Consti Chopsuey Midterms Reviewer
Consti Chopsuey Midterms Reviewer
Consti Chopsuey Midterms Reviewer
Module 1
Topics Cases
The Constitution
De Leon v Esguerra
Effectivity of the Constitution Doctrine: The Constitution took effect on February 2, 1987, the date of
February 2, 1987 as pronounced by the Supreme Court in the case of De its ratification in the plebiscite.
Leon vs. Esguerra. Facts: De Leon was elected as Barangay Captain of Brgy. Dolores, Taytay,
Rizal along with other council members. He received a Memo from the
Nature and Characteristics OIC Governor designating respondent Magno as Barangay Captain.
Petitioners pray that the Memo be declared null and void; that their
Q: What is the nature of our Constitution? term shall be 6 years under the Barangay Election Act. Respondents
A: It is rigid because it can only be amended by strictly following the provisions of relied on the Provisional Constitution of 1986 which granted the
Article XVII. It is written because it is embodied in a single document. It is governor to appoint or designate new successors within one year period.
Lambino v COMELEC
Requirements in People’s Initiative Doctrine: Essential Requirements for a Valid Initiative to Propose
1. Petition Amendments to the Constitution
2. Full text of the proposed amendments which must be embodied in Facts: Lambino et al. sought to propose amendments to the Constitution
number 1 or at least attached thereto and such fact of attachment by People’s initiative through RA 6735. The sheet used to gather
is stated in the petition signatures from the people contained only the questions “Do you approve
3. Twelve percent (12%) of total registered voters; three percent of the Amendment of Articles VI and VII of the 1987 Constitution,
(3%) of registered voters in each representative district/legislative changing the form of the government from the present bicameral-
district presidential to a unicameral-parliamentary system of government in order
* Authentication of the signatures by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) to achieve
4. Amendment, not revision greater efficiency xxx; and providing an Article XVIII as Transitory
5. Once every five (5) years Provisions?”
6. Enabling law from the Congress
7. Must contain only one topic (Hodgepodge or log-rolling is not The signature sheet further provides a table wherein the personal data of
the person signing shall be indicated.
allowed. The proposed amendment must embrace only one topic because
Subsequently, Lambino et al. filed with COMELEC to hold a plebiscite to
if it contains two topics, the people will be forced to accept two changes
ratify their proposal. They have in fact gathered signatures of 12% of all
even if they do not want the other.) registered voters with each district represented by 3% at least (6,327,952
Ratification – is the act of the people, the sovereign, in casting their COMELEC invoked Santiago v. COMELEC and denied the petition.
vote on amendments and revisions in a plebiscite Issue: WON Lambino’s petition complied with Art XVII, Sec 2 of the
Requirements: Ruling: No. The court declared that Lambino Group's initiative is void
1. should be done by a majority vote cast in a plebiscite and unconstitutional because it dismally fails to comply with the
2. should be done not earlier than 60 days and not later than 90 requirement of Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution that the
days to provide ample time for people to carefully read and initiative must be "directly proposed by the people through initiative
Module 2
Topics Cases
III. Concept of the State
Elements of State
* Sovereignty over airspace extends only until where outerspace begins. (50-100
miles from the earth)
Q: Is there a part of Article I which confirms that the Philippines adopts the
archipelagic doctrine?
A: Yes. It is found in the last sentence of Article I which states that “The waters
around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of
their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines.”
Q: How do you make the 7,107 islands into one integrated unit?
A: Use the straight baseline method.
The main purpose is to protect our territorial security and integrity because if we
use the normal baseline method, there would be pocket seas (areas or high seas
that would not be part of our territory because of the twelve nautical miles rule).
Q: Why do you call the three (3) nautical miles the canon-shot rule?
A: That time, the rule was you can only own what you can defend. In the
eighteenth (18th) century, the strongest weapon was the canon, the effective
range of which was only three (3) nautical miles.
*Reputedly, the smallest State in point of population is the Vatican. Its estimated
five hundred (500) citizens, mainly clerics and some Swiss guards, are ruled by the
Pope. The island Republic of Nauru has a total population of only nine thousand
(9,000). China is the largest state in point placed at more than one billion
Q: Can you have a State where the people are all men or all women?
A: No. There would be no procreation, thus, the State would not be able to sustain
or survive. The State should be able to maintain its existence, thus, continuity of
the race is a must.
a. Public works
b. Public charity
c. Public education
d. Health and safety regulations
e. Regulation of trade and industry (Bacani v NACOCO)
Q: What is sovereignty?
A: It is the supreme and uncontrollable power inherent in a State by which that
State is governed. (Garner, Political Science and Government)
1. Legal sovereignty – is the authority by which a state has the power to issue final
commands. (Gilebrist, Principles of Political Science)
2. Political sovereignty – the sum total of all the influences in a State which lie
behind the law; roughly defined as the power of the people; the sovereignty of the
electorate, or in its general sense, the sovereignty of the whole body politic.
(Gonzales, Philippine Political Law)
3. Internal sovereignty – management of our domestic affairs; the supremacy of a
person or body of persons in the State over the individuals or association of
individuals within the area of its jurisdiction. (Gonzales, Philippine Political Law)
4. External sovereignty – freedom from external control. It is the supremacy of the
State as against all foreign wills. (Gonzales, Philippine Political Law)
Q: What is the effect of belligerent occupation on: (1) Sovereignty; (2) Laws; and
(3) Judicial Decisions, of the occupied territory?
Laws – Political laws are merely suspended, subject to revival under the
doctrine of jus postliminium (revival of political laws after the belligerent Laurel v Misa
occupation) upon the end of the occupation. Non-political laws are deemed Doctrine: Law on treason, though political in nature, is not suspended
continued unless changed by the belligerent occupant since they are intended to during belligerent occupation.
govern the relations of individuals as among themselves and are not generally Facts: Petitioner Anastacio Laurel was being prosecuted for the crime of
affected by changes in regimes or rulers. treason. Laurel, a Filipino Citizen, was arrested in Camarines Sur in May,
1945, by the United States Army, and was imprisoned for his active
However, the rule suspending political laws affects only the civilian inhabitants of collaboration with the Japanese during the Japanese occupation, giving
the occupied territory and is not intended to bind the enemies in arms. It also does the enemy aid and comfort. Laurel filed a petition contending that the
not apply to the law on treason although decidedly political in character. This rule sovereignty of the legitimate government in the Philippines and the
only covers the civilian inhabitants of the occupied territory. It does not bind correlative allegiance of Filipino Citizens was SUSPENDED.
enemies at war. (Ruffy vs Chief of Staff) Issue: WON the absolute allegiance of Filipino citizens to the
Government is suspended during enemy occupation
Judicial Decisions –They are valid during the occupation and even beyond except Ruling: NO, absolute allegiance is not suspended during enemy
those of a political complexion, which are automatically annulled upon the occupation. Citizens of the Philippines owe ABSOLUTE and
restoration of the legitimate authority (Co Kim Chan vs. Valdez Tan Keh). PERMANENT allegiance to their legitimate government. This allegiance
to the legitimate government is not abrogated or severed by the enemy
Thus, a person convicted of treason against the Japanese Imperial Forces was, occupation, because the sovereignty of the legitimate government is not
after the occupation, entitled to be released on the ground that the sentence transferred to the belligerent occupier. In other words, there is no such
imposed on him for his political offense had ceased to be valid (Peralta vs. Director thing as suspended allegiance.
People v Gozo
Doctrine: Concept of Auto-Limitation
Facts: Loreta Gozo bought a house and lot located inside the US Naval
Reservation within the territorial jurisdiction of Olangapo City. She
demolished the house and built another one in its place without securing
a building permit from the City Mayor of Olangapo City. The City Court of
Olangapo found her guilty of violating a municipal ordinance that
requires permit from the municipal mayor for construction of building as
well as any modification, repairs or demolition thereof. On appeal, Gozo
put in issue the validity of such ordinance by invoking due process. She
likewise questioned the applicability of the ordinance to her in view of
the location of her dwelling within the naval base leased to the American
Armed Forces; she contended that the municipal government cannot
exercise therein administrative jurisdiction.
Issue: WON Whether the municipal corporation retains its
administrative jurisdiction over the area where Gozo‘s house was
Module 3
Topics Cases
Under our Constitution, the principle of immunity of the government from suit is
expressly provided in Article XVI, Section 3.
Incorporated Agency
- Has a charter, therefore, has a juridical or separate personality
- Examples: National Power Corporation (NPC); University of the
Philippines (UP)
Unincorporated Agency
- Part of the entire government machinery
- Lined agency
- Example: DOJ and all other departments under the Executive branch
- Not chartered, but it does not mean that it is not created by law. It
could only mean that it is not stated whether or not it can sue and be
- Has no separate/juridical personality
Republic v Villasor
Doctrine: Public funds cannot be the object of garnishment proceedings
even if the consent to be sued has been previously granted and the
state‘s liability has been adjudged.
Facts: A decision was rendered in a Special Proceeding against the
Republic of the Philippines thereby confirming the arbitration award of
P1,712,396.40 in favor of respondent corporation. After the decision
became final and executory, respondent judge issued an order directing
the sheriff to execute the said decision, and the corresponding alias writ
of execution was thus issued.
Hence the sheriff served notices of garnishment with several banks
especially the monies due to the AFP in the form of deposits sufficient to
cover the amount mentioned in the writ. PNB and Philippine Veterans
Bank received such notice. As certified by the AFP Comptroller, these
funds of the AFP with the said banks are public funds for the pensions,
pay, and allowances of its military and civilian personnel.
The petitioner, in this certiorari and prohibition proceedings, challenges
the validity of the Order issued by Judge Villasor declaring the decision
final and executory and subsequently issuing an alias writ of execution
directed against the funds of the AFP in pursuance thereof.
Issue: May the writs of execution and notices of garnishment be sued
against public funds?
Ruling: NO. Although the State may give its consent to be sued by
private parties, there is corollary that public funds cannot be the object
of garnishment proceedings even if the consent to be sued has been
previously granted and the state‘s liability has been adjudged.
Thus in the case of Commission of Public Highways vs. San Diego, such a
well settled doctrine was restated in the opinion of Justice Teehankee.
The universal rule that where the state gives its consent to be sued by
private parties either by general or special law, it may limit claimant‘s
action only up to the completion of proceedings anterior to the stage
Module 4
Topics Cases
Declaration of Principles & State Policies
Intended to lay down rules underlying our system of government and must
therefore be adhered to in the conduct of public affairs and the resolution of
public issues
1987 A2 S1
The Philippines is a democratic and republican State. Sovereignty
resides in the people and all government authority emanates
from them.
− Establishes the democratic and representative nature of our government
and proclaims hostility to autocratic or totalitarian regimes
− Affirms that every citizen is an individual repository of sovereignty, and
as the origin and the restriction of all government authority
Representation : public functionaries derive their mandate from the people who
selected them and as such act in their behalf
Renovation : public functionaries serve for a limited period only and they are
replaced or retained at the option of their principal, the people
S – eparation of powers
B – lending of powers
C – hecks and balances
D – elegation of powers
Villavicencio v Lukban
Doctrine: We are a government of law, not of men.
Government of law and not of men Facts: Mayor of Manila deported prostitutes to work in a Hacienda in
Davao without their consent with the help of the head of police and
The ascendancy of the law is axiomatic in a republic and must be constabulary. The attorney for the relatives and friends of a considerable
Aglipay v Ruiz
Doctrine: Religious freedom as a constitutional mandate is not inhibition
of profound reverence for religion and is not denial of its influence in
human affairs.
Separation of Church and State (Concept and Rationale) Facts: Director of Post ordered the issues of postage stamps
commemorating the celebration in the City of Manila organized by the
Ratio: “Strong fences make good neighbor”. The idea is to delineate the Roman Catholic Church. Petitioner Aglipay, protested against it to the
boundaries between the church and the state and thus avoid encroachments by
But it does not mean that there is total or absolute separation. The better rule is
symbiotic relations between the Church and State. (Albano, Philippine
Government and Constitution) (Aglipay vs. Ruiz)
Q: Does it mean that the Church is not allowed to express its opinion regarding
the affairs of the State and vice-versa?
Q: What are the two (2) important aspects of the principle of separation of
Church and State?
(1) Non-establishment clause – “No law shall be made respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...”
(Sec. 5, Art. III, 1987 Constitution)
(2) Free exercise clause – “The free exercise and enjoyment of religious
profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be
Calalang v Williams
Social Justice
Doctrine: The state in order to promote the general welfare may
interfere with personal liberty, with property, and with business and
1987 A2 S9 The State shall promote a just and dynamic social order that
will ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation Facts: A resolution was adopted prohibiting animal-drawn vehicles from
and free the people from poverty through policies that passing certain areas along Rosario Street and Rizal Ave. for a particular
provide adequate social services, promote full employment, period of the day, in order to regulate traffic. Petitioner argues that the
a rising standard of living, and an improved quality of life for resolution is unconstitutional because the rules and regulation infringe
all. upon the constitutional precept of social justice.
S10 The State shall promote social justice in all phases of national Issue: WON the adopted resolution is unconstitutional because the rules
development. and regulations promulgated infringe the constitutional precept of social
S11 The State values the dignity of every human person and Ruling: NO. Social Justice means the promotion of the welfare of all
guarantees full respect for human rights. the people, the adoption by the Government of measures calculated to
S18 The State affirms labor as a primary social economic force. It insure economic stability of all the competent elements of society,
shall protect the rights of workers and promote their welfare. through the maintenance of a proper economic and social equilibrium
A2 S11 The State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full
respect for human rights.
It means that the State is enjoined to strengthen the family or is prohibited from
adopting measures which can impair the solidarity of the Filipino family. Calling
the family a “basic” social institution is an assertion that the family is anterior to
the State and is not a creature of the State. The categorization of the family as
“autonomous” is meant to protect the family against instrumentalization by the
Q: Considering the policy on the family, do you think the Congress can enact a
law on divorce?
A: Yes. The constitutional provisions on marriage do not imply that the
Legislature cannot enact a law allowing absolute divorce. While it is fundamental
that marriage must be protected, it is likewise to be acknowledged that there
may be certain cases where the parties might have undergone a marriage
ceremony to bind themselves together but, subsequently, no functional marital
life would exist. Hence, there is no marriage to preserve at all. The Legislature
has the plenary power to decide what sort of situations allowing absolute
divorce may be recognized within the limits allowed by the Constitution. (Sta.
Imbong v Ochoa
Abortion Doctrine: The intent of the framers of the Constitution is to ensure the
safety and well-being of every citizen.
Q: Does the Constitution allow abortion? Facts: 14 petitions were filed assailing the constitutionality of the RH
A: No. The Constitution affords protection to the unborn from conception. The Law.
clear and unequivocal intent of the framers of the 1987 Constitution in Issue: WON the RH law is unconstitutional for violating the right to
protecting the life of the unborn from conception was to prevent the Legislature health and the Natural Law.
from enacting a measure legalizing abortion. The intention… is to make sure that Ruling: NO. On the issue of unconstitutionality for the alleged violation
Q: What is the policy of the State on women and children, especially with
regard to the unborn?
A: Section 12 provides that “The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and
shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution.
It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from
conception. The natural and primary right and duty of parents in the rearing of
the youth for civic efficiency and the development of the moral character shall
receive the support of the Government.”
Q: What is more important for the State, the life of the mother or the life of
the unborn?
A: Both. Section 12, in clear and unequivocal terms, explicitly states that “It shall
equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from
Gender Equality
Q: What is the principle of equality of women and men?
A: Section 14 provides that “The State recognizes the role of women in nation-
building, and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women
and men.”
Filipino women have proven their worth and heroism in various aspects of the
country. They have led battles, led the country in the executive, legislative and
judiciary. They have not only become partners in nation-building; they have
become leaders as well. (Albano, Philippine Government and Constitution)
Oposa v Factoran
Doctrine: Doctrine of Intergenerational Responsibility – every
Health and Environment generation has a responsibility to the next to preserve that rhythm and
harmony for the full enjoyment of a balanced and healthful ecology
A2, S15 The State shall protect and promote the right to health of the (which is solemnly incorporated in the Constitution).
people and instill health consciousness among them. Facts: Petitioners, all minors (Juan Oposa, et al.) duly represented and
joined by their parents. Impleaded as an additional plaintiff is the
Q: Is there a constitutional right to a balanced and healthful ecology? Philippine Ecological Network, Inc. (PENI), a domestic, nonstock and non-
A: Yes. While the right to a balanced and healthful ecology is to be found under profit corporation organized for the purpose of, inter alia, engaging in
the Declaration of Principles and State Policies and not under the Bill of Rights, it concerted action geared for the protection of our environment and
does not follow that it is less important than any of the civil and political rights natural resources. First complaint was filed as a taxpayer’s class suit at
enumerated in the latter. Such a right belongs to a different category of rights the RTC of Makati, against the defendant (respondent) DENR Secretary
altogether for it concerns nothing less than self-preservation and self- Fulgencion Factoran. He then filed a Motion to Dismiss the complaint.
perpetuation – aptly and fittingly stress by the petitioners – the advancement of The Respondent Judge then issued an order granting the
which may even be said to predate all governments and constitutions. As a aforementioned motion to dismiss. Plaintiff thus filed the instant special
matter of fact, these basic rights need not even be written in the Constitution for civil action for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court and
they are assumed to exist from the inception of humankind. (Oposa v Factoran) asked the Court to rescind and set aside the dismissal order on the
ground that the respondent Judge gravely abused his discretion in
Policy on Education dismissing the action.
Issue: WON the petitioner minors have a cause of action in filing a class
A2, S17 The State shall give priority to education, science and suit to “prevent the misappropriation or impairment of Philippine
technology, arts, culture, and sports to foster patriotism and rainforests”
nationalism, accelerate social progress, and promote total Ruling: YES. The petitioner minors have a cause of action to sue in
human liberation and development. behalf of the succeeding generations on the basis of the concept of
intergenerational responsibility insofar as the right to a balanced and
healthful ecology is concerned. Such a right, as hereinafter expounded,
Autonomy of Private Enterprises considers the “rhythm and harmony of nature.” Nature means the
A2, S21 The State shall promote comprehensive rural development and Basco v PAGCOR
agrarian reform Doctrine: The principle of local autonomy under the 1987 Constitution
simply means "decentralization". It does not make local governments
sovereign within the state or an - imperiurn in imperio.
Autonomy of Local Government
Facts: Petitioners seek to annul the Philippine Amusement and Gaming
LGUs are accorded with a certain degree of autonomy in carrying out their Corporation (PAGCOR) Charter - PD 1869, because it is allegedly contrary
respective functions assigned by law. to morals, public policy and order. Petitioners also claim that said PD has
a "gambling objective" and that Section 13 par 2 of the same PD which
exempts PAGCOR from paying any tax, any kind of term income or
A2, S25 The State shall ensure the local autonomy of local governments
otherwise as well as fees, charges as levies of whatever nature whether
A10, S3 The territorial and political subdivisions shall enjoy local
national or local is violative of the principles of local autonomy for it is a
waiver of the right of the City of Manila to impose taxes and legal fees.
Issue: WON the local autonomy clause is violated by PD 1869
The abovequoted provisions of the Constitution and the LGC reveal the policy of
Ruling: NO. The petitioner‘s contentions are without merit for the
the State to empower LGUs to develop and ultimately, become self-sustaining
following reasons:
and effective contributors to the national economy.
1. The City of Manila, being a mere Municipal corporation hits no
inherent right to impose taxes.
Opportunity to Public Service
2. The Charter of the City of Manila is subject to control by Congress.
It should be stressed that "municipal corporations are mere
A2, S26 The State shall guarantee equal access to opportunities for creatures of Congress" which has the power to "create and
public service and prohibit political dynasties as may be defined abolish municipal corporations" due to its "general legislative
by law. powers". Congress, therefore, has the power of control over
Local governments. And if Congress can grant the City of Manila
NOTE: This provision does not contain a judicially enforceable the power to tax certain matters, it can also provide for
constitutional right merely specifies a guideline for legislative
Module 5
Topics Cases
V. Separation of Powers
Constitutional Commissions:
1. Commission on Audit (COA)
2. Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
Q: Is there a provision in the Constitution that states that the Philippines follows
separation of power?
A: None. We follow separation of powers because it is one of the manifestations
of a republican state.
1. Enactment of general appropriations
2. Grant of amnesty by the president
3. Deputization by Commission on Elections (COMELEC) of law enforcement
agencies and instrumentalities.
2. Checks by Congress
Congress may override the veto of the President [Art. 6, Sec. 27 (1)]; revoke the
proclamation of martial law or suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus by the President; and amend or revoke decisions of the courts (by the
enactment of a new law or by an amendment of the old, giving it such meaning
and interpretation as to wipe out the effect of such decisions).
It has the power to define, prescribe and apportion the jurisdiction of the
various acts (Art. 8, Sec. 2);
prescribe the qualifications of judges of lower courts; determine the salaries of
the President and Vice President (Art. 7, Sec. 6), the members of the Supreme
Court (SC) and judges of lower courts (Art. 8, Sec. 10);
and impeach the President and members of SC (Art. 11, Sec. 2).
Q: By judicial review, does it mean that the Judiciary is supreme over the two
other departments? Casibang v Aquino
A: No, what it is upholding is not its own supremacy but the supremacy of the Doctrine: The term "political question" connotes what it means in
Constitution. ordinary parlance, namely, a question of policy. It is concerned with
issues dependent upon the wisdom, not legality, of a particular
Q: What is a justiciable question? measure"
A: It implies a given right, legally demandable and enforceable, an act or omission, Facts: Respondent Remigo P. Yu was proclaimed Mayor of Rosales,
violative of such right, and a remedy granted and sanctioned by law for said breach Pangasinan in Nov. 9, 1971. Petitioner, only rival in mayor race, filed on
of right. (e.g. compliance with a voting requirement; qualifications of an appointee Nov. 24, 1971 a protest against the election of the former. Respondent
of the President) Judge took cognizance of the same as it is unquestionably a justiciable
controversy. Marcos, in Septempter 21, 1972 under Proclamation No.
Module 6
Topics Cases
X= people; Y= government agency (LEJ); Z= anyone
Permissible Delegations
Tariff, Import/Export Quotas, Tonnage, Wharfage Dues, Other Imposts and Duties
Q: If Congress said that the President can exercise the emergency power for one
(1) year, but after 1 year the emergency still exists. Does the power of the
President continue?
A: No. According to Justice Paras, “emergency itself cannot and should not create
power.” IT IS THE LAW THAT CREATES THE POWER. The mere continuance of the
emergency does not necessarily continue the President’s emergency power if they
have been granted to him for a shorter period.
NOTE: They shall automatically cease upon the next adjournment of Congress
unless sooner withdrawn by resolution in view of its opinion that emergency has
ceased. It is not necessary that the withdrawal be done through a statute. A
resolution does not need the approval of the President whereas a statute, to be
effective, needs the President’s approval.
X –power LEJ X?? The Sovereignty of the people = Reserved power (Sec. 1
Art. 6)
US v Ang Tang Ho
the law must be complete in all its essential terms and conditions when it
Doctrine: The law must be complete in all its terms and provisions when
leaves legislature so that there will be nothing left for the delegate to do when
it leaves the legislative branch of the government and nothing must be
it reaches him except to enforce it. (US vs. Ang Tang Ho)
left to the judgment of the electors or other appointee or delegate of the
legislature, so that, in form and substance, it is a law in all its details in
present, but which may be left to take effect in future, if necessary, upon
intended to map out the boundaries of the delegate’s authority by:
the ascertainment of any prescribed fact or event.
Facts: Philippine Legislature passed and approved Act No. 2868 entitled
a) defining the legislative policy; and
An Act Penalizing the Monopoly and Hoarding of Rice, Palay and Corn.
b) indicating the circumstances under which it is to be pursued and effected.
The said act under extraordinary circumstances authorizes the Governor
General to issue the necessary Rules and Regulations in regulating the
The standard is usually indicated in the law delegating legislative power (Ynot
distribution of such products. Pursuant to this Act, the Governor General
vs. IAC). But even if the law does not expressly pinpoint the standard, the
issued Executive Order 53 fixing the price at which rice should be sold
courts will bend over backward to locate the same elsewhere in order to spare
which was published on August 20, 1919. Ang Tang Ho was found guilty
the statute, if it can, from constitutional infirmity.
for selling ganta of rice that was said to have sold at a higher price
prescribed by EO. Respondent argues that there is undue delegation of
*Standards, parameter, guidelines
legislative power in executing the EO.
*Are the two standards required alternately or should both tests be present for it
Issue: WON there is undue delegation to the Governor General
to be considered validly delegated? Generally, one is enough. It depends on the
Ruling: Yes. Act No. 2868, as analysed by the Court, wholly fails to
provide definitely and clearly what the standard policy should contain,
so that it could be put in use as a uniform policy required to take the
Even if the law does not spell out in details the limit of the delegate’s authority, it place of all others without the determination of the insurance
may still be sustained if the delegation of legislative power is made subject to a commissioner in respect to matters involving the exercise of a legislative
sufficient standard. HOWEVER, according to the Pelaez Case, the two tests must discretion that could not be delegated, and without which the act could
be applied concurrently and not alternatively. not possibly be put in use. When Act No. 2868 was analyzed, it is the
violation of the proclamation of the Governor-General which constitutes
Completeness Test and Sufficient Standard Test must be applied together or the crime. Without that proclamation, it was no crime to sell rice at any
concurrently. price. In other words, the Legislature left it to the sole discretion of the