord returned wit! a poice o""icer, w!o was in uni"or# and on
duty, to warn t!e tenants t!at utiities woud be cut o"" i" t!ey stayed0 T!is poice
o""icer ater returned aone, tod t!e tenants t!at proper e%iction procedures were
bein$ used, and ad%ised t!e# to ea%e0 Subse&uenty, t!e o""icer acco#panied t!e
andord w!en t!e utiities were disconnected, but t!e tenants continued to spend so#e
ni$!ts in t!e traier0 In one occasion, t!ree poice o""icers %isited t!e traier in
response to t!e andord4s ca re$ardin$ a "a#iy disturbance, and one o""icer as.ed i"
t!e tenants were sti oo.in$ "or a new renta0 T!e District Court dis#issed t!e
tenants4 M 1983 co#paint, "indin$ t!at t!e poice o""icers !ad ta.en no a""ir#ati%e
action in t!e e%iction, but #erey stood by to .eep t!e peace0 T!e tenants ar$ued on
appea t!at t!ey were denied ?ourteent! -#end#ent ri$!ts w!en t!e andords, wit! poice
aid, used se"@!ep to e%ict t!e# wit!out proper notice and a prior (udicia !earin$0
1ecountin$ t!e %arious tests e#poyed by t!e Supre#e Court to deter#ine t!e e5istence o"
state action, and "indin$ a si#iarity between t!e present case and cases considerin$
poice in%o%e#ent in t!e repossession o" persona property, t!e court stated t!at at
so#e point, as poice in%o%e#ent beco#es increasin$y i#portant, repossession by
pri%ate indi%iduas assu#es t!e c!aracter o" state action0 T!e court obser%ed t!at t!e
e%iction !ad in%o%ed #ore t!an one incident o" poice consent to Tstand byT in case o"
troube0 1at!er, t!e poice participation !ad $i%en t!e tenants t!e i#pression t!at t!e
andord acted e$ay in cuttin$ o"" t!e utiities0 ?urt!er#ore, t!e court stated t!at
t!e poice o""icer !ad acti%ey inter%ened in reco##endin$ t!at t!e tenants ea%e t!e
traier0 T!e court "ound t!e record repete wit! e%idence t!at t!e andords
deiberatey coa.ed t!e#se%es wit! t!e aut!ority o" t!e state in e""ectin$ t!e
repossession0 B!ie a sin$e re&uest "or poice [email protected]$ assistance #i$!t not #a.e
a andord a T(oint actorT wit! t!e state "or M 1983 purposes, t!e court concuded, t!e
andords acted under coor o" state aw w!ere t!ey repeatedy re&uested t!e aid o" t!e
poice to e%ict t!e tenants, and w!ere t!e poice inter%ened at e%ery step0
Certain wron$s a""ect #ore t!an a sin$e ri$!t and, accordin$y, can i#picate #ore t!an
one o" t!e ?edera Constitution4s co##ands' w!ere suc! #utipe %ioations are ae$ed,
t!e courts wi not identi"y as a prei#inary #atter t!e cai#4s Tdo#inantT c!aracter,
but wi e5a#ine eac! constitutiona pro%ision in turn' t!us, in an action under 42
U0S0C0-0 M 1983 by t!e owner o" a traier !o#eRw!ic! action ae$es t!at t!e
Constitution4s ?ourt! -#end#ent was %ioated w!en t!e !o#e was "orciby re#o%ed "ro# a
pri%ate #obie !o#e par. by e#poyees o" t!e par. owner, w!ie county s!eri""4s
deputies, aware t!at t!e par. owner did not !a%e a e$a e%iction order, watc!ed t!e
re#o%a, in"or#ed t!e traier !o#e owner t!at t!ey were t!ere to see t!at !e did not
inter"ere, and re"used to accept !is co#paint "or cri#ina trespassRt!e owner4s ?ourt!
-#end#ent cai# is not propery barred on t!e t!eory t!at t!e owner4s cai# is #ore a.in
to a c!aen$e a$ainst depri%ation o" property wit!out due process0 Soda %0 Coo.
County, +0, 57> U0S0 5>, 113 S0 Ct0 538, 121 ,0 Cd0 2d 457 (1992)0
+n M 1983 action by tenants a$ainst t!eir "or#er andord and county s!eri"" "or
ae$edy e%ictin$ painti""s "ro# t!eir !o#e wit!out aw"u process, "orcin$ t!e# to
i%e on street and su""er oss o" t!eir c!idren, s!eri"" was potentiay iabe in bot!
o""icia and persona capacity, and andord was iabe "or actin$ in concert wit!
s!eri"" under coor o" state aw0 Uuinones % Dur.is (198>, SD ?a) >38 ? Supp 85>0
1ea estate bro.er<s saesperson<s e%idence o" participation in conspiracy, acti%ey
participated in t!e "raud, by #ar.etin$ and sein$ a property t!at t!e purported seer
did not own, by sein$ a property t!at t!e purported seer did not own,
39 a#(ur po"3d 379 rea estate bro.ers #isrepresentation or nondiscosure as to
condition or %aue o" reaty0
C%id o" conspiracy (ud$e !earin$ a case despite !a%in$ stoc. in ban.,
12/ Bri$!t P 3ierE ?edera Grac0 P Groc0 s 1233, State#ent o" Garticuar
3atters@Conspiracy (2714) @4A 4 &F.2d(
:: 12 Construction and -ppication o" T+ntracorporate Conspiracy DoctrineT as
-ppied to Corporation and +ts C#poyees@@State Cases, 2 -0,010>t! 38/ (2775)
M /0 Kiew t!at intracorporate conspiracy doctrine does not appy to corporate
e#poyees actin$ outside scope o" e#poy#ent
6Cu#uati%e Suppe#ent8
B!ie t!e intracorporate conspiracy doctrine by i#pication does not appy to corporate
e#poyees actin$ outside t!e scope o" t!eir e#poy#ent, t!e courts in t!e "oowin$
cases e5picity stated or reco$ni)ed t!is principe0
Hac. %0 Han. o" -#erica, 37 Ca0 -pp0 4t! 1, 35 Ca0 1ptr0 2d /25 (1st Dist0 1994)
M 80 Kiew t!at intracorporate conspiracy doctrine does not appy to corporate
e#poyees wit! independent persona sta.e in ac!ie%in$ ob(ect o" conspiracy
6Cu#uati%e Suppe#ent8
B!ie t!e intracorporate conspiracy doctrine by i#pication does not appy to corporate
e#poyees wit! a persona sta.e, independent o" t!at o" t!e corporation, in ac!ie%in$
t!e ob(ect o" t!e conspiracy, t!e courts in t!e "oowin$ cases e5picity stated or
reco$ni)ed t!is principe0
Hac. %0 Han. o" -#erica, 37 Ca0 -pp0 4t! 1, 35 Ca0 1ptr0 2d /25 (1st Dist0 1994)
M 90 Kiew t!at corporate o""icers and directors can conspire t!rou$! direct
T!e courts in t!e "oowin$ cases !ed or reco$ni)ed t!at, uni.e subordinate e#poyees,
corporate directors and o""icers w!o directy order, aut!ori)e or participate in t!e
corporation4s tortious conduct #ay be !ed iabe as conspirators "or %ioation o" t!eir
own duties toward persons in(ured by t!e corporate tort0 Ca0
Doctors4 Co0 %0 Superior Court, 49 Ca0 3d 39, 2>7 Ca0 1ptr0 183, //5 G02d 578 (1989)
Byatt %0 Union 3ort$a$e Co0, 24 Ca0 3d //3, 15/ Ca0 1ptr0 392, 598 G02d 45 (19/9)
Soon %0 Stern, 2773 B, 22/92325 (Ca0 -pp0 2d Dist0 2773) , unpubis!edVnoncitabe
G3C, +nc0 %0 Oadis!a, /8 Ca0 -pp0 4t! 13>8, 93 Ca0 1ptr0 2d >>3 (2d Dist0 2777) , as
#odi"ied on denia o" re!4$, (-pr0 /, 2777)
2oden %0 -nderson, 25> Ca0 -pp0 2d /14, >4 Ca0 1ptr0 474 (2d Dist0 19>/)
Grice %0 Jibbs, 225 Ca0 -pp0 2d 279, 3/ Ca0 1ptr0 2/7 (5t! Dist0 19>4)
T!e court in Doctors4 Co0 %0 Superior Court, 49 Ca0 3d 39, 2>7 Ca0 1ptr0 183, //5
G02d 578 (1989), !ed t!at t!e iabiity o" corporate directors and o""icers w!o
directy order, aut!ori)e or participate in t!e corporation4s tortious conduct is
outside t!e intracorporate conspiracy doctrine, and suc! persons #ay be !ed iabe, as
conspirators or ot!erwise, "or %ioation o" t!eir own duties toward persons in(ured by
t!e corporate tort0 T!e intracorporate conspiracy doctrine, t!e court e5pained,
precudes ony cai#s a$ainst t!e principa4s subordinate e#poyees and a$ainst a$ents
retained by t!e principa to act as independent contractors "or conspirin$ to %ioate a
duty pecuiar to t!e principa0
UADC1 G-1T+CU,-1 ?-CTS
M 170 B!ere t!ere is no cai# o" e#poyees4 actin$ outside scope o" e#poy#ent or "or
persona interestRConspiracy cai# supportabe
6Cu#uati%e Suppe#ent8
::-ppyin$ t!e intracorporate conspiracy doctrine in an action a$ainst a corporation
and one or #ore o" its e#poyees, or a$ainst #utipe e#poyees o" t!e sa#e corporation,
in w!ic! t!ere was no cai# t!at t!e corporate e#poyees were actin$ outside t!e scope
o" t!eir e#poy#ent, or in "urt!erance o" t!eir own persona interests, t!e courts in
t!e "oowin$ cases !ed t!at, under t!e circu#stances, a "indin$ o" a conspiracy by t!e
de"endants was supportabe w!ere two or #ore separate corporations were ae$edy
in%o%ed in t!e conspiracy0
M 110 B!ere t!ere is no cai# o" e#poyees4 actin$ outside scope o" e#poy#ent or "or
persona interestRConspiracy cai# not estabis!ed
6Cu#uati%e Suppe#ent8
-ppyin$ t!e intracorporate conspiracy doctrine in an action a$ainst a corporation and
one or #ore o" its e#poyees, or a$ainst #utipe e#poyees o" t!e sa#e corporation, in
w!ic! t!ere was no cai# t!at t!e corporate e#poyees were actin$ outside t!e scope o"
t!eir e#poy#ent, or in "urt!erance o" t!eir own persona interests, t!e courts in t!e
"oowin$ cases !ed t!at, under t!e circu#stances, a "indin$ o" a conspiracy by t!e
de"endants was not supportabe0
See Bise %0 Sout!ern Gac0 Co0, 223 Ca0 -pp0 2d 57, 35 Ca0 1ptr0 >52 (1st Dist0 19>3)
(disappro%ed o" on ot!er $rounds by, -ppied C&uip#ent Corp0 %0 ,itton Saudi -rabia
,td0, / Ca0 4t! 573, 28 Ca0 1ptr0 2d 4/5, 8>9 G02d 454 (1994)), an action by a
ter#inated rairoad e#poyee a$ainst t!e rairoad, t!e rairoad wor.ers4 union, and
e#poyees o" t!e rairoad and t!e union, in w!ic! t!e court !ed t!at, w!ie a
conspiracy between t!e rairoad and t!e union was supportabe, t!e e#poyees coud not
ta.e part in any conspiracy0 T!e court noted t!at t!ere was no ae$ation t!at t!e
e#poyees were actin$ in any capacity ot!er t!an wit!in t!e course and scope o" t!eir
e#poy#ent0 Aor was t!ere any ae$ation, t!e court continued, e5pressy statin$ or "ro#
w!ic! it coud reasonaby be in"erred t!at t!e e#poyees were actin$ "or t!eir
indi%idua ad%anta$e0
T!e disappro%a o" t!e Bise case by -ppied C&uip#ent was not on t!e #atter o"
intracorporate conspiracy, but rat!er on t!e &uestion w!et!er a party to a contract can
be iabe "or t!e tort o" inter"erence wit! a contractua reations!ip0
See aso t!e "oowin$ cases, in w!ic! t!ere was no cai# t!at t!e de"endant corporate
e#poyees were actin$ outside t!e scope o" t!eir e#poy#ent, or in "urt!erance o" t!eir
own persona interests, and in w!ic! t!e courts !ed t!at, under t!e circu#stances, t!e
intracorporate conspiracy doctrine precuded t!e "indin$ o" a conspiracy, w!ereR
Ran insurance ad(ustin$ "ir#, its e#poyee, a aw "ir#, and its e#poyee ae$edy
conspired wit! insurance co#panies to depri%e t!e painti"" o" bene"its to w!ic! !e was
entited under !is "ire insurance poicies0 2ruenber$ %0 -etna +ns0 Co0, 9 Ca0 3d 5>>,
178 Ca0 1ptr0 487, 517 G02d 1732 (19/3) 0
Rt!e owners o" a $roup o" businesses sued a ban. and certain o" its e#poyees "or ci%i
conspiracy, "raud, and reated cai#s w!en t!e ban. "aied to renew oans or $rant new
oans to t!e co#panies0 Hac. %0 Han. o" -#erica, 37 Ca0 -pp0 4t! 1, 35 Ca0 1ptr0 2d
/25 (1st Dist0 1994) 0
Ra aid@o"" e#poyee cai#ed t!at !is "or#er e#poyer, and certain o" its o""icers,
conspired to de"raud !i# re$ardin$ !is ayo""0 Oerr %0 1ose, 21> Ca0 -pp0 3d 1551, 2>5
Ca0 1ptr0 59/, 5 +0C010 Cas0 (HA-) 32, 118 ,ab0 Cas0 (CCJ) W 5>54> (>t! Dist0 1997) 0
Ra ban. and its e#poyees ae$edy conspired to re&uire t!e painti"" to return "unds
!e !ad recei%ed w!en !e cas!ed two c!ec.s t!at were subse&uenty dis!onored0 ,awrence
%0 Han. o" -#erica, 1>3 Ca0 -pp0 3d 431, 279 Ca0 1ptr0 541, 47 U0C0C0 1ep0 Ser%0 271
(1st Dist0 1985) 0
Ra uni%ersity and its "acuty #e#bers ae$edy conspired to depri%e t!e painti"", a
student at t!e uni%ersity, o" !er education w!en t!e uni%ersity4s "acuty went on stri.e
to protest t!e Kietna# Bar0 Xu#brun %0 Uni%ersity o" Sout!ern Cai"ornia, 25 Ca0 -pp0
3d 1, 171 Ca0 1ptr0 499, 51 -0,0103d 991 (2d Dist0 19/2) 0
M 120 B!ere t!ere is cai# o" e#poyees4 actin$ outside scope o" e#poy#ent or "or
persona interestRConspiracy cai# supportabe
6Cu#uati%e Suppe#ent8
-ppyin$ t!e intracorporate conspiracy doctrine in an action a$ainst a corporation and
one or #ore o" its e#poyees, or a$ainst #utipe e#poyees o" t!e sa#e corporation, t!e
courts in t!e "oowin$ cases !ed supportabe, under t!e circu#stances, t!e painti""4s
cai# t!at t!e corporate e#poyees were actin$ outside t!e scope o" t!eir e#poy#ent, or
in "urt!erance o" t!eir own persona interests, so as to per#it a "indin$ o" a
conspiracy by t!e de"endants0
State correctiona o""icers were not actin$ wit!in scope o" t!eir e#poy#ent w!en t!ey
ae$edy "orced in#ate to "i$!t "eow in#ate, and t!reatened to beat in#ate wit! baton
and en$a$e in (oint co%er@up i" in#ate did not "inis! "i$!t wit! "eow in#ate, and t!us
intracorporate conspiracy doctrine did not precude in#ate4s M 1983 conspiracy cai#
a$ainst o""icers0 42 U0S0C0-0 M 19830 1ande %0 -e5ander, 9>7 ?0 Supp0 2d 45/ (S0D0
A0S0 2713)0
+ntra@enterprise doctrine did not bar "or#er city "ire"i$!ter4s cai# t!at !er "or#er
[email protected] and super%isors conspired to sub(ect !er to !arass#ent because o" !er $ender
and !er e5ercise o" !er ?irst -#end#ent "ree speec! ri$!ts, w!ere "ire"i$!ter ae$ed
t!at s!e was sub(ected to %erba abuse, denied opportunity to respond to e#er$ency
cas, and ter#inated, and t!at ae$ed se5ua !arass#ent by deputy "ire c!ie" and
tauntin$ "ro# [email protected] "e outside scope o" t!eir e#poy#ent0 U0S0C0-0 Const0-#ends0
1, 14' 42 U0S0C0-0 M 1985(3)0 Byatt %0 City o" Harre, 885 ?0 Supp0 2d >82 (D0 Kt0
3ort$a$ors4 ae$ations t!at two corporate e#poyees used t!e corporate entity as t!eir
ater e$o and as a conduit t!rou$! w!ic! t!ey de"rauded t!e #ort$a$ors, w!o !ad been
"acin$ #ort$a$e "orecosure, were su""icient to #eet t!e re&uire#ent, "or peadin$ a
cai# o" ci%i conspiracy between a corporation and its e#poyees, o" ae$in$ t!at t!e
e#poyees were actin$ outside t!e scope o" t!eir aut!ority or ot!er t!an in t!e nor#a
course o" t!eir corporate duties0 Cic!er %0 3id -#erica ?inancia +n%0 Corp0, 2/5 Aeb0
4>2, /48 A0B02d 1 (2778)0
::De%eoper4s ci%i conspiracy cai# a$ainst county counci #e#bers was not precuded by
intracorporate conspiracy doctrine t!at pre%ents a conspiracy between persons actin$ wit!in
t!e scope o" t!eir e#poy#ent, w!ere de%eoper asserted ci%i conspiracy cai# a$ainst
counci #e#bers in t!eir indi%idua capacities, rat!er t!an t!eir o""icia capacities as
counci #e#bers0 Cric.et Co%e Kentures, ,,C %0 2iand, /71 S0C02d 39 (S0C0 Ct0 -pp0 2717)0
Hac. %0 Han. o" -#erica, 37 Ca0-pp04t! 1, >, 35 Ca01ptr02d /25 (Ca0-pp0 1 Dist0 Ao%
15, 1994)
- corporation is, o" course, a e$a "iction t!at cannot act at a e5cept t!rou$! its
e#poyees and a$ents0 (See Shoemaker v. ,yers (1997) 52 Ca03d 1, 25, 2/> Ca01ptr0
373, 871 G02d 17540) B!en a corporate e#poyee acts in t!e course o" !is or !er
e#poy#ent, on be!a" o" t!e corporation, t!ere is no entity apart "ro# t!e e#poyee
wit! w!o# t!e e#poyee can conspire0
9 ; 96+8t is basic in t!e aw o" conspiracy
t!at you #ust !a%e two persons or entities to !a%e a conspiracy0 - corporation cannot
conspire wit! itse" any #ore t!an a pri%ate indi%idua can, and it is t!e $enera rue
t!at t!e acts o" t!e a$ent are t!e acts o" t!e corporation0000= < = ()err v. 'ose
(1997) 21> Ca0-pp03d 1551, 15>4, 2>5 Ca01ptr0 59/, &uotin$ Shasta Do#glas /il Co. v.
!ork (19>3) 212 Ca0-pp02d >18, >24, 28 Ca01ptr0 197' .."294#mr#n v. University of
So#thern California (19/2) 25 Ca0-pp03d 1, 12Q13, 171 Ca01ptr0 4990) To !od t!at a
subordinate e#poyee o" a corporation can be iabe "or conspirin$ wit! t!e corporate
principa woud destroy w!at !as !ereto"ore been t!e setted rue t!at a corporation
cannot conspire wit! itse"0
+n t!e absence o" a cear state#ent "ro# t!e Supre#e
Court t!at t!is c!an$e in t!e aw is intended, we wi not so i#pair t!e a$ent4s
i##unity rue0
?A30 ::-ppeants cannot rey upon t!e e5ception to t!e rue o" a$ent4s i##unity
aowin$ corporate e#poyees to be !ed iabe "or conspiracy wit! t!eir principa w!en
t!ey act "or t!eir own indi%idua ad%anta$e and not soey on be!a" o" t!e
corporation, or act beyond t!e scope o" t!eir aut!ority0 (See, e0$0, Doctors( Co. v.
S#perior Co#rt, s#pra, 49 Ca03d at p0 4/, 2>7 Ca01ptr0 183, //5 G02d 578' !ise v.
So#thern Pacific Co., s#pra, 223 Ca0-pp02d at p0 /2, 35 Ca01ptr0 >52' Pink S#pply
Corp. v. *ieert, .nc. (8t! Cir0198>) /88 ?02d 1313, 131/' &#schi v. )irven (4t!
Cir01985) //5 ?02d 1247, 12520) +n t!e %eri"ied "irst a#ended cross@co#paint
appeants "ied in t!eir pre%ious case (case no0 85/395) t!ey ae$ed t!e indi%idua
de"endants co##itted t!e assertedy wron$"u acts 9in t!e course and scope o" t!eir
respecti%e e#poy#ent and a$ency "or t!e Han.0= T!ey cannot now, in a desperate atte#pt
to state a cai# "or conspiracy, directy contradict t!ese ae$ations and assert t!at
t!e sa#e o""icers were actin$ eyond t!e scope o" t!eir aut!ority0 (Cant# v.
'esol#tion 3r#st Corp. (1992) 4 Ca0-pp04t! 85/, 8//Q8/8, > Ca01ptr02d 151 6painti""
#ay not a%oid de#urrer by peadin$ "acts t!at contradict "acts peaded in earier
?A40 T!e indi%idua de"endants in t!is case were Han. e#poyees w!o carried out but did
not create Han. poicies0 ,iabiity t!ere"ore cannot attac! to t!ese de"endants under
t!e rue t!at directors and o""icers o" a corporation #ay beco#e iabe "or t!e
corporation4s tortious conduct i" t!ey 9directy ordered, aut!ori)ed or participated in
t!e tortious conduct0= (!yatt v. Union ,ortgage Co. (19/9) 24 Ca03d //3, /85, 15/
Ca01ptr0 392, 598 G02d 450)
:i+e v. Sout'ern 1ac. Co., 223 Cal.$!!.2d 5%, "2, 35 Cal.R!tr. 852, 49 5a,.Ca+. 1
51,%51 &Cal.$!!. 1 Di+t., Dec %8, 1983(
Be !od t!at a cause o" action "or conspiracy wi ie a$ainst t!e de"endant Co#pany0
20 Corporate agents as conspirators0
6248 6258 De"endants assert t!at t!e de"endants Jit.e and S#it! cannot be (oined as
conspirators0 Be t!in. t!is point is we ta.en0 -$ents and e#poyees o" a corporation
cannot conspire wit! t!eir corporate principa or e#poyer w!ere t!ey act in t!eir
o""icia capacities on be!a" o" t!e corporation and not as indi%iduas "or t!eir
indi%idua ad%anta$e0 ( Hiss %0 Sout!ern Gaci"ic Co#pany (1958) 212 Ir0 >34, 321 G02d
324, 328Q329' 3ay %0 Santa ?e Trai Transportation Co0, supra, 3/7 G02d 397, 3950) T!is
rue deri%es "ro# t!e principe t!at ordinariy corporate a$ents and e#poyees actin$
"or and on be!a" o" t!e corporation cannot be !ed iabe "or inducin$ a breac! o" t!e
corporation4s contract."3 since bein$ in a con"identia reations!ip to t!e corporation
t!eir action in t!is respect is pri%ie$ed0 T!e induce#ent o" t!e breac! to be
actionabe #ust be bot! wron$"u and unpri%ie$ed0 ( +#peria +ce Co0 %0 rossier (1941)
18 Ca02d 33, 38, 112 G02d >31' ,awess %0 Hrot!er!ood o" Gainters (195>) 143
Ca0-pp02d 4/4, 4/8, 377 G02d 159' 3ay %0 Santa ?e Trai Transportation Co0, supra' 37
-#0Lur0 82' 2> -0,0102d 12/7Q12/10)
62>8 +n t!e instant case, it is ae$ed in t!e second count t!at at a ti#es #entioned
de"endants Jit.e and S#it! were ;e#poyees, a$ents and representati%es4 o" t!eir
respecti%e corporations and ;were actin$ wit!in t!e course and scope o" t!eir said
e#poy#ent : : :0< ::T!ere is no ae$ation t!at t!ey were actin$ in any ot!er
capacity0 ::T!ere is no ae$ation e5pressy statin$ or "ro# w!ic! it can be reasonaby
in"erred t!at t!ey were actin$ "or t!eir indi%idua ad%anta$e0 T!e ae$ation t!at t!e
acts o" t!ese de"endants were #oti%ated by #aice and were intentiona woud not i#pose
iabiity0 (+#peria +ce Co0 %0 1ossier, supra0)
Be !od t!at t!e second count "ais to set "ort! "acts su""icient to constitute a
cause o" action a$ainst de"endants Jit.e and S#it!0
..888 30 Ca#sal connection etween conspiracy and discharge0
62/8 De"endants4 contention t!at painti"" !as "aied to ae$e a causa connection
between t!e conspiracy and !is disc!ar$e #ust succu#b to a "air readin$ o" t!e
ae$ations o" t!e second count aready set "ort! by us0 T!ey ae$e a conspiracy "or
t!e purpose o" securin$ painti""4s disc!ar$e, t!e per"or#ance o" certain acts pursuant
t!ereto and "inay t!at t!e de"endant Co#pany ;in "urt!erance o" said a$ree#ent did on
3arc! 2, 19>7, wit!out cause, wron$"uy disc!ar$e painti"" : : :0< T!is is a pain and
cear state#ent t!at t!e disc!ar$e resuted "ro# t!e conspiracy0
-nd t!e court stated at p0 /4,
50 Su""iciency o" ae$ations o" second count0
De"endants4 contention t!at t!e second count by reae$in$ a but two para$rap!s o"
t!e "irst count is ;sub(ect to a o" t!e insu""iciencies4 o" t!e "irst count #ust "ai
in %iew o" t!e concusions w!ic! we !a%e reac!ed as to t!e su""iciency o" t!e "irst
6298 6378 Be t!ere"ore turn to t!e &uestion o" t!e su""iciency o" t!e conspiracy
ae$ations t!e#se%es0 To state suc! a cause o" action, as aready pointed out, t!e
co#paint #ust ae$e (1) t!e "or#ation and operation o" t!e conspiracy, (2) t!e
wron$"u act or acts done pursuant t!ereto and (3) t!e resutin$ da#a$e0 Be !a%e
!ereto"ore set "ort! and need not !ere repeat t!e ae$ations o" t!e second count to
t!e e""ect t!at prior to Lanuary 21, 19>7, t!e de"endant Co#pany conspired wit! its
code"endants to brin$ "ase c!ar$es a$ainst painti"" and to depri%e painti"" o" a "air
!earin$ on suc! c!ar$es "or t!e purpose o" securin$ !is disc!ar$e in %ioation o" t!e
union a$ree#ent0 T!is is a su""icient state#ent o" t!e "irst ee#ent o" t!e cause o"
action0 (See Cai"ornia -uto Court -ss4n %0 Co!n, supra, 98 Ca0-pp02d 145, 14/, 149,
219 G02d 511' 2reenwood %0 3ooradian (1955) 13/ Ca0-pp02d 532, 53/Q538, 297 G02d 9550)
T!e second count t!erea"ter ae$es t!at t!e de"endant -ssociation ("or reasons aready
stated we o#it re"erence to de"endant S#it! and ot!er a$ents) pursuant to t!e a$ree#ent
induced certain persons to $i%e "ase state#ents and to appear and testi"y "asey about
painti""' and t!at t!e de"endant Co#pany, pursuant to t!e a$ree#ent, #ade "ase
c!ar$es a$ainst painti"", .nowin$y recei%ed suc! "ase state#ents and testi#ony,
depri%ed painti"" o" a "air !earin$ and "inay disc!ar$ed !i# wit!out cause0 +t is
cear t!at t!ese are wron$"u acts w!ic! wor. an in%asion o" ."5 painti""4s ri$!t to
continue in e#poy#ent accordin$ to t!e pro%isions o" t!e coecti%e bar$ainin$
a$ree#ent0 +t is aso cear t!at eac! participant in suc! acts is responsibe as a (oint
tort "easor ..88" w!et!er or not it was a direct actor in respect to eac! o" t!e#0 (See
3o5, +ncorporated %0 Boods, supra, 272 Ca0 >/5, >//Q>/8, 2>2 G0 372' 2reenwood %0
3ooradian, supra0) T!us, t!ere is aso a su""icient ae$ation o" t!e second ee#ent o"
t!e cause o" action0 Ao &uestion is raised as to t!e ae$ation o" t!e t!ird ee#ent o"
Be concude t!at t!e second count states "acts su""icient to constitute a cause o"
action a$ainst de"endants Co#pany and -ssociation0

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