Enhanced Validation Letter RED

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The document requests validation of a debt and asks the recipient to provide detailed records to prove the existence and details of the alleged debt.

The document is a notice and demand sent to a debt collector, requesting validation and details of an alleged debt before further collection attempts are made.

The document requests the recipient to provide records including the name and address of the original creditor, records showing the loan was made from the creditor's own funds, and records with the recipient's signature.

Date: April 4, 2009 Number

Delivery Confirmation: Certified Mail

NOTICE AND DEMAND TO VALIDATE DEBT CLAIM From : YO #treet $o%ation YO City & #tate YO )ip Code YO ! NAM" ! ADD!"## ! C'(Y & #(A(" ! )'*COD"

(o: D"+( CO$$"C(O! NAM" Addre,, #(!""( ADD!"## City & #tate C'(Y & #(A(" )ip Code )'*COD" !"F: Your %orre,ponden%e purportin- to alle-e a debt %laimed by: Name O!'.'NA$ C!"D'(O! NAM" Addre,, #(!""( ADD!"## City & #tate C'(Y & #(A(" Alle-ed A%%ount / (0"'! ACCO N( N M+"! Alle-ed +alan%e 1 A$$"."D +A$ANC" (2i, i, an offer to fully pay3di,%2ar-e t2e atta%2ed %laim of debt on t2e %ondition t2at t2e %laimin- partie, %omply 4it2 t2i, noti%e 4it2in 50 day, of re%eipt of t2i, %orre,ponden%e6 NOTICE OF CLAIM DISPUTE NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT APPLICABLE TO ALL SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS

_____________________________________________________________________ NO('C" AND D"MAND (O C"A#" AND D"#'#( CO$$"C('ON AC('7'('"# *!'O! (O 7A$'DA('ON OF * !*O!("D D"+( *ur,uant to t2e trut2 in lendin- la4, of t2e nited #tate, Code, (itle 89 : 8;08 et6 ,e<6 and t2e Fair Debt Colle%tion *ra%ti%e, A%t la4, of t2e nited #tate, Code : 8;92 et6 ,e<6 (2i, noti%e %on,titute, a timely 4ritten re,pon,e to your Fair Debt Colle%tion *ra%ti%e, A%t noti%e t2at you are attemptin- to %olle%t an alle-ed debt and i, not a di,2onor of your alle-ed %laim of debt6

(2i, noti%e i, my, re<uired by la4, demand to =%ea,e and de,i,t> %olle%tion a%tivitie, prior to validation of purported debt and you mu,t validate t2e en%lo,ed %laim of an alle-ed debt6 You mu,t provide verifi%ation t2at an a%tual debt really e?i,t, by produ%in- t2e follo4in-: @8A (2e name and addre,, of t2e or-aniBation or ot2er -overnmental unit alle-in- a debtC @2A (2e name and addre,, of t2e per,on or per,on, in t2at or-aniBation or ot2er -overnmental unit alle-in- a %laim of a debtC @5A (2e name of t2e a%tual %reditor even if t2at i, my,elfC (4) The origi ' $e*" o! "he !# $% #%e$ "o &re'"e "hi% '((ege$ &('i) o!

(5) The '&"#'( re&or$% o! "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e " # i" %ho-i g "he "i)e ' $ .('&e o! "he $e.o%i" ' $ $i%"ri*#"io o! "he !# $% #%e$ "o &re'"e "hi% '((ege$ &('i) o! $e*"6 (6) The '&"#'( re&or$% o! "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i" %ho-i g "h'" ' '&"#'( (o' -'% )'$e !ro) "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i"/% o!# $% "h'" re%#("e$ i "he e &(o%e$ '((ege$ &('i) o! ' $e*"6 (7) The '&"#'( re&or$% o! "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i" -i"h ' (i,e %ig '"#re o ' 0 ' $ '(( $o&#)e "1i %"r#)e "(%) #%e$ "o '((ege "he e2i%"e &e o! ' re'( (o' o! !# $% or $e*" !ro) "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i" "o )0%e(! or ' 0o e e(%e *0 ' %i)i('r ')e6 (8) Be '$,i%e$ "h'" ,eri!i&'"io i% $e!i e$ (B('&3/% L'Di&"io 'r04 5"h E$i"io ) '% !o((o-%6 7Co !ir)'"io o! &orre&" e%%4 "r#"h4 or '#"he "i&i"04 *0 '!!i$',i"4 o'"h or $e.o%i"io 89 A!!i$',i" o! "r#"h o! )'""er %"'"e$ ' $ o*:e&" o! ,eri!i&'"io i% "o '%%#re goo$ !'i"h i ',er)e "% or %"'"e)e "% o! .'r"09 @9A (2e a%tual re%ord, of t2e or-aniBation or ot2er -overnmental unit ,2o4in- t2at an 2one,t di,%lo,ure of fa%t, relatin- to t2e alle-ed loan 4a, made by t2e or-aniBation or ot2er -overnmental unit in %omplian%e 4it2 t2e trut2 in lendin- la4, of t2e nited #tate, Code, (itle 89 : 8;08 et6 ,e<6 and !e-ulation )6

(10) The '&"#'( re&or$% o! "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i" %ho-i g "h'" ' 0 ' $ '(( $o&#)e "1i %"r#)e "(%) &o "'i i g )0 %ig '"#re or "he (i3e e%% o! )0 %ig '"#re -ere o" ego"i'"e$ or .(e$ge$ *0 "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i" 'g'i %" )0 &re$i" "o &re'"e "he !# $% #%e$ !or "he '..e'r' &e o! ' $e*" ' $ re%#("i g i "hi% '((ege$ &('i) o! $e*"6 (11) The .er%o "h'" .re.'re% ' $ %-e'r% "o "he ,'(i$'"io o! $e*" )#%" $e%&ri*e6 8A your Dob de,%ription on a daily ba,i,C 2A if you are t2e re-ular Eeeper of t2o,e booE, and re%ord, and are familiar 4it2 2o4 t2ey are Eept and t2eir %ontent,C 5A 2o4 lon2ave you been in your po,itionC 4A 42en did you fir,t %ome in %onta%t 4it2 t2e alle-ed a%%ount3debtC 9A 2o4 fre<uently do you 4orE 4it2 t2e file, and information t2ey are pre,entin- to verify3validate t2e alle-ed debtC ;A are you t2e per,on3employee 42o re-ularly 4orE, 4it2 t2e alle-ed a%%ount3debtC and FA do you 2ave per,onal Eno4led-e about t2e alle-ed debt and3or any alle-ed a%%ount6 89 6#6C6 : 8;92 @eA ,tate, t2at a =fal,e, de%eptive, and mi,leadinrepre,entation, in %onne%tion 4it2 t2e %olle%tion of any debt,> in%lude, t2e fal,e repre,entation of t2e %2ara%ter or le-al ,tatu, of any debt and furt2er maEe, a t2reat to taEe any a%tion t2at %annot le-ally be taEen a de%eptive pra%ti%e6 *ur,uant to 89 6#6C6 : 8;92 @-A @4A V'(i$'"io o! De*"%, if you 2ave eviden%e to validate your %laim t2at t2e atta%2ed pre,entment doe, not %on,titute fraudulent mi,repre,entation and t2at one o4e, t2i, alle-ed debt, t2i, i, a demand t2at, 4it2in 50 day,, you provide ,u%2 verifi%ation3validation and ,upportin- eviden%e %ig e$ ' $ &er"i!ie$ # $er .e '("0 o! .er:#r0 "o %#*%"' "i'"e 0o#r &('i)6 U "i( "he re;#ire)e "% o! "he F'ir De*" Co((e&"io Pr'&"i&e% A&" h',e *ee &o).(ie$ -i"h ' $ 0o#r &('i) i% ,eri!ie$1,'(i$'"e$4 0o# h',e o &o %e " "o &o "i #e ' 0 &o((e&"io '&"i,i"ie%6 (2i, i, a %on,tru%tive noti%e t2at, ab,ent t2e validation of your %laim 4it2in 50 day,, you mu,t =%ea,e and de,i,t> any and all %olle%tion a%tivity and are pro2ibited from %onta%tin- me t2rou-2 t2e mail, by telep2one, in per,on, at my 2ome, or at my 4orE6 You are furt2er pro2ibited from %onta%tin- any ot2er t2ird party6 "a%2 and every attempted %onta%t, in violation of t2i, a%t, 4ill %on,titute 2ara,,ment and defamation of %2ara%ter and 4ill ,ubDe%t your a-en%y and3or attorney and any and all a-ent, in 2i,32er individual %apa%itie,, 42o taEe part in ,u%2 2ara,,ment, and defamation, to a liability for a%tual dama-e,, a, 4ell a, %"'"#"or0 $')'ge% o! #. "o <=4>>> !or e'&h

' $ e,er0 ,io('"io , and a furt2er liability for le-al fee, to be paid to any %oun,el 42i%2 ' may retain6 Furt2er, ab,ent ,u%2 validation of your %laim, you are pro2ibited from filin- any noti%e of lien and3or levy or Dud-ment and are al,o barred from reportin- any dero-atory %redit information to any %redit reportin- a-en%y, re-ardin- t2i, di,puted purported debt6 Furt2er, pur,uant to t2e F'ir De*" Co((e&"io Pr'&"i&e% A&", 89 6#6C6 : 8;92 @-A @GA, a, you are merely an =a-en%y> or ot2er -overnmental unit of t2e nited #tate,, a%tin- on ,omeone el,eH, be2alf, t2i, i, a demand t2at you provide t2e name of t2e ori-inal =prin%ipal>, or =2older in due %our,e>, for 42om you are attemptin- to %olle%t t2i, alle-ed debt6 P(e'%e "'3e o"i&e "h'" "hi% i% ' &ri)i '( i ,e%"ig'"io o! "he *#%i e%% .r'&"i&e% o! "he '*o,e ')e$ org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i"4 i"% 'ge "%4 o!!i&er%4 e).(o0ee% ' $ '""or e0 "o $e"er)i e ,io('"io % o! "he U i"e$ S"'"e% &ri)i '( ('-%9 Your en%lo,ed %laim of %olle%tion of a purported debt appear, to be founded upon a fal,e re%ord in violation of 6#6C6 (itle 8G : 20F8 and 20F5 @fal,ifyin- re%ord,A and furt2erC utterin- and po,,e,,in- fal,e obli-ation, and %ounterfeit ,e%uritie, ba,ed upon t2e fal,ified re%ord, in violation of 6#6C6 (itle 8G : 4F8, 4F2, 4F5 and3or 985, and furt2er: u,in- %orrupt bu,ine,, pra%ti%e, to maEe and po,,e,, fal,e re%ord, and %laim of obli-ation, not ,ub,tantiated by trut2ful fa%t, in violation of t2e Federal !a%Eeteer 'nfluen%e, and Corrupt Or-aniBation @!'COA, 6#6C6 (itle 8G : 89;8 et6 ,e<6 and furt2er: u,in- t2e 6#6 Mail to pre,ent ,u%2 fraud and fal,e in,trument, amountin- to Mail Fraud, %riminal %ondu%t fallin- under (itle 8G 6#6C6 : 8548 I Fraud, and #4indle, la4,, and furt2er ,endin- mail 4it2 fal,e and fi%titiou, name,, a %riminal %ondu%t fallin- under (itle 8G 6#6C6 : 8G42 I Fi%titiou, Name,6 TA?E NOTICE

Debt Colle%torH, failure in providin- !e,pondent 4it2 t2e re<ui,ite verifi%ation, validatin- t2e above referen%ed alle-ed debt 4it2in t2e re<uirement, of la4 a, %odified in t2e Fair Debt Colle%tion *ra%ti%e, A%t, Fair Credit !eportin- A%t and t2e %orre,pondin- la4, of ea%2 ,tate, ,i-nifie, t2at Debt Colle%tor ta%itly a-ree, t2at: a6 Debt Colle%tor 2a, no la4ful, bona fide, verified %laim, re t2e aboveJ referen%ed alle-ed a%%ount:

b6 Debt Colle%tor 4aive, any and all %laim, a-ain,t !e,pondent and %6 Debt Colle%tor ta%itly a-ree, t2at Debt Colle%tor 4ill %ompen,ate !e,pondent for all %o,t,, fee, and e?pen,e, in%urred in defendina-ain,t t2i, and any and all %ontinued %olle%tion attempt,, re t2e aboveJreferen%ed alle-ed a%%ount6 d6 Failure of Debt Colle%tor to properly and le-ally verify3validate alle-ed debt a, re<uired in t2i, noti%e i, a ,elf e?e%utin- irrevo%able po4er of attorney aut2oriBin- !e,pondent3Alle-ed Debtor named 2erein to dire%t t2e permanent removal, on be2alf of t2e alle-ed Creditor, of any and all referen%e, to ,aid a%%ount in any and all %redit reportin- a-en%y file, of any type6 (2i, re,pon,e 4ill %on,titute my effort to re,olve t2i, onJ-oin- debt %laim bet4een t2e partie, involved6 ntil full di,%lo,ure i, a%2ieved, t2ere %an be no %a,e, %olle%tion or a%tion6 =No %ivil or %riminal %au,e of a%tion %an ari,e le,t, out of fraud, t2ere be a valid, 2one,t %ontra%t6> #ee Eads v. Marks 249 *6 2d 29F, 2;06 Done t2i, KKKKKDay of KKKKKKKKKKKKKK 2080 ' de%lare under penaltie, of perDury in a%%ordan%e 4it2 t2e la4, of t2e nited #tate, of Ameri%a @-i"ho#" t2e = nited #tate,>A (itle 2G 6#6C6 : 8F4;@8A t2e for-oin- i, true and %orre%t and i, admitted 42en not rebutted, ,o 2elp me6 KKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK On t2e KKKKK day of KKKKKKKK 2009 Your Name per,onally appeared before me in Your County & #tate and pla%ed 2i,32er ,i-nature above6 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Notary #i-nature #eal:

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