The case involves a dispute over ownership of a property between the petitioner, Elvira Arangote, and the respondents, who are cousins of Esperanza Maglunob. Esperanza's affidavit relinquishing her share of the property in favor of the petitioner was determined to be legally defective as a donation due to lack of proper acceptance by the petitioner within Esperanza's lifetime as required. The court affirmed the lower courts' finding that the property was co-owned by Esperanza and the respondents' ancestors, not exclusively owned by Esperanza, and therefore the affidavit failed to transfer full ownership to the petitioner.
The case involves a dispute over ownership of a property between the petitioner, Elvira Arangote, and the respondents, who are cousins of Esperanza Maglunob. Esperanza's affidavit relinquishing her share of the property in favor of the petitioner was determined to be legally defective as a donation due to lack of proper acceptance by the petitioner within Esperanza's lifetime as required. The court affirmed the lower courts' finding that the property was co-owned by Esperanza and the respondents' ancestors, not exclusively owned by Esperanza, and therefore the affidavit failed to transfer full ownership to the petitioner.
The case involves a dispute over ownership of a property between the petitioner, Elvira Arangote, and the respondents, who are cousins of Esperanza Maglunob. Esperanza's affidavit relinquishing her share of the property in favor of the petitioner was determined to be legally defective as a donation due to lack of proper acceptance by the petitioner within Esperanza's lifetime as required. The court affirmed the lower courts' finding that the property was co-owned by Esperanza and the respondents' ancestors, not exclusively owned by Esperanza, and therefore the affidavit failed to transfer full ownership to the petitioner.
The case involves a dispute over ownership of a property between the petitioner, Elvira Arangote, and the respondents, who are cousins of Esperanza Maglunob. Esperanza's affidavit relinquishing her share of the property in favor of the petitioner was determined to be legally defective as a donation due to lack of proper acceptance by the petitioner within Esperanza's lifetime as required. The court affirmed the lower courts' finding that the property was co-owned by Esperanza and the respondents' ancestors, not exclusively owned by Esperanza, and therefore the affidavit failed to transfer full ownership to the petitioner.
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G.R. No.
178906 February 18, 2009
Elvira T. Arangote, herein petitioner marrie to !ay "ar# E. Arangote, i# the regi#tere o$ner o% the #ub&e't property, a# evien'e by (riginal Certi%i'ate o% Title )(CT* +o. C,(A-1./8. !e#ponent# "artin )"artin 00* an !omeo are %ir#t 'ou#in# an the grannephe$# o% E#peran1a "aglunob-2aili#an )E#peran1a*, %rom $hom petitioner a'3uire the #ub&e't property. The 4etition #tem# %rom a Complaint %ile by petitioner an her hu#ban again#t the re#ponent# %or 5uieting o% Title an 2e'laration o% ($ner#hip an 4o##e##ion. The Complaint allege that E#peran1a inherite the #ub&e't property %rom her un'le 6i'torino Sorro#a by virtue o% a notari1e 4artition Agreement ate 29 April 1987, e8e'ute by the latter9# heir#. Therea%ter, E#peran1a e'lare the #ub&e't property in her name. The Complaint %urther #tate that on 2/ :une 1987, Esperanza execue! a Las "#$$ an! Tesa%en &e'uea(#n) (e su&*ec proper+ o pe##oner an! (er (us&an!, &u # -as pro&ae!. (n 9 :une 198;, E#peran1a e8e'ute another o'ument, an A%%iavit, in $hi'h #he renoun'e, relin3ui#he, $aive an 3uit'laime all her right#, #hare, intere#t an parti'ipation $hat#oever in the #ub&e't property in %avor o% petitioner an her hu#ban. (n the ba#i# thereo%, Ta8 2e'laration +o. 1;218 in the name o% E#peran1a $a# 'an'elle an Ta8 2e'laration +o. 1;;;; )198.* $a# i##ue in the name o% the petitioner an her hu#ban. 0n 1989, petitioner an her hu#ban 'on#tru'te a hou#e on the #ub&e't property. (n 2; "ar'h 199<, (CT +o. C,(A-1./8 $a# i##ue by the Se'retary o% the 2epartment o% Agrarian !e%orm )2A!* in the name o% petitioner, marrie to !ay "ar# E. Arangote. =o$ever, re#ponent#, together $ith #ome hire per#on#, enere! (e su&*ec proper+ on < :une 199/ an built a hollo$ blo'> $all behin an in %ront o% petitioner9# hou#e, $hi'h e%%e'tively blo'>e the entran'e to it# main oor. A# a 'on#e3uen'e thereo%, petitioner an her hu#ban $ere 'ompelle to in#titute thi# a'tion. 0n their An#$er $ith Counter'laim in Civil Ca#e +o. 17;, re#ponent# averre that they 'o-o$ne the #ub&e't property $ith E#peran1a. E#peran1a an her #ibling#, Toma# an 0no'en'ia, inherite the #ub&e't property, in e3ual #hare#, %rom their %ather "artin "aglunob )"artin 0*. ?hen Toma# an 0no'en'ia pa##e a$ay, their #hare# pa##e on by inheritan'e to re#ponent# "artin 00 an !omeo, re#pe'tively. =en'e, the #ub&e't property $a# 'o-o$ne by E#peran1a, re#ponent "artin 00 )together $ith hi# $i%e ,oure#*, an re#ponent !omeo, ea'h holing a one-thir pro-indiviso #hare therein. Thu#, E#peran1a 'oul not valily $aive her right# an intere#t over the entire #ub&e't property in %avor o% the petitioner. !e#ponent# al#o a##erte in their Counter'laim that petitioner an her hu#ban, by mean# o% %rau, unue in%luen'e an e'eit $ere able to ma>e E#peran1a, $ho $a# alreay ol an illiterate, a%%i8 her thumbmar> to the A%%iavit ate 9 :une 198;, $herein #he renoun'e all her right# an intere#t over the #ub&e't property in %avor o% petitioner an her hu#ban. !e#ponent# thu# praye that the (CT i##ue in petitioner9# name be e'lare null an voi in#o%ar a# their t$o-thir# #hare# are 'on'erne. A%ter trial, the "CTC renere it# 2e'i#ion, e'laring petitioner an her hu#ban a# the true an la$%ul o$ner# o% the #ub&e't property. !TC rever#e the lo$er 'ourt9# e'i#ion. 4etitioner an her hu#ban %ile be%ore the !TC, on 2; September 2000, a "otion %or +e$ Trial or !e'on#ieration on the groun o% ne$ly i#'overe evien'e 'on#i#ting o% a 2ee o% A''eptan'e ate 2< September 2000, an noti'e o% the #ame, $hi'h $ere both mae by the petitioner, %or her#el% an in behal% o% her hu#ban, uring the li%etime o% E#peran1a. 0n the !TC (rer ate 2 "ay 2001, it enie the a%ore#ai "otion %or +e$ Trial or !e'on#ieration. CA a%%irme. 0SS@E: ?A+ the A%%iavit o% renun'iation e8e'ute by E#peran1a in %avour o% petitioner an her hu#ban over the i#pute propertie# i# a onation $herein E#peran1a9# real intent in e8e'uting the #ai A%%iavit $a# to onate her #hare in the #ub&e't property to petitioner an her hu#ban, an the #ub#e3uent a''eptan'e o% petitioner an her hu#ban e8e'ute a%ter trial valiate# the #ai in#trument =E,2: The A%%iavit i# voi. The A%%iavit i# a ee o% onation but the #ub#e3uent notari1e 2ee o% A''eptan'e ate 2< September 2000, a# $ell a# the noti'e o% #u'h a''eptan'e, e8e'ute by the petitioner !#! no cure (e !e/ec. 0t $a# only mae by the petitioner #everal year# a%ter the Complaint $a# %ile in 'ourt, or $hen the !TC ha alreay renere it# 2e'i#ion ate 12 September 2000, although it $a# #till uring E#peran1a9# li%etime. E.#!en$+, #s execu#on -as a %ere a/er(ou)(, a &e$ae! ae%p o cure -(a -as a !e/ec#.e !ona#on. A%ter a 'are%ul #'rutiny o% the re'or#, thi# Court a%%irm# the %ining# o% both the !TC an the Court o% Appeal# a# regar# the origin o% the #ub&e't property an the %a't that re#ponent#, $ith their gran aunt E#peran1a, $ere 'o-heir# an 'o-o$ner# o% the #ub&e't property. 0 #s c$ear /ro% (e recor!s (a (e su&*ec proper+ -as no Esperanza1s exc$us#.e s(are, but al#o that o% the other heir# o% her %ather, "artin 0. E#peran1a e8pre##ly a%%i8e her thumbmar> to the 2ee o% E8tra&ui'ial Settlement o% :uly 1981 not only %or her#el%, but al#o on behal% o% the other heir# o% "artin 0. Though in the 4artition Agreement ate 29 April 1987 Esperanza a//#xe! (er (u%&%ar2 -#(ou sa#n) (a s(e -as !o#n) so no on$+ /or (erse$/, &u a$so on &e(a$/ o/ (e o(er (e#rs o% "artin 0, thi# oe# not mean that E#peran1a $a# alreay the e8'lu#ive o$ner thereo%. Further, it bear# empha#i# that the 4artition Agreement $a# e8e'ute by an among the #on, gran#on#, granaughter# an 'ou#in# o% 6i'torino. E#peran1a $a# neither the granaughter nor the 'ou#in o% 6i'torino, a# #he $a# only 6i'torino9# grannie'e. The 'ou#in o% 6i'torino i# "artin 0, E#peran1a9# %ather. 0n e//ec, (ere/ore, (e su&*ec proper+ a$$oe! o Esperanza #n (e 3ar##on A)ree%en -as no (er exc$us#.e s(are, as s(e (o$!s (e sa%e /or an! on &e(a$/ o/ (e o(er (e#rs o/ Mar#n 0, -(o -as a$rea!+ !ecease! a (e #%e (e 3ar##on A)ree%en -as %a!e. To %urther bol#ter the truth that the #ub&e't property $a# not e8'lu#ively o$ne by E#peran1a, the A%%iavit #he e8e'ute in %avor o% petitioner an her hu#ban on ; :une 1987 $a# $ore a# %ollo$#: That I hereby renounce, relinquish, waive and quitclaim all my rights, share, interest and participation whatsoever in the [subject property] unto the said Sps. ay !ars "rangote and #lvira T. "rangote, their heirs, successors, and assigns including the improvement $ound thereon%
,ogi'ally, i% E#peran1a %ully o$ne the #ub&e't property, #he $oul have #imply $aive her right# to an intere#t in the #ub&e't property, $ithout mentioning her B#hareC an Bparti'ipationC in the #ame. Dy in'luing #u'h $or# in her A%%iavit, Esperanza -as a-are o/ an! -as $#%##n) (er, renunc#a#on, an! 'u#c$a#% o (er one4(#r! s(are an! par#c#pa#on #n (e su&*ec proper+. A 'are%ul peru#al o% the #ai A%%iavit reveal# that it i# not $hat it purport# to be. E#peran1a9# A%%iavit i#, in %a't, a 2onation. E#peran1a9# real intent in e8e'uting the #ai A%%iavit $a# to onate her #hare in the #ub&e't property to petitioner an her hu#ban. A# no onerou# unerta>ing i# re3uire o% petitioner an her hu#ban uner the #ai A%%iavit, the onation i# regare a# a pure onation o% an intere#t in a real property 'overe by Arti'le ./9 o% the Civil Coe. From the a%ore#ai provi#ion, there are (ree re'u#s#es /or (e .a$#!#+ o/ a s#%p$e !ona#on o/ a rea$ proper+, to $it: )1* it mu#t be mae in a publi' in#trumentE )2* it mu#t be a''epte, $hi'h a''eptan'e may be mae either in the #ame 2ee o% 2onation or in a #eparate publi' in#trumentE an )<* i% the a''eptan'e i# mae in a #eparate in#trument, the onor mu#t be noti%ie in an authenti' %orm, an the #ame mu#t be note in both in#trument#. Thi# Court agree# $ith the !TC an the Court o% Appeal# that the A%%iavit e8e'ute by E#peran1a relin3ui#hing her right#, #hare, intere#t an parti'ipation over the #ub&e't property in %avor o% the petitioner an her hu#ban #u%%ere %rom legal in%irmitie#, a# it %aile to 'omply $ith the a%ore#ai re3ui#ite# o% the la$. 0n the pre#ent 'a#e, the #ai A%%iavit, $hi'h i# tantamount to a 2ee o% 2onation, met the %ir#t re3ui#ite, a# it $a# notari1eE thu#, it be'ame a publi' in#trument. +everthele##, it %aile to meet the a%ore#ai #e'on an thir re3ui#ite#. The a''eptan'e o% the #ai onation $a# not mae by the petitioner an her hu#ban either in the #ame A%%iavit or in a #eparate publi' in#trument. As (ere -as no accepance %a!e o/ (e sa#! !ona#on, (ere -as a$so no no#ce o/ (e sa#! accepance )#.en o (e !onor, Esperanza. T(ere/ore, (e A//#!a.# execue! &+ Esperanza #n /a.or o/ pe##oner an! (er (us&an! #s nu$$ an! .o#! . 0t i# true that the accepance o/ a !ona#on %a+ &e %a!e a an+ #%e !ur#n) (e $#/e#%e o/ (e !onor. An granting arguendo that #u'h a''eptan'e may #till be amitte in evien'e on appeal, (ere #s s#$$ nee! /or proo/ (a a /or%a$ no#ce o/ suc( accepance -as rece#.e! &+ (e !onor an! noe! #n &o( (e 5ee! o/ 5ona#on an! (e separae #nsru%en e%&o!+#n) (e accepance. At the very lea#t, thi# la#t legal re3ui#ite o% annotation in both in#trument# o% onation an a''eptan'e $a# not %ul%ille by the petitioner. Ne#(er (e A//#!a.# nor (e 5ee! o/ Accepance &ears (e /ac (a Esperanza rece#.e! no#ce o/ (e accepance o/ (e !ona#on &+ pe##oner. 6or (#s reason, e.en Esperanza1s one4(#r! s(are #n (e su&*ec proper+ canno &e a!*u!#cae! o (e pe##oner.