CASE STUDY On Francis Xavier Kolkata
CASE STUDY On Francis Xavier Kolkata
CASE STUDY On Francis Xavier Kolkata
Xavier Financial Corporation ltd. i a !"ltinational
co!pan# $it% it %ead&"arter in 'ol(ata and %a
active )ranc%e pread all over t%e co"ntr#. *.
R"pali +oined t%e corporation a a prod"ct
!ana,er and $a e-cient at $or(. In t%e ne.t
co"ple o/ #ear0 %e !arried a )"ine"tive
$%o %ad ta(en "p a +o) in anot%er *NC near
national capital and ")e&"entl# %e %i/ted %er
+o) to t%e national capital $%ere %e $a re&"ired
to $or( in a prod"ct develop!ent ,ro"p %eaded )#
*r. Ro%an0 $%o %ad +oined t%e or,ani1ation t$o
#ear )ac( )"t %ad !ade %i!el/ an e-cient
)"ine"tive. *r. Ro%an $a &"ic( to identi/#
*. R"pali 2 talent and tarted to !ove cloe to
%er to ,ain %er ,ood$ill and "pport to %i !ove.
T%e latent o)+ective $a to levera,e R"pali3
talent to %i o$n ,ro$t% propect in t%e
corporate.. 4%enever0 !eetin, and preentation
$ere or,ani1ed )# R"pali0 Ro%an "ed to ,o $it%
%er. All alon, %e $a "nder t%e i!preion t%at
%er "pervior $a intereted in (no$in, ne$
prod"ct0 $%ic% %e %ad developed.
*ean$%ile0 R"pali developed t$o !ore ne$
prod"ct and $a tr#in, %er )et to pro!ote
prod"ct. Once it o %appened t%at a co"ple o/ %er
propective corporate c"to!er co"ld not ,ive %er
ti!e /or preentation d"rin, t%e earl# %o"r o/ t%e
da#. A/ter a lot o/ per"aion0 R"pali accepted to
!a(e preentation a/ter 5p!. T%e preentation
$a /ollo$ed $it% an ela)orate !eetin, $it%
c"to!er t%at lated t%ree %o"r. 4%ile t%e
dic"ion $ere ,oin,0 Ro%an !ana,ed to 6.
anot%er !eetin, at t%e ne.t da# 7a.!. R"pali and
Ro%an occ"pied t%eir repective roo! in t%e
%otel. A/ter a $%ile0 Ro%an ca!e to R"pali3 roo!
and tried to !a(e illicit !ove )"t R"pali
"cce/"ll# reited )# t%e %elp o/ %otel
!ana,e!ent to teac% Ro%an a ,ood leon.
R"pali0 %o$ever $a %attered and too( %er 8 to 9
da# to co!e o"t o/ t%e %oc(. On t%e 6/t% da#0
%e $ent to !ar(etin, c%ie/3 ca)in and narrated
t%e intance and $%# Ro%an $a tr#in, to /ollo$
%er. S%e did not (no$ t%at Ro%an $a !"c%
!arter. *ar(etin, c%ie/ %ad alread# received a
ver# tron,l# $orded co!plaint a,aint R"pali
alle,in, t%at %e !i)e%aved at c"to!er place
and did not !a(e t%e prod"ct preentation a
pro!ied to c"to!er and t%e c"to!er $ere
ver# "n%app# and /"rt%er %e %a a)tained /ro!
o-ce $it%o"t an# inti!ation. 4%en t%e content o/
Ro%an3 letter $ere read and detail revealed0 %e
concl"ded t%at %e %a no place in t%e
or,ani1ation. S%e ,ot )ac( %o!e and ent %er
rei,nation letter. It $a accepted /ore $it%.
:"ine et%ic tand /or t%e anene and p"rit#
o/ p"rpoe t%at i "p%eld t%ro",% care/"ll#
dei,ned act"al practice o/ a )"ine
enterprie. T%" it i an e!)odi!ent o/
concience concerned to$ard"tion o/
)"ine procee in t"ne $it% t%e no)ilit# o/ t%e
:"ine et%ic are !oral principle t%at ,"ide t%e
$a# a )"ine )e%ave. T%e a!e principle t%at
deter!ine an individ"al3 action alo appl# to
Actin, in an et%ical $a# involve ditin,"i%in,
)et$een =ri,%t> and =$ron,> and t%en !a(in, t%e
=ri,%t> c%oice. It i relativel# ea# to identi/#
"net%ical )"ine practice. For e.a!ple0
co!panie %o"ld not "e c%ild la)or. T%e# %o"ld
not "nla$/"ll# "e cop#ri,%ted !aterial and
procee. T%e# %o"ld not en,a,e in )ri)er#.
;o$ever0 it i not al$a# ea# to create i!ilar
%ard?and?/at de6nition o/ ,ood et%ical practice. A
co!pan# !"t !a(e a co!petitive ret"rn /or it
%are%older and treat it e!plo#ee /airl#. A
co!pan# alo %a $ider reponi)ilitie. It %o"ld
minimize an# %ar! to t%e environ!ent and $or( in
$a# t%at do not da!a,e t%e co!!"nitie in
$%ic% it operate. T%i i (no$n a corporate ocial
T%e t"d# o/ proper )"ine policie and
practice re,ardin, potentiall# controverial i"e0
"c% a corporate ,overnance0 inider tradin,0
)ri)er#0 dicri!ination0 corporate ocial
reponi)ilit# and 6d"ciar# reponi)ilitie.
:"ine et%ic are o/ten ,"ided )# la$0 $%ile
ot%er ti!e provide a )aic /ra!e$or( t%at
)"inee !a# c%ooe to /ollo$ in order to ,ain
p")lic acceptance.
:"ine et%ic are i!ple!ented in order to en"re
t%at a certain re&"ired level o/ tr"t )et$een
con"!er and vario" /or! o/ !ar(et
participant $it% )"inee. For e.a!ple0 a
port/olio !ana,er !"t ,ive t%e a!e
conideration to t%e port/olio o/ /a!il# !e!)er
and !all individ"al invetor. S"c% practice
en"re t%at t%e p")lic i treated /airl#.
B. 4%ere do #o" clai/# Ro%an3 )e%avior a
peronal et%ic0 pro/eional et%ic0 )"ine et%ic
or +"t an incidence o/ nat"ral intinct o/ no
erio" concernC
An. Ro%an3 )e%avior $a co!pletel# "net%ical
on peronal0 pro/eional and )"ine et%ic and
i o/ erio" concern.
4%en R"pali +oined0 *r. Ro%an $a &"ic( to identi/#
*. R"pali3 talent and tarted to !ove cloe to
%er to ,ain %er ,ood$ill and "pport to %i !ove.
T%e latent o)+ective $a to levera,e R"pali3
talent to %i o$n ,ro$t% propect in t%e
corporate $%ic% $a pro/eionall# "net%ical.
Later0 %e $ill/"ll# planned to aa"lt and %ara
R"pali $%ile t%e# $ere on a ta# in a %otel /or
R"pali3 corporate preentation $%ic% $a
peronall# "net%ical.
*oreover0 %e !ade /ale alle,ation a,aint an
e-cient and ,ood e!plo#ee to ave %i!el/ /ro!
)ein, penali1ed /or %i illicit deed t%at 6nall#
dra,,ed R"pali to rei,n /ro! %er o-ce.
D. Doe t%i act call /or an# p"nitive action? a an
individ"al or a a )"ine"tiveC
An. Ye0 t%i act call /or a p"nitive action.
T%e la$ to c%ec( e."al %ara!ent at $or(place
$%ic% precri)e trict p"ni%!ent0 incl"din,
ter!ination o/ ervice0 /or t%e t%e ,"ilt# and i!ilar
penaltie in cae o/ a /rivolo" co!plaint %a co!e
into eEect /ro! Dece!)er B80 DFB8 )#
T%e $o!en and c%ild develop!ent G4CDH !initr#
/or i!ple!entin, t%e Se."al ;ara!ent o/ 4o!en
at 4or(place GPrevention0 Pro%i)ition and Redreal
H Act0 DFB8.
T%e Act !a(e it !andator# /or all o-ce $it% BF
or !ore e!plo#ee to %ave an internal co!plaint
co!!ittee to addre ,rievance in a tip"lated
ti!e or /ace penalt#.
Se."al %ara!ent cae at $or(place0 incl"din,
a,aint do!etic %elp0 $ill %ave to )e dipoed o/
)# in?%o"e co!plaint co!!ittee $it%in 7F da#
/ailin, $%ic% a penalt# $ill )e i!poed and
repeated non?co!pliance o/ t%e proviion o/ t%e
la$ can even lead to cancellation o/ licene or
re,itration o/ t%e or,ani1ation.
Se."al %ara!ent at $or(place !a# lead to
ter!ination o/ ervice o/ t%e acc"ed0 $it%%oldin,
o/ pro!otion and incre!ent0 and pa#!ent o/
reaona)le co!penation to t%e co!plainant.
Accordin, to t%e r"le0 i/ alle,ation a,aint t%e
acc"ed t"rn o"t to )e /ale and a/ter in&"ir#0 are
/o"nd to )e !ade $it% a !alicio" intent0 t%e
co!plainant !a# /ace i!ilar penal proviion a
lited /or t%e acc"ed.
Se."al %ara!ent0 accordin, to t%e la$ incl"de
"n$elco!e act or )e%avior li(e p%#ical contact
and advance0 a de!and or re&"et /or e."al
/avor or !a(in, e."all# colored re!ar( or
%o$in, porno,rap%#.
T%e la$ tate ever# or,ani1ation %o"ld contit"te
an internal co!plaint co!!ittee $%ic% %o"ld not
%ave le t%an t$o !e!)er a!on,t e!plo#ee
pre/era)l# t%oe $%o %ave %ad e.perience in ocial
$or( or le,al (no$led,e.
It %o"ld %ave one !e!)er /ro! non?
,overn!ental or,ani1ation or aociation /a!iliar
$it% t%e i"e relatin, to e."al %ara!ent and
%o"ld )e preided )# a enior level $o!an
e!plo#ee at t%e $or(place. IF per cent o/ t%e
no!inated !e!)er !"t )e $o!en.
An e!plo#er can )e 6ned R IF0FFF in cae o/
violation o/ %i d"tie "nder t%e Act.
T%e r"le ",,et t%e contit"tion o/ a local
co!plaint co!!ittee $%ic% %o"ld %ave a ocial
$or(er $it% 6ve #ear o/ e.perience in t%e relevant
6eld0 a peron /a!iliar $it% la)o"r0 e!plo#!ent0
civil or cri!inal la$.
8. 4a t%e !ar(etin, c%ie/ ri,%t in %i actionC
An. No. t%e !ar(etin, c%ie/ $a $ron, in %i %i
deciion a %e !"t %ave loo(ed into t%e !atter
and inveti,ated into t%e a!e )e/ore acceptin,
R"pali3 rei,nation.
9. 4%# did %e not )elieve R"pali $%en %e narrated
e."al %ara!ent %e "EeredC
An. ;e did not )elieve R"pali $%en %e narrated
e."al %ara!ent %e "Eered )eca"e *ar(etin,
c%ie/ %ad alread# received a ver# tron,l# $orded
co!plaint /ro! Ro%an a,aint R"pali alle,in, t%at
%e !i)e%aved at c"to!er place and did not
!a(e t%e prod"ct preentation a pro!ied to
c"to!er and t%e c"to!er $ere ver# "n%app#
and /"rt%er %e %a a)tained /ro! o-ce $it%o"t
an# inti!ation.
I.4%at !ade %i! ,o )# Ro%an3 ReportC
Ro%an reported to !ar(etin, c%ie/ )e/ore R"pali
co"ld narrate t%e $%ole intance to t%e !ar(etin,
c%ie/ a %e $ent to 'ol(ata a %e $a %attered
)# t%e e."al %ara!ent incidence /or 9 da# and
!ean$%ile Ro%an %a alread# preented %i
co!plaint /or alle,ed !icond"ct on R"pali3 part
$it% t%e client. *oreover0 ;e i,nored t%e
incidence a o!et%in, t%at %a not ta(en place
eit%er d"rin, t%e o-ce %o"r or $it%in t%e o-ce
pre!ie and %e cannot initiate an in&"ir# into t%e
!atter and ta(e necear# action.
5. Did %e i,nore t%e incidence a o!et%in, t%at
%a not ta(en place eit%er d"rin, t%e o-ce %o"r
or $it%in t%e o-ce pre!ie and cannot initiate an
in&"ir# into t%e !atter and ta(e necear# actionC
An< Ye0 ;e i,nored t%e incidence a o!et%in,
t%at %a not ta(en place eit%er d"rin, t%e o-ce
%o"r or $it%in t%e o-ce pre!ie and %e cannot
initiate an in&"ir# into t%e !atter and ta(e
necear# action a t%e incidence too( place in
t%e %otel $%ic% $an3t "nder %i !ana,e!ent.
J.I it an et%ical dile!!a /or t%e !ar(etin, c%ie/ K
$%et%er to ,o )# Ro%an3 report or to ,o )#
r"pali3 ver)al tate!entC
An< No0 it $a not an et%ical dile!!a /or t%e
!ar(etin, c%ie/ a %e co"ld %ave inveti,ated into
t%e $%ole !atter )# con"ltin, t%e %otel
!ana,e!ent a"t%oritie and t%e client
Sexual Harassment: Prevention and
Combating Attitudes
Patriarc%al attit"de and val"e are t%e )i,,et
c%allen,e in i!ple!entation o/ an# la$ concernin,
$o!en in o"r ociet#. Co!)atin, t%ee attit"de o/
!en and $o!en and t%e peronnel involved
Mreponi)le /or i!ple!entation o/ la$ and
#te! i !ot cr"cial in prevention o/ "n$anted
e."al )e%avior. Preventin, and avoidin, e."al
%ara!ent involve all level o/
e!plo#eeMperon in an# or,ani1ation?e!plo#ee
and collea,"e0 !ana,e!ent and )odie li(e trade
"nion. *ot i!portantl# it re&"ire /or t%e
e!plo#er to act )e/ore a pro)le! occ"r.
Step E!plo#er Can Ta(e to Prevent Se."al
;ara!ent <A polic# M proced"re dei,ned to deal
$it% co!plaint o/ e."al %ara!ent %o"ld )e
re,arded a onl# one co!ponent o/ a trate,# to
deal $it% t%e pro)le!. T%e pri!e o)+ective %o"ld
)e to c%an,e )e%avior and attit"de0 to ee( to
en"re t%e prevention o/ e."al %ara!ent.
As an employer know the following:
IN Firt and /ore!ot0 ac(no$led,e t%at it i #o"r
le,al reponi)ilit# to provide a/e $or(in,
environ!ent /or $o!en /ree /ro! e."al
%ara!ent and dicri!ination and t%at #o" can )e
%eld lia)le /or e."al %ara!ent )# e!plo#ee.
IIN 'no$ t%at e."al %ara!ent can %ave a
devatatin, eEect "pon t%e %ealt%0 con6dence0
!orale and per/or!ance o/ t%oe aEected )# it.
T%e an.iet# and tre prod"ced )# e."al
%ara!ent co!!onl# lead to t%oe ")+ected to
it ta(in, ti!e oE $or( d"e to ic(ne0 )ein, le
e-cient at $or(0 or leavin, t%eir +o) to ee( $or(
IIIN Undertand t%e reaon $%# $o!en re!ain
ilent a)o"t e."al %ara!ent. An a)ence o/
co!plaint a)o"t e."al %ara!ent doe not
necearil# !ean an a)ence o/ e."al
%ara!ent. It !a# !ean t%at t%e recipient o/
e."al %ara!ent t%in( t%at t%ere i no point in
co!plainin, )eca"e<
? Not%in, $ill )e done a)o"t itO
? It $ill )e triviali1edO
? T%e co!plainant $ill )e ")+ected to ridic"le0
? T%e# /ear reprial.
IVN Reco,ni1e t%e tan,i)le and intan,i)le e.pene
and loe or,ani1ation e.perience<
? Cotl# inveti,ation and liti,ation
? Ne,ative e.po"re and p")licit#
? E!)arrain, depoition
? Increaed a)enteei!
? Lo$ered e!plo#ee !orale
? Red"ced prod"ctivit#
? Decreaed e-cienc#
? ;i,%er e!plo#ee t"rn over
? Eroion o/ or,ani1ation )rand na!e0
,ood$ill0 and p")lic i!a,e
? Ne,ative i!pact on toc( price
T%e )et $a# to prevent e."al %ara!ent i to
adopt a co!pre%enive e."al %ara!ent polic#.
T%e ai! i to en"re t%at e."al %ara!ent doe
not occ"r and0 $%ere it doe occ"r0 to en"re t%at
ade&"ate proced"re are readil# availa)le to deal
$it% t%e pro)le! and prevent it rec"rrence.
IN Adoptin, Se."al ;ara!ent Polic#<
4%at %o"ld )e incl"ded in an anti?%ara!ent
polic#C A )aic polic# %o"ld et /ort% t%e /ollo$in,<
an e.pre co!!it!ent to eradicate and
prevent e."al %ara!ent and e.pre
pro%i)ition o/ e."al %ara!entO
a de6nition o/ e."al %ara!ent incl"din,
)ot% &"id pro &"o and %otile $or(
environ!ent ,ivin, e.a!pleO
an e.planation o/ penaltie Gincl"din,
ter!inationH t%e e!plo#er $ill i!poe /or
")tantiated e."al %ara!ent cond"ctO
a detailed o"tline o/ t%e ,rievance proced"re
e!plo#ee %o"ld "eO
a clear tate!ent t%at an#one /o"nd ,"ilt# o/
%ara!ent a/ter inveti,ation $ill )e ")+ect
to i!!ediate and appropriate diciplinar#
a clear "ndertandin, and trict r"le re,ardin,
%ara!ent o/ or )# t%ird partie li(e client0
c"to!er etc.
additional reo"rce or contact peron
availa)le /or "pport and con"ltationO
an e.pre co!!it!ent to (eep all e."al
%ara!ent co!plaint and proced"re
con6dential and ti!e )o"ndO
Proviion /or trainin, o/ e!plo#ee at all
an anti retaliation polic# providin, protection
a,aint retaliation to co!plainant0 $itnee0
Co!plaint Co!!ittee !e!)er and ot%er
e!plo#ee involved in prevention and
co!plaint reol"tion.
Policie and proced"re %o"ld )e adopted a/ter
con"ltation or ne,otiation $it% e!plo#ee
repreentative. E.perience ",,et t%at
trate,ie to create and !aintain a $or(in,
environ!ent in $%ic% t%e di,nit# o/ e!plo#ee i
repected are !ot li(el# to )e eEective $%ere
t%e# are +ointl# a,reed. .
IIN Co!!"nicate Polic#
I"e a tron, polic# /ro! t%e top a"t%orit# a,aint
e."al %ara!ent ta(in, a P1ero toleranceP
approac% *a(e "re it ,et o"t to all #o"r
e!plo#ee eit%er t%ro",% t%e e!plo#ee %and)oo(
or in !e!o /or! or $it% pa# pac(et or $it%
appoint!ent letter. ;ave t%e e!plo#ee i,n it to
ac(no$led,e t%at t%e# received and read t%e
polic#. T%e polic# can alo )e poted in t%e
$or(place. I/ #o" %ave e!plo#ee $%oe pri!ar#
lan,"a,e i not En,li%0 %ave #o"r e."al
%ara!ent polic# tranlated or co!!"nicate to
t%e! in t%eir pri!ar# lan,"a,e. Dic" t%e polic#
$it% all ne$ e!plo#ee En"re t%at t%ird?part#
"c% a "pplier and c"to!er are a$are o/ #o"r
e."al %ara!ent polic# Revie$ t%e polic# $it%
#o"r e!plo#ee on a re,"lar )ai
IIIN En/orce Polic# Ta(e co!plaint o/ e."al
%ara!ent erio"l# and inveti,ate all e."al
%ara!ent c%ar,e &"ic(l# and t%oro",%l# and
pro/eionall# !aintain acc"rate record o/ t%e
inveti,ation and t%e 6ndin, !a(e "re
e!plo#ee $%o )rin, c%ar,e do not /ace
retaliation En"re con6dentialit# and ti!e )o"nd
repone to co!plaint. Ta(e i!!ediate action
$%en e."al %ara!ent i dicovered or
"pected Dicipline appropriatel# an# e!plo#ee
/o"nd to %ave en,a,ed in e."al %ara!ent
Sa/e,"ard #o"r e!plo#ee /ro! t%ird?part# $or(?
related e."al %ara!ent
C&#P"A'$%S CHA$$E"
Co!plaint C%annel need to provide diEerent
ro"te t%at e!plo#ee can ta(e to 6le co!plaintO
i.e.0 contactin, t%e reponi)le a"t%orit# /or e."al
%ara!ent0 a "pervior0 callin, a %otline0
co!plainin, t%ro",% e!ail0 etc. Or,ani1ation
need to /oc" on t%e pli,%t o/ t%e avera,e
individ"al. A polic# i "ele "nle people "e it0
and !ot reearc% indicate t%at a !all /raction o/
e!plo#ee ever a# or do an#t%in, a)o"t
%arain, )e%avior.
In/or!al !et%od o/ reolvin, co!plaint !"t )e
part o/ t%e co!plaint !ec%ani! a
B. t%e o)+ective i to end t%e %arain, )e%avior at
t%e lo$et poi)le G$%ic% i t%e !ot cot
eEective0 a $ell
D. !an# co!plaint can )e reolved eEectivel# and
poitivel# t%ro",% in/or!al !et%od. In/or!al
option act a a )"Eer or 6lter0 ave )ad )lood0
prevent t%e o-ce environ!ent ,ettin,
"nco!/orta)le /or all0 i/ e!plo#ee can )e advied
a to %o$ to %andle t%e it"ation )e/ore it ,et o"t
o/ %and.
Plat/or! to reolve co!plaint or to top
%arain, )e%avio"r !"t )e provided )e/ore t%e
co!plaint ecalate into /"ll?)lo$n0 /or!al
co!plaint. T%e S"pre!e Co"rt ,"ideline i!poe
an o)li,ation on t%e e!plo#er to et "p a
Co!plaint Co!!ittee to deal $it% t%e cae o/
%ara!ent. S"c% a co!!ittee %o"ld<
Q)e %eaded )# a $o!an
Q%ave %al/ it !e!)er a $o!en
Qincl"de a t%ird?part# repreentative /ro! an NLO
or an# ot%er a,enc# converant $it% t%e i"e o/
e."al %ara!ent Gto prevent "nd"e pre"re
/ro! $it%in t%e or,ani1ation $it% repect to an#
Complaints Committee
E!plo#er need to et "p a redre
!ec%ani!Mco!plaint co!!ittee a per Vi%a(a
,"ideline. Firt Contact Peron /ro! $it%in t%e
Co!!ittee or ot%er$ie %o"ld )e appointed $%o
co"ld tr# to reolve t%e co!plaint in/or!all# 6rt
)e/ore t%e co!plaint ,oe to t%e /or!al c%annel
o/ co!plaint co!!ittee. T%e or,ani1ation need
to p"t do$n clearl#0 certain non?ne,otia)le /or t%e
co!plaint co!!ittee /or eEective reol"tion o/
Deired @"alitie O/ T%e *e!)er O/ Co!plaint
S")+ectivit#< A e."al act $%en "n$elco!e i
e."al %ara!entO t%e "n$elco!e i t%e
$o!anC ")+ective realit#. T%e Co!plaint
Co!!ittee 6rt +o) i to )elieve in t%i realit#.
GUnle o!et%in, on record co!pletel#
ne,ate %er co!plaintH.
E!pat%#< It i critical t%at t%e Co!plaint
Co!!ittee e!pat%i1e $it% t%e co!plainant
and doe not +"d,e %er )# t%eir !oral
tandard. T%e !ot i!portant &"etion to )e
an$ered in t%e a-r!ative t%at t%e co!!ittee
and all /"nctionarie !"t a( t%e!elve
$%ile providin, redre to a partic"lar cae i
RDo $e )elieve %erCR
Selection o/ t%e Co!plaint Co!!ittee !e!)er i
e.tre!el# i!portant a in !ot cae t%e
co!!ittee !e!)er0 i/ in ")?ordinate poition o/
po$er at $or(place to t%at o/ acc"ed0 6nd it ver#
di-c"lt to dili,entl# carr# o"t t%e reponi)ilitie
)eto$ed on t%e! a %ead or !e!)er o/ t%e
Co!!ittee0 a,aint t%e "perior.
%he Complaints Committee must remember:
It need e.tenive orientation /or eEective
It cannot /"nction li(e a cri!inal co"rt.
T%e co!plainant0 $%en %e co!plain0 %a at
ta(e %er peronal li/e and career.
T%e i!pact e."al %ara!ent %a on a $o!an
It i di-c"lt /or a $o!an to tal( a)o"t an#t%in,
e."al. ;ence t%ere can )e lon, ti!e interval
)et$een t%e %ara!ent and t%e act"al
It need to %andle co!plaint in a con6dential
!anner and $it%in a ti!e?)o"nd /ra!e$or(
It need to ")!it an ann"al report on e."al
%ara!ent to t%e appropriate ,overn!ent
Complaints )ommittees: *o+s and *on+ts <
For!ali1e and p")lici1e co!plaint proced"re
t%at are ea# and non?t%reatenin,.
Provide a/et# /or /riend and "pporter o/ t%e
Appoint co!plaint o-cer?one !an and one
$o!an? to erve a t%e 6rt point o/ contact.
Co!plaint o-cer %o"ld )e !e!)er o/ t%e
co!!ittee. One o/ t%e! %o"ld )e t%e o"tide
A"t%ori1e Co!plaint O-cer to reolve t%e
i"e $it%o"t t%e co!!ittee intervention. I/
"nreolved to t%e co!plainant3 ati/action0
t%e co!plaint %o"ld ,o to t%e co!!ittee.
Ue a c%eer/"l0 co!/orta)le0 air# roo! /or
!eetin, t%e co!plainant.
En"re t%at #o"r )od# lan,"a,e co!!"nicate
co!plete attention to t%e co!plainant and t%e
Treat t%e co!plainant $it% repect.
Dicard pre?deter!ined notion o/ %o$ a victi!
or acc"ed %o"ld loo( or )e%ave. :e$are o/
All e."al cri!e are co!!itted in private0 o
t%at t%ere !a# not )e an# e#e$itnee. T%i
i an i!portant point t%at t%e co!!ittee $o"ld
do $ell to re!e!)er at all t%e ti!e.
Con"lt t%e co!plainant /or p"nitive action.
I/ t%e !ana,e!ent doe not accept t%e
reco!!ended action0 it %o"ld ,ive t%ree valid
;elp t%e co!plainant re,ain %iM%er el/?
Do not0 "nder an# circ"!tance0 ,et
Do not init on a detailed decription o/
%ara!ent. T%i co"ld increae t%e
co!plainant tra"!a.
Do not allo$ /or interr"ption $%en tal(in, to
t%e co!plainant andMor acc"ed.
Do not tr# and deter!ine t%e i!pact o/ t%e
%ara!ent on t%e co!plainant. Let t%e
co!plainant deter!ine it. ;elp t%e
co!plainant0 i/ necear#.
Do not dic" t%e co!plaint a!on, t%e
preence o/ t%e co!plainant or t%e acc"ed.
Re!e!)er0 t%i i a %"!an ri,%t i"e0
t%ere/ore0 GaH do not ,ive too !"c% $ei,%t a,e
to intention0 /oc" on t%e i!pact0 and G)H Rproo/
)e#ond reaona)le do")tR i not re&"ired0 a
tron, pro)a)ilit# i "-cient.
Ot%er t%in, t%e Co!plaint Co!!ittee need to do
Enco"ra,e t%e $o!an to note detail o/ eac%
incident o/ %ara!ent and !onitor an#
c%an,e in $or( pattern or attit"de on t%e
part o/ t%e alle,ed %araer o a to avoid a
/ar a poi)le atte!pt at victi!i1ation or
acc"ation o/ poor $or( per/or!ance0 etc.
*a(e dicreet en&"irie a to $%et%er ot%er
$or(er %ave e.perienced i!ilar pro)le!
and i/ o0 a( t%e! detail o/ an# %ara!ent0
$%ic% %a occ"rred.
I/ t%e pro)le! %o"ld involve tran/er o/ one o/
t%e people involved0 tr# to en"re t%at t%e
%araer?rat%er t%an t%e victi!? i t%e peron
re&"ired to !ove. GAdopted /ro! CSe."al
%ara!ent i no +o(eC )# SIPTU0 a trade "nion
in Ler!an#H
Al$a# doc"!ent t%e re"lt o/ an# e."al
%ara!ent co!plaint or inveti,ation. Not
onl# doc"!ent t%e re"lt0 )"t alo doc"!ent
an# corrective action t%at #o" a(ed t%e
e!plo#ee or "pervior to ta(e. Follo$ "p on
an# corrective action o #o" can doc"!ent i/
t%e e!plo#ee /ail to ta(e advanta,e o/ #o"r
co!panie policeMproced"re or an# corrective
action t%at #o"r co!pan# ta(e to prevent t%e
e."al %ara!ent /ro! occ"rrin, a,ain in t%e
In/or! all e!plo#ee t%at it i t%eir o)li,ation
to report e."al %ara!ent t%at t%e# eit%er
e.perience or $itne.
Ta(e #o"r e!plo#ee $it% #o". Ed"cate t%e! a)o"t
t%e i"e and pro!ote a %ealt%# dic"ion o/ t%e
Sexual Harassment Awareness %raining
T%e ettin, "p o/ a co!plaint co!!ittee and an
anti?e."al %ara!ent polic# la# a tron,
/o"ndation /or a e."al %ara!ent /ree $or(place.
;o$ever0 eEective trainin, pro,ra!!e are
eential to eniti1eMtrain all t%eir taE !e!)er0
!en and $o!en0 to reco,ni1e e."al %ara!ent0
deal $it% it $%en it occ"r and prevent it. T%e
trainin, pro,ra!!e i t%e )et $a# to en"re
proper "ndertandin, and i!ple!entation o/ #o"r
polic#. It i t%e )et /or"! to co!!"nicate to
e!plo#ee $%at )e%avior i accepta)le and $%at i
not0 in a non?t%reatenin, at!op%ere o/ !"t"al
learnin,. Trainin, /or t%e !e!)er o/ t%e
Co!plaint Co!!ittee and ot%er $%o are ,oin, to
)e intr"!ental in i!ple!entin, t%e polic#0 i ver#
eential. T%eir trainin, %o"ld incl"de a
co!ponent o/ ,ender eniti1ation0 alon, $it% t%e
proced"re /or ta(in, co!plaint0 and /or en&"ir#0
Cond"ct #earl# !eetin, $it% #o"r "pervior to
revie$ t%e e."al %ara!ent polic#0 and to !a(e
"re t%at t%e# "ndertand t%at an e!plo#ee doe
not need to "Eer ne,ative cone&"ence in order
to !a(e a co!plaint o/ e."al %ara!ent. In/or!
t%e "pervior t%at even !ild to !oderate e."al
+o(e or tate!ent can create an at!op%ere o/
%otilit# t%at $ill !a(e o!e e!plo#ee
"nco!/orta)le0 and co"ld lead to t%e creation o/ a
%otile $or( environ!ent.
Se."al %ara!ent trainin, /or all e!plo#ee
%o"ld addre perception and "ndertandin, o/
e."al %ara!ent0 i!pact o/ e."al %ara!ent
on individ"al and $or(place0 "ndertandin, t%e
polic# and co!plaint !ec%ani!. T%e trainin, /or
Co!plaint Co!!ittee %o"ld addre0 in addition
to t%ee0 t%e proced"re o/ inveti,ation0 (ill
necear# /or en&"irie0 doc"!entin, t%e
SE$S'$, #ECHA$'S#S:
Settin, "p a !ec%ani! doe not !ean t%at t%ere
i e."al %ara!ent in #o"r $or(place. Prevention
i al$a# )etter t%an c"re0 and )ein, pro?active
al$a# %elp. Alon, $it% per/or!ance0 c%an,e in
e!plo#eeR )e%avior pattern alo deerve
e!plo#erR cloe cr"tin#.
Cond"ctin, S"rve# ? Cond"ctin, ti!e?to?ti!e
"rve# i %elp/"l to identi/# and prevent
/actorMit"ation leadin, to incidence o/ e."al
%ara!ent. T%e "rve# can )e done anon#!o"l#
and %o"ld )e ditri)"ted $it% a cop# o/ t%e
co!pan#R e."al %ara!ent polic#. T%e "rve#
can i!pl# a( t%e e!plo#ee G!ale and /e!aleH i/
t%e# %ave e.perienced an# /or! o/ e."al
%ara!ent d"rin, t%e pat #ear. T%e "rve# alo
%elp to %o$ t%at t%e or,ani1ation i activel#
en,a,ed in preventin, and correctin, e."al
C&##'%#E$% -R&# %&P<
Co!!it!ent i %o$n t%ro",% en/orce!ent and
action )# t%e reponi)le a"t%oritie. Even t%e
!ot co!pre%enive e."al %ara!ent policie
and proced"re are )o"nd to /ail i/ a co!pan# doe
not en/orce t%e! &"ic(l#0 conitentl#0 and
a,,reivel#. To )e eEective0 or,aniation !"t
ta(e e."al %ara!ent erio"l#. T%e# need to
!a(e certain t%at peronnel reponi)le /or
en/orce!ent cond"ct pro!pt0 t%oro",%0 and
doc"!ented inveti,ation o/ all co!plaint0 even
t%oe t%at appear trivial. Or,aniation %o"ld ta(e
action t%at i reaona)l# calc"lated to end t%e
%ara!ent. S"c% action !"t )e directed to$ard
t%e %araer0 and !a# incl"de ver)al $arnin,0
$ritten $arnin,0 +o) tran/er0 "penion o/
e!plo#!ent0 and0 i/ necear#0 ter!ination.BD9
E!plo#er %o"ld alo (eep ta) on t%eir
"pervior. T%i can )e acco!pli%ed )# !ean o/
!ont%l# !eetin, $it% %i,%er !ana,e!ent0
"nc%ed"led pot c%ec(0 or periodic e."al
%ara!ent trainin, eion $it% t%e
i!ple!entin, a"t%oritie.
PRAC%'CES C&$S'S%E$% .'%H P&"'C'ES<
Or,aniation !"t place +"t a !"c% e!p%ai
on reportin, reponi)ilitie and !ec%ani! a on
t%e polic# itel/.
Settin, a precedence ? Even i/ t%e acc"ed i a
enior"tiveM a partnerMan# ot%er peron $%o i
an aet to t%e co!pan#0 and )rin, in a lot o/
)"ine0 it i eential t%at %e )e p"ni%ed i/
/o"nd ,"ilt#0 a t%i end o"t a tron, !ea,e
t%at t%e co!pan# $ill not tolerate an# %ara!ent
)# an#one. .
.hat Steps Can
Employees %ake %o
Prevent Sexual
*ot $o!en t%e!elve
/ail to reco,nie e."al
%ara!ent and treat it
a trivial and ro"tine. S"c%
%a )een t%e internal
copin, !ec%ani!.
I,norin, oEenive
)e%avio"r or den#in, it
e.itence are t%e !ot
co!!on $a# $o!en
deal $it% e."al
se Harassment
A( #o"rel/ t%e
? Do I conent to
t%e )e%avio"rC
? Doe t%e
)e%avio"r !a(e
? Doe t%e
)e%avio"r violate
!# di,nit# a an
? Doe it violate
!# ri,%t to $or(
in di,nit# in a a/e
Do not blame
yourself. Don't
ignore sexual
harassment in the
hope that it will
go away.
In Back Of! How To onfront an! "top "exual
Harassment an! Harassers0 *art%a Lan,elan
reco!!end ta(in, t%ee tep<.
Dealin, $it% t%e ;araer "p/ront<
Do t%e "ne.pected< Na!e t%e )e%avio"r.
4%atever %eR +"t done0 a# it0 and )e
;old t%e %araer acco"nta)le /or %i action.
DonRt !a(e e.c"e /or %i!O donRt pretend it
didnRt reall# %appen. Ta(e c%ar,e o/ t%e
enco"nter and let people (no$ $%at %e did.
Privac# protect %araer0 )"t vii)ilit#
"nder!ine t%e!.
*a(e %onet0 direct tate!ent. Spea( t%e
tr"t% Gno t%reat0 no in"lt0 no o)cenitie0 no
appeain, ver)al S"E and paddin,H. :e
erio"0 trai,%t/or$ard0 and )l"nt.
De!and t%at t%e %ara!ent top.
*a(e it clear t%at all $o!en %ave t%e ri,%t to
)e /ree /ro! e."al %ara!ent. O)+ectin, to
%ara!ent i a !atter o/ principle.
Stic( to #o"r o$n a,enda. DonRt repond to t%e
%araerR e.c"e or diverionar# tactic.
;i )e%avio"r i t%e i"e. Sa# $%at #o" %ave
to a#0 and repeat it i/ %e perit.
Rein/orce #o"r tate!ent $it% tron,0 el/?
repectin, )od# lan,"a,e< e#e contact0 %ead
"p0 %o"lder )ac(0 a tron,0 erio" tance.
DonRt !ile. Ti!id0 ")!iive )od# lan,"a,e
$ill "nder!ine #o"r !ea,e.
Repond at t%e appropriate level. Ue a
co!)ined ver)al and p%#ical repone to
p%#ical %ara!ent.
End t%e interaction on #o"r o$n ter!0 $it% a
tron, cloin, tate!ent< RYo" %eard !e. Stop
%arain, $o!enR.
&ther steps employees )an take:
Spea(in, o"t< Spea(in, a)o"t e."al %ara!ent i
an eEective tool in co!)atin, it. 4%ile pea(in,
a)o"t it0 t%e pro)le! )eco!e vii)le0 it i
ac(no$led,ed t%at it e.it0 and t%i in t"rn lead
one to ta(e eEective !ea"re a,aint it. Spea(in,
a)o"t e."al %ara!ent alo ,ive an opport"nit#
to clari/# )# t%i a)o"t it. It %elp in c%an,in,
attit"de o/ people to$ard t%i i"e. Spea(in,
a)o"t it create an ena)lin, environ!ent /or t%e
victi! to pea( o"t. It !o)ili1e p")lic opinion
a,aint it. It !a(e it di-c"lt /or a potential
%araer to co!!it t%e cri!e. It e&"ip people $it%
in/or!ation a to $%at i to )e done in "c% a cae.
Spea( "p at t%e ti!e< :e "re to a# PNOP clearl#0
6r!l# and $it%o"t !ilin, a t%at i t%e )et $a#
to let t%e %araer (no$ t%at %i )e%avior i
oEenive. O)+ectin, to t%e )e%avior $%en it occ"r
%elp i/ #o" decide to 6le c%ar,e later.
'eep record< 'eep trac( o/ $%at %appen in a
+o"rnal or diar# and (eep an# letter or note or
ot%er doc"!ent #o" receive. 4rite do$n t%e
date0 ti!e0 place0 and an acco"nt o/ $%at
%appened. 4rite do$n t%e na!e o/ an# $itnee.
4rite a letter. People %ave "cce/"ll# topped
e."al %ara!ent )# $ritin, a letter detailin, t%e
)e%avior t%at i oEenive and a(in, t%e peron
$%o i %arain, t%e! to top t%e )e%avior. T%e
letter %o"ld )e polite0 "ne!otional0 and detailed.
S"c% a letter ee! to )e !ore po$er/"l t%an a
ver)al re&"et. T%e recipient o/ t%e letter eldo!
$rite )ac(O t%e peron ""all# +"t top t%e
Set #o"r o$n )o"ndarie< Sa# PNOP e!p%aticall#
and clearl# $%en #o" are a(ed to ,o place0 do
t%in,0 and repond to &"etion0 or en,a,e in
it"ation t%at !a(e #o" "nco!/orta)le. Do not
$orr# a)o"t oEendin, t%e ot%er peron or %"rtin,
%i or %er e,o. Ta(e care o/ #o"rel/ 6rt.
:e a$are o/ it"ation and people $%o !a# %ar!
#o"< DonRt i,nore ot%erR $arnin, a)o"t partic"lar
people or ocial ettin,. Ac(no$led,e t%eir
concern /or #o" and /or t%e!elve.
Tr"t #o"r o$n intinct a)o"t poi)le dan,er< In
an "nco!/orta)le it"ation0 )e direct and %onet0
and re!ove #o"rel/ /ro! t%e it"ation
i!!ediatel#. Re,ardle o/ #o"r previo" )e%avior
or i,nal #o" !a# %ave ,iven earlier0 #o" %ave
t%e a)ol"te ri,%t to %alt an# e."al e.c%an,e at
an# ti!e. Accept t%i ri,%t and act on it.
Tell o!eone< :ein, &"iet or toic a)o"t e."al
%ara!ent let it contin"e. Tal( to ot%er co?
$or(erO #o" !a# not )e t%e onl# one %araed )#
t%i peron. Do not )la!e #o"rel/ and do not
Create a 4itne to t%e )e%avio"r< In/or! a tr"ted
collea,"e and tr# to in"re t%at M%e i an e#e or
ear $itne to an it"ation $%ere #o" are )ein,
e."all# %araed. T%i $ill )e "e/"l later i/ #o"
c%oe to 6le a /or!al co!plaint. Send a cop# o/
e."al %ara!ent polic# M r"le to t%e %araer. I/
#o"r $or(place alread# %a an anti e."al
%ara!ent polic# or t%e cond"ct r"le o/ #o"r
intit"tion pro%i)it e."al %ara!ent0 end a cop#
o/ t%e intit"tion polic#Mcond"ct r"le to t%e
%araer $it% t%e appropriate ection "nderlined.
Tal( to a "nion< I/ #o" are a !e!)er o/ a la)o"r
"nion0 tal( to #o"r "nion repreentative.
Let a !edical c%ec(?"p< I/ #o" %ave )een raped or
p%#icall# aa"lted0 ,o /or a !edical c%ec(?"p.
O)tain a !edical report. T%i i i!portant0 %o"ld
#o" decide to p"r"e a le,al cae.
Report e."al %ara!ent to t%e appropriate
peron in t%e or,ani1ation< E.plore t%e diEerent
aven"e availa)le to #o" and 6le a /or!al
co!plaint i/ necear#. I/ #o"r or,ani1ation doe
not %ave a polic#0 en"re t%at #o"r e!plo#er
/or!"late an anti?e."al %ara!ent polic# and
carrie o"t all t%e connected ta(.
*o)umenting Harassment
Doc"!entin, t%e %ara!ent i i!portant /or "e
a evidence in a cae or co!plaint. Yo" %o"ld<
P%oto,rap% or (eep copie o/ an# oEenive
!aterial at t%e $or(place. 'eep a +o"rnal $it%
detailed in/or!ation on intance o/ e."al
%ara!ent. Note t%e date0 converation0
/re&"enc# o/ oEenive enco"nter0 etc. O)tain
copie o/ #o"r $or( record Gincl"din, per/or!ance
eval"ationH and (eep t%ee copie at %o!e
Ot%er doc"!ent t%at #o" %o"ld %ave< A co!pan#
polic# and proced"re !an"al i ver# i!portant to
%ave. T%e co!pan#R doc"!ented policie on
e."al %ara!ent0 dicri!ination0 per/or!ance
appraial0 ter!ination0 a-r!ative action plan
can )e ver# i!portant to %o$ t%eir tated policie
ver" t%eir action. Co!pan# ne$paper0 ann"al
report0 pict"re o/ it top"tive0 poter0
co!pan# credo0 co!pan# "rve# are i!portant to
%o$ t%e environ!ent and it %otilit# to$ard
Ta(e all letter o/ co!!endation0 a$ard0 t%an(
#o"R and an#t%in, at all t%at $ill corro)orate #o"r
poitive +o) per/or!ance. Pa# pecial attention to
doc"!ent t%at #o"r "perior %ave provided
la"din, #o" and #o"r $or(. I/ poi)le0 a( #o"r
client0 taE0 and peer /or letter o/
Ever# doc"!ent t%at #o" "e d"rin, trial !"t )e
a"t%enticated )# a $itne. 'eep t%i in !ind
d"rin, #o"r depoition $%en t%e de/ence a( #o"
$%ere #o" o)tained a doc"!ent. I/ #o" are not
clear a)o"t $%ere #o" ,ot t%e doc"!ent0 and $%o
can a"t%enticate it0 #o" $ill not )e a)le to "e it
d"rin, #o"r trial.
.hat )an you do as a )olleague:
Do not di)elieve a $o!an $%en %e %are
a)o"t %ara!ent. Re!e!)er e."al
%ara!ent i R"n$elco!eR )e%avio"r. Do not
trivialie t%e !atter.
Re!e!)er t%at it i di-c"lt to pea( a)o"t
e."al %ara!ent. ;ence i/ a collea,"e i
tal(in, a)o"t it0 %e $ill re&"ire a lot o/
enco"ra,e!ent and "pport.
Read t%e Vi%a(a +"d,e!ent care/"ll# and
(no$ #o"r ri,%t.
Spread t%e $ord ? let #o"r collea,"e (no$
a)o"t t%e i"e0 it prevalence and t%e
S"pport a %araed collea,"e ? re!e!)er it
co"ld )e #o" to!orro$.
Enco"ra,e t%e recipient to approac% t%e
oEendin, peron directl# or "e ot%er in/or!al
reol"tion !et%od.
OEer to acco!pan# t%e recipient to t%e
oEendin, peron0 t%e Co!plaint Co!!ittee to
6le a /or!al co!plaint.
Ta(e reponi)ilit# to ee t%at e."al
%ara!ent i topped and t%ere i no reprial.
Approac% #o"r e!plo#er and p"% /or a redre
!ec%ani! M e."al %ara!ent polic#0 i/ #o"
do not %ave one in place alread#.
I/ #o" do %ave a !ec%ani! in place0 en"re
t%at it co!plie $it% t%e S"pre!e Co"rt
Contact a non?,overn!ent or,ani1ation
$or(in, on t%e i"e to or,ani1e an
a$areneMtrainin, pro,ra!!e at #o"r
$or(placeM to %elp create a polic# /or #o"r
It i i!portant t%at #o"<
)e pro/eional at all ti!e.
et a poitive e.a!ple.
conider #o"r attit"de.
avoid !a(in, a"!ption.
t%in( )e/ore !a(in, peronal co!!ent.
donRt ,o alon, $it% t%e cro$d.
)e "pportive o/ people $%o $i% to tal( a)o"t
)ein, e."all# %araed and
direct t%e! to t%e appropriate peron M
As an employee< I/ #o"r )e%avior oEend an
e!plo#ee0 top t%at )e%avior. A( #o"rel/<
Co"ld #o"r )e%avio"r oEend or %"rt people at
#o"r $or(placeC
Co"ld #o"r )e%avio"r )e interpreted )#
anot%er a e."al %ara!entC
4o"ld #o" li(e #o"r )e%avio"r to )e dic"ed
)# ot%erC
4o"ld #o" li(e #o"r /riend0 partner0 c%ild or
i)lin, to )e treated in t%e a!e !annerC
.hat steps )an %rade !nions take to prevent
sexual harassment:
T%ere are a n"!)er o/ !ea"re t%at "nion can
ta(e to co!)at e."al %ara!ent. T%e ,oal i to
!a(e "nion !e!)er enitive to t%e pro)le! and
to create a cli!ate to dico"ra,e e."al
%ara!ent and0 i/ it occ"r0 a cli!ate $%ere
victi! $ill /eel co!/orta)le t"rnin, to t%e "nion
/or aitance. Trade Union in "nor,anied ector
can pla# a de6nite and vital role in %elpin, et "p
co!plaint !ec%ani! and intit"tin,
#te!Mc%annel t%at co"ld provide /or"! /or
recipient o/ e."al %ara!ent in "nor,anied
ector to co!plain.
'f you are a member of a trade union:1
I/ t%e e."al %ara!ent victi! co!e to #o"
/or %elp0 tr# to in/or!all# reolve t%e co!plaint
)# tal(in, to t%e %araer. I/ t%at i ineEective0
%elp t%e victi! to 6le a co!plaint $it% t%e
appropriate a"t%orit#.
Ed"cate t%e !e!)er a)o"t t%e i"e.
Incl"de trainin, on %andlin, e."al %ara!ent
,rievance /or o-ce )earerMenior $%o are
li(el# to ,et involved in co!plaint reol"tion
Deter!ine t%e e.tent o/ t%e pro)le! in t%e
$or(place. A "rve# o/ t%e !e!)er !a# )e
4or( $it% e!plo#er to cond"ct +ointl#
cond"cted trainin, pro,ra!.
4%en e."al %ara!ent doe occ"r0 oEer
Tr# to top an# %ara!ent #o" o)erve0
$%et%er or not t%e victi! %a co!plained. I/
t%i i "n"cce/"l0 do not do or a# an#t%in,
t%at co"ld )e interpreted a condonin, t%e
%araerR )e%avio"r.
Dicloe in/or!ation onl# to t%e e.tent
necear# to protect t%e con6dentialit# o/ all
$%o are involved.
P"t !ana,e!ent on notice a)o"t $%at i ,oin,
on. Re,ardle o/ $%o i %arain,0
!ana,e!ent i reponi)le /or providin, a
%ara!ent?/ree $or( environ!ent.
:e "re t%at t%e e!plo#er %a an anti?e."al
%ara!ent polic# t%at i pro!inentl# poted
or ot%er$ie eEectivel# co!!"nicated to all
T%e i"e o/ e."al %ara!ent need
"ndertandin,0 ae!ent0 enitivit# and
co!!it!ent /ro! all &"arter )"t !otl# /ro! t%e
enior !ana,erial a"t%orit# a t%eir co!!it!ent
and action can ac%ieve t%e ai! o/ prevention and
eEective reol"tion o/ e."al %ara!ent at
$or(place and a ,ender /riendl#0 dicri!ination
/ree $or(place.
B.4o!en 4or(erC Ri,%t in India< I"e and
Strate,ie C a re/erence ,"ide Edited )#
Aanc%al 'ap"r0 ILO0 Ne$ Del%i.
D.T%e Politic o/ Silence0 San%ita0 4ritten and
Edited )# Ra+a%ri Da,"pta0 DFFB
8.Lender T"t La$ :"lletin0 No.D0 April B77U0
P"lli%ed )# India Centre /or ;"!an Ri,%t and
9.SAAD GNe$ LetterH0 P")lication )# :ilanc%o
Saad0 Loa
I.Article on t%e $e)<
o Se."al ;ara!ent La$ in t%e Tec%nolo,#
Era :# Do",la *. To$n
o SEXUAL ;ARASS*ENT< ;o$ to avoid it0 %o$
to %andle it :# Scott Loc%ard GIF8H 57U?
o An E!plo#erR @"ic( L"ide to Preventin,
Se."al ;ara!ent in t%e 4or( Place :#
Sean ;alloran0 E&.
o Co!)atin, e."al %ara!ent TSSA rep
)"lletin0 Oct DFFD Gta t%e "nion /or
people in tranport and travelH
o Preventin, e."al %ara!ent at
$or(place0 NOLO0 La$ /or All
o 4%at to do i/ #o" or o!eone #o" (no$ i
e."all# %araed0 7BB /or $o!en0
Fe!init *a+orit# Fo"ndation
o Se."al %ara!ent A Dicri!ination0 Ue/"l
For All Clai!0 T%e La$ and Yo"
o Se."al %ara!ent In T%e 4or(place0
L"ideline /orcreatin, a No!?;otile 4or(
o Se."al ;ara!ent In T%e 4or(place< A
Pri!er :# :arr# S. Ro)ert0 Ric%ard A.