Presentation (Republic Acts)

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SHORT TITLE: Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007

Constit tion!" B!sis o# Anti$R%& T!'% A(t o# )**+

A,ti("% II, s%( )+ o# t-% .98+ Constit tion
T-% St!t% s-!"" /!int!in -on%st0 !n& int%1,it0 in t-% ' 2"i( s%,3i(% !n& s-!"" t!4% 'ositi3% !n& %##%(ti3% /%!s ,%s !1!inst 1,!#t !n& (o,, 'tion.

The Act shall apply to all government offices and agencies including local government nits and government-o!ned and controlled corporations that provide frontline services .
- the process or transaction between clients and government offices or agencies involving applications for any privilege, right, permit, reward, license, concession, or for any modification, renewal or extension of the enumerated application and/or request which are acted upon in the ordinary course of business of the agency or office concerned

5-!t &o%s t-% Anti$R%& T!'% A(t o# )**+ 6!nts to !(-i%3%7

The Act aims to promote transparency in government with regard to manner of transacting with the public by requiring each agency to simplify frontline service procedures, formulate service standards to observe in every transaction and make known these standards to the client.

nown as the !iti"en#s !harter $comes in the form of information billboards%


RESPONSIBILITIES OF EACH OFFICE/AGENCY UNDER THIS ACT: a) Determine whi h !r" e##e# "r tran#a ti"n# "n#tit$te %r"nt&ine #er'i e# () Un)erta*e reen+ineerin+ "% tran#a ti"n #,#tem# an) !r" e)$re#- in &$)in+ time an) m"ti"n #t$)ie#- i% ne e##ar, an) a%ter "m!&ian e ) Set.$! their re#!e ti'e #er'i e #tan)ar)#

I# an "%%i ia& )" $ment- a #er'i e #tan)ar)- "r a !&e)+e- that "mm$ni ate# in%"rmati"n "n the #er'i e# !r"'i)e) (, the "n erne) +"'ernment a+en , t" the !$(&i / It )e# ri(e# the #te!.(,.#te! !r" e)$re %"r a'ai&in+ a !arti $&ar #er'i e- an) the +$arantee) !er%"rman e &e'e& that the, ma, e0!e t %"r that #er'i e/

A((o nt!2i"it0 o# t-% H%!&s o# O##i(%s !n& A1%n(i%s

1/ He #ha&& (e re#!"n#i(&e %"r the im!&ementati"n "% thi# A t in hi# a+en ,/ 2/ He #ha&& (e he&) a "$nta(&e t" the !$(&i ren)erin+ e%%i ient an) re&ia(&e #er'i e/ in

3/ He #ha&& +rant !ermit "r &earan e %"r a&& tran#a ti"n# ha'in+ hi# 4$ri#)i ti"n in hi# a+en ,/ 5/ He #ha&& %"rma&&, i##$e an) re&ea#e the Citi6en7# Charter/ 8/ He #ha&& m"nit"r an) re'iew the im!&ementati"n "% the harter/

A((%ssin1 F,ont"in% S%,3i(%s

"lient files !ritten application or re# est and s $mits re# ired doc ments
Emplo%ee&officer receives s $mitted doc ments

Emplo%ee&officer eval ates re# est and verifies s $mitted doc ments Emplo%ee&officer acts on t'e application If approved C&ient an &aim the re9$e#te) )" $ment# "lient satisfied C&ient ma, )r"! #$++e#ti"n# "r "mment# (, !h"ne "r "ther me)i$m "% "mm$ni ati"n If denied C&ient re ei'e written n"ti e "% )enia& If e(tended O%%i e/a+en , n"ti%ie# the &ient "% the e0ten#i"n an) rea#"n# %"r it "lient nsatisfied

C&ient "n#$&t# with the !$(&i a##i#tan e )e#*/ C&ient a&&# a+en , h"t&ine n$m(er# "r

R%'o,t C!,& S ,3%0

It i# an e'a&$ati"n t""& that !r"'i)e# a 9$a&itati'e mea#$re "% a t$a& !$(&i #er'i e $#er !er e!ti"n# "n the 9$a&it,- e%%i ien , an) a)e9$a , "% )i%%erent %r"nt&ine #er'i e#a# we&& a# a riti a& e'a&$ati"n "% the "%%i e "r a+en , an) it# !er#"nne&/

"ivil Service "ommission )"S"* in coordination !it' +evelopment Academ% of t'e ,'ilippines )+A,* cond ct t'e s rve%

P ,'os% o# R%'o,t C!,& S ,3%0

1/ T" !r"'i)e riti a& e'a&$ati"n "% the "%%i e "r a+en ,- "r it# !er#"nne&: 2/ T" he * &ient# #ati#%a ti"n- "!erati"na& e%%i ien , an) area# '$&nera(&e t" "rr$!ti"n: 3/ T" hi+h&i+ht# (e#t !ra ti e#: 5/ T" !r"'i)e in enti'e# %"r e0 e&&ent #er'i e )e&i'er,: an)8/ T" +i'e re "mmen)ati"n# %"r im!r"'ement in !r"(&em area# an) ine%%i ien ie#/

Dis(i'"in!,0 A(tion

)2*Ref sal to accept application and&or re# est !it'in t'e prescri$ed period or an% doc ment $eing s $mitted $% a client3 )2* .ail re to act on an application and&or re# est or fail re to refer $ac4 to t'e client a re# est !'ic' cannot $e acted pon d e to lac4 of re# irement&s !it'in t'e prescri$ed period3 )5* .ail re to attend to clients !'o are !it'in t'e premises of t'e office or agenc% concerned prior to t'e end of official !or4ing 'o rs and d ring l nc'3

Dis(i'"in!,0 A(tion

)6* .ail re to render frontline services !it'in t'e prescri$ed period on an% application and&or re# est !it'o t d e ca se3 )7* .ail re to give t'e client a !ritten notice on t'e disapproval of an application or re# est3 and8 )9* Imposition of additional irrelevant re# irements ot'er t'an t'ose listed in t'e first notice:

-rave Offense - &ixing and/or collusion with fixers in consideration of economic and/or other gain or advantage.

.i(er- refers to any individual whether or not officially involved in the operation of a government office or agency who has access to people working therein, and whether or not in collusion with them, facilitates speedy completion of transactions for pecuniary gain or any other advantage or consideration.

T'ose !'o are filed !it' administrative c'arges nder t'is Act can also $e filed !it' ot'er criminal8 civil8 or ot'er related c'arges arising from t'e same act or omission:

T'e I/;ESTI-ATI/- 1O+< or "O0RT 'as t'e po!er to grant imm nit%8 e(emption from prosec tion or disc'arge:

An% p $lic official or emplo%ee c'arged !it' lia$ilities nder t'is Act can $e given imm nit% or $e e(empted from prosec tion:



=,01LI" O..I"ER OR E>,LO<EE? >an% person 'olding an% p $lic office or emplo%ment $% virt e of an appointment8 election or contract8 and an% person 'olding an% office or emplo%ment8 $% appointment or contract8 in an% State o!ned or controlled corporation or enterprise:

P,o'%,ti%s not (onsi&%,%& !s "%1iti/!t%"0 !(= i,%& ',o'%,t0 >

2: ,ropert% nla!f ll% ac# ired $% t'e respondent8 $ t its o!ners'ip is concealed $% its $eing recorded in t'e name of8 or 'eld $%8 t'e respondent@s spo se8 ascendants8 descendants8 relatives8 or an% ot'er person: 2: ,ropert% nla!f ll% ac# ired $% t'e respondent8 $ t transferred $% 'im to anot'er person or persons on or after t'e affectivit% of t'is Act: 5: ,ropert% donated to t'e respondent d ring 'is inc m$enc%8 nless 'e can prove to t'e satisfaction of t'e co rt t'at t'e donation is la!f l:

Fi"in1 o# '%tition
T'e Solicitor -eneral )S-*8 pon complaint $% an% ta(pa%er certifies to t'e S- t'at t'ere is reasona$le gro nd to $elieve t'at t'ere 'as $een committed a violation of t'is Act8 s'all file )in t'e name and on $e'alf of t'e Rep $lic of t'e ,'ilippines* in t'e "o rt of .irst Instance a petition for a !rit commanding said officer&emplo%ee to s'o! ca se !'% t'e s $Aect propert%8 or an% part t'ereof8 s'o ld not $e declared propert% of t'e State:

Fi"in1 o# '%tition

T'e resignation8 dismissal or separation of t'e officer or emplo%ee from 'is office or emplo%ment in t'e -overnment or in t'e -overnmento!ned or controlled corporation s'all not $e a $ar to t'e filing of t'e petition:

P%tition / st in(" &% t-% #o""o6in1>

)a* T'e name respondent:





)$* T'e p $lic officer or emplo%ment 'e 'olds and s c' ot'er p $lic offices or emplo%ment !'ic' 'e 'as previo sl% 'eld: )c* T'e appro(imate amo nt of propert% 'e 'as ac# ired d ring 'is inc m$enc% in 'is past and present offices and emplo%ments:

P%tition / st in(" &% t-% #o""o6in1>

)d* A description of said propert%8 or s c' t'ereof as 'as $een identified $% t'e Solicitor -eneral: )e* T'e total amo nt of 'is government salar% and ot'er proper earnings and incomes from legitimatel% ac# ired propert%8 and )f* S c' ot'er information as ma% ena$le t'e co rt to determine !'et'er or not t'e respondent 'as nla!f ll% ac# ired propert% d ring 'is inc m$enc%:

,eriod for t'e respondent to ans!er: 27 da%s HEARI/-: T'e "o rt s'all set a date for a 'earing8 and d ring !'ic' t'e respondent s'all $e given ample opport nit% to e(plain8 to t'e satisfaction of t'e co rt8 'o! 'e 'as ac# ired t'e propert% in # estion:

B0+->E/T: If t'e respondent is na$le to s'o! to t'e satisfaction of t'e co rt t'at 'e 'as la!f ll% ac# ired t'e propert% in # estion8 t'en t'e co rt s'all declare s c' propert%8 forfeited in favor of t'e State8 and $% virt e of s c' A dgment t'e propert% aforesaid s'all $ecome propert% of t'e State
A,,EAL: T'e parties ma% appeal from t'e A dgment of t'e ".I as provided in t'e R les of "o rt for appeals in civil cases:

P,ot%(tion !1!inst s%"#$in(,i/in!tion

/eit'er t'e respondent nor an% ot'er person s'all $e e(c sed from attending and testif%ing or from prod cing pertinent records re# ired of 'im3 $ t no individ al s'all $e prosec ted criminall% for or on acco nt of an% transaction8 matter&t'ing concerning !'ic' 'e is compelled8 after 'aving claimed 'is privilege against selfincrimination8 to testif% or prod ce evidence8 e(cept t'at s c' individ al so testif%ing s'all not $e e(empt from prosec tion and conviction for perA r% or false testimon% committed in so testif%ing or from administrative proceedings:

I>>0/IT<: T'e Solicitor -eneral ma% grant imm nit% from criminal prosec tion to an% person !'o testifies to t'e nla!f l manner in !'ic' t'e respondent 'as ac# ired an% of t'e propert% in # estion in cases !'ere s c' testimon% is necessar% to prove violations of t'is Act:

E..E"T O. RE"OR+ O. TITLE: T'e fact t'at an% real propert% 'as $een recorded in t'e Registr% of ,ropert% or office of t'e Register of +eeds in t'e name of t'e respondent or of an% person s'all not prevent t'e rendering of t'e A dgment:

LACS O/ ,RES"RI,TIO/: T'e la!s concerning ac# isitive prescription and limitation of actions cannot $e invo4ed $%8 nor s'all t'e% $enefit t'e respondent8 in respect of an% propert% nla!f ll% ac# ired $% 'im:

,E/ALTIES: An% p $lic officer or emplo%ee !'o transfer or conve% an% nla!f ll% ac# ired propert% s'all $e repressed !it' imprisonment for a term not e(ceeding 7 %ears8 or a fine not e(ceeding ,'p 208000:008 or $ot' s c' imprisonment and fine: T'e same repression s'all $e imposed pon an% person !'o s'all 4no!ingl% accept s c' transfer or conve%ance:



Technically, corruption covers an entire host of abuses, of which graft is one. -raft and corr ption are charges that are typically leveled at highly-placed government officials, who are able to use public funds to improve their own fortunes due to increased access, influence, knowledge or power that comes with an elevated position.


P$(&i "%%i er# an) em!&",ee# m$#t at a&& time# (e a "$nta(&e t" the !e"!&e- #er'e them with $tm"#t re#!"n#i(i&it,- inte+rit,- &",a&t, an) e%%i ien ,- a t with !atri"ti#m an) 4$#ti e- an) &ea) m")e#t &i'e#/

So/% o# t-% (o,, 't ',!(ti(%s o# !n0 ' 2"i( o##i(%, 6-i(- !,% &%("!,%& !s n"!6# ">

)a* ,ers ading8 ind cing or infl encing anot'er p $lic officer to perform an act constit ting a violation of r les and reg lations in connection !it' t'e official d ties of t'e latter8 or allo!ing 'imself to $e pers aded8 ind ced8 or infl enced to commit s c' violation or offense:

So/% o# t-% (o,, 't ',!(ti(%s o# !n0 ' 2"i( o##i(%, 6-i(- !,% &%("!,%& !s n"!6# ">

)$* +irectl% or indirectl% re# esting or receiving an% gift8 present8 s'are8 percentage8 or $enefit in connection !it' an% transaction $et!een t'e -overnment and an% ot'er part%8 !'erein t'e p $lic officer in 'is official capacit% 'as to intervene nder t'e la!:

So/% o# t-% (o,, 't ',!(ti(%s o# !n0 ' 2"i( o##i(%, 6-i(- !,% &%("!,%& !s n"!6# ">

)c* +irectl% or indirectl% re# esting&receiving an% gift or ot'er pec niar% or material $enefit8 from an% person for !'om t'e p $lic officer 'as sec red&o$tained8 or !ill sec re&o$tain8 an% -overnment permit or license8 in consideration for t'e 'elp given or to $e given:

So/% o# t-% (o,, 't ',!(ti(%s o# !n0 ' 2"i( o##i(%, 6-i(- !,% &%("!,%& !s n"!6# ">

)d* Accepting or 'aving an% mem$er of 'is famil% accept emplo%ment in a private enterprise !'ic' 'as pending official $ siness !it' 'im d ring t'e pendenc% t'ereof or !it'in one %ear after its termination:

So/% o# t-% (o,, 't ',!(ti(%s o# !n0 ' 2"i( o##i(%, 6-i(- !,% &%("!,%& !s n"!6# ">

)e* "a sing an% nd e inA r% to an% part% or giving an% private part% an% n!arranted $enefits8 advantage or preference in t'e disc'arge of official administrative or A dicial f nctions t'ro g' manifest partialit%8 evident $ad fait' or gross ine(c sa$le negligence:

So/% o# t-% (o,, 't ',!(ti(%s o# !n0 ' 2"i( o##i(%, 6-i(- !,% &%("!,%& !s n"!6# ">

)f* /eglecting&ref sing8 after d e demand&re# est8 !it'o t s fficient A stification8 to act !it'in a reasona$le time for t'e p rpose of o$taining some pec niar% or material $enefit8 or for t'e p rpose of favoring 'is o!n interest or giving nd e advantage in favor of or discriminating against an% ot'er interested part%:

So/% o# t-% (o,, 't ',!(ti(%s o# !n0 ' 2"i( o##i(%, 6-i(- !,% &%("!,%& !s n"!6# ">

)g* Entering8 on $e'alf of t'e -overnment8 into an% transaction manifestl% and grossl% disadvantageo s to t'e same: )'* +irectl% or indirectl% 'aving financing or pec niar% interest in an% transaction in connection !it' !'ic' 'e intervenes or ta4es part in 'is official capacit%8 or in !'ic' 'e is pro'i$ited $% t'e "onstit tion or $% an% la! from 'aving an% interest:

So/% o# t-% (o,, 't ',!(ti(%s o# !n0 ' 2"i( o##i(%, 6-i(- !,% &%("!,%& !s n"!6# ">

)i* +irectl% or indirectl% $ecoming interested in an% transaction or act re# iring t'e approval of a $oard8 panel or gro p of !'ic' 'e is a mem$er8 and !'ic' e(ercises discretion in s c' approval

)A* Dno!ingl% approving or granting an% license8 permit8 privilege or $enefit in favor of an% person not # alified for or not legall% entitled to s c':

So/% o# t-% (o,, 't ',!(ti(%s o# !n0 ' 2"i( o##i(%, 6-i(- !,% &%("!,%& !s n"!6# ">

)4* +iv lging val a$le information of a confidential c'aracter to na t'oriEed persons8 or releasing s c' information in advance of its a t'oriEed release date:

P,o-i2ition on ',i3!t% in&i3i& !"s>

"apitaliEing or e(ploiting or ta4ing advantage of famil% or close personal relation !it' an% p $lic official $% directl% or indirectl% re# esting or receiving an% present8 gift or material or pec niar% advantage from an% ot'er person 'aving some $ siness8 transaction8 application8 re# est or contract !it' t'e government8 in !'ic' s c' p $lic official 'as to intervene:

Dno!ingl% ind cing or ca sing an% p $lic official to commit an% of t'e offenses defined in Sec: 5 of t'is act:

P,o-i2ition on (%,t!in ,%"!ti3%s>

"O;ERE+: spo se or an% relative8 $% consang init% or affinit%8 !it'in t'e t'ird civil degree8 of t'e ,resident8 ;ice-,resident8 Senate ,resident and Ho se Spea4er8 to intervene8 directl% or indirectl%8 in an% $ siness8 transaction8 contract or application !it' t'e -overnment

EF"E,TIO/: An% person !'o8 prior to t'e ass mption of office of an% of t'e a$ove officials to !'om 'e is related8 'as $een alread% dealing !it' t'e -overnment:

a* Along t'e same line of $ siness $* An% transaction8 contract or application alread% e(isting or pending at t'e time of s c' ass mption of p $lic office: c* An% application filed $% 'im t'e approval of !'ic' is not discretionar% on t'e part of t'e official or officials concerned $ t depends pon compliance !it' re# isites provided $% la!8 or r les or reg lations iss ed p rs ant to la! d* An% act la!f ll% performed in an official capacit% or in t'e e(ercise of a profession

P,o-i2ition on M%/2%,s o# Con1,%ss

"O;ERE+: a* An% >em$er of "ongress d ring t'e term for !'ic' 'e 'as $een elected $* An% ot'er p $lic officer !'o recommended t'e initiation in "ongress of t'e enactment or adoption of an% la! or resol tion8 and ac# ires or receives an% s c' interest d ring 'is inc m$enc%

P,o-i2ition on M%/2%,s o# Con1,%ss

ACTS PROHIBITED> a* Ac# iring or receiving an% personal pec niar% interest in an% specific $ siness enterprise !'ic' !ill $e directl% and partic larl% favored or $enefited $% an% la! or resol tion a t'ored $% 'im previo sl% approved or adopted $% t'e "ongress d ring t'e same term $* Having s c' interest prior to t'e approval of s c' la! or resol tion a t'ored or recommended $% 'im8 contin es for 50 da%s after s c' approval to retain s c' interest

St!t%/%nt o# !ss%ts !n& "i!2i"iti%s

COVERED> Ever% p $lic officer 5HEN> a* Cit'in 50 da%s from approval of t'is Act or after ass ming office $* Cit'in t'e mont' of Ban ar% of ever% ot'er %ear t'ereafter c* 0pon e(piration of 'is term of office8 or pon resignation or separation from office

Dis/iss!" & % to n%?'"!in%& 6%!"ta* .o nd to 'ave ac# ired d ring 'is inc m$enc% an amo nt of propert% and&or mone% manifestl% o t of proportion to 'is salar% and to 'is ot'er la!f l income
$* ,roperties in t'e name of t'e spo se and nmarried c'ildren of s c' p $lic official ma% $e ta4en into consideration8 !'en t'eir ac# isition t'ro g' legitimate means cannot $e satisfactoril% s'o!n c*1an4 deposits

P%n!"ti%s #o, 3io"!tions )a* An% p $lic officer or private person committing an% of t'e nla!f l acts or omissions en merated in t'is Act s'all $e p nis'ed !it': Imprisonment for not less t'an 2 nor more t'an 20 %ears8 ,erpet al dis# alification from p $lic office8 and "onfiscation or forfeit re in favor of t'e -overnment of an% pro'i$ited interest and ne(plained !ealt' manifestl% o t of proportion to 'is salar% and ot'er la!f l income

P%n!"ti%s #o, 3io"!tions

)$* An% p $lic officer violation an% of t'e provisions of Section 7 of t'is Act s'all $e p nis'ed $% a fine of not less t'an 200 nor more t'an 20008 or $% imprisonment not e(ceeding 28 or $% $ot' s c' fine and imprisonment8 at t'e discretion of t'e "o rt:

"O>,ETE/T "O0RT )Sec: 20* Sandigan$a%an G appeal to S" ,RES"RI,TIO/ )Sec: 22* 20 %ears TER>I/ATIO/ O. O..I"E )Sec: 22* /o p $lic officer s'all $e allo!ed to resign or retire pending an investigation8 criminal or administrative8 or pending a prosec tion against 'im8 for an% offense nder t'is Act or nder t'e provisions of t'e Revised ,enal "ode on $ri$er%:

S0S,E/SIO/ A/+ LOSS O. 1E/E.ITS: An% p $lic officer against !'om an% criminal prosec tion nder a valid information nder t'is Act or nder t'e provisions of t'e Revised ,enal "ode on $ri$er% is pending in co rt8 s'all $e s spended from office: "O/;I"TIO/: Lose all retirement $enefits8 e(cept terminal leave pa% and grat it%

A"H0ITTAL: Entitled to reinstatement and to t'e salaries and $enefits !'ic' 'e failed to receive d ring s spension EF"E,TIO/: 0nsolicited gifts&presents of small&insignificant val e offered as a mere ordinar% to4en of gratit de&friends'ip according to local c stoms& sage

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