Affidavit Truth

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(Notice to Agent is Notice to Principle)
(Notice to Principle Is Notice to Agent)
RE: Request of Statement of Account
#$#% Sunset &ane
airfiel'( "onnecticut ))**+
/+#+ Suns0ine 1ri2e
&os Angeles( "A 34%/$
ACCT! ": #$%&'(#$)*+&%$
or t0e purpose of t0is affi'a2it is presenting full pa5ment un'er notar5 seal in t0e a6o2e7reference' matter in t0e form of
an Instrument 8,-r.-an/ /o /he Un0form Commer10al Co2e 3 )4#5(6
7,-r.-an/ /o /he Un0form Commer10al Co2e 3 +4$#56 /h0. 0. a re1or2 a-/hen/01a/e2 b8 /he 2eb/or re9-e./0n: /ha/ /he
Re10;0en/ a;;ro<e or 1orre1/ a ./a/emen/ 0n201a/0n: =ha/ /he 2eb/or bel0e<e. /o be /he a::re:a/e amo-n/ of -n;a02
obl0:a/0on. .e1-re2 b8 1olla/eral a. of a .;e10f0e2 2a/e an2 rea.onabl8 02en/0f80n: /he /ran.a1/0on or rela/0on.h0; /ha/
0. /he .-b>e1/ of /he re9-e./! Re10;0en/ ha. fo-r/een ?#(@ 2a8. /o 1om;l8 =0/h /h0. re9-e./ an2 ;ro<02e an
a-/hen/01a/e2 re1or2!
If a re.;on.e 0. no/ re1e0<e2 0n /he /0me ;ro<02e2 7;-r.-an/ /o /he U!C!C!6 A 8o-r non re.;on.e =0ll be 1on./r-e2 a.
8o-r /a10/ a19-0e.1en1e an2 8o-r a11e;/an1e an2 honor0n: of /h0. 0n./r-men/ a. a /r-e ./a/emen/ of a11o-n/!
It ma5 'emonstrate t0at pa5ment 0as 6een processe' pursuant to 9:A:A:P: or e2i'ence of a 'efect in t0e ten'er suc0 as a
notice of 'is0onor from Treasur5( in eit0er case to 6e recei2e' no later t0an fourteen ($/) 'a5s from t0is postmar; to pre2ent
issuance of a certificate 65 a "ERTIIE1 NOTAR< P=B&I" 2erif5ing 5our re>ection of pa5ment an' acceptance of
lia6ilit5 pursuant to statutor5 aut0orit5: A 'is0onor of t0e ten'er offer 'isc0arges t0e allege' lia6ilit5 t0at t0e Respon'ent(s)
0a2e claime':
A correcte' $4337A ?ill 6e file' in'icating t0e acquisition of secure' interest :<ou are 0ere65 gi2en permission to assign
5ourself as Recipient of a ta@a6le gain in t0e amount of NINE -=N1RE1 NINET< IAE 1O&&ARS AN1 ++B$44
RES,ONSE: Onl5 a response t0at meets t0e follo?ing criteria qualifies as a sufficient 2erifie' response:
$:An5 response must 6e ma'e 2ia a s?orn affi'a2it( 2erifie' an'Bor affirme' 65 a signature un'er t0e penalt5 of
per>ur5( or 65 a signature un'er t0e full commercial lia6ilit5( of t0e affiant(s) t0ereofD an'
+:An5 response must inclu'e a 2erifie' an'Bor affirme' a'>uste' statement of accountD an'
#:Be recei2e' 65 "laimant no later t0an ourteen ($/) 'a5s from t0e postmar; of t0is presentment:
DEFAUBT: 1efault is ?it0 t0e Respon'ent(s) confession of >u'gment to t0e follo?ing:
$:"laimant(s) ten'er of t0e a6o2e7reference' instrument(s) are sufficient for t0e 'isc0arge( settlement an' setoff of
an5 an' all allege' 'e6ts( o6ligations( 'uties an' lia6ilities of or relating to t0e a6o2e7reference' allege'
&oanBAccount No: $+%*)/$+#E3*%+ regar'ing ,O-N BORRO.ER:
T0e 6alance 'ue on t0e a6o2e7reference' &oanBAccount No: $+%*)/$+#E3*%+ is Fero an' 44B$44 'ollars (C4:44):
+:T0e Respon'ent(s) irre2oca6le con2e5ance of an5 an' all rig0ts( titles an' interests in an' on an5 an' all
collateral in t0e association ?it0 or t0e securit5 for t0e a6o2e7reference' allege' &oanBAccount No:
$+%*)/$+#E3*%+ to t0e "laimant(s):
#:T0e Respon'ent(s) irre2oca6le con2e5ance of t0e aut0orit5 for t0e acquisition( procurement( an'Bor pro'uction of
an5 an' all recor's( 'ocuments( an'Bor communications necessar5 for t0e securing of an5 an' all rig0ts( titles an'
interests in an' on an5 an' all collateral in t0e association ?it0 or t0e securit5 for t0e a6o2e7reference' allege'
&oanBAccount No: $+%*)/$+#E3*%+to t0e "laimant(s):
/:T0e Respon'ent(s) ?ai2er of an5 an' all claims( rig0ts( immunities an' 'efenses:
Respon'ent(s) confession of >u'gment is ?it0 t0ese stipulations:
$:Respon'ent(s) are granting a specific po?er7of7attorne5 for t0e acquisition( procurement an'Bor pro'uction of
an5 an' all recor's( 'ocuments( an'Bor communications necessar5 for t0e securing of an5 an' all rig0ts( titles( an'
interests in or
pertaining to an5 an' all collateral associate' ?it0 or secure' 65 t0e a6o2e7reference' allege' &oanBAccount No:
$+%*)/$+#E3*%+ to t0e "laimant(s):
+:Respon'ent(s) are consenting ?it0 t0e filing of encum6rances( inclu'ing 6ut not limite' to liens( ?rits of
possession( ?rits of e@ecution( an' ?rits of attac0ment on an5 an' all propert5( fi@tures( accounts( an' pu6lic
0aGar' 6on's 65 t0e "laimant(s) against t0e Respon'ent(s) up to t0e amount of Ten million an' 44B$44 'ollars
(C$4(444(444:44) for an5 an' all actions ta;en 65 t0e Respon'ent(s) ?it0 t0e 0in'ering( impe'ing( o6struction
an'Bor 'ela5ing of t0e "laimant(s) rig0ts( titles an' interests in an5 an' all collateral in t0e association ?it0 or t0e
securit5 for t0e a6o2e7reference' allege' &oanBAccount No: $+%*)/$+#E3*%+:
#:Respon'ent(s) are consenting ?it0 t0e filing of encum6rances( inclu'ing 6ut not limite' to liens( ?rits of
possession( ?rits of e@ecution( an' ?rits of attac0ment( on an5 an' all propert5( fi@tures( accounts( an' pu6lic
0aGar' 6on's 65 t0e "laimant(s) against t0e Respon'ent(s) up to t0e amount of Ten million an' 44B$44 'ollars
(C$4(444(444:44) for an5 an' all actions ta;en 65 t0e Respon'ent(s) ?it0 t0e sem6lance of 0arassment( coercion(
'efrau'ing( an'Bor 'efamation of t0e "laimant(s) an'Bor t0e "laimant(s) collateral:
1ate: NOAE!BER +#( +443
"re'itor: BANK O A!ERI"A
Account 0ol'er: ,O-N BORRO.ER
Account No:: $+%*)/$+#E3*%+
Balance 1ue: C4:44
I 'eclare un'er penalt5 of per>ur5 t0at t0e information a6o2e is true an' correct:
T0e un'ersigne' Affiant( ,O-N BORRO.ER( 0ereinafter IAffiantJ( 'oes solemnl5 s?ear( 'eclare an' state as follo?s:
$: Affiant is competent to state t0e matters set fort0 0erein:
+: Affiant 0as ;no?le'ge of t0e facts state' 0erein:
#: All t0e facts 0erein are true( correct an' complete( a'missi6le as e2i'ence an' if calle' upon as a ?itness( Affiant ?ill
testif5 to t0eir 2eracit5:
/: T0ere is no e2i'ence t0at allege' len'er IN1<!A" BANK( :S:B:( 0ereinafter &EN1ER( loane' ,O-N BORRO.ER(
0ereinafter BORRO.ER( &EN1ERKs o?n fun's to finance t0e real propert5 locate' at $# !ainStreet( "orona( "alifornia(
0ereinafter PROPERT<( as in'icate' on t0e face of BORRO.ERKs promise to repa5( 0ereinafter NOTE( an' Affiant
6elie2es t0at no suc0 e2i'ence e@ists:
%: T0ere is no e2i'ence t0at BORRO.ER recei2e' a loan prior to t0e 'ate t0e NOTE ?as signe'( as t0e face of t0e NOTE
unequi2ocall5 asserts 65 t0e language ILin return for a loan t0at I 0a2e recei2e'LJ( an' Affiant 6elie2es t0at no suc0
e2i'ence e@ists:
E: T0ere is no e2i'ence t0at &EN1ER 'i' not recei2e BORRO.ERKs signe' NOTE as an asset an' participate in t0e
monetiGation of BORRO.ERKs signature an' creation of a lia6ilit5 in t0e form of a 'eman' 'eposit cre'ite' to a
transaction account ?0ic0 ?as use' to finance t0e PROPERT<( t0ere65 completing t0e transaction 6et?een &EN1ER an'
BORRO.ER( an' Affiant 6elie2es t0at no suc0 e2i'ence e@ists:
): T0ere is no e2i'ence to suggest t0at BORRO.ER ?as not t0e actual source of t0e commercial energ5 use' to create t0e
fun's to finance t0e PROPERT< secure' 65 t0e 1ee' of Trust( Instrument No: @@7@@@@ 'ate' April $)( +433 an' recor'e'
on or a6out April +%( +433 in t0e official recor's in t0e office of "ount5 Recor'er of &os Angeles "ount5( "alifornia(
0ereinafter 1EE1 O TR=ST( an' Affiant 6elie2es t0at no suc0 e2i'ence e@ists:
*: T0ere is no e2i'ence t0at &EN1ER 'i' not commit frau' 65 alleging to 6e t0e source of fun's for t0e financing of t0e
PROPERT<( t0ere65 ma;ing t0e terms of t0e correspon'ing NOTE an' 1EE1 O TR=ST null an' 2oi'( an' Affiant
6elie2es t0at no suc0 e2i'ence e@ists:
3: T0ere is no e2i'ence t0at &EN1ER 'i' not commit frau' in its participation in t0e securitiGation of t0e NOTE( t0ere65
2itiating t0e NOTE an' 1EE1 O TR=ST( an' Affiant 6elie2es t0at no suc0 e2i'ence e@ists:
IN .ITNESS .-EREO I 0ereunto set m5 0an' an' 0ere65 certif5 t0at all t0e statements ma'e a6o2e are true( correct
an' complete:
,o0n Borro?er
B5: ,im Smit0( Attorne57in7fact
8No/e: Notar5 Pu6lic NOTAR< NA!E is not an attorne5 license' to practice la? in t0e state of Notar5 State an' 0as not gi2en legal a'2ice or accepte'
fees for legal a'2iceD pro2i'e' no assistance in t0e preparation of t0e a6o2e reference' 'ocuments( an' 0as no interest in an5 issue reference'
t0erein: NOTAR< NA!E is NOT a part5 to t0is action an' is ON&< acting in an aut0oriGe' capacit5 as liaison to communications 6et?een t0e parties:M

) ss:
County of LOS ANGELES )
Subscribed and sworn to (or afred) before e on t!is """""""" day of """""""""""""""""""""# """"""""#
$O%N &ORRO'ER (ro)ed to e on t!e basis of satisfactory e)idence to be t!e (erson w!o a((eared
before e*
(sea+) Si,nature
Page % of %
Request Regar'ing a Statement of Account

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