Enhanced Validation Letter RED
Enhanced Validation Letter RED
Enhanced Validation Letter RED
NOTICE AND DEMAND TO VALIDATE DEBT CLAIM From : YO #treet $o%ation YO City & #tate YO )ip Code YO ! NAM" ! ADD!"## ! C'(Y & #(A(" ! )'*COD"
(o: D"+( CO$$"C(O! NAM" Addre,, #(!""( ADD!"## City & #tate C'(Y & #(A(" )ip Code )'*COD" !"F: Your %orre,ponden%e purportin- to alle-e a debt %laimed by: Name O!'.'NA$ C!"D'(O! NAM" Addre,, #(!""( ADD!"## City & #tate C'(Y & #(A(" Alle-ed A%%ount / (0"'! ACCO N( N M+"! Alle-ed +alan%e 1 A$$"."D +A$ANC" (2i, i, an offer to fully pay3di,%2ar-e t2e atta%2ed %laim of debt on t2e %ondition t2at t2e %laimin- partie, %omply 4it2 t2i, noti%e 4it2in 50 day, of re%eipt of t2i, %orre,ponden%e6 NOTICE OF CLAIM DISPUTE NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT APPLICABLE TO ALL SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS
_____________________________________________________________________ NO('C" AND D"MAND (O C"A#" AND D"#'#( CO$$"C('ON AC('7'('"# *!'O! (O 7A$'DA('ON OF * !*O!("D D"+( *ur,uant to t2e trut2 in lendin- la4, of t2e nited #tate, Code, (itle 89 : 8;08 et6 ,e<6 and t2e Fair Debt Colle%tion *ra%ti%e, A%t la4, of t2e nited #tate, Code : 8;92 et6 ,e<6 (2i, noti%e %on,titute, a timely 4ritten re,pon,e to your Fair Debt Colle%tion *ra%ti%e, A%t noti%e t2at you are attemptin- to %olle%t an alle-ed debt and i, not a di,2onor of your alle-ed %laim of debt6
(2i, noti%e i, my, re<uired by la4, demand to =%ea,e and de,i,t> %olle%tion a%tivitie, prior to validation of purported debt and you mu,t validate t2e en%lo,ed %laim of an alle-ed debt6 You mu,t provide verifi%ation t2at an a%tual debt really e?i,t, by produ%in- t2e follo4in-: @8A (2e name and addre,, of t2e or-aniBation or ot2er -overnmental unit alle-in- a debtC @2A (2e name and addre,, of t2e per,on or per,on, in t2at or-aniBation or ot2er -overnmental unit alle-in- a %laim of a debtC @5A (2e name of t2e a%tual %reditor even if t2at i, my,elfC (4) The origi ' $e*" o! "he !# $% #%e$ "o &re'"e "hi% '((ege$ &('i) o!
(5) The '&"#'( re&or$% o! "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e " # i" %ho-i g "he "i)e ' $ .('&e o! "he $e.o%i" ' $ $i%"ri*#"io o! "he !# $% #%e$ "o &re'"e "hi% '((ege$ &('i) o! $e*"6 (6) The '&"#'( re&or$% o! "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i" %ho-i g "h'" ' '&"#'( (o' -'% )'$e !ro) "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i"/% o!# $% "h'" re%#("e$ i "he e &(o%e$ '((ege$ &('i) o! ' $e*"6 (7) The '&"#'( re&or$% o! "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i" -i"h ' (i,e %ig '"#re o ' 0 ' $ '(( $o&#)e "1i %"r#)e "(%) #%e$ "o '((ege "he e2i%"e &e o! ' re'( (o' o! !# $% or $e*" !ro) "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i" "o )0%e(! or ' 0o e e(%e *0 ' %i)i('r ')e6 (8) Be '$,i%e$ "h'" ,eri!i&'"io i% $e!i e$ (B('&3/% L'Di&"io 'r04 5"h E$i"io ) '% !o((o-%6 7Co !ir)'"io o! &orre&" e%%4 "r#"h4 or '#"he "i&i"04 *0 '!!i$',i"4 o'"h or $e.o%i"io 89 A!!i$',i" o! "r#"h o! )'""er %"'"e$ ' $ o*:e&" o! ,eri!i&'"io i% "o '%%#re goo$ !'i"h i ',er)e "% or %"'"e)e "% o! .'r"09 @9A (2e a%tual re%ord, of t2e or-aniBation or ot2er -overnmental unit ,2o4in- t2at an 2one,t di,%lo,ure of fa%t, relatin- to t2e alle-ed loan 4a, made by t2e or-aniBation or ot2er -overnmental unit in %omplian%e 4it2 t2e trut2 in lendin- la4, of t2e nited #tate, Code, (itle 89 : 8;08 et6 ,e<6 and !e-ulation )6
(10) The '&"#'( re&or$% o! "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i" %ho-i g "h'" ' 0 ' $ '(( $o&#)e "1i %"r#)e "(%) &o "'i i g )0 %ig '"#re or "he (i3e e%% o! )0 %ig '"#re -ere o" ego"i'"e$ or .(e$ge$ *0 "he org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i" 'g'i %" )0 &re$i" "o &re'"e "he !# $% #%e$ !or "he '..e'r' &e o! ' $e*" ' $ re%#("i g i "hi% '((ege$ &('i) o! $e*"6 (11) The .er%o "h'" .re.'re% ' $ %-e'r% "o "he ,'(i$'"io o! $e*" )#%" $e%&ri*e6 8A your Dob de,%ription on a daily ba,i,C 2A if you are t2e re-ular Eeeper of t2o,e booE, and re%ord, and are familiar 4it2 2o4 t2ey are Eept and t2eir %ontent,C 5A 2o4 lon2ave you been in your po,itionC 4A 42en did you fir,t %ome in %onta%t 4it2 t2e alle-ed a%%ount3debtC 9A 2o4 fre<uently do you 4orE 4it2 t2e file, and information t2ey are pre,entin- to verify3validate t2e alle-ed debtC ;A are you t2e per,on3employee 42o re-ularly 4orE, 4it2 t2e alle-ed a%%ount3debtC and FA do you 2ave per,onal Eno4led-e about t2e alle-ed debt and3or any alle-ed a%%ount6 89 6#6C6 : 8;92 @eA ,tate, t2at a =fal,e, de%eptive, and mi,leadinrepre,entation, in %onne%tion 4it2 t2e %olle%tion of any debt,> in%lude, t2e fal,e repre,entation of t2e %2ara%ter or le-al ,tatu, of any debt and furt2er maEe, a t2reat to taEe any a%tion t2at %annot le-ally be taEen a de%eptive pra%ti%e6 *ur,uant to 89 6#6C6 : 8;92 @-A @4A V'(i$'"io o! De*"%, if you 2ave eviden%e to validate your %laim t2at t2e atta%2ed pre,entment doe, not %on,titute fraudulent mi,repre,entation and t2at one o4e, t2i, alle-ed debt, t2i, i, a demand t2at, 4it2in 50 day,, you provide ,u%2 verifi%ation3validation and ,upportin- eviden%e %ig e$ ' $ &er"i!ie$ # $er .e '("0 o! .er:#r0 "o %#*%"' "i'"e 0o#r &('i)6 U "i( "he re;#ire)e "% o! "he F'ir De*" Co((e&"io Pr'&"i&e% A&" h',e *ee &o).(ie$ -i"h ' $ 0o#r &('i) i% ,eri!ie$1,'(i$'"e$4 0o# h',e o &o %e " "o &o "i #e ' 0 &o((e&"io '&"i,i"ie%6 (2i, i, a %on,tru%tive noti%e t2at, ab,ent t2e validation of your %laim 4it2in 50 day,, you mu,t =%ea,e and de,i,t> any and all %olle%tion a%tivity and are pro2ibited from %onta%tin- me t2rou-2 t2e mail, by telep2one, in per,on, at my 2ome, or at my 4orE6 You are furt2er pro2ibited from %onta%tin- any ot2er t2ird party6 "a%2 and every attempted %onta%t, in violation of t2i, a%t, 4ill %on,titute 2ara,,ment and defamation of %2ara%ter and 4ill ,ubDe%t your a-en%y and3or attorney and any and all a-ent, in 2i,32er individual %apa%itie,, 42o taEe part in ,u%2 2ara,,ment, and defamation, to a liability for a%tual dama-e,, a, 4ell a, %"'"#"or0 $')'ge% o! #. "o <=4>>> !or e'&h
' $ e,er0 ,io('"io , and a furt2er liability for le-al fee, to be paid to any %oun,el 42i%2 ' may retain6 Furt2er, ab,ent ,u%2 validation of your %laim, you are pro2ibited from filin- any noti%e of lien and3or levy or Dud-ment and are al,o barred from reportin- any dero-atory %redit information to any %redit reportin- a-en%y, re-ardin- t2i, di,puted purported debt6 Furt2er, pur,uant to t2e F'ir De*" Co((e&"io Pr'&"i&e% A&", 89 6#6C6 : 8;92 @-A @GA, a, you are merely an =a-en%y> or ot2er -overnmental unit of t2e nited #tate,, a%tin- on ,omeone el,eH, be2alf, t2i, i, a demand t2at you provide t2e name of t2e ori-inal =prin%ipal>, or =2older in due %our,e>, for 42om you are attemptin- to %olle%t t2i, alle-ed debt6 P(e'%e "'3e o"i&e "h'" "hi% i% ' &ri)i '( i ,e%"ig'"io o! "he *#%i e%% .r'&"i&e% o! "he '*o,e ')e$ org' i+'"io or o"her go,er )e "'( # i"4 i"% 'ge "%4 o!!i&er%4 e).(o0ee% ' $ '""or e0 "o $e"er)i e ,io('"io % o! "he U i"e$ S"'"e% &ri)i '( ('-%9 Your en%lo,ed %laim of %olle%tion of a purported debt appear, to be founded upon a fal,e re%ord in violation of 6#6C6 (itle 8G : 20F8 and 20F5 @fal,ifyin- re%ord,A and furt2erC utterin- and po,,e,,in- fal,e obli-ation, and %ounterfeit ,e%uritie, ba,ed upon t2e fal,ified re%ord, in violation of 6#6C6 (itle 8G : 4F8, 4F2, 4F5 and3or 985, and furt2er: u,in- %orrupt bu,ine,, pra%ti%e, to maEe and po,,e,, fal,e re%ord, and %laim of obli-ation, not ,ub,tantiated by trut2ful fa%t, in violation of t2e Federal !a%Eeteer 'nfluen%e, and Corrupt Or-aniBation @!'COA, 6#6C6 (itle 8G : 89;8 et6 ,e<6 and furt2er: u,in- t2e 6#6 Mail to pre,ent ,u%2 fraud and fal,e in,trument, amountin- to Mail Fraud, %riminal %ondu%t fallin- under (itle 8G 6#6C6 : 8548 I Fraud, and #4indle, la4,, and furt2er ,endin- mail 4it2 fal,e and fi%titiou, name,, a %riminal %ondu%t fallin- under (itle 8G 6#6C6 : 8G42 I Fi%titiou, Name,6 TA?E NOTICE
Debt Colle%torH, failure in providin- !e,pondent 4it2 t2e re<ui,ite verifi%ation, validatin- t2e above referen%ed alle-ed debt 4it2in t2e re<uirement, of la4 a, %odified in t2e Fair Debt Colle%tion *ra%ti%e, A%t, Fair Credit !eportin- A%t and t2e %orre,pondin- la4, of ea%2 ,tate, ,i-nifie, t2at Debt Colle%tor ta%itly a-ree, t2at: a6 Debt Colle%tor 2a, no la4ful, bona fide, verified %laim, re t2e aboveJ referen%ed alle-ed a%%ount:
b6 Debt Colle%tor 4aive, any and all %laim, a-ain,t !e,pondent and %6 Debt Colle%tor ta%itly a-ree, t2at Debt Colle%tor 4ill %ompen,ate !e,pondent for all %o,t,, fee, and e?pen,e, in%urred in defendina-ain,t t2i, and any and all %ontinued %olle%tion attempt,, re t2e aboveJreferen%ed alle-ed a%%ount6 d6 Failure of Debt Colle%tor to properly and le-ally verify3validate alle-ed debt a, re<uired in t2i, noti%e i, a ,elf e?e%utin- irrevo%able po4er of attorney aut2oriBin- !e,pondent3Alle-ed Debtor named 2erein to dire%t t2e permanent removal, on be2alf of t2e alle-ed Creditor, of any and all referen%e, to ,aid a%%ount in any and all %redit reportin- a-en%y file, of any type6 (2i, re,pon,e 4ill %on,titute my effort to re,olve t2i, onJ-oin- debt %laim bet4een t2e partie, involved6 ntil full di,%lo,ure i, a%2ieved, t2ere %an be no %a,e, %olle%tion or a%tion6 =No %ivil or %riminal %au,e of a%tion %an ari,e le,t, out of fraud, t2ere be a valid, 2one,t %ontra%t6> #ee Eads v. Marks 249 *6 2d 29F, 2;06 Done t2i, KKKKKDay of KKKKKKKKKKKKKK 2080 ' de%lare under penaltie, of perDury in a%%ordan%e 4it2 t2e la4, of t2e nited #tate, of Ameri%a @-i"ho#" t2e = nited #tate,>A (itle 2G 6#6C6 : 8F4;@8A t2e for-oin- i, true and %orre%t and i, admitted 42en not rebutted, ,o 2elp me6 KKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK On t2e KKKKK day of KKKKKKKK 2009 Your Name per,onally appeared before me in Your County & #tate and pla%ed 2i,32er ,i-nature above6 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Notary #i-nature #eal: