Examination For Surveyors & Loss Assessors Syllabus

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Examination for Surveyors & Loss Assessors Syllabus

SECTION -I Principles an Practice of !eneral Insurance an Insurance Surveys"
A. !eneral Insurance Original evelopment an! "rowth of "eneral #ns$rance %$siness &istor' an! evelopment of "eneral #ns$rance %$siness in #n!ia (rinciples of #ns$rance )lassification of #ns$rance #ns$rance oc$ments *heor' An! (ractice Of +ating (olic' wor!ing , -.cl$sions , cla$ses *'pes of /osses )laims0 Ar1itration0 conciliation +is2 3anagement / /oss (revention /aws an! +eg$lations impacting #ns$rance an! 4$rve' %$siness %. Surveys 4$rve'ors , Origin an! !evelopment of (rofession. +ole 5 6$nctions of 4$rve'ors an! /oss Assessors



&istorical evelopment of (rofession in #n!ia /icensing +eg$lations0 )o!e of )on!$ct0 )ategori7ation +e8$isite of 4$rve'9 :a; :1; :c; :!; :e; :f; :g; :h; :i; /oss Assessment epreciation 4egregation , affecte!0 $naffecte! *esting +epairs +eplacement /a1o$r )osts <al$ation of $se! propert'0 <ehicles0 3achiner' etc. <al$ation of 4$rve'

Acco$nting #np$ts as in :#+ A; /oss minimi7ation :#+ A; 42ills of investigation +eport =riting -thics



SECTION -II Tec#nical Sub$ects

1. %ire Insurance %ire Insurance &n er'ritin( a. 1. c. !. e. f. g. h. i. ?. %asic (rinciples All #n!ia 6ire *ariff 6ire (olic' 6orms 4pecial (erils 4pecial (olicies An! )la$ses +ating (ractice Of 6ire #ns$rance An! (olic' rafting >n!erwriting 5 +eins$rance 4pecialise! (olicies Overseas (ractice

!eneral %ire )a*ar s Originating an! contri1$tor' ca$ses of fire ha7ar!s. 2. 3. A. 5. B. 6ire loa! @ 6ire resistance @ 6ire gra!ing of str$ct$res @ &a7ar!s arising from constr$ction. *ariff classification of %l!gs.0 &a7ar!s arising o$t of e.pos$re0 height0 si7e an! m$ltiple occ$panc' @ 4ilent +is2s. &a7ar!s of air,con!itioning an! ventilation s'stem. Air moving e8$ipment0 +ef$se han!ling s'stems an! s$ch other services. &a7ar!s of 1oilers an! f$rnaces. #n!$strial f$rnaces / ovens @ &eat transfer an! fl$i! power s'stem @ #nternal com1$stion engines.


7. 8. D. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1A.

Cat$re of com1$stion0 e.plosion an! implosion. #norganic an! organic chemicals an! their ha7ar!s. #n!$strial processes @ Cight wor2. &a7ar!s of electrical e8$ipment @ (ower transmission. 6ire an! -.plosion (revention Cat$re an! mo!es of generation of electricit' , 6low an! effect of electric c$rrent , irect an! alternative c$rrent , >se of electricit' an! fire ha7ar!s , electrochemistr' , -lectol'sis -8$ipments for generating0 receiving0 controlling0 transmitting0 !istri1$ting an! control of electricit'. *heir constr$ction0 operation an! ha7ar!s , 4tatic electric prevention of electric ha7ar!s. Assessments an! prevention of fire ha7ar!s of s$1stances. %ire an Conse+uential Loss Insurance #ns$ra1le (ropert' , Application of %asic (rinciples )overage $n!er vario$s fire policies , special perils


6ire *ariff , +ating , >n!erwriting , +is2 inspection , 6ire &a7ar!s an! 6ire (revention.

4pecial poilicies 1B. 6ire !oc$ments , )over no!e , (olic' o -n!orsements. )laims $n!er fire policies , /egal an! (roce!$ral aspects. 17. *he 1asic loss of profits polic' , s$m ins$re! an! in!emnit' perio!, rating , e.tensions of the polic' , claims assessment an! proce!$re %ire Insurance Claims *he law relating to fire ins$rance contracts , #n!ian contract Act0 )ommon /aw , (rinciples of $tmost goo! faith0 ins$ra1le interest , in!emnit'0 s$1rogation an! contri1$tion. )overage $n!er policies0 A/%/) , )on!itions an! =arranties. )laims $n!er special policies0 special perils e.tensions an! other e.tensions of the polic'.



=hat constit$tes a loss E , octrine of pro.imate ca$se , on$s of proof , +ight an! !$ties of a parties. 18. 1D. 20. Ascertainment of amo$nt of loss pa'a1le. Average an! escalation cla$se. 4alvage.

Appointment of loss $n!er !o$1le ins$rance an! conc$rrent an! non, conc$rrent policies. Office proce!$re relating to claims , f$nctions an! !$ties of s$rve'ors , (rocess of loss s$rve'ing an! loss assessment , 6inal s$rve' report , 3iscellaneo$s legal aspect , =aiver , -stopper , =itho$t pre?$!ice , e.,gratia pa'ments , (a'ments 1' mista2e , (a'ments to persons other than the ins$re! , assignment of claim procee!s , r$les for constr$ction of policies0 e?$s!em generis r$le. %ire Surveys - ,et#o olo(y Assessment of /osses %$il!ing 3achiner' 6$rnit$re0 6i.t$res0 6ittings0 -lectrical installation 4toc2s 4pecial (erils )ontents of a 4$rve' +eport -" Conse+uential Loss Insurance Purpose an Outline =h' is )onse8$ential /oss #ns$rance necessar'E , )onse8$ential losses not covere! , &ow can (rotection 1e provi!e! Against /oss of -arning (ower E , -vol$tion , O$tline of (resent )onse8$ential /oss #ns$rance (olic'.



Scope of Present Conse+uential Loss Insurance Policy *he 4tan!ar! (olic' form , *he 4che!$le , *he 4pecificationF *$rnover %asis. &n er'ritin(. /atin( an Proposal %orm #nterr$ption +is2s, >n!erwriting , +ating , the (roposal 6orms Ascertainment of Sum Insure &ow to arrive at the 4$m to 1e #ns$re! , Acco$nts =hat is a 4tan!ing )hargeE , Cet (rofit an! *a.ation. A itional Items

=ages, +ent +eceiva1le , A!!itional #ncrease in )ost of =or2ing , A$!itorGs 6ees , 6ines an! (enalties Extensions an A itional Perils

-.tensions , A!!itional (erils

0ariations in Policy 1or in(s <ariations in 4pecification =or!ings , A!!itional )la$ses. Alternate In ices of Activity O$tp$t, 4ales <al$e of O$tp$t , #np$t an! *hro$gho$t , (ro!$ctive =ages , 4pin!les or /ooms , +even$e Losses *he #ns$re! , *he )ompan' an! the A!?$ster , *he /oss A!?$stment !eneral /evision - Pertinent Points




,otor Insurance"

&istor' of motor ins$rance , Application of 1asic principles of ins$rance , *'pes of vehicles , *'pes of policies , *he 3otor <ehicles Act0 1D880 as amen!e! >pto !ate , #mportant legal !ecisions. 4cope of cover $n!er !ifferent t'pes of policies , *ariff +$les an! +eg$lations , (roposal forms , >n!erwriting , +ating , -.tras an! !isco$nts , )over notes / )ertificates of ins$rance , (olic' forms , en!orsements , +enewals , )laims processing an! settlement , 3A)* , /o2 A!alat / /o2 C'a'ala'a , Hal! +ahat Iogana. 3otor )laims , 6orms , )hec2 lists , 3inimisation programme. Surveys - ,et#o olo(y 4$rve's on !ifferent t'pes of vehicles *wo =heelers *hree =heelers *a.ies (rivate )ars %$ses an! *r$c2s 4pecial t'pes of vehicles )ontents of a 3otor 4$rve' +eport A. ,arine Car(o Insurance ,arine &n er'ritin( a. 1. c. !. e. f. g. h. i. #ntro!$ction omestic an! #nternational *ra!e )argo #ns$rance oc$ments )argo #ns$rance )overages >n!erwriting "$i!elines an! *ariffs )argo >n!erwriting an! +ating @ 1 )argo >n!erwriting an! +ating @ 2 &$ll #ns$rance @ 1 &$ll #ns$rance @ 2



?. 2.

3aritime 6ra$! +eins$rance

Car(o Loss Prevention *'pes an! ca$ses for marine cargo loss. +ole of #ns$rers in cargo loss prevention. Activities an! role of /.(.A. :/oss (revention Association; an! #>3# :#nternational >nion of 3arine #ns$rers;. (ac2ing an! (ac2aging 9 (rogress ma!e in other co$ntries of the worl!. <ario$s t'pes an! metho!s of pac2ing. +ole of #n!ian #nstit$te of (ac2aging. 4torage of cargo 9 6actors affecting safet' of cargo in storage. 4ta2ing metho!s for 1agge! cargo0 cases0 cartons0 1ales0 1arrels0 !r$ms0 ).#. sheets0 pipes an! 1ars0 etc. 4pecial preca$tions for storage of ha7ar!o$s cargo. 3aterial han!ling 9 4afe han!ling practices for vario$s t'pes of pac2ages an! cargo. +oa! transportation of ha7ar!o$s s$1stances @ 3otor <ehicles Act an! +$les @ /oa!ing an! $nloa!ing operations an! s$ita1ilit' of cargo han!ling gear0 safe wor2ing practices an! s'stems. )ommon ca$ses of loss / !amage to cargo !$ring inlan! transit 1' rail / roa! an! minimisation of losses. 4towage on 1oar! ships 9 *'pes of !amage cargo can s$ffer from improper stowage an! how this can 1e avoi!e! thro$gh correct preparation of cargo hol!s to receive vario$s t'pes of cargo. >nitisation an! containerisation 9 3a?or t'pes of losses to which $nitise! / container cargo is prone to "eneral stowage r$les for safe carriage of $nitise! cargo @ containerisation of !angero$s cargo @ H3 " )o!e @ 3$lti 3o!al transportation. *heft / (ilferage 9 &ow it arises in respect of vario$s t'pes of pac2ing an! the preca$tionar' meas$res recommen!e! to minimise / prevent this t'pe of loss. (orts an! c$stoms proce!$res. ,arine Insurance Claims



a. b.
c. !. e. f.

#ntro!$ction *'pes Of /osses )argo )laims :(art 9, 1; )argo )laims :(art 9, 2; )argo )laims :(art 9, 3; )argo )laims :(art 9, A; +ecoveries )laims On (olicies Of #ns$rance On 4hips )ollision /ia1ilities An! 6reight )laims "eneral Average 5 4alvage


i. j.

Car(o Surveys- ,et#o olo(y #nlan! *ransit : +ail / +oa! / #nlan! <essel ; #mport 4hipments : 4ea / Air ; *'pes of commo!ities / *'pes of losses *'pes of pac2ing )ons$mer )a$ses of loss / !amages )ontain )argo 4pecial t'pes of )argo 3$lti , 3o!al transportation )ontents of a )argo 4$rve' report.

5. En(ineerin( 21. 22. 4cope of -ngineering ins$rance , Origin an! !evelopment of engineering ins$rance , Application of 1asic principles. *'pes of plant an! associate! ha7ar!s , -ngines0 +efrigerating plant an! general machiner' , /ifts0 cranes0 material han!ling plant an! e8$ipment , %oilers0 press$re plant an! electrical machiner'.



)ontractors All +is2s , 4cope of cover0 rating0 $n!erwriting an! claims processing $n!er !ifferent engineering policies , -rection All +is2s , 3arine, c$m,-rection. )ontractorGs (lant an! 3achiner' , %oiler an! (ress$re (lant , 3achiner' %rea2!own , /oss of (rofits following machiner' 1rea2!own / 1oiler e.plosion , A!vance /oss of (rofits , eterioration of stoc2 in )ol! 4torage , -lectronic e8$ipment , 3iscellaneo$s engineering policies , *ariff provisions. 4$rve's an! +is2 #nspection , 4tat$tor' reg$lations. /oss (revention an! 3inimisation. En(ineerin( Surveys - met#o olo(y Assessment of losses $n!er 3arine,c$m,-rection policies )ontractors 4ea +is2s/ -rection All +is2s )ontractors (lant an! 3achiner'. 3achiner' %rea2!own %oiler -.plosion )ol! 4torage -lectronic -8$ipment 3iscellaneo$s -ngineering (olicies )ontents of a s$rve' report in each of the a1ove


25. 2B.

B. Public Liability Insurance Application of 1asic principles of ins$rance , /egal aspects , /aw of torts , 4tat$tor' lia1ilities , )omp$lsor' /ia1ilit' #ns$rance Act , Cational -nvironment *ri1$nal Act , )ontract$al lia1ilities , &istorical 1ac2gro$n!. )over $n!er ($1lic lia1ilit' policies for non,in!$strial ris2s an! in!$strial ris2s an! $n!er pro!$cts lia1ilit' polic'. -.tensions an! en!orsements , (roposal forms an! +is2 Assessment forms0 metho!s of rating , +$les of 3ar2et Agreement.

, 10


)omp$lsor' p$1lic lia1ilit' ins$rance , (rovisions of the ($1lic lia1ilit' #ns$rance Act0 1DD1 an! the +$les frame! there$n!er0 (roposal form an! the metho!s of rating. (rofessional in!emnities )overage0 metho!s of rating an! proposal form. irectors an! Officers /ia1ilit' ins$rance. =or2menGs )ompensation Act0 1D23 :as amen!e!;. -mplo'erGs /ia1ilit' , #ns$rance , coverage0 metho!s of rating0 proposal form , *ariff +$les. )laims processing. Surveys - ,et#o olo(y Assessment of *hir! (art' (ersonal #n?$ries / (ropert' amage )omp$lsor' ($1lic /ia1ilit' (olic' #n!$strial +is2s /ia1ilit' (olic' Con,#n!$strial +is2s /ia1ilit' (olic' (ro!$cts /ia1ilit' (olic' )ontents of a 4$rve' +eport in each of the a1ove.

7. ,iscellaneous Insurance (ersonal Acci!ent #ns$rance , %asic (rinciples , )overage an! %enefits , (rovisos an! -.cl$sions , +ating , -.tensions , isco$nts , )laims proce!$res , "ro$p policies. 3e!iclaim , %enefits , -.cl$sions , isco$nts , )on!itions , "ro$p , )laims , )ancer polic' , eferre! me!iclaim. Overseas me!ical , %enefits an! con!itions , -.cl$sions , Overseas practice. *'pes , %$rglar' , 4cope , -.cl$sions , -.tensions , >n!erwriting , 4$rve' , )laims.

, 11


%aggage , >n!erwriting , )laims. 3one' in transit , -.cl$sions , )on!itions , -.tensions , >n!erwriting. 6i!elit' g$arantee , )overage , *'pes , )on!itions , >n!erwriting , #nvestigation. )o$rt %on!s , /i8$i!ator an! +eceivership %on!s , "overnment 1on!s. %an2erGs %lan2et an! Hewellers %loc2 policies , -.cl$sions , )on!itions , +ating , )laims. Other miscellaneo$s policies , (e!al c'cle , (late glass , 4pecial contingenc' , 3issing !oc$ments , Ceon sign , %loo! stoc2 :&orse; , (et !og , 4ports , *elevision , 4hop2eepers , &o$sehol!ers , 3$ltiperil for /(" :"as; !ealers , octors pac2age , Office protection , A!hi2ari 4$ra2sha Javach , 4$hana 4afar. +$ral #ns$rances , )attle , 4heep , (o$ltr' , 4hrimps , (rawns , Other /ivestoc2 , 4eller norms0 &ortic$lt$re0 /ift irrigation0 4alt wor2s0 6armers pac2age0 (ersonal Acci!ent 4ocial 4ec$rit'0 &$t )overage0 -.cl$sions an! con!itions , )laims proce!$res , 3ar2et agreements. Survey - ,et#o olo(y Assessment of losses *$rnover / o$tp$t 1asis $al =ages an! other metho!s of ens$ing wages 3achiner' %rea2!own / %oiler -.plosion A!vance (rofits 4$1?ect , # "eneral Cotes.

1. #n each s$1?ect will cover 2nowle!ge of 1asic principles0 coverages0 polic' con!itions an! warrantees0 ris2 inspection0 if an'0 internal claims proce!$re of ins$rance companies an! !oc$ments relating to $n!er writing an! claims. *his will 1e a 6o$n!ation )o$rse 2. 4$1?ects in ##

, 12


*his will provi!e for specalisation in each s$1?ect. (art A will provi!e. Jnowle!ge of (olic' )overages0 (olic' con!itions special 0 4chemes of #ns$rance 0 A!!itional )overages etc. (art % =ill cover the process of 4$rve' an! /oss Assessment.

, 13

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